Job title change notification sample. Renaming a position without changing the job function: how to register. What documents to draw up if not only the title of the position changes, but also the work responsibilities

Sometimes the heads of enterprises and organizations consider it necessary to rename the positions of some categories of workers. In order to carry out this procedure correctly, among other measures, it is necessary to notify the personnel representatives who are directly affected by this renaming.


Why are the positions renamed?

Changing the name of a particular position can occur for various reasons. For instance:

  • due to the greater euphoniousness of the new name - for the purpose of non-material incentives for the employee (instead of a cleaner, a cleaning manager or a cleaning specialist);
  • due to the better correspondence of the new designation to the essence of the work being performed (sales assistant or salesman-cashier instead of just a salesperson).

It happens that the name change occurs due to its obsolescence, for example, for historical reasons, the names of such professions as “doctor” were changed to doctor, “attorney” to lawyer, “barber” to hairdresser, etc.

How to change the name

To change the title of the position, you first need to issue an order at the enterprise.

It states:

  • the reason why the management decided to carry out this "reform";
  • old name and new;
  • the date from which the innovation will come into force;
  • the requirement to introduce these innovations and labor contracts with employees (by concluding additional agreements with them on changing working conditions), as well as their work books.

Employees who are directly affected by the change in the title of the position must put their signature under the supervisory order.

When to notify the employee

To notify an employee about a change in the name of his position, the legislator has established a standard period of two months before these changes come into force.

In this case, the employee is obliged to sign the received notification - his autograph will indicate that he is familiar with the decision of the management and agrees with such metamorphoses.

If the employee refuses to change the title of the position

In the event that the employee refuses to change the name of his position (which is still unlikely if other working conditions are preserved), the employer must act in accordance with Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It says that he is obliged to provide the subordinate with options for free vacancies within the enterprise, corresponding to his qualifications, and in the absence of such or refusal of them, the employee has every right to fire him.

Job rename notification, general points

Before proceeding with the detailed description of the notification, we will provide general information about all such warning papers.

The first and most important thing to say: the notification can be written in any form, since today there is no unified sample established at the legislative level. It is also acceptable to use your own document template developed and approved in the organization - if such, of course, is the case. In any case, the format of the notification should be indicated in the local acts of the enterprise (since the representative of the labor inspectorate, when checking the employee's complaint, may inquire about this issue).

The document must be signed either by the director of the organization or by an employee who is authorized to endorse such forms on his behalf (for example, by the head / specialist of the HR department).

In the event that it is customary at the enterprise to certify the paper by printing, the form must be stamped.

The notice can be drawn up on a simple blank sheet of any suitable format (usually A4 or A5 is used) or on letterhead (again, if such a condition is spelled out in the company's accounting policy). It is allowed to write it manually or type it on a computer and then print it - both of these options are quite acceptable.

It is better to form a notification in two identical copies... One must be handed over to the employee, the second must be left in the organization (after receiving the employee's signature on it to hand over a copy to him). Information about the notification must be entered in a special register (it is stored either in the personnel department or in the secretariat).

Sample employee notification of job renaming

At the beginning of the document (right or left), you must write the following information:

  • addressee - position and full name of the employee for whom the notification is intended;
  • assigned outgoing document number;
  • the date of its compilation;
  • locality in which the enterprise operates.

Then comes the actual message. In the main section of the document, you need to specify:

  • Company name;
  • the reason for the change in the name of the employee's position;
  • old and new job title;
  • the date from which the changes will acquire legal status;
  • link to the justifying actions of the employer of the article Labor Code(in this case it is Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • a postscript stating that other working conditions of the employee, including in terms of wages, will not change.

At the end, the notification is signed by the responsible person and transmitted to the destination.

How to give a notification

There are several ways to deliver a notification to an employee:

  1. the easiest and fastest way is to transfer the document from hand to hand at the workplace;
  2. send alert by registered mail via regular mail - this method also ensures that the message is received by the addressee;
  3. you can send the form by courier to the place of actual residence of the employee - but in this case, you also need to get the latter's signature that the letter was delivered to him at the specified time.

The staffing table refers to certain regulatory documents of the organization, where information is entered on the number of personnel of the enterprise, the wages received by employees, taking into account the positions held. The form of this document was approved on 01/05/2004 by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1. Over time, the organization may need to attract additional staff units, or the need to rename the position of an existing employee for one reason or another.

In accordance with legislative framework such changes should be automatically reflected in staffing table... How the position is renamed in the staffing table, what is the procedure and a sample order - this is described in this article.

A detailed algorithm of actions for renaming a position is not spelled out in the labor legislation, and therefore raises a number of questions from employees of personnel services. In accordance with the content of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information about the functions of the employee must be included in the employment contract and any change in the conditions established by this contract is permissible only by mutual agreement of the parties in writing, in accordance with article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An agreement is not required if it is about vacant post... For its part, the employer just needs to make adjustments to the current staffing table after the issuance of the accompanying order.

But if the designated position is not vacant, the overall situation will look different. Before concluding an agreement, the employer must complete the following steps:

  1. Determine the justified reasons why the change in the organization's staff is required. Such reasons may be changes in the company's technological process, its reorganization and other circumstances that may be considered as necessary, in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. Send a notification to the employee no later than 2 months prior to the upcoming changes. The notice can be sent by registered mail at the place of residence of the employee, or delivered to him personally;
  3. In the event that the employee gave a positive answer, an additional agreement to the current employment contract is concluded. If an employee refuses, he is dismissed on the basis of clause 7, part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Note! The concluded agreement is not a separate document, being an additional annex to the employment contract already in force between the employee and the employer.

Change the name in the job description

The job description means the internal distribution document of the organization of a regulatory nature, in which the job duties employee, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. If necessary, what is the renaming of an employee's position into job description changes are being made, since the main purpose of this document is to determine the scope of duties of the employee, his powers and measures of responsibility.

Important! If a citizen's labor activity occurs without a job description, or is not specified in an employment contract, bring the employee to disciplinary responsibility for any violations on legal grounds almost impossible.

Based on the fact that the procedure for making changes to the job description is not regulated by the current legislation in the field labor relations, the manager himself decides how to draw up it and how to make changes to the documentation. This largely depends on which form was originally chosen for this document:

  • If the job description is an annex to the concluded employment contract, changes are made to the contract itself by concluding an additional agreement;
  • If the job description form is a separate document, it is more expedient to approve a new document made in two copies, one of which can be provided to the employee at his request.

Important! Changes to the job description can be made only on the basis of the consent received from the employee, duly notified in advance.

Order of changes in the staffing table

Based on Resolution No. 1 dated 01/05/04, the approval of the organization's staffing table takes place on the basis of the issued order. In the same way, that is, by issuing an order to amend the staffing table, new data are entered into this document.

The order is issued directly by the head, or by a person whose competence includes this function. It is necessary to familiarize the employee who is affected by the changes made in the staffing table.

Order to transfer an employee to another job

The actual transfer of an employee to another position within the organization, after consent is obtained from the employee himself, takes place on the basis of a transfer order. This document can be either of the established sample or of a relatively free form. The unified form is called Form No. T-5. Worker personnel service prepares a document, after which the order is certified by the head of the organization with a personal signature and seal. The main requirements that are put forward to the form of an order to transfer an employee to another job:

  • Drawn up on letterhead;
  • The text begins with the word "translate", then the full name of the person to be transferred and the position held by him are indicated in the text;
  • A new position is written, the name of the department, branch where the transfer is being made;
  • Information is entered on the date from which the citizen will have to start fulfilling the new imputed duties, general terms and Conditions labor activity including the due wages;
  • The reasons for the transfer should be indicated.

Changes in the work book

After the changes made in work book the employee is required to enter new information. By analogy, a similar record is put down in the employee's personal card. The information entered is as follows:

  • In column No. 1, relating to the section "Information about the work", the ordinal number of the record made is entered;
  • Column No. 2 indicates the date corresponding to the transfer to a new position;
  • Column No. 3 indicates that the employee has been transferred to the position (indicating the new position);
  • In the fourth column, the number of the order is entered, on the basis of which the transfer was made.

The changes made to the work book are introduced to the employee under personal signature. The same data that was entered in the work book of the transferred person is displayed in the employee's personal file.

In practice, there are often situations when a company needs to rename a position without changing labor function... An example is the desire to name the position of a specialist more euphonious, solid, in order to make the best impression on the counterparties with whom this employee interacts. The law leaves the company the right to make planned adjustments to the staffing table, but obliges it to receive an acceptance from a specialist and sign an additional agreement with him, reflecting the essence of the changes that have occurred.

What is position and job function

The current legislation leaves the employing firm the right to name the position of a specialist at its discretion, if the chosen name does not affect the need to provide the employee with preferences and benefits. In order not to be mistaken, one should be guided by the provisions of the Handbook approved by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 37, adopted in 1998.

In practice, firms actively use freedom in job titles. For example, a personnel officer in different companies can be called an hr-manager, a recruiting and adaptation specialist, a personnel inspector, etc.

The labor function of the employee is fixed in the contract signed by the specialist and the staffing table of the company. Its change entails the need to draw up personnel documents (order, additional agreement to the employment contract), proportional to the increase in the level of wages.

The following is recognized as a change in the labor function:

  • expanding the list of functions performed by a specialist;
  • narrowing the range of tasks to be solved;
  • changing certain duties assigned to the employee to new ones.

Any modifications to the functionality performed are carried out with the written consent of a hired specialist. The firm is obliged to notify him of the planned changes no later than two months before their entry into force.

The job title is a short verbal description of the job function. These positions are in direct relationship: if an organization accepts a personnel inspector into its ranks, he will be entrusted with a set of tasks provided by the "staff" for a specific position. You cannot arbitrarily change the name of the vacancy to something else, for example, “hr-specialist”.

What should an enterprise do if it does not want to adjust the labor function of a specialist, but wants to name his position in the "staff" more solidly or harmoniously? The law leaves the employer such a right, but obliges him to obtain consent from the employee and sign an additional agreement with him.

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The procedure for renaming the position of an employee

From the point of view of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, renaming a position is a change essential conditions employment contract... It can be done in two ways:

  • by agreement of the parties - the provisions of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • on the initiative of the employer - the situation is governed by the rules set out in Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the employer is the initiator of the change, he must send the employee a written notice no later than two months before the planned changes. The current legislation does not offer a unified form of the document. It only stipulates that it must indicate the future name of the position of a specialist in the company, the reasons for the adjustments being made (for example, reorganizing the department, making changes to the staffing table, using new production technologies, etc.).

Important! The paper is handed over to the employee against signature or sent by letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

The specialist who receives the notification usually agrees to the new terms. To confirm his acceptance, he writes on the document "I do not mind" and affixes his own handwritten signature.

Another option for the development of the situation is the refusal of the employee. It should be noted that such an outcome is extremely unlikely: job renaming is usually carried out in the interests of staff. If the employee still does not agree with the changes, the company is obliged to offer him alternative positions (including those below paid) in writing. If none of the options suits the specialist, the employment contract will be terminated under paragraph 1 of part 7 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If agreement of the parties is reached, an additional agreement to the labor contract is signed two months after receiving the notification. It states:

  • Number and date of the document;
  • Company name;
  • Full name and current position of the specialist;
  • No. and date of the contract where the adjustments are being made;
  • No. of the amended clause and its new edition;
  • an indication that the remaining provisions of the agreement remain unchanged.

An additional agreement must be signed by both parties. It is prepared in two copies: one is kept in the personnel department of the enterprise, the second is handed out to the employee.

Change the title of the employee's position without changing the job function of the manager legal entity can with the correct implementation of this procedure.

At the same time, the conditions for performing the work remain the same. It is mandatory to draw up an order, a sample of which can be downloaded below.

Reasons for the name change

There are a variety of reasons for conducting the renaming process:

  • dissonance of the old name;
  • more accurate designation of the actions performed;
  • obsolescence of the name of the professions.

The head of the company can indicate the name of the position at his discretion, with the exception of those professions for which the legislation provides for the provision of special guarantees and benefits.

In this case, the name must fully comply with the requirements of professional standards and qualification handbook... Typically, these conditions apply to work that is harmful and hazardous to the health of the employee.

When applying to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a pension, the position of the employee indicated in the work book is checked against the name in the reference book.

The procedure for changing the name without changing the labor function

In the case when the employee's labor functions remain the same, and the name is subject to changes, this action is not a translation. In the case of a translation, it should be executed.

The change procedure is allowed with the consent of both parties to the labor relationship and at the initiative of the head in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (technological or organizational changes), which is accompanied by the registration of the notification.

The document must contain information about the new title of the position and the reasons for the procedure. It is necessary to notify the specialist about the renaming no later than 2 months before the decision is made; the employee's familiarization signature is put on the form.

If it is not possible to meet with the employee in person, the notification is sent by registered mail or courier.

  • with the consent of both parties, the agreement is signed at any convenient time;
  • with the sole decision of the head of the company, the agreement is approved after 2 months from the date of notification of the specialist.

Refusal to change on the part of an employee is extremely rare, but still possible. In this case, the employer is obliged to recommend a similar vacancy, taking into account the well-being and qualifications of a specialist, in the absence of such a less paid one. But these measures are carried out most often in the interests of the employee, it is unreasonable to refuse them.

The supplementary agreement to the current employment contract is the basis for the execution of the order.

How is the order issued?

The document is published on the company's letterhead in free form.

Basic information contained in the order:

  • number, title of the document;
  • date and place of signing the order;
  • the reason for the renaming without changing the labor function (production optimization, company reorganization, changes in the qualification reference book);
  • designation of the name of the old and new position;
  • the date of entry into force of the changes;
  • base the decision(plan for optimization of the company's structure, additional agreement);
  • the signature of the head of the legal entity and the employee whose job title is undergoing changes.

The order serves as the basis for the subsequent editing of the employee's personal documentation: personal card, work book. And also amendments in connection with the renaming are made to the staffing table of the enterprise with the indication of the new title of the position.

This procedure applies to organizations various forms property (commercial, budget).

Sample design

A sample order to rename a position, provided that the duties do not change -

Along with changing the employee's job function, renaming the organization in which he works, changing the size of his salary, changing the name of the employee's position means changing the terms of the employment contract. Such transformations as renaming a position can occur in connection with a change in certain working conditions, for a more modern sound, etc.

Before adding a new name to the staffing table, the employee must be notified of the upcoming changes. The employee must be notified of the renaming of the position no later than two months in advance. This must be done both in the event that changes occur with the consent of both parties, and in the event that the initiative to introduce changes belongs to the employer. An additional agreement is concluded between the parties to the employment contract, even if the new job title does not affect the employee's job function.

So, we draw up the correct change in the name of the position: before issuing an order that the position will be renamed and making changes to the staffing table, it is required to notify the employee about the upcoming changes (in person or by letter with notification). Let's take a look at how to properly compose a notification.

Job rename notification (sample)

Since there is no approved form for notification, the employer draws up this document independently. In the "header" of the document, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the employee to whom it is intended, the date of the document.

A notice of a change in position (see a sample of notice below) in the main part of the document contains the following information:

  • Previous title of position, new title;
  • The reason for the need for change;
  • Effective date of changes;
  • Information that other working conditions of the employee remain unchanged;
  • Signature of the manager or authorized person (for example, the head of the personnel department).

In the main part of the document, it is advisable to provide a line for expressing the employee's consent or disagreement with the upcoming innovations.

The notification to the employee about the renaming of the position is drawn up in two copies, one for the employee and one for the employer. The employer's copy must be signed by the employee that he has received the second copy of the document.

After notifying the employee about the new name of his position, the employer needs to rename the position in the staffing table. The order is issued by the employer with the obligatory justification for the renaming.

Sample notification to an employee about renaming a job

Order to change the position of an employee (sample)

The unified form of the document has not been approved - the employer draws up the document on his own. In the "head" of the order, the name of the organization, the date of registration of the document and the serial number are indicated.

The order to rename a position in the staffing table necessarily contains a justification for the renaming being made. The order should include the following information:

  • Date of changes to the staffing table;
  • Change of position: indicate the previous name of the position and the name to which they want to change it;
  • An indication that an additional agreement on the change of position will be concluded to the employee's employment contract;
  • An indication that the work book, personal card and other personnel documents(if necessary) changes will be made.

The order to rename the position contains a column for the employee to affix a signature confirming the fact of familiarization with the order. The order must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

When the order to change the name of the employee's position is issued, and the employee is familiar with the order, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement with him. A sample of an additional agreement on changing the position, it must contain the new title of the position, the details of the order on making changes and the employment contract, the date of the start of the changes.

Order to rename a position in the staffing table: sample

So, the position has been renamed. Should the employment record be made or not? Separate order making such an entry is not provided, so you can act by analogy with the entry about renaming the organization.

Renaming a position without changing the labor function, for example:

"The position" Marketing Specialist "has been renamed to" Marketing Manager "from 01.08.2018."

In order to avoid problems with the labor inspectorate, the employer must follow the procedure for renaming the position. Upon receipt of the notification, the employee may refuse to work under the new conditions. Then the employer is obliged to offer him another job (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If vacancies absent or the employee refuses another job - the employer draws up a dismissal (clause 7 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).