Weapons and equipment. About Arms & Hunting

11.10 10th International Exhibition Arms and Hunting ARMS & Hunting 2013 (PHOTOS)

Andrey Shalygin: Traditionally, for many years, we have been visiting all specialized exhibitions and acquainting our readers with the ongoing changes and the atmosphere prevailing there. In fact, the whole point of these Exhibitions is not at all in their content, but in the changes taking place from year to year, which, like a litmus test, clearly reflect the trends in general taking place in the segment. , ... I will first tell you about specific changes in turn, and then I will briefly summarize. Moreover, this is the 10th anniversary of ARMS & HUNTING.

With invited brand faces this time it is tight, as well as with the general representatives of the brands. Many did not come at all. The promo segment suffered too. If earlier the Rogozins for ORSIS will get Anya Chapman, then Kolchuga will bring Porechenkov, then the Fausti sisters and Madame Fanza will decorate the gallery ... This time only Mr. Rogozin seems to have caught Steven Seagal, but the comrade did not reach the common people. Apparently he left to fight terrorism, as he had promised Kalashnikov.

The current Arms and Hunting in Gostiny Dvor is held very close to the exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and not so far from the exhibition in Crocus, the weakest in the segment. In part, this bore fruit in favor of Gostiny Dvor. Most likely, many participants simply did not go to the exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center precisely because it was too close in time and all efforts were directed at ARMS & HUNTING, since this is a meeting not with a retail physicist, but with partners, wholesalers and experts, as well as VIP- the client. Therefore, there was not enough for 2 pavilions of the exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Of course, someone simply did not have enough funds due to the low overall level of the participant, so they chose what was more valuable to them. For example, INTERLOPER was traditionally at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and in Gostiny Dvor, but Dendra was not enough for Gostiny Dvor. RKOL, unlike previous years, did not participate in the exhibition program at all. Veles-Tour, traditionally based on the All-Russian Exhibition Center, this time preferred Gostiny Dvor, for the first time without visiting Okhota and Fisheries, etc.

First of all, this speaks about marketing and the state of business, which is interesting to track just at exhibitions. Let's say that what Dendra told me on Crocus that they have bows-crossbows, this seems to be not the main thing, but an adjective filling and they grew out of the knife business and therefore on Crocus mainly with knives - this is a light version for a visitor, methods survival, let's say. Why not in Gostiny - because there is no wholesale partner, and the place is expensive, the exclusive for Hoyts has long been lost - INTERLOPER is officially trading as an official dealer of HOYT ARCHERY. Likewise, the rest of the small retail did not stretch to the exhibition. It's a pity. I hoped that at least a couple more serious players would appear on this market.

Russian Eagle every year it looks quite adequate - it holds on tightly, confidently. Chain mail in my opinion a little bit dusty, no one is scurrying around, everything is old, the same. Traditional set of foreign brands- the pillars of the world of weapons are all in place, but already treats Russia with understanding, - Deutschland, as a regional block of free handbags with catalogs of its exhibitions, does not distribute trucks, the crisis is affecting; The norm with RVS speculates with knife sharpeners, and even sells promo hats, not gifts; Only domestic BSPlanet, and traditionally Kalashnikov, were actively involved in promotional products.

If earlier new items were actively presented, well, at least relative new items, and at least for Russia they are novelties - for example, last year the Eagles actively pressed on the Beretta A400, and the DT-11 Beretta was actively promoting, now the new items have only conditionally become novelties and you can secretly learn about them on the sidelines.

What is the main focus: Blazer R8, Sauer 101, partly updated 202 (Synchro XT and Wild Boar) and 303 Synchro XT (in caliber 338 VinMag), Browning Maral, A5 and Maxus, Mauser M12, Fausti series of rifles with an updated design, the new Taiga carbine on the market from the Italians Zoli, they pressed very hard on the updated Benelli Rafaello ...

However, the Benelli experts made a strong move and the tuned Benelli-Raffaello in a transparent case gracefully demonstrates what is secret and technological inside him. Nothing, of course, secret, and in the drawings everything is much more beautiful, but it is very informative to look at all this with your own eyes, without picking the apparatus.

I really don't know how a Russian will respond to this internal simplicity - that's another question. It's one thing - to write a lot of beautiful words and draw pictures, but another thing - will Uncle Vasya look and say - 120,000 for this stick with a spring and a nut? Well, there are all sorts of people, he does not know that the barrel itself pulls 70 here. At dealer prices, of course, since everything is more than half the price at home. Nobody canceled monopoly on the Russian market. So is the collusion of arms dealers. But beautifully, skillfully, clearly. Inspires.

Artemis has been organizing an auction of used and new weapons since October 19, the catalog is distributed to everyone with lot numbers and prices - even IZH-27E is there for less than 10,000 rubles. Almost a new form of increasing sales. ORSIS promised to sell almost 150 barrels at a reduced price ... But, a tricky thing - pay 20% of the auction fee from above, and even all sorts of other force majeure, because you are not alone there ... So you just have to think that all of this is simply not sold in any other way according to the list. This is actively confirmed by our sources of information on all fronts.

As for ORSIS, 150 barrels is almost a year of operation of the former pipe plant united by the efforts of Rogozin and Abyzov in a joint business ... something does not go to GPV and to the people of stainless steel stroganin from Western technologies. Of course, it began to differ from a pipe on legs for several years, they no longer paint them with paint for catainers ... But, this is not even T3 Tikka, and moreover, this is not even Sako, and not Mannlicher at all, and God forbid ... and what is it down there, painfully reminiscent of a gangster's sawed-off shotgun? Did you do anything for export to Western Ukraine? They are fashionable now. After all, we have gathered in the European Union.

I would not even say that the current knives from Rukavishnikov's workshop are worse than those made by the Master himself. Most likely much better. Yes, and modern piece design models are not that expensive - 40-60,000. Russian business is quite capable of doing it. I'm not talking about a decoy, I'm talking about the whole issue.

In general, the Russian knife cutter is a very high-level master. Although, he is more of a designer. Damascus today for the most part - sour. Of course, they are doing something good in Zlatoust. For instance, Trofimov runs very good production at the Lokhtachevs' LiK. But there, too, everything is not very good in terms of business. But for damask and damask, they have one of the first technologies in Russia - he himself checked everything using samples, I keep plates from control forgings for comparison. But whoever has a good design is not so good with metals. But some of the works are simply masterpieces. What kind of knife, this is not a knife - this is a work of art - just put it on the window.

A master as such is held in high esteem in any country and he will not remain without a piece of bread at any time. Whether Famars brings his engravers, whether Krieghoff brings wood craftsmen - such a promotion is always interesting and attracts the visitor. Because the buyer agrees to pay money both for high technologies, that is, know-how, and for man-hours, that is handmade and design. Therefore, someone rushes to design, someone to technology, but the market will come forward who will combine both, and even make it relatively cheap. Well, who today will buy a gun Peter Hoffer or Holland and Holland - very few. You don't just need to find an empty niche - you need to understand its capacity.

Therefore, nowadays even going to ARMS-and-Hunting and asking the managers something there is again a question - what do they sell first of all, and what is the second. At the same time, the same thing awaits you in hunting magazines, but with a hefty touch of stupidity - what they gave, then we put what expert review- how much you paid, so much is the estimate. Therefore, even if you go to the main weapons exhibition, first of all hope for your own head and knowledge. Or improve in the Jesuit art of rubbing in confidence and provoking people to the point of light trolling - and they also called you a yellow worm ... And in response, the object will give you everything it knows about "them." Awl from any bag rushing, you just need to be able to push on the bag, or put the client. But nobody canceled black PR.

There is such a murky office in the Mytishchi suburban warehouses in the crossbow and archery market, where rent is the cheapest. There are no dealers, there are no sales, they were squeezed out from all segments, only small retail remained, and they begin to tell terrible fairy tales to the end customer. The client comes to me in fright, complains: but, they told me that ... ATTENTION, a new word in sub-sampling marketing- with these bad people (I mean Interloper) - everything is much cheaper, since HOYT bows are not real! Hoyt is actually fake, and it's not carbon fiber, but regular plastic. And their Barmett crossbows are also not real, they also fake them, and they have everything Chinese, that's why it's cheap ... Is this true?

So I wanted to say - yes, it's true, they have factories and plants in China, where they not only fake Hoyts and Barnetts, they have already faked the whole world, and what else are they doing in Russia if they Hoyts and Barnetts know how to fake in large quantities, unclear. and in general everything around is fake, and Sauers and Benelli also make Chain mail in China ... But, damn it, alas, the factories have not yet got hold of and somehow it is impossible to forge Hoyts and Barnetts. I'm at general director Barnett Crossbows Matt Busbeek ask, - Mat, they say we have mastered the production of fake Barnetts, you will not be able to get hold of branded stickers, otherwise in Russia logo printing is like in China a crossbow how to make a crossbow. Mat answers me - listen, sell me all the production immediately for any money, and sell only your own in Russia, I will sign all the certificates, they will be real, otherwise the whole world tears Barnetts out of the stream, and I give you the last for the image, if only one could say - in Russia from the Barnett bears are shot all over Siberia. And then in America, he says, Barnett is already a Legend, I will sell your crossbows to Mexico and Peru, they say, the people there are smarter than in Russia, they can check carbon from plastic with just a fingernail or a knife, there are no fools there.

In general, this humor is not for average minds. And if in Russia, among the OFFICIAL DEALERS of some world brands, there are nerds of such a degree who think that the domestic buyer is a complete idiot, and the second also official dealers think that the best is exactly what is sold, and still others print and write only what they were given. .. Then the question arises - is the client sane? And if there are no fools in Mexico and the pen, as Matt says, then we have them. Simply because we have such dealers, at least, who are outspoken and outright fools. There remains a faint hope for the client's sanity. Although, otherwise I would not have been asked such a question at all, that's the catch.

And the next question comes up on its own- why no one thinks that it is possible to forge Tikku T3, or SACO, Mannlicher, - everyone is fighting the military-industrial complex not the first 10 years, nicherta does not come out, neither sideways, nor from another position. They cannot even be forged for hundreds of billions. They cannot make a machine tool base, nor a sane small arms, concerns create, each other go bankrupt, pipeline factories are being converted into weapons, space has already been flooded with fragments of dead satellites - they can’t do anything, we are all waiting for handouts from world brands. They would have taken it and faked it, like the Chinese. There is nothing. One hundred and first version of the same thing, but with plastic handles - here's a new assault rifle, here's not an IZH-27, but an MP-27, here's an MP-155 ... and a side view of an assault rifle.

What is this? Hunting motorcycle made of thin tubes with car wheels- an all-terrain vehicle. Any car service will cook in a day if they try. Why don't we cook? Because the psychology of society has changed long ago. They used to cook and not like that. Previously, the magazine Tekhnika-Molodezhi, Modelist-constructor, Young Technik with attachments - they collected them in filing, tinkered, soldered, such things were collected ... only I had two dozen underwater guns of my own design, photo boxes of my own design underwater - about 15, and even 4 scuba gears of our own design, including a three-cylinder one with two lung demand valves and a dispenser for pneumatic tools ... We are no longer a country of manufacturers - we are a country of the Western type - a society of consumers that is not even able to understand that we simply cannot fake anything in general, in principle, we cannot, and for a long time. We can only consume what others have produced, and what we do ourselves is either the heritage of the last century, or outright rubbish that is unlike anything else.

Therefore, when I come across something like a joint production of Babaev and Rukavishnikova with Myers and Daniels, or something like the TrophyArt studio, of course, I want to talk about this. In Russia, for example, no one else makes trophy furniture as skillfully as carving. But the masters, excuse me, have 45 years of experience only in trophy business, in taxidermy and artistic carving. Who will take it all after them? Miroslav Madejski practically left taxidermy, other studios also gave up their positions in the last five years. Three years ago, there was only one surge, but that was the end of it. And the foreign hunter does not leave Russia with a ready-made trophy as part of the service. Dozens of foreign hunters are calling me, writing, asking - I want to go to Russia, I want a bear, a deer, then, behold, ... but how with weapons? He can't be brought in, I can't give him. Kuzenkov fights for the idea there, and he can knock it out of the legislator. Or maybe not, we still have those lawmakers. And while the foreign hunter goes ... to Austria. And Austria is coming to us to call for the Imperial Hunt.

While I am considering the authenticity of Pedersolli and wondering why they don’t do this in our country, some collectors are discussing how the police dropped one of them on the entire collection - everything was seized inside and out, because we are not allowed by law to have anything that can be interpreted as a weapon, even if it is not a weapon in terms of time, status and characteristics, but it does not have a corresponding certificate. It doesn't even matter that according to the requirements of the examination carried out after the fact, it is not a weapon. If there was no certificate of conformity for this particular sample during storage, it means that it is still a criminal and everything should be seized, because without a piece of paper the obvious is not obvious. That is precisely why we have Chrysostom figs, sorry, chilly flow, but there is a piece of paper for everything - this is not a chill, but a souvenir. And if they take you with him, and you have a piece of paper, then you are a conscientious buyer who did not know what he bought, that is, not guilty. And from whom they seized a souvenir, and not a cold one, but without a piece of paper, is a criminal, because you do not have a piece of paper stating that this is a souvenir, especially if it is a historical weapon, there is no conclusion. And anything can be recognized as a weapon if a crime is committed with it. Even though a stool - there is a cold weapon of crushing action. Paradoxes of marasmus or marasmus of paradoxes are not easier.

In our country, the production of weapons is the prerogative of the state, or corrupt officials. You can't even get a trading license in Moscow for no reason - the number is limited. Until he dies or who does not sell, there is no way to get into that circle. you can only buy the whole business - that's the whole way. But, you can, if he himself is from the organs. Weapons, like narcotics, are those who control what, and that is what they have. To do this, you just need to know the history and backstage of this exhibition itself. This is not the history of family factories like all over the world, but the history of mafia ties. Therefore, all this is not good for shooting. Shotguns are not cleaned with bricks. So no matter how you sit down, the machine base, like the engineering design bureaus, needs to be re-created in most cases, there is often simply nothing to revive, either in shipbuilding or in small arms. We are proud only of history. Well, it is not great, in fact.

Brief general results are as follows: The Exhibition itself is much more interesting than any other exhibitions in the segment, although it is an armory pure form one. Compared to the previous year, there were fewer VIPs, as well as new products, and for the 10th anniversary year it was frankly weak. Most likely, VIPs do not expect any real results from the exhibition. It was just as weak only during the height of the financial crisis in Europe, when the organizers themselves spoke about this at the opening. There is also less foreign hunting at the Exhibition. Domestic hunting magazines have sincerely passed, half of them are dying, most of them are missing from the exhibition. The Basic Instinct was replaced by the Russian Hunting Instinct and surfaced as a kind of Weapon and Hunting Consulting, both in the form of a mailing list and in the form of a kind of Outfit Catalog. Two magazines will definitely die before the end of the year, one will probably simply be mothballed in the hope of being sold to at least someone. The segment itself from the inside showed an attempt to move somewhere only in the Kalashnikov Concern - it will be clear where they will go there a little later, while we see only striving. There is practically no Russian hunting at the exhibition at all, although the client is above the roof. Many outfitters complain that they cannot provide the client's requests at all - the databases show complete impotence and lack of service. Nobody can accept the hunter at all. The optics look strong, but there is nothing to hang them on - there is no buyer and no carrier. The bow-crossbow segment is represented, as always, only by INTERLOPER. The foreign-made arms trade shows a desire to intensify, but the Russian management does not have the training that could allow it to do so. The exhibition is not designed for the budget segment at all, so a real hunter will not go here. What the results of the auction scheduled for the 19th will show there can be predicted in advance - there will be no sense, because the auction itself and the announcements endorse a surplus of illiquid assets, which networkers and manufacturers are trying to dump without dropping, but veiling the retail price with an auction fee and bargaining. The clothing segment is alive and well, even new members have appeared.

For six years in a row, I have been attending this wonderful event that attracts those who are not indifferent to arms.
I am against war and against the killing of animals, but there is something in me that every year pulls me to admire the weapon.
I love and respect weapons.

From September 29 to October 2, Moscow hosts the 13th International Exhibition"Arms and Hunting: Arms & Hunting 2016".
Traditionally, gunsmiths and hunters, leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world, young manufacturers of smooth-bore weapons and cartridges, dealers of leading hunting brands have gathered in the best showroom in the capital - Gostiny Dvor on Ilyinka.

Leading Russian and foreign arms manufacturers are represented at the exhibition.
It has attracted numerous amateurs and professionals: hunters, security and law enforcement officials.

From the way they handled weapons and the questions they asked, it immediately became clear that they knew this subject firsthand.
A lot of young people also come. At various stands one could get acquainted with samples of modern rifles, optics, crossbows, knives from various manufacturers, clothing and hunting equipment. Armourers from Germany, Italy and Belgium brought impressive expositions to Moscow. Beautiful guns, high-quality optics (scopes, binoculars, telescopes, etc.), all this could be touched, carefully examined and consulted.

2. The relatively young Moscow International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting" has gained a well-deserved prestige and recognition among professionals and amateurs of the hunting industry and has firmly entered the top-ranking of global arms shows along with the famous "SHOT Show" (Las Vegas, USA) and "IWA & OutdoorClassics "(Nuremberg, Germany). Confirmation of the above is undoubtedly the fact that almost all the leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world have included in their schedules exactly the beginning of October as the time to participate and visit the exhibition.

3. Hunting weapons.

4. Sports weapons.

5. The famous company "BrowninG"

6. Browning International s.a. from the city of Erstal - the largest arms company in Belgium.

7. The current name is Browning International s.a. appeared only in the XX century, although in fact the company arose quite a long time ago: back in the 1870s. a young American gunsmith Browning John Moses, with the support of numerous brothers in his hometown of Ogden, founded Browning & Brothers

8. Shotguns from Istanbul of the Armsan arms company.

9. Equipment for tourism and hunting.

10. APS-M - the famous Stechkin, 1955 release.

12. Trophies from Africa. Would you like to go on a safari?

13. Pneumatic weapon with syringes for biologists from reserves. Such weapons are not produced in Russia ...

14. Hunting trophies.

17. Kalashnikov and AGS light machine gun for 104,000 rubles.

18. Knives for real guys.

19. High-precision rifles Orsis.

20. Machine gun on the machine.

24. With a slight movement of the hand using such devices, you can make a rifle from a pistol)

26. Kalashnikov, take a closer look Saiga)

27. Male conversations.

29. Experienced consultants will tell and show everything.

34. AK-47 produced in 1973, converted into a carbine for 3,000,000 rubles.

35. On the topic of Syria. Dagger for 34,000 rubles.

36. Dagger autographed by Kalashnikov.

37. Would you like butter? Yana
46. ​​Do not touch with your hands!

50.September 29 - October 2, 2016
Moscow, Gostiny Dvor
Exhibition opening hours:
October 02: from 10:00 to 16:00
Entrance fee: 350 rubles
It's worth it, big discounts on the last day!

Another arms exhibitionArms& Hunting2017 opened on September 12 in Moscow. This is the main Russian event in the arms business of the year, to which manufacturers and importers are trying to coincide with the display of new products.

This season was no exception.

From foreigners, I will single out the presentation of the Italian company Franchi. This company is part of the famous Italian holding P.Beretta, occupying the niche of budget weapons in it. Until now, Franchi has specialized in smoothbore semi-automatic weapons. The famous Franchi Affinity, which operates on an inertial-slide automation, is essentially a clone of the Benelli M1 Super 90. Franchi is now based in Urbino, at the same production site as Benelli.

But now we are not talking about smooth-bore weapons, but about rifled ones. The company has released, for the first time in 150 years of its history, the Franchi Horizon rifled carbine.

This is a fairly simple carabiner with a composite stock. Of the features - a three-point shutter, which works very clearly and smoothly.

The manufacturer guarantees the accuracy of the weapon at 1 MOA.

Now the rifle comes in two common calibers - .30-06 Sprg and .308 Win. Next year, other options will arrive, in particular, they talked about .223 rem and .300 WinMag.

The announced price looks very attractive - up to 60,000 rubles. at the current exchange rate of the euro to the ruble.

Feature - 6 (!!!) thrust bolt.

The price is a little less than 60,000 rubles.

The powerful exposition of the Beretta holding was "balanced" by another well-known manufacturer of weapons from the Apennine Peninsula - the firm FABARM.

There is also sad news - the Finnish brand Sako / Tikka is practically no longer imported to Russia due to the sanctions. What is presented on the shop windows is the remnants of previously imported consignments.

Sniper rifles of the German company Haenel, which I also noticed on my trip to the IWA, also appeared in Moscow.

Vyatsko-Polyansky "Hammer" presented several "Veprey-1V" in performance "under SVD" in calibers .308 Win and smoothbore chambered for a new cartridge (oval drilling).

A pair of carbines with telescopic butts (top - in caliber. 366 TKM, bottom. 223 Rem).

Smoothbore carbine VPO-220 based on the Mosin rifle chambered for

At the Kalashnikov stand my attention was attracted by a new performance of Saiga 9x19.

Continuing the conversation about AKMoids, I would like to note the Serbian Zastava М2010 chambered for .308Win. I cannot imagine yet how this rifle will compete with the Saeg and Veprey ocean on our shelves.

But the bolt action carbines of the good old Mauser 98 are a completely different matter. They were and will be in demand on the market.

To modernize the SVD, SAG offers its own body kit, which changes the appearance of the rifle until it is unrecognizable. In addition to the SVD, there are also models of body kits for AK and bolt rifles.

An interesting concept was presented by the Tula TsKIB SOO - MTs1343 sniper rifle chambered for .388 Lapua Magnum. Neither the release dates nor the prices have been announced yet.

The Vostok-1 pistol is nothing more than a version of the well-known OOOP Jorge-3M.

The Austrians traditionally presented their works of arms art.

Double-barreled "African" carbine Fuchs

In the optics section, I was able to visit the stand of the Yukon company (Pulsar brand), where I got acquainted with the new products.

The "senior" digital sight Pulsar Digisight Ultra N355 was tested. I believe that a version of this sight with a laser rangefinder will be on sale in the near future.

The newest thermal imagers of the Pulsar Helion series will soon appear on our market.

From daytime optics, I was attracted by the stand of the Hawke scopes, which are already at a very reasonable price.

Among other things, the following stands are worth paying attention to at the exhibition.

At the stand of the Kalashnikov concern were exhibited hollowed-out pistols: on top of the PB, on the bottom of the APS.

The only representative of all-terrain vehicles was the company "TD Vezdekhod", which had attached its ZUBR 4 × 4. It is possible to test this machine.

Colorful airbrushed design for weapon safes.

Tourist 13-10-2013 18:43

surely many of the Moscow mates and guests of the capital were at the exhibition. I went today.
I think there are still reviews on the hanza, but I wanted to discuss it in the thread I most visited.
discuss in terms of trends?

The selection of carbines for 9x19 has expanded greatly (Zbroyar will supply with replaceable barrels. 223 and 9x19) and this is for one person!
turned Kel-Tek in his hands. when folded, it can be carried in a briefcase.

Under 7.62 / 25 only PPSh. Moreover, its appearance (exhibition !!!) is upsetting. a feeling that it was found by search engines.

There are a lot of ARCs. there are really more producers than acmoids.

Acmoids made in Poland appeared (highly opicated)

For the first time I saw short-barreled pistols for black powder at an exhibition (replicas). at their stands (Pedersoli) they said they were counting on some changes in the ZOO. Agree that these are not dreary dreamers from the Legislation branch, but people who plan to make money on this, and have already invested something in it ... such a COP is better than none.

Really a lot of pistils.

who else noticed something interesting? what impressions?

dimon8-5 13-10-2013 19:01

not a Muscovite, did not go, fuck

dimon8-5 13-10-2013 19:04

oh no, no shit
Taurus was?

Tourist 13-10-2013 19:11

Are you talking about the company in general or about the 9x19 carbine? the carbine was last year, now it is quite sold for itself. even had a chance to shoot from this. This year I did not see the carbine. and if about the company, then in the fundamentals of the traumatic, and signal whistles-fakes.

dimon8-5 13-10-2013 19:14

about the company

quote: in the basics of traumatic, and signal whistles-fakes.

and not mainly?

Tourist 13-10-2013 19:17

but not in general, Tuurus does not and did not have a stand of its own. RIO carries them here.
carbines with a henry bracket and revolving small pieces.

As for full-size weapons, I would say there are no new products at all compared to last year. The only thing, Merkel with a forward thrust, and the amplitude is even less than that of Blazer.

All new items are just under zombiehanting of some kind.

dimon8-5 13-10-2013 19:23

2Touristeg: I see, thanks, then post?

CTPAHHuK47 15-10-2013 18:19

Looked at the fenced-in AKMS at the Hammer Arms booth. Saliva came out. I thought - this is it, my happiness .... I came back, smoked a profile branch, I was upset.
We were pleased with the stand of the Kalashnikov concern. Pleased with his stiffness: a bunch of respectable guys in suits and ties among a heap of shit. Even Izh-60 were not too lazy to put on the stand. Hunting, figly ...

In the arms industry, one can see how 3-4 Turkish firms begin to crush everyone. That is, everyone in general.

Of the new products I liked - Kel-Tek, Beretta 692 and Beretta 1301.

sauer 16-10-2013 10:50

Photos from the vehicle personally would be helpful, but you can read about the rest in the profile branches, or were they forbidden to take pictures?

P.S. not a Muscovite, did not go, fuck

Harding 16-10-2013 15:35

quote: Originally posted by Stomping Hedgehog:

Each time depressing the number of knife-makers of varying degrees of intoxication and pontoreznost.

Probably with the purchase from such craftsmen, their pont, in the form of a viral infection, is transmitted to the buyer of the knife. When buying more than two knives, 90% of knife lovers have deviations of varying severity. They are uncontrollably rushing from the twist, and the knowledge of the knife topic and related areas grows to the size of the planet. At the same time, you do not have to go to the forest and at least cut something with a knife. Periodically, depending on the degree of infection and the strength of toxicosis (read the number of purchased pontovo knives), Nayfomanov vomits and vilifies in the form of dirt-posts.

The Arms & Hunting exhibition, which is held in Gostiny Dvor, is an example of an exhibition representing the most modern achievements in the field of weapons and hunting technologies and is quite remote from the type of fair we are accustomed to - although in Gostiny Dvor you can buy samples of goods, order a hunting a tour or a weapon from a master piece.

Our publication has been covering the Arms & Hunting exhibition since 2008, and during this period the authors described the activities of more than 230 exhibiting companies and stopped at more than three hundred new products, which then firmly entered the life and arsenal of Russian hunters. And this is still a small share of the total assortment exhibited at Arms & Hunting, which includes both firearms and various outdoor products; Hunter knives; companies organizing hunting and fishing tours; as well as taxidermy and all-terrain vehicles.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that over the past 13 years Arms & Hunting has become a real trendsetter in the world of the hunting industry in Russia, which now lives from October to October - according to the seasons that are celebrated according to the Gostiny Dvor calendar. The organizers of the exhibition are Kolchuga LLC and Shater Trading House. The exhibition is held with the assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Prime Minister sent his greetings to Arms & Hunting Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin, Head of the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Leonid Vedenov and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Kolchuga Mikhail Khubutia. Mikhail Khubutia, in particular, said: “During this considerable period we have passed a difficult, but very interesting and educational path, gaining a wealth of experience, knowledge and achievements. The exhibition has proven its relevance in society. It has become one of the most popular and reputable centers of attraction for gunsmiths around the world, in no way inferior to other world famous specialized exhibitions such as the German IWA and the American Shot Show. The naked eye can now see how the exhibition has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Today it is attended by representatives of almost all the world's leading manufacturers of weapons and ammunition. "

Like any complex mechanism, the exhibition develops and lives according to the laws ...

How? Yes, our own, but closely related to the laws of supply and demand and foreign policy realities, to which the life of the international arms community is largely exposed.

The most frequently used word in relation to the arms trade lately is, of course, “sanctions”. I must say that Kolchuga, Russian Eagle and Rosimpex, as well as their foreign partners, were able to somehow mitigate the impact of sanctions on the modern assortment of hunting stores and, accordingly, the arsenals of hunters. We already wrote that, in spite of everything, the most important weapon novelties of the season - Benelli U828 and Blaser F16 - are being sold in Russia. A wide range of foreign outfit companies was present - and, I must say, this range is only expanding at Arms & Hunting, regardless of foreign policy upheavals. Here we must pay tribute to the management of the exhibition, which, in spite of everything, succeeds in attracting additional exhibitors to Moscow and placing them on a relatively small patch of Gostiny Dvor.

Attention is drawn to the careful selection of exhibitors, namely: only well-established companies are present at Arms & Hunting; companies with a wide range of services that are important for the hunting community throughout the country; companies whose products are either tested at the highest level, or arouse interest due to their novelty and uniqueness.

It is worth noting the large number of domestic companies that took part in the exposition this year. The need for import substitution, which was fully realized by our consumers already last year, has now materialized in a significant number of Russian arms and near-weapon companies that came to the exhibition with their products.

Exhibition Director Karlen Sildirov looks to the future with restrained optimism and confidence:

Over the entire period of the sanctions, Arms & Hunting not only did not lose in the number of exhibitors, but even continued to increase them. I think that this trend will continue in the coming year 2017, and we will continue to delight our hunters and shooting enthusiasts with the best new products and technical developments that will allow them to fully realize their noble hobby!

Mikhail Krechmar: Are you planning to attract new exhibitors for the next year?

Karlen Sildirov: Undoubtedly! In the world of hunting and weapons - and this is the world we are trying to implement at Arms & Hunting in the most interesting aspects for Russians - changes are constantly taking place. Some companies are being created anew - as they say, from scratch. Some firms are spun off from their parent enterprises. Some branches of companies gain independence, while changing their profile - and also entering the market. We monitor all these changes and try to attract the most interesting players. However, most of the exhibitors come to the directorate on their own, with their own initiative. And we approach their selection very carefully. We try to make Arms & Hunting look like a pearl necklace for visitors, where each component - highest quality, carefully selected and tested.

Mikhail Krechmar: How big is the interest in our market from foreign companies?

Karlen Sildirov: The Russian market is interesting for everyone for its novelty, youth and dynamic development. The number of hunters in our country is stable and even growing, many hunters are updating their range of equipment, which they have inherited since the late 90s. In general, all industries grouped around hunting are very dynamic and are designed for constant updating of the assortment. In addition, Arms & Hunting is not only Hunting, but also Arms, and in our country today there is a rapidly growing interest in shooting sports, in particular in practical shooting. Clubs, associations and unions are created under the patronage of the state. All this requires special equipment, weapons, ammunition. And this side is also widely represented at the exhibition, including by the Russian production sector. In general, the number Russian companies among exhibitors is constantly growing.

Mikhail Krechmar: Is this happening to the detriment of the foreign segment?

Karlen Sildirov: I would not say that. Despite the current situation, we manage to keep the number of foreign exhibitors. In addition, the managers of many foreign companies, who cannot participate, come every year as our good friends.

Mikhail Krechmar: Does Arms & Hunting have any influence on the formation of the hunting consciousness of Russians?

Karlen Sildirov: I would not say that its influence on the formation of the hunting consciousness of Russians is paramount today. But Arms & Hunting has been shaping trends in the field of equipping a hunter with weapons and equipment from leading foreign manufacturers for more than ten years: Johann Fanzoj, Blaser, Beretta, Benelli, Browning, Swarovski, Zeiss, Nikon, Sportchief, Härkila, Sitka ... Being defines consciousness as philosophers teach us, and Arms & Hunting is the only, I'm not afraid of this word, exhibition in the country, which demonstrates to hunters what life should be like, to which one should strive ... But the final choice is always up to the consumer, and there is plenty to choose from.

Mikhail Krechmar: Well, good luck with this business!