Excel is a simple car wash program. Car wash program more

"Car wash" is a program that allows not only automate a car wash, but also accounting for related trade, cafes. In the presence of a very rich functionality, the mastering of the program by the washing personnel takes place in a minimum time. You can also use it to automate tire fitting. It is also suitable for automating a small car service.

Car wash automation - why?

Attracting regular customers.

With this product, you can automate a number of marketing strategies that increase the profitability of the business:
  • Discount cards with automatic calculation of the percentage of discounts depending on the frequency of washing and the volume of ordered services, time of day or individually
  • Ballroom system - free car wash when the client has scored a specified number of points
  • Bonus system- payment by the client for services with accumulated bonuses
  • Subscription ( gift Certificate)
  • SMS-mailing

Increased efficiency and profitability.

Washing automation will bring business processes to a new level of control:
  • It will allow, depending on the car model, to unambiguously determine the prices at which the car wash is carried out, exclude the "human factor" in determining prices for services, minimize conflicts with customers regarding determining the category of prices for services
  • It will significantly complicate the theft and abuse of workers: control over the start and end times of washing, exclusion of unrecorded work and "left income" (more effective when combined with conventional video monitoring).


    According to feedback from users of the program, revenue for the first month of its operation grows from 10 to 40%
  • Control any car wash equipment, for example, allow water supply only when opening an order in a computer. It also saves time on routine operations.
  • Improve working conditions for employees, increase motivation through a bonus system
  • Predict sink load, plan purchases Supplies

Improvements in prestige and personality.

By installing our program on the sink, you will increase its prestige in the eyes of the buyer. After all, clients often pay attention to seemingly insignificant details:

Car wash accounting - functions

Our Car Wash program is designed taking into account all the features car wash business... It allows not only to automate the work of the wash operator, but also to control the entire business as a whole. With analytical reporting, the owner will have complete and reliable information about the operation of the sink, which ultimately has a positive effect on its profitability.

The basic functions of the program allow you to establish accounting at a car wash:

  • Maintaining a database of cars and owners, storing the history of the provision of services in the context of cars and owners.
  • Reception and correction of washing orders on a desktop computer.
  • Accounting for trade transactions in related products.
  • Work with regular customers, various discount systems.
  • Keeping track of the working hours of the washers and the downtime of the boxes.
  • Calculation of the salary of washers, depending on the output, fines and incentives.
  • Reports on the distribution of orders depending on the time of day, date, the most frequently washed cars, loading of boxes, analysis of the effectiveness of trade in goods, etc.

Editing an order

Mobile unit

Tabletop car wash program can be supplemented with a special mobile unit. This is a separate product for tablets or smartphones for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, WindowsPhone, etc. with the help of which the car wash orders are accepted.

Information table

The additional block "Information board" allows displaying information about orders in operation in the client room (on an LCD or plasma TV). Order number, box, car number, check-in time, estimated time of completion of work, whether the order was paid for or not, status (completed or is currently in work) and time of order completion, if work on it has already been completed.

Client panel

To improve the quality of customer service of the car wash, our program can be supplemented with the "Client Panel" block. It will allow your customers to get acquainted with the full list of services and their prices for a specific car.

A touch-panel is located in a place accessible to customers, where the customer can see the range and price of all services of your car wash, and make a preliminary order.

The "client panel" can be used not only inside the car wash, but also on the Internet, if the car wash has its own website.

Recognition unit of state numbers

Instead of accepting orders using a tablet or smartphone, you can use the license plate recognition unit using CCTV cameras to automatically generate a new order. For this, the Automarshal system from Mullenom is used.

The Automarshal system allows automatic recognition of license plates. The recognized license plates, together with the car image obtained from the video camera, the time and the box number, are transferred to our car wash program. If the car is already in the database, then the model and make of the car appear in the order, and if not, they are entered manually. The operator can only choose the services. At the same time, the time for accepting an order is significantly reduced, as well as the likelihood of errors when entering it decreases.

Car wash, equipment management

Hardware controllers can be connected to the computer. In this case, the Car Wash program will be able to control various washing equipment: power supply of washing equipment, barriers, traffic lights, lighting, etc. Controlling the car wash using the program further increases the operator's efficiency.

Who is the program suitable for?

The program has the following areas of application:
  • Car wash
  • Car service
  • Tire fitting
  • Cafe (if there is a warehouse module, see below)
  • Warehouse (accounting of consumables and purchase of goods, if there is a warehouse module, see below)
  • Tire storage
  • Shop

Growth program

Our other products can be easily connected to the car wash program. The task of automating a car wash can be just a starting point for automating the entire business as a whole.

Connecting ours allows you to manage warehouse stocks of consumables and goods, print price tags and labels. With it, you can automate a store, car service, cafe. The catering module built into the warehouse program allows you to create a menu, produce dishes according to a recipe ( technological map), calculate the cost.

Taking into account that the washing program is built on the basis of the open platform "Info-Enterprise", it can be easily modified according to the customer's requirements. These can be either additional reports, forms, or a serious modification of the work logic.

»Automation of a car wash complex.

Today, the market for services of car wash complexes is actively developing. For this reason, competition among car wash owners is increasing. It is very difficult to conduct business in such conditions without a well-formed and effective management system. Keeping afloat and improving the quality of service will allow car wash automation.

Our company offers its services for car wash automation offering quality retail store equipment and the necessary software, selected specifically for the specifics of your business.

For example, to automate a cash register you will need a POS terminal, and software that was developed specifically for automating car wash complexes - "1C-Rarus: Car wash". With this program you will be able to perform the following and functions:

  • Effectively sell goods and services for cash and non-cash payments
  • Issue checks and coupons for services
  • Issue discount cards
  • Issue returns

The question is no less important accounting and the organization of automatic access to the services of the car wash complex. All this can be done with software products based on 1C.

Thanks to the system automation of a car wash complex offered by our company, you can:

  • Launch a car wash complex after receiving cash at the cashier;
  • Launch the complex upon activation of the prepaid magnetic card;
  • Choose a set of services from the menu;
  • To credit non-cash prepayment funds for the services of a washing complex.

Keeping cash and accounting documents of the enterprise is carried out in the 1C Accounting program.

The configuration has the functions of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform and at the same time contains additional functions developed taking into account the specifics of the industry. This system provides for the creation of a unified regulatory and reference base, where, depending on the user's rights, information about the cars of customers and the company's personnel is freely available. The program also provides for the management of cafes, which are always at car washes: records of all operations in the institution are kept, control of the arrival and delivery of goods to the client.

It has a large 15-inch touch screen, but despite this, it takes up very little space, since the dimensions of the device are only 23x25 cm. The external unit can be removed inside the stand, where there is a specially designated place for it. All interface cables can also be hidden there, thanks to which the device can be connected to a fiscal registrar, barcode scanner, and so on. Note that the system is highly efficient. Its resources are enough even for Front Office programs developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

    Anton Maksakov

    FIRM project manager

    In any business where it is necessary to arrange a client's visit in advance, an online appointment is a basic tool, the same as cash machine or good coffee for a client. This is convenient for visitors, staff and the manager - everyone has access to a transparent recording system. The main reason we chose YCLIENTS is our impeccable technical support. We received immediate answers to all questions related to the process of integrating online registration into the workflow. Additional features of the system have been specially developed according to our requirements. Also in YCLIENTS we liked the interface, the speed of data processing, work without reloading the browser window. A good addition was the ability to keep track of visits and checks of regular customers.

    Elena Udovenko

    Annie Hall beauty salon director

    We all know how life goes in a metropolis: lack of free time, a lot of work, a lot of things to do. Today, with regard to visiting beauty salons and signing up to the salon, the YCLIENTS appointment service team has come up with an excellent opportunity to sign up to the salon at a convenient time for the client and to the master who liked him.
    Online booking helps us not only to organize the right time, but also reduces the percentage of no-shows, since each client receives SMS notifications two days and two hours in advance, which is very convenient for the client and the salon itself. Our clients now have the opportunity to create and cancel their visit to the beauty salon on their own, even outside the salon's working hours.

    Dmitry Andreev

    Head of the Frant network

    YCLIENTS is a program without which it is impossible to imagine a modern hairdressing business... It includes excellent service both for the salon and for the end customer. Complete information helps to conduct competent analytics and instantly respond to issues that require additional work. Ease of use is also a positive factor. On my own behalf, I want to thank the YCLIENTS team for their immediate response to the tasks in the development of the program and in the innovations in work and partnership.

    Alexey Lokontsev

    head of the Top Gun network

    CRM system and the online appointment service is extremely important for a modern beauty salon, and even more so for a barbershop. With YCLIENTS, we have simplified the work of administrators, everything is accessible and understandable. It is also very convenient to track the work of all salons by simply switching between them. And SMS notifications and reminders do not allow clients to forget about the planned visit. Special thanks to the support service and curators who always come to the rescue!

    Marat Bibishev

    Big Bro project creator

    To be honest, I can't imagine my business without YCLIENTS. It is not just a convenient logbook for the administrator. It is a powerful tool that permeates many business processes. Here we count all finances, monitor cash discipline, analyze sales statistics, compare the performance of the foremen, which allows us to highlight the best, segment the customer base, work with the warehouse and much more. In addition, YCLIENTS is easy to use, a completely untrained person can open it and immediately start using it. There is also a fairly powerful API that helps us to make some individual improvements for even more successful work in our network of men's hairdressing salons "Big Bro". And, of course, the guys have very professional and quick support. I think it's time for every beauty salon (dentistry, clinic, etc.) to throw everything away paper magazines accounting, deliver YCLIENTS and finally become many times more efficient.

    Ilya Pechersky

    salon director WAX BAR

    Alina Malyau

    project manager NOIR, ex. control CHOP-CHOP

    Online booking allowed us to unload the telephone line and simplified the booking process for our clients. SMS reminders have reduced the number of latecomers for a haircut. Convenient calendar and operational tech. support.

    Alena Nikiforova

    head of salon Figaro

    Thanks to the system, we managed to unload the administrator's work, and now he can devote more time to live communication with clients. We offered a new feature to our clients, which, in principle, became our competitive advantage.

    Timofey Ryabtsev

    Founder of the federal network of barbershops FIRMA

    We have been using this CRM from the very beginning, and this is almost 3 years. It is very convenient to store data and generally all information about customers. The smooth operation of the online system and integration with mobile app and online recording. In general, I am very pleased with the support, helpful guys who help to solve all the issues. The most important thing is that the system is constantly evolving and new features appear that we introduce into our work.

    Alexandra Meteleva

    head of wedding salons Mary Truffle

    For me, YCLIENTS has become an assistant in planning fittings. We have received a large number of clients who sign up outside of the salon's opening hours. This made it possible to relieve the employees who are busy with the brides during the day, but the main thing is that the online registration system gives the client a way of contacting the salon that is available at any time. In addition, I meet many people who are fundamentally easier to write than to find the time and opportunity to call. In the eyes of the customer, YCLIENTS is a convenient service that saves time. For us, YCLIENTS is help in our daily work, it is a tool that allowed us to streamline our client base, and made it possible to be comfortable and responsible. Thanks to the team for their quick response, help and support in all matters.

This will allow you to take orders from the car wash "mobile" - a foreman who is in the working area.

A PDA is a pocket personal computer running Windows Mobile® or Palm OS® operating systems. Here you can see the list of PDAs that you can buy from us.
Alternatively, you can use the program IPalm: Car wash for PDA on any existing PDA or smartphone (communicator) running Windows Mobile® 5 or higher, or Palm OS 4 or higher.

Orders received on a pocket computer are transferred to a desktop computer via Wi-Fi in real time, or periodically, for example, at the end of a shift via Bluetooth or via a USB cable.

The following are the functions included in the basic delivery of the program:

  • Reception and adjustment of car wash orders on a desktop computer - PC.

  • Trade in related products.
  • Registration of regular customers, system of discounts.
  • Tracking the working hours of washers and downtime of boxes.
  • Rich data analysis block. Information about the distribution of orders by time of day, by dates, about the efficiency of trade in goods, about the best sellers, the most frequently washed cars, about loading boxes and much more.
  • Calculation of the salary of washers, depending on the output, accounting for incentives and fines.
  • Integration IP: Car wash 3 with an accounting, trade and production program, it allows you to comprehensively automate other areas of activity (cafe, car service).

  • Formation of postings to external accounting systems.
  • State recognition unit rooms

    As an alternative to the block for accepting orders using mobile devices, for automatic entry of orders, you can use the block for recognizing state numbers, using video surveillance cameras and a special program "Automarshal" from the company "Mullenom".

    The program for control of the passage and control of the access of vehicles at car washes "Automarshal". allows you to automatically detect and recognize license plates of vehicles that are in the control zone. The recognized license plates, together with the car image obtained from the video camera, are saved in the database; it is possible to create custom lists, as well as reports on various criteria. Integration with the program "Info-Enterprise: Car Wash" provides a single complex of accounting for customers of car wash enterprises

  • How it works.

    If the sink is equipped with IP: Car wash and "Automarshal", then when the car enters the box, you can automatically read the car number, time and box and add all these data to the program IP: Car wash... If there is no such car, our program will offer to enter its model and make, remember it and then automatically substitute it into the database when reading it. The user only has to choose the services. Thus, the time for accepting an order is reduced significantly, and the likelihood of operator input errors is significantly reduced.

    Important!!! Orders not submitted on time (for example, the manager went out somewhere at the moment when the car entered the box) do not disappear, but are stored until they are recorded in the database. Those. it is always possible to enter orders retroactively. This system is offered as an alternative to the mobile ordering unit, although they can work together as well. With this type of work, duplication of orders is excluded.

    Car wash equipment management

    If necessary, our car wash program can control various washing equipment: traffic lights, barriers, lighting, washing equipment power supply, etc. To implement this function, you need to purchase additional hardware controllers.

    IP interface: Car wash 3

    Our car wash program has an innovative ergonomic and intuitive interface, to which the developers have paid special attention. Despite its apparent simplicity, our car wash program has an impressive number of functions. The context menu mechanism is used: many additional features are invoked with one click.

    How it works

  • Before starting work, all data: services and goods, price list, regular customers, employees, etc. are entered into the desktop part of the program.
  • The foreman places an order on a mobile device: he chooses the brand of the car, marks the services necessary for the client. The car category and prices are determined automatically.
  • In real time (via Wi-Fi) or at the end of a shift from mobile device data is transferred to the desktop computer: new customers, new orders, discarded materials.
  • Further - in the desktop program, all the necessary reports are generated for any period of time.
  • Benefits of our car wash software

  • Improving the image of the company and the quality of customer service.
  • Increase profitability by analyzing and improving car wash operation: identifying the most profitable types of services, "bestsellers", etc.
  • Control of personnel activities, minimization of theft and "unaccounted for" work.
  • Saving on errors, exception " human factor"when determining prices for services.
  • Saving time on routine operations, as a result saving on labor costs.
  • Forecasting purchases of consumables and staff employment.
  • Minimization of conflicts with clients regarding the determination of the car category and prices for services.
  • Improving the quality of working conditions for employees.
  • The minimum time for the car wash personnel to master the program.
  • About the platform

    Info-Enterprise 2.5 is an open platform, has its own development environment, an editor for forms and reports. The main difference from similar systems is the ultra-low development cost due to a number of technological innovations and a simple programming language. Info-Enterprise 2.5 is a SQL server program. And a number of advantages are significant against the background of other products: high performance and work with large amounts of data simultaneously from a large number of workplaces, simple installation and no need to administer the program, an ultra-thin client for quick program updates at workplaces, advanced transaction management capabilities, the ability to work in 24 * 7 mode, a powerful system of separation of access, etc. Program IP: Car wash 3 developed on this system and can be modified or expanded by the customizer (programmer).

    System requirements

  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV (or compatible).
  • RAM: from 256MB
  • Screen resolution from 800x600
  • HDD: from 200MB of free space
  • OS: Windows 2000 or higher.

    The program can run on a single computer or in a network with several users. Starting with 3-4 users, it is recommended to use a dedicated server - a special computer designed to work with a database. Server requirements depend on the number of users and the amount of information, but they are very low. For example, a single-processor server with 4 GB of RAM is sufficient for 20 users.

  • To download the program follow the link:
    Download IP2: Car Wash

    For download latest updates follow the link.

    Country support:
    Operating system: Windows
    Family: Universal Accounting System
    Purpose: Business automation

    Program for car wash, car wash, car wash complex

    In other languages:

    The main features of the program:

    We have performed business automation for many organizations:

    Language basic version programs: RUSSIAN

    You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

    The main task of the program for car washes is to control all financial transactions and increase the profitability of the business by reducing losses from unaccounted profits. Automated system accounting is a tool for competent car wash management. A program for a car wash, car wash, car wash complex is necessary for an organization to control all activities: usage tracking is available monetary resources company, customer service, movement of goods and materials. Automation of a car wash, car wash, car wash complex using a control system, makes it possible to take into account all the work of employees and make accruals piecework payment... And thereby control at the car wash over charges and payments wages will no longer take so much time and resources. Automated accounting at the car wash will allow you to marketing analysis, statistics on services and employees.

    The database of the program for car washing, car wash complex stores all types of car wash services, as well as prices. Provides automatic compilation of a price list. Software for a car wash, car wash, car wash complex, it allows you to differentiate the functionality according to access schemes, which allows each employee to see only the information necessary for work. Before installation, our developers configure the program and conduct training for employees. V information base data there is an instruction, while working with the program you can find answers to your questions in it, and you will not have a problem how to keep records at a car wash, car wash, car wash complex using our program. Free program for car wash in the form of a demo version can be installed on your computer to get acquainted with the functionality. Accounting for work at a car wash with our program is easy and convenient!

    The program can be used by:

    By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

    In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, specializing in engineer. After graduation he worked as a programmer. Then he became a system programmer. For the first time appeared on the screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When? ", Then - at the" Brain-ring ". He won fifteen consecutive victories in 2001-2002 in the television "Svoy Game" and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "My Game". Four-time Moscow champion in the sports version of Svoy Igry, bronze medalist of the same competition, silver in 2017. Silver medalist of the "Experts" - World Games of Experts - 2010 in "Your own game".

    In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz is the first master of the "ChGK" intellectual game. He was awarded the "Crystal Owl" prize for the best player of the club six times. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of the "Brain-ring". In the television program "Own Game" he won "Linear Games", "Super Cup", won the "III Challenge Cup" with the team, set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

    In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When? ”, Four-time winner of the“ Crystal Owl ”prize, twice world champion, three times champion of Russia, six-time champion of Moscow, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game“ ChGK ”. According to the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all 25 years of the elite club's existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. Received the "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the jubilee games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game. Member of the Board and since 2001 - Vice President of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was elected President of the All-Russian public organization"Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia". Leads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

    In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karjakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in human history. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. FIDE World Cup winner. World Rapid Chess Champion, World Blitz Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Awarded with the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian national team, Olympic silver medalist as part of the Russian national team. He showed the best result on his board and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on the 1st board. World champion in the Russian national team. Semi-finalist of the World Cup. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

    Control and management capabilities of a car wash

    • Accounting for a car wash, car wash, car wash complex, tracking all movements of funds;
    • The control program for a car wash provides the ability to keep inventory records in the same system, so you do not need additional software tools;
    • Accounting for car wash management, car wash complex will create a positive image of the organization and an unforgettable corporate style;
    • The process of car wash management will be easy and, importantly, it will start to bring pleasure;
    • The modern management of a car wash, car wash or car wash complex will become impeccable - this is guaranteed by our program;
    • You can download the planning for free from our page;
    • Automated Information Systems can generate statistical reports;
    • Labor incentives are easy to implement when automating an enterprise;
    • You will not think about how to increase productivity - you will understand this from the reports;
    • You can download a free demo version of the program for car wash, car wash, car wash complex on the official website of the Universal Accounting System;
    • The program for managing a car wash operates in any convenient mode - for example, you can work here via the Internet or a local network;
    • The program for accounting in a car service, a system for washing cars, a car wash complex, a program for accounting for tires will allow you to raise your business to a new level!