Presentation on the topic of photography today. Project "photography-history and modernity"

Borisova Alena, Demina Ekaterina, Sokolova Ekaterina, Marusev Alexander

On the basis of our school, a regional scientific-practical conference "Researcher of the XXI" century was held. Students from all classes presented their projects. The theme of our project was called "Photography history and modernity". The guys became interested in the history of the development of photography, a kind of photography. What is the role of photography in the life of society? The work on the project was interesting and exciting.



Topic: Photography: history and modernity

Purpose: to find out what place and role photography occupies in human life and society.


1) get acquainted with the history of the development of photography

2) show how photography is developing at the present stage

3) show the importance of photography in the development of other sciences

Living your life sinfully and holyly,
recently the inhabitants of the earth,
invented cameras,
gained the pledge of immortality.

What is a mirror?
One moment
one minute is up
and blows the cold of oblivion
from empty glass.

And the photo is raw
product of skilled labor
our appearance exactly repeats
and fixes forever.

Yaroslav Smelyakov.

1.History of the development of photography

We are so accustomed to photography, which has become our “second sight”, that we hardly think about its place in the life of modern society, or even simply do not notice it as the most common occurrence.

Photography has long been capturing the most diverse events in a person's life from the day of birth to old age, making up a unique photo chronicle of his life. We carefully store pictures of our friends, relatives, relatives, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who have passed away. Photography has taken a prominent place in the spiritual culture of modern society as one of the art forms. It is difficult to imagine any field of science without scientific photography.

This is the reason for the importance of studying photography, the history of its development. And with the improvement of photographic technology, the spread of electronic and digital technologies make the study of photography especially relevant.

And where did it all start??? Let's turn to the history of the development of photography

The first person to whom the merit of the first steps in the creation of the camera belongs was the Arab scientist Ibn al-Khaytham. The scientist took a square-shaped box and made a hole in one wall, opposite which several candles were placed. Alhazen (as he was called in Europe) belongs to the discovery, the essence of which is that if an opaque object is placed in front of the hole, then an inverted image of candles can be seen on the object. This discovery after 200 years was called a camera - obscura (another name is "dark camera"). Ibn al-Khaytham is recognized as the person who invented the device of the first camera.

The next stage in the development of photography dates back to 1725, when Johann Heinrich Schulze (1687-1744), a physicist, in 1725 received an image on a silvered chalk. His discovery gave impetus to a series of experiments in chemistry that 100 years later led to the invention of photography.

The inventor of photography is considered to be the Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, who in 1826 took the first picture “View from the Window”, the exposure lasted 8 hours in bright light on a tin plate covered with asphalt. The image is embossed and easy to reproduce. As we can see, the image quality left much to be desired. But it was a giant step towards further development photography.

Soon, in 1839, the Frenchman Louis-Jacques Mande Daguerre published a method for obtaining an image on a copper plate coated with silver. The plate was treated with iodine vapor, as a result of which it was covered with a light-sensitive layer of silver iodide. After a thirty-minute exposure, Daguerre transferred the plate to a dark room and for some time held it over heated mercury vapor. Daguerre used table salt as an image fixer. Daguerre called his method of obtaining a photographic image daguerreotype. Daguerreotype, became the beginning of the history of the development of photography, as a new way of human interaction with the reality around him

Almost at the same time, the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot invented a method for obtaining a negative image, which he called colotype (paper was impregnated with silver chloride, after exposure a negative was obtained). Exposure time 1 hour. The method allows you to multiply any number of positives from the negative.His invention further popularized photography among the general public.

The next step is the invention of color photography in the middle of the 19th century.

On May 17, 1861, the great English physicist James Maxwell obtained the world's first color image using photographic methods. Thus, he proved the three-component (red, green and blue) theory of vision and showed the way to create a color photograph.

In Russia, the practical application of light painting began literally in the first months after the promulgation of the principles of photography. Russian scientists not only showed a keen interest in the fact of the discovery of photographic processes, but also took a fruitful part in their study and improvement.

In Russia, the first photographic images were obtained by the outstanding Russian chemist and botanist, Academician Julius Fedorovich Fritzsche (Fritzsche) (1802 - 1871). These were photograms of plant leaves, made according to the Talbot method.

In 1889, the name of George Eastman Kodak appears in the history of photography, who patented the world's first film in the form of a roll, and later the Kodak camera, suitable specifically for this film. In the future, the name "Kodak" became the brand of a large company.

In the 20th century, the most interesting began. In 1903, the Lumiere brothers created the "autochrome" process, in which the exposure lasted 1-2 seconds in good light, and a color positive was obtained on the plate.

In 1935 The Kodak company releases Kodakchrome color photographic films into mass production. But for a long time, when printing, they had to be sent for revision after development, where color components were already superimposed during development.

In 1963 The concept of fast photo printing is turned over by Polaroid cameras, where a photo is printed instantly after taking a picture with a single click. It was enough just to wait a few minutes for the outlines of the images to begin to be drawn on the blank print, and then the full color photo to show through good quality. For another 30 years, the all-purpose Polaroid cameras will dominate the history of photography to give way to the era of digital photography.

In 1980 Sony is preparing to launch the Mavica digital video camera on the market. The captured image was saved on a floppy disk, which could be erased indefinitely for a new recording.

The first full-fledged digital camera was released by Kodak in 1990.

At the present stage, the development of photography is proceeding at a rapid pace. The arsenal of photographers is expanding more and more.

2. Photo genres

Today, everyone has the opportunity to take beautiful pictures for themselves, to replenish their home photo archive.. The process of development of photography has gone so far, photography has its own genres and varieties. We can say that photography is becoming an art form. Some modern genres of photography repeat the corresponding genres of painting, while others are specific only to photography. Consider some genres of photography.

1) The nature surrounding man has long excited him, admired with its beauty and grandeur. A genre of fine art that reproduces natural or human-modified nature is called landscape. In landscape photos, the viewer is presented with forests and fields, meadows and mountains, that is, natural nature.

2) The genre of portrait photography is popular today.

3) Macro photography is also relevant today - a type of photo, film or video shooting, a feature of which is to obtain images of an object on a scale of 1: 5-20: 1

3. The role of photography in the development of other sciences

Photography gave us not only new bright shapes art, but also found great application in science, industry, trade. Currently there are no such areas human activity wherever photography is or could not be successfully applied. This is natural, because many millions of people of various professions constantly have to deal with photography in one form or another.

Photography plays an important role in the development of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geography, geology, and medicine (so in 1896 the first x-ray appeared, exactly 70 years after the first photograph). Photography penetrates everywhere - from the world of molecules and atoms to the world of ultra-distant stars. At the same time, she not only observes and records, but also explores, helping scientists to penetrate the secrets of the invisible and inaccessible.

And of course, photography helps us capture both happy and tragic moments in history.

And what is the role of photography in the life of modern schoolchildren? To answer this question, we conducted a survey among students in grades 7-11 of the Taldom secondary school No. 3 and here are the results:

80% of students believe that photographs are memories of the joyful events of their lives.

15% that photography is an art form.

5% think photography good way express yourself.

As a result of our study, conclusions were drawn.

The history of photography is interesting and fascinating. Photography is an integral part of human life - both in everyday life and in science.From birth, photography accompanies a person throughout his life,

Photography is a good way to remember and refresh the memory of his life story!!!

Huge popularity in the 20th century. acquired art forms associated with technological progress. Huge popularity in the 20th century. acquired art forms associated with technological progress. Photography, cinema, television, printing industry products (books, magazines, newspapers) have become symbols of the times. Photography, cinema, television, printing industry products (books, magazines, newspapers) have become symbols of the times.

The word "photography" is translated as "light painting", which reflects the fundamental role of light in the photographic process. The word "photography" is translated as "light painting", which reflects the fundamental role of light in the photographic process. The photography technique is based on an optical effect familiar to people since antiquity: a beam of light entering a small hole in a camera produces an inverted image of illuminated objects on its opposite wall. The photography technique is based on an optical effect familiar to people since antiquity: a beam of light entering a small hole in a camera produces an inverted image of illuminated objects on its opposite wall.

Photography, being one of the most common means of mass communication, has great historical significance as a witness to its time. Photography, being one of the most common means of mass communication, has great historical significance as a witness to its time. Even if it does not have artistic value, after many years a photograph becomes a valuable historical document. Even if it does not have artistic value, after many years a photograph becomes a valuable historical document.

Artistic photography has become widespread. Artistic photography has become widespread. A look through the camera lens allows you to see exotic countries, outlandish animals, underwater depths of the ocean, cultural and historical relics ancient architecture, popular actors, new fashion trends (clothes, hairstyles, house interiors, etc.). A look through the camera lens allows you to see exotic countries, outlandish animals, underwater depths of the ocean, cultural and historical relics of ancient architecture, popular actors, new trends in fashion (clothes, hairstyles, house interiors, etc.). The author conveys his attitude towards him through the choice of the moment of shooting, the angle, the distribution of light and shadow. The author conveys his attitude towards him through the choice of the moment of shooting, the angle, the distribution of light and shadow.

Photography has developed its own special system of expressive means, but has not lost its connection with the ancient fine arts. This is manifested, in particular, in the fact that their main genres are portrait, landscape, still life, painting are also represented in photography. It is said, for example, that a portrait makes the absent present and the dead alive. The peculiarity of the pictorial image in photography lies in its documentary nature, since it is always an object of the real world or an essential moment of reality. Photography has developed its own special system of expressive means, but has not lost its connection with the ancient fine arts. This is manifested, in particular, in the fact that their main genres are portrait, landscape, still life, painting are also represented in photography. It is said, for example, that a portrait makes the absent present and the dead alive. The peculiarity of the pictorial image in photography lies in its documentary nature, since it is always an object of the real world or an essential moment of reality.

Portrait Portrait (French portrait, from the obsolete portraire "depict") an image of a person or a group of people, produced by means of painting, engraving or sculpture, also a photographic image or a verbal description or other artistic means.

Street photography Street photography is a type of documentary photography usually depicting people in everyday situations in public places: on the streets, in parks, on beaches, etc. Street photography uses the technique of honest photography, that is, through which it displays something as it is, without distortion. This genre of photography exists at the present time and is very popular.

Documentary Photography Documentary photography is usually considered a form of professional photojournalism, but it is also practiced by amateurs. The photographer tries to make an objective and impartial photograph that conveys the true appearance of what was being photographed, most often people. Typically, such photographs are intended for publication.

Genre photography Genre photography is a type of photography that reflects a certain plot, story, action. For getting genre photography it is possible to use all previous genres of photography, all staging solutions, etc., in order to obtain a good genre photography.

Advertising photography (Commercial photography) Advertising photography (advertising photography) is the peak of photography. Advertising photography (“Commercial photography”) includes almost all genres. This term characterizes images used in the following areas: advertising layouts, press ads outdoor advertising calendars for corporate and representative products posters booklets, brochures product packaging catalogs design of music and video products design of Internet resources

Wildlife Photography is a genre of photography in which wild birds and animals are the subject of photography. All animals must be wild, real hunters do not accept shooting in an unnatural habitat.

© Fokina Lidia Petrovna It took a long time for photography to win its own place in the world of art. When the first photographs appeared, no one took them seriously, they were considered "pampering" for a limited circle of people. Then, due to its technical limitations, photography could not claim either documentary or any artistic value. At that time, photography was considered as a copy of reality, a kind of artistic painting. Although photography could not get out of the shadow of painting for a long time, photo exhibitions contributed to its development, where people, along with simply beautiful shots, could also see quite interesting photographs. One of the first such exhibitions was organized by Alfred Stiglitz in New York in 1905. In the 20s-30s of the 20th century, with the advent of newspapers and magazines, a new period in photography began, photography began to change its style in favor of documentary. With the advent digital cameras, computers and graphic editors, the photographer got the opportunity to transform and convey his pictures to the viewer as he sees them. Now there are many genres of photography. Here are some of them:

© Fokina Lidia Petrovna Night photography means taking pictures at night and the frames obtained during this shooting. Given that there is not enough light to take pictures at night, the photographer must use slow shutter speeds, fast lenses, and high sensitivity values.

© Fokina Lidia Petrovna It took a long time for photography to win its own place in the world of art. When the first photographs appeared, no one took them seriously, they were considered "pampering" for a limited circle of people. Then, due to its technical limitations, photography could not claim either documentary or any artistic value. At that time, photography was considered as a copy of reality, a kind of artistic painting. Although photography could not get out of the shadow of painting for a long time, photo exhibitions contributed to its development, where people, along with simply beautiful shots, could also see quite interesting photographs. One of the first such exhibitions was organized by Alfred Stiglitz in New York in 1905. In the 20s-30s of the 20th century, with the advent of newspapers and magazines, a new period in photography began, photography began to change its style in favor of documentary. With the advent of digital cameras, computers and graphic editors, the photographer got the opportunity to transform and convey his images to the viewer as he sees them. Now there are many genres of photography. Here are some of them:

© Fokina Lidia Petrovna Night photography means taking pictures at night and the frames obtained during this shooting. Given that there is not enough light to take pictures at night, the photographer must use slow shutter speeds, fast lenses, and high sensitivity values.

Presentation for the lesson on the topic: "Art photography as an art form"

Bali. Pre-sunset walk

Group takeoff


Lesson topic: "Art photography as an art form"

Lesson objectives To identify features and expressive means artistic photography as an art form, to learn to identify expressive means in the analysis of artistic photography

Lesson questions The history of the emergence and development of photography Directions, genres and expressive means of artistic photography What is the skill of a photo artist

Practical work No. 1 7 minutes Read the text by Yuri Borev "Photography". Write down in a notebook the dates, names and terms associated with the history of photography. Formulate one question on the content of the text. Discuss all questions in a group, choose one most interesting question.

Basic information from the history of photography Public announcement of the appearance of images with the help of light - 1839. Place of invention - Paris, France Founders of photography - Louis Daguerre, Jean Niepce Image title - daguerreotype

Parisian Boulevard Daguerreotype 1839

Edgar Allan Poe Daguerreotype 1940

Karl Bulla Vladimir Women's School 1906

When does a photograph become a work of art?

André Kertesz Studio Mondrian. Paris 1926

Charles Sheeler Ford Factory on the Rouge River 1927

Alexander Rodchenko Electric plant 1930

Alexander Rodchenko Campus in Lefortovo 1936

Ansel Adams Gorge 1940

Ansel Adams Moonrise 1941

Robert Capa Boy - Boot Shiner 1947

Richard Avedon Rene (from the Dior collection) 1956

Richard Avedon Shoe (Designed by Perugia, 1958)

Richard Avedon Singer Marian Andersen 1955

An artistic image is a generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a specific individual phenomenon. S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary Russian language.

The specificity of the artistic image in photography is a pictorial image of documentary value.

Expressive means of artistic photography Composition Color Line Color composition Format Light distribution Moment of shooting Angle of shooting

Double Sun Rising

Thoughts are boiling

big uh

Difficult debut


Richard Avedon Bjork

Practical work No. 2 Photo artist - what is he like? Discuss as a group what personal and professional qualities must possess a photographer to achieve success in the profession? Write down these qualities in your notebook. Draw a verbal portrait of the photographer, justifying your position.

Photographer - what is he? Psychologist Researcher of life in all its manifestations Has his own point of view, ideological position, individuality of style Possesses artistic taste Owns the technology of photography Knows the history and theory of fine arts

Homework Option 1. Find examples of artistic photography (or try to do it yourself). Analyze in writing. Option 2. Essay writing "Painting has died since this time?" (Delaroche)

Plan for analysis of artistic photography What event, phenomenon is depicted by the photographer? What is shown (who is shown) in the photo? genre of photography. What expressive means does the photographer use to create an artistic image? What attracts you to this photo? What feelings does the photo evoke?