The script for the anniversary of the school "20 years". Cool script for a woman's birthday "Everything for you Scenario for celebrating the 20th anniversary

Any holiday is always a pleasant event. And if this holiday is the birthday of a girl, then this is a worldwide event! True, it will be so if you organize everything correctly and correctly. For example, you need a cool new birthday script for a girl. Many games and contests can be held at home, so in our scenario there will be only such game blocks. So that you can organize everything yourself in your home. See, choose and celebrate.

Dear friends! Today we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved (name of the birthday girl). Many do not know, but today we are celebrating eighteen (name of the birthday girl). Also, many do not know that this is already the fifth eighteen-year-old (name of the birthday girl). Fifth time, this is already a small, but anniversary. Therefore, I ask her to congratulate her with loud applause!

And let's start our holiday with a small competition. Since you came to the birthday of (name of the birthday girl), then you should know her. I will ask you to organize two teams of 5-7 people each.

Competition with numbers.
Each person in each team is given a plate with a specific number. If there are 7 people in the team, then they have seven plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The essence of the competition is as follows: the leader asks a question, and the teams must give the correct answer to it in numbers.
- what is the apartment (house) number of the birthday girl?
- what date is the birthday girl?
- an ambulance phone number?
- birthday of the birthday girl?
- what date was the birthday girl's wedding with her husband?
- what date was the child born to the birthday girl?
- In what year will the birthday girl celebrate her fiftieth birthday?
- Using your numbers, show the largest possible number? (here you need to stand so that the numbers go in descending order: 7654321)

Competition - what the birthday girl loves.
This competition is held several times, because the birthday girl has great tastes!
First, two guests come out. They take turns calling the types of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, and so on). Those who did not name lost. You cannot repeat yourself.
Then two new guests come out, they call women's accessories. Also, who did not name, he lost.
Now two other guests name the brands of cars, because the birthday girl loves cars. Those who could not name, then drop out.
And so on, to name what the birthday girl loves or is fond of.

Game - why did you come to your birthday.
It's time to find out the truth and find out who and why came to the holiday. For the game, you need to prepare cards on which it will be written why you came for your birthday. Each guest in turn takes out cards and reads.
Examples of responses:
- I thought they were pouring it, and I was not mistaken!
- I'm hiding from the tax office!
- yes, in fact, for the same, why should others - congratulate!
- I just eat and sit quietly look.
- you know, I'm already aged, I can't walk for a long time, so I sat down here to catch my breath, and once for me - and they poured it, in general, I stayed.
- some of the guests owe me money!
- so I bought a gift, how not to come?
- called - refused, paid - could not refuse.
- I was promised something after the party ...
- no matter why, the main thing is to come!
- think what you want, and I will eat.
is too provocative a question.
- I think you should clarify: I do not disclose my secrets.
- and how not to come when it smells of vodka here ?!
- so you yourself dragged me here ?!

Competition - balloons.
This competition is attended by pairs: a man and a girl. Men are blindfolded and given 5-7 non-inflated balloons. And the girls are given pantyhose. At the command of the presenter, the girls put tights on the legs of the men. As soon as the tights are on, the men inflate the first balloon and tie it in a knot. Give away inflated balloon the girl, and she puts it in her pantyhose. And the man inflates the next balloon, and so on. The winner is the team that was the first to shove all of its balls into tights.


20 years old, it's like dawn

20 years old, this is just the beginning

At 20, the light seems brighter

20 years, this is life's fun!

And it's not in vain that I say all this,

After all, for these words, there is a clear reason,

I ask for the jubilee to the table,

To congratulate her with a bright word!

Applause and fanfare (Anniversary enters).


Dear Anastasia, today, on this significant day, on the day of your first, adult Jubilee, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and award you with a crown (the crown is put on).

Today you are the center of all attention, today you are the princess of this evening. Applause. (The hero of the day takes her place at the table.)

Please stop the applause

And give me a moment of attention.

While our hero of the day sends smiles to those sitting here,

How they will congratulate her, she wonders.

We won't waste time

And together we will discuss the entire agenda.

Will we pour and drink on this anniversary? (Answers)

Then I invite everyone to join our KNV -

(Pour and drink club)

So, we propose to open the meeting!

I propose to divide into 2 to maintain a balance between the guests

teams. At the tables by the window there will be a team of "Pouring", led by

hero of the day. Your motto: "Drunkenness fight, so let's drink before the fight!"

Those sitting against the wall are the Drinkers team. Your motto: "Always ready

drink for free! "

I announce the jubilee roll call, friends,

You are only allowed to shout "no, no, no!" and "yes, yes, yes!"

We gathered for the anniversary ...

To be silent and sad ...

For a drink, a snack ...

Let us all have fun ...

Let's try to get drunk ...

Let's show off a little.

Are there many funny ones among you? yeees

And we will congratulate Nasha ... yeah

And who will start?

Mom's toast. Musical pause. Meal.


For such congratulations, Do not drink, there will be only a sin,

We will pour painted glasses into glasses, And together we will raise them up!

Riddles (at mom). Most active prizes.

Characters of the tale:





Little Red Riding Hood

Text musical fairy tale"Vasya-Vasilek"

(read by the host)

A beautiful and playful flower Vasya-Vasilek was growing in a beautiful green meadow. He was very cheerful: he sent everyone around him air kisses and giggled happily

Sounds Laughter1

Vasya-Vasilek generally liked to have fun and dance to the music of the wind.

Sounds Dance1

Once, a charming Butterfly flew into a clearing with a dancing cornflower

Music sounds at the exit Butterflies

She, too, whirled around a little to the music, and then sat down closer to Vasilko and embraced her with her tender wings, Vasilechek was even more delighted and laughed again.

Sounds Laughter 2

But the Butterfly decided not to waste time in vain and invited the merry fellow to a white dance

An excerpt at the White Dance sounds

And then a slightly slanting, but also very cheerful Bunny appeared in the clearing.

Sounds Chocolate Bunny

Vasya-Vaselechka liked the hare so much that he laughed again with happiness.

Laughter sounds 3.

And the frustrated Butterfly began to circle around Vasya-Vasilechka, attracting his attention, but Vasilechek and the Hare danced, absorbed in each other, completely forgetting about the Butterfly.

Music for Dance 2 sounds

Suddenly, a terribly hungry Wolf appeared in the clearing. The wolf was hungry, and very impudent, he began to bypass everyone in turn, look around and dance.

The music sounds on the Wolf

Vasya-Vasilek somehow immediately wilted, and he felt completely sad. The butterfly, too, trembled all over with fear and began to hide behind the stalk of Vasya-Vasilka. And the Hare was completely numb with fear and hid behind the wings of the Butterfly. And the Wolf walked around and licked his lips bloodthirsty. But then his attention was distracted by Little Red Riding Hood, who was walking through the clearing and humming a merry song.

An excerpt of the song "I'm with Macho Super-lady"

Little Red Riding Hood went up to Vasya-Vasilechk, sniffed him and kissed the drooping pistil, straightened the Butterfly's wings, trembling with fear, and stroked the frightened Bunny. And only then I noticed the devouring gaze of the hungry Wolf. He slowly approached the girl. The wolf has already opened its mouth to swallow Little Red Riding Hood, but then ...

Music sounds (softly) Martial arts - the presenter continues to read the text against the background of music

... received a blow from her to the solar plexus, then Little Red Riding Hood worked on him a couple of karate techniques and made a throw over the thigh.

The wolf retired in disgrace to lick his wounds in the neighboring bushes, and in the clearing the laughter of Vasya-Vasilechka sounded again.

Sounds Laughter 2

But the Butterfly shook off her wings and began to flirt with Vasilechk again, the Hare gratefully clung to Little Red Riding Hood and everyone began to dance a merry dance.

Common dance sounds

Thanks to all the actors for the talent and the pleasure! This applause from the audience is for you!

The floor is given to the person, without whom there would be no half of those sitting here, our Anniversary too ... !!! This person is awarded a diploma. (The letter is read out, presented and the grandmother speaks) Valentina Mikhailovna, please.

Grandma's toast.

Musical pause. Meal.

Dear guests, in our world there are very few pleasant and gentle words from relatives, and even more from acquaintances, so let's stop this, and so ... each in turn. He names the person to whom he would like to address and takes out a piece of paper with words and tries to sing it. Begin.

Stitches for men

High society girl

Girls like the stars that shine from night to morning

My bunny, I'm your bunny

I'm ready to kiss the sand you walked on

Ax, what a woman, I would like this

My blue-eyed girl, I can't live a day without you

You are made of fire, you are made of flowers

My unearthly angel, you are with me everywhere

So this is what you are, and I gave flowers

Love me, love with hot fire, night and day

Stitches for women

Be with me boy, fluffy bunny

I blinded him from what was

Real colonel

Most loved, most desired

Small, small, well don't be so morose

In love and insanely lonely

Who is the best at twist and rock and roll

Love, girls, simple romantics

What are you looking for, tramp boy?

My dear wanderer, where are you, what's wrong with you?

Don't leave me alone, don't give me to him

I hijacked you, hijacked you, so what's the criminal?

My betrothed, disguised, predicted to me by fate.


You are already drunk, you are full,

Probably even sat too long

I want to stir you up,

I will conduct a competition.

And for him I need 4 people for one team and 4 people for the other.

"Now let's see how well you can work in a team."

They take turns running up to the table, the first pours vodka, the second drinks it, and the third has a snack. Then all this is repeated until all the vodka is drunk. For the competition, it will be enough to use 300 grams of alcohol, a small glass and a plate with vegetables and sausages. And there are four people in one team on purpose, since in some other cases, the same participant will only have to drink constantly. When all preparations for the competition are completed, the host says: “I ask all participants to line up in front of the table. When I count to three, I can begin.

One, three! "

The winner, of course, is the team that completes the assigned task faster.

The floor is given to the person who received the title of "World Uncle!" The diplomas are read out. Is handed over. Uncle Seryozha's toast.

Applause. Musical pause. Meal.


And so, dear guests, since our Anniversary is a princess today, then, undoubtedly, we are obliged to arrange a ball. Ladies invite gentlemen, ladies gentlemen and dance together in a beautiful dance.

Everyone is dancing.

Leading: Everyone danced perfectly

And they all became joyful in a moment,

After all, this is such entertainment

Always cheer up!

And the Anniversary is good

Spun gently, slowly,

Well, let's go, for her,

We'll drink sweet wine!

Musical pause. Meal.

Game "In my pants"

Scene "The main thing is not to come off the team"

A fairy tale - an impromptu for a corporate party "The main thing is not to break away from the team!"

Heroes receive printed words in advance - replicas. The Leader reads the text expressively. Heroes not only pronounce words, but to the best of their acting abilities convey actions.


Crocodile: "I'm trudging!";

Monkeys (two people): “I have grown a belly!”;

Hummingbird: "Tweet-tweet, damn it!";

Elephant "Sorry!";

Turtle: "Let's stir up the holiday ?!";

Leo: "Seize the moment!"


One day Crocodile had an amazing dream. He walks, Crocodile, along the African river bank. He walks calmly, does not bother anyone, meditates a little, philosophizes a little. Suddenly two nimble Monkeys rush past him with a din. The Monkeys are in excellent mood, they themselves are dressed up, pomaded. Monkeys jump, catch fleas from each other, grimace. The crocodile just opened its mouth, well, like, punish this impudence, and the Monkeys have already galloped away. At this time, a little Hummingbird flew up, furiously flapping its wings. The hummingbird sat down on the Crocodile, began to clean the feathers, tail, and then pecked the Crocodile right in the forehead. Then Hummingbird fluttered, made another circle around the Crocodile and flew away.

No sooner had the Crocodile come to his senses, catch his breath, when he saw the Elephant. The elephant made trumpets and wiggled its ears. I did not pay any attention to Crocodile, I thought about my own, about the elephant. Stamping loudly, the Elephant left. The crocodile crouched down and began, like a fan, waving his little paws. A large Turtle crawled by. The turtle pretended to be the first beauty in Africa. She endlessly looked in the mirror, cleaned her shell, made little eyes. After that, the Turtle looked at his watch, grabbed his head, took his legs in his hands and crawled, tens of times higher than the average speed of the turtles. An African lion walked by, wiggling a beautiful mane. First, Leo bared his teeth at Crocodile, then sat down and began, like a cat, to wash his face with his paw and purr. Leo's mood was very cheerful, he meowed expressively a couple of times. And then he speaks expressively to the Crocodile through the mouth of the presenter: “What has sat down, green toothy individual? All for a long time already for a holiday(holiday name)in a hurry, and you sit with your teeth clicking !. There is nothing to break away from the African team! "

And now Leo, Turtle, Crocodile, Monkeys, Elephant, Hummingbird came to the holiday (name) in a friendly gang. After all, the main thing is not to break away from the team!

Leading: We had a lot of fun

It's time to give everyone a salad

Fill the glass to the top

And…. To give the floor to the person who won in the "Good Aunt" nomination. The letter is read out. Toast. Ira.

Just wonderful words were said, which, by the way, not everyone can say ... let's check ... I need 2 people."Thick-cheeked lip slap."

1. The crab made a rake to the crab. Gave a rake to the crab crab: hay rake, crab, rake!

2. The cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood. He put on the hood of the cuckoo. How funny he is in the hood!

3. All beavers are kind to their beavers. Beavers take beans for beavers. Beavers sometimes excite the beavers by giving them beans.

Awarding medals.

I invite 7 men to the stage "A charge of energy from hares."

A charge of energy (Theatrical congratulations from hares).
Hare men congratulate. On the head there are ears, on the neck there is a butterfly, the tail is a round washcloth.

1. To congratulate the birthday girl
We rode from the forest,
Rate and see
Out of great interest.

2. Well done, you're just a bunny,
You always look five!
Accept gifts from us!
We start to hand them over!

3. You should be aware of everything
What's in the country, abroad.
To always know about everything,
Ask a question: "How are you?"

4. And we give on your birthday
The charge of communication energy.

(They give a toy-cell phone.)

5. And in winter, so as not to get bored,
Do not knock on batteries,
We wish a little
Summer sun through the window.
The sun shines down
Here is the heat energy!

(Give a soft toy)

6. Love has its own charge,
The hares know, though they are silent.
We despise Viagra
We don't read sex magazines
Doing a squat
Charging in the beds.
Do not languish so that you
We give a charge of love.

(They give an Energizer battery made from a large Whatman paper.)

7. Hares performed for a long time
All the energy was distributed.
You need to wet your throat
Wash the batteries.

The most important charge of communication. A charge of warmth and love, for Anastasia, is a person who received the title of "Beloved Man". The letter is read out. Egor's toast.

Ahead we have interesting competition I need two male volunteers.

"We ring girls"

We drove the men, it’s the turn of the girls, dear ladies, please go to the stage. (Optional)

The competition is called"Energetic woman" .

6-7 girls, women are called. They sit on a bench or chairs. Along with energetic music, the presenter's tasks are performed at the same time: bring a clean napkin, run to the table and have a drink, bring a men's watch, a handkerchief, a men's sock, a shirt and, finally, trousers. With each task, the participant who last landed on the chair is eliminated. only one remains - an energetic woman!

What good fellows you are all, we frolic with you gloriously, it's time for us to hear kind words about our birthday girl. The owner of the diploma is invited to the stage ... (The diploma is read out)

T. Yuli's toast.

Close-Nosed Contest

There are two teams of 6-8 people each. Teams are given one key, fixed on a ring, and a pair of "noses" - paper cones with an elastic band. There is one chair at an equal distance from each team. The first players, upon a signal, put on “noses”, hang keys on them, and each strive for their own specific chair, run around it and return to the team. When they reach the first player standing in their column, they pass the key to the nose of the other player with their "nose".

The winner is the team that finishes the relay first. Close-Nosed Medal.

The best gift is a scene.

Characters and replicas:

Ball: "The best gift"

Winnie the Pooh: "I compose well"

Piglet: "Free until Friday"

Honey pot: "Sweet handsome"

Foreword (read by the presenter)

They say that friends need to give what is dear and like you yourself. That is why Winnie the Pooh and Piglet never hesitated for a minute what to give to the birthday girl when they were invited to the anniversary (name).

Winnie the Pooh decided to give a Pot of Honey, the most beautiful Pot in the world, inside which there was so much sweet, sweet honey. And Piglet is his favorite balloon - delicate, light and beautiful. So, the actors are out!

The text of the tale:

Winnie the Pooh carefully took the precious Pot in his hands and carried it as a gift to the hero of the day.

And Piglet looked at his Sharik, touched it, it seemed to him that it was not big and resilient enough for a gift, and decided to inflate it a little more. At this time, Vinnie also remembered that only the best should be given and, ... solely to make sure that he does exactly that: he gives the best honey in the best Pot, Vinnie stopped, put the Pot, looked around, stroked his smooth sides from all sides and did not find a single flaw. Then Vinnie ... just to make sure he first sniffed the honey inside the Pot, the smell was just divine, then he licked a little and began to listen to his feelings. Let's leave Vinnie to enjoy and return to Piglet.

And what about Piglet? Piglet once again appreciated his gift, examined it, touched it - now the Ball was beautiful and resilient, just what we needed! Piglet tied Sharik with a ribbon and began to run with him around the hall, joyful and cheerful.

At this time, Vinnie ... finally made sure that the honey was really good and had already taken the Pot in his hands, but ..... somehow he doubted, but what if it just seemed ?! Winnie quickly looked around the Pot, stroked it and licked the contents again, then another, and how could it be otherwise, what if it tasted delicious just from above ?!

Piglet, .... having run around and admired his Ball, decided that it was time to say goodbye to him and carry him to the hero of the day. He sadly hugged his Sharik, but so tightly that he could not stand it and began to deflate right in his hands, and now the deflated Sharik literally hung on Piglet. In despair, Piglet began to look around and then ... he saw his friend Winnie the Pooh, who also had a very puzzled look: he looked into his Pot in confusion, realizing that he was carried away and ate all the honey and he had nothing to give.

Then Piglet came up with his deflated Ball to Winnie-the-Pooh with an empty Pot and offered to give the birthday girl a joy that cannot be bought for any money. They approached the DJ and ordered incendiary music, then formed, together with the Ball and the cheerful Pot, revived by the sounds of music, a "lambada train" and all - all the guests began to gather to dance for the hero of the day a common cheerful dance.

"Lambada" or some other dance melody sounds - everyone is dancing.

Well, now, on the stage, I would like to call the little man who won the nomination "Friend from Childhood". (The letter is read out) Masha's toast.

Snatch bite is a competition.

A very old competition and very interesting. For this, you will need several large basins of water. Several apples are thrown into these basins. The player's task: At the command of the leader, kneel in front of the pelvis, and holding your hands behind your back, try to catch the apple with your teeth and get it out of the water. The winner is the one who pulls all the apples out of the basin the fastest.

You can run the competition in teams. Medal "Grasping Bite"

We will raise these cups - a scene.

(Unusual guests are dishes, appear in turn.)

GLASS. I am a glass, I think they found out!
You held everything in my hands,
They pressed to their lips with passion
And they emptied everything to the bottom.
I am where the holiday and fun are,
Walking wedding, anniversary.
(name), on this birthday, you just drink cognac from me!

FOUGERE. Why do you need a glass? I am a glass!
A lady needs a gentleman.
Known to everyone for a long time,
That they drink wine from a glass.
(Name) loves wine very much and will take a sip of me now.

WINEGLASS. What is the noise here? what a scandal?
I will try on everyone, because I am a Glass.
And you can't live without me
I came to you with champagne, friends!
Neither New Year, no anniversary,
Neither housewarming nor wedding
They won't do without me
And everyone will be happy with a glass.
Take me with your hand
Today I'm yours all evening!

BEER MUG. Where are you going? I am (name) - girlfriend!
Everyone recognized me, because I am a beer mug.
Deep, wide, big!
You will hardly find more convenient than me.
(name), you are awesome today,
So drink from me you foamy beer!

CUP. But I was not invited here,
Although faceted glass is the most popular in Russia.
Intellectual, student, chauffeur and carpenter,
Accountant, bank employee-
Everyone is drinking vodka! I state directly:
There will be no holiday without vodka and a faceted glass!

GLASS: (name), drink brandy from a glass!

FOUGERE: No, no, pour the wine to the hero of the day!

GLASS: Champagne, champagne soon!

MUG: Glass, you are not too greyhound,
Pour beer into a beer mug!

GLASS: Better than vodka from a faceted glass
Fuck (name) two hundred grams!

(Brine jar enters)

BANKA: Today, of course, I won't scream,
But tomorrow I necessary become.
With brine, the bank will be silent today
And it will stand quietly in the refrigerator.
Pickle drink tomorrow,
I will really need (name).

MODERATOR: Well, let's have a drink today, friends,
Who desires from what, it is your will.
And for the health of the hero of the day,
We raise these bowls!

Musical pause.

"Piercing hearing."We drank a lot, which means we became singers, so we will hold a vocal competition and try to determine the best. 2 people are called. Song "In the field a birch of the table" Singing by a horse.

Toy congratulatory - a scene.

Characters and replicas:

Darling: "Not for everyone!"

Lady: "Where is my Panama?"

Romance: "I'm such a minx!"

House: “Chur! I'm in the house! "

Children: "Flowers of Life"

Friends: "It's more fun together!"

Holiday - Anniversary: ​​"Congratulations!"


LADIES 'happiness, as you know, would be LOVELY nearby, also, of course, a cozy HOUSE and cheerful, healthy CHILDREN in it. And yet ... ROMANCE would be a little necessary.

The LADY loves it when FRIENDS come to the HOUSE, because without the HOLIDAY, the LADY is definitely impossible. And so that on HOLIDAY DEAR, CHILDREN, FRIENDS are all there. And also a little bit of ROMANCE.

And a very special HOLIDAY for a LADY is ANNIVERSARY, when the doors of the HOUSE are open for all, all FRIENDS, when CHILDREN congratulate and CUTE all day around. DEAR, do not forget, in the ANNIVERSARY of a special ROMANCE, the LADY needs it.

Let us wish the birthday girl on her ANNIVERSARY, so that DARE would love and give ROMANCE, so that CHILDREN would appreciate and respect and do not forget to congratulate on the ANNIVERSARY! So that in her HOUSE the songs of FRIENDS sounded, from which the soul became more fun!

All-all: FRIENDS and LADY, CHILDREN (future) and DEAR - congratulations on the ANNIVERSARY and wish the hero of the day to be healthy, rich and beautiful!Anastasia, happy ANNIVERSARY!

Musical pause.

Broken fax is a game.

Guests are divided into several teams and stand in a line, ideally 2 teams. Everyone is given a piece of paper and a pencil. The leader shows the picture to the first player, and this player has to redraw the picture, placing the sheet on the back of the next one. The next participant should, according to the sensations that he felt on his back, draw a pattern on the back of the next one, and so on. The winner is the team with the drawing, most of all, similar to the original.

Indian folk tale about love - a scene.

Indian folk tale impromptu.

The presenter reads the textfairy tales about eternal love , which happens only in Indian cinema .. Mentioned heroes perform their movements. It is better to rehearse once in advance, preferably, which was similar to the movements in Indian dances.

Son of the Raja. Arms bent at the elbows are taken to the sides and raised so that the hands are just above the head. The palms are facing up. Raise and lower the right shoulder twice, raise and lower the left shoulder twice.

A carpenter. One hand is at the top, the other at the bottom, we rotate around its axis, rotating with our brushes.

Tailor. We transfer the center of gravity to the right leg, knock twice on the right thigh with our palms. Then we repeat the same movement in the other direction.

Goldsmith.With a pinch, we bring the palm to the mouth, blow a kiss, move our hand to the side, again bring it to the mouth and move it to the side above, so 4 times.

Doll (Girl). Arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest: one higher, the other lower, palms turned towards the body. Twice we spread our elbows to the sides, returning to the starting position, then at the same time we make the following movements with our hands: the hand that is above moves up, the hand that is below moves down. We return to the starting position and repeat again.

Yogi. The thumb is bent. We outline the face from right to left and from left to right.


In one country lived the Son of the Raja, who once went on a journey with his friends: the Tailor, the Carpenter and the Goldsmith. They stopped for the night in the forest and decided that they would guard the sleeping comrades in turn. The first to watch was the Carpenter. He cut two bamboo branches and made a Doll out of them. The second person on duty was the Tailor, who wanted to dress up the Doll. He sewed an outfit from a piece of cloth and put it on the Doll. The goldsmith made various decorations for the Doll. The last was guarded by the Son of the Rajah, who, seeing the Doll, turned to God with a prayer, and life was given to the Doll.

And in the morning, the friends saw a beautiful Girl, and everyone wanted to marry her. A passing Yogi decided to help his friends and listened to everyone. The carpenter argued that he should marry the girl because he made the Doll. The tailor wanted to marry the Girl, because by dressing her he made her attractive. The goldsmith claimed that this was his bride, because, having received the jewelry, the Girl felt happy. The Rajah's son was about to marry, as he breathed life into the Doll.

The Yogi reasoned as follows. The Carpenter and the Son of the Raja gave birth to the Girl and gave her life, which means they are her fathers. The tailor dressed the girl like a loving brother. Let the Goldsmith marry, because, thanks to her husband, the Girl will always have jewelry.


"Furious queue"

Highly funny competition, the main thing is not to tell the whole essence of the competition at once. So. One person - the leader - knows the rules of the game and its essence, puts people in a circle with closed eyes. The presenter must say that you cannot pry, otherwise the game will not work. All guests extend one hand forward and the leader taps a number on his hand. For example, if there are 9 participants, then the presenter must knock out all the numbers from 1 to 9 on the participants. When all participants have received a number, the host announces that guests should line up in numerical order. For example, the person with the number one should be the first, the person who received the 9 should be the last. BUT nobody is allowed to say anything. You can hug, touch yourself, hit on the forehead, clap, kiss, but you can't SPEAK! It will be very funny to watch them try to line up. It is best to shoot all this on camera.

For a change, you can give several people the same number or not give one number at all. For example, 1 2 3 * 5 6 * 8 9 10.

It is better to play the game with a little fun.

The game "Complete the task"

In honor of the birthday girl Nastyusha

I'm not behind the price:

First I'll drink a glass of wine

Then I'll sing a ditty.

I love Nastya mischievous,

She is beautiful and pure

And now I will dance in honor of her

Perky belly dance.

And I am delighted with Nastya,

Can I shed a tear!

For her, like Vasya Turkin,

I'll crawl in the center of the hall!

And Nastya punished me,

So that the crowd laughs here.

Now I will go to the center of the hall

And I will undress to the navel!

No, I won't bargain,

For Nastya, doing good:

I'll wash all the dishes

And I'll even take out the bucket!

I will sing Alililujah to Nastya

And I will dispel her melancholy.

Kiss a friend in the ear

And I will shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

And I, feeling torment,

I will add a variety:

I'll kiss Nastya's hand

And I'll carry it around the hall in my arms.

I'll throw off my shirt on the chair

And I swear now that

That I will kiss Nastya on the back,

And I will jump ten times.

Dear friends! I suggest you go through joke test attention.

A prize awaits the winner! (Several people are invited. A bag with a prize is placed on the floor.)

The presenter reads out the text:

I'll read the story

A dozen phrases,

As soon as you hear the word THREE,

Take the prize immediately!

The hardened boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command

"One, two ...." START!

Once we caught a pike.

We wanted to fry, but inside

We saw small fish,

Yes, not one, but whole…. FIVE!

When you want to remember the text,

Lie down and repeat at night.

How many times? - You ask me?

And one, and two, or better…. SEVEN!

One day train at the station

We had to wait THREE hours….

Well, friends, you didn't take the prize,

When was the opportunity to take it?

Lottery with numbers on the chairs.

A celebration for a girl who turns 20 should start with creating the appropriate mood. And for this, rose petals and a colorfully designed poster are perfect. The petals must be scattered from the birthday girl's room or from front door to the hall, where they will put out the number 20. And hang the poster in the room where the celebration of this event will take place. You can stick one of the successful photos of the girl on it and sign: "Congratulations to our charming and unsurpassed birthday girl."
As soon as she sees all this charm and the guests who meet her, the host says: “Congratulations on one of the most wonderful days in your life! You started your life as a little star and now you have become the brightest and most beautiful of them. And on this day we all gathered to congratulate you on this wonderful event, which will only be the initial stage. happy life". After that, everyone sits down at the table and the next stage of congratulations begins, for which you also need to prepare in advance. As you know, all the fair sex love to be photographed. And by the age of 20, a decent collection of photographs is being recruited. Each invited relative, acquaintance or friend must choose one of them, at which he (s) and the birthday girl are present. Wishes are written on the reverse side. And when congratulations from the guests begin, each of them transmits a selected photo, which, for sure, will remain in a long memory, as one of the most wonderful memories. After all, the scenario of the anniversary of the 20 years old girl should be built in such a way that after the event, the maximum of pleasant memories will be preserved.
At the end of all congratulations, you can proceed to the contests. Host: "Now let's see how much our men love and adore their ladies." 3-4 couples are selected, in one of which there is a birthday girl. The men stand in front of the girls.
The host announces:“Dear men, you should shower your ladies with compliments. Whoever gets it more beautiful and longer will win. We start at three. One two Three". And here the most interesting thing begins, because everyone begins to speak, interrupting each other, and since they hear all the words spoken by each other, they begin to copy them in part. So it's a bit of a mess. After waiting for everyone to express their compliments, the presenter announces: “It was all very beautiful, but not entirely clear. Therefore, I propose to write down all your compliments here on these postcards. " Thus, girls receive not only verbal compliments, but also their recording for a long memory. And friendship wins. Each girl receives a rose as a prize for participation. And men, as a reward, can receive a kiss from beautiful ladies, which will undoubtedly be imprinted by lipstick.
Leading:"Now let's see how well you can work in a team." Each team must have 4 people. They take turns running up to the table, the first pours vodka, the second drinks it, and the third has a snack. Then all this is repeated until all the vodka is drunk. For the competition, it will be enough to use 300 grams of alcohol, a small glass and a plate with vegetables and sausages. And there are four people in one team on purpose, since in some other cases, the same participant will only have to drink constantly. When all preparations for the competition are completed, the host says: “I ask all participants to line up in front of the table. When I count to three, I can begin. One, three! " The abrupt transition to "three" will confuse the participants a little and make the competition somewhat unpredictable. The winner, of course, is the team that completes the assigned task faster.
Since everyone had already eaten and warmed up a little by this time, it’s time to move the holiday to the fresh air, where the birthday girl will have another surprise. In winter, you can trample the number twenty in the snow and put the same rose petals in the formed grooves. In the summertime, you can use colored chalk or a colorful congratulation poster. Fireworks are placed in the center of the inscription. When the guests with the hero of the occasion go out into the street, everything should already be prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to appoint a person responsible for this event in advance.
So everyone went outside. Host: “We are all very happy that such a bright and incomparable star like you has appeared in our life. You have brought only joy and warmth into our life. And on this bright day, we sincerely wish you happiness, joy and prosperity! And this fireworks will be just a small reflection of your dazzling beauty. Happy holiday to you! " As soon as the presenter begins to say all this, the fuse is ignited, which will ensure the launch of the fireworks around the end of the speech to create the desired effect. It is advisable not only to photograph the events taking place, but also to film them, so that they can then be watched together.
Upon completion of the fireworks, everyone returns to the house. At this stage, the holiday should have been enchantingly completed, but there are still dances and songs ahead. Ideally, you need to have a karaoke setup at home. With its help, it will be possible to hold another competition for the best team singing. Host: “Undoubtedly, each of you sings beautifully. However, I would like to see how you can do this as a duet. I ask couples wishing to participate in the competition to come up to the microphones. " Then the favorite calm song is selected and the competition begins. And the collected points can be seen on the TV screen. During the song, the host announces: "Let's support our members and dance together." Since by this time the whole company will already be rather relaxed and more fun, there should be no difficulties with this. All guests, one after the other, will begin to leave the table to dance. And the next competition will gradually move into a general disco, after the start of which it will be desirable to dim the lights. At this stage, the host's role will be solely to cheer up the guests.
Thus, this holiday should take into account many points. The most important thing is to let the birthday girl understand that she is the most beautiful and charming creature, for the sake of which all the closest friends and relatives have gathered today. And all events should be built in such a way as to gradually cheer up all those present and bring the holiday to the climax, after which the presenter will hardly be needed.

Twenty years is a great excuse to come off to the fullest, celebrating your anniversary in a really grown-up way. It is believed that it is at this age that people say goodbye to childhood and adolescence and enter adulthood. Therefore, the celebration of such an event, especially for a girl, should be unusual, vivid and memorable. To do this, you need to take care of many things, for example, the location, the style of the event, the menu, the entertainment part, etc. And it is very important that the result fully coincides with the wishes of the birthday girl and pleases the guests. For everything to go well, you will need a script for the girl's 20th birthday.

Ideas for celebrating the anniversary of the 20 years of the girl

Celebrating twenty years for a girl can be the last chance to have fun as a child. A kid-style party is the most acceptable option. If you take a serious approach to organizing the holiday, not only the girl's peers and younger guests, but also representatives of the older generation will be happy to participate in it.

In any large city there is a shopping and entertainment center that provides a variety of entertainment for every taste. You can start the festive program with a visit to the digital cinema. After a session in the digital cinema, you can visit a hall with attractions and video games, or play air hockey, since all these entertainments are provided by any large shopping and entertainment center.

For a hero of the day who dreams of leaving her childhood as soon as possible, you can arrange a completely adult and luxurious reception for her guests by inviting them to a restaurant. Here you need to think more carefully about the menu, the decoration of the hall and the dress code, as well as entertainment program... If the party will be attended only by young people, it is more appropriate to gather in a sushi bar, then go to a nightclub, and end the celebration of the twentieth anniversary in a hookah bar.

All of these options are equally good for celebrating a girl's twentieth birthday, but not cheap. With a limited budget, you can arrange a home celebration that can turn out just as well, even more interesting. The main thing is a creative approach to organizing a holiday.

Best gifts for a girl's twenties

Of course, there are no universal gifts. In order for the hero of the day to like the present, you need to know exactly her taste preferences. And who knows them better than their parents, best friend and loved one?

Parents for the twentieth birthday of their daughter can give that thing for which she does not yet earn. This can be a piece of jewelry, a fur coat (unless, of course, the daughter is a vegetarian or animal protector), a trip to warm lands (if the birthday falls on vacation or vacation), a fashionable gadget, a certificate to a clothing, lingerie or cosmetics store for a large sum. If the hero of the day does not like typical "girlish" things and spends a lot of time at the computer, you should think about purchasing components for it (best of all together with the hero of the occasion, if the parents do not understand anything about computers).

A gift from a loved one should be special and romantic. It can be a bouquet of twenty one roses, an "edible" bouquet, a declaration of love on a billboard, a joint photo session or a trip. If the relationship with the girl is serious enough and a wedding is planned, you can give her a ring.

A gift from a best friend should be extraordinary and memorable. Here it is worth making a choice in favor of personalized gifts and ordering a mug, a T-shirt, or anything with a photo of the hero of the day and cool congratulations... If the budget allows, you can order a portrait of your friend best photo from a professional artist.

Whatever you decide, remember that a week before the holiday, you should have a script ready for the event.

Scenario of the girl's 20th birthday

The program is prepared for the celebration of the anniversary in a spacious room, so that guests have a place to roam. Games and contests are chosen so as not to let even the most fastidious of those present get bored. The number of guests must be at least 6 people. For victories and participation, symbolic prizes are provided for the players.


Hello youth! How are you? Still with such a beautiful birthday girl! How about a full blast? Cool! Let's go then!

Competition "Cavalier's Stash"

The presenter has 30 bills at his disposal, he invites 3 couples (a girl and a boy). The presenter hands over 10 bills to each lady. Dynamic music turns on. The task of the girls: while the music is playing, you need to spread money in the pockets (and not necessarily just the pockets) of your boyfriend. As soon as the bills are safely hidden, the girls are blindfolded and they must perform a dance symbolizing the successful distribution of finances. When the music dies down, the members need to find their stash. But, while they are dancing blindfolded, the cunning presenter changes the places of the gentlemen. The girl who is the fastest to find all the stash from her partner will be the winner. And the most inventive young lady in terms of hiding will receive an additional reward.


Nice start! How about a more difficult task? The female half will have to work hard in it. Are you ready to prove yourself?

Competition "Give me a dress, honey"

Girls participate in the competition. Imagine that your girlfriend saw an awesomely beautiful dress in the window of a boutique, but its price is - wow! To deserve an outfit, all the girls take turns to go to the center of the room and perform something interesting for their beloved, for example, a ditty: "I will go out into the field naked, and let the bear eat me, all the same, poor thing, I have nothing to wear at all." A ditty can be replaced with a song, a dance - something that will help "beg" an outfit. The best performance, in the opinion of the audience, is rewarded with a prize, for example, a brooch for a future dress.


Now for a little respite! I suggest you have a bite to eat and raise your glasses to the birthday girl! I will prepare the following tasks at this time!

The game "The best lady of all times and peoples"

Each of those present at the girl's birthday congratulates her, presenting her as one of the famous beauty and talents of the heroines of different historical eras. The guests take turns briefly describing the birthday girl, emphasizing her dignity. For example, “Our Natalya is a real princess, like Princess Olga. She is wise and fair, kind to her loved ones and merciless to enemies, purposeful and generous. " Or "Our indescribable beauty Julia is as passionate, sexy and smart as Cleopatra." Prizes are awarded for the brightest toasts, and the hero of the occasion gets a lot of pleasant minutes listening to how beautiful she is.

Contest "Master of canapes"

Participants receive a knife, an apple and a toothpick. The task is to string more pieces of fruit on a wooden skewer than the rest. To do this, you will have to cut it smaller so that there are more pieces. The timer turns on and the competition is gaining momentum! The girls are given 1 minute to work. The winner is the one with more apple slices. She is rewarded with a fruit canapé.


And our program continues, and I invite the next contenders for prizes in the fight for victory! By the way, can the birthday girl herself deign to participate? True, the rest in this case will not see the award as their own ears ... Just kidding, just kidding! So let's get started!

Contest "Count the Harvest"

A certain amount of vegetables or fruits (most importantly: not soft) is placed in a dense opaque bag. The bidder must feel by touch what is in the package and in what quantity. The winner is the player who determined the content of the package as accurately as possible. As a prize, he receives the contents of the package.

Great Hatter Competition

All participants receive a newspaper. The presenter gives a signal, and they begin to make unusual hats from the material received. The competition will take 5 minutes. The one who creates the most original hat wins.


And now a competition that will require the participants to be resourceful and persuasive! Therefore, I suggest taking + 100 grams to the persuasion talent! And let's start!

Job Interview Competition

The host must prepare the costumes in advance fairytale characters, or just funny outfits. You can rent them, or you can make them yourself - it will turn out more interesting.

The game involves 5 people. The facilitator plays the role of the employer who conducts the interview. He puts forward some requirements for candidates. For example - they should dress up as written in the "company charter". All these "charters" must be prepared in advance. They can be, for example, written on pieces of paper and hidden in a hat. Participants draw out these pieces of paper one by one, read, fulfill the requirements written there - dress in some kind of funny costumes. After that, they go to the center of the hall (on the stage) and begin to ask to be hired.

School Jubilee script - 20 years

The recording contains the soundtrack of the song "Little Country".

Can't find another one like that

Not marked on the map

And the size is small.
But he lives in that glorious country

Wonderful people
And wherever you look -

A friend is walking next to you!

In that country, the order is: \

Everything is in the power of the guys

And they all live together

As a family - one detachment.

Fanfare sounds, the hosts appear: 1-Ivanova S.V., 2- Fadeeva A.A.

Vedas 1:

School birthday girl, dear, dear,
How many have lived together.
It was not in vain.
This day is solemn
Of course, our whole huge
School family.


If suddenly you ask: why are we worried?
We will answer easily, without hiding in our thoughts,
On the road of difficult creativity and knowledge,
Children and teachers walked together!

Vedas 1: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, dear guys!

Together: Happy holiday, happy school anniversary!

The song "Our School" sounds, muses. and sl. Chelnokovs.

Ved. 1 :

20 years is just the beginning

20 is not a time for school,

But after all, how much has already been laid out

Into the life of successful, happy roads.

Veda 2 :

How mother's prayers keep us,

Directing the advice of the father

So the school for many became

A guiding star until the end.

Children of 4th grade come out.


It was evening, there was nothing

Who was sitting and who was silent

Kolya was shaking his head

Olya suddenly said:


And today at our school

A very glorious anniversary!

Is it a lot or a little?

But she had already hit twenty.


But Seryozha was indignant


And not so, she's only 10!

Our school is young

I already know that for sure.


And you are wrong again

School is exactly twenty-five!

( Everyone started making noise and arguing )


What is the noise and what is the din.

Shame on you to argue.

You better raise your hand

What is unclear to you - ask.


How did our school come about?

Who studied here before us?

Who are all the uncles and aunts here?

Who came to congratulate us?


Oh, how many questions. I probably can't do it alone. Let's turn to history, namely to the first directorschool Konyaeva Tatyana Yurievna.

Veda 2 : Tatyana Yurievna, you have the floor for congratulations.(video how it all began)

Veda 1 :

At first glance, a little - 20 years,
But how many joys and misfortunes have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over oneself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears have been shed.

Veda 2 :

And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Of those who made history now
And who filled this day with work.

Veda 1 :

There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero
Who, not sparing his strength,
The future grows, and there is no rest for it.

Veda 2 :

Complementing the history of the school, we want to name the names of teachers and employees who work in it to this day

(photo and names) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Veda 1 : 20 years have passed since then

How we opened the school.

Does any of you remember

How young were you?Phonogram "How Young We Were"

20 years ago, as young girls, they came to work at school _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

They linked their lives with raising children, with this hard work.

How many disciples passed through their hands and hearts! How much warmth and affection they gave to each child!

Thank you for the experience, for being faithful to the school,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Who is always near the children - Forever the soul of that young!

Veda 2 : Students of our school congratulate everyone on their anniversary.Song "I live in Russia".

Veda 1 :

Attention, friends! A government telegram has been sent to our school.

"Congratulations. We know. We've heard. We couldn't come. We could not help you either. We are busy. We wish you a good jubilee. Your Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev."


Very sorry. But today in our hall there is the director of our school, who is the mistress of our school house.Irina Aleksandrovna, you have the floor for congratulations.

Vedas 1:

Not thinking to amuse the proud light,
With all my heart I love the school,
Gathered here to congratulate her
Big friendly family.
Veda 2 :

Let's not flatter, play, dissemble,
And together, without concealing the truth,
We will try to present
Its tenants from “A” to “Z”.

presentation on the screen, photographs of those in question appear.

Veda 1

Here is a house in which everyone is comfortable.

Vedas 1.

And this is the director
And wise and strict

A house in which everyone is comfortable.

Veda 2

Here are our head teachers
In anxiety, in care.
In educational as well as extracurricular work
They cannot find flaws, gaps.
Help director both in word and deed,
Which, of course, is both wise and strict,
Which leads us on the right path,
Keeping from various adversities and problems
A house in which everyone is comfortable.

Veda 1

And this, friends, meet me - teacher
And a cool mom if you want
Fizruk, musician, Englishwoman, psychologist.
And they all undoubtedly have angelic patience.

Owning the subject,
Technique cleverly,
They drive science into children’s heads.

Vedas 2.

But the educators kindergarten

It is necessary to be extremely careful with children.

Every day bustle around them,

Be caring, gentle, like a mother.

Veda 1

And this junior educator

And sometimes he has a lot to do,

He will feed the children, wash the floor

And even the teacher will help

And the day brings cleanliness.

Vedas 2.

And here is the nurse faithful to our school

Always on duty, always on guard.

And in the winter cold, and in the summer heat

Anyone will give a rebuff to all infections.

Veda 1

And these are our turns -

Who will cook porridge for us in the morning.

Who makes us a fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals.

Vedas 2.

And this is the librarian.

He will teach you to be friends with the book.

Treat them with respect,

Veda 1

And here is the farm to run the farm here.

To take into account everything flawlessly

And find any thing.

Vedas 2.

There is no more beautiful school!

Clean and light around!

Maybe our women

Not one, but ten hands?

Vedas 1.

Here comesadult uncles, and adult aunts

They come to the kindergarten school every day to work.

Strictly keep order everywhere,

We wish them success in their work.

So that everything works out for sure,

Not closed, not clogged;

The territory was cleaned and guarded!

(children enter the stage)

Vedas 2:

And here are our guys at last.
Family lives together, albeit not rich.
You will not find unhappy faces with us.
“All the best for children!” - this is our motto!

(children montage)

1. We are girls and boys,

Hello to our school.

You won't find a better school-

Go around the whole world.

2. Today all earthly sounds

We have intertwined in a single chorus

And there is no place for blues and boredom,

After all, school is our life!

3.We are very happy to congratulate

All kindergarten workers:

Everyone who lives here with us

The heart gives to children!

4. CHappy anniversary

and we want to wish you:

To the delight of adults and children,

live long and prosper!

5. What do you want on your birthday?

Of course, there are no two opinions:

Understanding, inspiration,

Achievements and victories.

6. So that the guys in the early morning

Gathered on the porch

And with the task done,

And with a smile on his face.

7. To be all friends,

So that during changes

Didn't decide with fists

The essence of their problems.

8. And more - health to children,

Fresh strength to teachers,

Our school - longevity,

Happiness and success to us!

9. What will we be like when we grow up,

It is still difficult to say.

But we promise, in connection with the Anniversary:

We will study at "5"!

10. Beloved, dear School!

Shine with the fire of happy eyes

Our solo will be the reward

And the loyalty of each of us!

Everything: Happy anniversary, dear kindergarten school!

Veda 1 : This is how we live in the house ...

Everything: In which everyone is comfortable!

Veda 2 : First graders are on stage, congratulate you on your anniversary andgive "Dance of the Roses".

Veda 1 : There are many guests in our cozy hall today. The floor for congratulations is given to the Mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky Koshurnikov Denis Viktorovich ________________________________

Veda 2 : For congratulations, the head of the education department Zaraiskaya Galina Aleksandrovna is invited to the stage _______________________________________________________________

Vedas 1:

We can say about our school that it has an enviable past, a good present and a wonderful future! Our school is rightfully proud of its teachers, students, traditions and holidays. You can talk about this endlessly. Anyway, let the teachers themselves tell about the school today.

Song to the melody "Through the years, through the distances ..." (video)

At night the stars float over our school again
In the morning the stars go out without a trace
Only we know our team is cheerful,
School - true friend ours forever.

Chorus : Through the years, through the distances,

On any road, aside any,

We won't say goodbye to school

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

We carry our school in our hearts all the time,
The soul is firmly rooted to the school,
We will work tirelessly at school,
There will be a school forever young.


In the bitter cold, she will warm you and me,
On a hot afternoon it will be like water.
Anyone who does not love school and children,
He will never be happy.


Veda 2 : The kindergarten school is a ship sailing on the sea of ​​knowledge, and it is guided by experienced navigators - teachers who make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of our hometown and region. If you only knew how difficult it is to navigate this ship in our difficult times! And yet it's great that many of us are teachers!

Flash mob for teachers.

Vedas 1: School! How sad it is to part with you ... This is probably why the graduate of our school Gumina Alexandra came to congratulate you on your anniversary.

(reads a verse)

Once I came out of the school walls,
For some reason, sadness tormented me.
I left ... but not for good.
And I knew that I would come back here again.

I'll be back to breathe deeply with my chest
Here is the air and dear, and so we love,
For myself, I found a worthy path,
What we rarely talk about.

So hello school, for many, many years!
Let the restless hearts beat
I wish you light and victories!
And I will stay with you forever!


Veda 2 : In this hall gathered old, good friends, who were united by school No. 5. For 20 years now, small children have been growing and developing in our institution, like spikelets. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not rip them off, but carefully transfer them to other friendly hands. More than 1000 children have grown up in our school in 20 years. Just think about this figure!

Vedas 1: And the word for congratulations is given to the directors of schools in our city. After all, they accept from us a worthy replacement of our students.

Congratulations to the directors.

Veda 1 : The closest allies of teachers in teaching and upbringing are parents. It is the parents who support all the innovations that take place in the school. I invite you to the stage ...

(parents' speech)

All together we go through life together,

We dream together and learn the world

Parent, teacher and children -

Always inseparable in the world!

Trouble is not terrible for us with a cool mom,

She is patient, kind and smart!

He will always support us with you,

And he will give wise advice with love!

We congratulate your team on the Anniversary,

And we will not regret the words of the soul!

May the collective be powerful

And he never sees clouds above him!

And every day things are more successful,

We wish the salary to grow!

And prizes in your pocket so that they arrive,

And in alterations so that you do not visit!

We wish you good luck and good

May everyone's dream come true!

Veda 1 : Anniversary is a sea of ​​flowers.

These are meetings, smiles, confessions,

Veda 2 : And a river full of love,

Congratulations and wishes!

Veda 1 : We are a big family today.

We are celebrating the anniversary of our school.

Veda 2 : So let's all say, friends:

Everything: School! We congratulate you!

The song "School Rap" (video)

At the end of the song, children line up on stage with balloons.

To the soundtrack from the movie "Big Break", the presenters pronounce the words:

We wish you good health!
- We wish you creative success!
- We wish you love and strong friendship!
- Until next time, dear friends!

Children let go of the balls from their hands.