Presentation on theme: Mixed economy. Mixed Economy Model presentation. History Mixed economic system presentation

Economic systems are a historically emerging or established, operating in a country, a set of principles, rules, legislatively enshrined norms that determine the form and content of the main economic relations arising in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of an economic product.

Economical system traditional Shared property Distribution according to tradition Command and administrative State property Distribution according to the plan market Private property Distribution through the market mixed Private property Distribution ... through the markets and with the participation of the state

Mixed system economic system based on a variety of equal forms of ownership of the means of production, in which decisions by the subjects of the economy are made independently, but under the influence of the state

Specific traits: Legislating Equality different forms property Combination of economic planning and economic forecasting The use by the state of predominantly indirect, economic regulators Provision by the state social protection citizens Protection of competitive principles in the country's economy Pricing based on the ratio of supply and demand with the active participation of the state in this process

Main elements of a mixed economic system Scope of market mechanisms q Private property rights q Resource and commodity markets q Private economic initiative State control q Redistribution of income and resources q Creation of public goods q Weakening of externalities

Positive and negative sides mixed economy Advantages: q No shortage of goods and services q Freedom of initiative and entrepreneur entrepreneur q Increasing role of the social orientation of the state's activities Disadvantages: q High unemployment and inflation q Huge role of monopolies

Mixed economy models - a combination of market forces and state participation in the regulation of economic processes Mixed economy models: American model Japanese model Swedish model German model Chinese model British model Italian model Russian model 9

The American model of a mixed economy is a liberal market-capitalist model that presupposes the priority role of private property, market-competitive mechanism, capitalist motivations, and a high level of social differentiation.

Features: Encouraging the enrichment of the most active part of the population Helping low-income groups of the population Higher level of labor productivity Mass orientation towards achieving personal success Small share of state property (10 -12%) Minimum regulatory role of the state in the economy. Such intervention, as a rule, is initiated by economic crises (30s, 70s) or a sharp rise in the economy. Encouraging entrepreneurship. Small businesses provide about 80% of new jobs in the United States every year. Sharp differentiation between rich and poor. Acceptable standard of living of low-income groups of the population. eleven

The Japanese mixed economy model is a model of regulated corporate capitalism, in which favorable opportunities for capital accumulation are coupled with the active role of government regulation in the areas of programming economic development, structural, investment and foreign economic policy and with a special social significance corporate beginning.

Traits: Advanced planning and coordination between government and private sector economic planning of the state is of a recommendatory (indicative) nature, the preservation of national traditions while borrowing best practices from other countries, obstacles to property stratification are not set exclusively high development national self-awareness the readiness of the country's population to make certain material sacrifices for the sake of the prosperity of the state priority of the interests of the nation over the interests of a particular person 13

The Swedish model of a mixed economy is a social democratic model that gives the state the place of the supreme social. economic strength

Features: vigorous participation of the state in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of income; social policy high taxation level minimal unemployment rate relatively small differences in income of different groups of the population high level social security citizens a combination of relatively high rates of economic growth with a high level of employment and well-being of the population 15

The German model of a mixed economy is a model of a social market economy, which links the expansion of competitive principles with the creation of a special social infrastructure that mitigates the shortcomings of the market and capital, with the formation of a multi-layered institutional structure of social policy actors.

Features: providing all forms of economy (large, medium, small) opportunities for sustainable development; implementation of a strong social policy; special patronage is given to small and medium-sized enterprises of a farming type; stimulation of technological and organizational innovations; minimum level of unemployment active influence of the state on prices, duties, technical and technological standards high level of social security of citizens 17

Chinese mixed economy model government regulation in the form of guiding planning, a two-tier model of economic development: - 75–80% of the economy (mainly the basic sectors of the economy) operate on the basis of centralized management using both directive and economic regulators - 20–25% of enterprises (light and food industry, the service sector, etc.) operate on the principles of market regulation, high rates of economic growth (at least 9–12% per year), ensuring social guarantees for workers. eighteen

Great Britain Pre-War: An Active Role of Government Regulation. Partial nationalization of a number of industries, created one system public health and social services. a vast public sector and an extensive system of government regulation Post-war: limiting government intervention in the economy and giving more freedom to market forces. privatization of most state-owned enterprises; encouragement of private entrepreneurship. the control over prices, wages, dividends was eliminated. The targeted nature of free medical care... All this made it possible to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the British economy.

The Italian model is a kind of variant of the Western European model. An extensive public sector. Highly developed large private business prevails. Characterized by structures left over from early capitalism. Large share of small business. Developing cooperative sector. The public sector occupies key positions. The most numerous category of state-owned enterprises are joint stock companies with mixed capital. Liberal reforms did not radically change the state of the public sector. Developed social infrastructure and a high degree of social protection.

Russia The Russian economy is at a complex and contradictory stage of development, designated as a transitional one - from an administrative-command system to a mixed one. The Russian model of a mixed economy should be based on: a variety of forms of ownership. variety of forms entrepreneurial activity... mixed economic mechanism for regulating the economy. variety of forms of distribution of the national product. The distribution system should be based on two fundamentally different, but in many ways similar distribution mechanisms. One of them is based on market methods, the second is based on the principle of distribution according to work.

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Completed by students
Groups 3U15 KBSH (k)
Valiev Aizil,
Gaynanova Dilyara,
Kasimova Diana

Mixed economy

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Mixed economy - an economy that includes both private and corporate, and public, or state property on the means of production. It allows private entrepreneurs and individuals make independent financial decisions, but their autonomy is limited by the fact that the state or society has priority in these financial issues.

Mixed economy concept

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In a mixed economy, both the state and private enterprises and corporations have the right to own or operate the means of production.

The activities of the state are financed by taxes and excise taxes, but mainly by their own economic activities.

Characteristics of a mixed economy

The state also carries out regulation - labor, antimonopoly, corporate, customs; protection of intellectual property, consumer rights, the environment.

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Specific traits

Freedom of choice;
Private property;
Division of labor.

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Market mechanism

The market mechanism connects producers and consumers, sellers and buyers, makes them interact.
Its main elements:
Price signal,
Supply and demand,

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Private property
freedom of choice
Commitment to development and application of new technologies

Market impartiality
Inequality in income distribution
Market volatility

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Mixed economy of Sweden

There are clearly two dominant goals in Swedish politics:
full employment
and income equalization.

The state actively participates in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of income.

In the very broad sense The Swedish model is the whole complex of socio-economic and political realities in a country with its high standard of living and a wide scale of social policy.

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Mixed economy of Japan

Japanese model. The formation of the modern economic model took place in conditions of specific development. Having renounced military spending, Japan has concentrated all its resources for "peaceful purposes" and, above all, for building up its economic potential in industry.

Completed by students of Group 3U15 KBSH (k) Valiev Aizil, Gaynanova Dilyara, Kasimova Diana Mixed economy

Slide 2: The concept of a mixed economy

A mixed economy is an economy that includes both private and corporate, as well as public or state ownership of the means of production. It allows private entrepreneurs and individuals to make independent financial decisions, but their autonomy is limited by the fact that the state or society has priority in these financial issues. Mixed economy concept

Slide 3: Characteristics of the mixed economy

In a mixed economy, both the state and private enterprises and corporations have the right to own or operate the means of production. The activities of the state are financed by taxes and excise taxes, but mainly by their own economic activities. Characteristics of a mixed economy The state also carries out regulation - labor, antimonopoly, corporate, customs; protection of intellectual property, consumer rights, the environment.

Slide 4: Characteristics

Freedom of choice; Private property; Division of labor.

Slide 5: Market Mechanism

The market mechanism connects producers and consumers, sellers and buyers, makes them interact. Its main elements are: Price signal, Demand and offer, Competition.

Slide 6

PROS: Private property Freedom of choice Striving for development and application of new technologies CONS: Impartiality of the market Inequality of income distribution Market instability Cyclicality Inflation Unemployment

Slide 7: Swedish mixed economy

There are clearly two dominant goals in Swedish politics: full employment and income equalization. The state actively participates in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of income. In the broadest sense, the Swedish model is the whole complex of socio-economic and political realities in a country with its high standard of living and a wide scale of social policy.

Slide 8: Mixed Economy I'm Pony

Japanese model. The formation of the modern economic model took place in conditions of specific development. Having abandoned military expenditures, I ponya concentrated all my resources for use "for peaceful purposes" and, above all, for building up economic potential in industry.

Slide 9: Germany's mixed economy

German model. It is close in its socio-economic content to the Japanese model. The distinguishing features of the German economy are: 1. Strong government influence on the economy 2. Banks play a decisive role 3. Social partnership 4. Difference in the level of wages

Sections: Economy


  • to carry out primary control and correction of knowledge on the topic "Economic systems - planned and market economy";
  • to acquaint students with the basic characteristics of a mixed economic system;
  • complete the study of the topic "Types of economic systems";
  • to contribute to the formation of skills of practical independent research activities of students, in order to prepare for the passing of the unified state exam.

A prerequisite for the lesson is:

  1. Lesson two within the framework of the theme "Economic systems".
  2. Equipment - PC, multimedia projector;
  3. The author's presentation of the teacher, which helps to activate the attention of students, create a problematic situation in the lesson, makes the stages of the lesson more logical, helps students in summing up the results of the lesson;
  4. Research papers:
    A) homework check text
    B) text no. 1"The Chinese leadership went to ..."
    V) text no. 2"V modern conditions most ... "
    G) text no. 3“State and Mixed Economy”.

The main focus of the lesson.

An activity-based approach. Preparing students for the Unified State Exam, solving tasks of the "C" type. An analysis of the mistakes made on the exam allows us to determine that most of all students find it difficult to work with tasks of this particular type, in particular, they experience difficulties when working with sources of social information. To organize such work, it is necessary to familiarize students in advance with the rules for working with text and provide them with a kind of "Memo" - instructions for working with the text.

Basic methods.

The method of problem learning - through the contradiction between the known and the unknown, practical methods, control method, research method, when working with texts.

The main types of mental activity in the lesson:

The approach of B. Bloom (Taxonomy) “High-level thinking skills” is used.

Knowledge - define, name, choose.

Understanding - explain, interpret, compare.

Usage–Classify, use in practice, operate.

Analysis–Analyze, compare, identify differences.

Forms of organization: independent research activities of students.

Usage TSORs:

The need to use the CRC is explained by the activity approach, interactivity, visibility, the possibility of self-control, optimization of the scientific organization of labor (the pace of the lesson is much higher).

Expected results.

As a result of studying the topic, students should form a view:

  • about the main types of economic systems;
  • about the main characteristics of these systems;
  • about basic economic concepts;

Further development:

  • research skills;
  • ability to plan your activities;
  • skills of independent work with historical sources;
  • the ability to highlight the main thing, to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • skills comparative analysis;
  • independence in the formulation of conclusions.


  • strong-willed personality traits;
  • diligence and perseverance;
  • the ability to self-organize;
  • purposefulness.

Lesson equipment:

  • PC, multimedia projector, teacher presentation ( Appendix 2 ).
  • Research papers ( Annex 1 ).
  • Supporting notes of students ( Annex 1 ).

Information block lesson:

Mixed economic system- This is a way of organizing economic life in which land and capital are privately owned, although there is limited state ownership of some of the economic resources. Distribution limited resources carried out both by markets and with the participation of the state.

The main features of a mixed economy.

  1. Form of ownership: private property ® state;
  2. Method of coordination (management): through the markets and with the help of the state.

Additional characteristics (signs) of a mixed economic system: a developed market, economic freedom, and therefore a diverse entrepreneurial activity of wide layers of the working-age population and an active regulatory role of the state with a wide range of economic functions. This makes it possible to realize the possibilities of a market economy to improve production efficiency. And through state regulation to orient the country towards the rational and fuller use of limited resources, the use of safe technologies and the preservation of the environment. A rather long period of functioning of various models of a mixed economy shows that a state-regulated market economy is capable of ensuring the economic, scientific and technical development of the country and providing sufficiently high social guarantees its citizens. But it is not immune from economic recessions and crises, and therefore modern policy is not limited to supporting the poorest segments of the population, but is clearly aimed at economic growth and orients the active part of the population towards highly productive work, mobility and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions.