Phones for inquiries. Phones for inquiries Filling out the report on the form oo1

<Письмо>The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2017 N VP-920/02 On the provision of statistical data in the form of FSN N OO-1 at the beginning of the 2017/18 academic year of the year)



Educational organizations carrying out educational activities for educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, provide information in the form of FSN N OO-1 to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia no later than October 15, 2017 at in electronic format.

The provision of statistical reports in electronic form is carried out through personal accounts educational organizations of the Russian Federation organized at, the information in which must be updated before collecting statistical data in the form of FSN OO-1 at the beginning of the 2017/18 academic year.

Please note that incorrect filling in of the fields of the organization's passport in its personal account, such as: organization status - entity, a branch or a specialized structural unit, the address of the organization, the status of its functioning, the TIN, OGRN, OKFS codes, information on the territorial affiliation of the organization in the sections of urban settlements and rural areas, can distort the actual situation in the subject of the Russian Federation with further data aggregation.

If the educational organization has branches, information in the form of FSN No. OO-1 is also filled in for each branch separately, i.e. reports in the form must be uploaded through personal accounts for the parent organization and separately for branches, if any.

Medium vocational education or higher education that have units in their structure that carry out training in general education programs also provide reports in the form of FSN N OO-1 through personal accounts created at (separately for each structural unit if there are several).

A single account is created for each organization or branch of the organization. Login and password are generated automatically and consist exclusively of numbers to facilitate their transfer by phone to subordinate organizations. Creation and editing of accounts is carried out in the web system by filling in the list of fields with information about the organization.

Software for preparing a report in the form of FSN N OO-1 with the possibility of subsequent editing and checking the finished report according to the formulas of logical and arithmetic control will be available after September 15, 2017 in the personal accounts of organizations organized at ...

16 of September

<Письмо>Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09/02/2016 N AP-1471/02

"On the provision of statistical data in the form of FSN No. OO-1 at the beginning of the 2016/2017 academic year"

Form FSN N 00-1 at the beginning of the 2016/2017 academic year must be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia by October 15, 2016.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reminds that educational organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education provide information in the form of FSN N OO-1 to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia no later than October 15, 2016 in electronic form.

The provision of statistical reports in electronic form is carried out through the personal accounts of educational organizations, organized at A paper version of the report in form No. OO-1 with the signature of the official responsible for providing statistical information is sent to the GIVC.

The review was prepared by the specialists of the Consultant Plus company and provided by the ConsultantPlus Sverdlovsk Region, the information center of the ConsultantPlus Network in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a popular free codec designed for lossless audio data compression.

Unlike audio codecs that provide lossy compression (MP3, AAC, WMA, Ogg Vorbis) FLAC, like any other lossless codec, does not remove any information from the audio stream and is suitable both for listening to music on high-quality sound-reproducing equipment and for archiving audio collection.

Today the FLAC format is supported by many audio applications and portable audio players, and has a large number of hardware implementations.

FLAC characteristics

  • Lossless

Audio coding (PCM) does not allow any loss, that is, the decoded audio is identical bit for bit to the original. Each data frame contains a 16-bit CRC for detecting transmission errors. The integrity of the audio data is further insured by writing in the file header an MD5 signature calculated on the basis of the original unencoded audio data, which can then be compared during decoding or testing.

  • Speed

FLAC decodes using integer algorithms only, which is much less resource intensive than other encoders. Real-time decoding is possible even on very "modest" equipment.

  • Hardware support

Since FLAC is an open format and has very modest decoding requirements, it is currently the only lossless encoder that has hardware support.

  • Threading

Each frame in FLAC files contains all the necessary information for decoding. FLAC will not refer to a previous or subsequent frame; FLAC uses sync and CRC codes (similar to MPEG), which allow the decoder to jump to the middle of the stream with minimal latency.

  • Search

FLAC supports fast sample-accurate search. This characteristic is useful not only for playback, but also for all sorts of editor programs.

  • Flexibility of metadata

New blocks of metadata can be defined and added in the next versions of the encoder without any violation for the old versions of the decoders. Currently, there are metadata types for tags, cue sheets, lookup tables. Third-party applications can write their own Application metadata type by registering their ID.

The benefits of FLAC

  • Ported to many systems.
  • Open Source and Free License.
  • Hardware support (PhatBox, Kenwood MusicKeg, Rio Karma, etc.)
  • Streaming support.
  • Very fast decoding.
  • Multichannel support and high resolution streams.
  • Replay Gain support.
  • Cue sheet support (with minor restrictions).
  • Widespread as the successor to the Shorten format.

Disadvantages of FLAC

  • Compression efficiency is slightly lower than that of other popular encoders (

In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ "On official statistical accounting and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" mandatory primary statistical data and administrative data to the subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2008 No. 620, by order Federal Service state statistics of August 17, 2016 No. 429, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1119 of August 30, 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sends information on the procedure for providing statistical data in the form of federal statistical observation No. OO-1 "Information about the organization providing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education" (hereinafter - FSN, report in form No. OO-1) at the beginning of the 2016/2017 academic year.

In connection with the transition to object-by-object data collection on organizations providing training in general education programs, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia informs the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation about the need to monitor the timely and reliable provision of statistical reporting in the form of FSN No. OO-1 by October 15, 2016 by each educational organization located in the region, regardless of the form of ownership, in accordance with the attached collection of statistical data in the form of FSN No. OO-1 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

Appendix: 2 liters. in 1 copy.


provision of statistical data in the form of FSN No. OO-1 at the beginning of the 2016/2017 academic year

Educational organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education provide information in the form of FSN No. OO-1 to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia no later than October 15, 2016 in electronic form.

The provision of statistical reports in electronic form is carried out through the personal accounts of educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organized at in accordance with the Procedure for collecting statistical data using the FSN forms within the framework of the object-by-object accounting system, sent by the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 21 January 2016 No. AP-73/02.

If the educational organization has branches, information in the form No. OO-1 is also filled in for each branch separately, i.e. reports in the form No. OO-1 must be uploaded through personal accounts for the parent organization and separately for branches, if any.

Organizations of secondary vocational education or higher education, which have units in their structure that carry out training in general education programs, also provide reports in the form No. OO-1 through personal accounts created at (separately for each structural unit, if there are several).

A single account is created for each organization or branch of an organization. Login and password are generated automatically and consist exclusively of numbers to facilitate their transfer by phone to subordinate organizations. Creation and editing of accounts is carried out in the web system by filling in the list of fields with information about the organization.