Action camera xiaomi yi specifications. Xiaomi Yi Action Camera Accessories. Resetting the camera to factory settings

Why does a manufacturer enter the market? To sell something. How does it enter the market? With advertisements and loud statements, preferably louder. This case is no exception: the release of the action camera in question was actively covered on the Internet. In addition to listing the names of electronic components, the camera was awarded in absentia with loud epithets up to "GoPro killer". We will not argue about the components - the filling in the camera is undoubtedly more than worthy. But practice shows that content alone is not enough to be called a champion. The components must be used correctly, "to the fullest", only then will the desired result be obtained. How it turns out with the Xiaomi Yi camera, we will try to consider in this review.

Video review

First, we suggest watching our video review of the Xiaomi Yi action camera:

Now let's take a look at the characteristics of the new item.

Design, technical characteristics

The completeness of the device received for testing consists of the following accessories:

  • camera
  • rechargeable battery with a capacity of 1010 mAh
  • monopod with tripod screw mount
  • USB to Micro-USB cable
  • Chinese user manual

The manual is indeed in Chinese, but this is probably because the device was purchased specifically for testing purposes in one of the overseas stores. However, due to the fact that information about the camera was widely disseminated, it turned out to be not so difficult to find the necessary information and materials (including the Russian-language PDF-manual).

The body of the device we have is made of milky-white rough plastic (on the market you can find other, even more cheerful, colors). The form factor of the camera is a typical "brick", only, in comparison with the same GoPro, it looks more minimalistic due to the lack of a display and a small number of controls.

One of the main differences from the aforementioned competitor is the presence of a hole with a real tripod thread. How much it facilitates the search and selection of restraining accessories - I think there is no need to explain. But this mount still has one drawback: the threaded hole has insufficient depth, as a result of which you can attach the camera to a standard good tripod only by placing some kind of rubber pad between the camera body and the surface of the platform. There is nothing to be done, all in the name of diminutiveness and weight reduction of the camera.

During long-term recording, the camera body heats up in some areas up to 50 ° C, and when Wi-Fi is on, up to 55 ° C.

The enclosed metal monopod with a rubberized grip is made with such high quality and thoroughness that you think: what is actually attached to what? Monopod to the camera or vice versa?

The swivel head of the monopod with a clip and a tripod thread allows you to turn the camera to any angle, and using the existing latch-lock, this monopod can be attached, for example, to a pocket.

In addition to the camera, it can be purchased, which will allow it to be immersed to a depth of 40 m.

The main specifications apparatus are shown in the following table:

line of sight
focal length
optical zoom
image sensor
  • CMOS BSI Exmor R 1 / 2.3 ″ 16 MP
  • Ambarella A7LS
Dimensions, weight
  • 60.4 x 42 x 21.2 mm
  • 72g with battery
Continuous time battery recording included

59 minutes in 1920 × 1080 50p mode with Wi-Fi working (recording and streaming mode)


microSD / SDHC / SDXC memory card

Video formats

in the text of the article

  • Micro-USB 2.0
  • Micro-HDMI
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Wi-Fi
Other characteristics
  • PAL / NTSC switchable
  • work from a network adapter
average price
according to Yandex.Market data
according to Yandex.Market data

Video / photography

The camera in question records video with the following frame sizes and rates:

You can clearly imagine the difference in detail and the nature of the picture that these recording modes give with the help of the following still frames and original clips.

1920 × 1080 50p 26Mbps1920 × 1080 25p 13Mbps1920 × 1080 48p 11Mbps1920 × 1080 24p 11Mbps1280 × 960 50p 16Mbps

Download videoDownload videoDownload videoDownload videoDownload video
1280 × 960 48p 13Mbps1280 × 720 50p 13Mbps1280 × 720 48p 16Mbps1280x720 100p 18Mbps848 × 480 200p 16Mbps

Download videoDownload videoDownload videoDownload videoDownload video

First of all, you pay attention to a fuzzy, as if defocused picture. Unfortunately, the focus has nothing to do with it. And the lens glass shouldn't be blamed for being dirty. For some reason, the frame cannot be called detailed (however, some owners of some cameras may disagree with this formulation of the question), and in connection with such a “blurredness”, I would like to know what the resolution of our camera is. We will deal with this later, and for seed we will compare the sharpness that the camera gives in video mode and in photo mode.

Explain such there is no difference in detail except artificial limitations. Apparently - we just admit - these restrictions are imposed on the capabilities of the matrix and processor used in the camera, and relate only and exclusively to video shooting. But the electronic stuffing of the device in question has some potential, including shooting video with a 4K frame size (but of course, this format is not available in our camera).

The reasons for the described miracles, if they exist, then most likely lie in the permissive licenses that accompany the sensors and processors, and should be purchased separate order... By the way, if you develop this idea in a slightly different direction, then a sad picture emerges: earlier, several years ago, low quality photos received by video cameras could be attributed to their small video matrices. But now, when another amateur camcorder is equipped with a sensor with many millions of pixels, nodding to the sensor is at least strange. But photos from video cameras, as they were unprepossessing 10 years ago, have remained the same.

As for our camera specifically, here you can, if not explain, then at least justify the lack of clarity in its video mode. A ringing sharp picture is required mainly for static shooting. But our camera is designed for something completely different, for shooting on the move. In which all objects are smeared in one way or another. Well, if there is still a need for static shooting, then you can always use the photo mode, especially since the camera can take pictures both in series and at intervals from 0.5 to 60 seconds.

Let's take a look at the technical parameters of the video files obtained from the camera. The device records video in all modes in the same codec (of course, AVC) and with the same Main profile, only changing the level in the range from 3.2 to 4.2 in accordance with the size and frame rate. Since the camera has the ability to change the working standard from PAL to NTSC and vice versa, 60p and 30p can be added to the listed frequencies. Separately, we note two ultra-high frame rate modes: 1280 × 720 100p 18 Mbps and 848 × 480 200p 16 Mbps (if the camera operates in NTSC, then the frame rate will be 120p and 240p, respectively). Unlike some other cameras, these files actually contain video with the specified frequency, and are not slowed down four or eight times. However, there is no audio track in these files. These high-speed modes should be used only in rare cases, when it is important to capture fast events, so that later, during video processing, slow down the movement. At the same time, one cannot make any claims to the resolution in such a video - being low in normal modes, it drops even lower in high-speed modes.

But let us measure it at last in order to dot the i. For this, the usual shooting of the test chart is not suitable - the angle of view of the camera lens is too wide. Despite the small minimum focusing distance - only 20 centimeters - even a table moved at such a distance does not fill the entire frame completely. We'll have to take advantage of the shooting of a section of the table, printed on a sheet of large area, a meter in length. We will shoot in different video modes, as well as in photo mode. Below are the sections of the resulting video and photo frames, larger images will open with a click of the mouse.

1920 × 1080 50p1280 × 960 50p1280 × 720 50p1280 × 720 100p848 × 480 200pPhoto, 4608 × 3456

And again our assumption concerning the artificially lowered clarity of the picture in the video mode is confirmed. It is clearly seen that if you remove this software Gaussian blur, in the maximum video mode the camera is quite capable of giving 1100 conventional TV lines horizontally. Well, well, 1000-something - no doubt about it. Below is a familiar section of the table, shot in 1920 × 1080 50p mode, but with a sharpness filter applied to it in the graphics editor.

The camera's angle of view does not actually change depending on the selected video mode. Only in two cases, when the camera shoots with a 4: 3 aspect ratio, an additional image area appears at the top and bottom of the frame, which the camera sees and captures. Because of this increase in view in all directions, even the handles of the tripod on which the camera was mounted were sometimes included in the frame.

However, there is one fad in the camera settings - Lens Rectification. It means correcting the effect " fish eye". The fix is, of course, software (fortunately, a powerful processor is able to do not such tricks), when this option is enabled, the viewing angle is narrowed.

This mechanism works quite effectively, however, if you are going to subsequently process the captured video, then it is better to shoot as is, without this intra-camera correction.

Since the camera uses a modern and fast sensor, the level of the rolling shutter (for more details, see the material ) in the chamber is probably minimal. Let's study it in different conditions... To begin with, let's ride the camera on an electric car, the movement of which gives that vibration characteristic for most cases, at which the rolling shutter is most pronounced. The next video was shot in 1920 × 1080 50p mode.

As expected, there is practically no "jelly" manifestation of the rolling shutter. But even this scanty jelly of the picture, which appears at the moments of the sharpest jerks, completely disappears if the shooting is carried out in high-speed mode. For example, at 848 × 480 200p. As we have already said, this mode does not imply sound recording, and therefore the video is silent.

However, it is not difficult to encounter situations where vibration still leads to unpleasant jitter in the frame. There is nothing you can do about it, the vibration frequency exceeds the frequency of information retrieval from the sensor, as well as the shutter frequency.

Finally, the next video will clearly show that in high-speed mode, the image is captured from the matrix at 200 frames per second. Because in this case, the tilt of the verticals (one of the main manifestations of a rolling shutter) is absolutely absent. While when shooting at 50 frames per second, there is still a slight tilt.

Camera settings allow you to enable one of three levels of encoding quality: high, medium, and low. In ordinary scenes, it is extremely difficult to discern any difference between these modes. However, the difference is also difficult to notice in scenes with high dynamics.

Our camera can be powered directly from USB. This means that it can be used as a car DVR. However, a full-fledged recorder from the camera will not work. The fact is that the settings of the device do not have the function of flipping the frame. To get the following screenshots and videos, the original video had to be turned over in the video editor.

This artificial blurring of the video frame also makes it difficult to see small details: characters on the license plates of even nearby cars tend to stick together into an indistinguishable mess.

The camera lacks an electronic stabilizer (there's no need to talk about an optical one). This, of course, is not good. Such a powerful processor could easily process the picture, smooth out sharp, albeit small, jerks with shaking.


The camera is equipped with an HDMI port from which you can receive a live Full HD video stream. True, graphic symbols are imprinted into this stream, displaying the current operating mode and the state of the camera, and this function cannot be disabled in any way.

HDMI video output never turns off, even if the camera is recording or streaming video to a mobile device via Wi-Fi. If the camera is in Loop mode (recording in a circle), the camera splits the videos into segments of 5 minutes in length. In normal mode, the size of files will correspond to the maximum size of the memory card file system.

Connecting a camera to a mobile device consists of several sequential steps:

  • turning on the camera (the Wi-Fi adapter is activated automatically)
  • launching a proprietary application on a smartphone (the link for the Android version)

After a short wait (5-10 seconds), the application will detect the active access point of the camera, turn it on on the smartphone wifi adapter, and will make the connection. The established connection between the smartphone and the camera is confidently kept at a distance of up to 70 meters with direct line of sight and the absence of others Wi-Fi networks, and the delay in displaying the video signal from the camera to the mobile device is only 0.6 seconds.

To view in a larger size, click the button Original size

The application settings are completely identical to those in the camera, nothing is forgotten.

Note the rather rich settings, which, however, are annoyingly lacking such important points as picture flipping and manual white balance setting. But there is, as we can see, the ability to turn on amplification, which supposedly will help when shooting in low light conditions. We will touch on this issue in the next chapter.

We must pay tribute to the sensitivity of the camera: even with an almost complete absence of light, it shoots exactly as any camera or camcorder with the most sensitive optics does. This refers to the overall brightness of the picture, but not the detail, of course. Which falls on our camera the more, the less light enters its microlens. This is due to the work of the built-in noise suppressor, which "smears" the image to eliminate noise. And the noise, in turn, inevitably appears when you turn on the gain, an analogue of the camera ISO number. However, the camera, sacrificing detail, still does not allow itself to reduce the shutter speed to lower values ​​than the frame rate in the recorded video, as the overwhelming majority of cameras do in automatic mode (and some camcorders, too, to be honest). This reduction in shutter speed occurs only when the Auto Low Light parameter is on. Here the picture gets a little lighter precisely due to the game with the shutter frequency - the last way to raise the exposure level.


We have already spoken about the resolution. But they did not agree on its exact definition. Better to leave it as it is: the resolution of the camera in video mode maybe reach 1100 conventional TV lines horizontally. True, to actually get such a result, you need to "dig deeper" in the firmware, and turn off the software blurring of the frame. It turns out that all hope is for enthusiasts who have sufficient knowledge for this. Such enthusiasts, we hope, will catch up with time, delve into the topic and, having seen the potential high popularity of the product, will take on its "customization". And I believe in high popularity for a single and elementary reason: because of the price of the camera. It is surprisingly low considering the quality and, therefore, not cheap electronic components on which the apparatus is built.

So far, the only way to get a clear, in all details, picture is photographing. The pictures that the camera creates vividly demonstrate the capabilities of both the matrix and the processor, for a couple of capable of processing several full-size frames per second. Sufficient battery life - one hour of continuous video recording with Wi-Fi working - also adds interest to the product.

Regarding the management of settings using and exclusively through mobile devices- this concept is as modern as it is controversial. Not every newest idea it can be convenient, it does not become so just because it is new. That is why most people do not take their usual watches off their wrists, despite having a smartphone in their shirt pocket. The annoyingly long twists and turns with the connection of the camera and the smartphone, the extremely inconvenient touch-control with the every second risk of accidentally brushing off or closing the running application - all this in no way correlates with real-time video shooting in the most difficult conditions, for which any action camera was originally intended. Anything, but a display that displays at least the basic parameters of the camera and makes it possible to change them without the help of third-party devices - such a display is simply necessary.

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A trip to the water park, ride on attractions, parachute jumping and descent from a mountain river - all these events combine due to extremeness, high speed and adrenaline rush. To photograph important points for memory, you need a functional, lightweight and durable action camera, for example, the Xiaomi Action Camera. A conventional camera will not cope with this task. The choice of action devices that can be used even for video recording of an ordinary walk is large today.

What is an action camera

Action Camera is a type of digital camcorder that is specially designed for shooting when moving and in aggressive environments. The first devices of this type were developed by GoPro, which pioneered a new direction in the field of video design. Action cameras have become a must-have for many athletes. Differences from the usual model are cardinal:

  • Appearance, dimensions, weight. These are the first differences that catch your eye. Action cameras are lightweight and compact. With active recreation and dynamics, excess weight on the human body can be of decisive importance. If an ordinary device for photo and video weighs about 400-500 g, then an action device should weigh up to 100 g, and the size should be almost the size of a matchbox.
  • Resistance to water, shock. Such a device is made of durable materials - often these are metals based on aluminum, reinforced plastic. Due to this, the device turns out to be durable and light, all the more it is very important, otherwise the action devices would break or fail due to moisture ingress after the first descent from the mountain river. They do not break after falling from a height, which cannot be said about simple models. High-quality cameras are distinguished by a large operating temperature range - they are not afraid of water or heat.
  • Video quality. The standard shooting resolution for ordinary camcorders is about 720x576 pixels, although modern models have a better indicator. Action cameras are marked Full HD, i.e. they record in the format 1920x1080 or 1280x720 pixels - this is the highest requirement for frame resolution. Compared to conventional photo and video cameras, action devices practically do not differ in this parameter.
  • Video recording speed. The usual model has an indicator of 25-30 frames / sec. Action-type devices have an accelerated recording mode, thanks to which the speed increases to 60 frames / sec. This parameter is important for extreme sportsmen who rush at high speed - landscapes change very quickly, and a regular camera is not able to record everything in normal quality: frames can turn out to be very blurry, and some will be completely absent.
  • Viewing angle, lens. Another feature of action cameras (including Xiaomi brands) is a wide viewing angle. Such devices are capable of shooting video with an angle in the range of 90-170 degrees. Such a large parameter is needed to shoot wide shots without so-called "dead" zones. True, it is impossible to achieve their complete absence.
  • The presence of mounts. Another distinguishing feature is the mount, due to which the device can be attached to a helmet, clothing, bicycle handlebars or just your arm. Action cameras have also become widespread in motor sports, where they are attached to the windshield with suction cups.

Xiaomi YI Action Camera Review

Xiaomi Inc is a Chinese company that was founded relatively recently - in 2010. Despite this, it is rapidly developing and we can confidently say that Xiaomi has already become worldwide famous company, which specializes in the production of portable electronic devices and smart appliances for daily use. The products offered by Xiaomi are distinguished by good technical characteristics and relatively low cost. In addition to tablets and smartphones, the company also sells digital video cameras.

The modern Xiaomi action camera is a functional, compact and very convenient device that can become indispensable when traveling. Some models have a modular LCD screen, backlight sensor, 3D noise reduction, auto exposure, Wi-Fi support, etc. The package, in addition to the device itself, includes an instruction manual, a Micro-USB charging cable, and a battery. You can order the desired model in any specialized online store with mail delivery. Popular options include Xiaomi YI:

  • Basic Edition;
  • Travel Edition;
  • MiJia 360 Panoramic;
  • Sport 4K.

Basic Edition

The Xiaomi YI Basic Miniature Camera is compact in size and high in performance. For video and photo processing, the Ambarella A7LS processor and a high-quality matrix from Sony are responsible. The 155-degree wide-angle lens is equipped with high-definition aspherical lenses. The camera has four shooting modes: normal, motion, high speed, maximum speed. In case of shakes or low light, photo and video frames are obtained clear due to a special 3D noise reduction mode, a technique of compensated motion filtering:

  • title: YI Action Camera Basic Edition;
  • price: 3990 rubles;
  • characteristics: medium - rewritable Flash-memory, max video resolution - 1920x1080, photo - 4608x3456, frames / sec. - 60 at 1920x1080 / 120 at 1280x720, viewing angle - 155 °, matrix - CMOS 16 Mpix, lens focal length - 2.73 mm, aperture - F2.8, recording formats - 480p / 720p / 1080p, interfaces - Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, USB, HDMI-out, microSDHC, microSD memory cards up to 128 GB, dimensions - 60x42x21 mm, weight - 72 g;
  • pluses: it is relatively cheap, excellent functionality, powerful processor;
  • cons: heats up (but not much), there is no LCD screen.

Travel Edition

Another multifunctional Xiaomi YI Action Camera - Travel Edition with professional capabilities. The device is the ultimate solution for both recreation and tourism. It captures the vivid moments of the journey in high, clear 4K resolution. The model is equipped with a built-in three-axis stabilizer and the Ambarella A7LS processor, thanks to which you can shoot more photos and videos using less space. Thanks to the included professional monopod, you can shoot from any angle:

  • title: YI Action Camera Travel Edition;
  • price: 5890 rubles;
  • characteristics: viewing angle - 155 °, video formats - 720p / 960p / 480p / 1080p, matrix resolution - 16 Mpix, video frame rate (maximum) - 240, photo resolution - up to 4608x3456, interfaces - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, microUSB, memory cards - microSDHC, microSD, dimensions - 60.4x42x21.2 mm, weight - 72 g;
  • pros: waterproof, functional, good quality received videos and photos;
  • cons: no LCD screen, not very good pictures in low light.

MiJia 360 Panoramic

Xiaomi MiJia 360 Panoramic Camera is one of the popular action cameras with a compact body and a wide 190 degree viewing angle. The device has a widescreen video mode. Recording video or photo files is possible on a memory card with a capacity of up to 128 GB - class 10 is recommended. The model can be controlled using a smartphone with iOS / Android OS via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Using the gadget is facilitated by fast charging and a micro-USB connector. Compliance with the IP67 standard provides an excellent level of moisture and dust resistance. The kit includes a tripod, USB cable, instructions:

  • name: Xiaomi MiJia 360 Panoramic Camera;
  • price: 18,900 rubles;
  • characteristics: viewing angle - 190 °, max video recording resolution - 3456x1728, speed - 30 frames / sec., photo resolution - 3456 × 1728/6912 × 3456, matrix type - CMOS 16 Mpix, sensor - Sony IMX 206, aperture - F2 , degree of protection - IP67, battery life - 75 min., processor - Ambarella A12, memory cards - microSDHC 10 class, microSD, interfaces - Wi-Fi, USB interface, Bluetooth (distance up to 30 m), battery - 1600 mAh, dimensions - 78x67x24 mm, weight - 109 kg;
  • pluses: waterproof, excellent protection against dust, versatility, quality of shooting, sound;
  • cons: expensive, very hot, built-in battery, no screen.

Sport 4K

If you like extreme recreation and an active lifestyle, then pay attention to the Xiaomi Yi 4K Sports Action Camera 2. This model is capable of shooting video in Ultra HD quality and taking pictures in photo mode with a resolution of 12 megapixels. The camera is made in a traditional design in the form of a rectangle, one side of which is occupied by a touch screen, and on the other there is an attachment lens. The housing is made of durable plastic that can withstand intense vibrations and significant mechanical stress. The glass surface of the screen is scratch resistant:

  • name: Xiaomi Yi 4K Sports Action Camera 2;
  • price: 24,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: viewing angle - 155 °, chipset - Ambarella A9SE75, screen type - LCD, size - 2.19 inches, resolution - 360x640, memory cards - TF 64G class 10 or higher, battery - 1400 mAh, operating time - 120 min., video resolution - 4K (4096x2160), Ultra HD frequency - 30 frames / sec., interfaces - Micro-USB, Fi-Wi, Bluetooth, dimensions - 42x65x21 mm, weight - 95 g;
  • pluses: durability, functionality, high quality of the resulting images, video recordings, there is a display;
  • cons: high cost, built-in battery.

How to choose a Xiaomi action camera

Dozens of models of action cameras can be found on sale in stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, among which Xiaomi devices have gained particular popularity. Some devices have a touchscreen display, with which you can change exposure parameters, white balance, select the format and shooting mode, etc. There are models with a manual telescopic monopod. In order not to be mistaken with a purchase, please note the following criteria:

  • Recording quality. Many action camera have a Full HD video resolution (1920x1080). The best choice would be a model capable of shooting in 3840x2160 resolution - if this is not too important for you while traveling, then it is better not to overpay for more functionality.
  • Frame frequency. It also affects the quality - the higher this parameter, the clearer the recordings will be. At the maximum resolution of the action camera, incl. and Xiaomi often shoot at 30 fps. It is good if the device supports modes of 60 and 120 frames / sec., But the resolution will decrease.
  • Viewing angle. The larger it is, the better, but a narrow angle will help focus on individual details - this is not always required from an action device.
  • Strength characteristics. It is desirable that the selected Xiaomi camera has increased strength, shock resistance, as well as water and dust resistance. Most of these properties can be enhanced with a protective sheath.
  • Battery. Time depends on its capacity autonomous work devices. It is desirable that the camera be able to shoot 1.5-2 hours.
  • Memory card. The more volume the device supports, the better. In addition, pay attention to the class of the SD-card - do not save, choose better than the 10th class. The capacity must be 32 GB or more.
  • Built-in screen. Its presence simplifies the control process, but the camera in this case consumes more power.
  • Mounting methods. Some kits are complemented by several mounts, the presence of which is desirable if you are going to install an action device on a bicycle handlebar, helmet, etc.

After the release of the successful Yi Sport action camera, active athletes showed interest in Xiaomi products, and they were already waiting for the second version. After the publication of the characteristics, the question naturally arose "will not the second Yi be a worthy competitor to the GoPro HERO 4?" The first in the public sector won popularity for its good price / quality ratio, and the second could well repeat the success. Wide viewing angle, twelve megapixel sensor, A9SE95 processor ... The technical specifications look promising.

Let's see what the novelty is in the case.

Supplied in a small cardboard box:

The dimensions of the package are small, since the camera comes with only a battery and a USB cable. Fasteners sold separately.

1400mAh battery for long-term work cameras without recharging or changing the battery.
The official list of accessories is small: two aqua boxes and two protective covers made of different materials:

But thanks to the ¼ ”threaded socket, the Yi 2 4K can be used with a variety of versatile fastening systems.

Unfortunately, due to the increased width compared to the GoPro 4 (66 versus 59 mm), it is not possible to use the camera in conjunction with GoPro boxes.

The layout of the controls and general shapes of the Yi 2 4K are similar to those of the GoPro, which has long been an unspoken model for third-party models. Alas, this form cannot be called optimal, especially considering the scope of application. Otherwise, there is nothing to complain about: the Yi 2 4K fits comfortably in the hand, is easy to operate and pleases the eye with its rounded features.

The upper part of the body houses two microphones, a speaker and a single camera control button:

The microphones are paired, the sound is recorded in stereo. The LED activity indicator is located on the front of the case. Glow colors inform about the operating mode: blue - the camera is on, red - recording or charging the battery, purple - the camera is connected to the PC in the removable storage mode.

For storage, a microSD card is used, which is installed in a compartment next to the battery.

The battery is charged and files are transferred via the USB 2.0 interface; the socket is located on the side and is covered from contamination with a small plug.

The camera parameters are controlled by means of a 2.19 "" screen on back side housing. The turn-on time corresponds to that declared by the manufacturer (3 seconds). After the download is complete, the main parameters of the current settings are displayed:

Just a few words about vertical stripes. They are present in any mode of the screen and are especially noticeable in contrasting images - it is possible that this is a drawback of a particular specimen. It does not affect the work in any way, it also does not interfere with navigating the menu and setting the required settings.

Pressing the arrow next to the Video caption opens the menu for selecting the camera operation modes:

As you can see, there are six of them in total: Photo, video, slow-motion video, series of shots, time-lapse video and timer shooting. The settings for all modes are similar, so I will analyze in detail only the basic ones for photo and video shooting.
Basic Movie Shooting - Resolution:

The currently active mode is highlighted with a green triangle, the frame rate is selected immediately after specifying the desired resolution. Full list modes can be found in the table.

Additional options are selected on the title screen (gear icon in the lower right corner):

Additional parameters for Slo-mo shooting are slightly different:

For the photo mode, the list of options is very similar to the video mode:

The rest of the camera settings are available by clicking on the gear icon on the left.

Their content is standard and does not raise questions. Rarely used items are collected in the Advanced Settings submenu:

When the Wi-Fi module is activated, the camera is available in the access point mode, which can be connected from a smartphone. You can communicate via Wi-Fi with the camera using the free YI Action app.

After a simple and short-term connection procedure, the image from the camera is displayed in the background of the application and all previously shown options become available for change.

Based on observations, the image on the smartphone is lagging by about half a second, there are no freezes or slowdowns. In general, the utility is simple and adequate; in 7-8 hours of work, it crashed once with an error.
Daily use of the Yi 2 4K consisted mostly of a helmet-mounted DVR, occasionally filming to test other features (photography, handheld shooting, etc.). For fastening, complete accessories from other cameras and an M4 screw were used.

Video quality is good at night and excellent during daylight hours at maximum resolution.

But the 4K format, although it is a trend, is not yet provided with a sufficient number of reproducing equipment (monitors). Another thing is 1080p, which is already firmly established in everyday life as the "default format". And here Yi 2 4K comes in very handy because of the ability to shoot FullHD video not only with standard 30 fps, but 60 and even 120.

Image stabilization only works when shooting at 30 fps; I think it's a matter of relatively low processor power.

For dynamic scenes (where action cameras are most often used) this is very useful: 25 or 30 fps is not enough, the picture is a little twitchy, freeze frames are blurry. For the same reason, the Slo-mo mode is good, allowing you to view many processes in slow motion. It's a pity that the resolution in Slo-mo is only 720p, not FullHD.

The situation is similar with photographs: with a sufficient amount of light, the frames are juicy and clear, colors are lost at dusk, the amount of light noise increases, and the frames are blurry.

About the sound. It is, and yes, two-channel (stereo). But due to the lack of wind protection, the recording is interrupted by even the slightest breeze, and at speeds over 10 km / h, nothing is heard except noise (therefore, all videos are without sound). Such a camera would be greatly helped by a cover with windproof microphones.

An important note for those who will mount the camera on a helmet and choose a third-party mount: at speeds above 100 km / h, the aerodynamic drag is very high. Subjectively, at 120 km / h, the Yi 2 weighs less than 90 grams and feels heavier than the other camera weighing more than 170 grams due to less drag. The passage over 140 km / h can be felt without a speedometer, as the head begins to be strongly pulled back.

The camera lasts more than 2 hours on battery life when recording 4K video with disabled Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and when changing the mode to 1080p for more than 3 hours. Compared to other action cameras, the Yi 2 is much less likely to require a USB connection for recharging.

Thanks to the voice acting, basic actions (start-stop recording, taking a photo, turning on and off) can be performed by touch, focusing on the sounds emitted. The loudspeaker volume is enough to hear the conventional signals on the road when wearing a helmet (with good noise isolation).

In conclusion, general impressions. Is a well-designed product with a variety of video and photo shooting modes. The video quality is good (by the standards of an action camera), you can watch 4K videos shot at dusk without spitting. Remote control via Wi-Fi also works flawlessly, and the battery life is beyond praise. A quick start and an intuitive menu are also the strengths of the Xiaomi product.

But there are nuances. The first is the price: it is adequate, but the budget version of the Yi 2 no longer pulls, rather, to the middle segment, where there are fewer competitors, but it is already harder to compete with them. The second is the complete absence of accessories for mounting in the basic package, everything is purchased separately. This is both good (everyone will choose fasteners to their liking), and bad (without additional costs, only hand-held and remove, exposed to precipitation without aquabox). The third is shape: copying a GoPro-specified layout will negatively affect the aerodynamic drag of the device, which should be considered when designing and choosing fasteners.

Camera characteristics:

Switch-on time
3 seconds
Ambarella A9SE95 800 MHz
Sony IMX377
155 °
2.19 "" 640x360 pixels, Gorilla Glass
Li-Ion 1400 mAh
Memory card
microSD, up to 64 GB
USB, 5 V 1 A
Light control
Video modes
4K (3840 × 2160) @ 30 FPS;
4K Ultra (3840 × 2160) @ 30 FPS;
2.5K (2560 × 1920) @ 30 FPS;
1440 (1920 × 1440) @ 30/60 FPS;
1080 (1920 × 1080) @ 30/60/120 FPS;
1080 Ultra (1920 × 1080) @ 30/60/120 FPS;
960 (1280 × 960) @ 60/120 FPS;
720 (1280 × 720) @ 240 FPS;
720 Ultra (1280 × 720) @ 60/120 FPS;
480 (848 × 480) @ 240 FPS
Photo modes
12 Mpix (4000x3000)
8 Mpix (3840x2160)
7 Mpix W (3008x2256)
7 Mpix M (3008x2256)
5 Mpix (2560x1920)
Wireless connection
Wi-Fi 802.11n Broadcom BCM43340, Bluetooth 4.0
Three-axis gyroscope, timer, distortion correction
The weight
88 g
Dimensions (edit)
66 x 42 x 31 mm
21,000 rubles

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Let's skip the history of Xiaomi itself, although it is quite interesting. We are talking about the Xiaomi Yi action camera, this is the first experience of a Chinese manufacturer in the manufacture of such products.

When buying a gadget, the first thing we pay attention to is the packaging. Let's face it, a box of a Chinese gadget made of unpainted cardboard with the Yi logo brings certain doubts into the soul of a Russian. Manufacturers do not provide any additional protective plastic cases. The safety of the camera during long-term storage or transportation is a big question.


Contents of delivery

The basic equipment of the Xiaomi Yi Basic Edition action camera will baffle even such recognized supporters of minimalism as GoPro. In the cardboard box, we find only a USB cable, battery, instructions.

However, the manufacturer corrected himself by assembling a kit for the Xiaomi Yi Travel Edition camera: it is complemented by a remote control and a metal tripod.

Xiaomi Yi Camera Package

However, it cannot be said that this is some kind of achievement. This is a normal kit that should be supplied with a gadget. The included protective case would be much more useful, but it is not. The operator is expected to purchase it if necessary. Xiaomi is not alone in this regard, with both Apple and GoPro taking the same path.


The shape of the camera resembles a similar gadget from GoPro i.e. it is a small rectangle with a protruding lens. The Chinese manufacturer offers its action cameras in white and green. However, the front plate is removable and can be replaced without much difficulty. There are faceplates in very unusual colors on sale, and their prices are quite democratic. The body is made of rough plastic, while the side edge has a ribbed surface, which makes it easier to fix the camera by hand.

Action camera Xiaomi Yi

On the front of the camera, next to the lens is a large button. It turns on / off the gadget and switches the shooting modes. There is no monochrome or color display. Therefore, you will have to control the camera using mobile app, which will definitely have to be installed on a smartphone or tablet.


The camera is equipped with three LEDs that inform the operator about the status of the camera. The first of them, borders the power key and informs the user about the battery charge level. The indicator can light up in three colors: blue (charge level 50-100%), purple (15-49%) and red (less than 15%).

Blue indicator is on

On the upper edge of the gadget, there is a button responsible for starting shooting, next to which there is a round indicator. Similar control sensors are located on the lower plane and on the back of the gadget. They burn exclusively in red, but in a different mode. The off indicator indicates that the camera is operating in the camera mode, blinking, recording is on, and a steady glow indicates that the video mode is on. This method of control cannot be called intuitively clear, but it is quite possible to master it.

On the right side of the action camera, there is a Wi-Fi key, next to it there is another indicator, its blue glow indicates that the wireless connection is on.

Features of Xiaomi Yi Action Camera

In contrast, the Chinese manufacturer has provided for the possibility of a standard tripod attachment to the camera. In the lower plane of the device, there is a thread that allows you to attach to it different kinds fastenings. However, it should be noted that only a standard monopod is ideal for this thread; you will have to try to fix other accessories.

There are two covers on the back of the device. One of them covers the connectors for connecting a USB cable, miniHDMI and a slot for a memory card. The second one contains a battery (1010 mAh battery). Unfortunately, there is no additional fastening of the covers to the case, which increases the risk of losing them.

Working with the camera

The camera is turned on using a large button located on its front plate. By default, the gadget starts working in the camera mode. However, this can be changed in the settings.

Xiaomi Yi is equipped with an Ambarella A7LS processor and a 1 / 2.3-inch Sony Exmor R matrix. The camera has a "power" of 16 megapixels, which surpasses that of the fourth generation GoPro gadgets. Image stabilization is provided by an accelerometer.

In principle, the declared characteristics quite allow shooting in 4K mode, but the manufacturer decided to limit itself to Full HD, at which the frame rate is 60 per second. It is also possible to record video in 480p and 720p (200 and 100 frames per second, respectively).

The use of wide-format optics makes its own adjustments to the quality of photo and video images - the effect of a “fish eye” is created, which, however, can be easily corrected with the help of software. However, do not be surprised, the image quality will be reduced after the correction.

The main purpose of the camera is to shoot dynamic videos. Despite this, the gadget is not equipped with either software or optical stabilization. There are no special claims to the quality of the images. However, there are certain drawbacks in video filming, and it is foolish to deny them.

With photography, things are much better. Photos taken with the Xiaomi Yi Basic Edition Action Camera are highly detailed. The quality of the pictures is practically not satisfactory, there are some small problems with the white color, but they can be solved. The camera allows you to perform continuous or interval shooting. The resulting photos can be converted to GIF or MP4 format directly in the application.

Working hours

The standard battery of the device has a capacity of 1010 mAh, with the wireless connection turned off, it allows you to shoot for two hours. Disabled Wi-Fi prevents the use of the viewfinder and camera control from the mobile app. Wi-Fi enabled in Full HD mode will reduce the operating time of the gadget to one hour. This is slightly more than similar cameras from other manufacturers, but still not so much. However, the solution to this problem has long been found, it is the use of an external battery for recharging the batteries or a replaceable set of them.


It will be possible to record your voice on the camera only in the quietest weather. It is connected with the excessive protection of the microphone from the wind. The problem can be solved only by disassembling the camera and removing the protective cloth from the microphone. However, the real necessity of such actions is questionable.


The lack of full-fledged mechanical control of the camera makes the installation of a mobile application on a smartphone a necessity. Software allows you to view images from the gadget in real time, adjust settings and switch shooting modes. The interface of the application is simple and easy to understand.


Of course, the camera is not perfect, but you need to consider its price category. For example, the prices for such cameras from GoPro do not fall below 25,000 rubles. The Chinese counterpart will cost you a maximum of 10,000 rubles, moreover, the cost of a protective case is already included here.

The shortcomings revealed during the test are leveled by the positive features of the camera. Controlling the device only using a mobile application, this is definitely a negative point. The disadvantages are quality soundtrack and some features of video shooting. However, it should be borne in mind that the camera costs at least half as much as a similar gadget from GoPro. At the same time, photographs and video filming are of quite decent quality, the device is pretty good-looking and has acceptable dimensions.

You shouldn't position the Chinese action camera as a full-fledged competitor to GoPro. Especially if the user is focused on processing videos in high quality... However, the bulk of users immediately send the filmed videos to the Internet, without really thinking about their processing.

The scope of application of Xiaomi Yi Basic Edition is not only trick shooting, it is quite appropriate when walking, at parties, etc. By and large, the camera was created for taking photos or videos in extreme conditions, and it copes with the tasks set. Most of the shortcomings, nevertheless, relate not to the quality of filming, but to the comfortable use of the camera.

Gone are the days when Chinese products made people laugh. Today, goods from the Middle Kingdom make up the lion's share of any market. You can talk as much as you like about the discrepancy between the product and some mythical norms and requirements. The main indicator is demand, and as practice shows, it is only growing for Xiaomi products.

Testing the Xiaomi Yi action camera - the camera was mounted on a Syma x8w quadcopter. Let's see what came of it: