Physical minutes on the theme of birds in kindergarten. Physical education about birds. Gymnastics for the eyes

Physical education minutes for preschoolers

Classes with children in literacy, mathematics, visual activity, etc., board games, and just watching television programs, cartoons often take place at the table, on the floor or in an armchair, that is, in a motionless state. But a long stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschool and primary school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, interest in a game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Especially tiring for children of this age is long, monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse their keen interest, and the volitional efforts necessary for their fulfillment are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change the types of activities, interest them in some bright, unusual object or diversify frequently repeated actions, tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the onset of fatigue, detect signs of its appearance in a timely manner and relieve them as quickly and efficiently as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of class, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, distracted attention, distraction, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of the most effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, and change their activities are short-term physical exercises, the so-called physical minutes.

They relieve muscle tension caused by an immobile state, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore the working capacity of children.

Physical exercises are held in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting for the child, intense enough, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The complex of physical minutes usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle such as stretching - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the torso - bends, turns; for legs - squats, bounces and running in place.

Here are examples of physical minutes for various activities.

Physical minutes for board games and classes on the development of speech

Physical minute "Charging"

Bent over first

Downward our head (forward bend)

Right - left you and I

Shake our head (side bends)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running on the spot, (imitation of running)

We will take away both you and me

Hands over the head.

Physics minute "Masha-confused"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Looking for things Masha, (turn in one direction)

Masha is confused. (turn to the other side, to the starting position)

And there is no chair on, (hands forward, to the sides)

And there is no under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands dropped)

(head tilt to the left - right, "shake" the index finger)

Masha is confused!

Physics minute "Jumping"

Get up, girls, get up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Jump like balls! Jump-jump, jump-jump, We'll sit on the grass: We'll listen to the silence, we'll eat the carrot. Let's rest a little and go further. Higher, higher, jump high! Don't be lazy, jump. Easy on your toes! Jump high!

Fiznnutka "Like balls"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Girls and boys are jumping like balls

They stomp their feet, Clap their hands, nod their heads, All rest together.

Physics "Forest"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Once the children went to the forest, They walked around the whole clearing, They approached the old spruce, They found a huge mushroom there. Our guys were so happy! And running back home.

Physics "Winter"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting to us in winter! (thumbs up)

We ride on sleds in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs (imitate molding and throwing snowballs)

We dress all skis together, (“put on” skis, “take” sticks, “ride”)

Then everyone got up on skates, (pretend to be ice skating)

Happy days in winter! (thumbs up)

My ball bounces merrily

My car runs without gasoline, (imitation of steering wheel rotation)

My brother is still a baby, (show his height with his hand)

My cat will sleep a little, (head tilt to one side, hands under the cheek)

Physiotka "Freeze"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We stomp our feet (stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

Shake your head (shake your head)

We raise our hands (hands up)

Then we lower them, (hands down)

We give hands (hands to the "castle")

And we run around (spinning around in place)

One, two, three, (three claps)

Any figure freeze! (portray any shape)

Fizminutka "Cabbage"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We chop-chop cabbage, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mimic cabbage, ("mash cabbage")

We salt-salt the cabbage, ("take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We press-press cabbage, (flexion and extension of the hands)

Fiznnutka "Tree"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind is blowing in our faces, (movements of the hands towards ourselves)

The tree swayed (swaying with raised hands)

The breeze is getting quieter - quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher, higher, (stand up, stretch on tiptoes)

Every day in the morning We do exercises, We really like to do everything in order: It is fun to walk, it is fun to play, Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and get up, jump and jump.

Physical minutes "Teremok"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Stands in the field teremok, (palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There is a lock on the door (fingers are closed in the lock)

It is opened by a wolf-Derg-Derg, Derg-Derg. (hands, clenched into the lock, move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya-cockerel came and opened the lock with a key (fingers are unclenched and connected to each other, forming a "teremok")

Physics minute "Beetle"

Children imitate movements in the course of the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on a daisy, the Beetle was flying in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with daisies. I swing softly in the wind, I bend low and low.

Fizminutka "Bunny"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Bunny is cold to sit, You need to warm your paws. Feet up, feet down. Pull up on your toes, We put our feet on the side, On your toes, hop-hop-hop. And then squatting down, So that the paws do not freeze. Jump is a lot of fun, He jumped ten times.

Physical minute "Buratio"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Pinocchio - stretched

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get the key to us, We must stand on our toes.

Physical minute "Birds"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds sit in nests (children sit on chairs)

And they look at the street.

They suddenly wanted to fly,

And everyone flew at once, (children run around the group. At the words of an adult "birds in nests" children take their places)

Physics "Clock"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All hours go like this.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (head tilts to shoulders)

Look quickly, what time is it.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body rocking)

To the left - once, to the right - once,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body bends to the left - to the right)

We can do that too.

Fiznnutka "Three Bears"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children walk like bears)

Daddy was big, big (hands up)

Mom with him - smaller in stature, (arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a crumb, (squatting down)

He was very small,

I walked with rattles, (they get up and imitate playing the rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

Physiotka "Swans"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, their wings flap, (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bowed over the water

Shaking their head, (bending forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly sit down on the water (squats)

The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands behind my back are clasped in the castle)

Beats with a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternating lifts of legs bent at the knees)

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking the head, then bending to the sides)

I'll jump on the saddle quickly,

I will not go - I will fly, (jumps on the spot)

Clink - clink - clink,

Flip - flip - flip, (arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There, beyond the distant river

I will wave my hand, (jumps in place)

Physiotka "Bears"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The cubs lived in more often, twisted their heads. So, like this, they twisted their head, (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

The cubs were looking for honey, They shook the tree together. Like this, like this. Amicably the tree was swayed. (bends to the sides, arms forward)

They walked across the river And drank water from the river, Like this, like this And drank water from the river. (walking "bearish", bending forward)

And then they danced, Raised their paws above. Like this, like this Above the paws raised.

Physiotherapy "Grasshoppers"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise your shoulders, (vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! They sat down, ate grass,

They listened to the silence, (squats)

Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easy (jumping in place)

Here the motor turned on, the propeller spun, W- (rotational movements of the hands in front of you)

They rose to the clouds, and the landing gear retracted, (alternate raising of the knees)

Here is the forest - we are here Prepare a parachute, (swinging arms spread out in different directions)

Push, jump, Fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly, (squatting, arms out to the sides)

Physics minute "Birds"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

As the Woodpecker hollows trees with his head between the leaves. (head movement up - down)

As for fishing and waddling, the Goose runs after the goose. (running in place with arms spread)

How surprised the Geese stopped by the river itself,

We drank water, wings opened (bend forward, arms back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)

Physiotka "Horses"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey, horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering place! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is the river, wide and deep

Can't get to the bottom. (smooth extension of arms to the sides, bending forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink! Good water! Let's knock with our hoof! (foot stamping)

Hey, horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Rode home, (jumping in place) Gop-gop-gop!

Physical minutes "Body parts"

Children should show body parts in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here are the words with the sound [l]: Forehead, back of the head, head, Fists, palms, elbows, There is no sound [l] in the word "nails". Eyes, body and shoulder blades, There is no sound [l] in the word "heel".

Physiotka "Morning exercises"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are funny guys, We are preschool children (go in circles)

We go in for sports, We do not know about diseases.

One - two, two - one, We have a lot of strength! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now, (bend down) Look at us!

One - two, don't yawn! Squat with us! (squats)

One is a jump, two is a jump! Jump fun buddy! (jumping on both legs)

Take a deep breath with your nose - "Sh-Sh-Sh" let's say everything later, (inhale with your nose, without raising your shoulders)

Physical minutes for art classes

The text is spoken during the exercises. All movements are performed while sitting.

Physiotka "Fingers"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Option 1.

We drew today, Our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of the fingers)

Let them rest a little, they will start drawing again. (shake hands in front of you)

Together we take our elbows, (vigorously take our elbows back)

Let's start drawing again.

Option 2.

Today we drew, Our fingers are tired, We will shake our fingers, We will start drawing again, (gently raise your hands in front of you, shake your brushes)

Legs together, legs apart, Drive in a nail, (spread and bring your legs, stamping)

Option 3.

For a long, long time we sculpted, Our fingers are tired, (shaking the brushes in front of us) Let them rest a little, And they will start sculpting again. Amicably we will spread our hands And again we will begin to sculpt, (take your hands back - down, leaning back on the chair)

Option 4.

Fingers played hide and seek And the heads were removed, (clenching and unclenching of the brushes)

Like this, like this, So the heads were removed, (flexion and extension of 1 and 2 phalanges of the fingers)

Physiotka "Trees in the forest"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and shook - These are trees in the forest, (smooth swinging hands raised up)

Hands bent, hands shook - The wind knocks down the dew, (shaking hands in front of you)

We gently wave our hands to the sides. Birds are flying towards us.

We will also show you how they sit down - the wings were folded back. (2 times)

Physical minutes for math classes

The text is spoken before starting the exercises.

- We count up to five, we squeeze the weights, (etc. - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your hands slowly up to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

- How many dots there will be in the circle, Raise our hands so many times (there is a circle with dots on the board. An adult points to them, and the children count how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times I hit the tambourine, So many times we cut the wood

- How many green Christmas trees, So many bends, (and. P. - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Bends are performed)

- How many cells to the line, How many times will you jump (3 to 5 times), (there are 5 cells on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

- We squat as many times, How many butterflies we have (and. P. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, arms forward)

- Stand on toes, reach the ceiling (and. P. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Rising on toes, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many dashes to a point, So many stand on toes (4-5 times)

- Bent over as many times as we have ducks. (etc. - standing, legs apart, Do not bend the legs when bending)

- How many circles I will show, So many jumps (5 x 3 times), (etc. - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on toes)

- We count the berries, squat together, (and. P. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Do not lower your head, back straight)

I offer my selection of physical education minutes. She helps me out well, she designed it in the form of a book, when you need to take a peek, it's very convenient.


1. Fluffy lumps

We washed our cheeks with a paw,

They washed the nose with a paw,

We washed our eyes with a paw -

Right eye, left eye.

We washed our ears with a paw -

Right ear, left ear.

And the kittens' ears are like houses.

2. Kittens

All kittens washed their paws:

Like this, like this!

We washed our ears, washed our abdomens:

Like this, like this!

And then they got tired

Sweetly, sweetly fell asleep:

Like this, like this!

Animal charging.

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a bunny exercise.

And the cubs like (rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (to stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail

(movement of the hips to the sides)

And bend the cubs back (bend forward in the back)

And lightly jump (light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfoot (arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist)

Feet wide apart (feet shoulder width apart)

Now one, then both together (shifting from foot to foot)

Treading water for a long time (swinging the body to the sides)

And to whom charging is not enough - starts all over again.


1. Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Bunny is cold to sit

You need to warm the paws.

Feet up, feet down.

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On the toes skok-skok-skok.

And then squat down

So that the paws do not freeze.

Jump a zainka much,

He jumped ten times.

2. Gray bunny sits

And wiggles his ears. (raise palms above your head and wave, depicting ears)

Like this, like that

He wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws. (rub your forearms)

Like this, like that

We need to warm up the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump. (jumping in place)

Like this, like that

The bunny must jump.

The wolf scared the bunny!

Bunny immediately ran away. (sit down at the desk)

3. Bunnies, where have you been?

We rested in the cabbage

(shaking with fear)

Did you eat cabbage?

They just touched my nose.

You should be punished.

So try to catch up with us!

4. One, two, three, four, five,

The zainka began to ride.

(jumps in place)

Jump a zainka much,

He jumped ten times



1. Birds sit in nests (children sit on chairs)

And they look at the street.

They suddenly wanted to fly,

And everyone flew at once, (children run around the group.

On the words of an adult "birds in their nests" children take their places)

2. Birds in a nest are sitting

(sit down)

And they look at the street.

They want to take a walk

(stand up on your toes)

And they all fly quietly.

(wave your hands)

3. Little birds

Small birds

They fly through the forest

The songs are sung. (we wave our hands like wings)

A violent wind blew (hands up, swinging from side to side)

I wanted to take the birds away.

The birds hid in a hollow (we squat down, cover our heads with our hands)

It's cozy and warm there.

"Three Bears"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children walk like bears)

Daddy was big, big (hands up)

Mom with him - smaller in stature, (arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a crumb, (squatting down)

He was very small,

I walked with rattles, (they get up and imitate playing the rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)


Bears walked through the forest,

(we go waddling)

Bears were looking for berries.

Like this, like that

(we put one hand on the barrel - this is a "basket")

They were looking for bears.

Sweet berry raspberries

They put everything in the basket

Like this, like this.

(collect berries and put them in a "basket")

We put everything in the basket.

How they treated themselves to raspberries,

All fell apart on the grass.

Like this, like that

(stroking our tummy)

All fell apart on the grass.

And then the Bears danced

Legs raised up

Like this, like that

(we put our feet on the heel, raise our hands up)

"The bear wandered through the forest"

The bear wanders through the forest, walks from oak to oak. (Go waddling)

He finds honey in the hollows and puts it in his mouth. ("Get" honey with your hand)

Clubfoot licks the paw of a sweet tooth (imitation of movement)

And the bees swoop in, drive the bear away. ("Brush off" the bees)

And the bees sting the bear: "Don't eat our honey, thief." (pinch your nose and cheeks lightly)

A bear walks along the forest road to its den. (Go waddling)

He lays down, falls asleep and remembers the bees. (hands under the cheek, tilt your head)

"Bear cubs"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The cubs lived in more often,

They twisted their head.

Like this, like that

They twisted their head, (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

The cubs were looking for honey,

They shook the tree together.

Like this, like this. Amicably the tree was swayed. (bends to the sides, arms forward)

Walked across

And they drank water from the river,

Like this, like that

And they drank water from the river. (walking "bearish", bending forward)

And then they danced

Above the paws were raised.

Like this, like that

Above the paws were raised.


The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, their wings flap, (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bowed over the water

Shaking their head, (bending forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly sit down on the water (squats)


The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Like a head between the foliage

Woodpecker hollows trees. (head movement up - down)

Like fishing and waddling

The goose is running after the goose. (running in place with arms spread)

How surprised they stopped

Geese by the river

We drank water, wings opened (bend forward, arms back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)


They go waddling around,


Penguin Daddy,

Penguin Mom

And little penguin son

In a black tailcoat and shirt-front.

(imitate the movements of penguins, walk in a circle)

"A parrot"

There lived a parrot.

Spread your wings wider.

(arms to the sides, left, right)

He loved to fly everyone higher

Higher than palms, giraffes higher.

(stretch out on toes, hands up)

I flew to visit the children,

I rested with them,

(do squats)

Jumped, bowed, naughty,

(tilting the head or torso forward)

I talked to the kids.


The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands behind my back are clasped in the castle)

Beats with a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternating lifts of legs bent at the knees)

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking the head, then bending to the sides)

I'll jump on the saddle quickly,

I will not go - I will fly, (jumps on the spot)

Clink - clink - clink,

Flip - flip - flip, (arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There, beyond the distant river

I will wave my hand, (jumps in place)


The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey, horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering place! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is the river, wide and deep

Can't get to the bottom. (smooth extension of arms to the sides, bending forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink!

Good water! Let's knock with our hoof! (foot stamping)

Hey, horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Rode home, (jumping in place) Gop-gop-gop


The mouse was running fast (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)

Oh, dropped the testicle (bend over, "raise the testicle")

Look, I broke it ("show the testicle" on outstretched arms)


The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise your shoulders, (vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! We sat down,

We ate the grass

They listened to the silence, (squats)

Higher, higher, high

Jump on your toes easy (jumping in place)

Now the motor has turned on,

The propeller spun, W- (rotational movements of the hands in front of you)

Climbed to the clouds

And the landing gear retracted, (alternating knees)

Here is the forest - we are here

Let's prepare a parachute, (swinging arms spread out in different directions)

Push, jump, Fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened

Children landed softly, (squat, arms out to the sides)


The butterfly flew, fluttered over the flower (slow run on tiptoes,

hands wave up and down)

She sat down, sat down and ate nectar (sit down, shake her head down - up)

She lowered her two large wings, raised (stand up, lower and raise straightened arms)


(group physical education, children repeat everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We stamp all our feet

We clap our hands all

We puff up our cheeks

We jump on tiptoes.

Let's jump to the ceiling

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Open your mouth wider

Let's make grimaces.

As I say word three,

All with grimaces freeze.

One two Three!

Physical education for children. (preschoolers and younger students)

These physical education minutes in verse are intended for preschoolers and schoolchildren. primary grades- read these rhymes with the children, squat, jump, clap your hands, this will help to throw off the load, relax both you and the children! After all, children get tired very quickly, and such physical exercises help to quickly recuperate.

And now we are with you, children,

We fly away on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four -

Here is a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on toes, hands up, palms form a "rocket dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

Cha, cha, cha

Cha, cha, cha (3 claps on the thighs)

The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)

Chi, chi, chi (3 claps over your head)

Oven bakes rolls (4 squats)

Chu, chu, chu (3 claps behind the back)

(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lower it. Watch your back.)

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)

Stamp with your right foot

Stamp with your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

After - with the right foot,

After - with the left foot.

And then you will come home.

Our pens

Raise our hands up

And then we let them go.

And then we will deploy them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more fun.

We stamp our feet

We stamp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We put our hands down

And let's start writing again.

And the clock goes, goes

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Who knows how to do this in the house?

This is a pendulum in a clock

Beats each beat (Bends left and right.)

And the cuckoo sits in the clock,

She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)

Time will bite the bird

Hiding behind the door again, (Squats.)

The arrows move in a circle.

Don't touch each other. (Rotation of the trunk to the right.)

We will turn around with you

Counterclockwise. (Rotation of the trunk to the left.)

And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.)

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.)

And it happens that they are in a hurry

As if they want to run away! (Running in place.)

If they are not turned on,

Then they get up completely. (The children stop.)

One, two - the head is higher

One, two - the head is higher. Three, four - arms are wider. Five, six - all sit down. Seven, eight - ask to get up. Nine, ten - let's sit together.

Once - we got up

Once - we got up, straightened up. Two - bent over, bent over. Three - three claps with your hands. And four - under the sides. Five - wave your hands. Six - sit down again.

Here are my helpers

Here are my assistants,

Turn them as you like.

One, two, three, four, five.

Knocked, turned

And they wanted to work.

Quietly everyone sat down.

One - climb, stretch

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Head three nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - in place of ty ...

Raise your coat hanger. Jump, grasshoppers. Jump-jump, jump-jump. Stop! They sat down.

We ate grass, listened to Silence Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easily.

The ducks went out to the meadow

The ducks went out to the meadow

Quack, quack, quack.

Green beetle flew

Geese arching their necks

The feathers were straightened with their beak.

The reeds rustled in the pond

And again it came ...

We walk on our toes, And then on the heels. They checked their posture And brought the shoulder blades together.

We wrote

We wrote! We wrote!

Our fingers are tired.

We will have a little rest

And we'll start writing again.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we omit them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)

We put our hands in front of the chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking with hands.)

You need to jump ten times,

Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees -

We carry out the step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

We stretched from the heart, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again. (The children sit down.)

Seagulls are circling over the waves

Let's fly after them together.

Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their arms like wings.)

We're sailing on the sea now

And frolic in the open.

More fun to rake

And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

One, two - it's time to get up

One, two - it's time to get up

Three, four - arms are wider

Five, six - sit down quietly,

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five

Bunny came out to play

Jump gray garazd

He jumped 300 times.

Hares were running in the forest (running in place)

We met a fox there (wag its tail)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (jumping in place)

They ran away under the bush. (sit down)

Blueberries grow in the forest

And blueberries grow in the forest

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry

You need to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I walked in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walking in place.)

Methodical development (middle group) on the topic: Physical education minutes for preschoolers.

Physical culture minute as a form of active recreation during sedentary activities is widely used with children preschool age.

The purpose of the exercise minute is to increase or maintain the mental performance of children in the classroom, to provide short-term active rest for children during classes, when the organs of sight and hearing are under significant stress; muscles of the trunk, especially the back.

For physical culture minutes, they make up a complex that includes 3-4 simple exercises for large muscle groups that activate breathing and blood circulation. They are performed within two minutes. Weekly complexes of physical education minutes are updated, enriched with new movements, or completely replaced.



A selection of physical education minutes

Who knows how to do this in the house? This is a pendulum in a clock, It strikes every beat (Tilts left and right.) And a cuckoo sits in the clock, She has her own hut. (Children sit down in a deep squat.) Time will bite the bird, Again hide behind the door, (Squat.) Arrows move in a circle. Don't touch each other. (Rotation of the body to the right.) We will turn with you Counterclockwise. (Rotation of the body to the left.) And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.) Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.) And it happens that they are in a hurry, As if they want to run away! (Running on the spot.) If they are not turned on, Then they completely get up. (The children stop.)

Clap clap.

Clap-clap, clap-clap-clap (clap your hands) Top-top, top-top-top (stomp your feet)

The flower slept and suddenly woke up, (Torso to the right, to the left.) He did not want to sleep anymore, (Torso forward, backward.) Stirred, stretched, (Hands up, stretch.) Soared up and flew. (Hands up, to the right, to the left.) The sun will only wake up in the morning, the Butterfly is circling and twisting. (Whirl.)

There is a black cat under the bed.

He crawled under the bed (alternate movement of his arms forward and toward the chest, imitating the movement of a cat's paws) and prevents the children from sleeping. (lifting with rhythmic waving with the index finger of the right hand)


We were resting in the cabbage (shaking with fear) Did you eat cabbage? They just touched my nose.


The importance of gymnastics for the health of preschoolers

Physical education is a great way to switch to another activity, get some rest and move.

Specialists in the field of pediatric physiology claim that all types of pediatric educational activities cause tension in the nervous system. A considerable load falls on the eyes and hearing of the child, his hands (especially the hands), the muscles of the whole body - when it is practically motionless, in a static position.

As a result of such fatigue, children lose interest in all activities, especially educational ones, attention is scattered, memory deteriorates, and working capacity is significantly reduced. Children begin to be naughty in every possible way, move, spin, fidget at the table, distract each other, after which they become lethargic and indifferent to their activities.

And now we can see how they stretch and yawn. All these are obvious signals for the teacher that the children are tired, they need to switch to another type of activity, have a little rest and move. Physical education minutes are excellent assistants in this matter.

“Did you know that it's best for young children to change their activities every 20 minutes?”

Physical education Is a set of physical exercises useful for a child in the form of funny games and thematic verses. When performing such exercises, the child's blood circulation improves, the work of the heart, lungs, and the positive emotional condition... And so the baby is resting.

Physical education is carried out, first of all, with the aim of improving the health of children. And in the process of physical education, you can teach children something useful: develop memory by memorizing poetry, counting, seasons, clocks, natural phenomena and much more.

Physical education is an obligatory component of educational activities in a preschool institution.

You can start to engage in such a fun game exercise with toddlers of early preschool age, and this is important when doing homework with children, and not just in kindergarten... So the little one will gradually recognize his body, learn to feel the rhythm, learn numbers, memorize many poems and sayings.

Physical education can be started with babies of a very young age.

"Advice. When inviting your child to do a physical exercise, focus on the individual characteristics of his nervous system. Calm exercises at a moderate pace are suitable for an easily excitable baby, and more active, vigorous exercises are better for slightly inhibited children. "

Physical education in the nursery educational institution usually held in the middle of a class. Physical education is therefore called so that its duration is 1-2 minutes.

It is best to combine different types of physical exercises in one lesson: this way you can cover different areas of children's activity. Choose sufficiently intense exercises for different muscle groups of preschoolers, but not tiring.

Most of all, children love exercises with verses, especially thematic ones. Kids remember them easily and are happy to do them, as they are very interesting and simple.

Types of physical education

It is best to combine different types of physical exercises within the framework of one lesson: this way it will be possible to cover different areas of activity of children

Kinds physical educationvaried:

  • exercises that relieve general and local fatigue
  • gymnastics for hands
  • exercises aimed at shaping and correcting posture
  • breathing exercises
  • exercises based on dance moves and music.

Physical education can be carried out in different variations:

  • in the form of walking or jogging in place, other simple general developmental exercises
  • in the form of outdoor games
  • in the form of dance movements to music, singing of the teacher and children
  • as didactic games in which children must move to poems, rhymes or riddles
  • in the form of imitations of professional movements (driver, lumberjack, boatman, pilot, etc.), imitations of the movements of animals and birds
  • in the form of exercises for individual parts of the body, facial expressions.

“And with the help of physical education minutes, you can learn counting, get acquainted with the phenomena of nature and learn a lot more.”

Watch a video about how you can spend a physical education in kindergarten based on the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov "So"

Removing fatigue

Physical education is most often used to relieve fatigue in preschoolers. To do this, you need to use dynamic exercises to relax different muscle groups (neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs).

For the smallest, well-known children's poems are suitable, which are easy to stage:

Giraffe(Samuel Marshak)

Picking flowers is easy and simple For small children (to squat down and depict picking flowers) But for those who are so tall, It is not easy to pick a flower (stand on tiptoes, straighten your legs, and “pick flowers”, bending over, but not bending your knees).

Famous children's poems that are easy to stage are suitable for kids.

Ship(Agniya Barto)

Rope in hand (marching in place) I pull the boat Along the fast river (start moving like pulling a boat) And frogs gallop at my heels (sit down and jump) And they ask me: - Take a ride, captain! (wave your hand).

Elephant(Agniya Barto)

The goby fell asleep (put his palms under one cheek, as if we were sleeping) Lied in the box on the side. The sleepy bear went to bed (put his palms under the other cheek) Only the elephant does not want to sleep (to get down on all fours) The elephant shakes his head (to stand on all fours and shake his head) He sends a bow to the elephant (bow).


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Physical education minutes for preschoolers, "C" | Physical Culture

Submitted by admin on Mon, 29/09/2008 - 12:13 pm

The plane rushed back. (Rotation with straight arms forward and backward.)

Physical education. Airplane Hands to the sides - in flight We send the plane, Our plane flew. (Stand feet apart, arms to the sides, turn to the right; turn to the left.)

Sat down - got up, sat down - got up Hands pressed everything to the body And began to make jumps. (Movement through the text.)

The strong wind twists the pines You and I are like them. (Rotation of the body to the right and to the left.) Here the squirrel rushes along the branches. The squirrel is not afraid of the wind. After all, dexterity is needed in everything. (Jumping in place.) Where is the bear going? Looking for berries and honey. (Walking in place.) Well, it's time for us to sit down. To study, not to be lazy. (The children sit down.)

The frog is jumping The frog is galloping, (Clap our hands.) Kva-kva-kva! (Jumping in place.) A duckling is swimming, (We clap our hands.) Quack-quack-quack! (Hands to the chest - to the sides.) The kid is jumping, (We clap our hands.) Me-me-me! (Hands on the belt, tilting forward, turning the head left and right.) And behind him is the lamb, (Clap our hands.) Be-be-be! (We squat.) Here we are on the exercise, (Clap our hands.) One-two-three! (Jumping in place.) In the morning on the site, (Clap our hands.) One-two-three! (Walking on the spot.) Everyone around is trying, (Clap our hands.) They go in for sports! (Jumping in place.)

A nimble tit gallops A nimble tit is jumping, (Jumping in place on two legs.) She does not sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.) Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jump in place on her right leg.) Spun like a top. (We circle in place.) Here I sat down for a minute, (Crouched down.) Scratched my chest with my beak, (We got up, tilting our heads to the left and right.) And from the path - onto the fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.) Tiri-tiri, ( Jumping in place on the right leg.) Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.) (A. Barto)

Leap-leap, leap-leap, (Jumping in place on two legs.) Bunny jumped on a stump. (Jumping in place on two legs.) He beats the drum loudly, (We walk on the spot.) He calls for leapfrog to play. (We clap our hands.) The hare is cold to sit, (Sit down.) We need to warm the paws. (Clap our hands.) Paws up, paws down, (Hands up and down.) Pull up on your toes. (They stretched, raised their hands up.) We put our feet on the side, (Hands on the belt.) On the toes, hop-hop-hop. (Jumping in place on two legs.) And then squatting, (Squatting.) So that the paws do not freeze. (We stamp our feet.)



Physical education minutes for preschoolers

It is no secret that modern children spend a lot of time in a sitting position: they draw, study with the developmental aids offered by their parents, and finally watch TV or play on the computer. You can't get away from this, but it is in our power to diversify the baby's leisure time and help him move more. The physical development of a preschooler should not be dealt with occasionally, but regularly.

Even better every day. After all, it is not necessary to arrange a whole workout, it is enough to organize funny physical exercises. I will try to tell you about the lessons with my youngest child. What are the physical education minutes

Already from the name it becomes clear that with the help of physical education minutes, you can distract a child from mental activity for a few minutes or tear him away from watching a cartoon. Usually, the complex includes 3-4 exercises for the main muscle groups. During the exercise, the baby's pulse should be slightly increased, breathing and blood circulation should be activated. Try to diversify your physical education and use different exercises and rhymes every day that help to captivate the child. I usually read rhymes loudly and rhythmically, and my daughter already knows what movements to do.

Physical education minutes for preschoolers, letter "A" | Physical Culture

Submitted by admin on Sat, 27/09/2008 - 12:12 pm

Physical education. And blueberries grow in the forest And blueberries, strawberries, blueberries grow in the forest. I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walking in place.)

Physical education. Stork(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.) - Stork, long-legged stork, Show the way home. (The stork answers.) - Stamp with your right foot,

And over the sea - we are with you! Seagulls are circling over the waves, And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their hands like wings.) We are now sailing on the sea And frolic in the open. And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

And now we are with you, children And now we are with you, children, Fly away on a rocket. And then hands down. One, two, three, four - Here is a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on toes, hands up, palms form a "rocket dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

And now a step is in place And now a step is in place. Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.) Raise the shoulders higher, And then lower them. (Raise and lower the shoulders.) We put our hands in front of the chest And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking hands.) You need to jump ten times, We jump higher, we jump together! (Jumping in place.) We raise our knees - We perform a step in place. (Walking in place.) We reached out from the bottom of our hearts, (Stretching - hands up and to the sides.) And we returned to the place again. (The children sit down.)

Physical education. And the clock goes, goes Tick-tock, tick-tock, Who can do that in the house? This is a pendulum in a clock, It strikes every beat (Tilts left and right.) And a cuckoo sits in the clock, She has her own hut. (Children sit down in a deep squat.) Time will bite the bird, Again hide behind the door, (Squat.) Arrows move in a circle. Don't touch each other. (Rotation of the body to the right.) We will turn with you Counterclockwise. (Rotation of the body to the left.) And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.) Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.) And it happens that they are in a hurry, As if they want to run away! (Running on the spot.) If they are not turned on, Then they completely get up. (The children stop.)


  • Kovalko V.I. preparatory group). - M .: VAKO, 2005.-176 p. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). More details.

More details on the website

Physical education minutes for preschoolers, on "B" | Physical Culture

Submitted by admin on Sat, 27/09/2008 - 2:57 pm

We can't handle you! (Claps of your hands.)

Up hand and down hand Up hand and down hand. Pulled them lightly. We are not bored today. (One straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.) Squat with claps: Down - clap and up - clap.

We knead our legs and arms, We know for sure - there will be good. (Squats, claps over the head.) Twist-twirl the head, knead the neck. Stop! (Rotation of the head to the right and to the left.)

Physical education. Funny geese(Children sing and perform different movements behind the teacher.) Lived with a grandmother

One, two - clap your hands, (Jumping on one and two legs.) And then for each count. One, two, three, four - And they were like on the spot. (Walking in place.)

Wind The wind blows in our face, The tree swayed. The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher, higher. (Children imitate the blowing of the wind, swinging their bodies in one direction or the other. Children squat on the words "quieter, quieter", on "higher, higher" they straighten up.)

The wind blows over the fields And the grass sways. (Children gently shake their hands over their heads.) A cloud floats above us, Like a white mountain. (Stretching - hands up.) The wind carries dust over the field. Ears tilt - And then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, back and forth.) We climb the hill, (Walking in place.) There we will have a little rest. (The children sit down.)

The wind quietly shakes the maple One - tilt and two - tilt, The maple leaves rustled. (Legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Tilts of the body to the right and left.)

In the evening In the evening, the girl Mila (We walk on the spot.) In the garden, she broke a flower bed, (Jumping on the spot.) Her brother, a boy, Ivan (Squats.) He also broke ... a glass! (Clap our hands.)

See the butterfly flies You see, the butterfly flies, (We wave our wings.) He counts flowers in the meadow. (We count with a finger.) - One, two, three, four, five. (Claps of hands.) Oh, you can't count it! (Jumping in place.) In a day, in two and in a month ... (We are walking in place.) Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (Claps of hands.) Even a wise bee (We wave our wings.) I could not count! (We count as a finger.) (G. Vieru)

Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place.) A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms out to the sides.) Here is chamomile, cornflower, Lager, porridge, clover. The carpet is spread both to the right and to the left. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - with your right foot with your left hand.) The arms were stretched to the sky, The spine was stretched. (Stretching - hands up.) We all had time to rest And sat down again. (The children sit down.)

A sunflower grows in the yard In the morning he reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.) Next to him is a second, similar one, He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their arms up.) We turn the arms in a circle. And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.) We rested wonderfully, And it's time for us to sit down. (The children sit down.)

There is a pine tree in the yard She reaches for the sky. Poplar grew next to her, He wants to be more authentic. (Standing on one leg, we stretch - arms up, then the same, standing on the other leg.) A strong wind flew in, All the trees swayed. (The body bends back and forth.) The branches bend back and forth, The wind shakes them, oppression. (Jerks in front of the chest.) Let's squat together - One, two, three, four, five. (Squats.) We warmed up from the heart And we hurry to the place again. (Children go to their seats.)

Here is a big bird flying Circles smoothly over the river. (Hand movements imitating flapping of wings.) Finally, she sits on a snag above the water. (Children sit down for a few seconds in a deep squat.)

Here under the tree Here, under the green Christmas tree (We got up.) The crows are galloping merrily: (We are jumping.) Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Claps over their heads.) All day they shouted, (Turning the torso left and right.) The guys were not allowed to sleep: (Bending the torso left and right.) Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Claps over his head.) They fall silent only towards night (They wave their arms like wings.) And they all fall asleep together: (They squat, hands under their cheeks - fall asleep.) Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet.) (Claps over your head.)

On Monday On Monday I swam, (We represent swimming.) And on Tuesday I drew. (We represent drawing.) On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, (We wash.) And on Thursday I played football. (Running on the spot.) On Friday I jumped, ran, (We jump.) I danced for a very long time. (We are spinning in place.) And on Saturday, Sunday (Claps of hands.) I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheeks - fall asleep.)

You want to get a roof You want to get the roof. (Stretching - hands up.) One, two, three,


And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their hands like wings.) We are now sailing on the sea And frolic in the open. And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

And now we are with you, children And now we are with you, children, Fly away on a rocket. And then hands down. One, two, three, four - Here is a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on toes, hands up, palms form a "rocket dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

And now a step is in place And now a step is in place. Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.) Raise the shoulders higher, And then lower them. (Raise and lower the shoulders.) We put our hands in front of the chest And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking hands.) You need to jump ten times, We jump higher, we jump together! (Jumping in place.) We raise our knees - We perform a step on the spot. (Walking in place.) We reached out from the bottom of our hearts, (Stretching - hands up and to the sides.) And we returned to the place again. (The children sit down.)

Physical education. And the clock goes on, tick-tock, tick-tock, Who knows how to do this in the house? This is a pendulum in a clock, Beats every beat (Tilts left and right.) And a cuckoo sits in the clock, She has her own hut. (Children sit down in a deep squat.) Time will bite the bird, Again hide behind the door, (Squat.) Arrows move in a circle. Don't touch each other. (Rotation of the body to the right.) We will turn with you Counterclockwise. (Rotation of the body to the left.) And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.) Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.) And it happens that they are in a hurry, As if they want to run away! (Running on the spot.) If they are not turned on, Then they completely get up. (The children stop.)

They run, run from the yard (We walk on the spot.) To walk, walk in the meadows: (Jumping in place.) Kurka-garaburka-whatever, (We clap our hands.)

Exercise minutes are part of the wellness system. | Articles | Preschool director's guide

  • Recommendations for the design of a corner of health in kindergarten 17483

Unfortunately, the child's body is not always ready to perceive the loads that have fallen on him without any changes from the side of health. As a rule, some time after the start of classes, children begin to show increased distraction, poor concentration of attention, poor memorization is expressed, which indicates a decrease in mental performance and, as a consequence, mental fatigue.

Teachers have always tried to find ways to correct this condition. One of the methods was physical education minutes.

This work reflects the methodology of conducting physical culture minutes, both when conducting at various training sessions, and independent exercises included in various regime moments. Also collected are different versions of the exercises accompanied by the text.

Exercise can go a long way in preventing fatigue in children during mentally challenging activities. The beneficial effect of active rest in the form of physical education between classes was noted by many scientists in their studies.

The choice of physical exercises is made taking into account the fact that components of mental and physical stress are presented in each type of activity of preschoolers. So, to maintain the "sitting" position in the classroom, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the extensors: the occipital, dorsal, pelvic girdle, which are not yet sufficiently developed in preschoolers.

The time during which the child maintains a tense static posture for him is in direct proportion to his age. The nature of physical exercises that play the role of active rest should provide rest to those tired muscles that are subject to significant stress in the classroom.

It is very important that the movements to ensure a rest from mental work are simple, interesting, and familiar to children. The introduction of motor exercises should also facilitate the switching of the child's attention.

V complexes of physical education physical exercises for large muscle groups are included, which relieve static tension, activate breathing, promote oxygen saturation of the blood, relieve congestion caused by sitting at the table. In addition to the above, it is necessary to note the influence of physical culture minutes on the emotional state of children. Younger preschoolers really enjoy doing exercises under poetic texts.

Physical education minutes can be thematic, that is, they can be a set of physical exercises united by a single plot reflecting the movement of vehicles, animals, insects, etc., and can also be a sequence of 4 - 5 not difficult general developmental exercises performed for 3 min. (each movement is repeated 5 - 6 times). Thematic physical education minutes, which include a game component, contribute not only to the motor, but also to the emotional rest of the child. Also, when choosing physical education minutes, the age of the children should be taken into account.

Physical education minutes are most effective when they are associated with the tasks and content of classes. So, in the classroom on the formation of elementary mathematical representations with the help of physical education, you can solve such problems as: consolidation of counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, skills of orientation in space. For example, children are encouraged to:

  • slam as many times as ... (Natasha) hits the ball on the floor;
  • sit down by one more than the named or seen number;
  • to consolidate the ordinal or quantitative account, develop an account-movement: 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - arms up, 3 - arms forward, 4 - to sit down, and so on until five, six, seven;
  • a poetic text is also often used.

I will be the strongest in the world, I will perform in the circus.

More details on the website

A flock of birds flies south
The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings.)
To fly as soon as possible,
We must flap our wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)

Physical educationBirds

Swans fly, flap their wings (Children flap their hands)
Bowed over water, shake their head (Shake their head)
They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly (Straighten their back)
They sit down very quietly on the water (Sit down)

Physical education Migratory birds

Birds jump, fly (Children jump)
The birds collect the crumbs. ("Peck")
Peeled the feathers
Beaks cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (wave their hands)
The grains peck (bend over)
We flew further
And they sat down in place (fly away ", sit down)

Fizminutka Rides nimble tit

A nimble tit is jumping, (Jumping in place on two legs.)
She does not sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)
Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right foot.)
Spun like a top. (We circle in place.)
Here she sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)
She scratched her chest with her beak, (We got up, head tilts left and right.)
And from the path - to the fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.)
Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)
(A. Barto)

About birds

We made a feeder.
We opened the dining room.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
You will have lunch in winter!
Visit on the first day of the week
Two tits flew in
And on Tuesday - bullfinches,
Brighter than the morning dawn!
Three crows were on Wednesday
We weren't expecting them for dinner.
And on Thursday from all over the world -
Ten greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The pigeon feasted on porridge.
And on Saturday for a pie
Seven forty arrived

Exercise Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)
The bird flew away to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "little birds"

Little birds
Small birds
They fly through the forest
The seeds are harvested
Here is a violent wind blew
I wanted to carry the birds away
The birds hid in a hollow
It's dry and warm there
(children perform actions in accordance with the words)

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Bullfinches fly, flap their wings.
They can't sit still,
Spun like a top
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
Flew to have lunch
But all around there is only snow and snow.
It's good that they have a feeder,
Made by a kind person!

Physical Education Minute Stork
(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)
- Stamp with your right foot,
Stamp with your left foot
Again - with the right foot,
Again - with the left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - with the left foot.
And then you will come home.

The ducks went out to the meadow
The ducks went out to the meadow,
Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
A cheerful beetle flew by
W-w-w! (We wave our wings-arms.)
Geese arch their necks
Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
The feathers are straightened with their beak. (Turns the torso left and right.)
Has the wind swayed the branches? (We swing our hands raised up.)
The ball growled too,
Rrr! (Hands on the belt, bent forward, we look in front of us.)
Reeds whispered in the water,
Sh-sh-sh! (They raised their hands and reached out.)
And again it was quiet
Sh-sh-sh. (Sit down.)


Gray-nosed heron (hands to nose)
The whole day stands like a statue (hands on the belt, bring the shoulder blades together)
Stand on one leg, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a tough soldier.
Now stand on the right, (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)
If you are a brave soldier.
Gray-nosed heron, (on two legs, hands to nose
Stands like a statue all day. (hands on the belt)


Here on the branches, rooks! Do not scream! (index finger on lips)
Black rooks sit (sit down)
Placed in a nest, (show the nest in front of you with your hands)
Fluffed up the feathers, (stand up, arms out to the sides)
Bask in the sun (pat your hands)
The head is turned, (turns the head to the right, to the left)
They want to fly. (arms to the sides - wave)
Shoo! Shoo! Flew away! (claps, arms to the sides, running on tiptoes)
Flew, flew (fly)
And again they all sat down in the nests. (sat down)


The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the clearing.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)
And again it's time to go,
We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings".)
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to land.

The birds in the nest are sitting

The birds in the nest are sitting
And they look at the street.
They want to take a walk
And they all fly quietly. (Children "fly away", flap their arms like wings.)

Well, the birds flew

Well, the birds flew,
We flew and sat down
Pecked the grains
Played in the pole
We drank some water
Feathers washed
They looked to the sides,
We flew away. (Walking into running.)

Fizminutka Swans

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The swans are flying
They flap their wings (smooth movements of the hands with a large amplitude)
Bowed over the water
Shaking their head, (bending forward, bending over)
They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,
Quietly sit down on the water (squats)

Game physical education minutes for preschoolers

Classes with children in literacy, mathematics, visual activity, etc., board games, and just watching television programs, cartoons often take place at the table, on the floor or in an armchair, that is, in a motionless state. But a long stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschool and primary school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, interest in a game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Especially tiring for children of this age is long, monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse their keen interest, and the volitional efforts necessary for their fulfillment are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change the types of activities, interest them in some bright, unusual object or diversify frequently repeated actions, tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the onset of fatigue, detect signs of its appearance in a timely manner and relieve them as quickly and efficiently as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of class, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, distracted attention, distraction, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of the most effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, and change their activities are short-term physical exercises, the so-called physical minutes.

They relieve muscle tension caused by an immobile state, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore the working capacity of children.

Physical exercises are held in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting for the child, intense enough, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The complex of physical minutes usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle such as stretching - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the torso - bends, turns; for legs - squats, bounces and running in place.

Here are examples of physical minutes for various activities.

Physical minutes for board games and speech development classes

- Physical minutes "Charging"

Bent over first

Downward our head (forward bend)

Right - left you and I

Shake our head (side bends)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running on the spot, (imitation of running)

We will take away both you and me

Hands over the head.

- Physics minute "Masha-confused"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Looking for things Masha, (turn in one direction)

Masha is confused. (turn to the other side, to the starting position)

And there is no chair on, (hands forward, to the sides)

And there is no under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands dropped)

(head tilt to the left - right, "shake" the index finger)

Masha is confused!

- Physical minutes "Jumping"

Get up, girls, get up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Jump like balls! Jump-jump, jump-jump, We'll sit on the grass: We'll listen to the silence, we'll eat the carrot. Let's rest a little and go further. Higher, higher, jump high! Don't be lazy, jump. Easy on your toes! Jump high!

- Fiznnutka "Like balls"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Girls and boys are jumping like balls

They stomp their feet, Clap their hands, nod their heads, All rest together.

- Fizminutka "Forest"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Once the children went to the forest, They walked around the whole clearing, They approached the old spruce, They found a huge mushroom there. Our guys were so happy! And running back home.

- Physics "Winter"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting to us in winter! (thumbs up)

We ride on sleds in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs (imitate molding and throwing snowballs)

We dress all skis together, (“put on” skis, “take” sticks, “ride”)

Then everyone got up on skates, (pretend to be ice skating)

Happy days in winter! (thumbs up)

My ball bounces merrily

My car runs without gasoline, (imitation of steering wheel rotation)

My brother is still a baby, (show his height with his hand)

My cat will sleep a little, (head tilt to one side, hands under the cheek)

- Physiotka "Freeze"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We stomp our feet (stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

Shake your head (shake your head)

We raise our hands (hands up)

Then we lower them, (hands down)

We give hands (hands to the "castle")

And we run around (spinning around in place)

One, two, three, (three claps)

Any figure freeze! (portray any shape)

- Fiznnutka "Cabbage"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We chop-chop cabbage, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mimic cabbage, ("mash cabbage")

We salt-salt the cabbage, ("take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We press-press cabbage, (flexion and extension of the hands)

- Fiznnutka "Tree"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind is blowing in our faces, (movements of the hands towards ourselves)

The tree swayed (swaying with raised hands)

The breeze is getting quieter - quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher, higher, (stand up, stretch on tiptoes)

Every day in the morning We do exercises, We really like to do everything in order: It is fun to walk, it is fun to play, Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and get up, jump and jump.

- Physical minutes "Teremok"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Stands in the field teremok, (palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There is a lock on the door (fingers are closed in the lock)

It is opened by a wolf-Derg-Derg, Derg-Derg. (hands, clenched into the lock, move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya-cockerel came and opened the lock with a key (fingers are unclenched and connected to each other, forming a "teremok")

- Fizminutka "Beetle"

Children imitate movements in the course of the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on a daisy, the Beetle was flying in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with daisies. I swing softly in the wind, I bend low and low.

- Fizminutka "Bunny"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Bunny is cold to sit, You need to warm your paws. Feet up, feet down. Pull up on your toes, We put our feet on the side, On your toes, hop-hop-hop. And then squatting down, So that the paws do not freeze. Jump is a lot of fun, He jumped ten times.

- Physics minute "Buratio"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Pinocchio - stretched

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get the key to us, We must stand on our toes.

- Physical minute "Birds"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds sit in nests (children sit on chairs)

And they look at the street.

They suddenly wanted to fly,

And everyone flew at once, (children run around the group. At the words of an adult "birds in nests" children take their places)

- Physics "Clock"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All hours go like this.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (head tilts to shoulders)

Look quickly, what time is it.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body rocking)

To the left - once, to the right - once,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body bends to the left - to the right)

We can do that too.

- Fiznnutka "Three Bears"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children walk like bears)

Daddy was big, big (hands up)

Mom with him - smaller in stature, (arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a crumb, (squatting down)

He was very small,

I walked with rattles, (they get up and imitate playing the rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

- Physics minute "Swans"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, their wings flap, (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bowed over the water

Shaking their head, (bending forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly sit down on the water (squats)

The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands behind my back are clasped in the castle)

Beats with a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternating lifts of legs bent at the knees)

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking the head, then bending to the sides)

I'll jump on the saddle quickly,

I will not go - I will fly, (jumps on the spot)

Clink - clink - clink,

Flip - flip - flip, (arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There, beyond the distant river

I will wave my hand, (jumps in place)

- Physical minute "Bears"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The cubs lived in more often, twisted their heads. So, like this, they twisted their head, (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

The cubs were looking for honey, They shook the tree together. Like this, like this. Amicably the tree was swayed. (bends to the sides, arms forward)

They walked across the river And drank water from the river, Like this, like this And drank water from the river. (walking "bearish", bending forward)

And then they danced, Raised their paws above. Like this, like this Above the paws raised.

- Physics "Grasshoppers"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise your shoulders, (vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! They sat down, ate grass,

They listened to the silence, (squats)

Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easy (jumping in place)

Here the motor turned on, the propeller spun, W- (rotational movements of the hands in front of you)

They rose to the clouds, and the landing gear retracted, (alternate raising of the knees)

Here is the forest - we are here Prepare a parachute, (swinging arms spread out in different directions)

Push, jump, Fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly, (squatting, arms out to the sides)

- Physical minutes "Birds"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

As the Woodpecker hollows trees with his head between the leaves. (head movement up - down)

As for fishing and waddling, the Goose runs after the goose. (running in place with arms spread)

How surprised the Geese stopped by the river itself,

We drank water, wings opened (bend forward, arms back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)

- Physics "Horses"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey, horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering place! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is the river, wide and deep

Can't get to the bottom. (smooth extension of arms to the sides, bending forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink! Good water! Let's knock with our hoof! (foot stamping)

Hey, horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Rode home, (jumping in place) Gop-gop-gop!

- Physical minutes "Body parts"

Children should show body parts in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here are the words with the sound [l]: Forehead, back of the head, head, Fists, palms, elbows, There is no sound [l] in the word "nails". Eyes, body and shoulder blades, There is no sound [l] in the word "heel".

- Physical exercise "Morning exercises"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are funny guys, We are preschool children (go in circles)

We go in for sports, We do not know about diseases.

One - two, two - one, We have a lot of strength! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now, (bend down) Look at us!

One - two, don't yawn! Squat with us! (squats)

One is a jump, two is a jump! Jump fun buddy! (jumping on both legs)

Take a deep breath with your nose - "Sh-Sh-Sh" let's say everything later, (inhale with your nose, without raising your shoulders)

Physical minutes for art classes

The text is spoken during the exercises. All movements are performed while sitting.

- Physical minutes "Fingers"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Option 1.

We drew today, Our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of the fingers)

Let them rest a little, they will start drawing again. (shake hands in front of you)

Together we take our elbows, (vigorously take our elbows back)

Let's start drawing again.

Option 2.

Today we drew, Our fingers are tired, We will shake our fingers, We will start drawing again, (gently raise your hands in front of you, shake your brushes)

Legs together, legs apart, Drive in a nail, (spread and bring your legs, stamping)

Option 3.

For a long, long time we sculpted, Our fingers are tired, (shaking the brushes in front of us) Let them rest a little, And they will start sculpting again. Amicably we will spread our hands And again we will begin to sculpt, (take your hands back - down, leaning back on the chair)

Option 4.

Fingers played hide and seek And the heads were removed, (clenching and unclenching of the brushes)

Like this, like this, So the heads were removed, (flexion and extension of 1 and 2 phalanges of the fingers)

- Physics minute "Trees in the forest"

The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and shook - These are trees in the forest, (smooth swinging hands raised up)

Hands bent, hands shook - The wind knocks down the dew, (shaking hands in front of you)

We gently wave our hands to the sides. Birds are flying towards us.

We will also show you how they sit down - the wings were folded back. (2 times)

Physical minutes for math classes

The text is spoken before starting the exercises.

- We count up to five, we squeeze the weights, (etc. - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your hands slowly up to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

- How many dots there will be in the circle, Raise our hands so many times (there is a circle with dots on the board. An adult points to them, and the children count how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times I hit the tambourine, So many times we cut the wood

- How many green Christmas trees, So many bends, (and. P. - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Bends are performed)

- How many cells to the line, How many times will you jump (3 to 5 times), (there are 5 cells on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

- We squat as many times, How many butterflies we have (and. P. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, arms forward)

- Stand on toes, reach the ceiling (and. P. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Rising on toes, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many dashes to a point, So many stand on toes (4-5 times)

- Bent over as many times as we have ducks. (etc. - standing, legs apart, Do not bend the legs when bending)

- How many circles I will show, So many jumps (5 x 3 times), (etc. - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on toes)

- We count the berries, squat together, (and. P. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Do not lower your head, back straight)