How is advertising different from PR and marketing? Advertising, PR and proper marketing - what's the difference? The difference between marketing and advertising

A commercial project is always aimed at making a profit. However, in business, by accident or by malicious intent, the most important concepts can be substituted, thanks to which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of work. The problem of differentiating marketing and advertising is very important for anyone commercial enterprise... How to implement a project at a high level if the management does not understand the difference between the two categories? It is worth noting that the concept of marketing is broader, and it includes advertising, as well as other ways of selling a product.


Marketing Is a purposeful activity to promote goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. First of all, the product is studied (it can be a product or service), then its ideal price is determined, after which places for sale are outlined. Marketing is also called a complex of means for the sale of goods (an ideal place for sale and display, branding, creation of a PR-image).

Advertising- the concept is narrower, since it is included in the complex of means for the promotion of goods. Advertisers pursue various goals: informing the consumer, increasing sales, creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of society. There are many types of advertising: by location (indoor, outdoor), by the way information is transmitted (radio, television, Internet), by purpose (informing, selling). You can advertise anything you want: from diapers to political views on what is happening in the country.


Thus, concepts primarily differ in scale. Advertising is component marketing, that is, a scheme for promoting a product. Certainly an important component, but far from the only one. Marketing is a puff pastry, and advertising is just the cream that is used to cover a culinary product. Without it, the potential consumer will not pay any attention to the product.

At the same time, the commercial component is also important. Marketing is always about making a profit, while advertising can be social or political. If we are talking about the integrated promotion of the product, then the 2 concepts will be interconnected. Marketing is a strategy for building sales, advertising is a tactical action that can be another maneuver or the final battle for the market.

Conclusions site

  1. Scale. Advertising is an integral part of marketing, one of its most important links. It is through the "engine of commerce" that marketers increase sales and reach new markets.
  2. Commerce. If marketing is always a profitable enterprise, then advertising can be political, social, that is, unrelated to making money.
  3. Technologies. Marketing is a system where the number of elements is stable (product - price - place of sale - promotion methods). Advertising uses both traditional methods and innovations (for example, news occasion, viral dissemination of information).
  4. Self-sufficiency. Advertising can exist in isolation from marketing (social or political action). Efficiency is assessed by increasing the rating, drawing attention to the problem. Advertising is an integral and most important part of marketing, and without it, it cannot function.

If you think marketing and advertising are one and the same thing, you have nothing to do in business. Without knowing the basic terms, you will not be able to understand what the experts are telling you, how they work and what they charge money for. Misunderstandings will make it difficult to promote products and services on the market and, accordingly, negatively affect the success of your business.

In today's article, I propose to dot the i's - to figure out how marketing differs from advertising and whether they have something in common. In addition to theory, we will also consider the area of ​​practice - we will determine what is the responsibility of an advertising specialist and what marketers do.

The difference between marketing and advertising today

Digital specialists - copywriters, marketers, PR specialists and seo-specialists - they know the terminology. A mini-survey conducted in a thematic group only confirms this:

Four people who do not see the difference between marketing and advertising, most likely, have recently changed their profession and have not yet fully understood the intricacies of the field of activity.

There are few ignorant entrepreneurs. People who run a business on a whim are going broke within 2-3 years from the start of the company. The rest have to constantly engage in self-development and delve into the intricacies of the chosen field of activity.

Business owner's comment on the difference between marketing and sales promotion.

To get a feel for the difference between marketing and advertising, let's go over the definitions of these terms. Marketing has hundreds of them. Here are some of the most memorable ones.

American marketer Jack Trout compared marketing to a movie in which the main character is the product. A less romantic definition of marketing came from Mark Burgess, Managing Partner of Blue Focus Marketing, calling it profitable converting customer needs into income.

Companies that are purely looking for profit, regardless of the needs of their customers, cause negativity.

The most accurate, in my opinion, definition of modern marketing was given by Renee Blodgett, founder and CEO of Magic Sauce Media. She calls marketing a continuous communication with potential buyers. In the course of this interaction, the company educates and informs consumers, building strong relationships of trust. Customers become fans of the brand because they get exactly what they want most.

Perhaps the most striking manifestation of love for the brand.

The main goal of marketing is to make the product or service sell itself. It can be achieved through research, analysis and assessment of the needs of potential buyers, the state and development of the market.

What is Advertising

"Advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the advertised object, generating or maintaining interest in it and its promotion on the market."

In other words, advertising can be called one of the marketing tools that helps to drive sales. It is incorrect to compare or contrast these two concepts.It's the same as asking: "What is better - a body or an arm?"

Comparison of advertising and marketing

It is better to learn new things using simple and understandable examples. Let's take a look at what marketers and advertisers are doing to differentiate marketing from advertising.

A marketer is a specialist who helps companies to promote the company's goods and services on the market and increase profits. Most of the time, this person is engaged in research - the market, competitors, assortment, needs and desires of potential buyers. Based on the data obtained, the marketer puts forward hypotheses that should positively affect the brand and increase sales. All assumptions must be checked in practice.

In large companies, several specialists are involved in marketing. Among them are analysts, brand managers and marketing communications specialists.

Marketers promote products and services both offline and online. Specialists who operate on the web are called internet marketers. The goals and objectives are the same, but the tools are different. For example, to assess the attitude of customers to a brand, a marketer can survey consumers at points of sale, and an Internet marketer for the same purpose will create polls in public pages or send letters with questionnaires via email. Some of the day-to-day work is outsourced to other employees, such as PR people, managers, or advertising professionals.

Ideally, an advertising specialist only deals with advertising. He helps companies to stimulate sales, so all questions about spending the advertising budget and the number of sales are addressed to him. Under the guidance of this specialist, designers and copywriters create creatives that will be shown to potential buyers.

Specialists who are engaged in online advertising often do everything themselves - write ad texts, create graphics for banners, launch campaigns and account for their results.

Usually an advertising specialist is subordinate to a marketer, because for implementation marketing strategy it is he who is responsible for the company. The marketer determines through which channels it is better to advertise the goods and services of the organization, what budget it is advisable to allocate for promotion and what results should be guided by.

Many people don't see much of a difference between marketing and advertising. But it still exists. These concepts differ from each other, and it is necessary to know this for people who are somehow connected with the world of business. Marketing includes all activities associated with trade, from the acquisition of raw materials to the release of goods on the market and sale. Marketing principles are important at all stages of product development and promotion. Also, the purpose of marketing is to analyze demand and forecast profits and costs. Advertising is part of the marketing activity. In other words, it is a marketing subsection. Advertising- This is the creation of campaigns to promote goods using the media, presenting the product on the market to maximize profits.
When talking about the difference between marketing and advertising, you need to understand their main difference. Marketing is responsible for good quality services or goods that the consumer receives. On the other hand, we need advertising in order to announce the company and the proposed product. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, letters, banners, on the Internet and all others. possible ways reach out to the target audience.
Marketing is also different from selling a product. Realization or marketing is simply the exchange of goods for money. On the other hand, marketing is needed so that the consumer is completely satisfied with the purchased product or service received and wants to contact the company again. Marketing helps a company to create an image in the market, since advertising alone cannot fully provide this. Branding (promotion brand) Is the creation of an attractive product from an existing product.
Marketing Is a more long-term process than advertising. If the product is not ready yet, then there is nothing to advertise. The marketing process starts with creating a business idea. Consequently, advertising can be called one of the last stages in the marketing process. In principle, marketing can last as long as the company lives and works, because it is a continuous cycle of actions, thanks to which the sales and profits of the business not only do not fall, but also grows. Marketers analyze sales, business mistakes, forecast profits and keep the company alive. Advertising, however, may be unnecessary or necessary in the life cycle of the company. Some companies advertise themselves only at the start of the business, others when difficulties arise, and still others never stop advertising. To reach the stage where advertising is not needed at all, you need to work hard and invest money and effort. However, the most famous brands do not neglect advertising.
Advertising helps to establish a connection between the company and the customers. It creates an image of the product in the minds of consumers, explaining to them the merits of the product and its advantages over others. Marketing is equally and sometimes even more important to the success of a business.

Everyone should practice

by their own business

- Recently, I have been studying the labor market in several directions at once, this allows me to always keep my nose to the wind. I looked through more than a dozen vacancies on, even took part in several interviews. On the face of a complete lack of understanding of the specifics of marketing, advertising and PR among most of today's employers.

- Most often, a candidate is required who must be able to do absolutely everything. I am not even talking about the fact that many do not see the difference between marketing and advertising. Does this affect the quality of staff recruitment and the criteria for evaluating the results of his work? Undoubtedly!

- So, I propose to figure out what each specialist should do.

PR manager

- PR is, first of all, creating a company's reputation, managing public opinion regarding its products and services.

- For some reason, it is customary to think that a PR specialist should deal exclusively with contacts with the media and organizing events. The more mentions in the press (preferably free), the better. The more industry exhibitions and events you manage to spot, the better. In fact, this is absolutely not the case. With this approach, there is a substitution of goals and tools, a confusion between soft and warm.

- The PR manager is obliged to develop and implement a clear mechanism for obtaining reliable feedback from consumers. He must understand who influences the company's reputation (sellers, service department, customer support, location of points of sale and service, packaging, media coverage of the company's activities, hostile activity of competitors, discussions in in social networks and the like), and manage these processes.

- Yes, a PR specialist must have really big powers in order to react promptly to events. For example, one day it took me a lot of effort to get a client through the idea that they should monitor the processing of incoming calls by their sales department. So that everything is recorded and analyzed automatically, so that it becomes absolutely transparent how this or that manager achieves his performance. Needless to say, it was the sales department that resisted this innovation the most?

- Summing up, I will formulate it again: a PR manager must be able to see what is the source of negative attitudes towards the company, and what, on the contrary, is positive. At the same time, not only reputation among consumers is important, but also the most friendly attitude of competitors and government agencies. Any negative should be immediately stopped and eliminated, and any positive assessment should be scaled up.

Marketing Manager

- A marketer is someone who is responsible for a company's position in the market. His main specialization is competition. He must understand what exactly ensures the retention of the existing market share, and make every effort to increase it.

- If we draw an analogy with military operations, then a PR specialist is diplomacy and special services in one person, and a marketer is a strategist and commander-in-chief.

- The marketer is simply obliged to be able to engage in competitive intelligence. For example, when I consulted one of my clients cruise center "Vodokhod", I had to figure out how other market participants work: how they respond to incoming requests (by phone and via the website), on what principle the cruise program is selected, how the sales process itself takes place and handling objections. I spent four days on calls (recording and processing conversations), trips to sales offices, site audits. But thanks to this, I have formed the correct picture of what is happening in their market. The strong and weaknesses each player.

- It is a big misconception that a marketing manager should be engaged in creativity and brand building, sucking out cool cases that are usually admired at This is dangerous nonsense. Brand building is a headache for the brand manager of a company, and even more so for its management.

- A marketer is, first of all, an analyst. He is studying target audience, he tests different approaches to it. In addition, he must know how many customers a particular advertising channel brings, and at what price. At the same time, it is completely unnecessary to understand the nuances and subtleties of each of them. The main thing is to correctly interpret the results in order to fulfill its main task: to generate a stream of high-quality incoming requests for the sales department. At the same time, a really good marketer builds a system, and a mediocre one is constantly engaged in manual management.

- An advertising manager is the working hands of a marketer. It is needed in cases where paid placements are required. A good advertiser always studies the market, because it is he who interacts with contractors (outdoor, printed editions, seo, context, media, website development, etc.). The market of performers must be known without fail, and preferably even before the moment when you need to order certain services. Otherwise, there is a high probability of choosing the wrong people and subsequently even losing their jobs.

- Now I will tell you how an acquaintance of mine works. I think he is doing absolutely the right thing. When he needs contextual advertising, he selects key queries himself, writes ad texts for each (!) search phrase, develops landing pages (he writes texts himself, because he can, and gives the layout to a freelancer), chooses a strategy for displaying advertisements and a budget, and then contacts agency. But only for placement!

Because the agency has a number of technical capabilities (for example, automatic control rates and holding a specific position in a special placement), it turns out to be profitable. They have a large budget for the context, so it is also profitable for the agency to work with them, even without a commission, because handmade in this case it is absent.


I understand that all of the above is rarely found in practice. But, you must admit, it is not so difficult to organize if you make an effort.