Philosophy and global problems of our time. Summary: Global problems of our time. Topic: "Philosophy of Global Problems"

Topic 15. Philosophy global problems

Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence global problems.

The term "global" comes from the Latin "globe", the globe. Hence, it is customary to call global problems such problems that are of a common human nature and affect not only the interests of all mankind as a whole, but also individual people almost anywhere in the world. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, as well as to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet. In 1992, a conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the heads of government of many states, who adopted documents stating that the values ​​offered by the West lead humanity to destruction.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many scientists - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 90s of the twentieth century, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research emerged, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is formed by the results of particular sciences. Philosophy becomes a connecting link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is focused in its analysis on interdisciplinarity.

Each era gives birth to its own philosophy. Modern philosophy should become, first of all, a philosophy of survival. The challenge of modern philosophy is to find such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of humanity. The new philosophy is called upon to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, none of the global problems can be resolved.

The specificity of the philosophical understanding of global problems is as follows:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values, which largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical issues being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new topic - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Northwest Correspondence Technical

the university

Test work on the discipline: "Philosophy"

Topic: "Philosophy of Global Problems"

2nd year students.

Faculty of IUP and IE.

Specialty 08005.

Serikova E. A. 8702320003

The work was handed over: "" 2009

Checked: 2009

Vyborg. 2010


1. The main global problems of mankind, concept and classification

2. Problems of ecology and the concept of overcoming them

3. The demographic situation in the world, its possible consequences

4. The problem of resources in modern society

5. Military conflicts in the modern world

6. Human capabilities in overcoming global problems

7. Concepts of the future fate of mankind




The etymological term "globalization" is associated with the Latin term "globe", that is, the Earth, the Earth's globe, and means the planetary nature of the processes taking place on it. However, the globalization of processes is not only their ubiquity. It is primarily associated with the internationalization of the entire social activities on the ground. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity enters into unified system socio-cultural, economic, political and other ties. Compared to previous periods, the overall planetary unity of mankind has grown immeasurably, which is a fundamentally new supersystem associated with a common destiny and common responsibility. Therefore, despite the striking socio-cultural, economic, political contrasts of different regions, states and peoples, scientists and philosophers consider it legitimate to talk about the formation of a single civilization.

The globalist approach is found in the concepts of "post-industrial society", "technotronic era" of sociologists D. Bell, Z. Brzezinski, A. Tofler and a number of other scientists.

According to D. Bell, one of the leading representatives of social forecasting, the rapid development of technology and science will make social revolutions superfluous, and an "industrial society" based on the use of machines for the production of goods will enter a new stage of social life - a "post-industrial society" based on the development of science, scientific knowledge. These new social relationships and structures will have to dissolve opposing social systems. Distinctive features of "post-industrial society" are: the transition from the production of goods to a service economy, the occupation of a dominant position in the management of society social group professional technocrats and "great scientists", the ubiquity of "intellectual technology" (informatics, game theory, modeling, computerization) and the possibility of self-developing technological growth with a broad development of theoretical knowledge.

Z. Brzezinski in his work "Between Two Ages. The Role of America in the Technotronic Era" states that humanity is entering a new stage of development, determined not by social revolutions, but by scientific and technological progress. This qualitative leap occurs evolutionarily, from the lowest stage - the agrarian - through the industrial and "technotronic era", where the decisive role goes to automata, computers and cybernetic systems, and science becomes the main and decisive force.

The main contradiction will remain in the world: between developed and undeveloped countries, and the latter should be provided with the necessary feasible assistance to states that have approached the "technotronic era" to create a single world community, forever free from conflicts and antagonisms.

A. Toffler, observing the decline of old and the emergence of new industries, offered a picture of possible transformations of social and technological realities, which he called the "third wave". Toffler saw a direct connection in changing technology and lifestyle, its values ​​- technology determines the type of society and the type of culture, and this influence is wave-like. The last, third, wave, according to Toffler, is caused by the ubiquitous spread of computers, turbojet aircraft, birth control pills and much more, which is shaping a new civilization - new types of family, work style, love and life, new forms of economy, politics and consciousness. At the same time, new technologies are replacing the paradigm of domination over nature characteristic of industrialism.

The globalization of social, cultural, economic and political processes in the modern world, along with the positive aspects, has given rise to a number of serious problems that are called "global problems of humanity": environmental, demographic, political and a number of others. The emergence of a special kind of problems of world development, called "global", has become characteristic feature our time. International forums of scientists, politicians, economists, philosophers are devoted to their discussion and the prospects for their solution. Special sciences are engaged in a specific analysis of each of them - sociology, demography, and so on. Philosophy considers these problems from the standpoint of the possibilities and prospects for the survival of mankind.

Today, the need for an integrated approach to global problems is obvious. The most diverse branches of scientific knowledge should take part in the research - both social sciences and humanities, and natural and technical. The synthesis of various approaches, the unification and comprehension of the result obtained is currently being formed in a special area of ​​knowledge - the theory of global problems, or global studies. It aims to find ways to ensure the survival of humanity; is designed to develop practical recommendations for solving global problems. Its conclusions can be claimed by international organizations, primarily the UN, the governments of individual states, business circles, and the public. Due to the uneven development of different countries, effective recommendations should include a variety of social, economic and political factors relevant to the particular situation under consideration.

1. The main global problems of mankind, their concept and classification

The relevance of the global problems of mankind is due to the action of a number of factors, the main ones of which are:

1. A sharp acceleration of the processes of social development. This acceleration clearly revealed itself already in the first decades of the 20th century. It became even more obvious in the second half of the century. The reason for the accelerated development of socio-economic processes is scientific and technological progress. In just a few decades of the scientific and technological revolution, more changes have occurred in the development of productive forces and social relations than in any similar period of time in the past. Moreover, each subsequent change in the ways of human activity occurs at shorter intervals. Over the 20th century, more scientific discoveries have been made and more new ones have been created. technical devices than in the entire previous history of mankind. In the course of scientific and technological progress, the biosphere of the earth has undergone a powerful impact of various types of human activity. The anthropogenic impact of society on nature has increased dramatically.

2. Growth in the population of the Earth. He posed a number of problems to humanity, first of all, the problem of providing food and other means of subsistence. At the same time, environmental problems associated with the conditions of human society have become aggravated.

3. The problem of nuclear weapons and nuclear disaster.

These and some other problems affect not only individual regions or countries, but also humanity as a whole. For example, the consequences of a nuclear test are being felt everywhere. The depletion of the ozone layer, caused largely by the disruption of the hydrocarbon balance, is felt by all the inhabitants of the planet. The use of chemicals used to control pests in the fields can cause massive poisoning in regions and countries geographically distant from the place of production of contaminated products.

Thus, the global problems of our time is understood as a whole complex of the most acute socio-natural contradictions affecting the world as a whole, and with it local regions and countries. Global problems must be distinguished from regional, local and local ones.

Regional problems include a range of acute issues that arise within individual continents, large socio-economic regions of the world or in large states.

The concept of "local" refers to the problems of either individual states, or large territories of one or two states (for example, earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters and their consequences, local military conflicts; collapse of the Soviet Union, etc.). Local problems arise in certain regions of states, cities (for example, conflicts between the population and the administration, temporary difficulties with water supply, heating, etc.). However, one should not forget that unresolved regional, local and local problems can acquire a global character.

For example, the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant directly affected only a number of regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (a regional problem), but if the necessary safety measures are not taken, its consequences can in one way or another affect other countries, and even acquire a global character. Any local military conflict can gradually turn into a world conflict if in its course the interests of a number of countries other than its participants are affected, as evidenced by the history of the emergence of the first and second world wars, etc.



on the topic: "Global problems of our time"

Prepared by:

doctor of philosophical science,

professor Naumenko S.P.

Belgorod - 2008


The main

1. Introduction to philosophy / Ed. I.T. Frolov. - M., 1986. IIh. Chapter XVIII. S.585-618.

2. Kokhanovsky V. Philosophy. - Rostov-on-Don, 1998. Chapter XIV. S.541-570.

3. Radugin A.A. Philosophy. - M., 1998.S. 249-260.


Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, it was required to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet. In 1992, a conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the heads of government of many states, who adopted documents stating that the values ​​offered by the West lead humanity to destruction.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 90s, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research emerged, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is formed by the results of particular sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, since it contributes to the integration of special sciences that need agreement on coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes a connecting link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is focused in its analysis on interdisciplinarity.

Each era gives birth to its own philosophy. Modern philosophy should become, first of all, a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to find such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of humanity. The new philosophy is called upon to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, not a single bottom of the global problems can receive a fundamental solution.

Specificity of philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values, which largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new topic - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also across the whole spectrum negative consequences technogenic development path. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. Organizationally, solving global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

When clarifying the ways of solving global problems, it is necessary to determine the strategy for their solution. Here, as a starting point, one can take their classification into three interrelated groups. Today there are many attempts to develop solutions to global problems. And here a special place is occupied by the Club of Rome, headed by Aurelio Peccei for a long time. At the initiative of this non-governmental organization, a number of major studies have been carried out, published in the form of reports. These include: "The Limits of Growth", "Humanity at a Turning Point", "The Goals of Humanity", etc. Within this direction, the unity of modern civilization and the common destiny of all countries and peoples are realized.

Global problems in many respects change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to overestimate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization at its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I.Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “A person for the first time understood that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of a separate personality, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. " Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on man's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in a moral reorientation of people, in comprehending the current situation from these positions and in finding practical ways out of it.

The crisis of modern society is largely due to the total, global alienation of man. Hence the salvation of humanity in the improvement of society and in the education of the person himself, and not only in scientific and technological achievements. The systemic organization of programs for solving global problems involves the use of global modeling.

Global problems demand from humanity spiritual unity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require fundamentally new relationships between people, as well as relationships between people and nature.

1. Kochergin A.N. Philosophy and global problems. - M., 1996.

2. Leibin V.M. Globalistics - history and modernity. - M., 1992.

3. Lorenz K. The Eight Deadly Sins of Civilized Humanity // Questions of Philosophy. - 1992. - No. 8.

4. Science and global problems of our time. Round table // Questions of philosophy. - 1984 - No. 7.8.

5. Jaspers K. Future world order // XX century and the world. - 1990. - No. 9.

Despite the fact that humanity in the 21st century is developing by leaps and bounds and claims to conquer other planets, it still has unresolved global problems of our time. Philosophy considers them in conjunction with the processes taking place in the economy, politics and other areas of human life.

Certain problems have received global status due to the fact that they affect almost the entire population of the Earth and can threaten the death of the entire civilization.

Philosophy also considers modernity from a historical perspective, often problems are not solved for many centuries. Wars and their consequences were, are and, unfortunately, will be, as long as there are ambitions and the desire to make money on it. The same can be said for food shortages. The instability of weather conditions, wars, political and economic crises at all times affected the supply of food. In the modern world, with a sufficiently high level of production, out of 7 billion people, only 1 billion do not experience hunger, and the rest do not eat up regularly. Another problem that has existed for centuries is the illiteracy of the population. Previously, the government of any country "did not bother" with this issue. the problem has received in connection with scientific and technological progress. It turned out that in order to work in factories and plants, you need a qualified work force... We were industrially concerned about this, but illiteracy was never defeated.

Philosophy considers some of the global problems of our time to be a product of our time. By the end of the 20th century, the realization came that natural resources are not endless, they require careful treatment. Environmental problems have become acute. Industrial explosive growth, uncontrolled use mineral fertilizers- all this has led to the fact that large areas of agricultural land are becoming unusable. Chemical and oil refineries pollute rivers and freshwater reservoirs. A large amount of garbage, radioactive and chemical waste is also a huge problem. The increase in the population does not add optimism either. It grows mainly in countries with poorly developed economies, where 75% of the population is up to 35-40 years old. They also need to do something.

The planet's climate change and the impact on us (the activity of the Sun, the threat of the fall of large meteorites and asteroids) are also global problems of our time. Philosophy notes the change in human consciousness under the influence of such a probable threat. Perhaps that is why the expectation of the end of the world has taken on grandiose proportions.

So where to look for solutions to global problems? First, states and humanity as a whole must learn to negotiate with each other. The history of mankind is the history of wars. Second, the industry must finally become environmentally friendly. And the developed countries are simply obliged to help third world countries in this, where they do not think about environmental problems at all. Economic development and educational programs can help manage populations in disadvantaged countries.

But the ways of solving the global problems of our time may remain just undertakings, as long as in the first place there will be a thirst for quick benefits and the desire of some states to control the world economy and politics.

Modern humanity has entered the third millennium of its development, which has given rise to new problems and challenges, has sharpened attention to traditional global problems.

The introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology into production, the emergence of new technologies, energy sources and materials) led, on the one hand, to profound qualitative changes in the life of society. Humanity has entered the era of the scientific and technological revolution, has intensified the anthropogenic impact on nature, which is of a contradictory nature. Positive and negative phenomena are intertwined in it: the improvement of technologies and the growth of production, contribute to a more complete satisfaction of the needs of people, the rational use of natural resources, and an increase in food production. On the other hand, the natural environment is being polluted, forests are being destroyed, soil erosion is increasing, acid rains are falling, the ozone layer around the earth is decreasing, the health of people is deteriorating, and the like. Certain difficulties arise from the very life and activities of a person.

In essence, in scale and significance, they are different: some are local in nature and do not require huge efforts, resources and funds to solve; others - cause influence within a certain region, and also do not present significant difficulties. However, there are those who will read the interests of all mankind, pose a threat to all earthlings, to all life on Earth. These are problems of a planetary order. They, to the greatest extent, disturb humanity, make Him think about his future, look for ways, methods and means of solving them.

The term "global problems" appeared in the 60s of the XX century. First in the West, then in the East, in the former Soviet Union. Both then and now, among scientists, philosophers there was no single, generally accepted, universal thought on nature and the reasons for their occurrence, assessment and solutions. To this day, there is a discrepancy regarding the number of global problems. Western researchers (in particular, representatives of the Club of Rome) believe that modern mankind faces about a hundred global problems. Domestic - there are about three dozen of them. Much more essential is the establishment of priorities among them, which need to be addressed in the first place, and how to solve them. We are talking about specific scientific, technical and technological, material and resource ways, methods and means of solving them and the costs that humanity must incur.

Scientists agree that global problems threaten human existence. The ecological ones are especially resonant. Therefore, the state of modern ecology is a constant object of thought for thinkers. According to A. Peccei and MF Rsimers, man himself created these problems, "there are all beginnings and ends in her" 1. If a person does not change, then nothing will save her from the fate of dinosaurs. Researchers understand that global issues are critical. Their totality may vary, but their acuteness and vital significance for society and civilization is enormous.

Global problems is an object of study in many sciences (natural, social and humanitarian, including philosophical). Each of them, in addition to philosophy, examines one or more aspects of the problem. Philosophy strives for a comprehensive, all-round study of them, aims a person (humanity) at their humanistic aspect, establishes their conceptual connection with human activities and general development trends. Philosophical theory is aimed at developing and providing a methodology, methods and techniques for studying these problems. Thanks to philosophical knowledge, it becomes possible to explore scientific and social paths their solutions. Philosophical knowledge provides a comprehensive, systems approach, the integration of science and practice. As a theoretical worldview, philosophy is engaged in the study and development of worldview aspects of global problems, actualizes them in the context of a global worldview and, thus, communicates to a person (humanity).

The philosophical study of global problems goes beyond the objective status of their existence. They are based on the contradiction between man (society, humanity) and existing reality, the ability of the natural and social environment to satisfy human needs, interests and desires. These are real, not illusory problems. Consequently, their analysis should be objective, and solutions should be realistic. They really and effectively affect modern development, the rate of progress and pose a threat (if resolved) to the future of mankind.

Global problems require cooperation efforts of all countries and peoples for their solution, since they do not know borders, affect everyone, prevent everyone from living and acting normally. They are so capacious and complex that not a single society or country is able to solve them on its own. Therefore, international cooperation of efforts and resources of earthlings is a vital necessity. This globalizes the world, contributes to the unity, integrity and interdependence of the subjects of the civilization process, the deepening of international relations and cooperation. This is a challenge that life poses for contemporaries, and possibly future generations. Now the slogan "to be or not to be" for mankind has become relevant again.

No less heated discussions are going on about the causes of global problems. Some Western thinkers, public and political figures believe that the main reason for their occurrence is associated with the crisis of man and his spirituality ("the roots of the global crisis in man"). The loss of "human qualities", the desire for profit, wealth and honor at any cost destroy morality , high spirituality, culture of behavior, humanity, a sense of duty and “unties the hands” “to permissiveness.” A person has reached the limit, has become his own enemy and is ready to destroy himself.

A number of scientists, ecologists, philosophers associate the emergence of global problems with the scientific and technological revolution, radically changed the technical and technological potential of mankind, revolutionized military affairs, caused an abrupt transition from group weapons to weapons of mass destruction. Extremely powerful means of activity cause great harm to nature, do not allow it to reproduce in a timely manner. The aggravation of global problems is also associated with the further improvement of information and communication technologies.

I think we can agree that the position of Western researchers in many ways makes sense. Indeed, the emergence, aggravation and solution of global problems largely depend on the person himself, his qualities, scientific and technological revolution, its technological products and their use and application. However, the absolutization of these factors is inappropriate. On the one hand, it seems that the most terrible evil for modern civilization is man and the scientific and technological revolution, on the other hand, the idea is carried out that the development of science and technology will automatically solve all problems and, on this basis, a new civilization will be created ("global community "or synthetic).

Research into the causes of these problems is reflected in the Marxist philosophical and scientific literature. its representatives see the reasons for the emergence and aggravation of global problems not in scientific and technological revolution, the use of technology and technology, but in social factors social relations and state structure (order). The main reason is wasteful exploitation natural resources, the spontaneity of the socio-economic development of a number of countries.

A significant part of scientists believe that global problems are a natural result of the development of our civilization. On the one hand, this is a by-product of the emergence and exacerbation of common civilizational problems, which, due to circumstances, were not resolved, acquiring crisis and catastrophic manifestations, and on the other, it is a product of the modern era (a consequence of the extreme aggravation of contradictions). A fundamentally new situation has emerged, when uneven development concerns not only individual regions of the globe, but also individual industries. social production and activities. Excessive desire to achieve maximum profits and power caused the hypertrophied development of mankind. This has become an objective trend in the development of the world, although the goals of such development are different. For industrial and technical-technological developed countries those spheres and industries that provide huge profits, domination, authority and strength on a global scale have become priority. For some countries, the lack of funds, resources forces them to concentrate their efforts and resources in one or several areas public life.

At the same time, the reason for the emergence and exacerbation of global problems is not only in various contradictions, but also in the internationalization of the life of modern civilization. Globalization, the establishment of common rules and standards by the leaders of civilization contribute to the emergence of new global problems. And although the internationalization of public life gives rise to large positives, nevertheless, they should be followed by negatives. Attempts to "adjust" everyone to the same standards leads to the loss of ethno-national, cultural identity, the disappearance of the language, national culture, and the like. It is good when such rules are focused on universal human values ​​and do not show double standards.

The current openness and closeness of the world, the removal of political and state borders and borders, the free movement of citizens have generated a number of global problems: terrorism, drug addiction, substance abuse, AIDS, etc. And in this case, human progress carries by-products regression, gives rise to new global problems.

The analysis of these problems, firstly, logically forces us to indicate the ways, methods and means of their solution. Attempts to move away from them contribute to their aggravation, growing from crisis to catastrophic, which will inevitably lead to the death of humanity, of all life on Earth.

Secondly, the solution to global problems lies in the plane of radical restructuring modern world, the approval of qualitatively new value orientations aimed at deep democratization and humanization of social relations, the development of a common planetary paradigm for the development, thinking and culture of mankind.

Thirdly, global problems can be solved only on the basis of international cooperation and cooperation and the principles of peaceful coexistence. Only through joint efforts is mankind able to defeat such evil as contemporary global problems and affirm the imperative of action: "from international cooperation in universal security."

Fourth, the solution to global problems is unthinkable and impossible without the development of science, scientific and technological progress. Only on the basis of a scientific study of certain natural phenomena, society, it is possible to reveal the essence and causes of problems, and therefore - to give objective "recipes" for their solution. Ignorance (superficial knowledge) produces both the corresponding type of action and its effectiveness.

Global problems will read all aspects of our life. their successful solution - in a comprehensive scientific study, which ensures the development of a theoretical "model" of the global situation, indicates ways of solving, provides a methodology for their solution. Successful solution of global problems also requires scientific cooperation, international cooperation, cooperation of scientists and scientific schools and their high responsibility.

Fifth, effective solution global problems requires scientific philosophical methodology, the formation of planetary thinking. The results of the study of the members of the Club of Rome (A. Peccei, Kahn, C. Reich, T. Rozzac, D. Medouza, J. Forrester, J. Furastier and others) showed that only natural scientific, economic or technological means (methods) these problems cannot be solved. Natural-scientific, technocratic thinking is also insufficient. Needed A complex approach, the use of methods, means, principles of various sciences, including philosophical. Dialectical methodology should be the basis for the formation of planetary thinking.

Sixth, solving global problems requires scientific forecasting and scientific modeling, monitoring the development of global situations. Humanity must learn to predict the appearance of certain problems, have scientific scenarios for their possible development, and work to prevent these problems. One should learn not so much to "extinguish fires" as to prevent their occurrence. This is the strategy, goal and guarantee of the future development of our civilization.

The latter is that all these activities, techniques, methods, scientific theories of solving global problems, forecasting and modeling situations and scenarios of possible development, etc. without the good will of the earthlings there is nothing. We need them good will to practically apply them, follow them on a planetary scale, live and act in accordance with them. Without practical implementation, the brilliant theories, methods, social recipes themselves are dead, and remain ingenious only on paper. They receive their strength and vivacity only in the practice, practical actions of mankind. Moreover, it is impossible to solve them otherwise. And in this sense, humanity poses, and is forced to pose only those questions that are able to solve, since only in practical actions do possibilities turn into reality.

Control questions:

1. What do the concepts of "predictions", "predictions", "forecasting" mean and how are they represented?

2. What do you understand by the procedure of social foresight?

3. Scientific foresight of the development of social processes.

4. Methods and functions of social foresight.

5. What types of forecasts do you know? Describe them.

6. prognostics and futurology.

7. Globalistics and global problems of our time.

8. Criteria for the global problems of our time. nine.

Abstract topics:

1. Social foresight and forecasting of the future.

2. Modern prognostics and futurology.

3. Ecological problems in modern global studies.

1. Volkogonov ED. Opening the Veil of Time: in Social Foresight of the Future. - M., 1989.

2. Gavrila shin B. Pointers to the future. Towards Effective Societies: A Report to the Club of Rome: trans. from English - M., 1990.

3. Global problems and universal values: Per. from English IGF. - M., 1991.

4. Karpenko AC fatalism and contingency of the future. - M., 1990.

5. Kuzmenko V.L., Romanchuk OK On the threshold of civilization (reflections on the future) .- Lvov, 1991.

6. Scientific foresight of social processes. - M., 1990,

7. Pertsik EH Human environment: foreseeable future. - M., 1991.

8. Fugurological concepts of the evolution of civilization // Modern socio-political theories. - M., 1991.