How to make money surfing the Internet. What is surfing the Internet for making money What is the income on autosurfing

George Martin, author of Game of Thrones, said on a TV show that he uses two computers. The first is needed to surf the Internet, communicate and pay bills, and the second, not connected to the Internet, to write novels. Moreover, the "writing" computer, which Martin calls his secret weapon, works on operating system DOS.

The absence of the Internet on the computer helps the writer not to be distracted by extraneous sites and to work productively. Look At Me figured out how else you can overcome Internet procrastination and finally get down to business.

Why the internet is driving procrastination

Michal Lev-Ram, author of the American Fortune magazine, describes the process of working on new article: “I start writing, check my mail, make coffee, write a little more, drink coffee, go to Facebook, take a psychological test (which confirms what I already knew), tell myself that I need to stop procrastinating, write another paragraph, go in in the mailbox, answering a non-urgent question, getting up to make another cup of coffee ... ".

Webtrate conducted a survey of 2,500 people and found that more than half of them could not control themselves during their work and constantly check their mail and social networks... 63% of the percent admitted that they forget their ideas and lose their thoughts while reading or responding to messages, while 36% of respondents spend about an hour every day in email services, and 16% of them “eat” more than three hours a day. Most people find that Internet procrastination lowers their overall happiness and satisfaction.

Will Little, the creator of Webtrate, attributed these numbers to the fact that the Internet increases procrastination and decreases productivity due to constant access to chronophagous sites ("time eaters"). In his opinion, a person would rather read interesting article or discussing a new viral video with a friend on Facebook to finish the job. A survey of the company showed that 59% of people “kill time” on the Internet, the rest sit in front of TV screens or spend time with friends.

Why is internet procrastination dangerous?

An NBC News study found that people who procrastinate on the internet score 20% fewer on cognitive tests than organized people... Larry Rosen, a professor at the University of California, conducted an experiment with 263 students. He invited students to focus on work for 15 minutes and found that after just two minutes, students began to be distracted by mobile devices and social media.

Intimidated by research from Harvard University, which estimates that 12 to 20 million Americans suffer from mild Internet addiction.

The youth media company The Beans Group conducted a survey among students. 40% of young people said that the main reason for Internet procrastination is unwillingness to study and work, 20% answered that they procrastinate out of boredom, for 21% procrastination is a habit, and the remaining 19% admitted that they simply cannot control themselves.

Why do we procrastinate
and how does the Internet affect it?

“The reason for procrastination is perfectionism. This is paradoxical, but true. It is the constant striving to achieve perfection in any activity that makes a person postpone this activity. Behind the procrastination is the fear of failure. If the perfectionist doubts that he will be able to do the job perfectly, then he will prefer not to do it at all or delay the delivery of the work due to the constant rewriting, editing and delving into details.

As for the Internet, any form of activity on the Internet or consumption of media products becomes a filler of life and distracts a person from the experiences that he is experiencing, because he postpones the implementation of an important task. "

How to deal with internet procrastination?

“There is only one way out - always start with the main thing. Then there will be nothing to postpone. There is one trick: try to do the job "imperfectly", "somehow", but then immediately, without delays! If you decide to do this, you will not notice how you complete your task very decently.

In the end, this is exactly what we do when all the deadlines have expired - we do the work "somehow", "just to pass it." But if you do so immediately, without delay, you will have a lot of time and energy in order to bring the matter to mind. Besides, you will not worry and fill your head with all sorts of nonsense. "

Internet blockers and other anti-procrastination tools on the web

Look At Me has studied the market and compiled its own list of software innovations that will help you cope with Internet procrastination in a few clicks.

The aforementioned Will Little, an American playwright, was once worried that he had not had a whole year to finish his play. Little spent little time offline and therefore was constantly distracted from work. Understanding the problem prompted the playwright to team up with programmers and create Webtrate, an Internet blocker (for Windows and Mac), which College News site recognized as the best on the market. Webtrate is a pretty radical tool. It blocks access not to individual sites (as, for example, Cold Turkey for Windows or SelfControl for Mac do), but to the entire Web in general. The user can deny himself web access for a while by setting a timer from a minute to a day. In addition, he can choose one of two options: the first - "unblock" the Internet is possible only after restarting the computer, the second - access to the Network will not open until the specified time has expired.

For us, the World Wide Web has long become one of the sources of not only storing and receiving information, but also a means of communication, receiving an answer, finding friends and simply downloading music and films. Until recently, this list could have been stopped, but with the advent of Web 2.0, various projects, like a tsunami wave, covered the Runet.

Today on the web you can edit text, draw, leave notes, create your own city, create avators online, leave business cards, argue and look at various folk skills. And this is far from the entire list of services that can be found in the current runet.

The first and very exciting service in my review will be FontStruct. Thanks to him, you can draw your own font, which can then be downloaded to any Internet user. Thanks to this service, you no longer have to pay various studios for development. And if you don't want to create something yourself, now on the FontStruct service website you will find more than 2000 different fonts for download.

FontStruct is a graphics editor that even a small child can understand. By the way, you can also use it for pampering when you just want to draw a pixelated picture. The biggest plus of the FontStruct service is that it works right in the browser. Therefore, it doesn't matter where you are, because FontStruct will always be online.

I also liked the Penzu service. It is an easy way to take notes or write texts online. This service is a great replacement for the standard Google.Docs. Penzu is very convenient to use when you don't have your favorite laptop or your home computer at hand. All you have to do is go to the Internet and write text directly in your browser. Then you save it on the server, and when you return home, you can safely pick it up from there.

Penzu's design is so attractive that working in this online program, you remember your school years when you wrote strictly according to the rulers. It is on lined paper that you have to work.

Of the entertainment projects, it is worth noting Bee.FM. Thanks to this service, you will have exactly the music you want. You will no longer need to crawl all over the Internet in search of a composition. It is enough to go to the Bee.FM website and select the song or artist's album of interest, and then click on the "play" button.

The project was not limited to one reproduction of music. You can not only listen, but also create your own playlists. The benefits of this service are obvious. You no longer need to always have your favorite music with you, it is enough to create a playlist on the network and listen to it anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

And at the end of the first part, I want to tell you about a simple service that attracted my attention with its design. Business Card 2.0 is the most convenient and simple service for creating a virtual personalized card for yourself. You just need to register - and you are already the owner of a wonderful, and most importantly, a spinning miracle.

The business card can be shown to friends, as well as published on your website. At the time of this writing, 644 business cards were presented on the site. I was very pleased that you can write comments on business cards, which means that the one who left his information will be twice as easy.

Having figured out how to leave the necessary text on the web, draw the desired font, leave your business card or just listen to music, we move on and now more exciting projects are on the way.

The virtual cemetery of Russia is not only striking in its name, but also in the information that this project carries. Opening such a site is difficult, not to mention the fact that you can sit on it too long. According to the developers, the project was created in order to establish their family ties. There is enough space in the virtual cemetery for everyone, not only for celebrities who have left our world, but also for ordinary people who, with the help of the service, will be able to tell about their loss of life.

The project was created not only taking into account the fact that many, although to restore their ancestry, but also just visit the grave of a loved one. Now it can be done virtually. Since the pace of life is accelerating every year, people forget about such a place as a cemetery. Thanks to the Virtual Cemetery of Russia service, you can visit a deceased person at any time - this is another of the advantages of the project.

The Pigley service interested me not only with its name, but with a huge accumulation of sore ones. Probably, in Runet there is no place where so many experiences and text feelings would be collected. Pigli is your virtual pillow that will take all the grievances, sorrows, screams, adversities, disappointments.

The main task of this service is to give people the opportunity to speak out. Sometimes so much accumulates in the soul that it is simply impossible to cry, to scream too, to climb into your own blog for support is not enough. It is worth speaking out. Run your fingers over the keyboard, tell virtuality about the sore point. This is what the Pigley service calls for. Do not keep everything to yourself, burn about everything Pigley.

As a future journalist, I really liked the social service PressCom. Thanks to him, you can easily create your own Internet magazine. Gather a team, make your own releases, create news feeds. In general, the project makes it possible to work in a virtual editorial office, which must first be assembled at PressCom.

You can not only publish and edit, but also customize your personal Internet journal in every possible way. From the settings, both the color and the arrangement of the blocks are available, which will show the reader about new arrivals, invite newcomers and simply inform about the important and necessary of your issues.

And, finally, we are starting to build our city. The Simlife project presents a kind of Internet game where each user is a resident of a big city. After registering, you become a vagabond, but after actively participating in the project, you begin to receive virtual money and the opportunity to buy real estate for yourself.

The Simlife service is built on the principle of all social networks, but the process does not end with posting photos, communication. To do something, you need to earn it first. Much like in real life: in order to buy a gift for a girl, you need to pay for it, and you have to earn money. This is how Simlife works. Thanks to the additional service of buying and selling, communication on the Internet becomes more interesting.

It is also worth mentioning the disadvantage of the project. Although the idea is worth it to register, it’s too quickly you become an honorary citizen. I hope that in the near future the developers of this project will come up with a service that will attract new residents to the Simlife city.

If you are a beginner and want to make your first money on the Internet, then the first direction where you are most likely to get will be Internet surfing ( earnings on clicks). What is the attraction of such an occupation for beginners to make money online?

  • 1 What attracts newbies to make money surfing?
  • 2 The mechanism of work on surfing
  • 3 How Much Can You Make Surfing?
  • 4 What is the income from autosurfing?
  • 5 Conclusion

What attracts newbies to make money surfing?

The complete guide to making money from clicks and actions

First - a quick start... The main "lure" of earning on clicks is that you can start earning immediately after registering on the site. This attracts a huge number of new Internet users, they no longer think about other ways to earn money and try to immediately start surfing.

Secondly - available to anyone. Any user of the world wide web can master making money on surfing. There is no need to learn new information, there is enough initial knowledge and access to the Internet to earn by viewing sites.

Third - simplicity... You sit at home with a cup of coffee and browse websites. You can put a special program to automate surfing and this activity will be even easier: you don't even need to click manually, automatic surfing starts. It is very tempting - there is almost nothing to study and do, and money for surfing will always go to your wallets.

These three components lure newbies to surf the web. The Russian ruble, dollar, euro and other Internet currencies can be used as currency. From the comfort of their homes, novice users are constantly surfing sites, trying to earn at least a little money from clicks. But alas, only the most stubborn and diligent can do this, although in the coming months most are not looking for new ways make money online.

The mechanism of work on surfing

What is surfing in more depth? There are two types of surfing - regular (manual) surfing and autosurfing.

You can find quite a few sites and services that provide an opportunity to earn money on clicks... They are called "sponsors", "click sponsors".

After registering on the sponsor's website, you are a surfer. The essence of the surfer's work is as follows: site owners will pay money to view those sites that need to create the appearance of good traffic. They pay through an intermediary, in this situation it is the “sponsor” where you signed up. In short: the webmaster fictitiously increases traffic by deceiving visitors, and the surfer helps him with this! A click-through sponsor is a common reseller who takes a certain percentage of the payment for site owners.

How it works? You are required to view each site in a time from 30 to 120 seconds. The more sites you visit, the more you get paid.

Sometimes it's not enough to just browse the site. Often a task is set - when viewing it, you need to perform an additional action, for example, entering a captcha. Often they stretch the pleasure and put a limit on the site display: no more than once an hour, therefore, a surfer cannot view more than one site of one advertiser per hour. Although this is a different payment for surfing.

How to make money on clicks on the Internet in dollars (selection of sites)

How Much Can You Make Surfing?

A surfer who earns on clicks on the Internet can view 20-30 sites per hour, in 8 hours a day - no more than 250 sites, in a month with 8 hours of daily work - no more than 7,500 sites. With an average price of 0.1 cents per click, you can earn approximately $ 7.5 per 30 days of surfing (approximately 240 hours).

How much money does autosurf make?

Autosurfing is identical to regular surfing, but it attracts with the fact that the user is offered to view the site of the clicked sponsor through the automatic surfing program. After registering with a sponsor, you can download a special application (software for autosurfing sites). This program automatically starts browsing Internet resources without direct user intervention. Run the program and rest.

Watch the video -How to make money surfing sites:

The statistics on earnings on autosurfing are similar to those on surfing: from $ 6.0 to $ 10.0 per month (for 8 hours of computer and Internet operation every day).

One more thing. The coolest sponsors (who pay more for 1 click) have a higher minimum wage for withdrawing to the wallet, so will you have enough patience to earn a minimum wage in a few months. If not, then the crumbs you earned will be lost.


When considering getting started making money surfing or autosurfing, keep in mind that serious money making money on clicks is unrealistic!

The post was changed:

How to make money on the Internet: online surfing

I have already repeatedly considered many ideas related to organizing a business on the Internet, but somehow I missed out on the easiest way to make money on the Internet - surfing.

All and sundry are now engaged in business. Or, to be more precise, everyone who wants to break out of the framework offered to us by the state: school, university or college, work, work, work, a small pension. Although, it may be that far, many do not look. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - that now this is a real "hysteria" - starting with adolescents twelve or thirteen years old, and ending with retirees sixty-seventy, literally a tenth of the country's population starts their own business, or at least tries to organize source of additional income. By the way, you can read how to make money for schoolchildren.

And since the implementation of most business ideas is associated with the investment in them of some kind of initial capital, which most start-up entrepreneurs simply do not have, then the most the best option for such people, the Internet remains, where literally from nothing (except for your own knowledge and skills) you can organize a profitable business.

Many have probably heard the word surfing, and most likely treat it with some prejudice. How many times have I heard and met reviews that surfing doesn't make much money? To which I often wanted to answer my opponent - you cannot earn much on anything, even on the sale of oil, if you don’t put your hands and head into it.

For those who do not yet know what surfing the Internet is, or have heard this concept, but do not quite understand its essence, I will try to explain this concept in my own words. In a few words, surfing is visiting various sites offered by customers and viewing advertisements on them. Surfing is also rightly called earning on clicks. In general, the way it is. A person makes money by clicking on various advertisements.

Of course, you won't make fabulous profits from this, but some additional income It is possible to organize, especially since the payment for surfing the Internet is quite consistent with the effort expended. This is not copywriting, where you need to strain your "gray matter" a little to write texts, or creating websites for which you need to have special knowledge.

This is the easiest way to make your first money online. By the way, surfing was tried by almost everyone who has now achieved some kind of success in electronic business... For many, it was a kind of launching pad for business, albeit sometimes unsuccessful.

Who orders surfing?

Surfing is usually ordered by companies involved in the promotion of Internet resources, or their direct owners. It is beneficial for them for several reasons: firstly, a visit to the site has a positive effect on its promotion in search engines, and secondly, by clicking on advertisements on the customer's website, the surfer brings him profit, which he receives from the advertising customer, and of which he is a part shared with a surfer.

Surfing example

On one of the sites, which I will discuss a little below, you take on the task, which consists in entering a key phrase into one of the proposed browsers and in a specific search engine, and finding the required Internet resource as a result of the issue. After going to this site, you need to perform some specific actions on it:

  • view multiple pages;
  • click on a specific ad;
  • maintain a captcha (a verification code of numbers and / or letters to prove that the site was not visited by an automatic robot program);
  • or something else.

The time spent on the site is taken into account. This is usually between one and five minutes, if the assignment does not include more. As a rule, the amount of payment for such surfing is one to ten cents (for convenience, most calculations are made in "US rubles").

If on the site, in addition to any actions, you still need to register, then such work is paid more - up to one dollar. It depends on the complexity of the assignment, and, of course, the generosity of the customer. All surfing results must be recorded in the report:

  • links on transitions within the site, or links on transitions on advertising;
  • keywords by which you will be taken to the site;
  • account registered on the site;
  • or something else at the request of the surfing customer.

What attracts Internet users to surfing?

Despite the fact that in general, the income of most surfers is at best two hundred rubles a day, surfing is still popular and always finds its own performers. What is the attraction of this way of earning money?

  • First, it is quick start option... You can start making money on surfing immediately after registering on the sponsor's website.
  • Secondly - availability... Absolutely anyone can surf if they have access to the World Wide Web.
  • Well, and the third aspect - lightness and simplicity... Most novice surfers imagine this process like this: with a huge sandwich and a cup of coffee, sit in front of a computer monitor, and click the mouse while browsing the desired sites. In general, it looks like this, except for the huge amount of time spent on surfing, which is melting imperceptibly, but inexorably.

Here I consider it necessary to warn that often surfing completely captures in the hope of earning as much as possible, and "disconnects" the attention of Internet users from other ways of making money on the Internet.

Types of surfing

In addition to the usual surfing, examples of which I gave, there is also automatic surfing... Here, the scheme of work is even simpler: you need to register on the corresponding site, download and install a special application on your computer, and the programs will conduct visits to sites for you. You just need to launch the program, and you can safely go about your business.

Another type of surfing - investment... Already from the name it is clear that some investments are required here. You deposit a certain amount of money and turn on the autosurf program. Your money begins to work for you, bringing a certain percentage of the deposited amount per day. It is important not to miss a single day, otherwise the bonus (earnings in excess of the deposited amount) will simply disappear.

Both types: both automatic and investment provide for the most part payment for completed tasks with so-called loans, which, after accumulating a sufficient amount to withdraw from the system, can be sold.

In addition, there is also such a thing as a referral program, which can also be attributed to the types of surfing. Its essence is that for each person invited to the system (he must go and register on the site using your special link), you will receive a certain amount to your account.

Internet surfing sites

I will give only a few names of sites on which you can make money by surfing the Internet - the most reliable and proven.

  • Hand surfing.
  • Manual and automatic surfing.

Internet Surfing Scammers

It goes without saying that, as in most spheres of business, there are scammers in surfing - sites that do not pay remuneration for work, so only take on the work that will be "ironically" paid. Before you start working with a company, try to collect more information about it on a website. Look in search engines, maybe there are reviews of the job that you are offered.

Nowadays it has become very "fashionable" to work for oneself through the worldwide network. You can receive money without leaving the room, at a time convenient for you, since all you need for work is a computer and the Internet.

There are many advantages in this type of work, but how to choose this way of earning in order to make a profit without being fooled? "Forex", financial pyramids, copywriting, surfing the Internet, playing on sports events in bookmakers, filling out questionnaires - what to choose?

Ways to make money on the Internet with investment

It would be correct to divide all the possibilities for receiving funds from the network into two categories - with and without investment. If you invest money, then you have a high probability of parting with them forever. Such ways to lose your own funds include Forex, sale of stocks-bonds on Internet sites, financial pyramids, bets on events. This is not to say that these are fraudulent ways of making money - having an economic mindset and having the ability to analyze the events taking place in the world, you can really make good or even very good money. But there are very few such people, while the majority lose their honestly earned money.

How to make money without investment?

Ways to make money without material investment include surfing the Internet for money, filling out questionnaires and questionnaires, putting likes, copywriting, website development, web design. If copyright or web design requires certain skills or abilities, then everyone can answer questions from questionnaires and participate in surveys. Another way to get money off the net without investing anything is to surf the Internet.

How it works?

It is known that today the maximum turnover of funds occurs in the virtual world. The site owner-user system now has intermediaries that facilitate the work of the system by making interesting resources more accessible to users. Surfing the Internet and the surfers who carry out this process are some of these intermediaries.

What is important for users when looking for information or buying a product? For other clients to visit this site, share their opinions. After all, the more people read a blog or buy a product in a particular store, the better the place. It is also beneficial for the site owner to have as many visitors as possible. Sometimes, for example, at the stage of promotion of a business or with a lot of competition, it is naturally impossible to achieve this in a natural way. A service called "surfing the Internet" will come to the rescue.

What do surfers do to make money?

So, you decided to try to make money this way. Please note right away that the legendary per day for surfing the Internet are unrealistic, but small amounts - up to 10 conventional units - are more than possible. What is good about this type of earnings is that you can do simple operations without interrupting your usual work at the computer.

By registering on the site for surfers, you get about 500-1000 links to the pages you need to go to every day. When opening a page, most often you do not need to do anything (read the contents, fill in tables), except to stay there for about thirty seconds or enter a captcha.

Now you know what surfing the Internet is and can make a conclusion for yourself whether you should do it.

Types of surfing

As you already understood, this part-time job is available to everyone due to the simplicity of the operations performed. Surfing can be divided into several types depending on what you are doing:

  1. Autosurfing. This is the easiest way to make money on the Internet. Surfing sites is not carried out by the user, but by a special program that can be downloaded. However, the same method will give the most scanty financial results.
  2. Regular browsing of sites - most often, human participation is required so that you can enter a captcha after viewing the page. On average, regular surfing will bring you $ 3-4 per view of one thousand pages.
  3. Browsing sites and completing tasks. Such surfing will bring you about 7-8 dollars per thousand viewed sites and is more profitable. In addition to the fact that you are required to follow the link, you will also need to do something - click on an advertisement, vote for someone on a social network, and so on.
  4. Surfing with an attachment own funds... This form of earnings is already one of the ways to get money by investing your capital, and you can lose your money here. You put some amount on the site (for example, $ 100) and during a certain period of time of your work you multiply this amount by a certain coefficient (for example, making 20 clicks per day to the pages of sites for 10 days, you will multiply your amount up to $ 120). What is the disadvantage of this way of making money? The system is very similar to financial pyramid and is designed so that users will earn less than they have invested in, for example, not completing all tasks. If all the investors are working harmoniously, then the site simply stops working and disappears with your money.

Anonymous surfing the Internet

If you work for a company and you have access to the Internet, then often the service information technologies receives an assignment from management to view the history of visits to employee sites.

What kind of boss would like his subordinate to work time engaged in extraneous matters? As soon as you start surfing to make money, you will be immediately caught and handed over to your boss. To prevent this from happening, you can download and install the program on your computer, the so-called "cleaner". This program will independently clean up the traces of your stay on the Internet, deleting your browsing history.

Another way to visit sites anonymously is to use "anonymizers", sites on the Internet that will guide you to the desired pages without showing their addresses in your browsing history. Anonymizers can be successfully used if you want to visit social networks blocked at work, but are completely unsuitable for surfing for money.