Birthday script for a 13-year-old girl at home. Girl's birthday script. Scene for a children's party: "A circus has come to us!"

Visitors who come are warned in advance by the Invitations that their clothes should contain an element of the Spy masquerade - black hats, glasses, etc. - the imagination at this age is rich, they are engaged in thinking out costumes with pleasure. Invitations should be interesting, for example, So-and-so is summoned to an Emergency and Extremely Secret gathering of spies, which will take place then and there, information should be kept in strict confidence, and so on ...

At this moment, the guests need to be fed. No cake - I usually make different canapes, tartlets, sandwiches, pizza, lots of drinks and fruits. It's great if the table and the whole room are also thematically decorated - balls with painted faces of spies - wearing glasses, for example, made of black paper.

It is better not to interfere with the teams (spy groups), but put each team together - for example, put napkins under the plates in the color of the group. You can also lay out pieces of paper with assignments under the plates - "The owner of this note must pretend that he is a tree (a baby, an old man, a dog, etc.)." Since you are spies, you must have the gift of reincarnation. This will cheer up the children and brighten up the time at the table.

When the first famine is knocked down - a toast contest. The spy team must understand each other perfectly. Each group is invited to say a collective toast, the first starts - stops at the most interesting place, mid-sentence, the neighbor continues, and so on - the last in the team ends with congratulations. The best toast is given a point - for example, a badge with 1 point, printed on colored paper and cut out (you need to have a little more than contests in case of a draw).

Now that everyone has had a snack, you can start the contests. A spy must get out of any situation, even in a tied state, especially when he has a secret report. Each group is given a large sealed envelope with a note inside, folded in half. The group should select two people who, with their hands tied behind their backs, should tear open the envelope, unfold the message, give it to their group, and they should read and quickly execute. There it will be said that a visual test will now take place, the group should select one person who should run to the kitchen (to the bathroom, etc.) and there, under a saucepan on the table (a towel in the sink, etc.), take a bag with the things necessary for the competition. The main thing is that for each team there are different places at an equal distance from the competition venue. The first group that got the package wins - receives a token.

The package contains sheets of paper marked which team they belong to, half the number of people in the group and the same number of markers. Each group is divided into two equal parts, one part of them leaves the room, the other remains, on one upper third, each draws the head of a boy or a girl - to choose from, for clarity, next to it signs the name of the drawn person, folds the sheet so that only the neck remains visible ( not hair!). Now these halves of the team are leaving, others are coming. They are allowed to finish the rest of the body - just like a boy or a girl and sign the gender (m or f). Now teams are invited, the presenter says that the figures show people and spies - they are easy to distinguish, since the spies are disguised - and shows the pictures. The team with the most spies wins - that is, with drawings where the head is of one gender and the body is of the other. This group receives a token.

Spies do not always have the ability to talk. They must have the ability to explain without words. Spy pantomime competition. From each group, in turn, one person is allocated. He is put on a bandage over his mouth (for effect), it is strictly forbidden to speak, and he is allowed to draw a note from the envelope with a secret meeting place. He must explain with facial expressions in 3 minutes, a school, a maternity hospital, a toilet, a bathhouse, a museum, Kindergarten, prison, insane asylum, etc. The team that guesses the place of appearance the most times gets a token.

Spies working on the same team need to be able to read each other's minds.
Mind reading competition. From each team, two people are called in turn. They pull from the secret envelope one questionnaire with three possible answers and circle the one that is closer to them. The presenter picks them up and asks one question of the questionnaire to another. For example, the question: “If you could turn into an animal, what kind? Into a pig, into a mosquito, into a six-legged five-wing? " The second participant is asked: "What kind of animal do you think he would like to turn into - a pig, a mosquito or a six-legged five-wing?" And vice versa - for the second participant the question of the first. The group with the highest match wins. It would be nice if the questions were as funny as possible. “If you were born a girl, what hair color would you like to have? Green? Orange and red? A bald girl? " “If you were born a boy, what would you like to be called? Pantelemon? Frol? Alexandrite Dunovezhsky? "

The head of the Spy School has a birthday today too !!! He needs to write congratulatory telegram... We beat off the telegram. Groups are given a blank - a text with missing adjectives. It must be filled in by entering the most flattering words (adjectives) - the chef loves flattery! The text is something like this: “…… .. and ……. Our CHEF !!! Congratulations on ... .. ... Happy Birthday! We wish you to be ………, always …… .. so that only …… .. guests come to you today! We wish you a lot of ………. gifts, ………… have fun, dance only ………. dancing and singing only …………… songs! And you for us always remain the most ……………. and ……………..!!! Respectfully yours ………………. group spies (name). " After the teams have finished the telegram, it is proposed to encrypt it. To do this, in the same sheet, with dashes instead of adjectives, you need to enter words that are antonyms of those already written. The presenter picks up the telegrams, leaves and soon returns - write on the telegrams with a sweeping red felt-tip pen!
sano - "RETURN TO SENDER" The presenter says that there was a terrible mistake, the secretary did not decode our telegrams and so she handed them to the chef's table. The chief is furious! The telegrams are read out to the teams. There is a laugh. The telegram that angered the chief the most gets a token.

Now the drawing "Pharaoh" is being held, which is first played out by the host as a competition of courage. We will now determine which group is the bravest! And for this we will visit the tomb of the pharaoh, where it is dark and scary ... In the other room, everything is ready in advance - the person participating in the rally is lying on the bed, his arms folded on his chest and his legs stretched out, in his head he has a saucepan with warm pasta in oil (for sliding) ... It would be nice to have another tape recorder with mournful music, in extreme cases, you can Pharaoh, and then remaining after the rally in the "tomb of the Pharaoh" make the sound with a closed mouth "MMMMMmmmmm ...", which is no less creepy. The leader takes one person from the group - in turn, blindfolds him and takes him to the second room. He says - there is a pyramid, an ancient tomb of the old deceased pharaoh…. And here is the Pharaoh himself, he lies in his tomb ... The presenter takes the frightened hand and touches it to different parts of the pharaoh's body. Here is Pharaoh's foot…. But the ankles of the Pharaoh ... But the knees of the Pharaoh ...!
And here is the stomach of Pharaoh ... and here are the folded hands of Pharaoh ... and here is the face of Pharaoh ... And here are the BRAINS OF PHARAOH! With these words, the presenter quickly lowers the hand of the frightened person into the saucepan with pasta. The effect is amazing !!! Almost everyone yells. The rest are having a lot of fun. Tokens are given to both groups.

The film studio asked us to write a script from the life of a special agent. The teams are given a piece of paper and a pen to write the script. One person at a time comes to the table and writes one phrase at a time, answering the question of the moderator. For example: "Who is the hero of the film?" "Where did he live?" "What did he get from the secret place?" "Where did he put this for himself?" "Where did he go after?" "Why did he go there?" "What was he doing there?" "Who did you meet there?" "What question did the hero ask him?" "What did he say to him?" "What did he do for the hero?" "What did he give the hero?" "What did the hero do with the gift?" "Where has the main character returned?" "Why did he come back there?" "How did the film end?" The presenters take the sheets, unfold them, and in general fun the scripts are read. The best is taken to the shooting of the film and awarded with a badge.

Imagine that you need to meet with an agent, you have agreed that he will recognize you as a pregnant woman picking flowers. We transform into pregnant women. Three people stand out from the group, they attach a balloon with tape around the waist to the stomach. Daisies cut out of colored paper are scattered on the floor. You need to collect them for speed, the winning group that has collected the most flowers is awarded a token.

Now there is one more joke contest "Go to the Zoo". The teams are told that each animal will be told its own name in the ear. Each team will have one animal the same - that is, each team will have one ostrich, one hippopotamus, one giraffe, etc. The host will call the animals, when you hear yours, you need to QUICKLY sit on the floor, faster than a player with the same animal from the other team. In fact, you ask each team one hare, one wolf, and ALL the rest - the word "crocodile". It looks awfully funny. The host says: "Squirrel!" All are standing. “No squirrel ... Badger! ... No badger .... Now we are ready…. Hare!" Two people fall to the floor. It is remembered who fell first. "Now, yeah ... .. The wolf!" Two people again. "Next ... .. Elephant! .... No elephants? ...... Lynx! ...... No lynx? ...." Everyone is in suspense, ready to fall. "... Eeee, nakonee ... ... attention ... ..CROCODILE !!!" All but four fall. First, confusion, then, as understanding, laughter. The token is given n!
about the results of the hare and the wolf.

The host says that the Spy Rally was very successful, both groups of special agents showed themselves just brilliantly, but according to the results of the tests, such and such a group received the most tokens. She receives the Main Special Assignment of the Evening. The group is presented with an envelope. There is a note in the envelope, which says that the group needs to select two responsible and neat spies, they have to go there (for example, to the bedroom, open the closet) and bring what will amaze you there (there is a cake hidden in the closet). Another two brave spies should be selected from the group, who need to go there (to the kitchen, to the refrigerator) and bring something that clearly does not belong there (candles for the cake). The same with matches (for example, what is in the bathroom with toothbrushes, but is an unnecessary item) and so on - saucers, napkins, spoons, a knife - if the size of the team allows. When everything is assembled, the winning group is trusted to stick candles in the cake and light them.

After that, you can arrange a disco, turn on the garlands and turn off the light, or you can 9 after or instead, if the spies still have moral strength) to conduct comic entertainment Questions-Answers. The presenter gives one person a piece of paper with a question to pull from an envelope, and another with an answer. The player asks the second player a question and gets an answer. It's always funny, funny. And so on, one at a time, until the envelopes are empty.
For instance:

Tell me are you always so cocky?
Tell me, do you love me?
Tell me, do you cheat in class?
Tell me, do you erase deuces in your diary?
Do you like to make gifts?
Do you often fall out of bed in your sleep?
When they don't see you, do you pick your nose?
Do you sing in the toilet?
Do you steal raspberries from your neighbors at your dacha?
Do you like to overeat cakes at night?
Is it true you only eat pickles on Mondays?
Is it true that you want to change your hair color to purple?
Is it true that your idol is a physical education teacher?
Is it true that you only sleep in pink pajamas with elephants?
Is it true that you swim with rubber ducks?

I can't imagine my life without it.
No, I'm a very shy person.
I find it difficult to answer the truth, because I do not want to ruin my reputation.
Only after I get a deuce.
Of course, instead of doing homework.
When I skip math.
My redness is the most striking answer to this question.
Yes, for hours, especially in the dark.
Well, you must! How did you guess ?!
Very rare, but it happens.
In principle, no, but as an exception, yes.
I have a tendency to do this since childhood.
If parents do not see.
On Saturdays this is a must for me.
This has long been my greatest desire.
My modesty does not allow me to answer this question. Birthday script for 10-13 years old from Marina Yaroslavtseva - Gathering of Spies

Visitors who come are warned in advance by the Invitations that their clothes should contain an element of the Spy masquerade - black hats, glasses, etc. - the imagination at this age is rich, they are engaged in thinking out costumes with pleasure. Invitations should be interesting, for example, So-and-so is summoned to an Emergency and Extremely Secret gathering of spies, which will take place then and there, information should be kept in strict confidence, and so on ...

In the invitations, in addition to the conditions of clothing, there is also a Tear-off Pass for the Birthday, which the birthday person takes at the entrance and, in exchange, offers to choose one of the badges that lie right there, face down. On them is printed “spy of the highest (first, second, extra, etc.) category …………………… (empty space for the name) codename Agent 001 (Black Cloak, indestructible, Sly Dog, etc.)”. The guest enters his name there and pins the badge to the clothes. You can also make comic photos of animals or stars with a black rectangle in front of your eyes.

At this moment, the guests need to be fed. No cake - I usually make different canapes, tartlets, sandwiches, pizza, lots of drinks and fruits. It's great if the table and the whole room are also thematically decorated - balls with painted faces of spies - wearing glasses, for example, made of black paper.

It is better not to interfere with the teams (spy groups), but put each team together - for example, put napkins under the plates in the color of the group. You can also lay out pieces of paper with assignments under the plates - "The owner of this note must pretend that he is a tree (a baby, an old man, a dog, etc.)." Since you are spies, you must have the gift of reincarnation. This will cheer up the children and brighten up the time at the table.

When the first famine is knocked down - a toast contest. The spy team must understand each other perfectly. Each group is invited to say a collective toast, the first starts - stops at the most interesting place, mid-sentence, the neighbor continues, and so on - the last in the team ends with congratulations. The best toast is given a point - for example, a badge with 1 point, printed on colored paper and cut out (you need to have a little more than contests in case of a draw).

Now that everyone has had a snack, you can start the contests. A spy must get out of any situation, even in a tied state, especially when he has a secret report. Each group is given a large sealed envelope with a note inside, folded in half. The group should select two people who, with their hands tied behind their backs, should tear open the envelope, unfold the message, give it to their group, and they should read and quickly execute. There it will be said that a visual test will now take place, the group should select one person who should run to the kitchen (to the bathroom, etc.) and there, under a saucepan on the table (a towel in the sink, etc.), take a bag with the things necessary for the competition. The main thing is that for each team there are different places at an equal distance from the competition venue. The first group that got the package wins - receives a token.

The package contains sheets of paper marked which team they belong to, half the number of people in the group and the same number of markers. Each group is divided into two equal parts, one part of them leaves the room, the other remains, on one upper third, each draws the head of a boy or a girl - to choose from, for clarity, next to it signs the name of the drawn person, folds the sheet so that only the neck remains visible ( not hair!). Now these halves of the team are leaving, others are coming. They are allowed to finish the rest of the body - just like a boy or a girl and sign the gender (m or f). Now teams are invited, the presenter says that the figures show people and spies - they are easy to distinguish, since the spies are disguised - and shows the pictures. The team with the most spies wins - that is, with drawings where the head is of one gender and the body is of the other. This group receives a token.

Spies do not always have the ability to talk. They must have the ability to explain without words. Spy pantomime competition. From each group, in turn, one person is allocated. He is put on a bandage over his mouth (for effect), it is strictly forbidden to speak, and he is allowed to draw a note from the envelope with a secret meeting place. He has to explain with facial expressions in 3 minutes, a school, a maternity hospital, a toilet, a bathhouse, a museum, a kindergarten, a prison, an insane asylum, etc. The team that guesses the place of appearance the most times gets a token.

Spies working on the same team need to be able to read each other's minds.
Mind reading competition. From each team, two people are called in turn. They pull from the secret envelope one questionnaire with three possible answers and circle the one that is closer to them. The presenter picks them up and asks one question of the questionnaire to another. For example, the question: “If you could turn into an animal, what kind? Into a pig, into a mosquito, into a six-legged five-wing? " The second participant is asked: "What kind of animal do you think he would like to turn into - a pig, a mosquito or a six-legged five-wing?" And vice versa - for the second participant the question of the first. The group with the highest match wins. It would be nice if the questions were as funny as possible. “If you were born a girl, what hair color would you like to have? Green? Orange and red? A bald girl? " “If you were born a boy, what would you like to be called? Pantelemon? Frol? Alexandrite Dunovezhsky? "

The head of the Spy School has a birthday today too !!! He needs to write a congratulatory telegram. We beat off the telegram. Groups are given a blank - a text with missing adjectives. It must be filled in by entering the most flattering words (adjectives) - the chef loves flattery! The text is something like this: “…… .. and ……. Our CHEF !!! Congratulations on ... .. ... Happy Birthday! We wish you to be ………, always …… .. so that only …… .. guests come to you today! We wish you a lot of ………. gifts, ………… have fun, dance only ………. dancing and singing only …………… songs! And you for us always remain the most ……………. and ……………..!!! Respectfully yours ………………. group spies (name). " After the teams have finished the telegram, it is proposed to encrypt it. To do this, in the same sheet, with dashes instead of adjectives, you need to enter words that are antonyms of those already written. The presenter picks up the telegrams, leaves and soon returns - write on the telegrams with a sweeping red felt-tip pen!
sano - "RETURN TO SENDER" The presenter says that there was a terrible mistake, the secretary did not decode our telegrams and so she handed them to the chef's table. The chief is furious! The telegrams are read out to the teams. There is a laugh. The telegram that angered the chief the most gets a token.

Now the drawing "Pharaoh" is being held, which is first played out by the host as a competition of courage. We will now determine which group is the bravest! And for this we will visit the tomb of the pharaoh, where it is dark and scary ... In the other room, everything is ready in advance - the person participating in the rally is lying on the bed, his arms folded on his chest and his legs stretched out, in his head he has a saucepan with warm pasta in oil (for sliding) ... It would be nice to have another tape recorder with mournful music, in extreme cases, you can Pharaoh, and then remaining after the rally in the "tomb of the Pharaoh" make the sound with a closed mouth "MMMMMmmmmm ...", which is no less creepy. The leader takes one person from the group - in turn, blindfolds him and takes him to the second room. He says - there is a pyramid, an ancient tomb of the old deceased pharaoh…. And here is the Pharaoh himself, he lies in his tomb ... The presenter takes the frightened hand and touches it to different parts of the pharaoh's body. Here is Pharaoh's foot…. But the ankles of the Pharaoh ... But the knees of the Pharaoh ...!
And here is the stomach of Pharaoh ... and here are the folded hands of Pharaoh ... and here is the face of Pharaoh ... And here are the BRAINS OF PHARAOH! With these words, the presenter quickly lowers the hand of the frightened person into the saucepan with pasta. The effect is amazing !!! Almost everyone yells. The rest are having a lot of fun. Tokens are given to both groups.

The film studio asked us to write a script from the life of a special agent. The teams are given a piece of paper and a pen to write the script. One person at a time comes to the table and writes one phrase at a time, answering the question of the moderator. For example: "Who is the hero of the film?" "Where did he live?" "What did he get from the secret place?" "Where did he put this for himself?" "Where did he go after?" "Why did he go there?" "What was he doing there?" "Who did you meet there?" "What question did the hero ask him?" "What did he say to him?" "What did he do for the hero?" "What did he give the hero?" "What did the hero do with the gift?" "Where has the main character returned?" "Why did he come back there?" "How did the film end?" The presenters take the sheets, unfold them, and in general fun the scripts are read. The best is taken to the shooting of the film and awarded with a badge.

Imagine that you need to meet with an agent, you have agreed that he will recognize you as a pregnant woman picking flowers. We transform into pregnant women. Three people stand out from the group, they attach a balloon with tape around the waist to the stomach. Daisies cut out of colored paper are scattered on the floor. You need to collect them for speed, the winning group that has collected the most flowers is awarded a token.

Now there is one more joke contest "Go to the Zoo". The teams are told that each animal will be told its own name in the ear. Each team will have one animal the same - that is, each team will have one ostrich, one hippopotamus, one giraffe, etc. The host will call the animals, when you hear yours, you need to QUICKLY sit on the floor, faster than a player with the same animal from the other team. In fact, you ask each team one hare, one wolf, and ALL the rest - the word "crocodile". It looks awfully funny. The host says: "Squirrel!" All are standing. “No squirrel ... Badger! ... No badger .... Now we are ready…. Hare!" Two people fall to the floor. It is remembered who fell first. "Now, yeah ... .. The wolf!" Two people again. "Next ... .. Elephant! .... No elephants? ...... Lynx! ...... No lynx? ...." Everyone is in suspense, ready to fall. "... Eeee, nakonee ... ... attention ... ..CROCODILE !!!" All but four fall. First, confusion, then, as understanding, laughter. The token is given n!
about the results of the hare and the wolf.

The host says that the Spy Rally was very successful, both groups of special agents showed themselves just brilliantly, but according to the results of the tests, such and such a group received the most tokens. She receives the Main Special Assignment of the Evening. The group is presented with an envelope. There is a note in the envelope, which says that the group needs to select two responsible and neat spies, they have to go there (for example, to the bedroom, open the closet) and bring what will amaze you there (there is a cake hidden in the closet). Another two brave spies should be selected from the group, who need to go there (to the kitchen, to the refrigerator) and bring something that clearly does not belong there (candles for the cake). The same with matches (for example, what is in the bathroom with toothbrushes, but is an unnecessary item) and so on - saucers, napkins, spoons, a knife - if the size of the team allows. When everything is assembled, the winning group is trusted to stick candles in the cake and light them.

After that, you can arrange a disco, turn on the garlands and turn off the lights, or you can 9after or instead, if the spies still have moral strength) to conduct a comic entertainment Q&A. The presenter gives one person a piece of paper with a question to pull from an envelope, and another with an answer. The player asks the second player a question and gets an answer. It's always funny, funny. And so on, one at a time, until the envelopes are empty.
For instance:

Tell me are you always so cocky?
Tell me, do you love me?
Tell me, do you cheat in class?
Tell me, do you erase deuces in your diary?
Do you like to make gifts?
Do you often fall out of bed in your sleep?
When they don't see you, do you pick your nose?
Do you sing in the toilet?
Do you steal raspberries from your neighbors at your dacha?
Do you like to overeat cakes at night?
Is it true you only eat pickles on Mondays?
Is it true that you want to change your hair color to purple?
Is it true that your idol is a physical education teacher?
Is it true that you only sleep in pink pajamas with elephants?
Is it true that you swim with rubber ducks?

I can't imagine my life without it.
No, I'm a very shy person.
I find it difficult to answer the truth, because I do not want to ruin my reputation.
Only after I get a deuce.
Of course, instead of doing homework.
When I skip math.
My redness is the most striking answer to this question.
Yes, for hours, especially in the dark.
Well, you must! How did you guess ?!
Very rare, but it happens.
In principle, no, but as an exception, yes.
I have a tendency to do this since childhood.
If parents do not see.
On Saturdays this is a must for me.
This has long been my greatest desire.
My modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

When you want to spend a holiday for your child, you spend a lot of time looking for contests, games, entertainment on the Internet. They should be original, interesting and they could be carried out in the absence of the senior presenter, because children at the age of 13 are adult children.

The task is not easy. There is funny contests, but some of them are spent early in adolescence. Some are focused on "warmed up" adult company... It doesn't suit us. In connection with the arisen need, we have selected several exciting contests that will please the noisy company of your child.

Examples of contests


So, the guests have come and it's time to eat. This game can be played as an invitation for a holiday. Line up all the guests in front of the table and announce in a ceremonial voice: “The princess of the East Budur, Cinderella, show business stars: Justin Bieber, Madonna, the President of Great Britain, world boxing champion, and the baby who was born today came to the dinner party.
Guests need to enter the role and sit at the table in the image.

Try it, hit it!

To play, you need to make 5-6 simple paper airplanes and take a basket. Put about 20 paper "bombs" (crumpled lumps of paper) in a basket. The participant launches airplanes, and the rest try to shoot down the flying airplanes. You can make this game a competition, and give a few tries each to determine the winner.

Draw 3D

Keeping up with the times, relevant and modern, such a master class can turn out. It is interesting that such a pattern is obtained by everyone and always. For work, you will need A4 sheets (landscape), simple pencils and felt-tip pens.

Let's get started. We put our palm, left or right (as it is convenient for anyone), and outline with a simple pencil. Take a felt-tip pen of any color, draw parallel lines, the distance between the lines is about 1 cm. From the edge of the sheet, a straight line, and where the outline of the hand begins, draw an arc. After the contour of the hand, draw a straight line again. Using other marker colors, repeat the curves of the first lines. Your drawing is ready! Really great!

You can celebrate your thirteenth birthday with enthusiasm. The competition will help with this.

"Take yours."

Before the game, one of the adults asks each guest for a personal item, be it a brooch, keys, elastic band, etc. It is better to ask for things in secret so that others do not see what they have taken from their neighbor. Put all the taken items in the box.

So, we choose the leader. The participant should be blindfolded and offered to get the first thing out of the box. To return the thing to the rightful owner, the presenter makes a wish, which the owner must fulfill. The game is fun.

Games and contests with subjects. Animator's chest.


You can use a banana, cucumber, or eggplant. Or you can take something inedible. To understand the meaning of the game, let's remember the cartoon "38 Parrots". There, the growth of a boa constrictor was measured in parrots. And we offer in pears or bananas! This is a kind of stadiometer. From the floor to the top of the head, we measure the hero of the occasion with a pear, and if it turns out that the height is 13 and a half pears, we take and bite off the extra centimeter. Anyone can eat, the birthday person, guests or parents.


If the name day takes place in winter, when it gets dark early, you can have fun in such an interesting way. Hand out flashlights to all the children, turn off the lights and announce a competition for the funniest ghost. How to do it? We turn on the flashlight, bring the chin down and make a face. Laughter is guaranteed!

The fight of extrasensories

You will need a box with a lid (you can use a shoe box, or any other, glue it over with colored paper and you're done). The guys stand around the box. So the battle begins. Each one in turn needs to "feel" what is in the box. Invite the children to make the appropriate movements with their hands, roll their eyes and shamanize in all sorts of ways. Two attempts to each. Whoever is closer is the winner.

Place sweets, toys, or confetti in the box.

Ball dance

To play you need a steam balloon. Guests are divided into pairs, a ball is clamped between their foreheads and they begin to move (dance) to the music. The main thing is to keep the ball, and if it falls, the game is over for this pair. The competition lasts until the winner.

Stolen gifts

Scenario for the birthday of 13 years in nature

The children have grown up imperceptibly, and it is already difficult to celebrate a birthday in the same room, so today we are going to the fresh air - to the forest (or to the garden, to the clearing, to the dacha). As a last resort, a large hall will do, because according to the script it will be a real jungle!

So, we begin transformations: mom becomes the "voice of the game", dad - a guide to the jungle, and children - "predators" and "herbivores".

What is required for the holiday:
microphone or saucepan;
four small blocks or pins for reference points in the relay;
small balls and balloons;
two bags;
10 or 12 cardboard boxes(it is better to take boxes of different sizes so that two palm tree trunks can be folded out of them);
artificial or live greens;
two large fake bones, sewn from fabric and stuffed with padding polyester (can be replaced with two pillows);
two logs;
two sheets of Whatman paper and two felt-tip pens;
soft toys: snake, bear, monkey;
task cards;
medals with the image of the muzzles of predators and herbivores for all participants (can be replaced with animal masks);
seeds and bananas, cut from cardboard or sewn from fabric;
sweets for all participants of the holiday.

So here we go!

The guests are assembled. Gifts have been handed over. The first words of congratulations have already been said. And then comes into play ...

Dad: Guys, the birthday table with a lot of goodies and sweets has already been waiting for you. Forgive everyone to the table! Dad escorts the guests to the table. But the table is empty! Everyone is at a loss. And then a voice sounds. (Mom will be the voice throughout the holiday. You can use a microphone, or you can, hiding behind a tree, just speak into an empty saucepan - and it's funny, and no hassle.)
Voice: Hello, woe children! You overslept your treat! Now we'll have to follow him into the jungle, where wild animals live, where danger awaits!
Dad: What about your birthday? And where are all the treats hidden? Today we have a big holiday - our son Nikita is eight years old.
Voice: Delicious cake and lemonade, all kinds of sweets. And all the gifts for the guys are hidden there safely. The jungle has been waiting for you for a long time, Dangers, riddles ... Hurry, hit the road, Though it will be savory!
Dad: Well, well, I think it's too early to despair. And Nikita's birthday is transferred to the real jungle! This is a thousand times more interesting than sitting at a table and eating goodies. The voice said that all the treats and gifts for the children were hidden in the jungle. And if you guys are not scared, then we will certainly find them. Who will go with me to the deep jungle? Children: We!
Dad: Great! Then right now we are turning from ordinary guys into predators and herbivores - real inhabitants of the jungle.

Children are given animal masks or put on medals with painted muzzles of herbivores and predators. Dad: For order, you need to choose two brave captains. One of them, of course, will be our birthday boy, but we need to choose the second one. (Children choose a captain.) I see everyone is ready now. Let's shout out loudly our cry: "The jungle is calling!" So, Voice, we are ready. Submit your assignments! Voice: Do you want to know the task? You will look into the mouth of the boa constrictor. You need to put a card with a task in the mouth of a toy snake in advance. You can replace the boa constrictor with a bear, changing the words accordingly ("You want to learn the task? You will look into the bear's mouth!"). Children find the first cardboard, read.

The first card with the task:
You have to jump, friends.
I have two bags.
Climb into them yourself,
Move with jumps like hares.

Relay "Hares in sacks"
Set up benchmarks for the relay (roller skate caps are great - they are orange and bright). Give both teams a bag. The command for all games will be the call: "The jungle is calling!". Each team member needs to jump in a bag to the landmark, go around it and go back. The first team to complete the task wins.
The winners receive a bone or a banana, respectively.

Second mission card:
There were palm trees here and there,
Fell apart in pieces
Collect the trunk and leaves,
Restore those palms.

Relay "Gather a Palm"
Each team will need 5-6 boxes and greens (artificial or live).
The teams line up in columns. At the signal "The jungle is calling!" the relay starts.
Participants must set their boxes in a friendly manner to form the trunk of a palm tree. Stick greens into the last box. The first team to complete the task wins.

Children are looking for the next task, find it in the paws of a toy monkey.

The third task card:
Under the palm tree a boa constrictor lies
And he guards the coconuts.
Don't wake the watchman.
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Relay "Caution, boa constrictor!"
Set benchmarks for the relay. Objective: drag balls or balls from one side of the court to the other side.
The winner is the team that carries all the "coconuts" first.

Dad: Well done boys! And they coped with this task! Get your reward!

A balloon flies in. Children eat it, take out a card.

The fourth task card:
It's time to check
Which of you is the cleverest.
A log lies over the abyss,
Climb onto it and take the bone in your hands. Shoot down the enemy, and hold on yourself!

Competition "Battle over the abyss!"
For the competition, you will need a log and two fake bones. The competition is held in pairs, where one person is from the team of "predators", the second is from the team of "herbivores".
Objective: to knock the enemy off the log, to resist yourself. For each victory, the team is given a bone or a banana.
If you are indoors, a strip drawn on the floor will successfully replace the log.

Fifth task card:
Through the rainforests
Frogs are jumping here and there.
Forward - jump like frogs,
Conversely - crawl like a boa constrictor!

Relay "Frogs and boas"
Set benchmarks for the relay. The teams are divided into pairs.
At the signal "The jungle is calling!" the relay race in pairs begins. In one direction, children move by jumping in a deep squat. Conversely - "crocodiles", that is, one child walks in his arms, the other holds his legs.
The winners will be awarded a bone or a banana.

Children find a task card on one of the branches of a nearby tree.

The sixth task card:
Each animal knows the habits of the enemy.
Draw it quickly
Your adversary!

Contest "Draw your opponent"
Captains simultaneously draw the enemy (predator or herbivore).
You can complicate the task and blindfold the captains before the start of the competition.
After the end of the competition, my mother appears from behind the shelter.

Mum: All of you guys are just great! So brave, brave! And most importantly, friendly !. Let's count the bananas and bones that you have earned in competitions and relay races. (They are counting, the winner is announced) You have done a wonderful job with all the tasks, and now you have the most pleasant thing ahead of you - a worthy reward! Therefore, right now we are going to a sweet fairy glade. Let's celebrate Nikita's birthday!

Children sit at a table set in the fresh air. For those who want to bring all the action closer to the wild, you can do without a table, sitting comfortably right on the bedspread.

Do not forget that the whole holiday was held in honor of your beloved son (or daughter), so remember this more often during the holiday.
At the end, be sure to congratulate the child and invite each guest to say words of congratulation.
A birthday cake is a must, and since this is a summer and very unusual holiday, fantasize and decorate the cake in the jungle style.
Good luck to you and your child! I wish you the most enjoyable holidays.

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Successful funny scripts for the birthday of the child, children and entertainment centers for holding children's parties in honor of little birthday people. The site offers a unique collection of birthday scenarios for children and adolescents from 1 to 16 years old. Our piggy bank of scenarios with contests, games and prizes for children is constantly updated with new products!

In this section, we collect scenarios for children's birthday parties. Young birthday people - boys and girls will be happy to receive a gift from friends with a play of a scene or a fairy tale. Dressing up in funny costumes, the ability to read rhymes, and not be afraid to participate in active games and competitions are encouraged. The scene can be played by both children of the same age and children of any age - older or younger brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends, classmates or classmates. If there are no other children, then parents, grandparents themselves can take part in the congratulation.

Useful tips for organizing a party for children:

1. Choose a scenario based on the age of the participants. It is better if the children are about the same age, the difference is in the age of 2-3 years. For a greater age difference, choose universal scenarios children's birthdays, with games and contests that will be understandable to the smallest and not boring to the big kids.

2. Choosing children's script, be sure to take into account the observance of safety measures, do not hold games and contests that have a risk of injury to children. Playing with fire, flammable liquids, sharp objects, running in rooms not equipped with a special anti-slip floor covering, rooms with furniture with sharp corners, etc. are dangerous.

3. So that the adults who are present are not bored at the children's party, you, as an organizer, need to take care of involving adults in the game, or helping kids in contests.

4. When choosing a scenario for very young children, try not to overload the scenario with too frequent and difficult games, and also do not use scary characters when dressing up, so as not to scare the little ones.

5. Be a good psychologist, try to find an approach to all kids, seeing their character right away. Don't try to force your child to play or participate in a competition if they don't want to. Modest kids can stay on the sidelines a little, follow the gameplay, later, they may want to join the game themselves. The holiday should bring joy to everyone!

6. When the children's birthday party comes to an end, make sure that all participants are presented with small souvenirs in memory of your club. It can be fridge magnets, children's mugs with your symbols, T-shirts, books, coloring books, paints, other drawing materials, or just small toys. Children love surprises and gifts, and parents will also be pleased.

Children's events for you fabulous!

We are happy to publish your unique photos from children's parties according to our scenarios!

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Contests and games for children will also be useful to you.

If the example scenarios did not suit you, then we will gladly compose a new one for you. original script to order! To order - write us an e-mail: [email protected] site.