Useful post - memo to buyers (19 photos). Project Creation of a memo “It's easy to save! What is the money spent on

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Most often, we go shopping after working hours or on weekends in between planned personal affairs. This means that we either have too little time and opportunity to think about everything for shopping, or the feeling of fatigue does not allow us to look soberly at the store shelves. We tried to collect a number of tips, adhering to which you can definitely not only save money, but also avoid unnecessary purchases.

We buy only from the list

When you go shopping in the supermarket, think about everything you want to buy in advance. It doesn't matter if it's a long list for a week or a small one for a couple of days, but it definitely has to be. Today there is no need to get a notebook in the store, there is convenient programs for smartphones or tablets that are very easy to use. Moreover, you can make a list of necessary products and household chemicals once, then only adding additional items to it. If you go grocery shopping without a list, then the likelihood of buying something extra is greatly increased. In addition, in the confusion, you risk forgetting everything you really needed.

We go shopping without feeling hungry

When going out for groceries, it is important to be full. This rule will protect your wallet from unintentional spending. The human body is so arranged that in a hungry state it always seems that you need to put on a plate much more than it actually needs. The same thing happens in the store. A hungry shopper puts a lot more food in his cart, half of which ends up in the bin at the end of the week.

We look at the scheme of the supermarket

If you are shopping in an unfamiliar store, then it will be useful to look at its diagram at the entrance or read the signs of the departments in the hall in order to understand how to correct the path with the trolley. Firstly, it will protect you from unnecessary movements inside the store. Secondly, in the process of wandering through the departments, you will not automatically put bright, but unnecessary products into the cart.

Choosing the right cart

If your shopping list is not very long, then choose the basket or the smallest cart. A couple of packages of vegetables and a loaf of bread will look very lonely in a large cart, and you will definitely put in it items that you did not want to buy. Take a large grocery cart only when you are actually going to buy a lot of items.

We take the goods not at eye level

A trick that all stores use when displaying goods is placing the most expensive products on the shelves that are most convenient for the buyer. Anything that is at your eye level is often more expensive than anything on the lower or upper shelves. Before making a choice, try to carefully look at all the shelves with the desired product and compare prices. Chances are, on the lowest shelf, you will find exactly what you need at a better price.

We are not afraid of unfamiliar brands

Habit is second nature, but if you need to save some of them it is better to give up. If you always buy yogurt of the same brand in the supermarket, then try something different, new. So you can not only save a lot, but also introduce new tastes into your diet. The main thing is to read the labels and compare the composition of the products. By the way, brands that have recently appeared on the market are quite competitive at a low cost. Without getting hung up on familiar brands, you can not only save money, but also find new favorites for yourself.

We do not pay attention to promotions and discounts

Not all promotions and discounts that a store advertises with bright stickers, catchy price tags and memorable ads are profitable. Of course, if you bought your favorite chocolate at the same price yesterday in this store, and today its price has been reduced by half, then you should pay attention to it. And even buy a few tiles in reserve. True, making sure at the same time that the expiration date had not expired the day before yesterday. But if you are tempted to buy a pack of coffee with a gift in the form of a plastic mug, while the cost of the product itself is practically no different from the one for which you buy it, then you should think about it. First, why do you need a penny plastic mug? Secondly, why do you need a product that doesn't really save you money? Third, are you confident that new coffee will be stored until you use up the stock you already have in your kitchen?

We participate in loyalty programs

But loyalty programs, on the contrary, should not be ignored. If at the checkout you are offered to issue a free savings card or a card with a symbolic value, then we recommend that you do so. Within a few months, you will be able to receive discounts from 3 to 10% on almost any goods in the store. Even if you pay at least 100 rubles for the card, they will almost immediately be beaten off by the discounts received. Moreover, most of the cards are not personalized, so you can lend it to your parents and friends, thereby helping them save money and accumulating a big discount on the card.

We go shopping without company

Of course, shopping with friends is much more fun than wandering alone with a cart through the wilds of a store. But when shopping alone, you approach this issue more thoughtfully, you have time to analyze the products and your needs. So you save a lot and practically do not buy anything extra. After all, with friends and pulls to take some product for the company or put food in the cart, not looking at the cost. Go shopping on your own, and spend time with friends outside the store!

Do not get bored at the checkout

Most often, next to the checkout stands there are stands with goods that you can definitely live without: chewing gum, chocolate, marmalade, toys. Even if you are standing in line, you should not waste time looking at the checkout area. There is nothing useful or necessary here! In order not to waste time, it is better to check your mail from your phone or write a post on a social network. Make good use of this time.

We pay in cash

If you really need to save money, or you know about your passion for unnecessary purchases, try to go to the store with cash, taking only as much as you can afford to spend. If you pay with a card, you will inevitably spend more than you planned, since in this case you do not control the process of transferring money and are not able to assess the scale of the budget disaster.

We behave correctly with the cashier

Already when you almost left the store with the necessary purchases and relaxed, the last trick lies in wait for you - the cashier's offer to buy this or that product at a special price. Don't automatically agree, most likely this special price is not that small, and the product itself is not worth taking. Even if on the way home you decide that the offer is profitable, you can always return to the store another time and buy it or any other that you think is worthy and profitable. Do not agree to an offer to take a few more goods up to the amount for which the discount is valid today. You are unlikely to go back to the department for cereals or vegetables, but start taking goods from the checkout. Even if you get some kind of small discount, the excess goods collected, which will then lie idle at home, will not help real savings in any way.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Secondary school number 1"

School scientific and practical conference "Day of Science"

Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra


Create a memo« Saving is easy!»

Puzikova Daria

uch10 « e»Class


Kireeva Anna Leonidovna


first qualification category

2015 year


    Annotation................................................. ...................................... 3

    Research plan ................................................ .........................5

    Research Article................................................ ................................ 6

    Bibliography................................................ .........................fourteen

    Application................................................. ...................................15


Project topic: with Creation of a reminder “Saving is easy!”.

Relevance of the topic:

At the end of 2014, we faced a situation of a sharp increase in the exchange rate of the dollar and the euro against the ruble, which provoked a rapid rise in food prices. Since food are one of the most costly categories of expenses in the family budget, then each person tries to save on it.

Unlike other market systems, the food market is of great importance for the population of any country, since its normal functioning provides the physiological needs of people for food, helps to strengthen their health and active life.

In connection with the growth of the population, the need for food products is growing, which leads to the active development of retail trade networks.There are three retail chains on the territory of our city: "Monetka", "Perekrestok" and "Ferma Market" in whichyou can buy quality foodstuffs at a lower price than in small retail chains, thereby saving time and money.

Target: Identify a trading network that is profitable for the family budget.

Methods: To achieve the goal and solve problems, the following methods were used:

    Theoretical - a method of studying theoretical material.

    Research - a method of scientific knowledge.

    Reflection method is a method of immersion in oneself and self-knowledge.

    Description method - the method of comprehensive presentation of the subject.


As a result of work on the project, the following were formed:

    Design and research skills;

    Social and communication skills;

    Ability to analyze one's own activities and correct it.

    Skills of working in programs "Photoshop" and "Excel».

A memo has been created for the residents of the city of Megion “Saving is easy!”.


    Textbook "Food market" Elena Nikolaevna Kiseleva, Olga Viktorovna Vlasova, Ekaterina Borisovna Konnova 78 p.

This guide provides detailed information on what a retail chain is and the conditions in which the sale takes place.

    Milestones of Economic Thought Volume 3 I. Alyoshina, V. V. Galperin, V. M. Galperin
    This book defines the basics of rational choice and some of the functions of the market.

    Chkalova O.V. Trading company: textbook. allowance / O. V. Chkalova. - M .: Eskmo, 2008.320 p.

In that study guide provides detailed information on the classification of food products into groups of similar products.

Study plan

Problem: How can you help Megion residents save time and money when shopping for groceries?

Hypothesis: If you create a memo for buyers "Saving is easy!", Then you can teach the residents of Megion to save on the purchase of food products.


    Examine the literature on food products.

    Conduct a survey to identify widely consumed food items

    Classify commonly consumed food items

    Analyze the prices for food products in the trading networks "Monetka", "Perekrestok", "Sunflower".

    Create a memo "It's easy to save!"

Research methods:

    The theoretical method made it possible to find out what the food market is, as well as to determine its functions, and to study retail trade networks, with their classification.

    The research method made it possible to understand the variety of food products, and the preferences of consumers in our city.

    The method of reflection made it possible to analyze and timely adjust the work on the project and own activities.

    The description method made it possible to present the material in full.

Research Article

Creating a memo "It's easy to save!"

Market Is a system of economic relations that develop in the process of production, circulation and distribution of products (goods, works, services) and is characterized by the freedom of economic entities in choosing buyers, sellers, determining prices, forming and using sources of resources. Simply put, the market is a mechanism for interaction between buyers and sellers.

Food product - This is a product that allows you to meet the physiological need of a person for vital energy, as well as irreplaceable substances, which is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of his body.

Food market Is an integral dynamic system of rational formation and distribution of food resources of primary and secondary processing, ensuring the interaction of producers and consumers in establishing the volume and structure of production, as well as achieving and maintaining required qualities and product prices.

The food market as an economic system performsthe followingfunctions :






Rational choice of consumption - the basis of consumer theory. When implementing the decision concerning the composition of the consumer basket, an economic entity always pays attention to the current market situation, therefore it is guided by the followingfactors :

    Consumer preferences ... The buyer in his choice, first of all, relies on his own preferences, tastes and desires, since it is they who first of all determine the composition of his consumer basket.

    Rationality of choice. The consumer in the market seeks to buy such a set of goods, the utility from the consumption of which would be maximum. This can be achieved when the consumer makes his choice consciously, while taking into account the possible usefulness of various alternative goods.

    Budget constraints. The subject and his choice are always limited by the amount of income that he has at a certain point in time. It is within this framework, minus the amount of money for savings, that he acquires certain benefits. In other words, according to the first economic law, income is always limited, and human needs have the property of endless growth, so the buyer is forced to limit his desires.

    Retail trade networks

Retail trade network - it is a collection of enterprises retail and other trade units located in a specific territory for the purpose of selling goods and serving customers or under common management.

This is the main organizational and technical link through which goods are brought to the consumer and their needs for various consumer goods are satisfied.

The retail trade network provides an opportunity to quickly, conveniently, with a minimum expenditure of effort and time, to purchase the necessary goods and services in conditions of free choice in a convenient quantity, not far from the place of work and housing.

A retail chain can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending onon the conditions in which the sale is carried out, it can be stationary and non-stationary.

Rice. 1. Types of retail network depending on the terms of sale

Stationary network is located in specially equipped buildings and structures intended for the sale and purchase.

The stationary retail network is represented by retail (shops) and small retail chains (pavilions, kiosks, stalls, vending machines).

Retail network is a set of trade enterprises interacting on the basis of a single coordination determined by the external environment. This network includes specially equipped buildings (shops) that buy and sell goods and provide services to customers for their personal, family and home use.

Small retail chain includes pavilions, tents, stalls, kiosks. A small-scale retail network has great flexibility, the ability to quickly deploy and get as close to customers as possible; its construction and operation does not require large costs. In small retail trading network food and non-food products of simple assortment and everyday demand are being sold. The disadvantages of a small-scale retail chain are the narrowness of the range, the lack of convenience for buyers when choosing goods, the difficulty in creating proper conditions for storing goods and monitoring compliance with trade rules.

Types of retail chains by type of assortment

The range of goods is an important feature of the classification of a retail chain. The number of commodity items presented to the buyer is determined by the store format. One of the directions for improving the retail trade network is its specialization, which contributes to the ease of labor and the growth of productivity, has a positive impact on the quality of customer service.

By product-assortment, they are distinguished: universal retail chains, specialized chains, chains with a mixed assortment of goods, chains with a combined assortment.

One-stop retail chains sell a universal assortment (all groups) of food or non-food products.

Specialized retail chains (including highly specialized ones) sell one group of goods or part of a commodity group. This allows us to provide customers with a deeper and richer assortment, to have closer ties with suppliers, and to reduce paperwork. In specialized enterprises there are better conditions for studying consumer demand, more possibilities to offer service to buyers.

Mixed product chains implement certain types food and non-food products. This group includes enterprises in which specialization is not observed and other goods are sold along with the main assortment.

Combined assortment chains sell several groups of goods related by a common demand or satisfying any needs of buyers.

Characteristics of the retail trade network by the level of retail prices

Price performs an extremely important function, which is to generate income (profit) from the sale of goods. The achieved commercial results depend on prices. Price serves as a means of establishing a certain relationship between the enterprise and customers, it affects the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The market requires an individual approach to customer needs. Increased competition in retail market leads to the fact that the price factor remains the most important for the majority (60%) of Russians. Large differentiation in consumer income levels is forcing trade enterprises focus its activities on individual market segments. There are no more than 30 large retail chains in Russia (with several dozen or several stores in more than five regions of Russia).

It is easiest to classify retail chains by segment of consumers, they differ not only in prices, but also in the choice of goods, design of the retail space and service:

    Luxury / Premium networks

    For wealthy buyers

    Economy class shops


    Classification of food products into groups of similar products

The class "food products" is subdivided by origin into 3 subclasses: products of vegetable origin, products of animal origin and goods of mixed origin (vegetable, animal, mineral, biosynthetic). Further division of subclasses into groups of similar goods is carried out according to raw materials and purpose.

Grade 9 students

The project was implemented at the lessons of informatics and ICT. The main goal of the project: the formation of skills to work with information, skills to work in applications operating system: text editor, graphics editor, spreadsheet processor, presentation editor.



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Project "Competent Buyer" Completed by grade 9 students Teacher: Kudinova L.G.

Healthy Food commissioned our group to conduct a survey of grocery prices in stores and determine the best prices for healthy, home-cooked food for two people. First of all, we need to put together a delicious menu including appetizers, main course, side dish, drink and dessert. Our group should visit several local shops and research the prices of the ingredients of our selected dishes. It is necessary to record these data, carry out a comparison and analysis of prices for the investigated products, summarize the results obtained in a consolidated analysis and submit a final report on the selected products to the commission of the "Healthy Food" company. To achieve a successful outcome, our group must provide advice on affordable, tasty, healthy food.

Project goals: collection and processing of information, calculation of prices in a spreadsheet processor, a competent choice of food products.

The main objectives of the project: Selection of local stores belonging to the main research categories. Preparing to research the assortment of stores: drawing up a menu for two people from inexpensive healthy dishes, choosing five foods from the main product categories. Collecting information on prices for selected products in various stores. Comparison of prices for products on the website of the Internet store and determination of the best prices.

Expected Project Outcomes: Entering the collected price information into your group's database in order to compare and analyze the data and summarize the results in a pooled analysis. Entering price information into a common database to analyze all collected information. Create a presentation that includes a summary of the information gathered by the whole class and reflects all the learning activities completed and the information for this task.

Planning a menu for a team: 1. Starter 2. Main dish 3. Side dish 4. Dessert 5. Drink Menu

Recommendations for choosing a product Any table is especially good if it is decorated with an exquisite dish: not necessarily expensive, but beautiful and appetizing. There should always be one or two truly satisfying dishes on the table. Natural juices should be present on any table. Dessert is the highlight of any everyday or festive table.

Stores visited Team member Store name Store type Barysheva Ekaterina "Bread" JSC "Novomichurinsky Khlebzavod" store No. 15 Small store Bezrukov Olesya "Pyaterochka" Supermarket Klimova Ekaterina "Consumer goods" Small store Kulenchenko Kristina "Magnit" Supermarket

Required products: Ground beef Tinned beans Tinned tomatoes Rice Puff pastry Ham Cheese Butter Condensed milk Chocolate Nuts (peanuts) Juice (peach)

Type of store: small store Name of store: OJSC "Novomichurinsky Khlebzavod" Store No. 15, village Mamonovo Participant: Barysheva Yekaterina Team member's name Product Product category Product price Product quantity Product unit price Product unit price Estimated number of servings Serving cost Cost of food for four Baryshev's best choice Ekaterina Minced beef Meat 88,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 88.00 9 RUB 9.78 39.12 p. *** Canned beans Canned food 22,00 rub. 0.4 kg 55.00 RUB 4 RUB 13.75 RUB 55.00 Canned tomatoes Canned food 50,00 rub. 0.9 kg 55.56 RUB 9 RUB 6.17 26.68 RUB Rice Groats 46,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 46.00 5 9.20 RUB 36.80 RUB Puff pastry Frozen products 49,00 rub. 0.5 kg RUB 98.00 5 19.60 RUB 78.40 p. Ham Sausages 183,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 183.00 27 RUB 6.78 27.12 p. Cheese Dairy products 220.00 rub. 1 kg 220.00 RUB 40 RUB 5.50 RUB 22.00 Butter Dairy products 26,00 rub. 0.185 kg 130.00 RUB 16 RUB 8.13 32.52 p. Condensed milk Dairy products 30,00 rub. 0.38 kg 78.95 RUB 40 RUB 1.98 7.92 RUB Chocolate Desserts 38,00 rub. 0.1 kg RUB 380.00 80 4.75 RUB 19.00 RUB Nuts (peanuts) Desserts 11,00 rub. 0.055 kg RUB 200.00 16 RUB 12.50 RUB 50.00 Juice (peach) Drinks 41,00 rub. 1 liter 41,00 rub. 4 10.25 p. RUB 41.00 TOTAL: RUB 804.00 108.39 RUB 433.56 RUB

Type of store: small store Name of store: Pronskiy RAIPO "Consumer goods" v. Mamonovo Participant: Klimova Ekaterina Team member name Product Product category Product price Product quantity Unit of measurement Unit price Estimated number of servings Serving cost Cost of food for four Best choice Klimova Ekaterina Ground beef Meat 42,00 rub. 0.35 kg 120.00 RUB 9 RUB 13.34 RUR 53.36 Canned beans Canned food 29,00 rub. 0.4 kg 72.50 RUB 4 RUB 18.12 72.48 RUB Canned tomatoes Canned food 48,00 rub. 0.9 kg 53.33 RUB 9 5.93 p. 23.72 RUB *** Rice Groats 45,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 45.00 5 9.00 RUB 36.00 RUB Puff pastry Frozen products 47,00 rub. 0.5 kg RUB 94.00 5 18.80 RUB 75.20 RUB Ham Sausages 165,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 165.00 27 RUB 6.10 RUR 24.40 Cheese Dairy products 250,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 250.00 40 RUB 6.25 RUB 25.00 Butter Dairy products 110,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 110.00 16 RUB 6.90 27.60 RUB *** Condensed milk Dairy products 35,00 rub. 0.38 kg 92.10 rub. 40 2.30 p. 9.20 p. Chocolate Desserts 37,00 rub. 0.1 kg RUB 370.00 80 4.63 RUB 18.52 RUB *** Nuts (peanuts) Desserts 11.50 rub. 0.055 kg 209.10 RUB 16 RUB 13.10 52.40 p. Juice (peach) Drinks 41,00 rub. 1 liter 41,00 rub. 4 10.25 p. RUB 41.00 TOTAL: 860.50 RUB RUR 114.72 458.88 RUR

Store type: supermarket Store name: "Magnit" Novomichurinsk Participant: Kulenchenko Kristina Team member's name Product Product category Product price Product quantity Unit of measurement Product unit price Estimated number of servings Serving cost Cost of food for four Best choice Kulenchenko Kristina Minced beef Meat 23, 80 p. 0.25 kg 95.20 RUB 9 RUB 10.58 42.32 p. Canned beans Canned food 20.90 rub. 0.4 kg 52.25 RUB 4 RUB 13.06 52.24 p. *** Canned tomatoes Canned food 55,00 rub. 0.9 kg RUB 61.10 9 6.80 RUB 27.20 p. Rice Groats 36.20 rub. 1 kg 36.20 rub. 5 7.24 p. 28.96 RUB Puff pastry Frozen food 42,00 rub. 0.5 kg RUB 84.00 5 16.80 RUB 67.20 p. Ham Sausages 150,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 150.00 27 5.56 RUB 22.24 RUB *** Cheese Dairy products 164.60 rub. 1 kg RUB 164.00 40 RUB 4.10 16.40 p. Butter Dairy products 21,00 rub. 0.185 kg 113.50 RUB 16 RUB 7.10 28.40 p. Condensed milk Dairy products 22,00 rub. 0.38 kg RUB 57.90 40 1.45 RUB 5.80 RUB Chocolate Desserts 38.90 rub. 0.1 kg RUB 389.00 80 RUB 4.86 19.44 RUB Nuts (peanuts) Desserts 5.80 rub. 0.055 kg 105.45 RUB 16 RUB 6.59 26.36 p. Juice (peach) Drinks 35.50 rub. 1 liter 35.50 RUB 4 8.88 p. 35.52 RUB TOTAL: 615.70 rubles. 93.02 RUB 372.08 RUB

Store type: supermarket Store name: "Pyaterochka" Novomichurinsk Participant: Olesya Bezrukova Team member's name Product Product category Product price Product quantity Unit of measurement Product unit price Estimated number of servings Serving cost Cost of food for four Best choice Bezrukova Olesya Minced beef Meat 74 , 30 p. 0.4 kg RUB 185.75 9 RUR 20.64 82.56 RUB Canned beans Canned food 32.90 rub. 0.4 kg 82.25 RUB 4 RUR 20.56 RUB 82.24 Canned tomatoes Canned food 52,00 rub. 0.9 kg 57.78 RUB 9 RUR 6.42 RUB 25.68 Rice Groats 31,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 31.00 5 6.20 RUB 24.80 RUB *** Puff pastry Frozen products 40,00 rub. 0.5 kg RUB 80.00 5 RUB 16.00 RUB 64.00 *** Ham Sausages 176,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 176.00 27 RUB 6.52 26.08 RUB Cheese Dairy products 145,00 rub. 1 kg RUB 145.00 40 3.63 RUB 14.52 p. *** Butter Dairy products 31.00 rub. 0.2 kg RUB 155.00 16 RUB 9.69 38.76 RUB Condensed milk Dairy products 19.90 rub. 0.38 kg 52.37 RUB 40 RUB 1.30 5.20 p. *** Chocolate Desserts 39.90 rub. 0.1 kg RUB 399.00 80 RUB 5.00 RUB 20.00 Nuts (peanuts) Desserts 7.60 rub. 0.055 kg 138.18 RUB 16 RUB 8.64 34.56 p. *** Juice (peach) Drinks 23,00 rub. 1 liter RUB 23.00 4 5.75 p. 23.00 RUB *** TOTAL: 672.60 p. 110.35 RUB 441.40 p.

Summary "Best choice" Product Shop Minced beef OJSC Novomichurinsky Khlebzavod Canned beans "Magnit" Canned tomatoes "Consumer goods" Rice "Pyaterochka" Puff pastry "Pyaterochka" Ham "Magnet" Cheese "Pyaterochka" Butter "Goods of daily demand" Condensed milk "Pyaterochka" Chocolate "Consumer goods" Nuts (peanuts) "Magnet" Juice (peach) "Pyaterochka"

What the buyer needs to know In order to make the right purchases, customers need to: Get information Know how to use the information Buyers must: Be able to manage in cash Compare and evaluate competitive products and services

Buyer's rights The buyer has the right to: Safety Information Choice Expression of opinion Meeting basic needs Reimbursing the buyer Educating the buyer Healthy environment

How can you become a smarter buyer? The correct composition of the menu for your table is the basis not only for proper nutrition, but also reserves for saving your expenses. It is necessary to have a "consumer culture" - the ability to make purchases in a certain order in accordance with the need for a particular product.

How can you become a smarter buyer? Skillful and thoughtful shopping for food not only saves money, but also saves time. The most important thing is to be able to navigate the prices of products in your nearest stores and make the best choice.

How can you become a smarter buyer? Shop smartly in supermarkets! There are affordable prices and you can save money. Buy healthy foods!

Proper nutrition is the foundation of your health!