Which crowdfunding platforms can you trust in Russia? Crowdfunding - Russian platforms and principles of their work Platform for collecting money

The main problem for the implementation of most projects is the lack of funding. Sometimes the creation of a business, art objects, gadgets and much more is forced to be postponed due to the reluctance of fairly large investors to take risks and invest, or when they set conditions for cooperation that the organizer cannot agree to. Crowdfunding is one of the forms of obtaining financial security for the implementation of various ideas. In fact, it is a method in which funds are provided by a large number of people. Evaluate existing ones to increase the likelihood of successfully attracting investors.

Literally the concept itself can be translated as “crowd funding”. As a rule, for the invested funds, people are provided with a certain product or service, which will become the main source of profit for the organizer of the company after successful fundraising. Sometimes there are options for treating crowdfunding as royalty-free fees. To interact with potential "investors from the people" today, a huge number of sites have been created on the Internet. The Russian-speaking space was no exception.

Crowdfunding - Russian sites

Today, there are a fairly large number of different crowdfunding portals on the Russian Internet, but below we will consider the largest and most popular ones today. Each of them has its own characteristics, including both advantages and disadvantages. However, the latter are determined by the goals facing the businessman. For example, many intend to open, but do not have the initial capital.

Advice: do not rush to start a project on the first site that comes across. Evaluate which projects succeed on a specific crowdfunding platform and which don't. This will assess the interests of users. You need to find the most suitable site for fundraising, as well as evaluate the conditions, and only after that announce the start of the fundraising.

"Through the world"

The Crowdfunding site “Along the Line” requires project organizers to have Russian citizenship. All initiators of fees in mandatory should voice the key idea of ​​their project, as well as the specific amount of funds needed and the deadline for which funds must be found.

The priority areas are social projects, joint acquisition of a social orientation, as well as promising startups. Crowdfunding financing of projects that have not passed preliminary approval from the administration is prohibited on the site. It should be noted that the organizer is obliged to transfer part of the collected funds to the owners of the site. Specific amounts and interest are determined by the agency agreement, which is concluded on an individual basis.


Among the first, it is worth mentioning the crowdfunding site "Planet". To announce a fundraiser on this Russian portal, several requirements must be met. You must have a bank account, be 18 years old or more, and the project itself must not violate the site's requirements. This Russian crowdfunding site can be used to fund almost any creative project. At the same time, not a single commercial undertaking, as well as a political initiative, will find understanding with the administration. It should be noted that the moderation on this site is quite strict and scrupulous. Before starting the project, you will need to sign a special agreement with the person who will be responsible for its supervision.


Another crowdfunding platform where you can raise funds for the implementation of a creative idea is "Boomstarter". To start working with this Russian resource, you will need to provide the administration with documents to confirm your own identity. The initiator of the fundraising must be an adult citizen of Russia, and also have a bank account opened in his own name.

Crowdfunding collection can be carried out for projects that are in one way or another related to issues of creativity. It is prohibited to collect funds for starting a business, purchasing various things for a specific person or charitable purposes. There is a rule on this site, according to which the organizer of the collection can receive either all the funds (if the goal in terms of the amount of funds is achieved), or not receive anything. The collection time is limited to 60 days.


To open a crowdfunding project on the Russian site Thankyou, you need to have at your disposal unique content that can interest a wide audience. Users registered on the site can fund the organizer for any amount they deem necessary. It is important that the copyright must belong to the owner of the project. Otherwise, the collection will not be initiated.

In addition to complying with legislative norms on content, it is necessary to sign a special contract, without which the payment of funds to the author of the project will be impossible. V individual cases small projects may not be approved. It should be noted that a decrease in the amount increases the chances of a successful completion of the crowdfunding campaign, therefore, in some cases, it is reasonable to save money on contracting specialists of various profiles. This can be helped. For various work on such sites, you have to pay significantly less.


The Kroogi administration strictly stipulates that any content that does not comply with the current legislation of the country is prohibited from posting. You cannot use content that is already available on the Internet and thus is a duplicate. This imposes some restrictions on those who intend to receive funds from the implementation of their creative work. In particular, artists should remember that today in Russia there is no anti-piracy law, which would allow to recover a fine from persons violating copyright for the use of images on the Web. Those who plan to sell a tangible product will also not be able to use this site.


The Rusini fundraising platform allows organizing fundraising for various commercial projects among users of the Russian Internet segment. Among the mandatory requirements for persons opening a crowdfunding project, one can single out the presence of a business plan.

The description should contain a detailed market overview for a specific line of business. All fundraising initiators will have to inform the audience of social networks about the launch of fundraising. For this it will be useful to know. On this site, you can collect funds for non-profit organizations, various start-ups and business lines. The administration reserves the right to prohibit the publication of any project after consideration. It is worth noting that in case of an unsuccessful fundraising, this crowdfunding platform does not require the organizer to provide compensation to users, however, the fulfillment of obligations to the project investors is strictly monitored.

Among the large number of projects, the number of successful projects on the Russian market is relatively large. This is achieved through sound planning as well as a limited amount of crowdfunding fees. In Runet, "public funding" is only gaining popularity, so in the future the share of successful projects will inevitably decrease.

About Yandex.Money

Yandex.Money has long been used to raise money for crowdfunding. But if earlier people collected money on their websites, now they are moving to social networks. Our application will help them quickly disseminate information about any action on the social network, and the informer will show in real time how much money has already been raised, "commented Natalya Khaitina, deputy general director payment system.

It should be noted that recently large companies have also been paying attention to the global trend and increased interest in crowdfunding, for example, the Yandex.Money application has appeared on Facebook, with the help of which users can organize fundraising for various needs - from scientific and charitable projects before going out of town with friends. The application was named “Collect money”. Also, the Yandex.Music service team announced the start of the opportunity to send funds to a popular artist. At the moment, users can send money through the system.

Crowdfunding rules

  • A clearly stated goal
    Public calculation of all costs that are proposed to be covered by donations.
    The thesis "Money is never superfluous" is categorically unsuitable here, because donors can send funds to other charitable needs. In the world practice of crowdfunding, there are no successful examples of campaigns without a target.
  • Transparent collection process
    The information needs to be made publicly available. Not only for those who have already made a contribution, but also for those who are just about to make a decision. Publicity and transparency.
  • Before publishing the requisites, they need to be tested.
    When you try to transfer money to a specific account, the system may display a message that the recipient is anonymous. This leads the donor to think that it would be good to make the transfer with patronage.
  • Help is not only monetary
    Among the people who sympathize with the project, there may be potential advertisers and managers of advertising agencies who are able to include the project in their media plans, and the owners of visited sites who could help to attract an audience.
  • Matching
    Many Western charitable structures present the same condition to grant seekers: show us matching funds - the money that other sponsors are investing in your project. The fact that the grantor has third-party partners who believe in this project and are ready to invest in it serves as a guarantee of its reality and viability. In the case of crowdfunding, it is not the partners involved that count, but the team's efforts to extract maximum efficiency from the donated money.

How crowdfunding platforms make money

Usually platforms take a percentage of the funds raised. The size of the commission in Russia ranges from 5% to 15%. Planeta.ru, for example, keeps 5% of the amount collected successful project... Another 5% goes to payment aggregators. If the project has collected from 50 to 99%, the total commission will be 15% (10% - Planeta.ru and 5% - payment systems). Platform commission is not charged for charitable projects. In addition, the service sells music albums, various accessories, and is also going to open ticket sales for concerts.

The Rusini platform, by the way, does not take any commission at all - it was created to solve social problems.

What is crowdinvesting

Crowdinvesting is an investment in a project made by a large number of people - microinvestors.

This does not mean that only micro-investors are involved in the project. Schemes are different. For example, a 51% block of shares belongs to founders, 20% belongs to a business angel or venture fund, and the remaining share is sold to micro-investors who are ready to invest several thousand rubles each. Microinvestors can receive shares of the company or a share of the assets of a startup. Lending is possible - the founder will have to return the money borrowed from crowdinvestors with interest.

Crowdinvesting has the same advantage as crowdfunding - a massive assessment of the viability and relevance of a project. And the main attraction factor is the opportunity to play with luck, try to guess which startup will take off. The world economy, meanwhile, is being filled with real money from piggy banks. The sums can be quite small - the point is not in attracting "shareware" start-up capital, but in attracting more participants to the investment market and start-up activities.

Crowdinvesting is a game. Not all startups will be successful: only a few will be breakthroughs. The rest of the investment will either fail or make a small profit. So crowdfunding is suitable only for those who clearly understand:

  • All the riskiness of microinvestments, psychologically ready to lose investments
  • That crowdinvesting is a long-term story
  • What they actually provide the startup with a seed round
  • This is not a "lifetime bet", you need to give a really free amount
  • This is largely an image story.
  • Due Diligence may not be carried out at all, the prospects of the project are assessed "by eye"

By the way, the Russian platform for crowdinvesting is SmartMarket.


The main question is whether something new awaits us? If abroad crowdfunding companies are growing, if not like mushrooms, but nevertheless there are quite a few of them and they are spreading their influence further and further, then in Russia new projects are either hiding somewhere, or they simply do not exist. You can, of course, take into account some single projects, like "All Tolstoy in One Click" (opened in June 2013), the purpose of which is to digitize the 90-volume collected works of Lev Nikolaevich.

Video about crowdfunding

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"From the world on a string" - this is how crowdfunding can be characterized. Literally, this is a fundraising system that is equally well suited for investing in a business project, as well as for releasing a music album or book.

What it is

In order to better understand the meaning of the definition, we turn to English language, because it was from him that the word "crowdfunding" came from. Crowd is the crowd and funding is funding.

Fundraising goals can vary. So, some companies collect money for any development or innovation, while others - for the release of a book, which will undoubtedly find its application among the masses.

It is generally accepted that crowdfunding emerged simultaneously with crowdsourcing, which began in the early 2000s. Of course, the idea of ​​crowdfunding is much older than its official publication. So, for example, the same Statue of Liberty was built with public money.

Video - what is crowdfunding:

A new method of crowdfunding can only be considered in the field of business and innovation. Raising money to fund projects via the Internet has only recently started to gain popularity. Today, crowdfunding platforms are used to fund startups and some promising forms of business.

In the above picture, you can see in which areas people invested their money a couple of years ago. To date, nothing has changed. So, social and business projects are needed - these are the two most common areas in investing by the crowdfunding method.

Financial and legal scheme

The role of intermediaries in this method of financing is minimized. With the help of crowdfunding, you can get financing without involving banks or stock exchanges. The whole process of attracting investments is transparent and simple, so it inspires confidence in people who decided to invest cash into the project.

Investor options

Crowdfunding can be roughly divided into three broad categories:

  • no remuneration;
  • non-financial remuneration;
  • financial reward.

In the absence of reward for investors, we can talk about a donation scheme. Donations are most often used in socially significant, as well as in medical projects... For example, fundraising for a child's treatment is crowdfunding under a donation scheme. People who donate money for treatment most often receive gratitude in the form of mentioning their names on a social page or campaign website.

The non-financial reward is often referred to as the Kickstarter model. The Kickstarter model is the most common type of crowdfunding today. It has shown its effectiveness in business: using it, fundraising has been successfully carried out for all kinds of projects, from creative to complex products.

The sponsor's reward can be both a mention in the list of persons who took part in the project, and, for example, an invitation to a concert or production. Pre-ordering something is also a subtype of non-financial reward. For example, for the release of a book, donations are collected from those interested in this, and then they receive the first copies of the book autographed by the author.

The third option, which involves financial reward, can be called a full-fledged investment. In this case, all currently known investment models work (for example, royalties or equity crowdfunding).

Speaking about the legal component of crowdfunding, it is worth noting that so far this method of attracting investment is regulated only by the general rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Even in such developed countries Like the United States and France, the rules governing public investment were only enshrined in 2014.

How to use it for business

For business, crowdfunding is not only possible, but also necessary. However, before submitting documents to one of the platforms named below, it is necessary to complete a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Determine the target market, and also understand for yourself who will benefit from your entry to the market.
  2. Prepare a small outline that includes a description of your idea. Try to keep the idea and story of its creation beautiful: people love true and beautiful stories.
  3. Prepare answers to possible questions that may arise in the process from people who are going to donate their money to you.
  4. Disclosure of information on your project is also quite an important point.
  5. Choose a platform for placing your campaign: take a look at long-standing and well-executed projects.

Video - how to properly describe a crowdfunding project:

Popular crowdfunding platforms

We will start an overview of the platforms with which you can raise money for the implementation of a business project with Russian crowdfunding sites.

In Russia

  • Planet (planeta.ru)... It has existed for over 2 years, a popular and easy-to-learn site. Of the minuses: the system retains up to 28% of the commission from the collected amount of money. With the help of this platform, first of all, creative projects are promoted.
  • Boomstarter.ru... Like Planeta.ru, it has been on the crowdfunding market for over 2 years. System commission up to 23%. Along with creativity, business projects are also promoted with the help of this platform.
  • Rusini (rusini.org)... The site is specially tailored for business projects. The system does not charge a commission. With the help of the site, startups and other business developments are promoted. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this article, this site was not working.


Foreign platforms are more advanced and more popular, however, working with them is somewhat more difficult.

The most popular overseas platform is kickstarter.com... She helps with funding, above all, creative and creative projects.

Another popular site is indiegogo.com... This resource is already more focused on financing business projects. The advantage of the resource is a small commission, which ranges from 4 to 9%.

Rockethub.com is also an excellent platform for investing in business projects. This is a site that is geared towards beginners. The service is distinguished by competent technical support.

So, crowdfunding is a way to attract investment in your project. Investments can be attracted to almost any area, for example, startups or charity. Crowdfunding is a great method to find not only funding for a project, but also like-minded people.

Video - is it possible for an inventor to raise money in Russia through crowdfunding:

OFD, EDS, online cash registers, accounting and other useful services for entrepreneurs -

Optimal conditions for opening and maintaining a current account for entrepreneurs

Where to get money to start a business? A budding entrepreneur will not be given a loan at a bank, taking money from usurers at a frenzied interest is also not an option, you will not have time to untwist, but has already gone bankrupt. All that remains is either to look for an investor, or to save on your own. But the Moneymaker Factory offers another option: to find investments through crowdfunding. Has civilization reached Russia in the face of crowdfunding platforms that will help turn a businessman's dream into reality? Let's talk about "crowdfunding", its pitfalls and other important aspects.


The story of a businessman

The 45-year-old designer Aleksey, whose average annual income has barely exceeded 500 thousand rubles for the last 5 years, decided to slightly change the direction of his activity and start selling decorative plaster. Moreover: to change the consciousness of people and make this material more in demand and popular than wallpaper, since the raw materials are environmentally friendly and for its production it is not necessary to destroy forests. His project rests on 3 pillars:

By the most conservative estimates, he needs 2 million rubles to start, and only a million of his own money. Not wanting to work with banks and MFOs, Alexey turns to us for help in choosing a modern crowdfunding platform.

Is it possible to raise money for such a project at all? We analyzed several popular resources and decided to help our hero. Only those sites that have been on the market for 2 years or more were taken as a "sample".

What is the essence of the idea?

Non-refundable money can also be received from the state in the form of a grant for business development. It's real, people from the street get it without any bribes.

Crowd funding (CF) - collective funding of projects, thanks to which the necessary amount of money is collected to launch a social initiative, store, development software, publishing a book, recording an album. The list is endless - in theory, KF is suitable for any task, be it launching a spacecraft to Mars or a dinner for the homeless. The only difference is whether the founder can raise the required amount or not.

Distinctive features CF:

  1. A clear idea. You cannot collect money "for the future" or "for yourself": they should all be directed to achieve a specific goal and within a specified time period.
  2. Limited availability. Both the final amount of money and the collection period are limited by the project. This is necessary in order to understand which project is of interest to the audience and which is not.
  3. Any focus. In the world, KF sites help raise money not only for artists, musicians and artists, but also for politicians and businessmen.
  4. Venture capital. By making a contribution to a particular project, the user does not receive a guarantee of a return on investment. If we are talking about social initiatives, then here it is not at all necessary to rely on compensation for your contribution.
  5. Gratuitousness. In most cases, KF sites do not require a return on investment from the organizers. If we are talking about the development of a product or program, the release of intellectual property, then the backer can only count on a bonus (all this is negotiated by the crowdfunder).
  6. Effectiveness. The organizer is obliged to fulfill the undertaken obligations and to report on them. If he does not do this, then he is obliged to return the money received for the implementation of the project.

Summary analysis of KF services in Russia:

NamePlanetBoomStarterCirclesThankYouRusiniOn a string to the world

Internet address

Fundraising method *

Work period

Over 2 years

About 2 years

Over 3.5 years

About 2 years

Over 3 years

System commission (including personal income tax)

15% + commission of payment systems

0% + commission of payment systems

Popular destinations

Creativity, music, literature

Art, dance, comics, food, films, technology, etc.

Creativity in all its forms

All kinds of creativity

Creativity, social initiatives, business startups, business development

Social projects, Joint purchases, sports and tourism

Approximate amount of funds raised

Over 100 million rubles

Over 57 million rubles

There is no data

There is no data

Less than a million rubles

Statistics are not disclosed

* VIN - all or nothing (the project is either financed 100 percent, or not financed at all), OV - leave everything (it is possible to receive part of the funds collected as part of the project investment), SC - free price (the contribution is determined by equity holders - backers and is used only to encourage creative projects).

Site "Planet"

  • The organizer is over 18 years old;
  • You have a bank account;
  • The project complies with the Service Rules.

Funded by: any creative, social, socially useful projects, whether it is publishing books, releasing photographs, recording albums, filming films.

Not funded: any political activity, commercial projects.

Features of the site: before publication, the proposed idea is studied by the moderator, and for its launch a separate agreement is signed with a personal curator.

Summary: Alexey can try to raise money on Planet to open the School of Decorative Plaster, but not to launch his own store selling materials and tools.

Boomstarter platform

Requirements for starting a project:

  • The organizer is a Russian citizen over 18 years old;
  • The presence of an identity document, as well as the address of the permanent registration of the organizer;
  • A debit or credit card or a bank account in the name of the fundraiser.

Funded by: any interesting projects related to creativity - publishing a book, making a film, a music album, a cycle of photographs, etc.

Not funded: all applications for starting a business, charity, projects tied to the needs of a particular person (buying things, traveling, training),

Features of the site: the organizer receives all or nothing, and the time frame for fundraising is limited (up to 60 days). Therefore, it is more realistic to collect small amounts of money, including in several stages (by splitting the project into podcasts).

Summary: Alexey will not be able to get money either for starting a business or for related needs, or he will have to deliberately deceive both the site and the patrons. The presented platform provides an opportunity for high commercialization creative teams(musicians, theaters, artists).

Kroogi platform

Requirements for starting a project: ready-made material that needs to be published, and then - receive money from fans for its use (listening, watching, etc.).

Funded by: creativity in all its manifestations (money is transferred from caring users of the project, who can also comment, criticize other people's work).

Not funded: objects that may be recognized as non-compliant with the legislation, non-unique (duplicated) content.

Features of the site: the site is suitable for those who promote their own creativity, want to receive money for copyright materials.

Summary: Alexey will not be able to find on this site the resources he needs to launch his projects. At the same time, "Kroogi" is the oldest runet project for raising funds for artists, artists and other creative people, and with its help many collectives were able to achieve success and popularity.

Site "Thank you"

Requirements for starting a project: availability of ready-made unique content that may interest the audience (music, books, videos, works of art, etc.).

Funded by: users of the project can reward the creator they like with the necessary amount of money (determined at the request of the patron) for any project presented by him on the site.

Not funded: duplicate content; objects, the copyright for which does not belong to the person who published them; objects that may violate Russian legislation.

Summary: the platform, like its analogue "Kroogi", is not suitable for Alexey, since he does not offer a unique creative product.

Rusini site

Requirements for starting a project:

  • Having a business plan;
  • Market overview for the area of ​​interest;
  • Starting information feed (groups in social networks etc.);
  • Publication of information about the implementation of the project.

Funded by: NGO activities, creative projects, startups, social business.

Not funded: the list of projects that will not be published on the site is determined by the Rusini administration individually.

Features of the site: the fundraising system operates “all or nothing”, however, many interesting initiatives were heard and collected the necessary sums of money during the existence of the crowdfunding platform. "Rusini" does not take a commission from its users, therefore it is very profitable to use the services of the service.

Summary: the presented site is ideally suited to Alexey, and his project fully meets the requirements of the site. To collect the necessary money, he needs to work hard and interest potential investors: analytical materials that are already on the site will help in this. The control system for spending funds allows you to guarantee their intended use. However, at the time of this writing, the site was malfunctioning: it was not possible to send a letter for feedback, it was not possible to publish the project.

Refund. The invested resources do not require compensation from the organizer. However, he needs to complete the task at hand. This is confirmed by checks and other documents, photographs, videos.

Site "On a Line to the World"

Requirements for starting a project:

  • The author has Russian citizenship;
  • The idea and name of the project, the amount and time of fundraising.

Funded by: social projects, interesting startups(the site has a successful example of fundraising to open a gym), joint purchases of a social orientation.

Not funded: projects that will not be published on the site are determined individually.

Features of the site: an agency agreement is concluded between the site "On a Line to the World" and the author of the project. In accordance with this agreement, part of the collected funds is transferred to the site free of charge.

Summary: So, “On a Line to the World” is also suitable for Alexey, but in order to implement business tasks he needs to create a beautiful “legend”. At the very least, he should definitely try to raise money to open a school of decorative plastering. You can interest users by offering your services, materials, tools - all this is a topic for a separate conversation.

Refund. At the end of the promotion, in case of successful collection of the required amount of money, the organizer must provide all participants with the indicated bonuses. Thus, Alexey can offer all investors tools, materials, or free education at my school.

Conclusion: Crowdfunding in Russia is better than nothing

Thus, a cursory analysis of popular projects demonstrates the low development of the idea of ​​crowdfunding to promote business initiatives. The existing sites, without a doubt, have excellent functionality, are hosted on good CMS (administrative platforms), and the requirements for ideas are formulated very clearly. Nevertheless, it is too early to draw conclusions about their overall success (failure), because crowdfunding in Russia is known only recently.

Also, one cannot fail to note the superficial elaboration of many of the proposed projects on most sites. Often there is no cost estimate, detailed information on what exactly the funds are required for. At the same time, in Western countries, CF was originally used specifically for social projects, and its history goes back less than two decades. Therefore, in the near future, we can hope that the sites will also be used to launch successful business startups.

Project success criteria

  1. Developed business plan. If we are talking about a commercial idea, then it should be based on real calculations (rent of premises, cost of manufacturing materials, etc.). The numbers must be real, otherwise investors will start to doubt.
  2. Timeliness. It is best to start KF projects in the fall, when people return from vacations. It is worth studying the work of the sites and starting your work when the chances of success are maximum.
  3. Realism. Do not set yourself too ambitious goals: you need to move towards your dream in small but confident steps. Better not to collect large amount than not to get a giant jackpot.
  4. Openness. It is much easier to promote and improve an existing project than trying to create something large-scale from scratch. How more information the pro organizer, the better: people will trust you.