Presentations for the lesson of home education for preschoolers. Methods of teaching preschoolers. Health protection of children when working with a computer

Multimedia presentations in teaching preschoolers

It is probably impossible to imagine the modern development of society and production without information and communication technologies. There is no doubt that every educated person should own a computer. The PC is quickly entering our child's life. Almost all parents, developing and teaching the baby, acquire computer programs. First there are cute "keyboard drums" for the little ones who like to drum on the keyboard, but do not yet know how to use the mouse, then - a huge variety of computer games.

The computer is a powerful tool for learning and self-development of the baby!

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to memorize and process data with great speed allows specialists to create multimedia presentations for children, electronic children's books and encyclopedias.

What are the possibilities in teaching preschool children are fraught with multimedia presentations?

Unlike conventional teaching aids, media technologies significantly expand the opportunities for parents in the field of early development, contribute to successful implementation intellectual and creative abilities of the child; allow not only to saturate it with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also, which is very important in early childhood - learn to acquire new knowledge on their own!

“The presentation is an educational mini cartoon, it is an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, this is an excellent guide for mothers to tell their child about the world around them the way she sees it herself, without leaving home and without flying to distant countries" Victoria Kuznetsova, site author

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, multimedia presentations have a number of advantages:

  • The presentation carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers; forms a system of mental images in children. The little little one is interested in a lot of things: from morning to evening, questions seem to pour out of him. How to explain, to tell clearly and not to push away, not to extinguish children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind? An adult person is fundamentally different from a baby: in order to understand something, it is enough for him to listen to an oral explanation, and developed verbal and logical thinking will do its job. The saying “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times”, first of all, about a small child. It is he, with his visual-figurative thinking, who understands only that you can simultaneously consider, hear, act or evaluate the action of the object. That is why it is so important when teaching a preschooler to turn to those channels for obtaining information that are open.

    Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

  • The computer allows you to simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to see in everyday life. For example, how to show a child the process of launching a rocket or the technology of paper production?
  • The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of material offered for review. Many mothers note that this significantly increases the interest of children in knowledge, increases the level of cognitive abilities.
  • All parents notice how much children like to ask the same story over and over again, to read the same fairy tale “a hundred times”. But do not get annoyed: for preschoolers, the same program material should be repeated many times! The child can launch his favorite presentation himself, as many times as he wants, he can repeat the words after the author, learning them by heart; Surprise adults with the amount of knowledge gained on their own.
  • The use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in a playful way, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary.
  • Mastering children's electronic encyclopedias, preschool children are active. Due to the high dynamics, the material is effectively assimilated, memory is trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, imagination and creative abilities develop.

What should a modern preschooler know about? What do they write in "kindergarten" programs?

Preschool educational standard is the requirement of the time. It is important that every child who enters school has equal starting opportunities. Here is what a child should know in certain educational areas at all stages of preschool childhood. This is the so-called minimum. A program to familiarize a preschooler with the outside world. (download in doc format) Picked up e-books and encyclopedias allow us to solve the tasks set by the program, and therefore, systematically and purposefully prepare the child for school.

Educational games - presentations

Separately, I would like to talk about computer educational games that are made in the form of presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children; movements, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;
  • Problematic tasks, encouragement of the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;
  • The child himself regulates the pace and number of solved game learning tasks;
  • In the course of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;
  • The computer is very "patient", never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.
  • Game training programs teach a preschooler to independence, develop the skill of self-control.
  • Young children require a lot of parental help with tasks and step-by-step confirmation of their actions, and automated control takes over this function, frees the mother.

Health protection of children when working with a computer

Talking about children's computer use preschool age, raises the question of maintaining health and vision. The question of "staying" at the computer is relevant. It is reasonable to make time limits for classes from a PC - 10-15 minutes. A normally developing child at this age should move 70-80% of his waking time! Remember this!

In conclusion, I note that the use of a computer is another area where you can successfully combine the acquisition of useful knowledge with the development of intellectual and creative abilities.

The use of educational multimedia presentations makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the process of learning and development of the child, opens up new opportunities for education, and constantly supports parents in a state of creative search.

The teaching method is a system of sequential interrelated ways of work of the teacher and the children being taught, which are aimed at achieving the achievement. The teaching method is a system of sequential
interrelated ways of work of the teacher and
educated children who are aimed at achieving
didactic tasks
This definition of the method emphasizes
the two-sided nature of the learning process,
reflects interconnected activities
teacher and children, subordinate to the decision
didactic task.

Each method consists of certain techniques

Adoption of learning is aimed at solving
narrower learning task.
The combination of techniques forms a method
The same techniques may be included in
different teaching methods.

what do you think depends on
choice of teaching methods?

The choice of teaching method depends
- on the purpose and content of the upcoming
- from the equipment of the pedagogical
- on the personality of the teacher;
- from his abilities, responsibility.

Classification of teaching methods

In preschool pedagogy, the basis
classification laid basic
forms of thinking of preschoolers:
visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.
main methods of teaching preschoolers
are practical, visual,
verbal, game methods.

Visual Methods

Observation is
- the ability to peer into phenomena
surrounding world,
- highlight the essentials
- to notice the changes that are taking place,
- establish their causes,
- draw conclusions.

Types of observations


Didactic requirements for observation (E. A. Flerina, E. I. Radina, P. G. Samorukova, etc.)

the object of observation should be interesting for children
make observations in a natural setting
the teacher outlines the purpose of observation, determines the circle of new
knowledge, thinks about how to connect them with the experience of children
children are given a target setting for observation
knowledge acquired in the process of observation should
get your further development in children's activities
observation should be accompanied by precise specific
in a word: to name objects, their signs, actions

If learning isn't enough
based on observation, it leads to
formal education in a child
knowledge that has no basis
sensory basis

paintings, reproductions,
filmstrips, slides,
videos and other visual

Visual teaching techniques are based on the imitation of children

show how to do it:
in physical education, music classes,
art classes,
labor training
sample show
used in teaching fine arts
activities, work, especially manual,

Practical Methods

Exercise - multiple repetition
child mental or practical
actions of a given content
Experiments and experimentation the child acts on an object with the aim of
knowledge of its properties, connections, etc.

Modeling method (D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Venger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov)

the child's thinking is developed with the help of special
schemes, models, which are visual and accessible for
its form reproduce hidden properties and relationships
one object or another.
The modeling method is based on the principle
the child replaces the real object with another object,
its image, some conventional sign.

Game Methods

didactic game perform
imaginary situation in expanded
form: with roles, game actions,
play equipment.
For example, to improve knowledge
about plants, the development of coherent speech
the game "Flower Shop" is held, for
clarification of knowledge about the hometown - game travel, etc.

Game tricks

sudden appearance of objects, toys (suddenly there was a
a knock on the door and Winnie the Pooh, Mishka, etc.)
performance by the educator of various game actions:
the teacher "turned" into Chanterelle
guessing and guessing riddles,
introduction of competition elements (in senior groups),
creating a game situation (“Let's show the bear our
toys"; "Let's teach Petrushka to wash hands"; "Let's help
bunny to lay out the pictures").

verbal methods

Teacher's story
The conversations vary:
in terms of ethical and
for didactic purposes, introductory and
summarizing (final)
Reading fiction

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Features of teaching preschool children The presentation was prepared by: teacher-psychologist of the Lyceum No. 4 Klyonina D.A.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Peculiarities educational work with preschool children Educational work with preschool children took shape in certain forms in accordance with the requirements of the time. Forms and means of educational work with children of preschool age in the didactics of Comenius, Pestalozzi in relation to the conditions of education in the family, to labor processes that were carried out in the family, other than in the pedagogy and didactics of Owen and Frebel, where they are associated with the processes of raising children in a children's institution.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The changing conditions of upbringing also determine the change in the forms and means of educational work with children. Therefore, it is legitimate to consider both the forms and means of educational work in their development, to see in them the obsolete and those new features that are caused by new tasks and conditions of education.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Educational work with children can be carried out most various means depending on the purposes for which it is carried out. These may be the goals of the general development of the child without claims to be programmatic in nature. Then educational work can be done in the conditions of play, work, individual communication between an adult and a child, etc.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Considering the means of educational work, we come across the concept of didactics in relation to preschool age (didactic games, didactic material, didactic method). This is important to emphasize. The requirements of didactics help to separate from the general course of the educational process that which is connected with learning in educational work.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Didactic means of educational work can be divided into two groups: - the first group is characterized by the fact that the training is conducted by an adult, - in the second group, the teaching influence is transferred to didactic material, a didactic game built taking into account educational tasks. This difference is of a fundamental nature and determines the difference in the requirements for children.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Let us consider the nature of learning in such didactic conditions, when the teaching role belongs to an adult. The main thing here is the psychological influence of an adult on a child, on a group of children. An atmosphere of joint activity of an adult and a child is created; the closer the adult is to the child, the greater the results he achieves. It is quite legitimate to define here the role assigned to the activity of the child.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

We find interesting statements about the role of the child's activity in L. N. Tolstoy and K. D. Ushinsky in connection with the criticism of classes according to the Froebel system. These statements contain the following idea: where a child is seen only as an object of influence, and not as a being capable of thinking independently to the best of his childish abilities, having his own judgments, capable of doing something on his own, the influence of an adult loses its value; where these abilities of the child are taken into account and the adult relies on them, the effect is different.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Another group of means of educational work is based on the principle of autodidacticism. The educational influence here belongs to the didactic material, didactic game, educational and game tasks that automatically lead the didactic process, direct the child's strength, give him the opportunity of self-learning.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

In the didactic game, the most popular means of preschool education, the child learns to count, speak, etc., by following the rules of the game. An adult can only monitor the progress of the game and make adjustments to it. This group of means also includes educational work with children on the basis of a task. The process of mastering knowledge and skills here relies on the child's own strengths. It is assumed that children can learn reading, writing and counting in this way.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

The role of an adult is manifested indirectly: in the preparation of methodological educational and game tasks, in organizing the environment for these games, in changing tasks during the game, in individual lessons. With this nature of educational work, there is clearly a tendency to rely entirely on the independence of children, to remove the direct influence of an adult, to reduce his functions to a series of operations of indirect significance. The impression of the living process of such a game-learning is, of course, very pleasant: all children are engaged in a serious game, the scope of tasks really makes such games didactically meaningful.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

characteristic feature autodidacticism is that the child is given the opportunity to learn more or less by himself. In a didactic game, he is guided by the rules of the game, game actions, in educational and game tasks - instructions for performing such a task, prompted actions, in didactic material - a way of acting with him. Within the framework of the proposed child is independent.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

In educational-playing sessions, the adult is left with the development of tasks, control over their implementation and individual lessons in case of difficulties. He cannot teach knowledge and skills directly, the child must follow the path that the task prompts him.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Means of educational work with preschoolers Children can acquire knowledge and skills in language, counting, drawing, construction, etc. only on the condition of training in these activities. Under these conditions, experience in the form of knowledge and skills will become the property of all children and will have an impact on their development. These tasks should not be associated with any special giftedness of children.

Preschool didactics Ya.A. Comenius "Mother's School". The purpose of preschool betrothal: the development of a variety of knowledge about the world, moral development and preparation for school. Preference - the organization of sensory knowledge. F. Fröbel developed a system of betrothal in kindergartens, up to verbal explanations of the teacher, children's replies, poetic or song accompaniment of the actions performed.

Preschool didactics V.F. Odoevsky “ABC for use in orphanages”, “Science before science. Grandfather Iriney's book. the main task- to teach children to learn, to develop their mental abilities, without striving for an abundance of knowledge. Exercises for the development of skills to observe, compare, analyze, name objects and determine their purpose.

Preschool didactics K.D. Ushinsky "Native Word", "Children's World". The development of mental strength and speech of the child, the formation of the ability to control their mental processes and behavior. N.K. Krupskaya. Doshk. betrothal should guarantee the child the right to education (knowledge of the world around him, broadening his horizons, accumulating knowledge).

Preschool didactics In the 50s. A.P. Usova. Doshk. hoop. - the unity of educational, betrothal and upbringing work. By the 60s. methods of musical education (N.A. Metlov, N.A. Vetlugina), betrothal to the native language (O.I. Solovieva), development of basic movements (A.I. Bykova), fine arts (N.P. Sakulina), formation elementary mathematical representations (A.M. Leushina).

Preschool didactics At the present stage, psychological and pedagogical research appears: - age-related opportunities for mastering knowledge (A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov); - ways to implement the developing function of doshk. betrothal (L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov); -use information technologies(S.L. Novoselova, L.A. Paramonova, S.A. Kozlova, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.); - communication in the process of solving a learning problem (E.V. Subbotsky, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova).

Principles of betrothal The principle of nurturing betrothal. The arbitrariness of behavior is developed, mental processes; mastery of communication skills. The principle of developing betrothal requires the orientation of the educational process to the potential capabilities of the child (L.S. Vygotsky. ZBR). The principle of science. Assimilation by the child of real knowledge that correctly reflects reality.

Principles of betrothal The principle of accessibility. Rules according to Ya.A. Comenius: to move from studying what is close (the history of the native land) to what is far away (general history); move from the easy to the difficult, from the known to the unknown. The principle of betrothal at a high level of difficulty (L.V. Zankov). Learning comes with a lot of effort.

Principles of betrothal The principle of visibility. Overestimation of visibility can delay the development of verbal-logical thinking. The principle of systematic and consistent. Logical construction of the content and process of betrothal. The principle of understanding the process of betrothal (I.Ya. Lerner). The development of a reflective position in a child: how I found out that I did not know how I thought before, why I was wrong, what I want to know, etc.

Betrothal models Educational and disciplinary model - authoritarian style. The betrothal motto is "If you can't, we'll teach you, if you don't want to, we'll force you." Personally-oriented interaction between the teacher and the child. The purpose of betrothal is the development of intellectual, spiritual, physical abilities, interests, motives of the child.

Visual methods Observation is the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, to single out the essential, basic in them, to notice the main thing, to reflect on what has been seen, to express thoughts in a word. K.D. Ushinsky: "If the teaching has a claim to the development of the mind in children, it must exercise their ability to observe."

Requirements for observation The object of observation should be interesting for children; Observation in such conditions that allow to reveal its characteristic features; The teacher outlines the purpose of observation, determines the range of new knowledge; The acquired knowledge should be developed in the activities of children (retelling, drawing, modeling, art work, play); Accompany observation with the exact word: name objects, their signs, actions.

Demonstration (viewing) Demonstration of paintings, reproductions, filmstrips, slides, videos, etc. gives the child a visual image of familiar and unfamiliar objects. Pictures, schemes form static visual images. Technical means of betrothal are used to create dynamic visual images.

Exercise Repeated repetition by a child of mental or practical actions of a given content. Revealing hidden signs with the help of elementary experiments (turning water into steam, snow into water, experiments with sand and clay, with wax). Observation develops, the ability to compare, compare, make assumptions, draw conclusions.

Modeling A visual-practical method of betrothal. Model - a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object (room plan, geographical map, globe, etc.). Modeling is based on the substitution principle: a real object is replaced by another object, its image, a conventional sign (D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Venger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov). A pebble is a candy, sand is a porridge for a doll, a child is a dad, a driver, etc.

Modeling The purpose of models is to make it easier for the child to learn, to open access to hidden properties, qualities of things, their connections. Models of betrothal to the sound analysis of words (L.E. Zhurova), design (L.A. Paramonova), for the formation of natural history knowledge (N.I. Vetrova, E.F. Terentyeva), ideas about the work of adults (V.I. Loginova , N.M. Krylova) and others.

Game methods and techniques Cause increased interest, positive emotions, help to focus on the educational task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired, personal goal. Didactic games, imaginary situation in expanded form.

Didactic game 1 function - improvement and consolidation of knowledge. The child transforms, transforms them, learns to operate with them depending on the game situation. 2 function - the assimilation of new knowledge and skills of different content. (In the game "North, South, East, West," preschoolers learn to navigate with a compass, use route maps.)

An imaginary situation in expanded form Knowledge about plants - the game "Flower Shop"; Knowledge of the hometown - a game-journey; About arts and crafts - the game "Exhibition", "Souvenir Shop", "Journey to the Past". Guessing and guessing riddles, introducing elements of competition (in older groups), creating a game situation (“Let's show our toys to the bear”; “Let's teach Parsley to wash our hands”; “Let's help the bunny arrange the pictures”).

Teacher's story Knowledge of different content is conveyed in a figurative form: about current events, seasons, writers, composers, artists, hometown, etc. Interesting stories from teachers personal experience“My first teacher”, “How I learned to read”, “Games of my childhood”, “My favorite toy”, “My friends”, etc. Demonstration visual material(objects, their images).

Conversation is used in cases where children have some experience and knowledge about the objects and phenomena to which it is dedicated. It develops the ability to listen to each other, not to interrupt, to supplement, not to repeat what has already been said, to tactfully and kindly evaluate statements. It teaches to think logically, to speak out definitely, to draw conclusions, generalizations, educates children's feelings, forms an attitude to the events in question.

Types of conversations by content Ethical - education of moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, judgments, assessments. Topics: “About politeness”, “How to behave at home and on the street”, “About a friend and friendship”, “My beloved grandmother”, etc. Accompanying the conversation by reading a work of art, showing illustrative material, showing a film.

Conversations on didactic goals Introductory prepares children for upcoming activities, observation. The teacher reveals the experience of children, actualizes knowledge, which is the basis for the perception of new objects, phenomena, and arouses interest in activities. Generalizing is carried out with the aim of summarizing, clarifying, systematizing knowledge. Methods: the story of the teacher and children, reading poems, listening to music, commenting on visual material.

Reading fiction Fiction is a source of knowledge about the world around us, essential tool education of the child's feelings, development of thinking, imagination, memory. Requirements: compliance with the age and level of development of children, preparation for the perception of the work with a short conversation, setting an educational task, after reading a conversation that helps to understand the content of the work. Verbal techniques: questions to children, indication, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Individual form Correspondence of the tasks, content, methods and means of betrothal to the level of development of the child. Uneconomical. Great nervous costs, emotional discomfort of the child. Psychologically, a child is always closer to another child. He “takes information” from an adult, learns methods of action, and looks at his peers, as if in a mirror: what am I?

Individual form Necessary for frequently ill children with behavioral problems (restless, irritability, impulsive behavior, etc.), with pronounced abilities for one or another activity (drawing, singing, mathematics, etc.).

Excursion structure Preparatory stage. The theme, content, timing are outlined. Formulates questions, selects fragments from poems, proverbs and sayings. Techniques and means: communicating new information, updating the experience of children, using works of art to influence emotional sphere child.

Excursion structure During the excursion, observation is the leading method. Questions: focusing attention, requiring a statement of facts (what is it called, what parts, what qualities does it have, etc.); activating thinking (to establish connections, relationships); stimulating the activity of the imagination, encouraging creative thinking, conclusions, judgments.

Excursion structure Post-excursion work is aimed at expanding, clarifying, and systematizing knowledge. Receptions: registration of materials brought from the excursion (cones, acorns, stones, etc.), appeal to thin. works, work in the corner of the book (designing the albums “Our City”, “Our Park”, “Who Lives in the Forest”, etc.), in the corner of nature (making models, herbariums, etc.), organizing games, summarizing conversations.

slide 2

Preschool didactics

Ya.A. Comenius "Mother's School". The purpose of preschool education: the development of a variety of knowledge about the world, moral development and preparation for school. Preference - the organization of sensory knowledge. F. Froebel developed a system of education in preschools up to the verbal explanations of the teacher, the replies of the children, the poetic or song accompaniment of the actions performed.

slide 3

V.F. Odoevsky “ABC for use in orphanages”, “Science before science. Grandfather Iriney's book. The main task is to teach children to learn, to develop their mental abilities, without striving for an abundance of knowledge. Exercises for the development of skills to observe, compare, analyze, name objects and determine their purpose.

slide 4

K.D. Ushinsky "Native Word", "Children's World". The development of mental strength and speech of the child, the formation of the ability to control their mental processes and behavior. N.K. Krupskaya. Doshk. education should guarantee the child the right to education (knowledge of the world around him, broadening his horizons, accumulating knowledge).

slide 5

In the 50s. A.P. Usova. Doshk. training - the unity of educational, training and educational work. By the 60s. the methodology of musical education (N.A. Metlov, N.A. Vetlugina), teaching the native language (O.I. Solovieva), the development of basic movements (A.I. Bykova), visual activity (N.P. Sakulina), the formation elementary mathematical representations (A.M. Leushina).

slide 6

At the present stage, psychological and pedagogical studies appear: age-related opportunities for mastering knowledge (A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov); ways to implement the developmental function of doshk. training (L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov); the use of information technologies (S.L. Novoselova, L.A. Paramonova, S.A. Kozlova, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.); communication in the process of solving a learning problem (E.V. Subbotsky, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova).

Slide 7

Learning process

Specially organized interconnected activities of those who teach (teaching) and those who are taught (teaching).

Slide 8

Learning principles

Objective regularities, initial provisions that guide the teacher in the selection of content, determining the forms of organization, methods and means of teaching.

Slide 9

The principle of nurturing education. The arbitrariness of behavior, mental processes is developed; mastery of communication skills. The principle of developmental education requires the orientation of the educational process to the potential capabilities of the child (L.S. Vygotsky. ZBR). The principle of science. Assimilation by the child of real knowledge that correctly reflects reality.

Slide 10

The principle of accessibility. Rules according to Ya.A. Comenius: to move from studying what is close (the history of the native land) to what is far away (general history); move from the easy to the difficult, from the known to the unknown. The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty (L.V. Zankov). Learning comes with a lot of effort.

slide 11

The principle of visibility. Overestimation of visibility can delay the development of verbal-logical thinking. The principle of systematic and consistent. Logical construction of the content and learning process. The principle of awareness of the learning process (I.Ya. Lerner). The development of a reflective position in a child: how I found out that I did not know how I thought before, why I was wrong, what I want to know, etc.

slide 12

Learning Models

The educational and disciplinary model is an authoritarian style. The motto of training is "If you can't - we'll teach you, if you don't want to - we'll force you." Personally-oriented interaction between the teacher and the child. The purpose of education is the development of intellectual, spiritual, physical abilities, interests, motives of the child.

slide 13

Visual Methods

Observation is the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, to single out the essential, basic in them, to notice the main thing, to reflect on what has been seen, to express thoughts in a word. K.D. Ushinsky: "If the teaching has a claim to the development of the mind in children, it must exercise their ability to observe."

Slide 14

Observation Requirements

The object of observation should be interesting for children; Observation in such conditions that allow to reveal its characteristic features; The teacher outlines the purpose of observation, determines the range of new knowledge; The acquired knowledge should be developed in the activities of children (retelling, drawing, modeling, art work, play); Accompany observation with the exact word: name objects, their signs, actions.

slide 15

Demonstration (review)

Demonstration of paintings, reproductions, filmstrips, slides, videos, etc. gives the child a visual image of familiar and unfamiliar objects. Pictures, schemes form static visual images. Technical teaching aids are used to create dynamic visual images.

slide 16

Practical Methods

Exercise Experiences and experimentation. Modeling.

Slide 17

The exercise

Repeated repetition by the child of mental or practical actions of a given content. Revealing hidden signs with the help of elementary experiments (turning water into steam, snow into water, experiments with sand and clay, with wax). Observation develops, the ability to compare, compare, make assumptions, draw conclusions.

Slide 18


Visual-practical method of teaching. Model - a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object (room plan, geographical map, globe, etc.). Modeling is based on the substitution principle: a real object is replaced by another object, its image, a conventional sign (D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Venger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov). A pebble is a candy, sand is a porridge for a doll, a child is a dad, a driver, etc.

Slide 19

The purpose of models is to facilitate the child's knowledge, to open access to hidden properties, qualities of things, their connections. Models of teaching sound analysis of words (L.E. Zhurova), designing (L.A. Paramonova), for the formation of natural history knowledge (N.I. Vetrova, E.F. Terentyeva), ideas about the work of adults (V.I. Loginova , N.M. Krylova) and others.

Slide 20

Conditions for using the simulation

Formation in preschoolers of the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, abstract from non-essential features in the knowledge of the subject.

slide 21

Game methods and techniques

They cause increased interest, positive emotions, help to focus on the educational task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired, personal goal. Didactic games, imaginary situation in expanded form.

slide 22

Didactic game

1 function - improvement and consolidation of knowledge. The child transforms, transforms them, learns to operate with them depending on the game situation. 2 function - the assimilation of new knowledge and skills of different content. (In the game "North, South, East, West," preschoolers learn to navigate with a compass, use route maps.)

slide 23

Imaginary situation in expanded form

Knowledge about plants - the game "Flower Shop"; Knowledge of the hometown - a game-journey; About arts and crafts - the game "Exhibition", "Souvenir Shop", "Journey to the Past". Guessing and guessing riddles, introducing elements of competition (in older groups), creating a game situation (“Let's show our toys to the bear”; “Let's teach Parsley to wash our hands”; “Let's help the bunny arrange the pictures”).

slide 24

verbal methods

They allow you to transfer information, set a learning task, indicate ways to solve it: Teacher's story Conversation Introductory and summarizing conversations Reading fiction

Slide 25

Teacher's story

Knowledge of various content is conveyed in a figurative form: about current events, about the seasons, about writers, composers, artists, about the native city, etc. The stories of the teacher from personal experience “My first teacher”, “How I learned to read”, “Games of my childhood”, “My favorite toy”, “My friends”, etc. are interesting. Demonstration of visual material (objects, their images).

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It is used in cases where children have some experience and knowledge about the objects and phenomena to which it is dedicated. It develops the ability to listen to each other, not to interrupt, to supplement, not to repeat what has already been said, to tactfully and kindly evaluate statements. It teaches to think logically, to speak out definitely, to draw conclusions, generalizations, educates children's feelings, forms an attitude to the events in question.

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Types of conversations by content

Ethical - education of moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, judgments, assessments. Topics: “About politeness”, “How to behave at home and on the street”, “About a friend and friendship”, “My beloved grandmother”, etc. Accompanying the conversation by reading a work of art, showing illustrative material, showing a film.

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Cognitive conversation is determined by the curriculum and is connected with the content of children's lives, the events of current life, with the surrounding nature and the work of adults.

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Conversations for didactic purposes

Introductory prepares children for upcoming activities, observation. The teacher reveals the experience of children, actualizes knowledge, which is the basis for the perception of new objects, phenomena, and arouses interest in activities. Generalizing is carried out with the aim of summarizing, clarifying, systematizing knowledge. Methods: the story of the teacher and children, reading poems, listening to music, commenting on visual material.

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Reading fiction

Fiction is a source of knowledge about the world around us, the most important means of educating a child's feelings, developing thinking, imagination, and memory. Requirements: compliance with the age and level of development of children, preparing the perception of the work with a short conversation, setting an educational task, after reading a conversation that helps to understand the content of the work. Verbal techniques: questions to children, indication, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

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Types of questions (A.I. Sorokina)

Requiring a simple statement of facts known to the child (who?, what?, what?, where?, when?). Encouraging children to mental activity, to the formulation of conclusions, conclusions (why?, why?, why?, for what purpose?).

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Forms of organization of training

Individual Group (with a subgroup) Frontal (with the whole group)

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Individual shape

Correspondence of tasks, content, methods and means of education to the level of development of the child. Uneconomical. Great nervous costs, emotional discomfort of the child. Psychologically, a child is always closer to another child. He “takes information” from an adult, learns methods of action, and looks at his peers, as if in a mirror: what am I?

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Necessary for frequently ill children with behavioral problems (restless, irritability, impulsive behavior, etc.), with pronounced abilities for a particular activity (drawing, singing, mathematics, etc.).

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Group form of education

The basis for the subgroup is the personal sympathy of children, the commonality of their interests, but not the coincidence in the levels of development. Subgroups must sit autonomously. The theme of the lesson is common to all.

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Front lessons

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    Excursion structure

    Preparatory stage. The theme, content, timing are outlined. Formulates questions, selects fragments from poems, proverbs and sayings. Techniques and means: communication of new information, updating the experience of children, the use of works of art in order to influence the emotional sphere of the child.

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    During the tour, the leading method is observation. Questions: focusing attention, requiring a statement of facts (what is it called, what parts, what qualities does it have, etc.); activating thinking (to establish connections, relationships); stimulating the activity of the imagination, encouraging creative thinking, conclusions, judgments.

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    Post-excursion work is aimed at expanding, clarifying, systematizing knowledge. Receptions: registration of materials brought from the excursion (cones, acorns, stones, etc.), appeal to thin. works, work in the corner of the book (designing the albums “Our City”, “Our Park”, “Who Lives in the Forest”, etc.), in the corner of nature (making models, herbariums, etc.), organizing games, summarizing conversations.

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