Homemade antennas to amplify the signal of a 4g modem. Is it possible to amplify the signal of a USB modem from Megafon? Connecting an LTE antenna to a modem

This article will consider a fairly detailed overview of products on the market for providing 3G / 4G Internet to the private sector - cottages, country houses, cottages. The article has been updated for 2019-2020.

Types of Internet signal amplifiers:

1. Antenna with built-in 2G/3G/4G modem (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE2, Yota):

The year in 2011-2012, when the development of demons began wired internet 3G antennas with a built-in modem appeared on the market. Now the price is approximately 6-10 thousand rubles with a modem.


  1. there are no losses on the coaxial cable that affect the speed of the Internet,
  2. flexible cable,
  3. the price is quite low.
  4. Fast Internet if the antenna is of good quality.


  1. Unstable operation of the modem at lengths of more than 5 meters! You have to be prepared that 1-3 times a day you will have to distort the power at the router. And if the router is on the second floor or attic, then this causes only certain emotions :)))
    Just because of this problem, the next generation of antennas with a built-in modem and router appeared, which will be discussed in the next section.
  2. The seller can slip an old 3G modem. The older the model, the slower internet will work. When buying, this point is highly recommended to check.

2. Antenna with built-in router and modem (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE2, Yota):

As for the Moscow region, when you go to the Mitinsky or other radio markets, you will be offered the miracle of the antenna (2 options):


1. Antenna cable can be up to 80 meters long! In some cases, this is very convenient! Power and signal are supplied via a single cable. PoE technology.

2. Connectors at the ends of the RG-45 cable (the most popular Internet connector). As a rule, many have a crimping tool. That is, you can not drill a wall or window frame with a large drill diameter to fit the connector, but make a small, neat hole for a thin cable.


1. Such devices do not last long. Because the operating temperature of routers and modem is approximately 0 - 40 C.

Many sellers claim that everything is airtight and the router heats itself. And it really does work in the winter. BUT the worst thing is a cold start, this is when electricity is cut off at -20 C in winter, the router cools down, and then power is supplied and a breakdown occurs. Regarding the upper temperature limit of +40 C - in the summer in the sun in a closed space with a router heating up from work, the temperature reaches more than 60 C.

Both photos are precisely already non-working antennas, which we eventually replaced.

3. Internet signal amplifier CONNECT 2.0, 3.0, etc.

A separate article has been written for this product.

True Signal Amplifiers cellular communication look like this...

4. Antenna connected to router/modem

It is also a fairly popular option when the router and modem are indoors, and the antenna is placed outside. The cost of such kits is from 2,000 - 3,000 rubles.

Top selling

14dB MIMO Antenna, Bracket, 10m 3DFB Cable Assembly x 2, Adapter x 2

Top selling

Antenna 11 dB, Bracket, Cable assembly 10m 3DFB, Adapter


  1. Maximum reliability. Outdoors, only a passive antenna is used, which will not be affected by various weather conditions.
  2. Fast Internet with correct installation. The result of testing just such a kit in this article will be shown below.


  1. Limited cable length. Recommended up to 12 meters if the cable is 8D-FB. If the cable is thinner, then the speed loss will be more noticeable. With each additional meter, the speed drops slightly.
  2. Installation inconvenience. Prefabricated cable assemblies use an N-type connector and its diameter is 20 mm, which makes it difficult to lay the cable inside the room. The solution is to make 1 connector yourself using a special tool or a soldering iron. Connectors are also smaller in diameter, but they are usually used only for a thinner cable.
  3. Use of a thick cable. 8D-FB cable has a cross section of 11.1 mm and you cannot hide such a cable in a plinth.

5. Antenna with built-in 2G/3G/4G factory router

4G outdoor router with built-in antenna. The price is approximately 9-12 thousand. You can see the characteristics.

Top selling

3G/4G outdoor router


  1. Cable length up to 80 meters! Signal and power are supplied over a single cable using POE technology.
  2. Flexible cable.
  3. Maximum internet speed. Supports MIMO technology. No other kit will give you higher speed.
  4. The antenna supports absolutely all frequencies from 700 to 2700 MHz and all 2G, 3G and 4G standards.
  5. Stability of work at any temperatures from -30 to +50 degrees. Factory quality, not basement production from the Mitinsky market :)


    1. 1. It is inconvenient to change the SIM card. Strictly speaking, it is not a fact that you will ever need to do this.
    2. 2. Not revealed yet :) Perhaps the price will not seem the cheapest.

Recently there was an overview video of such a device:

Common misconceptions when choosing Internet amplifiers

1. 4G/LTE not only works on 2600MHz (2500-2700MHz), but also LTE800 and LTE1800.

At the same time, only LTE800 and LTE1800 practically work outside the city! And many sellers sell a 2600 MHz antenna, which is relevant only within the city.

2. "The greater the gain of the antenna, the better" But no!

The higher the gain, the narrower the antenna pattern and the more difficult it is to accurately point the antenna at the operator's base station! It is rare that someone directs a high gain antenna correctly during installation. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 buyers who have installed such an antenna on their own, do not direct it correctly. After all, it is enough to deflect the direction of the antenna by 2-3 degrees and the gain will not be 27 dB, but the same 3-5 dB. And do not forget that the speed of the Internet does not depend on the signal level, but on its signal-to-noise ratio!

An example of an antenna pattern with a gain of 16 dB (on the left - in the vertical plane, on the right - in the horizontal):

An example antenna pattern with a gain of 27 dB:

In the vast majority of cases, an antenna with a gain of 11-17 dB is enough! And how to put it correctly - will be discussed below.

3. I have not seen antennas with a real coefficient of more than 18 dB on the market.

We tested in practice any antenna 20-28 dB and they all amplified the signal by no more than 18 dB, some even less than 14 dB! Many unscrupulous artisanal manufacturers take advantage of the fact that no one can verify the true characteristics of antennas.

4. Active 4G signal amplifier (repeater)

There are similar offers on the sites:

And if you still have the task of choosing and buying a repeater, then you can read.

An example of installing a GSM, 3G, 4G amplification system

How to install the antenna correctly

Now let's discuss one of the most important questions - how to properly install the antenna.

The scheme is this:

The main point is that the higher we raise the antenna, the higher the Internet speed will be, and it’s not even about the signal level, but about its quality, which is scientifically called signal to noise ratio and in many programs and phones is designated EcIo. The less the signal encounters obstacles from the tower of the mobile operator to our receiving antenna in the form of neighboring buildings and forests, the better the signal will be and, accordingly, the speed will be higher.

I usually give this example: they hung the antenna from the window - they got a speed of 5 Mbps, hung it on the roof - 10 Mbps, and hung it on the roof and also raised it to the mast - 20 Mbps. In this case, you can put an antenna on the roof with a gain of 8 dB and get a speed higher than that of a neighbor with a 20 dB antenna outside the window.

This is how the cheaters put it:

And this is correct:

And we get this result:

88 Mbit / s - to be honest, this was a record :) We used a set of equipment with a coaxial cable and a router indoors.

Alternative to 3G/4G Internet

wifi bridge

If there are residential apartment buildings on the horizon with a radius of up to 10 km, then with a local provider that connects apartments, you can negotiate a WiFi bridge between the residential complex and your house. 2 antennas are placed towards each other, one on your house, the other on the roof of an apartment building.

In practice, such a connection costs 12 thousand and a tariff of approximately 1000-1500 rubles for 15-30 Mbps. But this is really unlimited Internet, which, unlike 3G / 4G, does not sag in the evening when the load on the network increases. And a good ping up to 8 ms - for those who like to play tanks and others modern games it's luxury in the country :)


Wimax is a 4th generation connection. In Russia, this communication standard has not been widely used for a number of reasons.

Some small local companies negotiate with telecom operators to lease their communication channel and place their Wimax equipment on towers.

The Internet speed of 10-50 Mbps depends on the remoteness of the tower and the correct installation of the antenna at the subscriber's house. Ping about 40ms. The channel is symmetrical. The cost is about 1000-1500 rubles per month.


        1. 1. It is worth trying to start by looking for alternative options for connecting to the Internet.
        2. 2. Don't buy the first antenna you see on the market. Antennas with a built-in router and modem are short-lived. Check the frequency range of the antenna, 4G / LTE works in our country at frequencies of 800, 1800 and 2700 MHz. At the same time, in my opinion, 1800 MHz will be the main speed range outside the city, and 800 MHz will be used in very remote corners, but the speed in it will not be very high due to the narrow spectrum. And the 2700 MHz range is mainly in cities or near densely populated areas.
        3. 3. In kits with a coaxial cable, do not save on the cable itself, it is better to take a thicker one and pay a little extra. Some vendors offer TV cable. Yes, it is cheaper, but it has a different wave resistance! You need 50 ohms, not 75, like a television cable.
        4. 4. The antenna must be placed high if you do not see the cell tower from the window! This moment affects the speed of the Internet more than the quality of the equipment itself!

The best 3G / 4G Internet signal booster is a passive antenna with a minimum length of coaxial cable or an external router! And if there is active subscriber equipment (modem, router) inside, then it must fully comply with the climatic conditions of operation!

If you are in Moscow and Moscow Region, we will help you connect to the best option.

If you have any questions - write to.

Hello everyone, Ruslan Nova is with you and today we will talk about how to strengthen the signal of a 4G modem with our own hands.

Often there are cases when the signal strength of the 4G modem is not enough for a comfortable and fast work in the Internet. There is a solution to the problem, and you can do it yourself according to the following instructions.

What is needed for this?

To carry out such an operation, you will need the following set of necessary devices:

4G modem E3372h

Antenna ax 2513pf mimo 2x2

Two 75 ohm coaxial cables

Two adapters (pigtails) CRC-9 for the modem

4 F connectors for rg-6 cable


Initially, the Internet did not work well in the room, although the modem was designed to broadcast a full 4G signal. After that, the task was set: to increase the signal reception power. After installing an external antenna for the modem, the difference in speed turned out to be truly colossal.

Result before:

You will see the result after at the end of the instruction.

How to boost 4G modem signal?

First you need to collect the wire.

We screw one F-connector to each end of the coaxial cable.

The other end is installed on the adapter, which must be inserted directly into the modem itself.

The photo shows 2 wires. Why is this needed? The fact is that we use an antenna with dual polarization, horizontal and vertical, respectively. The entire network operates from the cellular provider "MegaFon".

Re-check that the cable plugs are firmly seated in the connector to avoid problems and connection failures. After all the measures taken, the last thing we install the modem in the USB port of your computer.

According to the same scheme, the modem is installed in a laptop.

Important note! Avoid tangled wires. You can see the correct location of the connected antennas and adapters in the photographs, I also strongly recommend removing the wires wherever possible in the box, it is better to use a plastic one.

Possible problems

Initially, the installation was carried out on coaxial wires, the length of which was 20 m. Let's take speed indicators.

Despite the already impressive result, it was decided to shorten the cables to 10 m, since the distance between the 4g modem and the antenna made it possible. After that, the performance exceeded all expectations.

Let's do a final signal strength test. Compare it with the result before these manipulations.


Experiments with cable length have shown that the speed of the Internet can depend on the length of the cable that connects the antenna to the modem. Practically proven: the shorter the coaxial cable, the higher the speed of the Internet.

Summing up the work done and the results achieved, I would like to note correct location antennas. It is advisable to install it higher to the ceiling so that nothing interferes with signal reception. An illustrative example of the location of the antenna:

After carrying out not so difficult manipulations, you will supply yourself high speed internet, and the modem will work at the limit of its own capabilities. Now you know how to amplify the 4G modem signal with an external antenna. Nothing complicated =)

Today we will talk about how to independently make a 4G and 3G signal amplifier and antenna from improvised materials with your own hands at home. We will also consider detailed diagrams and methods for assembling home-made amplifiers and antennas of the 3G and 4G signal.

Development of 3G and 4G networks in recent years goes on a grand scale. And no wonder, because the use of 3G allows mobile operators to significantly improve the quality of their service.

This made it possible to work with corporate network and mail applications, watching mobile TV and streaming video. 3G phone owners can now make video calls.

In the absence of wired Internet, you can buy an inexpensive 3G modem and use mobile internet. But very often the owners of 3G modems complain about the low download speed and ask the same question: "How to increase the speed of the 3G modem?" So, the task is set, and we will solve it!
Reasons for the low speed of the 3G or 4G modem

3G networks operate in the 2GHz frequency range, and for the propagation of radio waves at this frequency, direct visibility to the base station (BS) is required.

In dense urban areas, the signal can be attenuated hundreds and even thousands of times before it repeatedly bounces off the walls of buildings and reaches your modem. V countryside signal weakening, as a rule, is associated with a significant distance from you to the BS of the cellular operator, as well as the presence of dense vegetation in your area, which interferes with the propagation of radio waves.

Often there are situations when the level of 3G signal reception is excellent, but there is no speed. This is due to the workload of the operator's BS. The more people connected to the BS, the less resource goes to each individual subscriber. Especially often such situations arise during working hours.
How to boost the signal of a 3G or 4G modem?

There are several ways to amplify the 3G modem signal, and when different conditions not all of them will work equally well. It is conditionally possible to allocate software and hardware to solve this problem. In the first case, a 3G modem accelerator program is used. In the second, the modem connection speed is increased by technical means.
Software 3G and 4G accelerators
To the question "3G modem accelerator" Yandex gives an answer of 200 thousand web pages. After reviewing the first ten sites, we see that they all offer to download a miracle program (and for money), which allows you to increase the speed of the Internet modem. Why, then, do cellular operators not include a software package with their 3G modems? Remember the reasons for the low speed of the 3G modem - a weak signal and the workload of the base station. Is the program able to solve these issues - NO!

There are still a lot of Internet services that allow you to sort of speed up 3G Internet. There is a caveat right away - they all only know how to compress traffic, there can be no talk of real acceleration. But if you need to save traffic, then take a closer look at the Globax Internet software accelerator.
3G and 4G internet acceleration hardware

In particular cases, it is possible to increase the level of the received signal using a USB extension cable. For example, you are in a semi-basement where the signal cannot penetrate, and there is a window nearby. You can try using a USB extension cable to move the modem as close to the window as possible. If you are lucky and the signal quality is much better, you will achieve an increase in speed.


Unfortunately, the length of the USB extension cable is limited to 3-5m. And in order not to shout later on the forums that this does not work - a simple tip: when buying, pay attention to the manufacturer and cable thickness. The longer the cable, the thicker it should be. And don't take China!

A more effective method is to buy a directional 3G antenna for the modem. When choosing, you should pay attention to the antenna gain (KU) and its radiation pattern (DN). The more KU, the narrower the DN. It is advisable to point the antenna for the 3G modem as accurately as possible at the nearest base station. When installing the antenna, fix it so that the directors (pins) are perpendicular to the Earth.

By connecting a 3G antenna to the modem, you can significantly increase the speed of your 3G Internet connection. Tip - cable length as short as possible, if not enough, try to use only high-quality RF cable, for example, a 10D-FB cable assembly.

3G and 4G signal booster for cell phone works as follows. A donor external antenna is mounted on the wall of the building or on the roof, which is connected to the amplifier with a high-frequency cable. Try to direct the antenna as accurately as possible to the nearest and less loaded operator's BS. The antenna receives the signal, the repeater amplifies it and transmits it via cable directly to the internal service antenna, which re-radiates the signal to the subscriber.

This system is intended for indoor maintenance of an unlimited number of simultaneously operating 3G phones and modems. Allows you to use the services of all mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon. At the same time, subscribers can move freely within the coverage area.

Now you know the reasons for the low speed of the 3G modem and possible solutions to improve the quality of the 3G signal. Some options may seem controversial to you. But if you really want the space of your premises to be filled with a high-quality 3G signal, then best solution will be the installation of a 3G amplifier.

You also need to understand that under the same initial conditions - the signal level and the 3G modem model, all subscribers in different places will have different speeds! The speed of the Internet also depends on the bandwidth of the base station of the mobile operator, i.e. how it is connected: via radio channel or optical fiber. The speed also depends on the number of subscribers. For example, the operator's BS outputs 100 Mbps at the output. At some point in time, 20 people use the Internet and, accordingly, the speed will be 100/20 = 5 Mbps per subscriber. In turn, if 50 subscribers in the district use the Internet, then the speed for each will be no more than 2 Mbps. In most cases, many notice that the speed of 3G Internet begins to slowly fall in the afternoon and the peak of the fall is observed in the evening, when the load of Internet traffic on cellular networks is maximum.

Antenna 3G and 4G how it works

Any antenna is a passive signal amplifier!

Consider the most common case - connecting a 3G modem through an antenna, which is placed on the roof of a country house. Further from this antenna, the signal is conducted through a 50 ohm coaxial cable into the room to the modem, which in turn is connected to a computer, laptop or WiFi router.

It often happens that there is a 3G signal on the roof of the house, but it does not get into the room at all due to the complexity of radio wave propagation.

Consider the usual case - a signal with a level of -97 dBm comes from the base station on the roof of the house. If we put an AL-800/2700-8 antenna with a gain of 8 dB, then a signal with a level of -92 dBm will come to the modem input, because about 3 dB is lost on the cable and adapter to the modem (the loss in the cable depends on its length and on the marking). Based on our previous experience in measuring the speed of the Internet, we get a speed of 1.8 Mbps. And if we put AP-1900/2700-17 as an antenna with a gain of 17 dB!, then the modem input will receive a signal of -83 dBm, which corresponds to a speed of 7.7 Mbps.

If the signal on the roof of the house is from -85 dB and higher, then an antenna with KU = 7 -10 dB will suffice. At the same time, it must be remembered that in case of bad weather conditions it is necessary to have a certain reserve.
Once again I remind you that in each case the speed will be individual. And it may turn out to be much less, due to the low bandwidth of the base station of the cellular operator.Active 3G and 4G Signal Amplifier

Now consider the use of the TAU-2000 active amplifier. The connection diagram looks like this:

If you are faced with the need to amplify the 3G signal in your country house (or other object), then before buying antennas and amplifiers, you need to make sure that there is a 3G signal.

To do this, it is necessary to determine the presence of a third generation network with a phone that supports the 3G standard and SIM cards of various mobile operators and make an elementary signal measurement. Only after that, having previously made simple mathematical calculations, you can choose the right equipment.

Also, this amplifier model is very useful when using long cable lengths from the antenna. For example, on an 8D-FB cable at 3G (2100 MHz), the attenuation is 23 dB, and the gain of the amplifier is 40 dB. In other words, with a fairly good signal level from the BS, you can use a cable length to the modem of more than 100 meters!

In addition, TAU-2000 can be used as a 3G repeater for small spaces or inside a car. The coverage area strongly depends on the incoming signal from the BS and reaches a maximum of 15 sq.m.

If 3G "catches", then there is the possibility of obtaining a stable connection. In the article, we will consider how an external antenna for a 3G modem is installed, which is also characterized as a signal amplifier for a 3G modem. How to assemble it from improvised materials and strengthen the network signal.

An antenna for a 3G modem bought in a store is not a good idea, as it is expensive and not suitable for everyone and not everyone has an antenna connector. In addition, a modem adapter sometimes costs as much as the modem itself.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of any solution should be considered not the percentage displayed by the modem control program, not the number of “sticks” on the indicator and decibels, but the increase in access speed.
However, to confirm the correctness of the choice, you can use these criteria. It should be noted that the ability to connect to the 3G Internet depends on many factors - slot occupancy, subscriber activity, weather conditions, distance to the base station. In this case, the actions are aimed at improving only one.

The effectiveness of the antenna can be checked as follows - turn on the 3G or 4G mode and see if it catches. If not, then there is no data transfer, respectively.

In this case, the signal level can be both excellent and weak. Excellent level means that only 2G connection works.
Signal booster for 3G and 4G modem

The easiest option is about four turns of copper wire that need to be wound around the modem. Craftsmen advise winding the wire at the very end of the modem, where the built-in antenna is located.

Such a wire construction is like an art - you need to choose the number of turns, the thickness of the wire, the length of the free end of the antenna for each individual modem and location. For example, an extra turn may not improve, but only worsen the signal.

The second option is to use a colander or pan. Fans of experiments, whom the low speed of the Internet has already driven to rage or despair, are able to make very unusual designs in the form of pots, screens and satellite dishes.

It is easier to catch a 3G or 4G signal with a saucepan than with a wire, but it will take more time.
The third option is to use industrial items. Those who do not feel sorry for money within 500 rubles can experiment with these items. However, such aggregates do not differ much from wire in quality.

Sometimes an extension cable with a piece of tape is included with the modem in order to fix it to a wall or window. This option can be found in the operator's manual. Its quality can be compared with the quality of wire.

DIY antenna for 3G and 4G modem

The idea of ​​using canned antennas was transferred to mobile communications from WiFi networks, where craftsmen are able to stretch the network over quite long distances.

So, you need to find an empty tin can. A coffee can will do.

At the calculated distance from the bottom of the jar, it is necessary to make a hole and fix a standard antenna socket in it, to which the waveguide is soldered.

Then connect the TV cable with the appropriate braided connectors and the antenna adapter to the modem.

It is worth considering the situation when the modem does not have a socket for connecting an antenna. Of course, you can open the modem, find the measuring socket on the board, solder a thin wire with a connector to it, thus making an adapter for an external antenna.

The Internet has long and densely entered the life of almost every person. The development of trends, including those in business processes that require the rapid transfer of large amounts of information, has further strengthened the impact of the need to constantly be present on the Global Web, because, even while on vacation, a person may need to give an urgent answer to any work questions or remotely solve a certain range of problems.

Cellular networks

In facilitating access to the Internet, regardless of the location of the device and its owner, cellular data networks play an important role. Modern devices - laptops, smartphones and tablet PCs - allow you to perform almost any action with information - its generation, reception, modification and transmission. The main thing is that a 3G / 4G signal transmitting antenna is nearby, which will provide access to the Global Network from any device.

Internet in remote areas

Despite the fairly widespread use of 3G/4G networks in our country, the quality of services provided by operators very often leaves much to be desired. If in more or less large cities the 4G transmitting antenna of one of the cellular operators is almost always located in each district locality, which means it provides the necessary coverage, then outside the cities, in villages and remote summer cottages, extremely unstable signal reception can be observed.

Poor quality coverage

Remoteness from large cities often leads to a drop in the speed of receiving / transmitting data on the user's device, and sometimes to a complete lack of access to the global network. How to solve this problem? Quite often, a special 4G antenna helps to improve the quality of cellular network signal reception, which means that a special 4G antenna helps to ensure comfortable use of all the features of the Internet. External, outside the building, the installation of such a solution, firstly, allows you to eliminate interference that occurs when radio waves that propagate the base station of the operator, obstacles in the form of uneven terrain and walls of buildings, and, secondly, to a certain extent, improves the quality of the received signal.

Antennas from 3G/4G consumer equipment manufacturers

Of course, operators providing their users with access to the Internet via wireless networks are aware of the above state of affairs. In their branded stores, they offer whole sets of equipment for working in remote areas with poor signal strength. Typically, such a kit may include a modem or a mobile router, the necessary cables and adapters, and a 4G LTE modem antenna. It is worth noting that the solutions made at the plant or factory are good first of all because advanced technologies are used in their production, which provides a fairly good signal gain.


Of course, a factory-made 4G antenna is the best solution for providing uninterrupted Internet access to places located in hard-to-reach areas. The only factor that may somewhat hinder the purchase of such a device is the high cost, sometimes exceeding all reasonable limits. At the same time, an external antenna for a 4G modem is not something special - it is an ordinary lattice made of metal, and the receiving part of the antenna is located in its focus. Such a simple design suggests the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bself-manufacturing a signal amplifying device. In fact, many subscribers, especially technically advanced ones, prefer to make their own 4G antenna rather than purchase a factory solution in a store.

Antennas made by yourself

It is worth noting that a do-it-yourself antenna for a 4G modem is a completely effective method to improve the cellular network signal and make it more stable. At the same time, only initial skills in working with the simplest and most accessible materials are needed. Carefully crafted antennas individual cases ensure the performance of modems and routers even in places where there was no signal at all without the use of antennas. The only stopping factor is the lack of a connector for connecting an external antenna on many models of modems and mobile access points. And this means that you will have to intervene in the design of the Internet receiver, that is, solder the cable to the printed circuit board of the router or modem.


In fact, a do-it-yourself 4G antenna can be made within a couple of hours, this is a simple process. To achieve success, you need to prepare materials for manufacturing, as well as tools. The tools that will be needed in the work are represented by a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers, round nose pliers, a sharp knife and a glue gun.


As for the materials. A self-made 4G antenna may contain components represented by a high-frequency antenna cable, copper wire, plastic tube, a piece of polyethylene, cardboard, foil, an old pan or colander. There is a design suitable for self-manufacturing, where a parabolic satellite dish, devoid of a receiving converter, is used as the basis.

Antenna Kharchenko

A very simple solution to manufacture is the Kharchenko 4G antenna. The design of such an antenna is a “figure of eight” made of copper wire, which is placed inside a small metallized or metal reflector. For the manufacture of a reflector, for example, foil textolite is suitable. In the manufacture of the antenna, it must be taken into account that the main factor for the performance of the future product is the exact calculation of the dimensions. To calculate the dimensions of the "eight" and the reflector, you must refer to the ham radio handbook or resources on the Internet. Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to find out exactly which network - 3G or 4G - covers the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse, as well as on what frequency the operator broadcasts.


The disadvantages of the above solution include the need to connect the cable coming from the antenna to a special connector located on the modem case. This applies to absolutely all antennas located on the street, separately from modems. The fact is that, as mentioned above, the antenna connector on the device may simply be absent, which will lead to the need to disassemble the body of the receiver device and make adjustments to its hardware by soldering the cable to printed circuit board. This can lead to damage to the modem or mobile router if the user who manipulates is not sufficiently qualified.

Improvised reflector

If a 4G antenna is a necessity, and intervention in the modem hardware is not included in the plans, you can use the following method. A sufficiently effective amplifying antenna can be made from an old two to three liter saucepan. You can also adapt an aluminum basin and even a foil-lined cardboard box. Having prepared the basis of an impromptu reflector, you need to place a modem inside it (in the center), connected to a PC or laptop using a USB extension cable. After that, you need to orient the received antenna to the nearest base station.


As you get information about the strength and stability of the signal received using the manufactured structure, you can change the location of the modem inside the structure. By moving the receiver device closer or further from the rear wall of the reflector, you need to find the most acceptable position, and then fix the modem with a glue gun and improvised materials.


The undoubted advantage of the pan design described above is that there is no need to disassemble the modem and solder the antenna cable. The only caveat is the quality of the USB extension cable used to connect. It should not be characterized by excessive length and be of high quality in order to avoid signal loss. Ideally, special active cables are used, equipped with devices to prevent losses. If such a 4G antenna is used outdoors, protection is required in the form of polyethylene wrapping of the receiver device or the entire structure.

satellite dish

If you really want or need to have a modem or even a full-fledged 4G router with an external antenna, and an unused or faulty satellite dish at hand, the issue can be considered practically resolved. You will also need a plastic tube with a diameter suitable for placement inside the modem. The structure is assembled as follows. The modem is placed in a plastic tube and fixed in place of the converter at the focus of the antenna. After assembly, the antenna must be directed to the base station, and the modem must be connected to the computer via a USB extension cable. Having achieved acceptable gain indicators, and for this you need to resort to moving the modem inside the handset and turning the entire structure in one direction or another, you can proceed to provide Wi-Fi coverage in the room. To do this, you need a router with support for connecting 3G / 4G modems. By connecting the structure to the appropriate connector on the router and setting up the connection, you can get a full-fledged wireless network suitable for use on any modern device - smartphones and / or tablet PCs, etc.

Thus, the use of seemingly artisanal manufacturing methods and the simplest materials available to everyone can provide access to the global network even in the most remote areas. At the same time, a do-it-yourself 4G antenna does not require large financial and labor costs from its owner during manufacture.

Today, almost every laptop user has a 3G (or 4G) modem, because today everyone can afford to buy a usb modem. If you are facing the problem of constant interruption of 3G or 4G Internet, then it is most likely that the signal strength is weak in these places.

Determining the reason for the low speed of the Internet and how to strengthen the 3G / 4G Internet is quite simple: if the speed is low around the clock - the reason is the distance from the tower - the base station (BS), if the speed improves closer to the night - the workload of the BS.
To get started, find out the position of your BS and its approximate distance from you, as well as the range in which the operator operates.

Antenna and amplifier will help you to boost the signal and increase the speed of the Internet, as well as target a less busy tower. To do this, you need one that has connectors for connecting external antennas. On 3G modems it is one, on 4G modems there are two of them - for the use of MIMO technology. MIMO - when reception and transmission are carried out over different channels, which helps to increase the speed of the Internet.

So, in order to choose an antenna and an amplifier, you need:
1) determine the type of network you have at home: 3G, 4G or 3G-4G.
You can take measurements using the modem itself, most programs show the type of connection.
for 2G it is: GPRS, EDGE
for 3G it is: WCDMA, HSPA, HSPA+, DC-HSPA
for 4G it is: LTE

2) Determine the location of the best reception. A situation is possible when only 3G catches in the house, but it is worth climbing onto the roof of the house - there is already 4G there. In this case, it makes sense to pick up, since the Internet is much faster there. If you don’t have access to the roof, then you should measure the signal at the windows looking on different sides of the house.

3) Determine the signal level in decibels. There is a program for this.
You can block the mode in it (only gsm, only 3g, only 4g lte). Settings - Network (when the connection is off).
And look at the signal level in decibels (-90 dB, better than -105). Diagnostics - Network.
For good internet speed on a 3G/4G modem, the signal level should be between -50 and -80 dB. If the signal level is from -80 to -115 dB or it is 2G, then it can be increased by using a 3G / 4G antenna or an antenna + amplifier.

To amplify the 3G signal, you will need:
- with one connector (there are panel, there are wave channel type ("herringbone"), there are parabolic (plate)).
- HF cable (sometimes - 7.5mm., - 11 mm., and 13 mm.) Calculate the length so that the antenna can be taken out to the roof or to the side of the house from which the signal is better.
- (adapter to modem). This is an adapter from a thick RF cable to a 3G modem micro connector.

This scheme adds 12-20 dB to the signal level. If this is not enough to achieve a signal level of -80 dB or better, then a 3G antenna amplifier is used. It is installed between the antenna and the modem and adds another 20 dB to the signal level.

To amplify the 4G signal, you will need:
- with one or two connectors (usually panel).
- one or two RF cables
- pigtail (adapter to modem). One or two, respectively.
This scheme also adds 12-20 dB to the signal level.

If this is not enough to achieve a signal level of -80 dB or better, then a 4G antenna amplifier is used. It is installed between the antenna and the modem, and adds another 20 dB to the signal level.

The final scheme looks like this: install the antenna on the roof, tune it to the tower according to the program, lay the cable, connect the pigtail to the cable and the modem to it.
The modem at your discretion can be connected to the router for the distribution of WiFi.

In a situation where there is no 3G or 4G signal, and even with an antenna it is still weak, you need to use an amplifier. The scheme looks like this: Antenna, cable, amplifier, cable, pigtail.

In a situation where the 4G signal is satisfactory and you want to get the highest possible speed, the scheme looks like this: , RF cable 2 pcs., Pigtail 2 pcs.,.

If you have no experience and desire to take measurements, look for the best place installation, mounting and alignment of the antenna,
then our engineers, who specialize in improving the quality of communication, will help you. They will make the necessary measurements and choose the most suitable set of equipment for your conditions.
Execute. In this case, you will receive the guaranteed maximum possible network signal and Internet speed, while your funds will be spent as efficiently as possible.