Cool contests for a woman's 50th birthday. Anniversary contests. Anniversary games. The Modern Hands Up Game Even Stars Play

Scenario "Fifty dollars" for the anniversary of a man (50 years). The script is interesting, festive, unique and kind.

Sounds like a solemn opening.


Hello dear guests!

Complex, stop being shy,

Get ready to congratulate

And hug and kiss

And do not skimp on gifts,

Have fun with all your heart!

Good evening friends! Today is a big holiday for everyone here. We will congratulate a person who is very dear to us. A beautiful round date - fifty years - is celebrated by our wonderful friend, relative and colleague Oleg (name of the hero of the day).

An excerpt from the song “This holiday is a birthday” sounds (from the repertoire of Tatyana Bulanova).


Someone smart once came up with:

Anniversaries are very important dates

Celebrate it with fun

Treats and complete idleness,

Gotta wear the best clothes

There is no escape from tradition!

We will definitely try

To celebrate the holiday ... excellent!

So fifty. Is it a lot or a little? The ancient numerical horoscope speaks of the number "50" as very good, this is the number of renewal! It favors good changes, the desire to “refresh” relations with loved ones, to bring some new impressions into life. But this does not mean that you need to change everything in the bud: family, home, work! Because your loved ones are your support!

After these words, the host passes the word for congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day. The wife pronounces her prepared words.

Leading(after congratulations): And we raise a toast to these wonderful words!

After all, when a man has such a reliable “rear”, then he lives much more pleasantly ... Thank you, and we continue to congratulate our hero of the evening.

The hero of the day lived in the world,

Not young, but not old either.

Once in a beautiful moment

He reached "fifty dollars"

And decided on the anniversary

Call your guests.

The social circle is very motley:

Moms, dads, brothers, sisters,

Both colleagues and friends

And matchmakers, and godfathers,

Aunt Masha, Uncle Vanya,

Their spouses, children, nannies...

Didn't forget anyone

Everyone was invited to the party!

Hasn't stopped since then

Congratulations friendly choir!

The host gives the floor to the relatives and friends of the hero of the day for congratulations.

Poems for gifts

Mobile phone

It's not the ringing of bells

And not the crackle of an alarm clock,

New mobile phone!

The wife will call

That boss is strict

With a new pipe in hand

You can do a lot!


Everyone loves money

Loved by adults and children.

Profits will double

With this new purse!


The artist lived a long time ago

He painted the canvas.

Let it bring you joy

Hanging on the wall, it!


There are a thousand problems in life,

But do not boil, my friend,

Pour a cup of tea and drink with us

Problems will resolve themselves!


There are solemn toasts

And mine, friends, is extremely simple:

Receive a new toaster as a gift

And raise a toast to that!


Modern lifestyle

Makes us hurry.

Not a minute, not a moment

You can't live without a watch!


Years fly by like birds

The past will not return.

The best moments of life

Your camera will "grab"!


Everyone who is called to the holiday,

Must be both full and drunk.

Anniversary is not a beginner

Pours cognac!


The main thing in a man is the mind

And, of course, perfume!

With this delicate fragrance

Girls will love you!

CD with songs

Speak, no hearing

Did a bear step on your ear?

No reason to grieve

You can howl to the "stars"!


Small gift,

But with all my heart,

Documents as a boss

Sign with this pen!


To travel across countries

No need to think for a whole year:

Get a suitcase

He himself will call you on vacation!

A blanket

You lacked warmth

Cold winter times?

Keep this blanket warm

Like a warm female hand!


Oh autumn weather

Rain is falling from the sky...

Will be this time of year

Better with an umbrella than without!


In this little envelope

Things are important, believe me:

There is a car, a cottage, a house,

Don't refuse anything!

Leading: Look how many good friends and loving relatives our hero of the day has! They are ready for anything for him, even to sing songs of their own composition!

The song is being played. It's great if someone knows how to play the guitar and can accompany. You can do karaoke.

Song of the friends of the hero of the day (to the motive of a song from the film “It was in Penkovo” “You can’t hide from people in the village”)

The hero of the day will not hide from friends,

Will not go to Antarctica on foot,

Four locks will not close,

Anyway, we will come to the anniversary!

Repeat the last two lines.

We will sit at the tables in a crowd,

"Pour it up!" - shout casually,

When you turn fifty

Be kind, treat your friends!

Repeat last two lines.

We wrote you this song

Listen to us and drink to the bottom,

So that you live nice and fun,

You only have one life!

Repeat the last two lines.

Leading: What a wonderful song and what a professional performance! What does true friends mean? But, as you know, first of all, a man in his Life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a child. Did our hero of the day succeed in all this?

Let's check...

The host calls the hero of the day to himself and puts him on a chair.

Several pictures are drawn in advance on large sheets of drawing paper (it is better to attach it to cardboard so that the drawing paper does not fold); you need to schematically draw: a house, a hero of the day with his wife, a hero of the day with children, a car, a hero of the day with a tree. Cutouts for the face are made in the pictures.

During the story, the presenter, with the help of an assistant (one of the guests), changes the pictures. The task of the hero of the day is just to look out the hole.

These "pictures" can be used for photographing later in the evening.

Art miniature

"The house that

built by Oleg (name of the hero of the day)"

Here is the house that Oleg built.

In the house, a laid dining table,

Vodka, snacks, solid pickling,

This is Oleg with his wife,

In the house that Oleg built.

Next to Oleg - Oleg's children,

The best kids in the world

Those who are brought up by a good wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table

The one on which there is a complete pickle,

In the house that Oleg built.

It's a family class car

The one that is on the way passable KAMAZ.

Oleg's children will sit in the car,

The best kids in the world

Oleg will sit down with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table

The one on which there is a complete pickle,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is the dacha, Oleg's joy,

A reason to meet more often, guys.

Riding in a family class car

Of course, Oleg's children are coming,

The best kids in the world

Oleg is going with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table

The one on which there is a complete pickle,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a company of cheerful guests

(the presenter points to the guests),

The one who came for the anniversary

The one that walked with Oleg in the country,

The one that went everywhere with Oleg,

Sitting in a family class car

The one that is on the way passable KAMAZ.

Here, of course, Oleg's children,

The best kids in the world

Here is Oleg with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table

The one on which there is a complete pickle,

In the house that Oleg built!

Leading: As you can see, Oleg succeeded in everything and confirms the title of a real man! So let's raise a toast to this and wish happiness and continued prosperity to his beautiful family!

An excerpt from the song "Happy Birthday" sounds (from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova).

After that, you can take a break, then games and competitions begin.

Games and contests for birthday, anniversary

Game "Know her"

This is a joke test for the hero of the occasion. The host invites several women to his place, including the wife of the hero of the day. Then he summons the jubilee himself and blindfolds him. Then he explains that now the birthday boy will be tested: will he recognize his soul mate from all those called by a kiss. In fact, only his "polo-vinca" will kiss the birthday boy - several times and in different ways. Let the birthday boy choose!

Contest "Subject for reflection"

The players are divided into teams. The facilitator gives each team the same item, for example, a bucket, and asks them to come up with and depict as many as possible different ways its use. The team with the richest imagination wins.

Game "Treat"

The host walks around the guests with a tray of sweets and treats. But these sweets are not simple, in each of them there is a task for the guest under the wrapper.

shake hands with the hero of the day


dance for him

dance with him

sing for him;

sing with him;

tell a joke;

tell a story about the hero of the day;

have a drink with him; tell a verse.

Runaway game

Relay game for two teams. Participants run to the finish line in pairs (the front one is held by the back by the waist). On the way, you need to run around the placed bottles of alcohol. If a couple breaks apart or drops a bottle, the team receives a penalty point. Five penalty points take away the victory from the team, even if it was faster.

Game "Confusion"

Called to play a pair of "man-woman". The facilitator names the parts of the body that a man and a woman in a pair should touch, for example: right hand - left leg, head-head, etc. When taking each new pose, the previous “connection” must not be disengaged. The pair that makes a mistake (or fails to stand on their feet) is out. The winners receive prizes.

Then the presenter offers a little rest from noisy games and announces the solemn presentation of an unusual gift to the hero of the day.

Anniversary "fifty kopecks"

Leading: And you know, friends, in honor of the fiftieth birthday of our hero of the day, celebrations and folk festivals were held throughout the country. And the state even ordered to mint special commemorative coins with a denomination of "fifty kopecks"! A fifty-kopeck piece is cast from pure gold and engraved with a portrait of the hero of the day.

It is necessary to draw and cut out a large “coin” of 50 rubles from cardboard, which is presented to the hero of the occasion.

Leading: Let this fifty kopeck decorate your piggy bank and let it attract others, real ones. After all, although they say that happiness is not in money, it is much more fun with them! And I propose to raise a toast to this - to the financial well-being of the hero of the day and his family, to new successes, so that he does not stop there and continues with pleasure to do what he likes and what he can do.

Anniversary birthday - a special kind of name day - is celebrated, as a rule, crowded and magnificent, and therefore requires more thorough preparation. Such a celebration is best organized as a surprise holiday. The birthday boy also takes part in the preparation of the evening, but until some time it is better to keep certain moments a secret for him.

How to start a holiday

The hall for the celebration is decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday: welcome, photo collage, flowers, garlands, balloons. The whole atmosphere should be saturated with an anniversary birthday, for which you need to choose the appropriate music, decorate the festive table in a special way, etc.

Such an evening begins with a solemn part, but they congratulate the hero of the day in a special way, for example, you can sing in chorus a song written in honor of the hero of the occasion. There is no way to do without congratulations in verses. You can compose them yourself or use ready-made ones.

For the young soul of the hero of the day and with a good sense of humor, you can organize the game "Find the treasure", where all the gifts prepared for the birthday will be the treasure. So that the birthday boy does not get confused, he is given a treasure map in the form of a scroll with clues. Guests can also take part, orienting the treasure hunter with the words “cold” or “hot”. After the draw, the birthday boy is given real gifts.

With the start of the festive banquet, a small “warm-up” can be done already at the table, starting competitions for the anniversary of a woman from the auction.


To cheer everyone up at the beginning of the holiday, immediately after the first toast, you can hold an auction for guests. For fun, you need to prepare several lots, which supposedly belonged to the hero of the day. Examples of such lots:

  • the first diaper of the hero of the day;
  • the machine he played with as a child;
  • shoes in which he went to kindergarten;
  • laces for these shoes;
  • photo of the first teacher of the birthday boy.

Before the start of the auction, the presenter announces that the one who will say the last kind word about the hero of the day will win the competition. Required condition- the epithets that are awarded to the hero of the day should be harmless, and, of course, they can be pronounced once. The winner who came up with the latest original compliment, in addition to the lot, is awarded a certificate of "The Most Eloquent Guest". The toast "To the most extraordinary hero of the day" sounds.

Competition "Gift to the hero of the day"

When all the gifts brought to the hero of the day were handed over, there is an opportunity to please the birthday man again. An anniversary toast, a ditty, a song may be suitable as an intangible gift. For guests, write tasks on cards and place them in balloons. Each guest chooses a balloon, bursts it and completes the specified task.


To play, you need to gather two teams of up to 10 participants in each (players must be equally divided). The leader says the condition according to which the players will be built. The team that completes the task quickly and accurately wins. Players must be fairly familiar with each other. Task examples:

  • line up by name (in alphabetical order);
  • line up in height;
  • line up in ascending (or descending) order of age;
  • line up in descending order of apartments or houses;
  • line up everyone in order of hair color change (from blondes to brunettes).

grandmother at the market

This competition is for the anniversary of a woman of 60 years. Players must be arranged in a circle (you can play at the table). The host says: "Grandma went to the market and bought a coffee grinder ...". At the same time, he turns the handle with his hand, imitating the movement when grinding coffee, the players take turns repeating the words and movement after him. The next round - "Grandma went to the market, bought an old iron." Continuing to turn the coffee grinder, with the left hand, everyone begins to iron in turn. Then the grandmother bought a sewing foot machine (foot movement is added), then a rocking chair (the players also begin to sway). And finally, the cuckoo clock (everyone says “cuckoo, cuckoo”). The main thing is to perform all movements at the same time, whoever gets lost is out of the game.

Grandma's chest

To play, you need to prepare a chest or a suitcase with various cool things. Two volunteers are participating. Before the start of the competition, they are blindfolded. At the leader's signal, they take things out of the chest and begin to dress. The one who dresses first wins.

Quiz "What was, so you remain"

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman of 45 years old can be started with a quiz competition. The presenter offers to participate in the prize draw without showing it to the guests. For the correct answer of the quiz, guests receive a candy point. By the number of sweets, the winner is determined, who is awarded a diploma to the “Most inquisitive guest”.

Sample list of questions about the hero of the day

  1. What day of the week was the birthday girl born?
  2. His data at the time of birth (weight, height).
  3. Where did it happen?
  4. What time of day?
  5. What was the name of the teacher in the kindergarten where the hero of the day went?
  6. Her favorite toy.
  7. Best friend in school.
  8. What is her grade in mathematics?
  9. What is her education?
  10. Where was her first day at work?
  11. Where did the hero of the day meet her future husband?
  12. When did the birthday girl get married?
  13. What was the weather like on your wedding day?
  14. The exact age of her children.
  15. Favorite food of the birthday girl.
  16. Favorite song.
  17. What is the size of her summer cottage.
  18. What kind of trees grow there?

After the quiz, the host invites everyone to sing their favorite song of the hero of the day. The birthday girl solos, everyone sings along. Texts for all must be prepared in advance. The dance program will continue, but not simple, but on chairs.


The game involves two teams - men's and women's. Each has its own captain. The women's team is lined up in a corridor with a captain at the end. The men's team starts the game. The captain must pass through the women's formation without a single smile and kiss the captain of the women's team. If he laughed (and the ladies constantly provoke him), then he must give a phantom, and the men's team appoint a new captain. If the male captain successfully completes the task, the female captain is replaced, and the fant is also taken from her. The game continues until all the men from the team have passed through the formation as captain. Then the teams change places, and the female captain walks through the male formation and kisses the male captain. At the end, the prisoners and forfeits are counted and they are played.

Dance on the chairs

For a fairly liberated company, you can offer cool contests for a woman's anniversary. Participants must be seated on chairs so that they can be clearly seen by all other spectators. Music is turned on with specially selected melodies that are well known to everyone - waltz, gypsy girl, lezginka, rock and roll, twist, tango, Russian "Lady". Melodies change each other every 30 seconds, and the guests show their talents without getting up from their chairs. The competition can be made more difficult by inviting guests to dance only with their hands, head, etc. the winner is awarded the prize "The best dancer" and a toast is offered "For the most cheerful guests at the holiday."

Catch a fish

For the competition, you need to prepare several paper fish. The participants are divided into pairs, a fish is tied to the back of the partner's belt so that it drags along the ground. During the dance, men try to step on the fish and cut it off, while protecting the fish of their lady. The pair that keeps their fish to the end wins.

Ode to the hero of the day

On the anniversary of a woman of 50 years, the contest "Ode to the hero of the day" will be very useful. The host invites the guests to write an ode in honor of the respected birthday girl. The rhymes that need to be used for this are posted in advance. To stir up interest in the competition, the prize (in the form of a bottle, for example, champagne) should also be made public in advance. Here are some sample rhymes for an ode:

  • hero of the day;
  • schoolboy;
  • case;
  • painter;
  • hit;
  • Tan;
  • nightmare.

The competition continues all evening, summing up the results, the winner is awarded the coveted prize and a diploma "For the poetic gift."

remember everything

Divide the players into pairs and build with their backs to each other. Participants tune in to each other, trying to remember his appearance as accurately as possible. The host invites everyone to remember their partner in detail, and no even sidelong glances are allowed. Here is a sample list of tasks that everyone answers in turn

  1. What is the name of the partner.
  2. The color of his eyes.
  3. How long are the trousers (even if the lady is wearing a skirt, the question should sound like that).
  4. What kind of shoes does the partner have.
  5. What's on your partner's neck?
  6. Which hand is the watch on?
  7. How many rings are on your hands?

Similarly, you can ask the color of lipstick, earrings, tights, ties, etc. The pair that guesses the maximum number of correct answers wins.

Warm heart

All volunteers are given the same ice cubes. On command, they try to melt the ice, holding it with their hands, rubbing it on their chests. The one who manages to do it first receives a diploma "For the warmest heart" and a prize - a glass of champagne.


The leader announces any dance and has a hat in his hands. You can dance in pairs or alone. Suddenly, he puts his hat on the head of one of the players. The main thing is not to be left with a hat when the music suddenly breaks off - you have to give a phantom. There is a pleasant variation, if a couple is dancing, you can put on a partner’s hat and take away the lady from him in the dance. When enough forfeits are collected, the second phase of the game begins. The host must have prepared tasks for the redemption of forfeits in advance. Each fanta owner draws a card from the hat and performs a fun task. For relaxation, you can dilute the dances with song contests.


Volunteer singers are invited to the circle, they receive cards with the names of politicians of different generations (Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin). On the other side are the names of the songs that the members must perform. But it should not just be sung, but performed in the manner that corresponds to the image of the leader. It’s better not to be smart with the themes and lyrics and choose the Katyusha or Yolochka, which is well known to everyone.

You can't throw words out of a song

All guests play (it is possible as a table option). Each is given a pen and a piece of paper on which they must mark the lines of their six favorite songs - 6 phrases. When the guests have completed the task, they are offered a clue:

  • song number 1 - sensations at the first kiss;
  • song number 2 - memories of the wedding night;
  • song number 3 is reminiscent of a honeymoon;
  • song number 4 - feelings a year after the wedding;
  • song number 5 - what I think about today with you alone;
  • thoughts in the morning after the golden wedding.

"Honorary wind blower"

Closer to the final part of the holiday, you can hold a competition for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman for the title of “honorary wind blower”. The birthday girl should also participate in it. Each volunteer is given a balloon, which must be inflated as quickly as possible so that it bursts. If the shape of the balls is unusual, the competition is more fun and more difficult. If the hero of the day wins, in addition to a diploma, he is awarded the title "Chief Candle Blower". If one of the guests, then he becomes the "First Assistant to the Chief Candle Blower". After all the titles have been awarded, a jubilee cake is brought out.

: What are the options? What scenes for a woman's anniversary can be arranged, read.

If the anniversary of a dear man is just around the corner, you should thoroughly prepare not only a gift, a list of guests and congratulatory speeches, but also organize a bright, memorable evening with fun interesting contests.

Competitions for the fiftieth anniversary of a man can be not only funny and perky, but also very mobile. The hero of the occasion and his guests should not sit idly by, eating salads and talking about boring everyday topics. In order to incendiary start this holiday, you can organize such a funny contest as the "Auction of the hero of the day."

Auction of the hero of the day

The meaning of this interesting thing lies in the fact that several things of the hero of the day will have to be put up for auction: it can be the first diaper, a toy car, a lace from a new boot, and so on. The host should arrange an auction and in turn invite the guests to characterize the hero of the day with one good word. Simple familiar words will quickly run out and then the guests will begin to show imagination and perseverance in the struggle for a valuable lot, whoever is the last to name the word, and no one has enough imagination behind him, will receive a prize and a medal for "The Most Eloquent". Yes, you will have to prepare comic medals yourself.

To think over funny contests for a man, you need to be patient and ingenious. Prepare thematic quizzes, polls and funny tests. For an idea, you can take a competition containing questions about the hero of the day, whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize - a photo of the birthday man with an autograph and the medal "The Most Inquisitive". Agree, this interesting fun competition will bring a lot of positive emotions on the anniversary of a man, and not a small share of adventurism.

In order for the guests not to stay too long on the man’s anniversary, take care of fun mobile competitions: dances, a theatrical funny performance or relay races with unusual objects.

"Gift from the Balloon"

Another interesting and fun contest for a man's anniversary is "Gift from a Balloon". The meaning of this competition is that each guest chooses a ball for himself, in which a piece of paper with a description of the gift is stored. For these blanks, you will have to remember all the fun things that you can do at the holiday: a ditty, song, verse, acrobatic trick, dance, hugs, drawing or origami art - all these things will be a gift to the hero of the day.

If you have already decided on competitions for the anniversary of a man who turns 50, make sure that the moving relay races and dance fun are not traumatic and difficult to perform. For example, you can come up with a traditional fun and moving competition with chairs, the essence of which is that there are fewer chairs than participants, the players run around to the music, and when the music stops, everyone must have time to take a chair. Whoever did not have time is eliminated from the game, taking the chair with them.

Inventing and planning such competitions for fifty summer anniversary men, you can spend a wonderful holiday, which the hero of the day and his guests will not soon forget. Children will also be delighted with such undertakings, for whom you can come up with easy comic tasks. For example, arrange a competition of artists, let them draw the hero of the day, but with one condition - they will have to draw blindfolded. Or invite the kids to feed the birthday boy with fruit, all also with their eyes closed. Children's sonorous laughter, tenderness and fun of guests - everything will only increase the triumph of the mass entertainer and allow you to create a truly atmospheric warm anniversary.

Participants of the competition write one phrase on a piece of paper, then fold the sheet so that the phrase is not visible and pass it on to the next participant. The condition is rhyme. That is, each participant voices the last word of his phrase to the next, and he comes up with his phrase so that it is the first to rhyme. Then the presenter reads the resulting ode to the hero of the day. The winner, the author of the funniest phrase, is determined by the hero of the day himself.

Song of a lifetime

Fifty years - neither more nor less, but still there are achievements and successes, there is something to be proud of and something to brag about. It's time to imagine the life of the hero of the day in songs. Each guest gets up and names a song according to the five years of the life of the hero of the occasion, for example, 5 years - “The river begins from a blue stream ...”, 10 years - “Tratata, waste, we bring with us a cat, a siskin, a dog, Irka the bully. ..", 15 years old - "Girl with eyes the color of the sky", 20 years old - "Girl-girl, dark nights" and so on. It all depends on the relationship between the hero of the day and the guest and on the memories of each of them. In any case, it will be fun and interesting.

Numbers, numbers, dates

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. A team that, in a certain time, for example, 5 minutes, will remember as many numbers, numbers, dates from the life of the hero of the day as possible and describe them in a few words, for example, he got married on August 24, got a job at a factory on November 5, 1967, and so on, and will win victory in this competition.

Name the age of the birthday

The host for each guest tells a certain story from the life of the hero of the day, describes some event in a few words, for example, this year Vasily wore long curly hair, did not part with his checkered jacket, was successful at a youth disco, managed to win the heart of his chosen one . And the guest should name the age of the birthday boy of this year, events, incidents, for example, this year Vasily was 22 years old. For a correctly guessed answer, the guest receives a prize.

How it was

Each of the guests receives their fant, which indicates a specific event or situation, for example, the wedding day, how they met, the birth of their first child, and so on. Guests should, depending on the situation they got, describe it without naming specific dates. For example, It was summer, it was sunny in the park, and it happened at the ice cream stand (dating day). And the hero of the day, after listening to each of the guests in turn, must guess what kind of event they are talking about.

Name your profession

Guests are offered to guess the profession in turn using the objects that are in front of them. For example, the first participant got a red pen, a notebook with the inscription "Vedomosti Journal" and a calculator, this is an accountant, the second one - a hammer, a nail and a bar, this is a builder, the third one - a baby doll, gloves and honey. accessories (mask, bathrobe) - an obstetrician, a fourth - a comb, hairpins and hairpins - a stylist or hairdresser, and so on. Guessing the profession, guests receive their prizes.

To each a slice

Participants are divided into 2 teams. There are chairs at the same distance from the teams, and tangerines of the same size lie on them. At the start command, the first participants run to the chairs and clean their tangerines. Starting from the second participant, everyone eats one slice. The team that beats the mandarin faster is the winner.

I know - I don't know

Participants are divided into 2 teams and play the game "I know - I don't know" in relation to art. That is, the first team asks a question to the second, for example, names the author of a work or painting or sculpture, and the second team answers, and then vice versa. And so on until one of the teams can answer the question. Questions can be of the following kind: Pushkin - "Wonderful Moment", Picasso - "Three Musicians", the sculpture of Dionysus - Buyanov, "Morning in a Pine Forest" - Shishkin and so on.

Guests are divided into pairs as desired, whether they are a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and a man. Each of the pairs is given dimensionless tights, which must be worn so that one part has the leg of the first participant, and the second - the second. On the “start” command, couples run to their goal, for example, to a chair and back. Whoever overcomes his path faster, he won.

Fairy Godmothers

Teams of about 3-4 people are formed from female guests. For beauty and interest, you can prepare wings and magic wands for them in advance. The task of each team of fairies is to create a scene from a famous fairy tale and gather their Cinderella to the ball. For example, 2 chairs are a carriage, one of the men is a footman, make a dress for Cinderella from beautiful towels or curtains, slippers are crystal slippers. Everything in this competition depends on the imagination of our fairies. Who will do better Cinderella, according to the guests, that team of fairy godmothers won.

Jubilee King and Queen

Women of all ages are interested in such activities. Therefore, at the beginning of the celebration, the host can announce that at the end of the celebration, by secret ballot (each of the guests writes the name of the King and Queen on the leaf and throws the leaf into a pre-prepared urn), the royal couple will be identified, which will be awarded honorary titles, medals and applause. Thus, all guests will have an incentive to show themselves to the fullest at a fun holiday in order to get the coveted title.

Anniversary crossword

If the presenter tries, it can turn out to be an interesting and fun crossword puzzle, which is not so difficult to compose. The main word is selected vertically or horizontally, the letters of which will be hints for other words. Such a word can be either the name of the birthday girl, or the surname. Crossword questions can be of different nature. For example, the favorite movie of the hero of the occasion, what dish the hero of the day prefers to eat for breakfast, and so on. You need to make a crossword puzzle large, it can be hung on a wall or an easel. The host asks a question and says its location, for example, 2 vertically. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers.

Life and achievements of the birthday girl

The host must prepare questions for the guests in advance, which they will have to supplement. For example, Our beautiful (name) was born in the month _. Her first word was _. At school, the first mark was _. Etc. So everyone can find out who knows the birthday girl best of all. Which of the guests correctly completes the questions most of all, that is sure to receive a prize.

Save the hero of the occasion

Each of the guests in turn, the leader sets the task. The birthday girl is in trouble and in order to save her, you need, for example, to recite a poem by Pushkin or sing a ditty, or remember a catchphrase from a movie, and so on. Each guest performs his phantom and thus saves the hero of the occasion.

If you have ever been to a big holiday, then you know that the host of the holiday constantly offers to play something. And rightly so, because the holiday is not to be bored, but to have fun. But after some time, the guests get tired of playing, and here the host offers to play salt games. And we offer you board games for the anniversary of a woman for 50 years. Cool and will help you cheer up the guests, even if they are sitting at the table.

To begin with, we offer a warm-up game for guests. All guests take the tip of their left ear with their right hand. And with the left hand the tip of the nose. At the command of the host, all guests change hands, that is: the right hand rests on the tip of the nose, and the left hand takes the tip of the right ear. And so several times, while each time the host speeds up the pace so that the guests begin to get confused.

Well, have you warmed up? Then let's shout a little. We have an interesting chants next in line, which implies that the guests perform the actions that are in the chants. And so, shouting:

Are you here for the anniversary?
Answer me soon! (guests shout - yes!)
Well, since they came to the anniversary,
You need to smile more! (guests smile)
Don't take the smile off your face
And rub your belly with your left hand! (guests rub their left hand on their stomach)
And drive with your right hand on the head.
Yes, more active, more active, do not slow down! (guests with their right hand drive on the head)
Keep doing the movements
And congratulations to the hero of the day!
Let's shout together one, two:
We congratulate you on your anniversary! (guests, making movements with their hands, shout: congratulations)

After the chant, you must definitely play spin the bottle. Stop! It is not necessary to kiss in this game, here it is necessary to fulfill desires. That is, you write on beautiful cards what the guest should do. Lay out all the cards in a circle, and in the center is a bottle. The guests take turns spinning the bottle, and which card the neck indicated, they take it. And on the cards is written the task that the guest performs. Examples of tasks for cards:

1. Breathe deeply, don't get lost
Confess your love to all the guests.
Get up on the chair
And loudly, loudly announce it!

2. The hero of the day made a wish,
To receive beautiful compliments on the anniversary.
So don't be shy, start
Distribute compliments to our hero of the day.

3. Friends are asking you very much,
So that you dance hopak.
We will support you together
Catch the applause here!

4. Gather all the guests,
In a bunch, in a bunch, more!
Take the camera in hand
And take pictures out of boredom.

5. Pour a full glass,
You drink it to the bottom.
Eat whatever you want
And then you shout - congratulations!

The next game is a kind of auction. It's just that it will take place according to a completely different scheme, not like a regular auction. You need to buy joke prizes in advance and pack them in beautiful gift boxes. You show the gift that is in the package and each guest in turn says why he should get this package. At the same time, the guests do not know what is there. Who better argues his answer, he will receive the package and a gift under it. And as gifts you can choose:
- opener for beer.
- a pack of condoms.
- Toothbrush.
Etc. The main thing is that the guests say why he will need this thing and how he will use it. And then, when the winner sees what he got, then let him try to do what he said!

Now several guests come on stage, about 5 guests. They turn their backs to the guests and put their hands on each other's shoulders, as if hugging. The leader tells those who left that they should “draw” letters with their fifth point. And the audience then has to guess what the participants were drawing. And the words are something like this: happiness, love, health, that is, the words of wishes.
In this game, the guests will also laugh when they see how the priests of others dance, and the participants will enjoy it, because none of them have ever drawn words with a fifth dot!

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Have you already figured out how to have fun on anniversaries and what to offer guests? After all, if you do not entertain them, then they will start to yawn and go home before the cake. New and interesting scenario for the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of a woman with competitions, can be held at home. Take a look and choose the most interesting moments that are suitable for your holiday.

Anniversary meeting.
When all the guests have gathered, the celebration can begin. Have all the guests stand in a semicircle. And the leader will come forward a little. The hero of the day will stand in front of the leader. In the hands of the guests balloons and felt-tip pens. The facilitator reads the opening verse:

After that, the host invites all guests to write congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day on their balloon. And when it's ready, the balls are tied into one rope and handed over to the hero of the day.

Main holiday.

First toast.
We often look at our watches and say how fast time flies! And we want to stop it and turn the arrows in the opposite direction.
But, unfortunately, this cannot be done. But we can make good use of our time. For example, the way we are today - fun and with friends! I propose to drink for our hero of the day and for all the guests, her friends!

The game.
For the first game you need three women with different color hair. And what hair color do women have. That's what the team will be called.
The music starts to play and the women dance. After the dance, each woman recruits other participants for her team. When the teams are recruited, we begin the competition.
The music turns on and the first team performs. The team captain shows the movements, and the participants repeat. Then the second and third teams do the same. And each team has its own music.
When all teams have performed with a number, then a draw is announced and dances are held further.

Game block - admission to the club, who is over fifty.
Since the hero of the day is fifty years old, she must be solemnly accepted into the honorary club. And give me a certificate. Let's do it.
For the game block, you need to dress up three women as doctors. The host reads the main text, and the doctors say their words. So, here's the text:

After that, a certificate of an honorary member of the club is awarded to someone over fifty.

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game for guests.
Another game for guests. To play, you need to make cards that will say the following:
- beautiful underwear.
- blue shorts.
- fake mustache.
- the hopak dance is excellent.
- the most beautiful legs.
- the biggest ... tomatoes.
- the best brew.

Etc. Put all the cards in a bag. Approach the first guest. He says the following phrase: do you know what (hereinafter the name of any guest). And after the phrase, he takes out one card, and reads out what he has. And so each guest tells the whole “truth” about other guests.

Funny contest.
For the competition you need a flashlight. The host says:
- Friends! We have a magic flashlight that reads people's thoughts. Don't believe? Let's try.

Next, the light is turned off. The flashlight turns on and the presenter approaches any guest. We shine a flashlight on the head from above, and at this moment a pre-prepared cutting of the song turns on. For instance:
- in the head of my sawdust is not a problem ...
Or like this:
- I'm bamboo, Moscow empty bamboo!

It is necessary to prepare funny cuts of songs in advance, which should be included at the right time. And then the competition will take place with a bang.

Scene with gifts.
It's time for joke gifts and pranks. Therefore, we will show a sketch - guests from China. The scene is fun and interesting. Therefore, dress up the guests so that they look like guests from under heaven.
And here is the scene itself.

Turning 50 is an important milestone in a man's life. This is the moment when you can look back and realize how much you have accomplished in your life. Of course, the relatives of the hero of the day want to make his holiday exclusive, fun and memorable. This can help you interesting contests that will amuse the guests and delight the birthday man.

Advertising for the hero of the day

It is better to prepare for this competition in advance so that the result is impressive. The task of the guests is to create an advertisement for the birthday person. It can be a video, a short poem or a short slogan. The main goal is to present the birthday person in a favorable light with the help of advertising techniques.

50 warm phrases

For this competition, you need to divide the guests into teams and give each of them a task - within 10 minutes, come up with 50 compliments for the hero of the day. At the end of time, all these phrases are voiced. The team with the most compliments will win (they should not be repeated).


Teams of 3-5 people must come up with a plot for a label for vodka named after the hero of the day. It can be drawn, but it is better to show the plot in faces on an impromptu stage. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion or the general vote.

Money box

Guests are divided into teams or just a few volunteer participants are selected. A piggy bank is placed on one line (any box is enough). The task of the participants is to bring a coin on the toe of their shoes, which must be thrown into the piggy bank. The one with the highest profit wins.

Match chasing

Up to 10 people can participate in the competition, depending on the area of ​​​​the premises in which the celebration takes place. An empty matchbox is tied to the ankle of each of them on a long strong thread. After the presenter turns on the music, and the competition begins. The task of the guests is to step on the neighbor's box, crushing it, but at the same time to monitor the safety of their own. The winner is the one whose matchbox survives.

Blind drawing

It is necessary to divide the guests into teams and take a volunteer from each who will be an "artist". He is blindfolded, given a marker and placed in front of an impromptu easel (you can attach a sheet of paper to the wall). The rest of his team members are given a picture that the artist will draw. Their task is to tell him what he should draw, but at the same time you can only guide his hand - that is, direct it to the left, to the right; say that you need to draw an oval or a triangle, etc. The team with the "picture" as close as possible to the original image will win.

Questions for connoisseurs

This competition is simple, its goal is to find out how well the guests know the hero of the day. Before the holiday, the presenter, with the help of the birthday man, draws up a list of questions that will be asked to the guests. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with the most tricky questions. During the competition, the presenter asks these questions to all the guests in turn (you can separately select several people so that everything is honest, because the birthday man’s wife will definitely know him best). You can play "through" or, if there are a lot of questions, reward each participant with an asterisk. The winner will be the one who gives the most correct answers.

Leave a mark

Guests are given small cards made of thick paper or cardboard. Their task is to leave their mark on the card. You can do whatever comes into your head - leave a painting, a lipstick print, a fingerprint, etc. After all the cards are shuffled and given to the hero of the day. His task is to guess where was whose card. All "guessed" guests must dance common dance for the birthday boy.

Medal "For..."

For this competition, a little preparatory work is needed - you need to make small medals. If possible, involve children from the close circle of the hero of the day in this - they will be happy to help you. During the holiday, distribute these medals to guests, and let everyone write why this medal was given to the hero of the day. Thus, you will please the birthday man, who will understand how much he has done for people. The winner among the guests will be the author of the most interesting and original medal.

collective song

For this you will need a long sheet of paper. The conditions are simple - each participant writes a short phrase in honor of the birthday man, and then folds the sheet so that it is not visible. Passing the sheet to the next guest, he says the last word so that he comes up with a phrase that will rhyme with the first. When the leaf goes around the full circle, the presenter should read what happened in the end. The birthday person chooses the winner.

sweet gift

Divide people into teams and give each of them a bowl of goodies. The main condition is a wide variety of sweets in it. It can be sweets, lollipops, nuts, small cookies and candied fruits. The task of the team is to put each type of sweet in a separate bag or just a handful. The winners will be those who did it the fastest.

The same competition can be done by spreading out souvenir money or coins in vases. Thus, the conditions will be more difficult, and the participants will not be able to help themselves by secretly eating the contents of the competition.

poker face

Several men are selected for this competition. The host takes several glasses (according to the number of participants), and pours water into them, and only one - vodka. All participants stand next to the glasses and, at the command of the host, quickly drink its contents. At the same time, you need to restrain yourself and not show emotions that you got vodka. All other guests must guess which of the participants was unlucky. The guest who succeeds will be the winner. Competitors are rewarded with an additional shot of vodka for bravery.

More gifts

Of course, all the gifts will be presented to the guests at the beginning of the holiday. But in the heat of the moment, they will probably want to do something else pleasant for the hero of the day. To do this, you can use intangible gifts. The facilitator's task is to come up with such small gifts (it can be a poem, song, dance, etc.) and write them on small leaves. Leaves are placed in an inflatable ball. Each guest chooses a balloon, bursts it and brings to life the gift that he got.

Tour for oranges

For this competition, guests are divided into teams of 5 or more people. For each team, 2 chairs are placed opposite each other. On one of them are oranges according to the number of participants. The task of the guests is to move the orange from one chair to another without using their hands. Moreover, each subsequent participant can take an orange only when the previous one brought his to the second chair.

ball for a couple

Several couples are selected from the guests - a man and a woman. They stand opposite each other, and a small ball is placed between them. The task of the participants is to lift the ball from the stomach to the chin without using their hands.

More compliments

For this contest, it is better to choose several women who will compliment the birthday man. All of them must begin with the same letter as the name of the hero of the day. For example, if his name is Sergey, then the compliments will be - radiant, fair, calm, etc. They should not be repeated, and the one who comes up with the most warm words will win.

Wish that will come true

Of course, the birthday boy has every right to make a wish when he blows out the candles. But why not help him with this? Before this competition, it is necessary that each guest writes on a piece of paper what he would wish the birthday man - a car, some amount of money, a summer house on the coast, etc. All these leaves are tied to ropes and fixed approximately at chest level (you can stretch the fishing line from one wall to another). A blindfolded birthday boy should approach the rope and cut off one of the “gifts” with scissors, guided by the prompts of the guests. What he chooses, he must definitely have before his next birthday. At the same time, if the birthday man guesses whose wish it was, the guest must fulfill his little wish - to tell a joke, sing a song, etc.

Truth and only truth

The birthday boy will like this contest if he wants to get to know his guests better. The conditions are simple - a roll or a pack of napkins (or similar paper that is easy to tear) is passed around to the guests. Each of them should tear off a few pieces from napkins - as many as he sees fit. After everyone picks up a handful of scraps, the host announces the conditions - each of the participants must tell as many facts about himself as there are scraps on the table in front of him.


Everyone loves this competition. The host tells the conditions: each of the guests must name the letter of the alphabet, starting with "A", and say a wish or a toast that begins with this letter. For example, "Aibolit congratulates the birthday boy!" or “Watch out! Cake coming soon! This becomes especially funny when you need to come up with a wish for "F", "F" or "S". The prize from the presenter is given to the one who says the funniest phrase. You can determine the winner by voting or let the birthday person do it.

Love does not love

For this competition, it is best to seat guests, alternating between men and women. The facilitator will ask each of them to name the part of the body that he likes and dislikes from his neighbor on the left or right. For example, to say that he loves the nose and does not like the ears. After everyone has said this, the presenter is sorry to kiss what you like from a neighbor and bite what you do not like. A few minutes of stormy fun is provided.


One volunteer is selected from the guests. He must dive under the table and steal a shoe from one of the guests. When he shows it to the others, they have to guess who was the victim of the robbery. If they succeed, the robbed must steal the next shoe.

February 16, 2016 .

The fiftieth anniversary is a certain stage in a person's life, when much has already been achieved, but much is yet to come. This day the hero of the day wants to spend with his loved ones, and funny contests lift everyone's spirits.

Competition "Advertising Agency"

Participants in this competition must compose some kind of advertisement, slogan, come up with a verse, in general, everything that your imagination tells you to create an advertisement for our hero of the day. You can organize an auction and sell these commercials to guests. The money collected in this way will go to the birthday man.

Competition "50 compliments"

All guests must be divided into teams, each of which must compose fifty compliments for the birthday man in a few minutes. Ready options are read. Those compliments that will be repeated are not considered and are deleted from the general list of compliments. The team with the most original compliments left wins.

Competition "Label"

A team of like-minded people should depict a picture on an artificial stage, which may be on the label of a new vodka. The winner is determined by general voting. The team that made the funniest label has the best chance of winning.

Contest "Piggy Bank"

On the edge of his shoes, the participant carefully places a coin and, at the command “Start”, begins to move to the finish line. It is there that the piggy bank is located, into which the coin is sent. The smartest and smartest will win.

Competition "Match shackles"

A group of people who wish to take part in this competition is recruited. All of them have a matchbox attached to their legs on a long thread. The music turns on and the dancing begins. Crush someone else's box and save your own - this is the main task facing the participants of the competition. The winner will be the one who has a whole matchbox left.

Blind Artist Competition

All those present are divided into teams. A particularly gifted player is tightly blindfolded. This will be the "blind artist". The rest of the teams will also have one such artist. All artists receive brushes and posters, and the rest of the participants receive a picture that this team needs to draw. Participants can suggest where to lead the brush, in which direction it should be turned. The subject cannot be named. Then all received drawings are compared and the most realistic of them will be the winner.

Competition Anniversary “What? Where? When?"

The competition resembles a well-known program. Questions should be asked by the host, and the guests act as experts and answer the questions posed. The bulk of the questions relate to the hero of the day, his basic habits and other features. The one who answered the question incorrectly is out of the game. And the one who lasted the longest will be the winner of this competition.

Competition "Pathfinder"

Guests receive small paper sheets on which they must leave some kind of trace. It can be an imprint of different parts of the body, you can circle your palm, leave a trace of lipstick. Here your imagination is not limited. All pieces of paper are collected and folded into an opaque bag, which is handed over to our hero of the day. He takes out the leaves and tries to guess who left his mark. Those who have been identified must dance for our beloved hero of the day, a collective dance.

Competition "Let's award the hero of the day"

The host distributes original home-made medals on satin ribbons to all guests. Since these medals are paper, then guests can write a congratulatory ode on them, write for what merits he would award the hero of the occasion, or draw an original gift. The winner of the most extravagant medal and the most beautiful medal will receive a prize. If teams take part in the competition, then you can arrange a competition for speed, which team will sign the most congratulations.

Competition "Collective congratulatory ode"

Participants of this competition are given a small piece of paper on which they need to write one phrase. The sheet is folded so that the written phrase is not visible. The next participant is told only the last word, and he must compose another phrase, but only to make it rhyme. The resulting congratulations will be solemnly read to the hero of the occasion. And the hero of the day will have to think about who will own the palm in this competition.

Competition "Sweet life"

All guests are divided into groups. Each group will receive a beautiful vase full of various sweets. On a signal, the participants are taken to sort all the content. They have to separate sweets from cookies, nuts from candied fruits, and put them all in separate bags. The group that does it faster and better will be the winner.

Competition "Bag of money"

All participants must be divided into several teams. The teams are given original bags containing a number of different banknotes. The team must quickly and efficiently sort all banknotes by denomination and in ascending order. The first team to complete this task will be the winner of this competition.