Presentation "hardening the body". Presentation - body hardening Body hardening presentation

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Body hardening
Completed by: Nikita Khorev. Pupil 5 "B" class MOU "Secondary School No. 46". Project manager: Polovnikova Irina Viktorovna. Saratov 2015

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Hardened by the sun
Air hardening
Water hardening

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Ultraviolet rays have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing the tone of the central nervous system, improving skin function, metabolism and blood composition, and promoting the formation of vitamin D. All these factors have a positive effect on a person's mood and performance, and are also an excellent hardening agent in the fight with diseases and infections.
It is important to remember that overuse of sun exposure leads to suppression of the immune system and to a decrease in the body's resistance. The head should be covered with a light-colored headdress that does not impede the evaporation of sweat and does not interfere with the cooling of the head. Breaks are necessary, as overheating of the body can cause sunstroke or heatstroke.
Hardened by the sun

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Morning is the best time for sunbathing. In summer, it is advisable to sunbathe: in the southern regions from 7 to 10 o'clock; in the middle lane from 8 am to 11 am; in the northern regions from 9 am to 12 pm. In autumn and spring, the best time for sunbathing is from 11 am to 2 pm. It is undesirable to be exposed to sunlight directly after meals or on an empty stomach. The head should be covered with a light-colored headdress that does not impede the evaporation of sweat and does not interfere with the cooling of the head. The dosage of exposure to the sun depends on the season and the intensity of solar radiation.
Sunbathing begins with 5-10 minutes, then each procedure is increased by 5-10 minutes, gradually bringing it to 1-2 hours with breaks in the shade for 15 minutes after each half hour. Breaks are necessary, as overheating of the body can cause sunstroke or heatstroke. And burns may appear on the skin.

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The effect of the sun's rays on the human body is very diverse. They cause photochemical reactions that alter protein, mineral, and gas metabolism; cause various physicochemical changes in the blood, intense burning of fat; an increase in metabolism leads to an improvement in blood circulation and respiration: respiratory movements become more frequent and deeper, the body receives more oxygen, thus, the most important functions of the body are normalized. Sunbathing, stimulating the nervous system, has a positive effect on mood, on a person's performance.
But only the judicious use of the sun gives a positive effect. It should be remembered that the effect of solar radiation depends, firstly, on the state of the organism itself, secondly, on the method of irradiation, and thirdly, on meteorological conditions. All these factors, taken together, determine the nature of the body's response.

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The hardening effect of air depends not only on air temperature, but also on humidity and air speed. Taking air baths should be started in a ventilated area, and as it hardens, move to open air. Exercise during the procedures gives them a much greater effect.
If, during air hardening, a feeling of chills appears, you need to run and do some gymnastic exercises. Exercise in the fresh air is very beneficial for the body, especially when done in any weather. It is also very useful to sleep with the window open all year round. All this increases the stability of the upper respiratory tract to cooling and gives a certain hardening effect. For dosages of air baths, you can either gradually reduce the air temperature or increase the duration of the procedures themselves at a constant temperature.
Air hardening

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An important and exclusive feature of air procedures as a hardening agent is that they are available to people of different ages and can be widely used not only by healthy people, but also by those suffering from certain diseases. Moreover, for a number of diseases, these procedures are prescribed as a remedy. The hardening effect of air on the body increases the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes are improved, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is improved, the morphological composition of the blood changes.
Air procedures for hardening can be used either in the form of a clothed person staying in the open air, or in the form of air baths, in which there is a short-term effect of air of a certain temperature on the naked surface of the human body. Staying in the fresh air improves the general well-being of a person, influencing his emotional condition, causes a feeling of cheerfulness, freshness.

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Water hardening
Rubdown, which begins with the upper half of the body - neck, chest, back and hands are rubbed with water, then wiped dry and rubbed with a towel in the direction of blood flow to the heart. The legs are then rubbed in the same way. The entire wiping and rubbing procedure should not exceed five minutes. The next step is douche. Dousing with water with a temperature of about 30˚C begins. After it, rubbing the body with a towel is also necessary. The procedure should last no more than 4 minutes, because the main hardening factor is the water temperature, and not the duration of the procedure itself. When taking a cold shower, hardening is combined with mechanical stress.
Initial procedures are done for no more than one minute. At the end, be sure to rub the body with a towel. A very good method of hardening is swimming in open reservoirs, which provides an effect on the body not only of water, but of air and sunlight. It is recommended to apply local: gargling with cold water and cold foot baths.

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It is necessary to start bathing with short immersions in water for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent in the water up to 10-15 minutes. and more. Immerse yourself in water immediately. While swimming, you need to be in motion (swim) all the time. Do not stay in the water until your lips turn blue, chills or goose bumps appear. You can swim once or twice a day, preferably without clothes at all. It is not recommended to swim after sunset, as well as before 1.5-2 hours. after eating. It is best to swim in sunlit water. Swimming, especially in the sea, strengthens the nervous system. Salts dissolved in sea water have a positive effect on the skin, harden it, increase the overall tone ..
Swimming improves the body's metabolism. Hardening of the lower extremities significantly increases the resistance of the nasopharyngeal mucosa against hypothermia. One of the most effective ways of hardening is the alternation of warm and cold treatments. But only healthy middle-aged people are allowed to use it.

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A very good method of hardening is swimming in open reservoirs, which provides an effect on the body not only of water, but also of air and sunlight. It is advisable to swim in the morning and evening hours. Gradually, the number of baths increases up to 2-3 times a day, while an interval of 3-4 hours between baths must be observed. There are also extremely powerful procedures, such as rubbing with snow. Such procedures are possible only after many years of systematic hardening, but they are not necessary, since a high level of hardening can be achieved by using conventional hardening agents every day.
You can start hardening as soon as the disease or its exacerbation is eliminated. Observing a consistent and gradual increase in dosage, as well as the systematic nature of hardening procedures, you will definitely achieve excellent health and body resistance to many ailments.

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Internet resources

"The Art of the Land of the Rising Sun" - An ancient country lay on the islands in the salt waters. Spring Festival. The tradition of building rock gardens is very ancient. There are special stands for sticks: hasioki. Japan is figuratively called: Ikebana. Clothes of Japanese women-KIMONO. Victorious wind. The art of admiring. Pagoda. I looked for a long time At the whiteness of chrysanthemums - There is not a speck of dust!

"Prishvin Pantry of the Sun" - How does the landscape help us to represent the mood of the characters? “Get up, my friend! In one person it is less, In another it is much more, And in some it is a lot. And we will help and serve you! The sun gives all living things motherly warmth, life. Sleeps, hiding until the time: You look, but not see.

"Hardening of schoolchildren" - Rational nutrition. Assessment of physical performance by determining the respiratory capacity of the body. Rejection of bad habits. Hardening. Mental health. Physical activity. Health formula. How many people from the sick are engaged in hardening. Hygiene standards. Work and rest mode.

"Star Sun" - When the sun sets, the night begins. The sun is very hot. Star Regulus. Without the Sun, our cosmic home - the Solar System - is dark and cold. Star Aldebaran. Scientists who study the Sun say that its surface resembles a boiling mess. The moon and stars shine at night, but their light is weaker than the sun.

"Energy of the Sun" - Solar energy is available to everyone! Solar energy. Study plan. We need new options, new ideas. Poll "The energy of the sun in your home." Do you think solar energy has development prospects? Work is in progress, assessments are in progress. "Pros" of using the energy of the sun. The realization of both possibilities is still in its infancy.

"Eclipse of the Sun" - It is quite clear that eclipses of the Sun can only occur during a new moon. The path of rays during a solar eclipse. Most often, star coverings occur, less often planetary coverings occur. Outside the penumbra cone, the entire disk of the Sun is visible, and no eclipse is observed. Eclipse. Solar Eclipses. Presentation on the topic: Solar eclipse.

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The presentation on the topic "Body hardening" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Medicine. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 13 slide (s).

Presentation slides

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Body hardening and its effect on human health


Compiled by the teacher of OBZH MOU Secondary School No. 2 Kovyneva E.P.

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Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors (low or high temperature) through the systematic impact of these factors on the body.

Hardening is based on the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

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The use of hardening procedures has been known to man since ancient times. Hippocrates (ancient Greek doctor, reformer of ancient medicine) assigned them a great role in health promotion. In his opinion, cold hardening procedures have a special healing power, and those who keep the body warm acquire muscle tenderness, weakness of the nerves, fainting and bleeding.

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A good method of hardening is dousing with cold water. To do this, take 2 - 3 buckets of cold water of the desired temperature and pour it over the whole body. The main role in dousing is played by temperature irritation of the skin, reflexively has a tonic, breathing. After dousing, wipe the body with a dry towel.

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Hardening rules:

The need for a psychological attitude to hardening, interest in it. This is the most important principle. Hardening should be systematic. Hardening should be complex, which implies different kinds tempering: passive and active, general local, collective individual. Hardening should be gradual, the time of contact with strong cold should be increased gradually. Hardening should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the climatic conditions of a particular region. Hardening should be "on the verge of pleasure", ie do not force yourself with excessive stress.

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The most effective means of hardening is swimming in open water. During bathing, the body is simultaneously exposed to the sun, air and water. Before swimming, be sure to pay attention to the rules safe behavior when swimming. It is recommended to swim not earlier than 1 - 1.5 hours after eating.

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The most effective water treatment is ice-cold bathing. However, preparation for this requires special training and knowledge of the physiological processes that take place in the human body when swimming in ice water. This is the highest form of hardening, since in a short time it connects all human organs to the struggle "for survival".

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This type of hardening should be taken wisely, otherwise, instead of benefit, they can cause skin burns, overheating of the body, sunstroke, and overexcitation of the nervous system. It is advisable to combine sunbathing with water procedures. After taking it, it is recommended to stay in the shade for 10 - 15 minutes, and then take a shower or swim.

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This type is available to everyone at any time of the year. Air acts directly on our body. Skin, leads to a number of biochemical changes in tissue cells, irritates the skin receptors of the nervous system. Air baths are best used outdoors; it is useful to combine them with various physical exercises - walking, jogging, gymnastics.

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Wiping procedure: a towel, sponge or a special mitten made of cloth is moistened in water and squeezed slightly. Then, hands are successively rubbed (in the direction from fingers to shoulders), neck, chest, abdomen, back and legs. After that, the body is rubbed with a dry hard towel until reddening and a pleasant sensation of warmth appears.

Tips on How to Make a Good Presentation or Project Presentation

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and sincerely smile (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don't just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will allow you to better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to adverse effects on the human body by various natural factors: air, water, sun, low and high temperatures (relative to body temperature) and low atmospheric pressure. The goal is to increase the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to the adverse effects of these factors.

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Air baths

Air baths are one of the methods of hardening (air hardening), when freely moving air acts on a partially or completely naked body. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances useful for the body. The main factor affecting a person is air temperature.

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It is well known that sun hardening increases the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors. With moderate exposure to sunbathing, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, the level of hemoglobin rises, and the work of the circulatory system is normalized.

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Water procedures

Water procedures are hygienic and wellness procedures that are associated with the external use of water.

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Rubdown is the initial stage of water hardening. For several days, wipe off with a towel, a sponge or just a hand moistened with water. First, they wipe themselves only to the waist, then proceed to wiping the whole body. Rubdown is carried out in the direction of blood and lymph flow - from the periphery to the center.

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Dousing - characterized by the action of low water temperature, a small pressure of the jet falling on the surface of the body. This sharply enhances the effect of irritation, therefore dousing is contraindicated for people with increased excitability and the elderly.

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D u w is an even more energetic water procedure. Due to mechanical irritation by the falling water, the shower causes a strong local and general reaction of the body. For hardening, use a shower with an average jet force - in the form of a fan or rain.

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Morning chewing (swimming in cold water)

Swimming in open water is one of the most effective hardening methods. In this case, the temperature regime is combined with the simultaneous exposure of the surface of the body to air and sunlight. Swimming, in addition, is of great health-improving value, contributes to the harmonious development of the body, strengthens the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and forms very important motor skills.


  • Hardening principles
  • Basic hardening methods

What is hardening ?

  • Hardening is a set of measures to increase the body's resistance to adverse weather and climatic conditions. Hardening- this is a kind of training of the body's defenses. Hardening procedures normalize the condition emotional sphere, make a person more restrained, balanced, they give vigor, improve mood. Hardening increases the efficiency and endurance of the body. A seasoned person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body's defenses.
  • The most important preventive role of hardening is that hardening does not heal, but prevents disease. Hardening can be applied by anyone, regardless of the degree of physical development.

From the history of hardening.

  • As a means of increasing the body's defenses, hardening arose in ancient times. Slavic peoples Ancient Rus used to strengthen health, a bath, followed by rubbing with snow or swimming in a river or lake at any time of the year. The bathhouse performed therapeutic and health-improving functions. Particular attention was paid to tempering in the Russian army, where the Russian bath was also widely used for "strength and health of the body".

Hardening principles.

  • Hardening Is the skillful use of the body's defense and adaptation mechanisms. It allows you to use the hidden capabilities of the body, to mobilize at the right time the defenses and thereby eliminate the dangerous influence of unfavorable environmental factors on it.
  • When carrying out hardening, it is best to adhere to a well-known medical rule: weak stimuli contribute to the better administration of functions, strong ones interfere with it, excessive ones are destructive.
  • Hardening must be carried out according to the following mechanisms:

Systematic use of hardening procedures.

  • The hardening of the body should be carried out systematically, day after day, throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions and without long breaks. Then the body develops a certain stereotyped reaction to the applied stimulus: changes in the body's response on the effects of cold, developing as a result of re-cooling, are consolidated and persist only when strict cooling repetition mode... - Breaks in hardening reduce the body's acquired resistance to temperature effects. So, carrying out hardening procedures for 2-3 months, and then stopping them leads to the fact that the hardening of the body disappears in a month, and in children in a week. - If signs of illness appear, the hardening is temporarily stopped, after recovery, it should be resumed from the initial period.

The gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect.

  • Hardening will give a positive result if the strength and duration of the hardening procedures are gradually increased. Do not start hardening immediately with snow wiping or swimming in an ice hole. Such hardening can be harmful to health. The transition from less strong influences to stronger ones should be carried out gradually, taking into account the state of the organism and the nature of its responses to the applied influence.
  • At the beginning of the application of hardening procedures, the body develops a definite response from the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. As this procedure is repeated several times, the body's reaction to it gradually weakens, and its further use no longer has a hardening effect. Then it is necessary to change the strength and duration of the effect of hardening procedures on the body.

Consistency in the hardening procedures.

  • Preliminary training of the body with more gentle procedures is necessary.
  • You can start with rubdown, foot baths, and only then proceed to douche, while observing the principle of gradual decrease in temperatures.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and his state of health.

  • Before you start taking hardening procedures, you should consult a doctor, since hardening has a very strong effect on the body, especially on people who are first starting it. Taking into account the age and condition of the body, the doctor will help you choose the right hardening agent and advise how to use it in order to prevent unwanted consequences.
  • Observation of a physician during hardening will determine efficiency hardening procedures, to detect unwanted deviations in health and to plan further hardening. Evaluation of the effectiveness of hardening self-control of one's well-being, and on the basis of this, the dosage of hardening procedures can be changed. Self-control is carried out taking into account the following indicators: general health, body weight, pulse, appetite, sleep.

The impact of natural factors.

  • The main means of hardening are air, water, sun rays; combination with physical exercises increases the effectiveness of hardening procedures. The effectiveness of the hardening procedures is significantly increased if they are combined with the performance of sports exercises. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the magnitude of the load on the body is also different.

The main methods of hardening.

Air hardening.

The most common and readily available form of hardening is the use of fresh air. Walking is of great importance for improving health.

  • The hardening effect of air on the body improves the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems, improves digestion, improves the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Staying in the fresh air improves the overall well-being of the body, influencing the emotional state, causes a feeling of vigor and freshness.

  • A more pronounced effect is exerted by cool and moderately cold air baths. Taking for the purpose of hardening all the cooler.
  • Air baths, thereby training the body to low temperatures that provide thermoregulatory processes.
  • Warm baths, without providing hardening, nevertheless also have a positive effect on the body. A person tolerates heat more easily in dry air than in humid air. Dry air contributes to the loss of moisture in the body.

  • Air procedures for the purpose of hardening, they can be used by a dressed person in the open air (walks, sports activities), or by a naked person (sunbathing on the seashore, reading a book on an open veranda).

Air baths.

  • Air hardening prepares the body for subsequent hardening procedures, such as water hardening.
  • The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: a gradual decrease in air temperature and an increase in the duration of the procedure at the same temperature.
  • It is necessary to start taking air baths in the room, regardless of the season at a temperature not lower than 15-16 ° C, and only after a while you can switch to open air. They are taken in a well-ventilated area. Having exposed the body, one should remain in this state at the beginning of the hardening course for no more than 3-5 minutes (further increasing the time). When taking cool and especially cold baths, it is recommended to make active movements: gymnastic exercises, walking, running on the spot.

  • After appropriate preliminary preparation, you can proceed to the reception air baths outdoors. They should be taken in a place protected from direct sunlight and strong winds. It is necessary to start taking air baths in the open air with an air temperature of 20-22 ° C. The first air bath should last no more than 15 minutes, each subsequent one should be longer by 10-15 minutes.
  • Wearing weather-appropriate clothing is essential for effective outdoor hardening. Clothing should allow free air circulation.

Water hardening.

  • An indicator of the effect of water hardening procedures is the reaction of the skin. - If at the beginning of the procedure it turns pale for a short time and then turns red, then this indicates a positive effect, therefore, the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation cope with cooling. - If the reaction of the skin is weak, there is no blanching and redness - this means insufficient exposure. It is necessary to slightly lower the water temperature or increase the duration of the procedure. A sharp blanching of the skin, a feeling of extreme cold, chills and tremors indicate hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the cold load, increase the water temperature or shorten the procedure time.

  • Rubdown- the initial stage of water hardening. It is carried out with a towel, sponge or just a hand moistened with water. Rubdown is performed sequentially: neck, chest, back, then wipe them dry and rub with a towel until red. After that, they wipe their feet and also rub them. The whole procedure is carried out within five minutes.
  • Douche- the next stage of hardening. For the first douches, it is advisable to use water with a temperature of about + 30 ° C, further reducing it to + 15 ° C and below. After dousing, vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel is carried out.
  • Shower- even more effective water treatment. At the beginning of hardening, the water temperature should be about + 30-32 ° C and the duration should not exceed a minute. In the future, you can gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration up to 2 minutes, including rubbing the body. With a good degree of hardening, you can take a contrast shower, alternating 2-3 times water 35-40 ° C with water 13-20 ° C for 3 minutes. Regular intake of these water procedures causes a feeling of freshness, vigor, increased efficiency.

Hardening of the throat.

  • Gargling held every day in the morning and in the evening. Initially, water with a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C is used, gradually every week it decreases by 1-2C and is brought to 5-10 ° C.
  • For hardening, it is recommended, along with the general ones, to apply local water procedures. The most common of these is gargling with cold water, as this hardens the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to cooling.

V last years more and more attention is attracting winter swimming ... Winter bathing and swimming affect almost all bodily functions. In "walruses" the work of the lungs and heart is noticeably improved, gas exchange increases, the system of thermoregulation improves. Winter swimming should be started only after preliminary hardening training. Swimming in the ice hole begins, as a rule, with a short warm-up, which includes gymnastic exercises and light jogging. The stay in the water lasts no more than 30-40 seconds. (for long-term practitioners - 90 sec.). They always swim in a hat. After leaving the water, they make vigorous movements, wipe the body dry with a towel and carry out self-massage.

Hardening in the steam room.

  • Bath is an excellent hygienic, medicinal and hardening agent. Under the influence of the bath procedure, the body's working capacity and its emotional tone increase, the recovery processes are accelerated after intense and prolonged physical work. As a result of regular visits to the bath, the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases increases. Staying in the steam room of the bath causes the expansion of blood vessels, increases blood circulation in all tissues of the body. Under the influence of high temperature, sweat is released intensively, which contributes to the elimination of harmful metabolic products from the body. Bath procedures are not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension.

Tempered by the sun.

  • Solar infrared rays have a pronounced thermal effect on the body. They contribute to the formation of additional heat in the body. As a result, the activity of the sweat glands increases and the evaporation of moisture from the skin surface increases: the subcutaneous vessels expand and skin hyperemia occurs, blood flow increases, and this improves blood circulation in all tissues of the body. UV irradiation has a great biological effect: it promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body, which has a pronounced antirachitic effect; accelerates metabolic processes. UV rays improve blood composition, have a bactericidal effect, thereby increasing the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases; they have a tonic effect on almost all body functions.
  • The skin of different people has a different degree of sensitivity to solar radiation. This is due to the thickness of the stratum corneum, the degree of blood supply to the skin and its ability to pigmentation.


  • Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening, they should be taken very carefully, otherwise, instead of benefit, they will bring harm (burns, heat and sunstroke). It is best to sunbathe in the morning, when the air is especially clean and not yet too hot, as well as in the late afternoon, when the sun goes down. Their duration should not exceed 5 minutes (then add 3-5 minutes, gradually bringing to an hour). You can't sleep while sunbathing! The head should be covered with a panama hat, and the eyes with dark glasses.
  • In conclusion, I note that hardening is an important means of prevention adverse impact weather and climatic conditions on the body. The systematic use of hardening procedures increases the overall level of human health.