Error The purchase identification code is not correctly filled in. Error in okpd2 in the purchase identification code. How to complete the Special Orders section

The purchase identification code is a unique set of numbers for each purchase. The customer creates it himself. The Ministry of Finance decided to adopt its own procedure for the formation of this code. From the article you will learn how the Ministry of Finance proposed to form an IPC.

On October 19, 2018, a draft Order of the Ministry of Finance was published on the official website of draft regulations. He claims new order formation of a procurement identification code (IKZ).

Currently, the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 dated 06/29/2015 is in force. However, in connection with the transfer of powers to the Ministry of Finance to regulate contract system it is necessary to update the procedure for the formation of the IPC. This can only be done by accepting a new order.

The structure of the IKZ under the new order

The procurement identification code is a 36-digit digital cipher, in which:

  • 1-2 digits - the last two digits of the year when the notice of the procedure is published, invitations to bid are sent or a contract is signed with sole supplier;
  • 3-22 digits - customer identification code that generates, approves and maintains a procurement plan and schedule. It corresponds to the identification code of the customer, which is formed in the manner approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 127n dated 12/18/2013;
  • 23-26 digits - the number of the procedure that is included in the procurement plan (unique values ​​from 0001 to 9999 are assigned within the year in which it is planned to place notices of the procedure, invite to bid or conclude a contract with a single contractor);
  • 27-29 - the number of the procedure, which is included in the schedule in accordance with the plan (unique values ​​from 001 to 999 are assigned as part of its sequence number in the procurement plan);
  • 30-33 - information about the code of the object according to the catalog of goods, works, services. It is formed on the basis of OKVED2, with detailing to a group of goods;
  • 30-31 digits - class;
  • 32 - subclass;
  • 33 - group;
  • in 30-33 digits, "0" is indicated if the following pass:
    • procurement in accordance with paragraph 7 of part 2 of Art. 83, paragraph 3, part 2, art. 83.1 and paragraphs 4, 5, 23, 26, 33, 42 and 44 hours 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ;
    • procedures that are reflected in several codes of the procurement object according to the KTR;
  • 34-36 - code for the type of expenses according to the budget classification. It is determined in accordance with the budget legislation.
  • in 34-36 digits, "0" is indicated if the following pass:
    • public procurement budget, autonomous institutions and GUP and MUP;
    • public procurement, in which the costs of financial support are reflected in several codes of the type of expenses of the budget classification.

IPC at the planning stage

When the customer forms and approves the procurement plan, the value "0" is filled in 27-29 digits when forming its identification code.

When the customer generates and approves the schedule, in digits 27-29 of the IPC, the serial number of the record of such a purchase is indicated, which is formed within the number of the bulk purchase according to the approved plan.

At the stage of drawing up a plan according to 44-FZ, the customer indicates information about special, as well as orders of a specialized nature, which only suppliers with the required level of qualification are able to carry out. It is necessary to correctly determine the belonging of purchases to each group in order to correctly fill out the plan. In this article, we will answer the question: "special purchases in the procurement plan - what is it?", and also we will analyze how to correctly set additional requirements for participants and, most importantly, how to fill out special purchases in the procurement plan and, similarly, specialized ones.

Special orders

Special purchases in terms of procurement is a list of goods, works and services established by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 No. 552 and dated 11/21/2013 No. 1043. Here it is:

  • medicines (clause 7, part 2, article 83 44-FZ);
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (clause 4, part 1, article 93 44-FZ);
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (clause 5, part 1, article 93 44-FZ);
  • sending an employee to business trip or participation in concerts (clause 26, part 1, article 93 44-FZ);
  • teaching services;
  • guide services;
  • maintenance and repair of non-residential premises transferred for free use or operational management to the customer, water, heat, gas and energy supply, security, removal household waste;
  • collection and processing of statistical data;
  • granting the right to access information from documentary foreign databases (clause 44, part 1, article 93 44-FZ).

How to complete the Special Orders section

In the EIS, a separate tab is provided for this. On the page for creating a position record, you must specify the type of object, the planned year for posting the notice, the code for the type of expense, information about the justification and financing. Information about a certain list of goods, works, services is indicated in one line in the amount of the annual volume of financial security. Special purchases in the EIS 2020 schedule contain similar requirements.

To correctly fill in the Special Procurement section in the 2020 Procurement Plan, first click on the "Add Purchasing Item" button.

The Special Purchasing Details tab is displayed. In the field indicated in the picture below, select the required type of special order from the drop-down list. The possible values ​​were discussed earlier. In this case, if “Medicines (clause 7, part 2, article 83 44-FZ)” is selected, the “Justification of the object’s compliance” field is renamed to “Justification of the object’s compliance (in accordance with the decision of the medical commission)”.

In the field "Planned year for posting a notice or an invitation to participate in determining a supplier (contractor, performer) or concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer)" from the drop-down list, select the required year.

Fill in the "Expense type code" field manually or select a value from the directory by clicking on the magnifying glass image. If the customer's organization type is "Unitary Enterprise", select "CWR is not defined". In this case, the value "000" will be set in the field, and the field itself will become inaccessible for editing. Please note that if you need to specify several CVRs, add each as a separate entry in the table.

To fill in the last field, click on the "Add IKZ" hyperlink.

When everything is ready, click on the "Finish" button. The created entry will appear in the table.

Specialized Orders

Do not confuse special and specialized orders. Often there are difficulties in determining the difference between them, which leads to incorrect completion of the plan.

Specialized orders are technically, technologically complex orders, including those with an innovative, high-tech component. The technological complexity parameter is formed for each specific order, in contrast to the previously considered special lots.

A closed list of cases of a complex specialized nature is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to Government Decree No. 99 dated February 4, 2015. For example, here are some of them:

  • design and manufacture of equipment used at nuclear facilities;
  • construction, reconstruction, overhaul of especially dangerous, unique facilities, as well as road structures, if the NMCC exceeds 150 million rubles to meet state needs, and 50 million rubles to meet municipal needs;
  • provision of services Catering for educational, medical organizations, social services if the NMTsK exceeds 500,000 rubles;
  • determination of the cadastral value during the state assessment.

We add that the orders of a specialized nature also include scientific research, experiments, surveys and design work.

How to complete the Special Orders section

This section is completed at the stage of drawing up a procurement plan. To do this, on the tab " General information position" check the box "Procurements that, due to technical and (or) technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature, are able to supply, perform, provide only suppliers (contractors, performers) with the required level of qualification, and also which are intended to be carried out scientific research, experiments, research, design work(including architectural and construction design). After that, the field " Additional Information”, in which indicate the grounds on which your lot falls under the definition of specialized.

IPC change: limits were brought to the state institution in December 2017, procurement plans, schedules passed treasury control and posted. Procurement of "Kaspersky" for KVR 244 was carried out (in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule). "Learned" about the change in CWR "today". Followed by CWR 242. What will be the basis for making changes to the procurement plan and schedule? After all, GRBS also changes the CWR. Should the contract be terminated or an additional agreement possible?


If you specified an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchase plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IPC is unchanged until the moment when the period for storing information and procurement documents ends.

How to generate a procurement identification code33

Attention: after the customer has indicated in the IPC information about the serial number of the purchase in the schedule, the code cannot be changed. The ban is valid until the end of the period during which information and procurement documents are stored, established by the Russian legislation on archiving.

Situation: how to change CWR in IKZ

If you specified an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchase plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IPC is unchanged until the moment when the period for storing information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide “Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules" version 7.0.25).*

Situation: what to do if the customer concluded a contract, and then discovered that he incorrectly indicated the CWR code in the IPC at the planning stage

Terminate the contract and re-purchase. Reason: IPC is not changed until the end of the period for storing information and procurement documents. This is stated in paragraph 8 of the Procedure for the formation of the IPC, which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development in order No. 422 dated June 29, 2015. *

Customer (state state-financed organization) additional cash for procurement under Federal Law No. 44-FZ for the repair of buildings according to CWR 243 and for the supply of equipment according to CWR 244. When generating the procurement identification code, the customer correctly generated the procurement identification code for CWR 243, and made a mistake for CWR 244. All information is posted in the EIS. When generating notices, conducting electronic auction, signing the contract IKZ was left with an error. How should he act now and pay for the delivered goods so that there is no misappropriation of budget funds?


Read the answer to the question in the article: If during the formation terms of reference we do not ask for specific indicators for nails, is it necessary to indicate the country of origin of the nails, and if we ask for specific indicators for paint, is it necessary to indicate the country?

Since the IPC remains unchanged until the moment when the period for storing information and documents on the purchase ends, in this case, cancel the purchase with the wrong CWR and create a new item in the purchase plan and schedule.

Since the contract has already been concluded, it must be terminated and a new one must be concluded indicating the correct IPC.

How to change CWR in IKZ

Igor Tsukanov, Desk Officer, Procurement Department, Public Sector Organization, Department for Development of the Contract System, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

If you specified an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchase plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IPC remains unchanged until the moment when the period for storing information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide “Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules" version 7.0.25).