Wi-Fi router cuts Internet speed - what to do to increase it. Ways to increase speed

It is believed that the era wired internet leaves. Last years According to statistics, Internet users are increasingly giving preference to wireless Internet. The main advantages of wireless Wi-Fi networks are coverage, convenience, and of course speed. However, if the first two points are indisputable, then the speed of Wi-Fi networks does not always win compared to “local” - sometimes users do not wait for the download speed declared in the agreement with the provider, which they associate with a whole plethora of factors: to the poor quality of the router, to its wrong location. How to increase the speed of the Internet in this case?

5 Ways to Increase Internet Speed!

Make sure that it is the router that is responsible for the drop in Internet speed. To do this, temporarily disable it, and connect the network cable instead. Measure the speed of both before and after shutdown, and compare.

To find out the current speed of the Internet, you can use the online resource Speedtest.

Change power saving settings

Step 1. First, enter the router settings. To access the settings, with the router turned on, enter the ip address into the browser:, or

Enter the ip-address of the router in the browser field, press "Enter"

Important! On the reverse side you can find out more precisely about the router, as well as see the login and password (admin / admin), which you will need in the future (in fact, the password, login, and ip-address are standardized, but it never hurts to double-check).

On the back of the router you can find the ip-address, login and password to enter the settings

Step 2 After that, a window with two sections will pop up. Enter the same username and password and click "Login".

Enter your details, click "Login"

This will open the settings menu.

Router main window

Step 3 Now go to the power saving settings, which in tp-link model routers are referred to as “Transmit power” (“Transmit power”). This parameter is responsible for the strength of the transmitted Wi-Fi signal.

Move the router to a more suitable location

The central part of the apartment is best suited for placement, but you can also use special software to determine the place where the signal passes best (Ekahau Heatmapper for Windows).

For the correct placement of the router, the central part of the apartment is suitable

How to use Ekahau HeatMapper:

  1. Visit the official HeatMapper website: https://www.ekahau.com/products/heatmapper/overview/. Click "Download" with the left mouse button.

    We open the official website of the developer by clicking on the link, at the bottom of the page, click on the "Download" button with the left mouse click

  2. Fill out the registration form, left-click on the "Submit for download" button.

    Filling out the registration form

  3. After filling in all the fields, click on the "Submit for download" button

  4. Click the left mouse button on the "Download the File" button.

    Click the left mouse button on the button "Download the File"

  5. Go to the "Downloads" of the browser through the settings menu by clicking on the three dots icon, and click on the item "Downloads".

    Left-click on the three dots icon, then on the item "Downloads"

  6. Run the downloaded HeatMapper setup file with the left mouse click.

    Run the downloaded installation file of the utility by left-clicking the mouse

  7. In the installer window, left-click on the "Next" button.

    Click the "Next" button with the left mouse button

  8. Then click on the "I agree" button, accepting the terms of the license agreement.

    Click the "I agree" button

  9. Next, click on the "Install" button and wait until the installation process is completed.

    Press the "Install" button

  10. After installation, click on the "Finish" button.

    Left-click on the "Finish" button

  11. After starting, prepare a room map and click on the "I have a map image" button. If you do not have a floor plan, then click "I don't have a map image" and the program will create a part of the map itself.
    Click on the button "I have a map image"

    If there is no image of the floor plan, click "I don't have a map image"

  12. Download the plan to the program.

    Open the storage location of the apartment plan, click on it with the left mouse button, press the "Choose Image" button

  13. Expand the plan by clicking on the side arrows.

    By clicking on the side arrows with the left mouse button, expand the plan

  14. Using the left mouse button, draw a diagram of the proposed points for the router.

    Using the left mouse button, draw the expected access points of the router

  15. When finished drawing, right click the mouse, the router location map will appear.
    When finished drawing, right-click

    Router layout

  16. Radio field strength and wireless location local network are displayed as follows: the closer to green, the stronger the electric wave, the closer to red, the weaker the electric wave.
    The closer the devices are to green, the stronger the electrical wave

    Closer to red, the electric wave weakens.

  17. Place the router in the place that the program will select for you, and plug it into the network.

Eliminate PC CPU Interference

Often, the frequency of the laptop processor and the frequency of the router are the same, which leads to interference. To eliminate them, you need a portable Wi-Fi module. This will reduce interference and improve signal strength.

To eliminate interference between the router and the laptop, use a portable Wi-Fi module

Update your router firmware

In some cases, it is required to update the firmware of the router in order to stop the signal delay.

Updating the firmware of the router is used to eliminate signal delay

Change to a free channel

You can also switch to a freer communication channel, because when you first configure the router, the least loaded one is automatically selected. But over time, it can load more and more, neighbors can connect to it, which means this can affect the speed of the Internet. Therefore, you should simply switch to another channel. Use the WirelessNetView program (Windows) for this.

Increasing WiFi speed by changing the settings of the router itself

Step 1. Switch Wi-Fi to 802.11 N. To do this, go to the general network settings and in the "Mode" item, put "11n only".

Open the "Wireless Mode" section with the left mouse button, then "Wireless Settings", in the "Mode" item, set "Only 11"

Step 2 Next important point: Enable WPA2-PSK security with AES cipher.

On a note! WPA2 is generally enabled by default on modern routers, but there are exceptions.

So this can be verified. Go the way:

Step 3 Also in this section, you must enable WMM mode so that the Internet speed is higher than 54 Mbps. Just check the appropriate checkbox in the "Activate WMM" item by going to the "Wireless Mode" section, then the "Advanced Settings" subsection.

Go to the "Wireless" section, then the "Advanced settings" subsection, check the box "Activate WMM", click "Save"

Step 4 WMM still needs to be activated for your device. For this:

It's all. The speed should be at the normal level.

How do security standards affect Wi-Fi speed?

Router security standards allow you to encrypt and transfer all data passing through the Wi-Fi environment.

Impact of Security Standards on Wi-Fi Speed

The speed of the Internet is inversely proportional to the complexity of protection, since the system takes longer to process incoming and outgoing network data, more time is spent on encrypting and decrypting these packets.

Therefore, if you need to use the resources of your router to the maximum, then just turn off all protection. Of course, the lack of security standards means that you are not protected at all and are open to outside penetration.

Important! To have a balanced security/speed ratio, set WPA security as above.

Improved speed by changing computer settings

If the Wi-Fi speed is low even after all that you have done, then the reason is most likely in the computer itself. Let's open the system settings and see how loaded it is.

Step 1. Open "Task Manager" by right-clicking on "Start".

Right-click on the Windows logo, left-click on the "Task Manager" item

Step 2 In Task Manager, select Performance.

Go to "Performance"

Step 3 If this utility clearly shows that the network is overloaded, but you are not using the Internet, there are no downloads and nothing like that, then go to the "Processes" tab.

Go to the "Processes" tab

Step 4 In "Processes", by removing tasks from all processes that you consider unnecessary, close most heavy programs. To do this, right-click on the process and click "End task" in the drop-down menu.

Right-click on the process and in the drop-down menu, click "End Task"

Step 5 Also try to remove unnecessary applications from startup. To do this, open the Run console by pressing the Win+R keyboard shortcut.

Open the Run window by pressing Win+R

Step 6 Type "msconfig" into the "Open" line. This command will open the System Configuration utility.

In the "Open" field, enter the command "msconfig", press "Enter"

Step 7 While in the configurator, select the "Startup" tab with the left mouse button.

Go to the "Startup" tab by clicking the left mouse button

Step 8 From the drop-down list of programs, exclude unnecessary programs. To do this, simply uncheck the boxes from certain programs with the left mouse button, or immediately turn everything off with the corresponding "Disable all" button. Don't forget to click "OK" after that.

Left-click to remove the checkmark from the programs or click the "Disable all" button

Video - How to increase Internet speed by 100 times in 20 minutes

Network speed improvement after specifying the correct channel number

On a note! If you are the owner of a DLink, TPLink or similar device, then you may have problems finding this option and you will have to look for it among other parameters.

Why is the speed through a router slower than through a cable?

The most famous Wi-Fi network standard today, WiFi-802.11 N, can perfectly transmit up to 100 Mbps. However, the real performance, of course, is always much lower, because ideal conditions never exist. In addition, when several devices are connected at once, the network speed is also reduced due to the fact that they all share a common exchange point, which normally can only work with one device. Due to all these circumstances, the speed that is observed when connected via a cable sometimes shows a better result than wifi router.

Video - Strengthening WiFi. 5 ways available to everyone

How to increase the speed of the Internet through a wifi router, if providers promise users high Internet speed under any conditions and often this promise is not implemented in practice?

Sometimes users themselves incorrectly determine the speed of the wifi router. Internet speed is the amount of data transferred per second of time (measured in kilobits or megabits per second).

In browsers and other programs, the speed of uploading or downloading files is measured in kilobytes or megabytes per second. Do not confuse these two concepts.

Possible Causes of Slow Internet Speed

Internet speed may decrease due to the following reasons:

  • the device is too far from the router;
  • low bandwidth wifi router;
  • the network is simultaneously used by several devices that consume a large amount of traffic;
  • software problems in the router;

Before you start troubleshooting the problem, you should test the speed of the Internet using online services. During testing, disable third-party browser tabs and programs that may interfere with the speed test. Some popular services:

Update router drivers

Updating all router drivers can help increase the pace. The installed driver may not be compatible with the operating system version.

Open the device manager (a system utility that displays all connected devices) and select the network adapters tab. Find your wifi adapter in the list and by clicking the right mouse button, select the "update" menu item.

The drivers will be downloaded and installed in the background in one to two minutes.

Advice! After updating the drivers, be sure to restart your computer and router.

Changing the network mode

The operating modes of the router are responsible for its bandwidth on a specific device. There are modes that can increase the speed of the router by improving the QoS level.

To change the operating mode, go to the device manager and right-click on the wifi adapter. Select the properties item. The "Advanced" tab lists all possible modes of the router through which you can increase its performance.

wifi adapter

To ensure maximum high speed Internet, select WMM, Preamble or Output power. These modes can only be used by a certified router, otherwise you will not be able to connect to the Internet.

You can increase or decrease the speed of Wi-Fi at any time by changing the operating mode.

Impact of Security Standards on Internet Speed

Router security standard is a technology that encrypts and transmits all data that passes through wifi.

The more complex the protection mode, the lower the speed of the Internet, because it takes more time to encrypt / decrypt packets (incoming and outgoing network data).

If you want to maximize the speed of your router, disable all security standards. However, then there will be a risk that unauthorized users can penetrate your network.

For the best security-to-speed ratio, choose WPA security. You can change the protection level through the router settings.

Router firmware

If the above methods do not help increase the speed of the Internet and the router periodically turns off spontaneously, you should reflash it. Contact any service center, which specializes in servicing wifi routers.

Self-flashing can lead to malfunctions of the device. To find out which software version you need to update to, turn the device over and look at the current firmware version, as shown in the image:

For example, in the figure, the software version of the router is 7.2, which means that it needs to be updated to the 7th version.

Other Ways to Increase Internet Speed

There are also other ways to help increase the wifi speed on your personal computer or laptop.

  1. Increasing the channel width. You can change this setting in the router settings window. The recommended channel width for an uninterrupted and fast Internet connection is 20 MHz. You can also increase the width of the channel;
  2. Transmitter power control. This parameter is also set in the router settings. The recommended value is 75.

A video that will tell you how to apply all of the above methods to increase Internet speed in practice:

How to increase the speed of a WiFi router and the Internet? speed up wifi

Speed WiFi router- the main problem when creating a wireless network. We often hear from viewers that the router cuts the speed, which is why they have a low Internet speed.

It is believed that the era of wired Internet is ending. In recent years, according to statistics, Internet users are increasingly giving preference to wireless Internet. The main advantages of wireless Wi-Fi networks are coverage, convenience, and of course speed. However, if the first two points are indisputable, then the speed of Wi-Fi networks does not always win compared to “local” - sometimes users do not wait for the download speed declared in the agreement with the provider, which they associate with a whole plethora of factors: to the poor quality of the router, to its wrong location. How to increase the speed of the Internet in this case?

Make sure that it is the router that is responsible for the drop in Internet speed. To do this, temporarily disable it, and connect the network cable instead. Measure the speed of both before and after shutdown, and compare.

To find out the current speed of the Internet, you can use the online resource Speedtest.

Change power saving settings

Step 1. Log in first. To access the settings, with the router turned on, enter the ip address into the browser:, or

Important! On the reverse side of the router, you can find out more precisely, as well as see the login and password (admin / admin), which you will need in the future (in fact, the password, login, and ip address are standardized, but it never hurts to double-check).

Step 2 After that, a window with two sections will pop up. Enter the same username and password and click "Login".

This will open the settings menu.

Step 3 Now go to the power saving settings, which in tp-link model routers are referred to as “Transmit power” (“Transmit power”). This parameter is responsible for the strength of the transmitted Wi-Fi signal.

Move the router to a more suitable location

The central part of the apartment is best suited for placement, but you can also use special software to determine the place where the signal passes best (Ekahau Heatmapper for Windows).

How to use Ekahau HeatMapper:

  1. Visit the official HeatMapper website: https://www.ekahau.com/products/heatmapper/overview/. Click "Download" with the left mouse button.

  2. Fill out the registration form, left-click on the "Submit for download" button.

  3. Click the left mouse button on the "Download the File" button.

  4. Go to the "Downloads" of the browser through the settings menu by clicking on the three dots icon, and click on the item "Downloads".

  5. Run the downloaded HeatMapper setup file with the left mouse click.

  6. In the installer window, left-click on the "Next" button.

  7. Then click on the "I agree" button, accepting the terms of the license agreement.

  8. Next, click on the "Install" button and wait until the installation process is completed.

  9. After installation, click on the "Finish" button.

  10. After starting, prepare a room map and click on the "I have a map image" button. If you do not have a floor plan, then click "I don't have a map image" and the program will create a part of the map itself.

  11. Download the plan to the program.

  12. Expand the plan by clicking on the side arrows.

  13. Using the left mouse button, draw a diagram of the proposed points for the router.

  14. When finished drawing, right click the mouse, the router location map will appear.

  15. The intensity of the radio field and the location of the wireless LAN are displayed as follows: the closer to green, the stronger the electrical wave, the closer to red, the weaker the electrical wave.

  16. Place the router in the place that the program will select for you, and plug it into the network.

Eliminate PC CPU Interference

Often the frequency of the laptop and the frequency of the router are the same, which leads to interference. To eliminate them, you need a portable Wi-Fi module. This will reduce interference and improve signal strength.

Update your router firmware

In some cases, it is required to update the firmware of the router in order to stop the signal delay.

Change to a free channel

You can also switch to a freer communication channel, because when you first configure the router, the least loaded one is automatically selected. But over time, it can load more and more, neighbors can connect to it, which means this can affect the speed of the Internet. Therefore, you should simply switch to another channel. Use the WirelessNetView program (Windows) for this.

  1. Enter in the search bar of any browser " download WirelessNetView", follow the first link.

  2. Left-click on the "Latest version" button.

  3. In the next window, left-click on the "Download" button.

  4. Go to downloads by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner, hover over the downloaded file, click the "Open" button.

  5. Run the setup file by double left clicking the mouse.

  6. The utility will open automatically, you will see the main page of the program with an intuitive interface. Just select the desired channel, double click and confirm the transition. Thus, you will change the channel to a less loaded one.

Increasing WiFi speed by changing the settings of the router itself

Step 1. Switch Wi-Fi to 802.11 N. To do this, go to the general network settings and in the "Mode" item, put "11n only".

Step 2 The next important point is to enable the WPA2-PSK security technology with the AES cipher.

On a note! WPA2 is generally enabled by default on modern routers, but there are exceptions.

So this can be verified. Go the way:

Step 3 Also in this section, you must enable WMM mode so that the Internet speed is higher than 54 Mbps. Just check the appropriate checkbox in the "Activate WMM" item by going to the "Wireless Mode" section, then the "Advanced Settings" subsection.

Step 4 WMM still needs to be activated for your device. For this:

  1. Go to the "Network and Sharing Center" by right-clicking on the network icon and selecting the appropriate item.

  2. Go to the "Change adapter settings" menu by clicking on the item with the left mouse button.

  3. From the list that appears, select the Wi-Fi adapter, right-click on it and then left-click on "Properties".

  4. Click on the "Configure" option in the "Network" tab.

  5. In the settings, open the "Advanced" item, in the "Property" tab, find and left-click the "WMM" item, set it to "Enabled".

It's all. The speed should be at the normal level.

How do security standards affect Wi-Fi speed?

Router security standards allow you to encrypt and transfer all data passing through the Wi-Fi environment.

The speed of the Internet is inversely proportional to the complexity of protection, since the system takes longer to process incoming and outgoing network data, more time is spent on encrypting and decrypting these packets.

Therefore, if you need to use the resources of your router to the maximum, then just turn off all protection. Of course, the lack of security standards means that you are not protected at all and are open to outside penetration.

Important! To have a balanced security/speed ratio, set WPA security as above.

Improved speed by changing computer settings

If the Wi-Fi speed is low even after all that you have done, then the reason is most likely in the computer itself. Let's open the system settings and see how loaded it is.

Step 1. Open "Task Manager" by right-clicking on "Start".

Step 2 In Task Manager, select Performance.

Step 3 If this utility clearly shows that the network is overloaded, but you are not using the Internet, there are no downloads and nothing like that, then go to the "Processes" tab.

Step 4 In "Processes", by removing tasks from all processes that you consider unnecessary, close most heavy programs. To do this, right-click on the process and click "End task" in the drop-down menu.

Step 5 Also try to remove unnecessary applications from startup. To do this, open the Run console by pressing the Win+R keyboard shortcut.

Step 6 Type "msconfig" into the "Open" line. This command will open the System Configuration utility.

Step 7 While in the configurator, select the "Startup" tab with the left mouse button.

Step 8 From the drop-down list of programs, exclude unnecessary programs. To do this, simply uncheck the boxes from certain programs with the left mouse button, or immediately turn everything off with the corresponding "Disable all" button. Don't forget to click "OK" after that.

Video - How to increase Internet speed by 100 times in 20 minutes

Network speed improvement after specifying the correct channel number

On a note! If you are the owner of a device manufactured by DLink, or someone similar, then you may have problems finding this option and have to look for it among other parameters.

Why is the speed through a router slower than through a cable?

The most famous Wi-Fi network standard today, WiFi-802.11 N, can perfectly transmit up to 100 Mbps. However, the real performance, of course, is always much lower, because ideal conditions never exist. In addition, when several devices are connected at once, the network speed is also reduced due to the fact that they all share a common exchange point, which normally can only work with one device. Due to all these circumstances, the speed that is observed when connected via a cable sometimes shows a better result than a Wi-Fi router.

Video - Strengthening WiFi. 5 ways available to everyone

What to do if you are not satisfied with the low speed of the Internet through wifi network router? How to increase it and speed up the router?

To get started, connect your laptop to it via cable and check the speed. It is possible that your router is not to blame for anything and the cause of the brakes is on the provider's side.
But if everything is fine through the cable, but Wi-Fi slows down - then you should try to "twist" it a little in terms of parameters and thereby speed up the wireless network.

We use the fastest WiFi standard

The first thing to pay attention to is the use of only high-speed Wi-Fi standards. For the regular 2.4 GHz band, this is 802.11N, and for 5 GHz - 802.11AC.

This is usually configured in the basic parameters of the Wi-Fi module on the router, the item is called Wireless mode. The only caveat - I think you should understand that your wireless adapter on your computer, laptop or phone must also support the set fast standard.

Router channel width

The second parameter that allows you to increase the WiFi speed on the router is the width of the radio channel. To make the Internet work faster, set the value to 40 MHz for the 2.4 GHz band:

For the 5 GHz band, you need to use either 40 MHz(for 802.11N), or 80 MHz(for 802.11AC).

Usually after that, the increase in speed becomes noticeable.

Comment: You can set the maximum value of the router channel width only if you have excellent signal quality. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect - an unstable connection and a drop in channel bandwidth.

Non-overlapping WiFi channels

In the conventional 2.4 GHz band, the number of the radio channel used can have a significant impact. Non-overlapping channels in the 2.4 GHz band are 1, 6 and 11, which means that the speed of the Wi-Fi network of the router will be higher when using them.

There are 24 non-overlapping channels available at 5.0 GHz, so this band is preferred. These are the features of the operation of radio transmitters and there is nothing to be done here.

Turn on WMM mode

Wireless networks have their own quality of service technology, or, as it is more correctly called, traffic prioritization. It's called Wireless Multimedia or abbreviated WMM.

Its use is mandatory if you want to maximize the Wi-Fi speed on the router when using the 802.11N standard. This option is enabled in the advanced or additional parameters of the radio module.

WiFi signal strength of the router

The transmitter power of the router or access point can also have a significant impact on the speed of the Internet over Wi-Fi. Again, wireless technology is such that the highest speed is achieved at the highest density. And the higher the transmitter power of the router, the lower the density, which means that the speed also drops. It is because of this that users are advised not to approach the access point closer than 1.5 meters. Otherwise, the quality of the network, on the contrary, drops and data transfer starts to slow down. Therefore, if you are unhappy with the speed of your router - try reducing the transmitter power to 75%, or even up to 50%.

Use fast and secure protection

Use of legacy wireless encryption standards in modern conditions is not only a security hole, but also the cause of the problem with the speed of Wi-Fi.

The point is that standards WEP and WPA hopelessly outdated. In addition to being hacked in a few minutes by ordinary schoolchildren, they also have data transfer restrictions. So, using simple WPA, you will not be able to accelerate above 54 megabits per second even on a powerful modern equipment. That is why you should only use WPA2 with encryption AES then you will not slow down Wi-Fi.

Flashing Wi-Fi router

Well, another factor that allows in some cases to speed up the Internet over Wi-Fi several times is the flashing of the router. The firmware that comes with the device from the factory very often turns out to be raw and with errors. And sometimes there were cases when the software was generally unusable. Only flashing the router will help. For example, on ASUS routers, I have repeatedly met with the fact that the exchange rate of the radio module with wired interfaces (this parameter is called switching speed) on new firmware is much higher than on old ones.

There are also cases when it is really possible to increase the speed of the Internet via WiFi on a router only with the help of alternative firmware. Factory software At the same time, the problem with the brakes of the device cannot be solved.

Re-flashing a router is a relatively simple matter. Many modern models already have the option of auto-updating the software. In order to perform a manual flashing, you first need to download the firmware file from the manufacturer's website. Then, in the settings menu of the device, go to the system tools and in the "Software Update" section, specify the path to the firmware file.

The reason for the low speed of Wi-Fi Internet is not always a poor-quality service provider or a weak router. Most of the problems that you can fix yourself are due to incorrect placement of the router in the room or incorrect settings.

Why the router may slow down

Wi-Fi connection is usually inferior in speed to cable. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Interference from wireless equipment in neighboring rooms. This is a common problem in apartment buildings. If access points in other apartments use the same channel, the radio waves overlap each other, and the Internet speed is reduced.
  2. High range load. The number of available 2.4 GHz networks can be so large that even changing the Wi-Fi channel does not help: the speed will decrease even if you select the freest segment of the range.
  3. Incorrect choice of router installation location. The router is best installed in the room in which its use is most relevant.
  4. Outdated router firmware or network driver version. If you do not regularly optimize the software, the Internet will be slow.

How to fix the situation

With a low Internet speed, it is not necessary to buy a new router. You can overclock the settings yourself, which are not always correct by default.

Change the Wi-Fi channel to a freer one

The same channel often uses several access points, and about 10 networks can be available in one apartment. If it is possible to use 13 radio channels in the region, the access points will interfere with each other, and the speed of the home network will decrease. You need to determine the most free channel (Insider or WiFiInfoView programs are suitable):

  1. Find a channel in the Channel column.
  1. Sequentially configure the router and save the settings.

Transition to Wi-Fi 5 GHz.

The method is suitable for those who have many neighboring networks nearby, interference from which affects the speed. You need to purchase a router that will support broadcasting at a frequency of 5 Gz - the speed on this one will definitely be higher:

  1. In the browser, enter in the search bar, and then the authorization data.

  1. Go to the menu item Wireless 5GHz and set the parameters as in the photo.

  1. Click "Save".

Moving the device closer to the wireless access point

The farther the client device is from the router, the stronger the signal deteriorates. The signal can be viewed on the control panel of your phone or computer. It is worth installing the router in the office or in the center of a large room that needs good coverage. So the Internet will work equally well, at least in all points of the same room.

Updating the firmware of the router

The firmware of the router should be updated due to the fact that over time, developers improve and refine the software. TP-Link software update example:

  1. The file in .bin format must be extracted from the rar-archive of the firmware, placed on the desktop.

  1. Connect the router to the computer via a network cable. When the connection is established, you need to disconnect from the wireless network.

  1. On a computer in any browser, go to The default login and password is admin.

  1. In the settings, select the tab "System Tools" - "Software Update". Click on the "Select File" button, and select the .bin file that was extracted at the beginning.

  1. Click on the "Update" button. After the update is completed, the router will reboot. All settings will be reset and will need to be reset.

Change the type of security mode

Even the most powerful routers and good network cards do not allow you to get speeds of more than 54 megabits when using WEP or WPA security - this is the 802.11 standard. It is better to change the mode to WPA2 with AES encryption. If you select TKIP encryption, the maximum speed will remain the same. Another way is to make the network open by applying access filtering with MAC addresses.

Set the channel width

The access point parameters usually indicate the value 20/40MHZ. 40 MHZ increases the speed to no more than 20 megabits per second if the signal is very good.

At a great distance, the signal deteriorates, and the opposite effect is obtained.

Action algorithm:

  • go to the router settings;
  • in the "Channel width" set 40, check the signal from different distances;
  • put 20, and check the signal again;
  • leave the value at which the indicators were maximum.

Wi-Fi Multimedia Mode

This mode is called in the WMM settings. It helps to overclock the network by more than 54 MB. How to install it:

  • in the network settings, check the box next to "Activate WMM";
  • in settings WiFi adapter: "Advanced" - "Property" (Multimedia) - "Value" - enable.

One of the ways will surely help improve your Internet connection. If none of these work, it might be worth fixing your Wi-Fi signal problem by getting a more powerful router.