Promoter Job Description. What is a promoter? Promoter Responsibilities. VII. Final provisions

A promoter is a person who distributes flyers or is engaged in advertising (promotion) of a product or service. The profession is most common among young people. Often in supermarkets, near metro stations or in various busy places, you can meet guys and girls in branded, bright clothes, handing out leaflets or test samples of the promoted product.

What does a promoter do? A specialist offers a product, talks about the properties of the product, its advantages, competently answers questions from consumers and simply draws attention to the product and the company's brand.

Places of work

History of the profession

The profession of promoter is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1960s. The goal of the newly minted specialists was to offer cinema tickets. In Russia, promoters appeared quite recently, in the 1990s, when the development of private entrepreneurial activity and, at the same time, the competitive environment has increased.

Promoter Responsibilities

The promoter's responsibilities include:

  • distribution of flyers;
  • demonstration of goods for the client;
  • distribution of product samples;
  • attracting and advising clients;
  • sale of the company's products.

In addition, the responsibilities of the promoter may include:

  • active sales;
  • collection of contact details of interested participants of the action;
  • compiling a report on your outlet.

Requirements for a promoter

Basic requirements for a promoter:

  • age 18-35 years;
  • activity;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • education is below average.

Promoter resume template

How to become a promoter

This profession does not require a person with higher education. Typically, employers are looking for a candidate aged 18-35. So many people have a chance to become a promoter.

Promoter salary

As a rule, the work of a promoter requires about 3-4 hours a day. In this regard, the promoter's salary is hourly and ranges from 60 to 300 rubles per hour. On average, the promoter receives 100 rubles per hour.

In today's market conditions, in order to achieve high sales, trading companies carry out various kinds of promotions. The success of such an event largely depends on the person who organizes it, that is, on the promoter.

Who is a promoter and what does he do?

Promotions have become familiar to many of us. If a few years ago the citizens of our country were wary of people who stopped them on the street and offered them a drink or a cookie, now everything has changed.

In short, a promoter is a person who promotes a product (service) on the market. Here is "And what does he do?" - you ask. Everyone must have met on the street a pretty girl in a short skirt and with a radiant smile. She usually speaks quickly and holds out a flyer or offers to take part in some kind of action. So, she is a promoter. Or is it a few girls in mall who offer to try some New Product, or a young man in a hamburger costume, or maybe another character, is also one of them. Whatever role they play, their main goal is promotion (of a product, service, or even a person).


What is the job of a promoter? His duties are as follows:

These are generally the duties of a promoter. And now that you know who a promoter is and what he does, let's talk about how much he earns.

Payment for work

The salary of a person promoting a product depends on what exactly is required of him. If it’s simple, then the payment will be correspondingly low, if consulting, then it’s already a little higher, and if he is required to organize a party, even higher. If the promoter sells the product at the same time, he will receive a percentage from the top for the sale. Any work is paid by the hour, and the more difficult it is, the more earnings.

Who should be a promoter?

Promotions do not require special education. So far, universities do not teach this specialty, but everything is ahead! This is not a profession, but rather a vocation. Companies that need a promoter pay attention to the following qualities of the applicant:

    external data. The applicant (girl or boy) must be, first of all, attractive. As a rule, for girls, these are long legs, lush breasts, high growth, long hair, etc. Appearance should be attractive, but not defiant (so that the buyer is not distracted).

    Age. Not younger than 18 and not older than 30.

    Sociability. A person should easily make contact, be liberated, have a large vocabulary.

    Literacy is also an important factor, because a promoter by type of activity will need to fill out forms of questionnaires, tests, etc.

If this is a one-time job, then the selection will not be tough. As a rule, students are engaged in promotional activities. That's probably all about who a promoter is and what he does. If you are interested in this activity, and you are suitable for it in all respects, then go ahead!

Buy a pack of tickets and you'll get gum! Buy a vacuum cleaner, get a pump! Somehow, promoters attract buyers and help sell goods.

What is a promoter?

A promoter is an employee whose purpose is to attract a buyer in order to sell a product. Promoters attract buyers with the help of promotions, stimulating sales. His responsibilities include:
- Product advertising. The promoter must tell about the product and its advantages, about the manufacturer, composition ... He must give answers to any questions of interest to buyers.
- Distribution of free samples.
- Distribution of leaflets.
- Issuing promotional gifts.
- Purchasing incentives. To do this, the promoter can come up with some attractive phrase. He must be polite and attentive to those who are interested in the product.
- It is necessary to fill out reporting forms during the periods of promotions.

The work of the promoter begins even before the action of any promotion. First, he studies the properties of the promoted product or product

Responsibilities of promoters

- It is necessary to bring the started action to its completion. If there are any problems due to which you cannot continue, be sure to warn, look for a replacement for yourself.
- You need to attend all the assigned trainings, auditions.
— Be available for supervisor and manager calls.
- Arrive at work 40 min. before the start (on the 1st day - 1 hour in advance).
- Change clothes
- Do not forget to take your passport, medical book, product instructions to work.
- Start work 5 minutes before the start, and finish 5 minutes after the end.
- Place the rack where the store administrator tells you to.
– You need to know the text about the product well, be active, attract customers

Benefits of being a promoter

- Trainings are held in which you can acquire new knowledge and skills and experience.
— The job of a promoter is communicative. Thanks to this, you will make many new acquaintances and friends.
— Convenient work schedule, 3-4 hours a day. It is possible to combine work with study or other work.
- A variety of work: today - shampoos, tomorrow - coffee ...
- High hourly pay.

Disadvantages of being a promoter

- Location of the action. It can be carried out in an uncomfortable room, on the street.
- Consumers are not always educated, they can offend, be picky.

How to get a job as a promoter?

Need a job as a promoter in Novosibirsk, Moscow and other cities? Not a problem. Now there are a lot promotions and get a job quickly enough. You can go to the job site, look for open vacancies there. You can contact advertising agencies, see ads in print.
Do not forget that the main qualities of a promoter are charm and sociability.


I. General provisions

  1. The job description defines the job duties, powers and responsibilities, as well as the working conditions of the promoter structural unit(hereinafter the Divisions).
  2. The promoter is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the current labor legislation by order CEO companies.
  3. The Promoter reports to the Head of Sales and Marketing Department of the Division.
  4. During the period of temporary absence of the promoter, his duties are performed by a person appointed in in due course. This person acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the performance of these duties.
  5. _____________________________________________________________________.

II. In his work he is guided by and must know:

  1. Laws and regulations legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities.
  2. Market economy, entrepreneurship and business fundamentals.
  3. Market conjuncture.
  4. Features of promoted goods (services), trademarks.
  5. Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the basics of marketing management, methods and directions of market research).
  6. Patterns of market development and demand for goods (services).
  7. The theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.
  8. Fundamentals of advertising, forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns.
  9. Promotion technology.
  10. Methods for determining target audiences.
  11. Merchandising basics.
  12. Ethics of business communication.
  13. Rules for establishing business contacts.
  14. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation.
  15. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
  16. Rules for the use of office equipment and PC.
  17. Internal labor regulations.
  18. _____________________________________________________________________.
  19. _____________________________________________________________________.

III. Job responsibilities:

  1. Determine the goals and objectives of the promotion, its target audience.
  2. Determine the forms and methods of presentation.
  3. Plan and schedule presentations.
  4. Calculate the presentation budget and approve it with your immediate supervisor.
  5. Order appropriate equipment, promotional materials (posters, samples, advertising booklets, souvenirs, etc.) necessary for organizing a presentation.
  6. Organize the delivery of equipment to the venues of the presentation and the transportation of personnel, placing it at the designated places.
  7. Organize a presentation, directly participate in the promotion campaign.
  8. Analyze presentation results.
  9. Prepare progress reports and submit them to management for review.
  10. Conduct briefing and training of personnel involved in the presentation.
  11. Maintain a positive morale in the office. Show mutual assistance, responsibility, trust, support, optimism.
  12. Carry out separate official assignments of the immediate supervisor.
  13. Follow the rules of the labor schedule adopted by the company.
  14. _____________________________________________________________________.
  15. _____________________________________________________________________.

IV. Official powers:

  1. Request from employees and managers of the Unit information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.
  2. Get acquainted with the documents that define the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
  3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  4. _____________________________________________________________________.
  5. _____________________________________________________________________.

V. Official responsibility:

For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  1. For failure to perform official duties.
  2. For violation of the company's internal regulations.
  3. For violation of business ethics.
  4. For misuse of computer technology.
  5. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
  6. For providing false information to management.
  7. For careless attitude to record keeping.
  8. _____________________________________________________________________.
  9. _____________________________________________________________________.

VI. Working conditions:

  1. The promoter's mode of operation is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the company.
  2. The promoter, due to production needs, may go on business (local and regional) business trips.
  3. _____________________________________________________________________.
  4. _____________________________________________________________________.

VII. Final provisions:

  1. Changes and additions may be made to this manual.
  2. _____________________________________________________________________.
  3. _____________________________________________________________________.

Promoter(from English. promote- promote, raise) - a person engaged in direct advertising or sale of goods or services. The task of promoters is to promote an increase in the recognition of a product or service, which will lead to an increase in the company's profits. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

The promoter can offer a product for testing, talk about the quality, properties of the product, point out the benefits, thereby presenting the advertised product in a favorable light. It is also the responsibility of promoters to control the stock of promoted products, fill required documents, placement and cleaning of advertising equipment.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of the characteristics, properties of the promoted products;
  • knowledge of the basics of economics;
  • ability to analyze;
  • the ability to convince the interlocutor;
  • mastery of the basics of acting.

Personal qualities

  • sociability;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to behave, to conduct a conversation;
  • pleasant appearance, charm;
  • usually under 35 years of age;
  • self-confidence;
  • creativity;
  • stress resistance;
  • physical endurance;
  • responsibility.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • free schedule, in many companies promoters can choose their own hours of work (the ability to combine work with study);
  • skills of communication with people are acquired, this work gives self-confidence and eliminates the complexes associated with communication;
  • the opportunity to make useful contacts among clients.

Cons of the profession

  • small salaries of promoters;
  • the need to work on your feet for a long time;
  • the presence of conflict, stressful situations.

Place of work

  • exhibitions, fairs;
  • presentations;
  • shopping centers, large stores;
  • crowded places (metro, squares);
  • advertising agencies, production companies, btl-agencies (location of the employer).

Salary and career

The job of a promoter can be good start to develop a career in advertising. Usually promoters are young people who combine studies with part-time work. They work a certain number of hours, depending on which they receive wages. The promoter's salary does not depend on the number of direct buyers they managed to attract.