Education portal. Development of a lesson on the topic "Life is sacred" (grade 4, secular ethics) "Do not do to others what

Lyudmila Kuznetsova
Synopsis of the Orxe lesson "Human life is the highest moral value"

Human life is the highest moral value


concept formation life, how the highest moral value



Develop independence and personal responsibility for their actions based on ideas about moral standards;

Develop the ability to evaluate your behavior, be responsible for your actions;

Form a respectful attitude towards interests, values, the freedom of other people.


Develop communication and collaboration skills in the process of group work;

To form a willingness to listen to the interlocutor, to conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own position;

To develop the ability to highlight the main thing in the text in accordance with the educational task;


Create conditions for awareness, understanding and acceptance by students of such values, how moral, mercy in human life.

Equipment: presentation to lesson, material needed for group work

During the classes

I. Motivation

Guys, our lesson we will start by watching a video clip from the parable

O values ​​of life... or 1000 balls

Look and think about what today at lesson will be discussed.

What will be discussed at lesson? (O life)

What I understood man about life? (answers)

What did the balls symbolize? (week life)

You saw that the number of balls decreased very quickly, and human life, passes very quickly.

II. Updating and trial learning action

Open the tutorial and read the topic lesson.

Name values that you know. children's answers

Read in the tutorial

Look at the board and choose what is for you value in life.

Nobility, computer

friendliness, mobile phone

courage, expensive toys

justice, beautiful clothes

honesty, machine

Which is from 1 column, which is from 2?

And so, we saw that each a person has their own values ​​of life.

And who can say what is the difference values ​​of 1 column from 2

Values that can be bought are called material, and in 1 column values that cannot be bought, they should be in the soul of human, such values ​​are called spiritual.

Read the tutorial what we learn today at lesson?

Today on lesson we will talk about values, find out what is the highest value and how this highest value protect and preserve.

III. Goal-setting and building a project for getting out of difficulties

What goal do we need to set?

Find out which life values most significant for human?

Understand what people love for life and how is love expressed for life.

Understand why you need to live, what life is valuable.

Where can we find information on our topic?

We will work on the topic and achieve the set goals about the questions that are given on the board,

Knowledge inclusion and repetition

Working with the tutorial p. 60.

Children reading text - work in groups (find answers to questions)

1 group 1-2 paragraph

a) What do we value in life? What is the main value?

b) What life is especially valuable? Who should do life is like that?

2 group 3-4 paragraph

c) Could it be valuable unhappy life? What does it give us?

d) What is the main thing in life for man?

3 group 5-7 paragraph

e) What determines the happiness of parents?

f) Who cares about the health of people in old age?

g) Why? We don't answer yet

4 group works with "With Wise Thoughts"

Find the main words that point to life values.

Checking work on questions. Selective reading.

What kind values most relevant to human?

Moral society can be built on a spiritual basis, but the material side is also important, but only it should be secondary.

Why do people love life?

Which life is valuable?

You need to live so that people around you feel good next to you.

(video sequence)

Which of these people do you know?

What did they give people?

And what did you get in return? (recognition of people, gratitude)

Each human, while he lives, gives people joy and receives joy from people?

Now let's get back to our values, TAKE THE LEAFLES think if your opinion about life values, you can change it.

V. Primary anchoring.

Divide into 4 groups to create creative mini projects:

A) Project "Dictionary values» -Distribute two-column values

B) Project "Page of Wisdom"-Select proverbs and sayings that speak about life values, work with the sayings of great people.

C) Project "Literary page"-Analyze and correlate literary works and life values.

D) Project « The values ​​of our class» .- analyze the values ​​of our class

Protection of projects

We have one last question left

g) Why human life has a special value?

Review the text of the tutorial. Which passage would you take as a conclusion on lesson? (last paragraph)

Read it out loud.

Why life is the highest value?

Every person's life- the source of his joy, happiness, creativity. She is inviolable. No one has the right to deprive another person's life... This is the most severe punishment in any country.

Vi. Reflection

D.Z. Search and read material on this topic in other sources of information.

Think and analyze your life values.

Work with questions page 61

And in conclusion, I want to tell you one more parable. (slide number 25)

In one meeting, they argued that in the world for human worst... Some said sickness, some said death, some said poverty. Much has been said. Asked Sage:

And what do you think?

It’s bad when what you want doesn’t come true, ”the Sage replied. “But it’s much worse when something that you don’t want comes true,” he added after thinking. Let in your life only comes true what you want and want and let your desires be based on true, not imaginary values.

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Shutova Elvira Valerianovna
Position: teacher primary grades
Educational institution: MOU "Novoigirmenskaya secondary school No. 3"
Locality: r.p. New Igirma Irkutsk region
Material name: methodical development
Theme: Presentation for the lesson on ORCSE "Human life is the highest moral value"
Date of publication: 28.08.2017
Chapter: elementary education

MOU "Novoigirmenskaya secondary school No. 3"

primary school teacher

Shutovva E.V.

Human life

Human life

- the highest

- the highest





Man is born

Create your life.

A man is born


What do we value in

life? Which

main value?

What life

especially valuable? Who

have to do

is life like that?

A.S. Pushkin - poet

Yu.A. Gagarin - cosmonaut

Anna Kournikova -

tennis player

A.B.Pugacheva - singer

M.V. Lomonosov -

poet and scientist

ancient greek doctor

They gave people their

They gave people their

talent, knowledge, creativity

talent, knowledge, creativity

What is the main thing in life for a person?

What determines the happiness of parents?

Who cares about the health of people in old age?

Why does human life have a special


To appreciate the life of any person you need

stick to the golden rule


“(Do not) act on

relation to others so

how you (not) would like,

so that they follow

attitude towards you. "

About 2 and a half thousand years ago in

Himalayas lived


"Enlightened". He was a prince, but left

your kingdom to travel. Getting to know the world

he knew a lot of grief and evil among people. Buddha

wanted to teach people to be happy, to show

their way to happiness. Buddha believed that fortunately

have to go

on the road of good thoughts, good

words and good deeds.

Buddha teaches us:

"Do not

others of that

what do you think

evil. "

Around the same time in

the kingdom of Lu in China there lived a great

philosopher Confucius (or teacher

Kuhn). He also wanted to teach people

live right, don't commit

mistakes, do not do evil. He

said he wants to achieve what

“So that old people live in peace, all

friends were faithful and the youth

loved her elders. "

Confucius said:

"Only goodness leads to happiness."

There is a belief in India that

once upon a time was born there

the first man of Manu is the first prophet,

the progenitor of people. He lived for a long time and with him

there were children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. He was very

wise and to teach people to live by

truth, right, he wrote a book,

which is called the "Laws of Manu".

The meaning of the laws of Manu:

“Do not do to others what

would hurt you. "

In what once existed

the state of Judea,

Jewish people was

the leader is Moses. They

respected and honored him for being

that he freed them, took them away

from Egyptian slavery. In

travel time (at

liberation) Jews and

Moses experienced a lot

difficulties, but helped them

The God. It's on the way on the mountain

Moses Received From God 10

commandments according to which

people must live.

Ten Commandments of God.

1. I am the Lord thy God, and there are no other gods but


2. Do not make yourself an idol and no image; not

worship them and do not serve them.

3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

4. Work for six days and do all your own business, and

seventh - Saturday - there is a day of rest, which

dedicate to the Lord your God.

5. Honor thy father and mother, may you be blessed

on earth and is long-lived.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Don't commit adultery.

8. Don't steal

9. Do not testify perjury.

10. Do not covet anything else.

I love you life

I love you life

Which in itself is not new.

Which in itself is not new.

I love you life

I love you life

I love you over and over again.

I love you over and over again.

The windows are already on

The windows are already on

I walk tired from work.

I walk tired from work.

I love you life

I love you life

And I want you to become better.

Love your life!

Love your life!

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
Lesson of the basics of secular ethics "Life flows among people" The presentation was prepared by Chernyshova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Lesson objectives: Our life flows among people. What is important to understand in this regard? What did thinkers of the past say about this? How can we build relationships with people around us? What is the main thing in interaction with them? Marcus aurelius People were born for each other. Johann Wolfgang Goethe Man is capable of knowing himself only in people. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Every person knows that he needs to do not what separates him from people, but what connects him with them. Walter ScottIf people do not learn to help each other, then the human race will disappear from the face of the Earth ... What conclusion can be drawn from these statements? Only in interaction with people do we know ourselves. By helping others and connecting our thoughts and actions, we strengthen moral relationships with others. Claude Adrian Helvetius People are not born, they become who they are. Democritus People become more good from exercise than from nature. Abdurahman Jami The best among people is the one who brings more benefits to others. Benedict Spinoza People are most rewarding to do the things that STRENGTHEN FRIENDSHIP. It is important to determine not only WHAT you want to become in life, but most importantly - WHAT you want to become. a good man and to benefit people, mental training is needed. You need to strive to do good deeds, to strengthen friendly relations with people. Let's think ... What should we not allow in our relationships with people, respecting them and ourselves? Jean de Labruyere People value too little an opportunity to bring joy to their neighbor. Heinrich Mann People ... have not learned to respect themselves, and therefore life. Why the need to bring joy to people and at the same time to respect oneself is important quality Because this is the most strongly manifested disposition to another person and self-esteem. This combination is important in any life situations !!! Jean-Jacques Rousseau: People! Be human! This is your first duty. Be that way for all states, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man. Questions for review What made you think about the statements of great thinkers? How do you understand Goethe's words "Only in people is a person able to know himself? How are you ready to assess your desire to be better? What task are you willing to give yourself in order to improve relations with people around you? ? Homework: Write Jean-Jacques Rousseau's response to his appeal to people.


the formation of the concept of life as the highest moral value



Develop independence and personal responsibility for their actions based on ideas about moral norms;

Develop the ability to evaluate your behavior, be responsible for your actions;

Form a respectful attitude towards the interests, values, freedom of other people.


Develop communication and collaboration skills in the process of group work;

To form a willingness to listen to the interlocutor, to conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own position;

To develop the ability to highlight the main thing in the text in accordance with the educational task;


Create conditions for awareness, understanding and acceptance by students of such values ​​as morality, mercy in human life.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, material required for group work



Human life is the highest moral value


the formation of the concept of life as the highest moral value



Develop independence and personal responsibility for their actions based on ideas about moral norms;

Develop the ability to evaluate your behavior, be responsible for your actions;

Form a respectful attitude towards the interests, values, freedom of other people.


Develop communication and collaboration skills in the process of group work;

To form a willingness to listen to the interlocutor, to conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own position;

To develop the ability to highlight the main thing in the text in accordance with the educational task;


Create conditions for awareness, understanding and acceptance by students of such values ​​as morality, mercy in human life.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, material required for group work

During the classes

I. Motivation

Showing the video "Parable about the values ​​of life. 1000 balls ".

What did the person understand about life? (answers)

What have you guys thought about your life? (We still have a lot of balls)

Yes, you still have a lot of balls, but it is necessary that each be marked with goodness for others and, therefore, with joy.

II. Updating and trial learning action

What is valuable for you and me in life? (children's answers)

And what could be more valuable than these values? (human life)

What is life valuable to a person? (answers)

Why can't we answer this question unambiguously? (answers)

Each person has their own values ​​in life.

Working with the textbook p.60.

Children reading 1.2 paragraphs.

III. Goal-setting and building a project for getting out of difficulties

What goal do we need to set in order to answer this question?

Find out what life values ​​are the most significant for a person?

To understand why people love life and how the love of life is expressed.

Understand why you need to live, what kind of life is valuable.

IV. Implementation of the completed project

Our country hosted the 2014 Olympic Games and 2014 Paralympics.

One of the participants in the Paralympics wasAlexander Shevchenko (42 years old, curling)

Alexander is the son of a naval officer, in his youth he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and rose to the rank of lieutenant-commander of the navy. During his service, he managed to go around half the world on a warship and did not want the best for himself. Every year, Alexander approached his goal - to reach the rank of father, captain of the first rank. But one day everything stopped.

He exceeded the speed and lost control, - Alexander recalls. - The car turned over ...

Diagnosis - spinal injury. A wheelchair for life.

But Shevchenko is a military man. This time I had to give orders to myself. The first is not to lose hope of getting back on your feet one day. Do everything to achieve this goal. And then the second appeared - to win the home Paralympics. It arose after Alexander once saw a curling competition on TV.

In 2006, he first entered the ice track, three years later he received the title of master of sports.

Regular curling has not yet taken root in our country, not to mention curling in wheelchairs. Nevertheless, the Russian team, of which Alexander Shevchenko is a member, already managed to become the world champion two years ago. Paralympic curling has several features, but where it is definitely not inferior to ordinary curling, it is entertainment. It’s not in vain, probably, Alexander Shevchenko said that it would be scary to play at home games ... interesting. Fear is unknown to this person, he has already proved it.

What values ​​did Alexander have before the accident? (answers)

How has his position in life changed after the accident?

Output: reading 3 paragraphs of the textbook

Working with illustrations. S. 60-61

Who chooses a job, activities, hobbies, friends for a person?

What does the teacher achieve?

What does a laboratory assistant do? Welder? Border guard? Who cares about a person just starting out in life?

Output: Children reading 4 paragraphs

"Cuckoo" (Nenets tale)

That's what happened. There was a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children of the mother did not obey. We ran and played in the snow from morning to evening.

They will return to their chum, they will drag whole snowdrifts on pimas, and take away their mother. Clothes will get wet, and mother - sushi.

It was difficult for the mother.

Once in the summer my mother caught fish on the river. It was hard for her, and the children did not help her.

From this life, from hard work, my mother fell ill. She lies in the tent, calls the children, asks:

Children, give me some water. My throat is dry. Bring me some water.

Not once, not twice did the mother ask. Children do not go for water.

The elder says:

I am without pims. Another says:

I'm without a hat. The third says:

I am without clothes.

And the fourth doesn't answer at all. Then the mother said:

The river is close to us, and you can go to fetch water without clothes. My mouth went dry. I am thirsty!

The children laughed and ran out of the plague. They played for a long time, they did not look into the chum to see their mother. Finally the elder wanted to eat - he looked into the chum.

He looks, and his mother stands in the middle of the plague. Stands and puts on a malitsa.

And suddenly the malitsa covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail.

An iron thimble became her beak. Wings grew instead of hands.

The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the plague. The eldest son shouted:

Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird!

Then the children ran after their mother, shouting to her:

Mom, we brought you some water. The mother answers them:

Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, late. Now the lake waters are in front of me. I am flying to the free waters.

Children run after their mother, call her, hold out a ladle of water to her.

The little son shouts:

Mother Mother! Come back home! Get some water! Have a drink, mom!

The mother answers from afar:

Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! It's too late, son, I won't be back. So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights - over stones, over swamps, over bumps.

They wounded their feet with blood. Where they run, there will be a red trail.

The cuckoo mother abandoned the children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built a nest for itself, has not raised its own children.

And red moss has been spreading over the tundra ever since.

Why did the mother abandon her children? (answers)

What is the value of the life of any person for loved ones? (answers)

Output : Reading paragraph 5 of the tutorial

Reading the text of the textbook to the last paragraph (video sequence)

Human life is the happiness of communicating with people, the happiness of contemplating the beauty of the surrounding nature, the happiness of studying, discovering the world, creating, creating new things that people need. Each person rejoices, learns, is surprised, makes big and small discoveries for himself and for people.

Which of these people do you know?

What did they give people?

And what did you get in return? (recognition of people, gratitude)

What would have happened if their life had been cut short in early childhood? (children's answers)

This series can be continued with more familiar ones: mom, brother, classmate, neighbor, teacher. What did they give you?

Does each person, while living, give people joy and receive joy from people?

Dynamic pause

A game with a psychological meaning "Slivers on the river"

Closing our eyes, we believe in a miracle and trust the world with our life ...
And if you want others to trust you, you must feel that you can trust them even with your eyes closed. Even when you fall.
Participants stand in two long rows facing each other. The distance between the participants should be slightly more than one outstretched arm. All children are the water of one river. Warm, understanding, affectionate. Splinters float down the river in turn (children, starting from some edge). They decide for themselves how they will move: fast or slow, straight or spinning, etc. It is advisable to close your eyes to the chips. The water should help the chips find their way. All in turn pass through the river and stand at the end of the formation. It is important that children do not push the chips away, but pass them on with care.

V. Primary anchoring

Divide into 4 groups to create creative mini-projects:

A) The project “I choose life! And you?"

B) The project "Life is beautiful!" (poetic miniatures)

V) The Tree of Wisdom ProjectWork at the blackboard. The Tree of Wisdom is laid out from the palms on which aphorisms about life and life values ​​are written

G) The Secrets of Happiness Project.

Protection of projects

Vi. Knowledge inclusion and repetition

Review the text of the tutorial. What passage would you take as a lesson conclusion? (last paragraph)

Read it out loud.

Vi. Reflection

- Why do people love life? How is concern for the preservation of life expressed? Who can answer?

Poet K. Vanshenkin wrote the lyrics for the song "I love you, life." All adults know them.

I love you life

Which in itself is not new.

I love you life

I love you over and over again.

The windows are already on

I walk tired from work.

I love you life

And I want you to become better.

(a fragment of the song sounds)