Aeroflot logbook archive. Aeroflot magazine was recognized as the best airborne publication in the country. Decent selection of other prints

In the December issue of Aeroflot magazine, readers will find information about the main cultural and sporting events of the coming month, about new films and books. Artistic director of the Moscow Musical Theater. N.I. Sats Georgy Isahakyan will invite both adults and children to a variety of concerts, performances and opera performances prepared by the collective for the 50th anniversary season, the prima of the Bolshoi Theater Svetlana Zakharova will present the Bolshoi Ballet TV project, and showman and actor Alexander Oleshko will share funny new year stories... Materials in the "Travel" section will help you plan an active holiday in the ski resorts of Italy and France, as well as build an individual tourist route in Israel and discover a lot of interesting things on the Thai island of Phuket, traditionally considered a purely beach destination. Fans of literary talents will surely love the story about the houses-museums of great writers, and travel notes from Cuba will make many dream of the Island of Freedom.

Those interested in gastronomy will learn that the caviar palette is not limited to red and black colors, and an excerpt from Dmitry Yakushkin's new book "Parisian Stories" will show the City of Lights through the eyes of not a passing guest, but an experienced observer who has worked here for many years as a correspondent for a news agency.

The holiday season reaches its climax. In the near future - travel: boat trips, snow-white clothes, wide-brimmed straw hats, cool southern evenings and bright July stars. The new Aeroflot Premium issue contains the main cultural and sports events of the month, fashion news, restaurant news, announcements of non-trivial auction sales, automobile, jewelry and watch novelties, as well as limited edition gadgets, accessories and art objects.

In July, Aeroflot STYLE magazine is dedicated to the juicy colors of this summer, fashion trends of the season and romantic travel. In the section "Fashion" - reviews of summer collections of clothes, shoes and accessories. A special column is dedicated to the finalists of the competition for young fashion designers who are promising in the world of Russian fashion. The main character of the issue is Carey Mulligan, a fragile "English rose" and certainly the main flower of this summer. In the section "Beauty" - the best fragrances of the season and interviews with the famous "nose" of the house of Dior Francois Demachy. We also present to the attention of our readers the chapters from the book “Icons of Fashion and Style. From John Updike to Angelina Jolie. " Which exhibitions and events to go to, which hotels to stay in and, finally, which cafe to cool off with the best ice cream - all this is in our July issue.

In the June issue of Aeroflot magazine, readers will find information about the main cultural and sporting events of the coming month, about new films and books. Film director Alexei German and musician Mikhail Turetsky will share their creative plans, while artist Irina Nakhova, who prepared the exposition of the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale, will tell about the history of the unique building.

June "Aeroflot Premium" confirms a fait accompli: summer has come - calendar and climatic. The time of holidays begins, the coastal countries celebrate the onset of the high holiday season, hotels offer special conditions and long days promise pleasant meetings and unexpected discoveries.

The June issue of Aeroflot STYLE magazine opens the beach season! Bright swimwear, ultra-trendy sandals and cruise clothing - a complete set of outfits for this summer. We recommend complementing your vacation looks with bright accessories with a marine theme. In the "Beauty" section, the sun reigns supreme: we present the best sunscreens and care products to get an even, beautiful tan, but not harm the skin.

The main theme of the May issue of Aeroflot magazine is the 70th anniversary of Victory. The anniversary is devoted to materials about hero cities, a special section of the calendar of events, a review of book novelties, the “Reading” section, which presents the history of the legendary Soviet Il-2 attack aircraft, which largely determined the course of the Great Patriotic War, and an excerpt from the book of the famous screenwriter and prose writer Isai Kuznetsov “We ​​Lived -were in the war. "
In the permanent sections, readers will find information about the main cultural and sporting events of the coming month. Actor Dmitry Nagiyev and conductor Alexander Sladkovsky will share their creative plans, and an interview with the head coach of the CSKA football club Leonid Slutsky will be interesting not only for sports fans.

Materials in the "Travel" section will help you plan a trip to the central part of Crimea and the coast of Montenegro, to Hamburg and other cities of the Hanseatic League, as well as to three completely different Chinese metropolises - Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen. Those who are considering vacation options with children will surely like another completely feasible route - immersion in the world of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.
For many of us, a visit to a restaurant is more of a holiday and a new interesting experience than just a way to satisfy hunger, and therefore the “Kitchen” section in May tells about gastronomic sets offered in Moscow restaurants. In May, the “Kitchen” section provides a detailed overview of the gastronomic sets offered in Moscow restaurants.

We are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory! We thank the winners for every new day without war and for 70 years of peaceful life! We honor and remember, we love and are proud, we glorify and value! This is our victory and our peaceful sky!

The May issue of Aeroflot Premium could not but touch upon the theme of peace and the Great Patriotic War... Among the special materials of the spring issue: the heading Event - "Victory Parade", the heading Art - "Pictures of Difficult Times", History of Success - "Atomic Genius Igor Kurchatov", Rating - a list of the most famous triumphal arches of the world "In honor of the winners" and, of course, the cover of the magazine, which depicts the highest award of the Great Patriotic War, the diamond star of the Order of Victory, from the collection of the Kremlin Museums (read more about the Armory exhibition in the Calendar section).

As always, Aeroflot Premium pages provide information on current cultural and social events, news and trends in the fashion world, hotel and restaurant news, car premieres, the most modern gadgets and limited edition accessories. The heroine of the act is Khibla Gerzmava, a brilliant soprano, soloist of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Musical Theater and the only winner of the Grand Prix of the P.I. Tchaikovsky.

For the attention of foreign readers of "Aeroflot Premium" - all editorial materials and columns in English.

Aeroflot Premium - May 2015 (PDF file)

The May issue of Aeroflot Style magazine is traditionally devoted to the travel mood: where to go, what to see and what treasures to return with! The numbers and trends of this spring are surprisingly consonant with the theme - the freedom-loving 70s reign on the catwalks, which we never tire of "singing" about in our fashion reviews. The main fashion milestones of this month: hippie style, eco-fabrics and floral prints. In the "Beauty" section, we recommend that you take a closer look at your health - all the rules of spring detox are described in detail in the article "From scratch". Among the interesting persons of the number are Charlize Theron, Alicia Vikander and Agniya Kuznetsova. The section “Reading” contains chapters from the book “Photographers with a Glimpse into the Future”, in which 75 renowned masters of photography demonstrate their masterpieces.

Aeroflot Style - May 2015 (PDF file)

- When did you develop the style that you are known by all over the world today?

Probably in the mid-90s, more precisely in 1994. I went to Cyprus on the pretext of an internship. The formal reason was a personal exhibition and an order for a portrait of the president of the island. Of course, on the island I painted mainly sketches, but rarely and not much. This half-year vacation resulted in a powerful creative impulse. Quite unexpectedly for myself, I began to invent pictures about Russian life. A series of works on the theme of Russia in the 19th century has appeared. Of course, everything did not happen out of nowhere, all this was ripening in me, somewhere deep inside. Obviously, the foundation was laid in childhood. After all, I was born and grew up in the city of Yakhroma, near Moscow.

- Are you still attracted by your hometown?

Yakhroma is an amazingly beautiful place, on high hills, from which perspectives close to those of Bruegel open up. Both the ships and the trains overtaking them were visible from the window of my house. The main enterprise of the town was a weaving factory with architecture of the 19th century, workers in headscarves walked along the streets, a dilapidated factory church, barracks where people lived, a hospital built by a manufacturer could be seen. It was all saturated with the past, breathed in the meantime. Then, already as a student, thanks to trips to practice in Suzdal, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, I became deeper imbued with the charm of the landscapes of the Upper Volga cities with their high banks and endless distances that open to my eyes. All this Russian then, twenty years ago, in Greek Cyprus resonated so strongly that the pictures themselves began to appear: "Toy Seller", "Lemonade Seller", "Seeds" ...
And Yakhroma, yes, always comes first.

Some time passed, and the famous Dutch gallery De Twee Pauwen from The Hague came to me with a proposal to arrange a personal exhibition. The success was great, almost all the works were sold out; it reinforced my sense of being an artist. The consciousness of the creator needs confirmation, and the artist's only reward, as Renoir said, may be the purchase of his works. By the way, I did paint a portrait of the President of Cyprus at that time.

-Did you always know that you would be an artist? Did you have a choice, did you doubt it?

- I doubted whether I was a good artist until I was forty, even being a member of the Union of Artists, having many exhibitions under my belt, - I felt my usual nature. Perhaps the reason is that for a long time no one paid attention to me, and I did not know how to promote myself on purpose. I just worked hard and honestly. Then a critical mass somewhere in the noosphere probably accumulated, and now people come to me all the time, say kind words, buy works. As for the choice, of course, I had it. I was born into a family of doctors and I clearly understood the importance of this profession. My choice in favor of art was probably made at the moment when I started going to art salons instead of toy stores and buying good pencils or paints made me happy.

-You entered Stroganovka several times, but graduated from the Surikov Art Institute. What does a young artist feel after receiving a long-awaited diploma?

After graduating from the institute, I did not understand what I would do: I had neither my own style, nor confidence in my vocation. I began to go to the Andronikov monastery, to the temple of Andrei Rublev, to the Savior Cathedral, where the famous icon painter Father Vyacheslav Savinykh still serves as the rector, and to study Russian icons. The technique that I studied in the workshops of the monastery revealed to me the secrets of painting; all of a sudden all the artists of the past became close to me. Having studied the craft of an icon painter, I suddenly saw that I use the same pigments and paints as the old masters hundreds of years before me. That I share the same system of values, I understand paints in the same way as my beloved Piero della Francesca: one paint is for the sky, the other is for the earth. Then I began to apply this technique not only in icons, but also in paintings. Knowing the natural properties of paints, you can create a complex interweaving of dense and transparent layers, as the old masters did.

- It is believed that the language of art is universal. And how universal is icon painting?

In the XII century, the language in the art of the Christian world was universal, identical from Barcelona to Moscow. However, we must not forget that the art of the icon in its entirety was revealed to the world at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the discoveries of restorers and lovers of Russian history. Similarly, at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the genius of Sergei Diaghilev, a Russian portrait of the 18th century was rediscovered. Diaghilev's first experience was organizing not ballet seasons, but the Tauride Exhibition of Russian Portrait in 1905. He personally collected over 2300 works from the estates and in the district noble families, from Parsuns to paintings of the late 19th century. The exhibition shocked Russia. Before Diaghilev, there was neither Borovikovsky nor Levitsky in museums.

Your work inspires fashion designers. They say Alena Akhmadullina borrowed your paintings to paint the walls of The Repa restaurant in St. Petersburg ...

The costume in my paintings is of great importance. I do not create a copy of a Russian or European dress, but try to convey the image, the feeling of it. An exact copy will look unnatural, like a postcard. But when the plasticity of the clothes, its cut, the ornament are subordinated to the idea of ​​the picture itself, magic happens. In 2015, the famous Spanish brand Delpozo created a collection based on my paintings; Inspired by my work, Vivetta Ponti, the creator of the new Italian brand Vivetta, invited me to the Fashion Week in Milan to show the Spring-Summer 2018 collection, based on my paintings. Foreigners, unlike ours, always ask permission to use their works and indicate the source everywhere. Unfortunately, that part of my painting Alena Akhmadullina used to decorate the walls of a St. Petersburg restaurant, I found out by accident: architects and designers who saw the project contacted me. Probably, it was assumed that I should be happy, since they took my works ... My wife is in charge of the rights, and somehow she wrote to the company that uses my paintings for labels. They were terribly surprised that I was still alive; people thought it was the work of some late classic.

-What is your attitude towards the world of fashion and the area of ​​contemporary art bordering on it?

My attitude changed after I got to the exhibition of costumes by Yves Saint Laurent in Petit Palais in Paris. She was a shock to me. I was amazed at how good art can influence a person. The sincere immersion of the creator in what he is doing is transmitted to the viewer, and the young people are the litmus test here. Youth is open to real art. And as far as I can, I try not to leave the viewer indifferent. Contemporary art today puts the idea in the first place, and not aesthetics or form, as was the case with the artists of the past. This formula is close to me: an idea is as good as it is well executed. And in the 21st century, no one canceled the magic of mastery. All the iconic names in the world of contemporary art, no matter how diverse and conceptually their work is, work at a very high professional level... See what Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Jan Fabre are doing today. But what place each of them will take in the history of art, time will tell. I know one thing: all great artists - long-livers in art were wise people who perfectly understood their meaning.

-Are you talking about immodesty and art marketing?

Yes and no. Imagine the famous Japanese painter and printmaker of the 18th – 19th centuries Katsushika Hokusai, author of the world famous engraving "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", used more than three dozen pseudonyms: he changed names so as not to be proud. My friend, orientalist Yevgeny Steiner, told me that in the 17th and 18th centuries in Japan, painting was called "pictures for a leisurely stare." So I try to paint so that my paintings can be viewed. Therefore, the creative process is not a fast thing for me. First, a lot of sketches are created, which I then analyze, choosing the best. I suspect there is no other way.
You know, in my youth I once opened a book of Yesenin's poems, which he wrote at my age. I confess that I felt miserable - how much deeper were his thoughts, the more serious the questions and feelings that worried him. Then I understood what the artist needed to talk about. The main criteria for real creativity are the ability to sensually comprehend the world and the ability to convey these emotions to the viewer. Of course, artists have always tried to explain their admiration for the surrounding reality scientifically, tried to understand the laws of beauty, but before comprehending it, they themselves created this beauty. First you draw, and then you analyze why it is beautiful. And it is incredible happiness when what the artist is tormented and suffering, finds a response from the public. When I manage to find the exact plastic element, thanks to which the picture shoots, and the viewer notices it, this is an incomparable feeling.

- Perhaps not to be found?

Yes, it happens that the picture is finished, but there is no zest, and if you do not come up with a gesture or detail, then the general idea will be discredited. Here are some almost finished work for several years, waiting in the wings.

-You travel a lot. Do you have any favorite museums?

I love the early Middle Ages very much - there is a lot of it in the National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona.
There are amazing frescoes, which have been preserved partially in different churches of the 11th-12th centuries - they were carefully removed, restored and brought to one place. You immediately understand where Picasso came from with a huge number of eyes. The stunning Bavarian National Museum in Munich. In order to feel the Russian icon, you should go to Rostov the Great. Such a high level of provincial art, without the superficial gloss of the icon painters of the Armory, is nowhere else. Here were the most powerful artisans who painted simplicity and beauty, just as the world famous European masters did. I love Holland, this country is inspiring. Delft, the dunes that Van Gogh walked ... In my beloved The Hague there is the Mauritshuis Royal Gallery with Vermeer's painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring"; I love the Escher Museum and the wonderful Japanese garden in Klingendaal Park.

-How do you turn on inspiration?

"Not a day without a line," no matter how bad you are. Sometimes you have to force yourself, but when you start, you feel relief. After all, painting has a healing effect, this is what art therapy is based on. But for an artist who spends a lot of time in the studio alone with himself, he constantly conducts an internal dialogue, in life it is very important to have a stable nervous system.

Interviewed by Maria Ganiyants
Aeroflot Premium, 2018, Moscow

July 28, 2017, Moscow.- The Aeroflot in-flight magazine became a laureate of the VIII Annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award. The prize was awarded in the Best Media in the Air category, in the Best in Media category. Consumer market". The award ceremony took place at the Marriott Krasnaya Polyana 5 * hotel in Sochi.

The Aeroflot in-flight magazine is a branded print publication that is distributed free of charge in the cabin economy class on all flights of the airline. The magazine is published monthly with a circulation of 120 thousand copies. It contains information and entertainment materials designed for any audience: current news, reviews of significant events, descriptions of interesting tourist routes and fashion trends, as well as special pages for the youngest passengers.

Earlier this year, another Aeroflot on-board publication was the children's on-board magazine Aeroflot. Young traveler "- received the highest award at the All-Russian competition" Best Corporate Media - 2017 "and won bronze in the" Onboard magazine "nomination at the prestigious international competition ASTRID Awards.

The annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award is an award given to the most successful projects in the area of ​​consumer rights and service excellence. Presentation of awards in the category “Best in Media. Consumer Market ”is aimed at encouraging the media and journalists who cover all aspects of the consumer market in Russia and care about their readers.

AEROFLOT - the leader of air transport in Russia, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The alliance's total route network includes 1,062 destinations in 177 countries. In 2016, Aeroflot carried 29 million people, and including Aeroflot Group airlines - 43.4 million.

Aeroflot the first of Russian companies became the owner of the high rating "four stars" by Skytrax for the quality of service. In 2017, for the sixth time, he won the prestigious international Skytrax World Airline Awards in the category “Best Airline in Eastern Europe”.

Aeroflot in 2017 it was recognized as the strongest brand in Russia and the strongest aviation brand in the world according to the international agency Brand Finance. Aeroflot was also named the best airline in Europe by the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor and was named "Favorite Foreign Airline in China."

Aeroflot has one of the youngest aircraft fleets in the world with 199 aircraft. Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the world leaders in aviation safety. Aeroflot's SAFA program coefficient is on par with the world's leading airlines.

Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the register of IOSA operators and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline has successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. The integrated management system of PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards.

PRESS RELEASE. The material is published on a commercial basis.
Interfax is not responsible for the content of the material.
Goods and services are subject to mandatory certification

There is a lot of truth in this rather loud name, since Aeroflot annually serves about 30 million passengers, half of whom are happy to read branded in-flight magazines of the same name. Therefore, buying an advertisement in Aeroflot magazine means gaining access to a multi-million audience of potential buyers from different countries, which will effectively promote a product, service or brand.

The Aeroflot magazine is published with a circulation of 120 thousand copies using advanced printing technologies, which makes it possible to offer passengers bright and informative printed materials. Professional journalists, editors, designers are working on the creation of the next issue, providing each page with visual expressiveness and advertising attractiveness.

  • maximum information content;
  • orientation towards a positive worldview;
  • the reliability of the published data;
  • effective presentation of the material;
  • thoughtful structure of sections and pages, stimulating the interest of the reader;
  • coverage of the entire age audience

The magazine "Aeroflot" publishes the latest news, highlights the events of the world of high technology, describes interesting tourist routes and fashion trends, and also has special pages for the youngest passengers.

Circulation:120,000 copies
Average coverage per month:
2 527 305 people
55% men, 45% women
12 times a year
240-320 pages

Distribution is free of charge on all flights of Aeroflot PJSC in economy class cabins in the pocket of each passenger seat, in the VIP lounges of Aeroflot PJSC.

Decent selection of other prints

Inflight Entertainment Group, the official publisher of printed materials of this leading air carrier, offers to publish your advertisement in Aeroflot magazines, represented by the following professional printing options:

  1. Aeroflot is a printed publication intended for any reader, in which interesting stuff information and entertainment character.
  2. Aeroflot Premium is a magazine for wealthy people interested in advanced premium brands and luxury goods. Distributed in business class lounges.
  3. Aeroflot Style is aimed at a female audience, which is offered the latest news from the world of fashion, articles describing trends in iconic areas of everyday aesthetics, advertising of branded perfumes, clothing and accessories.
  4. AEROFLOT WORLD is an information magazine for passengers of any status, age and gender, offering versatile news and thematic information, presented in an interesting and engaging style.

That is, each magazine, by and large, has its own audience, which makes it possible to intelligently place advertising materials in salons of various classes. As practice shows, advertising in Aeroflot magazine is an effective tool for popularizing a variety of products, which at the same time forms a high loyalty of potential buyers to the brand being promoted.

Priorities of advertising in Aeroflot magazines:

  • the possibility of a differentiated approach to the placement of advertising materials, taking into account the peculiarities target audience and the orientation of a particular magazine;
  • a wide range of advertising content, ranging from professionally written articles to spectacular full-page posters;
  • guaranteed interest of passengers in the posted materials;
  • a visual demonstration of the status and commercial success of the advertiser;
  • mass character with simultaneous selectivity

Pricing principles

As for the prices for advertising in Aeroflot magazines, our company proceeds from the average market prices for advertising materials in reputable printed publications, which always have their regular readers. Such investments always have a positive effect on the business and image of the advertiser, who gains access to the audience of solvent successful citizens, which are the majority of the passengers on the airliners of this successful corporation.

If you decide to buy advertising in the Aeroflot magazine, Inflight Entertainment Group is ready to offer you quite reasonable prices and a wide range of services that allow you to produce effective advertising materials that will surely find their readers.

Look fresh issue magazine you can.

Aeroflot- the official flight magazine of JSC Aeroflot - Russian airlines with information and entertainment content. The main principle of the publication is to preserve positive attitude, maintain an open and active view of the world, deliver relevant information.
The main features of the magazine's content are the versatility of reading in terms of social status, as well as the disposition to travel. The most important task is to offer passengers a fascinating, modern magazine for viewing and reading. Ease and ease of perception are achieved due to the carefully thought out structure of the magazine, good segmentation of sections and headings, a large number of photographs, illustrations and graphics.

Circulation: 120 000


18 million 420 thousand passengers of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines.
Among them are residents of all regions of Russia, citizens of the CIS and far abroad.

The publication is intended for active, quickly moving people, businessmen and individuals. These people, whose permanent income is above average, are guided by the quality and popularity of the goods and services consumed, and their sphere of interests is not limited to everyday life, they have an active life position, value their time and know how to properly dispose of the information received.

Passenger traffic for January-July 2013 - 11,646,112 people.

Free on all flights by the publication of JSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines in economy class cabins.

Average monthly coverage: 800,000 passengers
Frequency: 12 times a year
Volume: 240-320 pages

Aeroflot Premium

Magazine Aeroflot Premium is focused on the premium audience of first and business class passengers. The information for these readers has been carefully selected: it is addressed to those who manage big business, makes responsible decisions and values ​​high competence and clarity of presentation. The magazine offers readers interviews with prominent entrepreneurs and government officials, reviews of investment opportunities and market segments, keeps abreast of trends in the development of the global and domestic economy. A special place in the magazine is occupied by ratings that combine the practical nature of the information offered with the brevity of its presentation.

Circulation: 25,000 copies

The target audience: More than 730 thousand passengers of the first and business classes of JSC Aeroflot. Aeroflot magazine is aimed at a well-to-do and active consumer male audience.

Spreading: In the first and business class cabins, there is a pocket for each seat on all domestic and international flights of JSC Aeroflot.

Aeroflot Style

Magazine Aeroflot Style is a monthly onboard women's glossy magazine dedicated to the themes of culture, art, fashion, beauty and design. The project is distinguished by a modern, progressive design, a positive attitude and a reader-friendly intonation. The main events of the world cultural scene, already authoritative and still new names in the field of art, fashion, design, genre guides to different parts of the world, the best hotels, spas, salons, boutiques, collections and things.

Circulation: 85,000 copies

The target audience: The magazine is focused on a wealthy woman on the move, whose travels are related to work or lifestyle.

Spreading: First and business class cabins are in the pocket of every seat, in economy class cabins there is a pocket of every second seat, on all domestic and international flights of Aeroflot-Russian Airlines.

Aeroflot world

Magazine AEROFLOT WORLD- a unique project among on-board publications, uniting three airlines (Russia, Donavia and Vladivostok Avia) and three largest regions of Russia (Northwestern Federal District, Krasnodar Territory and Primorsky Territory). The magazine consists of two parts: federal, common for all three airlines, and regional, individual for each region. The uniqueness of the product lies in the fact that, like a transformer, it is individual for each region, making it relevant and interesting for passengers of each airline. The federal part, which is the same for all three airlines, includes headings of interest to any passenger.

Circulation: 100,000 copies (North - 70,000, South - 15,000, East - 15,000)

The target audience: The readership of the magazine averages 587 360 people per month. These are passengers of airliners operating regular and charter flights to more than 150 destinations, covering more than 100 cities around the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Passengers are successful people (core 25-55 years old) who have a constant high and above average income and who are active consumers of quality goods and services.

Spreading: The magazine is distributed in the cabins of airliners in all directions; a free copy is included in the pocket of each passenger seat.

Advertising placement

Promotional rates for 2019.


Format Cost, rub.
Strip 1/1 810 000
Pivot 2/1 1 510 000
1/2 horizontal
470 000
1/2 vertical
545 000
(three modules per strip)
330 000
4th cover page 2 725 000
3rd cover page 1 210 000
1st spread
2 585 000
2nd spread 2 300 000
3rd spread 2 200 000
4th turn 2 100 000
(before content
2 025 000
(before the output)
1 985 000
1 885 000
(v main theme numbers)
1 850 000
(first third of the magazine)
1 630 000
(first half of the magazine)
1 585 000
(strip opposite company news)
1 415 000
(opposite content)
1 365 000
(opposite the output)
1 260 000
(first five stripes after the output)
1 175 000
(first third of the magazine)
1 035 000
(first half of the magazine)
960 000


Format Cost, rub.
Strip 1/1 675 000
Pivot 2/1 1 200 000
1/2 horizontal
(right through, two modules are required on the strip)
390 000
1/2 vertical
(not under bleed, one module per strip)
425 000
4th cover page 1 975 000
3rd cover page 1 070 000
1st spread
(including the second cover page)
1 975 000
2nd spread 1 730 000
3rd spread 1 650 000
4th turn 1 575 000
(before content
1 575 000
(before the output)
1 575 000
(before the first editorial story)
1 575 000
(first third of the magazine)
1 325 000
(first half of the magazine)
1 265 000
(next to the appeal)
1 190 000
(opposite content and imprint)
1 120 000
(first six stripes after content)
945 000
(first third of the magazine)
815 000
(first half of the magazine)
755 000


Format Cost, rub.
Strip 1/1 695 000
Pivot 2/1 1 235 000
1/2 horizontal
(right through, two modules are required on the strip)
410 000
1/2 vertical
(not under bleed, one module per strip)
505 000
4th cover page 2 130 000
3rd cover page 985 000
1st spread
(including the second cover page)
2 130 000
2nd spread 1 825 000
3rd spread 1 725 000
4th turn 1 545 000
(before the first editorial story)
1 520 000
(first third of the magazine)
1 325 000
(first half of the magazine)
1 250 000
(address / Russian / English /)
1 060 000
(content 1, 2, 3 output)
985 000
(first five bands after data release)
945 000
(first third of the magazine)
805 000
(first half of the magazine)
735 000

The cost is indicated excluding VAT 18%

Extra charge for placement in a specific heading and for a sequence of layouts - 15%