How to assemble a cash box. Checkout service. Checkout accessories

Checkout service.

Cash box ( workplace cashier), depending on the configuration, it can be equipped with a conveyor belt, in some cases even two, or it may simply have a tray for goods, along which buyers themselves move the goods.

The conveyor belt is equipped with an electric drive, which is controlled by the cashier in automatic, semi-automatic, or manual mode.

Like any equipment, the conveyor belt tends to break. There are three common ways to solve the problem that has arisen.

Method 1.

The company has a locksmith Petrovich, who knows everything, can do everything and, in principle, can repair the cash box conveyor belt. Based on the repair experience, I can say that most of these repairs end up with the fact that after such a repair the cash box works, but as a rule, the elements of the safe operation of the conveyor belt are already disabled. Manufacturers of conveyor belts are trying to take into account this factor, the protection elements are installed in places that are hard to reach for an ordinary man in the street. For example, on a drum motor gearbox, the most loaded gear is made of plastic, in case of a critical situation, the gear is simply cut off, and the object that caused the jamming gets off with minor bruises and injuries. However, I had to meet the results of such unfortunate repairmen who manage to carve these gears out of iron, without thinking about the safety of operation. It should be taken into account that the locksmith Petrovich has only a set of standard spare parts (wire, fuse, automatic, etc.) and in the absence of the necessary spare parts for repairs, he will turn to the head of the enterprise with a proposal to find these parts, otherwise the conveyor belt will not work. Now it is already a headache for the manager where to find and how to deliver the necessary part, to negotiate a guarantee in case they did not send what locksmith Petrovich wanted.


You do not have to pay for repairs after the fact, in addition, you significantly increase the speed of repairs. Your specialist will repair, if possible, broken equipment in the shortest possible time, in case of a minor breakdown.

Repair speed. The practical response time to the application is 3-5 minutes.


Lack of non-standard parts in stock that are needed for repairs. As a result, an increase in repair time.

In case of a serious breakdown of the conveyor belt, the intervention of a third-party, highly specialized specialist is required.

Method 2.

Look for the first cash box repair office that comes across and contact them. You can now type in the line of the search service "Repair of cash boxes<Ваш город>”, and you will find out how many companies are repairing cash boxes in your city. It should be noted that the employees of these enterprises leave only on advance payment, which you yourself understand is not always realistic. For example: on-site diagnostics (2-3 hours) -> estimate (0.5-2 hours) -> Receiving an invoice for payment (0.1-1 hour) -> Payment (1-48 hours (for example, you received an invoice in 18-00 Friday)) -> Repair (1-48 hours (for example, you paid the bill, and the payment fell on the weekend). The disadvantages of such repairs include the speed of repair and the fact that the repair is done on an advance payment - then it is screwed into the repair everything is to the maximum, and this is not due to the greed of the repair company, it’s just the so-called insurance for unforeseen circumstances.For example: there are two breakdowns in the conveyor belt, but the second breakdown can be seen only after fixing the first breakdown, as a result, the mechanic will make the repair, and the conveyor belt will not work, despite the fact that the scope of work has been completed in full according to the estimate.


Savings on scheduled maintenance.


When asked by a representative of the repair service about the model of the cash box, clarification by phone may be somewhat delayed, in fact, the repairman goes to the site without even knowing what he will have to face, which means that the likelihood that the repairman will have to come twice greatly increases.

In most cases, the work goes according to the formula “Money in the morning - chairs in the evening”, or cash, usually in black cash, not a single sensible head of a repair organization will give a cash register to a mechanic at an object.

Method 3.

Conclude a contract for maintenance of the cash box. In this case, having a contract in hand, the repair company performs the repair first, and only then does the fact of payment occur. The problem is that the contractor, as a rule, signs an agreement on the terms of a constant payment for maintenance (quarterly, semi-annual, annual). Any commercial enterprise has as its task to make a profit, and just like that, it will not keep an employee for the repair of conveyor belts.


The biggest disadvantage is, of course, the payment for periodic maintenance, you will pay for maintenance, regardless of whether you had a breakdown of the cash box or not.


A mechanic will come to you, who will professionally diagnose your cash box, give recommendations, and monitor the technical condition of the equipment. As a specialist, he will know where and what is connected to you and who to contact in this or that case.

For the customer.

Method 1 essentially equivalent Method 3 and is the most economically viable option.

Method 2 Before making a request for the repair of the conveyor belt, be sure to make sure that the fungus is cocked ( fungus is called an emergency switch, made in the form of a mushroom cap, usually in bright red colors. The principle of operation of the fungus, by pressing the cap, the tape stops, but in order to cock the fungus, you need to turn the cap of the fungus clockwise. An approximate view of the fungus in the photo below

other electrical devices are working at the checkout counter, the cleaning lady did not accidentally unplug the conveyor belt control unit from the socket. If you are unable to perform the above steps, be sure to specify how much it will cost to call a mechanic, in your case, to plug in a working conveyor belt control unit into a socket at the cash register. This is the amount you will pay for such simple actions.

For the performer.

Suppose you are the head of an enterprise, your enterprise has an employee who is versed in electronics, electrical engineering, and has an appropriate electrical safety group to work as part of a team in electrical installations up to 1000V.

Try to make estimates for the work and coordinate them in advance in writing.

Refuse to sign estimates for the readiness of the product. Such estimates are fraught with pitfalls. Real case. The mechanic went out for diagnostics, it turned out that the pedal was broken. You have issued an invoice - restoring the functionality of the cash register. When installing the pedal, it turned out that the drum motor is already more than 14 years old, and it just "sucked out" the oil. When turned on for a short time, the motor works perfectly, but after connecting the pedal, due to lack of lubrication, the gearbox simply melted after a day of operation. Since the estimate was signed for the readiness of the product, the question arose of replacing the drum motor at the expense of the contractor. If the estimate had been signed for the replacement of the pedal, the departure of a mechanic, diagnostics, then there would not have been such a problem.

Documents generated by 1C are not a work report, reduce the number of positions in the act of completed work to a minimum. And attach an estimate to the act of work performed (an arbitrary act issued in the form of the contractor's enterprise or another document with a detailed description of the work performed and the materials used).

We check whether the drum motor "sucks" oil along the wire. A characteristic feature is the oil on the connector of the drum motor coming to the control unit. The approximate leakage time can be indirectly estimated by the stiffness of the cable from the drum motor to the control unit. Directly at the drum motor, the wire is very rigid and can simply break when bent, and the farther from the drum motor the stiffness of the wire does not change, the more time the drum motor “sucked”. If the cable going from the drum motor to the connector on the control unit has lost more than 50% of its length, then the oil in the drum motor just needs to be topped up!!!

We hand over (accept) work.

We put a screed of two-liter Pepsi bottles on the conveyor belt, or a load of 10-15 kg, the belt should move on its own, otherwise the repair is not completed.

Be sure to check the operation of all control keys. Attention!!! In the event of a breach of integrity protective film closing the key, even newly replaced keys can fail after 3-4 months.

One of the main irritants for customers in the store is the queue. Checkout queue- this is something that can affect the profitability of the store, no less than the range of goods or the attitude of the staff towards the buyer. Waiting in line in front of the cash register can force the customer to go to a nearby store, where prices may be higher and there is less assortment, but there is no need to waste precious time.

For successful work a self-service store of any format is a prerequisite - the correct selection checkout area equipment. The dominant position here is occupied by cash boxes. Care must be taken with the device checkout area of ​​the store so that there is no too slow passage of buyers and the creation of queues.

Cash boxes for shops can be divided into a number of categories - for minimarkets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, "Cash & Carry" format stores In order to select the required model cash box, it is necessary to take into account the format of the store and its specialization. The main characteristics are the length of the working surface, wide or narrow storage, the presence or absence of a conveyor, its length and width, a special soft coating for the sale of goods in glass containers.

Nowadays, not only the convenience and speed of customer service is of great importance, but also a beautiful stylish design. cash box. A small self-service store with an area of ​​100-300 sq.m will suit equipment of small dimensions with a length of 1400-1800 mm with narrow drives or a straight work surface. For supermarkets from 700 to 3000 sq.m. boxes with high throughput: with a long conveyor, a wide capacious store with a shopping divider. Cash boxes of supermarkets should be designed for a one-time service of several buyers: while one only puts the goods on the conveyor, the other makes settlements with the cashier, the third packs the purchased goods.

In hypermarkets with high traffic cash boxes with conveyor should be even longer. Hypermarkets are self-service stores with a universal range of food and non-food products. The average volume of purchases in them is quite high. Therefore, checkout boxes must have a high throughput, with a wide conveyor, rollers or a conveyor in the drive, increased strength and wear resistance. The Cash&Carry format requires a wide low conveyor and a capacious storage, cashier's free access to the trolley in order to calculate the goods directly in it.

IN Partnertorg.rf represented production models Energy, "MHM" for all store formats and cash boxes MHM for small self-service shops. Managers Partnertorg.rf will help you choose the right model and optimally place the equipment in the settlement area, select related accessories for equipping the checkout area.

The invention relates to commercial equipment and can be used in various stores such as supermarkets and hypermarkets, and other similar trade enterprises self-service.

Known cash box containing a countertop, equipped with three zones, located in accordance with the order of movement of the purchased goods. The first zone is used for displaying goods by the buyer and, as a rule, contains a conveyor, the second zone is used to pay for the goods, and the third zone is intended for packing the paid goods into packages. The tabletop is mounted on racks and other supporting elements that serve as holders for the cash desk control panel and drawers used by the cashier. The table top is limited around the perimeter by a closed carrier frame made of aluminum or hard plastic and divided into components of a given length (EP 2194820, A47F 9/04, 2011).

The disadvantages of this cash box are the limited possibilities of use, the presence of numerous holders around the box for various items, the lack of pedestals in which the necessary items could be placed. In addition, there are disadvantages such as the complexity of manufacturing and assembly, including the manufacture and assembly of the frame. The complexity of the assembly, as a rule, negatively affects this required quality actively used equipment, as maintainability, since the repair, replacement of parts usually requires at least partial dismantling of the equipment.

A cash box is known, containing a box-shaped commodity chamber with a board, on which an upper horizontal polymer chipper is fixed, consisting of a display table and a drive connected in series, installed on vertical hollow box-shaped bases containing corner elements and lower chippers, a tabletop placed at the side of the chamber for cash register. The lower polymer bumpers are made convex and contain internal longitudinal air cavities. The specified cash side contains a control panel for calling the serviceman, alarming and emergency shutdown (RU 93244 U1, A47F 9/02, 2009).

A disadvantage of the known checkout box is that when using a checkout box of the type described, many difficulties arise in terms of their production and/or assembly. Currently, production takes place in every separate case according to the customer's specification on a separate production line and this increases the cost and production time of the cash box due to the numerous requests for the production of the cash box according to the individual requirements of the client.

In addition, at present, the assembly of a cash box requires the involvement of a qualified technical specialist having specialized knowledge and a certain set of tools. This is inconvenient when it is necessary to equip a new store or re-equip an existing one inexpensively and in the shortest possible time.

The closest analogue of the claimed cash box is a cash box containing a table top with a product display area sequentially located on it, having a conveyor, a barcode reading area from the product and a product storage area, while the table top is installed on supporting pedestals, one of which is made with the possibility of placing on her cash register. The tabletop is fixed on the supporting pedestals by means of a device made in the form of a frame made by welding a rectangular profile. The tabletop is also equipped with a protective device - a chipper located along its perimeter (RU 51841 U1, A47F 10/00, 2005).

Known cash box can be delivered to the store in disassembled form, which simplifies the delivery of commercial equipment, and the assembly process can be carried out directly in the store.

The disadvantages of the known boxing are the complexity and complexity of assembling this box office. This is mainly due to the use of a massive welded frame, on which the tabletop is fixed, after which the frame is installed on the pedestals and fixed to the pedestals. The large dimensions of the frame, as well as its weight, additionally increase the complexity of the assembly process of this cash box. In addition, it is not possible to modify and assemble cash boxes of various sizes, because in each case, you need to make a frame of a given size. It is extremely difficult to dismantle and repair the box.

It should be noted that in the production and / or assembly of cash boxes of the described type, a large number of problems arise due to the fact that, on the one hand, such devices have high demand, which leads to the requirement of universality, which is necessary for the production of any equipment in large quantities. On the other hand, often the client makes individual requirements for the cash box, namely, he wants the listed zones to be of a certain shape, color, size, depending on the customer's requests.

As a result, due to the numerous requests for the production of a cash box according to the individual requirements of the customer, today the production takes place in each case according to the specification of the customer on a separate production line. Obviously, this affects the cost and production time of the box.

In addition, at present, the assembly of a cash box requires the involvement of a technical specialist with specialized knowledge and a certain set of tools. This is inconvenient when it is necessary to quickly equip a new store or re-equip an existing one inexpensively and in the shortest possible time.

Thus, there was a need for new universal design solutions that would allow you to quickly and cost-effectively mount a cash box adapted to the individual requirements of the customer using standard components. Moreover, it should be a design that is easier to assemble, which requires fewer tools and less qualified technical personnel.

The technical objective of the claimed invention is to simplify the assembly of the cash box at the workplace without the involvement of qualified personnel and to reduce the time of its assembly.

The technical result of the invention is the simplification of the design of the cash box, which facilitates the assembly of the cash box, and the possibility of assembling the box in accordance with the individual requirements of the client.

The technical result is ensured by the fact that in a cash box containing a tabletop with a product display area with a conveyor, a scanner area for reading the product barcode and a product storage area, there are two supporting pedestals, one of which is configured to place a cash register on it, fixture for fixing tabletops on pedestals and fenders, fixture for fixing tabletops on pedestals is made in the form of profiles with a C-shaped cross-section, with the upper part of each profile forming a side, and the lower part of the C-shaped profile having a base, while the outer side of each C -shaped profile in the middle part has a groove for fixing a chipper in it, and on the inside C-profile has a step-shaped recess under the side and four consecutive grooves, which, depending on the location of the C-shaped profile, serve to accommodate fasteners or technical means of the conveyor zone or the barcode scanner zone, or the cash register storage zone, each C-shaped profile made with internal cavities located along its entire length, and the profiles are installed on the outer and inner sides of the table top, the end sides of which are provided with protective end elements.

In addition, in the cash box in the first groove of the C-shaped profile installed in the conveyor area, there is a conveyor support frame with a support installed on a stepped recess, a conveyor belt tension system is installed in the second groove, while the frame is equipped with a ledge, which is fixed in the third groove, which has a fixing vertical ledge.

In addition, the bent edge of the lower closing panel of the conveyor is fixed in the fourth groove in the cash box.

In addition, in the cash box, the barcode scanner is fixed in the first and fourth slots of the C-profile by means of threaded fasteners.

In addition, in the cash box in the zone of the drive in the first groove of the C-shaped profile, there is an upper limb of the drive.

In addition, in the cash box, the profile board has a trapezoidal shape.

In addition, in the cash box on the side walls of the board, recesses are made for fixing various accessories.

In addition, the recesses are made in the form of grooves arranged horizontally and parallel to each other.

In addition, in the cash box in the upper corner of the first groove of the C-shaped profile and in the partition separating the fourth groove from the corresponding cavity - from the side of the cavity, additional recesses are made for attaching the end elements to the C-shaped profile.

In addition, in the cash box, the supporting pedestals are made in the form of boxes, and their open parts face each other.

In the particular case of execution in the cash box, the cabinets are equipped with shelves or drawers for the convenience of the cashier.

The essence of the invention is illustrated by drawings, where

figure 1 shows a view of the cash box in General view,

figure 2 - cash box, side view,

figure 3 is a view in cross section III-III figure 2,

figure 3a shows an enlarged image of the attachment point of the conveyor frame and the profile of the checkout countertop,

figure 4 - view of the cash box in cross section IV-IV figure 2,

figure 4a is an enlarged image of the mounting location of the drive and the profile,

figure 5a shows the central area of ​​the scanner without additional elements,

Fig. 5b shows a cross section of the central zone;

figure 6 is a cross section of the profile used in the manufacture of the cash box.

The above drawings show a cash box according to the invention, which has a horizontal extension from the end of the conveyor to the end of the drive, the location of which is determined by the direction of movement of goods in the store (usually a supermarket or hypermarket).

The cash box contains a tabletop 1, on which the conveyor zone 1a is located in a horizontal sequence, which starts from the front end and goes into the scanner zone 1b, and the drive zone 1c, which ends with the rear end of the cash box (see Fig.1). Tabletop 1 is supported by support 2, consisting of two pedestals 20 and 21, located near the front and rear ends of the cash box. Pedestals 20 and 21 are made in the form of boxes with cavities located opposite each other, which can be supplemented with shelving or drawers for the convenience of the cashier. The cashier is located in the space between the pedestals 20, 21 (in the same place where the scanner area 1b is located), where there is a place for a chair or chair of the cashier.

The pedestal 20 is only partly occupied by the tabletop 1. The conveyor 10, having a smaller width than the rest of the tabletop 1, leaves space on the pedestal 20 to accommodate a cash register (not shown) and other standard electronic payment equipment, such as payment terminals. bank cards on a magnetic basis or on microchips (not shown in the drawing).

On the horizontal side surfaces of the tabletop 1 (see figure 1), according to the invention, profiles 3 (3", 3", 3"") are installed, which in cross section (in the plane perpendicular to the X axis) have the shape of the letter "C". Profiles 3, attached to the pedestals 20, 21, constitute the bearing support for the tabletop 1.

From the side of the cashier, two profiles 3" and 3" are installed along the conveyor 1a and storage 1c, respectively. On the opposite side, i.e. from the customer's side, one profile 3"" is provided along the entire length of the tabletop 1.

The cross section of the profile 3, shown in detail in Fig.6, has the shape of the letter "C" with the inner side 34 facing the inside of the tabletop 1, and the outer side 31. The profiles 3 have a mirror arrangement on the tabletop 1. According to the invention, on both sides worktop 1 uses the same type of profile 3, which allows it to be universally used in assembly.

The profile 3 has a flat bottom base 30 provided with a groove 30a for fixing it to the pedestals 20, 21 by placing in the groove 30a the threaded connections 30b shown schematically in FIG. These connections, in addition to the direct attachment of profile 3 to the bollards 20, 21, can be used in areas not in contact with the base bollards 20, 21, for attaching accessories at the individual request of the client, such as bag holders (not shown in the drawings).

The outer surface 31 of the profile 3, i.e. the surface on the customer or cashier side, has a slightly convex shape and has a rectangular groove 31a in its middle part for fixing the fender 31b therein. Fenders 31b are usually made of plastic different colors according to customer requirements.

The upper part of the profile 3, located on the opposite side of the lower base 30, is a side 32 of a trapezoidal shape. On the sloping sides 32c of the bead there are recesses 32a, with which various accessories 32b are mounted on the bead 32, such as, for example, holders for a PIN input device or, as shown in Fig. 1, supports for attaching a transparent plastic partition between the customer and cashier, etc. Most often, such attachment of accessories is placed on the profile 3"" from the side of the buyer in the area of ​​​​the scanner 1b. The recesses 32a are made in the form of grooves located on the side walls 32c of the bead. The corresponding protruding parts of the desired accessory are inserted into the recesses 32a, which is thus attached board 32 from above.

Under the board 32 on the inner side 34 of the profile 3 there are four grooves: the first top 35, the second groove 36, the third groove 37 and the fourth groove 38 (Fig.6), sequentially located from top to bottom with a cross section in the form of a quadrangle. These grooves serve to accommodate threaded fasteners or work units of the countertop 1 of the cash box, which will be discussed below.

The vertical extent of the inner side 34 of the profile 3 starts from the stepped recess 33 formed between the side 32 and the innermost side 34. The height of the inner side 34 of the profile in practice determines the space available to accommodate the said working elements, namely the conveyor belt 10 of the conveyor zone 1a, the scanner for reading the barcode 11 in zone 1b and the drive 12 in the third zone 1c of the package of the paid product.

In Fig.3 and Fig.3a shows in section the area of ​​the conveyor 1a. This zone is provided with a conveyor belt 10 stretched in the form of a ring between the rollers 10c along the horizontal axis of rotation. In order to maintain tension on the conveyor belt 10, tension systems of a commonly known type (not shown in detail in the drawings) are used. They are placed inside the tape and are attached to the second groove 36, which is larger in size than the other three grooves. A support frame 10a for a conventionally shaped conveyor belt 10 having a protrusion 10a" is mounted on the inner side 34 of the profile 3 and on a stepped recess 33, and the protrusion 10a" is inserted into the groove 37. The groove 37 has a protrusion 37a mounted in a vertical direction parallel to the inside profile 34, which partially closes the opening of the groove 37 to prevent accidental displacement of the protrusion 10a" of the frame 10a of the conveyor.

Slot 38 is used to receive the folded edge 10b" of the lower cover panel 10b of the conveyor, as well as to insert threaded fasteners to secure the scanner.

Figures 5a and 5b show a support 13 for a product barcode scanner which defines the central area of ​​the table top and provides a place 13a for mounting the scanner's electronics and components. This space consists of a rigid frame made of metal profiles with two transverse bars 13b, located perpendicular to the X axis, connecting profile fragments 3” and 3”" respectively with a single profile 3", separating the scanner zone 1b from the conveyor zone 1a and the accumulator zone 1c . Crossbeams 13b (see Fig.5a) have protrusions 13c with threaded holes for fastening to the profiles 3 with bolts that are inserted into the first groove 35 and the fourth groove 38 of the profiles 3.

In Fig.4 and Fig.4a shows in cross section the third zone of the tabletop 1 - the drive zone 1c. This zone consists of a store 12, in which the goods already registered at the checkout are placed, which are then manually shifted by the cashier or the second conveyor to the edge of the cash box. The hopper 12 is secured by means of a groove 35 into which the top fold of the hopper 12a is inserted, which is specially profiled to ensure optimum fixation. The accumulator 12 can be made in various shapes and sizes by bending a sheet of metal.

Profile 3 has cavities 39, which facilitate the design of the profile, which are located along its entire length. In particular, such a cavity 39 is located in the lower part of the profile 3 between the groove 30a of the base 30 and the groove 38 located on the inner side 34 of the profile 3. , which connect the profiles 3 with the end elements 4, forming the ends of the cash box. A similar recess 39b is located at an angle in the second groove 36 of the inner part 34 of the profile and is adjacent to the groove 35.

End elements 4 are usually made of plastic. The profiles 3 are made of metal, preferably aluminium, while the pedestals 20, 21 are made of bent sheet steel.

The use of the cash box is as follows. The customer approaches from the outside of the cash box and places the goods on the conveyor area 1a of the tabletop 1. The goods are then moved using the conveyor 12 or manually by the cashier to scan the barcode and enter the store area 1c, from where they are taken by the customer after paying for the goods.

The proposed cash box offers numerous advantages, in particular the special shape of profile 3 with the presence of a significant number of fasteners, specially designed and universally suitable for assembly using a single standard mounting kit, which is cut to the desired size and represents the basic element for building a cash box.

The claimed profile shape makes it easy to change the shape and dimensions of the cash box in accordance with the individual requirements of the customer, while the assembly process becomes easier and faster, since the presence of various recesses, grooves for fastenings allows you to avoid a significant part of specialized work, such as perforation and welding, which necessary when assembling cash boxes, currently known designs.

For example, often the client makes individual requirements for the cash box, namely, he wants the listed zones to be of a certain shape, color, size, depending on the customer's requests.

The claimed invention makes it possible to achieve such results when making a custom-made cash box (size, color, accessories) using standard components, which, in turn, reduces the cost of installation and equipment design. Therefore, there is no need to use different production lines for different customers.

In addition, if it is necessary to replace any part of the countertop, without involving a specialist, it is enough to unfasten the profiles and replace the worn-out part of the cash box with a new one, fixing it with profiles using threaded connections. The implementation of profiles with cavities makes the profiles light, which greatly facilitates the process of assembling the cash box.

At the same time, the presence of recesses made in the upper part of profile 3 allows you to easily and quickly, without fasteners and threaded locks, install various accessories, such as partition walls or a holder for a PIN code input device. The conveyor support is also installed without the use of threaded fasteners, but simply by fastening into the appropriate groove.

The claimed invention allows to significantly reduce the assembly time of the cash box. The cash box of this design can be easily assembled on site, since its components are fastened to each other by means of a groove connection. The end elements of the cash box are securely fixed with screws that are screwed into the profile with ready-made recesses, and therefore can be mounted with minimal effort.

Fenders are installed in a groove, with the possibility of removing them, so that if necessary they can be quickly removed and replaced, in case of damage or just for replacement appearance cash box.

The description describes the cash box in its usual, most commonly used form.

1. A cash box containing a table top with a product display area with a conveyor, a scanner area for reading the product barcode and a product storage area, two supporting pedestals, one of which is configured to place a cash register on it, a device for fixing the table top to the bollards and fenders, characterized in that the device for fixing the tabletop on the pedestals is made in the form of profiles with a C-shaped cross-section, with the upper part of each C-shaped profile forming a side, and the lower part of the C-shaped profile having a base, while the outer side of each C-shaped profile in its middle part has a groove for fixing a fender in it, and on the inside, the C-shaped profile has a step-shaped recess under the upper part and four consecutive grooves, which, depending on the installation location of the C-shaped profile, serve to placement in them of fasteners or technical means of the zone tr anporter or a scanner zone for reading a barcode, or a drive zone, each C-shaped profile is made with internal cavities located along its entire length, while the profiles are installed on the outer and inner sides of the table top, the end sides of which are provided with end elements.

2. The cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that in the first groove of the C-shaped profile installed in the conveyor area, the support frame of the conveyor is fixed with a support mounted on a stepped recess, and in the second groove the tension system of the conveyor belt is fixed, while the frame is provided with a ledge, which is fixed in the third groove, which has a fixing vertical ledge.

3. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that the bent edge of the lower closing panel of the conveyor is fixed in the fourth groove of the profile.

4. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that the barcode scanner is fixed in the first and fourth grooves of the C-shaped profile by means of threaded fasteners.

5. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that in the zone of the drive in the first groove of the C-shaped profile there is an upper limb of the drive.

6. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that the side of the profile has a trapezoidal shape.

7. Cash box according to claims 1 and 6, characterized in that recesses are made on the side walls of the board for attaching various accessories.

8. Cash box according to claim 7, characterized in that the recesses are grooves located horizontally and parallel to each other.

9. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that in the upper corner of the second groove of the C-shaped profile and in the partition separating the fourth groove from the corresponding cavity - from the side of the cavity, recesses are made for attaching the end elements to the C-shaped profile.

10. Cash box according to claim 1, characterized in that the supporting pedestals are made in the form of boxes, and their open parts face each other.

11. Cash box according to claim 10, characterized in that the cabinets are equipped with shelves or drawers.

Similar patents:

SUBSTANCE: invention relates to cash registers in stores, where customers themselves put purchased goods into bags, and is aimed at facilitating customer service.

The invention relates to commercial equipment, can be used in self-service retail outlets and is aimed at simplifying the installation, dismantling and reinstallation of the cash box. The checkout box contains a table top with a product display area, a scanner area and a product storage area, two supporting pedestals, one of which is configured to accommodate a cash register on it, a device for fixing the table top to the pedestals and chippers. The device for fixing the tabletop to the pedestals is made in the form of profiles with a C-shaped cross section. The top of each C-profile forms the bead and the bottom of the C-profile has the base. The outer side of each C-shaped profile in its middle part has a groove for fixing a fender in it, and on the inside, the C-shaped profile has a step-shaped recess under the upper part and four consecutive grooves, which, depending on the installation location of the C-shaped profile serve to place in them fasteners or technical means of the product display area or the scanner area, or the storage area. Each C-shaped profile is made with internal cavities located along its entire length. The profiles are installed on the outer and inner sides of the tabletop, the end sides of which are provided with end elements. 10 z.p. f-ly, 9 ill.

The utility model is aimed at simplifying the delivery, storage and assembly of cash boxes, increasing their service life, increasing the convenience of the checkout space for cashiers and customers, improving the working conditions of the cashier, increasing the speed and quality of customer service. The specified technical result is achieved by the fact that the cash box contains two hollow pedestals of different widths connected by a wall, a pedestal lid, a tabletop consisting of a display table, a cashier's table and a drive equipped with a protective profile. At the same time, the cash box is provided with a frame in the form of a welded structure made of a rectangular profile, placed between the table top and cabinets with the possibility of fixing the said elements on it. Each hollow pedestal consists of two posts connected to each other, a panel and a base, and the base of each pedestal is made of a corrosion-resistant material. The base of each cash box pedestal is made of shaped stainless steel profile and has elements of fastening to the floor. The protective profile of the tabletop is made of two-component PVC. The tabletop display table is equipped with a conveyor equipped with sensors to automatically stop or start the conveyor belt. The cashier's desk has cutouts for a multifunctional cash system, money box and peripheral equipment, as well as holes for the bus connector of external devices of the cash box.

The claimed utility model relates to commercial equipment and can be used in various self-service stores.

A cash box is known, containing vertical elements connected by means of side corner elements, a store of goods and a rectangular connecting insert, as well as a cover for accommodating a cash register (RU 26909 U1, 10.01.2003).

Also known is a cash box containing two vertical pedestals, a store of goods and a connecting insert, which are interconnected by fasteners, and the store of goods is divided into a working and two additional zones in which a roller table and a scanner are mounted (RU 28001 U1, 10.03.2003).

The disadvantages of the known cash boxes are the inconvenience and complexity of maintenance, low degree of automation, lack of protection of the surfaces of the cash boxes.

The closest analogue of the known ones is a cash box containing two vertical hollow pedestals interconnected by a connecting wall, a pedestal lid, and a tabletop consisting of a display table, a scanner body and a drive, and equipped with a plastic chipper on its side (RU 31934 U1, 09/10/2003).

The disadvantages of this design include the inconvenience in transporting parts, installing and assembling equipment before operation, difficulty in operation, and low comfort of the cashier's working conditions.

The objective of the claimed utility model is to create a functional and comfortable table for a cashier - a cash box, which allows you to make the cashier area more ergonomic and most convenient for both the cashier and the buyer.

The solution of this problem provides a technical result, which consists in simplifying the delivery, storage and assembly of cash boxes, increasing their service life, increasing the convenience of the checkout space for cashiers and customers, improving the working conditions of the cashier, increasing the speed and quality of customer service.

The essence of the utility model is that the cash box contains two hollow pedestals of different widths connected by a wall, a lid of the pedestal, a tabletop consisting of a display table, a cashier's table and a drive, equipped with a protective profile, while it is equipped with a frame in the form of a welded structure made of rectangular profile placed between the table top and cabinets with the possibility of fixing the said elements on it, wherein each hollow cabinet consists of two racks connected to each other, a panel and a base, and the base of each cabinet is made of corrosion-resistant material.

In a particular case of execution, the base of each cash box pedestal is made of a shaped stainless steel profile and has elements for fastening to the floor.

The protective profile of the tabletop is made of two-component polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

The tabletop display table is equipped with a conveyor equipped with sensors to automatically stop or start the conveyor belt.

In another particular case, cutouts were made in the cashier's desk for a multifunctional cash system, a cash drawer and peripheral equipment, as well as holes for a bus connector for external devices of the cash box.

Figure 1 shows general form cash box in the assembled state, figure 2 - General view of the cash box in disassembled state, figure 3 - shows the countertop element - the cashier's table.

cash box contains a tabletop 1, two hollow pedestals 2 of different widths, which are interconnected by a connecting wall 3, as well as a lid 4 of the pedestal, which is placed on the base with a larger width.

The tabletop 1 consists of three separate elements: the display table 5, the cashier's table 6 and the drive 7 and is equipped with a two-component PVC profile 8. A conveyor equipped with sensors for automatic stop or start of the conveyor belt (not shown) can be mounted on the display table 5.

Each hollow pedestal 2, in turn, consists of two racks 9, a panel 10 and a base 11 connected with fasteners (not shown). All the above-mentioned elements are mounted on a universal frame 12, which is presented in the form of a welded structure made of a rectangular profile and is placed between the table top 1 and pedestals 2.

The cabinet, which has a large width, is equipped with a shelf 13, fixed between two posts 9 and a panel 10.

Cutouts 14 for a multifunctional cash system and peripheral equipment, a cutout 15 for a cash drawer, as well as holes for a bus connector for external devices of a cash box (not shown) can be made in the cashier's table 6.

The assembly of the cash box involves the connection of racks 9, panels 10 and base 11 of each of the pedestals. Three elements of the tabletop are fixed to the frame 12: display table 5, cashier's table 6 and storage 7, as well as cover 4 of the pedestal. Then the frame 12 is lowered onto the assembled pedestals connected by the wall 3.

The collapsible design of the inventive cash box allows you to compactly place, pack and prepare for transportation all the details, simplifies loading and unloading operations, reduces the risk of mechanical damage to the product and makes it easy to replace damaged (faulty) components.

In addition, this design makes it possible to assemble checkout boxes with different lengths and widths of drives and display tables (depending on the format of the store), which allows you to choose the best solution for stores of different layouts.

The universal frame, on which all elements of the cash box are attached, allows you to assemble tables both left-handed and right-handed.

The bases of the cabinets made of stainless steel give special rigidity to the structure, protect the product from moisture and chemicals used to clean the floors.

A two-component protective PVC profile encircles the tabletop along the entire perimeter, except for the middle part on the side of the cashier. It performs not only a decorative function, but also protects the table from mechanical damage, thereby extending the service life of the cash box.

The presence of cutouts in the cashier's table allows you to install a multifunctional cash system (POS system, front system), a cash drawer and other peripheral equipment (barcode scanner, weighing system, magnetic card reader, etc.), which ensures a frontal landing of the cashier , which reduces fatigue and speeds up the process of goods release and settlement with customers.

The use of the cash box is as follows. The customer approaches from the front of the cash box and places the goods on the display table. Further, the goods are moved using a conveyor or manually by a cashier for scanning and enter the drive, from where they are taken by the buyer after payment. At the same time, the display of the multifunctional cash system displays the current amounts of goods during scanning and the total amount.

As a result of the creation of the claimed utility model, a functional and convenient table for the work of a cashier has been created - a cash box, which provides a technical result, which consists in simplifying

delivery, storage and assembly of cash boxes, increasing the service life of cash boxes, increasing the convenience of the checkout space for cashiers and customers, improving the working conditions of the cashier, increasing the speed and quality of customer service.

1. A cash box containing two hollow pedestals of different widths connected by a wall, a lid of the pedestal, a tabletop consisting of a display table, a cashier's table and a drive, equipped with a protective profile, characterized in that it is equipped with a frame in the form of a welded structure made of a rectangular profile, placed between the tabletop and the cabinets with the possibility of fixing the said elements on it, wherein each hollow cabinet consists of two racks connected to each other, a panel and a base, and the base of each cabinet is made of a corrosion-resistant material.