What professions are needed at a metallurgical plant. About the profession of metallurgist for children. Not everyone should be metallurgists ...

(about professions in metallurgy)


Edition 7

Among the harsh professions alone
There is a profession - a lot of harsh ones,
Where hardening and strength are important,
And courage is one of the conditions.

For several tens of centuries, metals have served mankind with dignity, helping him to pacify the elements, create various mechanisms, master space and sea space, and penetrate deep into the earth. In general, the entire industry is engaged in taking some of the components in nature and making from it what a person needs. The branch of industry that produces modern equipment from metallic materials is called metallurgy.

In 2010, metallurgy added a new page to the history of the Abinsky region - the Abinsky electrometallurgical plant was opened. This is what the chapter says about him. municipality Abinsky district A.V. Vasiliev: “Metallurgy is a new industry not only for the region, but also for the region. Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant is the firstborn. It is equipped with a fifth generation rolling mill. There is no such thing anywhere in Russia. Everything here is literally automated. That is why every employee is required here to concentrate attention and thoughtfulness of every action ”.

Yes, it would be impossible to ensure the operation of this enterprise without metallurgists. Therefore, the plant requires qualified specialists. If you have not yet decided on the choice of your profession, if you have willpower, determination, efficiency - then this profession is for you. After all, there are no uninteresting professions.

The profession of a metallurgist cannot be called easy ...

A metallurgist is a person who works in the mining and scrap metal industry. The metallurgist must have a technical degree. We must not forget that a metallurgist deals with hot metal and his profession does not exclude heavy physical labor, unusual situations that require instant reaction and determination. It is for courageous and strong-minded people who are not afraid of difficulties and who achieve their goals.

The guide (issue 7) is dedicated to the professions in metallurgy, which brought together people with different specialties: foremen, gasmen, plumbers, machinists, miners, steelworkers and a long list of workers. Here is a story about some of them.

The modern furnace is a complex metallurgical unit several tens of stories high. The leading profession here is the blast furnace furnace. He is the first to take over the baton from iron ore miners in blast furnace production. It is his skill and experience that most often depends on the successes or failures of a large team of workers in the blast furnace shop.

The furnaces work as part of a brigade, the main goal of which is to make the smelting process more economically feasible, and to release pig iron and slag from the blast furnace in a timely manner.

The requirements for people who want to master this profession are somewhat increased in comparison with other specialties. They must be in good health and highly reliable as part of a brigade, since

the mistake of one can be too costly for all those who maintain the blast furnace.

The work of the furnaces is dynamic in nature, since the members of the brigade are constantly moving around the working site (along the perimeter of the blast furnace), observing the progress of the technological process of obtaining pig iron through special viewing eyes. This profession is subject only to people who are courageous, courageous and reliable in work.

After blast-furnace production, steel-making production occupies the second link in the general cycle of the metallurgical industry.

The team serving the converter, open-hearth or electric furnace, depending on the capacity of the furnaces, consists of a steel maker and his assistants (first, second, third).

In the brigade, there is a clear division of responsibilities between its members. The duty of the steelmaker is to supervise the work of assistants, control over the correctness of their implementation of practical techniques for maintaining the furnace, ensuring an economically profitable and progressive steelmaking technology, observing the furnace regimes, the schedule for the release of a given grade of steel or special alloys.

Steelworkers, as a rule, are highly skilled workers. They have to delve into all the little things, thoroughly know the technological process of smelting steel of each grade, together with the master technologist, quickly make a decision on which the further "life" of the metal depends. The work of a steelmaker is not easy, but honorable.

The steelmaker is like a co-author of the steelmaker in the steelmaking process. The molten liquid steel in the steelmaking furnace is not yet a finished product. It is also necessary to make it so that during solidification, or crystallization, it takes the form of castings or ingots, which are suitable for further processing.

Castors must know the technological process of casting steel, the composition and properties of refractory materials used for the inner lining of steel-pouring ladles and for the manufacture of stoppers. They need to master the device and the principle of operation of the locking mechanism, as well as the types of molds for various grades of steel, smelted in the shop. The work of the fill is quite varied and requires proper planning and the simultaneous consideration of various factors. Such factors, from which the quality of steel casting, are the grade and temperature of the cast steel, the size of the ladle, molds, the configuration of the mold for shaped castings and some others.

The profession of a steel caster requires a person to be self-possessed, decisive, quick, but not fussy. He must have a firm hand and an accurate eye.

Metal processing in a rolling mill is carried out by rotating rolls and rollers (hence the name of the professions), between which ingots are rolled under pressure.

Roller of cold metal in non-ferrous metallurgy rolls titanium, tungsten, molybdenum and zirconium alloys, as well as different kinds foil.

In accordance with the course of the technological process, first the rolling mill prepares the mill for work for rolling metal of a certain profile. He does this as part of a plumbing and repair team.

The main types of work of the roller operator: rolling foil, strips, sheets and strips, managing the operation of the mill, measuring and monitoring the profile of products, removing the roll after rolling, repair.

A feeling of admiration for the work of the roller enters everyone who visits the rolling mill and observes the process of transformation of a rough ingot, slowly floating along the roller table, into a beautiful, graceful foil or tape. And this process is controlled by a highly skilled worker - a cold metal rolling machine!

Unlike a rolling machine, the rolling machine works with hot metal, which is heated in ring furnaces with a system for loading and unloading ingots. The distributor sets the oven mode, maintains and controls it. After heating, the metal is transported by means of a roller table to the rolls of the rolling mill.

Professional knowledge, skills and abilities, skills and abilities required to work as a hot metal rolling stock are formed in vocational schools and are consolidated in practice in the shops of the base enterprise. In addition to the main profession, the distributor has the skills and abilities of a mechanic-repairman of the 2nd category, since he has to participate in the work of the team for the installation, dismantling and repair of not only the rolling mill, but also other auxiliary mechanisms. Part of the work is done by hand with a locksmith tool. And here, excellent physical training will also be of great help to the distributor.

Many difficulties await those who choose this profession. But everything is redeemed with a sense of satisfaction, if the choice turned out to be a genuine recognition.


Metals and alloys are smelted by a skilled worker - a smelter. This profession is the main one in metallurgy. The smelter must know the chemical processes that take place in the furnaces during smelting and the requirements for them. The quality of the finished metal depends on all this.

The smelter is at the workplace during the entire time of metal melting. First, he prepares the smelting furnace for work.

The smelter must be able to handle various parameters: for example, the moisture content of the filling mass and the speed of its release. The smelter prepares ores and concentrates for smelting, for which he composes various mixtures of materials (charge) in certain proportions for subsequent processing in furnaces.

After filling and starting up the furnace, the smelter is the sovereign master of the smelting until its end.

The metal is poured into molds - molds - and transported for storage.

Strong, strong young people who love the element of fire, who want to create products necessary for people, are invited to get this profession.

Blast furnace technician

Technician - technologist of blast-furnace production, according to the level of qualification, belongs to the middle level of engineering and technical workers. They need not only technical knowledge, but also the ability to work individually with people, and it is cost-effective to conduct the entire technological process with the help of technology.

The mental activity of a technician-technologist of blast furnace production is inextricably linked with his practical actions. In his work, he is always helped by such qualities as resourcefulness, ingenuity, ingenuity, original and prompt solutions to constantly arising production problems during the shift. A feature of visual perception is the ability to determine the temperature of the metal by color, by the nature of the behavior of sparks (during melting) - the approximate chemical composition of cast iron, etc.

If we talk about other personality traits that he needs, then we note the following: endurance, patience, composure and efficiency, tact and self-control.

Crane operator for metallurgical production

The owner of the workshop is called the crane operator in the workshops of metallurgical production. The driver has a lot of worries: it is necessary to deliver the molds for casting the finished metal, move the semi-finished products for rework, send a defective part of the rolling mill for repair and take out the unused anode of the electrolyzer.

In the workshop for the production of cast iron, the machinist uses a crane to do almost everything related to the smelting of cast iron: he transports the troughs for pouring cast iron, installs and builds up the electrodes of the electric smelting furnace, loads the charge into the furnace, replaces the slag bowls and performs many other works. Not only the ability to perform various work on lifting and transporting goods differs in the activity of a crane driver. The worker of this profession must be well versed in the device of various types of cranes.

The transportation of goods is carried out over the sections of the shop where people work, and the work of the driver in these conditions imposes great responsibility on his activities.

The crane operator must have good eyesight, an accurate eye gauge, excellent hearing and a stable vestibular apparatus.

This profession is contraindicated for those who are afraid of heights, lost in critical situations.

Metal heater

The main thing actor in work on all types of furnaces - a metal heater. His duties include heating metal, various pipes and mandrels, regulating the supply of fuel and air.

The activity of a heating worker begins with the preparation of the furnace. He is well versed in all the intricacies associated with the device and repair of the furnace: he knows various types of refractories and others building materials used for repairs, knows how to disassemble the brickwork of the furnace, replaces failed burners and other worn out parts. In addition, he knows how to repair and auxiliary furnace mechanisms: conveyors, conveyors, etc. Then the concerns of the heater are connected with the preparation of the raw materials for heating.

After preparing the metal for heating, it must be transported to the furnace. Here the heater needs a good orientation in the production area. Then the moment comes when you need to supply fuel to the nozzle or burner and ignite it. The heater, controlling the handles and levers of mechanized devices, delivers oil products to the furnace. With the help of measuring instruments, the heater constantly monitors the flow of fuel into the furnace.

What character traits are needed for a future metal heater? Good physical fitness, healthy psyche, excellent eyesight.

The profession of a metal heater is for courageous and strong-minded people who are not afraid of difficulties and who achieve their goals.

Blast furnace metallurgical engineer

The merits of domestic scientists - blast furnaces in our country and abroad are great. There are great demands on the modern engineer as well. A person who has chosen the profession of a metallurgical engineer, first of all, needs to know well such disciplines as chemistry, physics, mathematics, and the basics of computer technology. This specialty can be obtained at metallurgical institutes, at metallurgical faculties of polytechnic or other institutes.

Future engineers study a large number of general scientific and special disciplines. In addition, specialists in the design and operation of modern blast-furnace production at the institute are given in-depth knowledge of the economics of metallurgical enterprises, the basics of pedagogy and sociology of relationships. labor collective and a leader.

Where to go to study as a future metallurgist?

  • North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute SKGMI (GTU)
    Vladikavkaz, Nikolaev st., 44
  • Chelyabinsk Metallurgical College
    Chelyabinsk, st. Bohdan Khmelnitsky, 12
  • Moscow State Evening Metallurgical Institute
    Moscow, Lefortovsky Val. 26
  • Institute of Applied Metallurgy
    Yekaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 104

BBK 74.200.52

People of the fiery profession: (about professions in metallurgy): guidebook / Abinsk library; department of methodical and bibliographic work, information technologies and legal information; comp. HE. Legacheva. - Issue. 7. - Abinsk, 2011 .-- 12 p.

Steelmaker is a steelworker specializing in smelting steel from pig iron.


35,000–40,000 rubles. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The work of the steelmaker is carried out in the steelmaking shop of the metallurgical plant.


The essence of the steelmaker's work is the smelting of steel from cast iron. The first differs from the second in a lower content of silicon, carbon and other impurities. This gives the steel a special strength and elasticity.

The steelmaker works on steel-making furnaces. These can be oxygen converters, vacuum or open-hearth furnaces, electric arc furnaces. The specialist will not carry out the whole process himself, he is assisted by a team of subordinates. The steelmaker can monitor the converter temperature, air and oxygen supply.

Important qualities

In the profession of a steelmaker, such qualities as are important: responsibility, attentiveness and organization, physical endurance and good health.

Reviews about the profession

“A young specialist can choose the demanded profession of an assistant steelmaker with a salary of about 25 thousand rubles. If desired, he can improve his qualifications and become a steelmaker. In this case, his duties will include the smelting of steels of various grades, casting molds, maintenance and maintenance of furnaces. A steelmaker needs physical endurance, responsibility, patience, accuracy and perseverance in work. Organizational skills are also important, as the profession involves leading a team. "

Editor of the ucheba.ru portal.

Stereotypes, humor

Traditionally male profession, demanded and well paid. Profession means doing official duties in extreme conditions, which does not tolerate a soft nature and leaves its imprint on the personality.


To become a steelmaker, you must pass vocational training in a specialized college or technical school.

They say that the most the best profession they call the one to which they give all their strength, energy, knowledge. The credibility of the profession largely depends on how we ourselves relate to it. “If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness itself will find you,” KD wrote. Ushinsky. Which metallurgical profession should you give preference to?

V modern production there are many metallurgical professions: blast furnace, steelmaker, rolling and others.

The blast furnace is at the beginning of the metallurgical cycle. He is the first to meet the fiery rivers of molten iron and direct them into huge ladles. Covering his face with a shield, a person commands the raging elements here. It is beautiful, exciting, but also responsible, requires strong character, persistence.

The blast-furnace shop employs people of different specialties - gas workers, furnaces, plumbers, operators of scales and ore cranes, foremen, technologists. But the leading among them is the specialty of the forge - a person who works at the forge, where the cast iron flowing down from above accumulates. To become a forge, one must master a wide range of technical knowledge: study theoretical basis blast furnace process, chemical and physical properties of cast iron and slag, blast furnace device, equipment and mechanisms at the hearth.

The blast furnace in a shift is served by several furnaces. The senior forge and his assistants, before releasing the melt, drill a cast-iron taphole with a special electric drilling machine. A fiery stream of metal noisily flows through the casting yard and falls down a chute into a ladle. It immediately becomes light: thousands of sparks rise upward like a fireworks display.

Moving between the troughs, the forge men “show” the road to the cast iron, drive the dams away. When all the cast iron has flowed out, the electric gun will again clog the tap hole with a clay plug. Between releases, the furnaces prepare the site for the next melt, check and ensure the operability of devices and mechanisms near the furnace, the availability of filling materials, tools, and monitor the devices.

Steelmaker and his henchmen smelt steel. Their work is hot, because the temperature of molten steel is only four times lower than the temperature of the sun's surface. From the art of craftsmen to the science of steel making - this is the path of metallurgy.

The personal skill of the steelmaker has not lost its significance even now. A metal sample taken from the furnace is sent by pneumatic mail to the express laboratory for analysis. But even before laboratory analysis, an experienced steelmaker can determine what kind of steel he is producing - by how the bath boils, how the sample looks at a fracture, what sparks fly up at the moment when the metal from the test spoon is poured onto the stove.

Numerous instrumentation monitors the operation of the open-hearth furnace and electric arc furnace. The steelmaker and his assistants must understand the language of these devices and take them into account in their work. The steelmaker's assistants monitor the correct filling of the charge, which is carried out by the operator of the filling machine, pour in cast iron, take samples, drain the slag. Taking part in all the work on the maintenance of the furnace, the assistant constantly prepares to become a steel maker.

Apprentices and forges are trained both in vocational schools and at metallurgical plants. In schools, a young worker, in addition to the profession of a metallurgist, receives a secondary education.

The converter operator, the first and second henchmen - this is the team that maintains the converter - the most economical unit for producing cast steel.

Responsibilities are distributed here in the same way as on an open-hearth furnace. The team monitors the temperature regime, melted steel, the condition of the converter bottom, and takes samples. The converter determines the readiness of the melt by the color of the flame and other signs, by outward appearance liquid iron learns its temperature, studies instrumentation and steelmaking technology.

The welder prepares the ingots for rolling by heating them in heating furnaces or wells. The blooming machine is operated by three drivers alternately: two are working, the third is resting. The work is very intense. The drivers are sitting in soft chairs: their hands are on the control levers, their feet are on the pedals. Hands in continuous motion - they control the rolling of the ingots.

Rolling mill serviced by a team consisting of a senior roller, a roller, an assistant roller. They continue to roll billets from the blooming mill. The rolled metal is transported along roller conveyors to the warehouse, where workers for cleaning the finished metal stack it in piles using cranes.

Many metallurgical professions are also mastered by women. They work as QCD inspectors and laboratory assistants in express laboratories, economists and accountants, bridge crane operators and researchers in factory laboratories.

Metallurgist profession

One of the fundamental discoveries that gave impetus to further development humanity is a metal production process. In general, the entire industry is engaged in taking some of the components in nature and making from it what a person needs. A metallurgist is a person who works in the industry of producing metal from rocks or scrap metal. These specialists are representatives of the most important profession in the state economy.

The main difference between humans and other animals is that we try to adjust everything for ourselves, and do not adjust ourselves to the environment. Therefore, people came up with the tools of labor. Well, what is even more suitable material for making tools, if not metal ?! For the first time metallurgists appeared about 6,000 years ago in the Balkans and on the territory of present-day Turkey. Since that time, the smelting craft has been spreading throughout the world. Over time, they moved from copper and bronze to the more complex in terms of production, but more common iron. The tribes who mastered the process of processing iron ore received a huge advantage over those who had not yet practiced this craft. Fighters with metal weapons defeated nations without metallurgy, even if the latter outnumbered the warriors. Thus, metallurgy spread to new territories, improving every year and mastering new metals. ...

Smelters are most easily found in regions where these deposits are present. natural resources... For many countries (including Ukraine), metallurgy is like a steam locomotive that pulls the entire economy of the state with it. Accordingly, people working in this area are involved in the creation of almost all material wealth. Building structures, dishes, vehicles, tools and much more are made from this material.

The number of employees of large metallurgical plants can be more than ten thousand people. This branch of the economy brought together people with different specialties: foremen, gasmen, plumbers, machinists, furnaces, steelworkers and a long list of workers who each perform their own functions. The metallurgist must have a technical specialty and be careful as he deals with hot metal. Large factories are a long way to go career growth with the appropriate higher education.

Working in a metallurgical workshop is quite difficult because there is hot metal around the workers. In general, these enterprises are somewhat reminiscent of the hell described in the Bible - with its heavy odors, huge containers and metal seething in them. But it is under such conditions that the most valuable material for the economy is produced. Therefore, the metallurgist must feel moral satisfaction, realizing that he is a valuable member of society.

Where to go to study as a future metallurgist? It's not an easy question. It all depends on how high he wants to climb the career ladder, what kind of work he is going to do at the enterprise. Such specialists, for example, as a steelmaker, machinist, ladle engineer, etc., are trained in vocational schools. In addition, metallurgical enterprises employ a whole staff of engineers and foremen. You can take such a position after receiving a specialized education in higher educational institutions.

For the first time profession metallurgist originated in the Balkans about 6 thousand years ago. Since then, smelting has spread all over the world.

The history of the development of the metallurgical profession

It all started with non-ferrous metals (bronze and copper), and only later they began to extract iron. The tribes that were able to master the new processing process had a significant advantage over those who did not master this craft. The warriors who fought with metal weapons in their hands won a clear victory, even when the opponent was outnumbered. Further, metallurgy received its development in new territories, improving annually and producing new metals, the most valuable material for the national economy.

Metallurgical production is a new step in the development of mankind. A metallurgist is a worker who produces metal from rocks that is used in various fields. In the country's economy, metallurgists represent the most important profession. Without them, it is impossible to ensure the activities of enterprises, as light industry, and hard and our ordinary life in general. Consequently, metallurgists participate in the creation of almost all material goods (dishes, tools, transport, various mechanisms, building structures). The metallurgical industry is subdivided into non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, which is engaged in the extraction and beneficiation of iron ore and the production of iron, steel, cast iron, and other alloys.

The profession of metallurgist is a consistently demanded and highly paid specialty, which speaks of its advantages. The disadvantages of the profession are rather difficult working conditions (huge containers with hot metal, noise, heat, heavy odors) and high physical activity.

Qualities required for the profession of metallurgist

For successful work a qualified specialist must have the following qualities:
- ability to work and willingness to work in very difficult conditions,
- high physical fitness, good health, instant reaction, memory for movements of any complexity, a sense of balance,
- the thoughtfulness of any action and the ability to quickly make adequate decisions,
- patience, endurance, determination, discipline, willpower, high level of responsibility,
- accuracy, since it works with hot metal, attentiveness.

Since this is a difficult test for the human body, this profession is for courageous people with a strong spirit, who do not run away from difficulties and achieve their goal.




The profession of a metallurgist is very difficult, so women do not stand at the open-hearth furnace. To work requires very good health and physical strength. It is not for nothing that those who have worked in this specialty retire earlier and have benefits.