How to make money by organizing quick dates. Own business: speed dating. What is express dating

Now no one is amazed by such firms as marriage agencies. They work - people get married, and therefore their number is growing by leaps and bounds. But there is no limit to progress even in such a delicate issue as the relationship of two people. In Western countries, a new method is now quite popular - speed dating. In short: single men and women get together in equal numbers and are invited to spend time in some kind of establishment. Getting to know each other takes place quickly.

The girls sit at the table on one side, and the guys take turns transferring from one young lady to the other until everyone gets to know each other personally. Everyone always starts with an acquaintance, the conversation itself is short - these are the rules of the event. Then each participant leaves their preferences on the sheets, without a signature. If, when checking, matches are found, then personal contacts are sent to the people who like each other.

During the evening, several couples turn out this way, it is faster and more exciting than contacting a regular marriage agency. But the very essence of the concept of speed-dating is not aimed at solving the problem of loneliness, but to create a platform for a single person. A place is provided and people who also want to meet. Then everyone has to do everything on their own. As the saying goes - forge your own happiness yourself. Therefore, the target group of speed dating is different from the clientele of the marriage agency.

So it can't be said that dating agencies and fast-dating firms are particularly competitive with each other. And even in big cities this movement is not very widespread, so there are not many direct competitors either. To start so popular in principle and still growing business- quite a profitable event. The target group of clients, after all, is also different, both by age and by religion and other characteristics, the main thing is to competently approach all this. There is also an opportunity to realize unusual fantasies and thus attract people.

The very essence of fast dating is aimed at young people, so after meeting directly, you can organize shows or entertainment events, such as parties and dances. At the very beginning, speed-dating was considered an event exclusively for single people who want to find their soul mate. As the name suggests, everything goes by quickly - they get to know each other, communicate a little, and then disperse.

Now this is a favorite pastime for those who love communication in principle or new sensations and adventures. So you can adjust the work for each client and his preferences, speed-dating in this regard is a rather flexible option for business. It is here that a creative person can develop, as well as a sociable person with a broad outlook, who knows the needs of modern youth and their interests.

In addition to young people, initially speed-dating arose for the needs of people who have money, but no time for personal life. They need quick acquaintances - this is a romantic and sometimes even erotic game that brings variety to a person's life. But with the development of this business, the public began to vary, and now they are diverse segments of the population with different needs and expectations. You just need to find your niche that is most suitable for you and your business.

Give a definition this business quite difficult, but there is an article (OKPD 2) 93.29 "Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation." The OKVED code is determined later. What are the registration options? For example, an Individual Entrepreneur or LLC (a company with limited liability), but this requires a legal entity.

The difference is that an individual entrepreneur and LLC have access to a reduced tax payment system. This is 6% of revenues or 15% of operating profit. And here is the registration itself legal entity much more difficult than registration just individual entrepreneur... And it's better to just be natural person, because this business is not designed for any problems with its own property.

There is no need for a room either, because quick dates are held in cafes, bars or various restaurants. It is beneficial - there are no monthly rental costs. True, some speed-dating agencies set up their own dealerships to meet with the clientele. This makes sense, because in addition to quick dates, you can take into account the wishes of clients who are interested in the services of a marriage agency, that is, so to speak, combine the two directions in one. In general, you can have a small office, if necessary. It makes no sense - there will be only one or two employees.

The key to success always lies in advertising. Subject resources, social networks are favorite platforms for young people. You can create your own website. What to write about? Schedule, information, vivid photos, contact information. Do not forget about promoting a group or site - usually you can just buy it as a service in some social networks or order a specialist. Today's youth rarely watch TV and read paper newspapers, so such means mass media unprofitable.

The first challenge and stumbling block is the choice of the venue for the event. It is quite difficult to find a restaurant that is interested in constantly donating an entire room for a themed event, which ordinary visitors cannot enter. The employees of the establishment must work as usual, i.e. be in the room with the organizers and serve the speed-dating participants. But the format of quick dates is such that everyone communicates, and does not eat and drink, so usually one drink is enough, which is included in the ticket price at the event. But you can find bars, cafes and restaurants that agree to long-term cooperation and regular parties - this will greatly facilitate your scheduling and planning events.

Speed ​​dating is usually two hours of the very process of dating and evaluating others, and there may also be a party at the end, so you usually need to count on the evening. Most clients prefer to pursue new adventures on the weekends, this is something to look out for. Although there are firms that hold parties every day and in different time... We also do not forget that the institution must be suitable for the subject of the age group of visitors, as well as the contingent. An unpopular establishment is not interesting to anyone, and can alienate customers. In general, there is a great way: to find out the opinion of visitors about the service and the institution itself after the event. Based on such reviews (positive or negative in the majority), you can get an idea of ​​whether you need to continue to carry out quick dates here.

If we talk about rental prices, it all depends on the level of the establishment and the size of the hall. Do not forget that there are 20 guests, and maybe more, so we are considering spacious rooms. The level of noise is generally a factor that must be taken into account when choosing a cafe or restaurant. Lounge bars are best suited - they always have a kind of relaxed atmosphere, suitable for quick dates. Clients themselves must understand - they came to chat and relax, and not to be hired. But if after meeting you want to arrange a show or a party, then it is better to choose some club. At the price of a small room in an unpopular club, it will cost three thousand rubles per hour, but a larger room that can accommodate a lot of people - already 5-10 thousand.

Who is needed from the staff? If the entrepreneur himself is going to engage in quick dates, then one or two assistants in this matter are enough for him. All administrative and other organizational issues are solved, in fact, by one person. Assistants can be put on the phone to communicate with clients and issue a task to promote the group in social network or a website in search engines to be in the first lines.

Such a business is convenient for a group of friends - together they can easily cope with all tasks, because the main thing is the ability to communicate and creativity. As for accounting and tax reporting, the payments are small, since often there is no premises and its rent, security, utility bills and other things. You can entrust all the paperwork to outsourcing companies that do this kind of thing for entrepreneurs. Payment to employees is usually piece-rate - after all, the number of clients who pay the company money directly depends on them.

There is a kind of speed dating, where a special guest is invited who leads some thematic event. It's fun and exciting, but more like an entertainment event than a quick date. And then the cost of the ticket increases. Therefore, you need to understand that this kind of entertainment is more interesting for such young people who like to have fun in an original and interesting way, but are not particularly interested in a serious search for a relationship and a soul mate.

Other costs are negligible: for example, printing out promotional materials and special sympathy sheets. It does not hurt to take care of the transfer of invitations to the participants - this is done in order to receive part of the money (or the entire amount) as a pledge. This should be done in any case, because there should be equal numbers of guests of both sexes, and some unscrupulous or simply frivolous people may sign up for a quick date and not come. Another feature is a meeting with the client before the event for a small consultation. This helps to understand the intentions and desires of a person, his preferences. There is also a small chance of weeding out conflicting or mentally unbalanced individuals who can ruin the event. If you are making an advanced site, you can add the function of passing the questionnaire via the Internet. However, it must be said that not all firms are engaged in customer survey and testing.

At the party itself, the organizer himself acts as an assistant and guide for the guests, they turn to him with questions and wishes. A very crucial moment that must be taken into account is the general mood and atmosphere, because it is these factors that allow people to behave at ease and to like each other. Therefore, it is the organizer's task to create comfortable conditions for dating, to be sociable and attentive to everyone. Not every person can express himself in this way, therefore it is better to entrust this work to a professional leader or just a more sociable and sociable assistant who can influence the mood of people with his positive attitude... The presenter also monitors the technical aspects of the event, for example, the time - remember that quite a bit of time is allotted for each person.

You need to understand exactly who will go on fast dates. Above, we said that this method of dating is preferable for people with average incomes who simply do not have time to organize their personal life in the usual format - walking around a cafe or even just on the street. The bulk of the clientele are wealthy people, without moral or physical disabilities. Therefore, the success of parties is, in principle, quite simple to explain. According to the statistics of speed-dating events, during the evening at least one of the couples we meet will form in the future.

In just two hours! No dating agency can boast such statistics. Moreover, some marriage agencies use quick dating services to get clients to attend such an event as an alternative or simply in addition to the traditional search for a partner. Which once again speaks about the effectiveness of this method of acquaintance, and as a result - of business.

But even for those who are not very interested in relationships in principle or simply in long-term serious relationships (for example, young people), this is a new and exciting way to make friends and communicate. Speed ​​dating is quite rare for those over 35, but the minimum threshold is 20. There is an opinion that the age of a man should be more, so at such parties you can usually find men 3-4 years older than the beautiful half of humanity.

With thematic events, the opportunity to pick people according to interests increases significantly. Indeed, in principle, you need to make a lot of effort to find people similar in hobbies and spirit. Comfortable and easy communication directly depends on this, even if no one liked romantically. Also, the cost of the ticket already implies some sorting of people by social status.

The smallest price is 500 rubles, but no one usually expects a strong organization or theme here and invited guests. Rather, it is an event for curious people who want to have fun easily. On average, the price of a ticket for a well-organized event is 1,500 rubles, but if there is some famous person in the program as a presenter or just a guest, the cost can increase significantly.

Speed ​​dating as a search method is evolving, and now you can find such events where they are looking for business partners, professional activities, just like-minded people in their profile. You can invite investors or people with business proposals to such parties. Such events are successful, but require a more serious approach from the organizer and, preferably, the hiring of employees who understand this topic.

Here we are talking about marketers, business consultants, and psychologists. It makes sense to arrange a full presentation as bonus program but still the concept of a quick date is independent search and communication of interests. The ticket price for such parties is not very different from the usual one. However, this direction of a quick date can be quite interesting and beneficial for the entrepreneur himself, if he wants to continue to develop as a businessman.

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How to make money on single people and, at the same time, help them find their soul mate? Very simple - speed dating. This scheme of earning and helping single people was invented by the American Jacob Deveaux in 1998. Since then, fast dating has spread widely around the world and brought together more than one couple of people who have not been able to find their soul mate for years.

Restaurant + 10 girls + 10 men + host = quick date. The essence of such events is as follows. The organizer invites 10 men and 10 women of approximately the same age to a cozy cafe or restaurant (for example, girls 20-30, men 25-35). Age groups can be formed completely different, the main thing is that the average age difference is approximately 5-7 years.

Previously, all participants are interviewed with the organizer to identify the type. This is necessary in order to protect everyone present from people with an unbalanced psyche, maniacs, etc. The organizer asks a series of questions that determine the personality type of a person. For example, the organizer can do the Leonhard test. A very good test, in which the test taker will have to answer 88 questions and the test will accurately determine all the components of a person's type (hyperthymic type, excitable, emotive, pedantic, anxious, unbalanced, and some others.). Testing is one of the most important steps in selecting participants. The test can be carried out both in the office and online, so as not to waste a person's time.

After testing all participants, the organizer selects 20 people, who then sends an invitation to participate in speed dating with the specified date, time and place of the event. The dress code of the participants must be either formal or a day off. You cannot come home or sportswear.

When all the invitees have gathered for the specified time in a restaurant rented by the organizers for the evening, the presenter seats all the girls at separate tables and gives them badges with numbers from 1 to 10. Men are also given similar badges. The restaurant has pleasant music, dim lights, and there is a bottle of champagne on every table. And here the cultural program begins.

The presenter introduces himself, once again tells the rules. The rules are as follows: Each man sits down with a woman and they have 5 minutes to learn as much as possible about each other. Scientists have proven that the first impression of a person occurs within 30 seconds of visual and verbal contact, and in 3 minutes a general impression is formed. Therefore, 5 minutes will be enough. After the participants have talked with their ladies for 5 minutes, each man is seated at an adjacent (clockwise) table. And communication begins again. And so on until every man communicates with every woman. During transfers, the waiters have 1 minute to change the champagne glasses.

When all the participants talked to each other, the presenter issues each a questionnaire. There are only 4 columns in the questionnaires: name of the participant / woman, number, column "Only friendship", column "Interested", column "Not interested". At the top of the questionnaire there is a field for filling in the number and name of the owner of the questionnaire. Men and women should put only 1 tick in 1 of 3 columns. Only friendship means interested, but not in terms of relationships, only communication and friendship suits. Interested - I want to get to know each other better, possibly start a relationship. Not interested - the graph speaks for itself.

After all the participants have submitted the completed questionnaires, they can be free. Then the organizers check all the questionnaires and if they find matches, they send the participants their sympathy numbers, that is, contacts are exchanged through the organizers. For example, the girl at number 3 showed sympathy for the men at numbers 1, 8, 10, and the man at number 8 showed sympathy for the girls at numbers 2, 3, 5. So, girl number 3 and man number 8 coincided and they were sent to the post office or a message will be sent to the phone with the number of the chosen one. If incidents occur in the form of more than one coincidence, then it's okay. Contacts are sent anyway. But the participant cannot write that he liked all the girls, ensuring himself 100% certainty that he will be sent the number of one of the participants.

It is also possible to announce the results of the evening on the spot. For example, if you rented a nightclub, members can stay and continue the evening. Couples will be able to get to know each other better, drink, dance.

This is the whole point of speed dating. According to statistics, 1 pair out of 10 possible 100% is added.

Calculations, budget, payback.

We will assume that we are renting a restaurant and producing advertising via the Internet. Renting a restaurant or cafe for an evening without snacks and food, but with only 10 bottles of champagne, will cost about 2,000 rubles. But if you look well, you can keep within the smaller amount. Advertising. For advertising, you can create a Vkontakte community and promote it. A good, effective advertising on a social network will cost about 2,000 rubles (on several public pages at once, + ask for reposts). Also place the advertising text on several free message boards with a request to join the Vkontakte group and read more details there. You will spend very little on printing the final questionnaires. You can print in any print service for mere pennies, so we will not count it in the total price. Moreover, if you have a printer at home, then print at home.

As a result, you need about 4-5 thousand rubles to organize one evening.

Next, install pricing policy... For example, pre-ordering a ticket for a week will cost about 500 rubles. Book a ticket 2 days before the evening - 700 rubles. But if you are sorely short of participants and everything is on the verge of collapse, then you can sell tickets for 300 rubles. Suppose that all tickets were bought for 500 rubles. and the evening will definitely take place. In this scenario, the profit will be 500 * 20 = 10,000 rubles. Net profit 10000-5000 = 5000 rubles. Agree, 5000 rubles for 1 evening is quite good. You can come up with all sorts of new chips that will significantly increase the ticket price and your profit.

Arranging quick dates is really hard work, because everything in organizing such events is based on people and the relationship between them. And as you know, working with real people is the most difficult task of all, especially in the field of organizing entertainment, such as quick dates in Moscow. They come on fast dates so much different people and everyone needs to find their own approach, which doubles the complexity of the task for the organizers. But the very "kitchen" of organizing quick dates begins long before the guests come to the event ...

Setting up a quick date starts with finding the perfect spot - a quick date cafe should be special. And the organizers have many strict criteria for it: walking distance from the metro, a separate hall with a large number of individual seats, a romantic atmosphere and pleasant staff. Arranging quick dates is where two loneliness meet, and this place has to be truly special.

The next step in setting up a quick date is the hosts. Special attention is paid to them, because the hosts of fast dates are in every sense the face of the organization, and this very face should be not only pleasant, but also professional. Arranging quick dates is about carefully recruiting staff. It depends on the hosts how successful your quick dates will be, because at the second stage of organizing the event, it is they who communicate with the guests, create the right atmosphere and dispel all fears and myths about what a quick date is. In addition, FastLife does not stand still and strive for development, organizing unusual quick dates such as "", "", "" and "Love at 337 meters!"

The third step in organizing a quick date is the result. The result of a quick date is as important to us as it is to you. We are sensitive to the questionnaires and their processing, so as not to miss any of the sympathies that developed on the evening of quick dates. We deliver our clients "letters of happiness" on time so that you can meet again as soon as possible.

In addition to all this, organizing quick dates is a lot of details that guests do not notice, but without which the impression would not be half as incredibly cool as it is now. This is a correctly selected bell, and the design of sympathy cards, pens, club cards; it is music, surprises, games and pleasant promotions; they are happy couples who inspire us to continue our business.

Arranging quick dates is not easy, it consists of many small parts that work together like one machine! So the car works like a clock thanks to a serious approach to the most frivolous occupation, as an aid in finding a soul mate.

Your editor for FastLife Blog,

Modern services for finding a soul mate come to more and more interesting and exciting ideas. People are no longer interested in getting to know each other under normal conditions and in the same environment. One of the ways to “spark” a relationship is through fast dating (or speed dating).

Speed ​​dating - what is it and who is it for?

This kind of dating came to us from the USA and Europe. It is suitable for those people who do not have enough time to find a match, as well as those who want to try something new.

For this event, a group of 10-20 couples is recruited. It is important that everyone in the quick date party is from roughly the same age group. Therefore, they are also formed by age. A pleasant atmosphere is organized in a cafe or restaurant, real coziness is created. The room accommodates the number of small tables corresponding to the number of pairs. A man and a woman sit at each table. They are given a certain time for communication (5-7 minutes). During this time, the couple conducts a conversation, they look closely at each other, and also determine for themselves whether they like this person and whether they want to see each other again.

Then the couples change, and communication begins with another participant. So, in an hour and a half, you will get to know at least 10 new people.

After the conversation, you should make notes about each interlocutor. You will be given a list with all the participants, in front of which, after the conversation, you put either "+" (want to continue the conversation), or "-" (do not want further meetings). Then the organizers compare your answers, and if the positive ratings coincide with your partner, then you exchange contacts with him and continue further communication.

The main advantage of quick dating is that you save your time and quickly expand your social circle. This is very important for business and busy people.

Pros and cons of fast dates


  • You spend a minimum of time looking for your soul mate.
  • The first meeting takes place live, so there will definitely not be any disappointments about the appearance (unlike social networks).
  • The ease of atmosphere and communication makes the pastime enjoyable.
  • Do not feel guilty or discomfort for not being impressed by the other person. After all, he will appeal to someone else!
  • Nice and pleasant leisure time for a lonely person.
  • It's unusual. New emotions, pleasant acquaintances and vivid impressions are provided.


  • Lack of romance. After all, only 5-7 minutes are allocated for each date. Not enough to sit and stare at each other in silence, is it?
  • This evening can seem boring, because in a couple of hours you will have to talk to a dozen people.
  • You may not be able to make a first impression in a 5 minute date.
  • Well-mannered people are not always present at such meetings. Be prepared to receive unpleasant offers.
  • Express dating does not guarantee that you will find your love here.