What does Samvel Karapetyan do. Samvel Karapetyan: what is known about the father of Tata Karapetyan, whose husband Victoria Lopyreva took away. Successful career of Tata Karapetyan

The day before, on September 16, a grand celebration took place in Moscow on the occasion of the wedding of the youngest son of billionaire Samvel Karapetyan - Karen. The man legalized his relationship with the oriental beauty Lilith. Several hundred guests had fun in the chic hall of the famous Safisa restaurant, decorated with tons of flowers. Pale pink, white and crimson orchids made the venue truly special.

The stars of domestic show business also decided to join the important day for the newlyweds. Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Stas Mikhailov, Vera Brezhneva, Sergey Shnurov, Andrei Malakhov, Ksenia Sobchak, Basta, Timati, Irina Allegrova, Nikolai Baskov and others rose on stage that evening. Celebrities wished the newly-made spouses a happy family life, love and health to their loved ones. It is difficult to even imagine how much a magnificent celebration could cost. According to rumors, the duet of Brezhneva and Shnurov was an unexpected surprise for many guests - colleagues in the workshop together performed the hit of the Leningrad group.

It is also worth noting the luxurious dress of the bride. Fluffy white dress unusual shape was embroidered with stones and crystals, the long hem and veil made the image of the beauty even more graceful. The groom preferred a stylish classic black tuxedo and a bow tie.

As it should be according to Armenian traditions, during the evening there were many incendiary songs and dances. True, one of the most beautiful moments was the sensual and gentle dance of Karen and Lilith to Alla Pugacheva's composition "Happy Days". For a joyful event, the Primadonna preferred a mini skirt, an original cape and a spectacular wide gold-colored belt.

Despite the fact that the program of the event was scheduled until two in the morning, the guests and organizers of the celebration had fun until the morning. One of important points the feast was totst from the press secretary of Vladimir Putin - Dmitry Peskov. Together with his wife - figure skater Tatyana Navka - he said a lot of kind and touching words to the groom. “You look so much like your father. Your father set the path for you with his success, go this path,” the man wished.

One of the most spectacular events of the wedding was the enchanting dances of Nikolai Baskov. The star happily moved to the camera to the beat of the music, collecting enthusiastic looks from numerous fans. The singer even shared a funny video with his subscribers on his microblog.

The wedding took place in the Armenian Apostolic Church, specially decorated for this day. At the entrance for the newlyweds and their guests, a path was laid, decorated with candles, flowers and strewn with golden stars. Inside, everything was decorated in the same style, but there was also a huge arch made by florists.

Russian businessman and philanthropist Samvel Karapetyan and his wife have recently become the most discussed figures in the media, where new photos of the happy couple and his mistress appear. According to rumors, a respectable businessman and family man could not resist the temptation and had an affair with Victoria Lopyreva. Currently, Samvel Karapetyan and his wife are in no hurry to make denials in the press, maintaining friendly relations with the model and not paying attention to attacks from ill-wishers.

After all, the Armenian is constantly surrounded by rumors about his personal life and becoming in business and is used to ignoring any accusations from journalists against him.

Samvel Karapetyan is ranked 30th in the list of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia according to Forbes, and his biography is regularly overgrown with new details from the past and present.

A successful businessman arouses admiration and envy of the citizens of the Russian Federation, who do not understand how an Armenian with an average level of income managed to become one of the richest patrons of the country so quickly. In order to understand this, one must refer to his biography.

Samvel Karapetyan - biography

Samvel Sarkisovich Karapetyan was born on August 18, 1965 in Kalinino on the territory of the Armenian SSR in a family of teachers. The father of the future philanthropist taught mathematics and very quickly took over as director of the school. Mother taught children all her life English language not only as a teacher, but also as a tutor.

Having received a diploma of secondary education, Samvel entered the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering and, after graduating in 1986, was sent to work in his native city.

Due to innate leadership qualities, young specialist was hired as a technologist, and then promoted to the director of the enamel products factory.

Under the leadership of Karapetyan, the state enterprise began to develop rapidly, expanding the range of products in demand in the USSR. In subsequent years, the plant supplied goods not only throughout the country, but also abroad.

During the crisis that began due to the collapse of a huge state, the Karapetyan family decided not to miss the opportunity to save the business. Enlisting the support of his brother and relatives, Samvel transformed the plant into a cooperative enterprise, which received a new name "Zenith".

Very quickly it was completely modernized, changing the direction of production. Since 1989, the plant has been producing metal and rubber products, the sale of which brought good profits due to sales abroad. However, with the advent of the 90s, it became more difficult to continue developing the enterprise due to the transport blockade and the loss of reliable partners.

In this regard, the novice businessman decided to move to Russia, Kaluga for permanent residence and completely change the direction in the ways of earning. Due to the change of priorities, Samvel began to develop rapidly in the field of business:

  • in 1997, he buys the Kalugaglavsnab company using family savings and savings earned during the operation of the plant;
  • by 1999, on the basis of an enterprise in Kaluga, he created a network of construction and industrial companies "Tashir".

Fast on the base growing business Samvel Karapetyan built networks of shopping centers, hotel complexes, residential buildings, wholesale and retail stores, but also created his own energy assets, supply and marketing organizations. Under his leadership, more than 200 companies with various activities began to develop throughout the Russian Federation.

As a person of Armenian nationality, Samvel Karapetyan believes that the family is the main achievement in the life of a real man. So own business he built together with the closest people.


Samvel Karapetyan diligently hides intra-family relations, believing that his personal life should not attract the attention of the press. Therefore, he prefers not to advertise the features of building relationships with his wife. It is known that his wife Eteri acts as the owner of elite SPA-salons and diligently avoids public life.

Remaining true to his family ideals, Samvel Karapetyan brings up children quite strictly.

The eldest daughter's name is Tatevik, the middle son is Sargis, and the youngest is Karen (in honor of his brother). The older children have already matured and have long held the posts of vice-presidents of Tashir, and the youngest is still a student at MGIMO.

Due to the fact that from an early age the younger generation had to deal with family business, the children of Karapetyan are already known in business circles as skilled and trustworthy entrepreneurs. At the same time, they are not fond of the traditional entertainment of the “golden youth”.

Samvel is not the only child of his parents. He has a brother Karen. He took a slightly different path than the owner of Tashir, preferring a political career to an entrepreneurial one back in 1985.

Since then, he has been constantly moving towards his goal, in 2008-2011 he even took the post of head of the Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia. Over the years, Karen has supported all the undertakings of her brother and listens to his opinion in matters of the country's economy.

Rumors about the novels of Samvel Karapetyan - news 2019

A hot Armenian man does not deny himself love for the opposite sex. His entire biography is replete with novels, despite the family photos that Samvel Karapetyan is so proud of. The latest rumor links the businessman to former Miss Russia Victoria Lopyreva.

Rumors about the novels of Samvel Karapetyan - news 2019

A beautiful blonde recently announced that she was pregnant, carefully hiding the name of the father of the unborn baby. The only clue for the public is the phrase that the man does not belong to the world of show business, but is rich enough to maintain a mansion in Miami, where, by the way, she rests with Karapetyan's son-in-law.

Victoria is also a close friend of Samvel's wife Eteri. Whether a mistress can really destroy a strong Armenian family, time will tell.

An ordinary Armenian started his way from the very bottom, but he retained and repeatedly increased his capital after the collapse of the USSR in the “dashing 90s”, and then took advantage of the crisis to take a leading position in the market.

The entrepreneur himself does not see any miracles. He knows exactly what led him to success:

  1. "Nationalization". A hereditary Armenian always keeps his relatives and compatriots in key positions. Also, when looking for new directions for expanding business, he again focuses primarily on representatives of his diaspora.
  2. Self-sufficiency. Samvel Karapetyan systematically connected almost all the necessary production capacities to Tashir so that his business could exist autonomously regardless of changes in the country and the world.
  3. Slowness. Instead of developing in leaps and bounds, a businessman prefers to take small steps that will definitely bring results and personally control the process.

Samvel Karapetyan

Naturally, in addition to these obvious rules, Samvel Karapetyan is helped by an outstanding mind, well-established connections and a bit of luck.


Armenian traditions mean a lot to Karapetyan. One of them is to do charity work in gratitude to the Lord for financial success. And Samvel does it on a grand scale. Adhering to his rules, he created his own charitable foundation, which, of course, is also called “Tashir”.

With his help, cultural institutions have been built and restored over the years, and assistance has been organized for thousands of those in need.

Perhaps this is another brick on the road to success for Samvel Karapetyan. But, one way or another, while the public continues to discuss the wife and personal life of a businessman, he does not stop the development of his life's work.

As RBC found out, companies associated with the Tashir group of Samvel Karapetyan received government orders worth more than 52 billion rubles in 2015. How do they manage to win contracts with the Presidential Administration, the FSO and Gazprom?

President of the Tashir Group of Companies Samvel Karapetyan (Photo: Roman Shelomentsev for RBC)

The Moscow office of Tashir is located in the Nepman Club business center owned by Karapetyan in Podkolokolny Lane. On the ground floor of Nepman is a Forbest restaurant and karaoke: the first six letters look like the Forbes magazine logo, a tiny squiggle is responsible for the letter t. WITH judging by this sign, your success Karapetyan foresaw:vedenie was opened in 2008 - two years beforeForbes included a businessmanin the list of the richest Russians.

The billionaire meets with RBC correspondents in the huge office of the Nepman Club: Yerevan landscapes are on the light walls, and a view of the center of Moscow is seen from the window. Tashir is considered one of the largest players in the commercial real estate market, but, as RBC discovered, for the past two years, a significant part of Karapetyan's income has been earned by working for the state, including for the city authorities.

According to RBC estimates, since 2014, structures associated with Tashir have received orders from state-owned companies and departments for about 116.2 billion rubles, of which about 52.9 billion rubles. - in 2015 (see reference).

With such a portfolio, Karapetyan could well be on the ninth line of another rating Forbes - "Kings of the state order - 2016". Now this place is occupied by a pipe manufacturer for Gazprom - the owner of the Pipe innovative technologies» Ivan Shabalov, the amount of his state contracts is estimated at 38.1 billion rubles. Founder overtakes Karapetyan and Shabalov Crocus Group Aras Agalarov with 69.3 billion rubles.

"And energy, and construction, and everything-everything"

How Tashir works

According to Tashir itself, the group includes more than 200 companies from various business areas - development, finance, industry, construction, energy, retail, restaurant business and entertainment industry: their list is not published. Karapetyan does not have a single managing structure for the holding - the companies Tashir Management, Tashir Capital and Tashir Fund only partially perform this function.

Most of the Tashir firms are run by the same people who work, judging by the registration addresses, in neighboring offices and buildings. The construction companies of the group are united by membership in the self-regulatory organization (SRO) Soyuz construction companies"Tashir", confirms the representative of Karapetyan.

Using SPARK data and the public procurement portal, RBC analyzed 181 companies listed in the SRO established by the holding. It turned out that at least 18 of them are affiliated with Tashir and at the same time are large recipients of government contracts.

To get the total amount of Tashir's government contracts, the results of all competitions were added up, where these companies have the status of "Winner" and"A contract has been signed." The actual amounts may differ slightly, as the “Winner” status on the public procurement portal only indicates the initial price of the contract, without taking into account the reduction that the company could offer.

It turned out that the structures associated with Tashir could receive government orders in the amount of about 42.5 billion rubles. in 2014, by 52.9 billion rubles. in 2015 and by 20.8 billion rubles. in the first quarter of 2016: cumulativelyby about 116.2 billion rubles.

A month ago, the head of the Skolkovo business school, Gor Nakhapetyan, and the Tashir group reopened the Aragvi restaurant in Moscow. Investments in the project amounted to over 260 million rubles, according to the Tashir website. According to Kommersant, the partners were considering renaming the legendary catering point, for example, to Ararat.

Assets in Armenia

In September last year, Karapetyan's structures bought two assets in Armenia from Inter RAO - Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) and the Hrazdan TPP. According to the reports of Inter RAO for 2015, 50% of ENA cost Karapetyan 1.1 billion rubles, another 50% should go to Tashir in the first half of 2016.

ESA's debts at the time of purchase were $220 million; as Karapetyan himself told RBC, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan asked him about the deal - his administration was headed by Samvel Karapetyan's brother, Karen, for several years, he also deals with his brother's affairs in his homeland. Samvel Karapetyan himself, according to the Armenian electronic registry legal entities, there are no companies registered in the country.

Samvel Karapetyan is building the Rio shopping center in Yerevan, the customer of the construction is the CJSC of the same name, formerly the Arabkir furniture factory, 36.9% of which belonged to the former mayor of Yerevan, now the Minister of Transport and Communications Gagik Beglaryan.Also a shareholder of the Arabkir furniture factory was Gor Baroyan, whom the local media call the assistant to the president of the Tashir group.

Baroyan owns a 25% stake in Armholding, an export company closely associated with Samvel Karapetyan. Many structures of "Armholding" are registered at the address of the Yerevan office of "Tashir": Teryan street, 59. The Wrestling Federation of Armenia, headed by Samvel Karapetyan, is also located here.

"Armholding", in turn, is the only member of the universal credit organization "Export Finance", which is licensed by the Central Bank of Armenia and provides credit services to organizations that are not residents of Armenia.

With the participation of Lyudmila Podobedova, Ivan Golunov and journalist of the Armenian newspaper Hetq Grant Galstyan

Recently, a grand celebration thundered in Moscow: the youngest son of the king of the capital's real estate, billionaire Samvel Karapetyan Karen married his chosen one, socialite Lilit Markosyan. The capital has not seen such a gorgeous wedding for a long time! The festive hall was decorated with thousands of orchids, the wedding cake towered over the heads of the audience, and the cultural program was provided by Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov and other Russian pop stars.

The wedding of Karen Karapetyan and Lilit Markosyan, of course, became the loudest event of the social season in Moscow. From the tent of fresh flowers, with which the festive hall was decorated, to the four-story cake decorated with crystals and flower buds, everything amazed with brilliance and splendor.
Karen Karapetyan and his fiancee, social media star Lilit Markosyan, exchanged vows at the Armenian Apostolic Church in Moscow, after which they moved to the prestigious Safisa banquet hall, where about 200 guests were waiting for the newlyweds. Guests entered the hall through arches entwined with pink and lilac orchids, after which they found themselves at the wall for photographing, decorated with the initials of the bride and groom - "K" and "L". A whole crowd of photographers and videographers followed the young people so as not to miss a single moment of the festive ceremony.

During the holiday, the bride managed to appear before the guests in two wedding dresses.

The four-story wedding cake, decorated with crystals and hundreds of fresh flower buds, was amazing. Even reputable guests accustomed to everything vying with each other filmed it on smartphones.

The ceiling of the wedding hall was, like a tent, shrouded in fresh orchids. Reflected in the glass mosaic floor, the flowers created a sense of magic. fairy garden. From each bunch of flowers hung a crystal on a thin chain.

Karen Karapetyan is the youngest son of 52-year-old billionaire Samvel Karapetyan, who works in real estate. His fortune is estimated at $4.6 billion. Forbes magazine placed him 32nd in the list of Russian rich people.
Samvel Karapetyan is a Russian businessman of Armenian origin. He is the owner of the Tashir Group corporation, which owns 33 shopping malls, 4 office complexes and 8 hotels in Russia.
The young wife of the youngest son of a billionaire, Lilit Markosyan is a figure famous in in social networks. Her Instagram page has 11 thousand subscribers, to whom Lilith tells about her life full of luxury.

The exact cost of a luxurious wedding is unknown. However, it is known that when Karapetyan's eldest son, Sarkis, married the Georgian beauty Salome Kintsurashvili a year earlier, the wedding celebrations cost $2 million.

Lilith's first wedding dress was incredibly magnificent - probably, therefore, before the festive evening, she changed it to a second, more modest and less wide, which made it possible to dance with her young spouse without restricting her movements.

In the church, the newlyweds walked to the altar between rows of tall artificial candles, through a flower arch woven in the shape of a heart.

Among the guests were the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov with his wife Tatyana Navka, socialite Ksenia Sobchak.

At the exit of the church, the couple was greeted by dancers.

Only a narrow circle of guests was invited to the church for the wedding.

The audience could not help noticing with what love and tenderness the newlyweds look at each other.