Is it possible to be photographed in the background. Signs and superstitions about photographs: is it possible to be photographed and who cannot be presented with pictures? What you can't take pictures in Christiania

Each country has its own laws that regulate photography in in public places... There are also nuances of shooting in places of national importance. A building that accidentally falls into the frame may turn out to be a military-strategic target; and you may face an unpleasant trial or even an accusation of espionage.

In addition to legislation, certain prohibitions are dictated by the traditions and beliefs of the local population. If you like to travel, then you should know about these prohibitions in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What cannot be photographed in European countries?

Let's start with Europe, as Belarusians often travel to European countries. There are not so many bans in Europe's fears as in other countries, and those that exist are, as a rule, understandable to us. For example, you cannot shoot military and strategic objects, as well as police stations and the police themselves.

Portraits of people can only be photographed with their consent. If the person does not show disagreement in any way (does not turn away, does not wave his hands, does not leave), then he, by definition, agrees to the shooting. Children can be photographed only with the permission of their parents or educators (in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, France, only the consent of the child is enough). A child can give his / her consent to take photographs upon reaching the age of eighteen (in some countries, from sixteen or fourteen years).

In no European country can a private person take away your camera, memory card or other equipment, or force you to erase pictures or light up the film. These actions are regarded as a crime.

What is not allowed to photograph in Austria?

In Austria, photographing people without their consent is prohibited. This prohibition applies to photography in portrait mode, when a person is the main character of the frame. When photographing an attraction, you do not need to take the consent of all people in the frame.

Children can be photographed with their consent without parental consent, if the photo will not be used in commercial purposes... But for the use of their photos at photo exhibitions, photo stocks or for advertising purposes, the written consent of the adult placed in the photo or the consent of the parents of the photographed child is required.

In public places, you can take pictures of the facades of buildings, palaces, castles, it is allowed, even if they are privately owned. If these buildings are located on a private territory with no free access, you need to take the owner's permission to take pictures.

In museums and galleries, photography with a flash and a tripod is prohibited (this prohibition does not apply to a monopod). True, no one is stopping the museums themselves from violating this prohibition by selling a permit for photography at the price of a water ticket.

What can't be photographed in England?

Taking pictures in the London Underground is strictly prohibited without special permission. It is an offense to take pictures of pounds sterling without sanction central bank England.

In public places, you can take pictures of everything that is in your access. In private territory, you can only shoot with the consent of the owner. Moreover, you can get a fine, even if you try to rent a private property, leaning the camera on the fence. If private properties (parks, clubs, business centers) are in the public domain, then you can still take pictures only with the permission of the owner.

Royal Parks, Trafalgar and Parliament Squares are only allowed to be photographed by tourists. For commercial photography, you need to obtain permission from the Greater London Authority and pay a lump sum: for an hour of photography in Trafalgar Square, you will have to pay three hundred pounds, on Parliamentary Square - a thousand pounds. You must cancel the paid shooting no later than two days before it, otherwise the money will not be returned. Shooting with a tripod is considered commercial photography.

In England, it is possible to get a fine for photographing in private galleries, as this violates the copyright of the owner of the collection. To take pictures, you just have to buy an admission ticket with a photography permit.

In public places, people can be photographed as much as necessary, if the photos will not be used for commercial purposes in the future. However, if in the future you are going to publish them, sell them or use them in advertising, you need to get the written consent of the person being portrayed. This does not apply to filming for creative, journalistic or literary purposes. Children under the age of sixteen may only be photographed with the consent of their parents. In order to combat the paparazzi, it is forbidden to shoot people in their private property from a public place using a telephoto lens.

What is not allowed to photograph in Belgium?

In addition to the usual European prohibitions, you cannot photograph the Manneken Pis fountain here. This ban does not apply to the "Pissing Girl", which is located in the same place in Brussels.

What is not allowed to be photographed in the Vatican?

In the Sistine Chapel, one cannot not only take pictures, but also speak loudly. In other places, in the absence of prohibition signs, you can shoot, but without a flash and a tripod.

What is not allowed to photograph in Hungary?

In Hungary, it is forbidden to photograph people without their consent, if they can be recognized in the photo. In this case, it is unimportant whether the person is the main subject of photography or accidentally got into the frame. Imagine how difficult it is for a tourist to get a beautiful shot absolutely legally.

What shouldn't be photographed in Venice?

Filming is prohibited in the Doge's Palace. You can take pictures of shop windows or goods in shops and shops only with the permission of the owners.

What is not allowed to be photographed in Germany?

In Germany, the same prohibitions are common as in Austria. In addition, it is forbidden to photograph the bust of Nefertiti and the statue of "Tired Bear" (Der Spiegel). The ban aims to boost sales of postcards featuring these attractions.

Filming of a person, his house, garden, car or animals is possible only with his consent. If in the future you plan to publish photos or use them for commercial purposes, you must obtain the written consent of the person in the photo and each time notify him about the publication of the photo in any context in order to obtain his permission. In Hamburg, it is forbidden to photograph prostitutes, as tourists interfere with their work, distracting clients by taking pictures.

It is allowed to photograph and publish pictures of children under 7 years old only with parental consent. For children from 7 to 18 years old, only the consent of the child is required.

What is not allowed to photograph in Holland?

In addition to European rules, photography is prohibited on the Red Lanterns Street. Don't be surprised if a prostitute in Amsterdam snatches your camera out of your hands and throws it into the nearest body of water.

Photography is also prohibited in museums.

What shouldn't be photographed in Greece?

In Greece, it is forbidden to photograph military objects, even if they are perfectly viewed from the public territory. In 2002, 14 tourists were sentenced to probation and deportation from the country for filming military aircraft. It is also possible to get charged with espionage when filming military personnel.

In museums, you can photograph exhibits without a flash and a tripod, but taking pictures against their background is prohibited.

What is not allowed to photograph in Denmark?

In addition to the general rules for Europe, photography is prohibited in the “red light districts” of Copenhagen and in Christiania, where you can not only take pictures, but also run.

What is not allowed to photograph in Spain?

People can be photographed only with their consent, and children - only with the consent of their parents or people replacing them. Even police officers can be photographed with consent.

What is not allowed to photograph in Italy?

In Italy, people can be photographed without permission, but their further use for any purpose must be previously agreed with the person in the frame.

What is prohibited to take pictures in Latvia?

In Latvia, it is forbidden to photograph buildings of critical infrastructure, that is, important for the life of society and potentially interesting to terrorists: hydroelectric power plants, gas pipelines, transport systems, as well as the government building, military facilities, the territory of the border. This list also includes the building of the Cabinet of Ministers in Riga. But it is not legally forbidden to shoot in stores, but you should pay attention to prohibiting signs at the entrance so as not to have problems with security. And near the objects of critical infrastructure there are signs “It is forbidden to take pictures and take pictures without approval”.

People can only be photographed with their consent, and children - with parental consent. At public events, you can take pictures of the event itself, but individual people - only with permission. There were cases of detention of persons who were filming sunbathers on the beach. This is regarded as an invasion of privacy.

What is prohibited to photograph in Lithuania?

Photography at the border is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to photograph military objects.

What is not allowed to photograph in Poland?

In Poland, it is forbidden to take pictures in churches during services. At other times, shooting is permitted, but without using the flash.

What is not allowed to photograph in Portugal?

In Portugal, adults can be photographed with their consent, but it is better to refrain from photographing children: this threatens to be accused of pedophilia and deportation.

What is prohibited to photograph in Ukraine?

In Kiev, you cannot take pictures without special permission, as this creates potentially life-threatening situations. There is a known case of a man trying to photograph his wife at the station, stumbled and died under the wheels of a train. Therefore, it is not recommended to shoot in the subway.

What is not allowed to take pictures in Finland?

You should not take pictures of people in the windows, the prohibition is based on superstition.

What can not be photographed in France?

Shooting in museums and galleries using flash is prohibited in France. But it is forbidden to remove some of the exhibits: a special sign warns about this. You cannot take pictures of the Holy Grail without permission. It turns out that in Paris it is forbidden to photograph the Eiffel Tower at night without the permission of the service company, as the lighting of the tower is a piece of art and is protected by copyright. But during the day, take pictures as much as you like.

It is not forbidden to photograph policemen, some even pose.

What can't be photographed in Christiania?

In Christiania (Copenhagen, Denmark) on Pusher Street, where drugs are freely sold, filming is prohibited.

What is prohibited to photograph in the Czech Republic?

You cannot photograph policemen and police stations here. You can take pictures in museums.

What is not allowed to photograph in Sweden?

In addition to the usual prohibitions, in Sweden, legislation prohibits the prohibition of photographing people in baths, dressing rooms, toilets and similar places without their consent.

What shouldn't be photographed in Scotland?

In Scotland, you can stay on private territory if it does not have a fence, but photographing is prohibited without the owner's permission. Also, without special permission, it is forbidden to stay and take photographs in the territory where the railway, airfield, warehouse, factory or field for sports games passes.

What is not allowed to take pictures in Estonia?

It is possible to photograph objects in public places, and the procedure for photographing in private objects is established by the owner of this object. The owner has the right to prohibit taking photographs, but he does not have the right to demand the erasure of photographs already taken, just as he does not have the right to confiscate photographic equipment.

What can't be photographed in Asian countries?

Before going on a trip to Asian countries, it is better to at least superficially familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions, as well as the prohibitions on photography.

What shouldn't be photographed in Vietnam?

It is forbidden to photograph people without their consent. You need permission to shoot inside the temple. It is forbidden to photograph the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum.

You cannot shoot military objects and military equipment, including airports. Taking pictures of pregnant women and cemeteries is considered a bad omen.

What can't be photographed in China?

Recently, China has banned taking pictures with pandas ($ 150 fine), as this can lead to animal disease. You can't take pictures of people without their consent, which can cost you either for free or cost $ 1-2 per photo. In Beijing, you cannot shoot with a professional camera, especially on a tripod, in Tiananmen Square, opposite government and military facilities.

You can only take pictures where there is a special permit for this. Especially it is impossible to photograph the premises inside the temples.

What can't be photographed in North Korea?

It is forbidden to photograph any military objects and military personnel. You cannot shoot airports, bridges, tunnels, highways, ports, as well as the mausoleum of Kim Il Sung. It is forbidden to film people without their consent. You cannot photograph poverty, beggars, child labor, etc. This threatens with deportation.

You cannot photograph the statues of Kim Il Sung from the back, it is considered an insult.

What shouldn't be photographed in Malaysia?

In the same Malaysia, you cannot take pictures of Buddha statues. Temples can only be removed from the outside, inside is prohibited.

Women cannot be photographed in Malaysia. Taking a photograph of a woman without the permission of her father, husband or brother is perceived as an insult. , there is a superstition that when shooting a photographer can steal a person's soul.

What shouldn't be photographed in India?

It is forbidden to desecrate or photograph Buddha statues. In India, you cannot enter temples that are only for Indians. You cannot film in temples or the facade of a temple with open doors, unless it is permitted. It is better to ask the ministers whether shooting in the temple is possible and how much it costs. Photographs of clergy are allowed only with their consent. Local residents and their children can be photographed with their permission, but representatives of some ethical groups and castes are strictly prohibited. You cannot film the funeral procession process and the cremation process.

It is forbidden to photograph military objects, railway stations, airports, subways, bridges. Some temples, monasteries, historical monuments, fortresses, palaces, tombs, places of residence of tribes.

What shouldn't be photographed in Thailand?

As in all Asian countries, it is forbidden to photograph Buddha statues. A permit is required to shoot inside the temple. There are prejudices about taking pictures in a cemetery.

You cannot be photographed near the image of the king and the royal family, this is considered a direct insult and threatens with a fine.

What is prohibited to photograph in Turkey?

You cannot take pictures of people without their permission. It is forbidden to photograph women and people in black clothes.

On the beach, it is forbidden to photograph women in swimsuits: this is regarded as an interference with privacy.

What can't be photographed in Japan?

In Japan, it is forbidden to photograph the contents of books and magazines in bookstores due to copyright protection.

You cannot take pictures of cemeteries and Buddha statues. Against the background of the statue it is possible, but one statue cannot be without people.

The locals do not like to be photographed in three: there is a superstition that the person who stands in the center will soon die. The explanation is quite simple: old cameras focused the worst on the center of the picture, so the face of the person standing in the middle turned out to be blurry. Also, the emergence of superstition is due to the fact that the person standing in the middle is considered, as it were, dominant. As a result, evil spirits choose him for their wiles.

What can't be photographed in the Middle East?

Before going to a Muslim country, read a little about local customs. Sharia law is strict and enforced in mandatory, especially during the Muslim holidays. Visitors to the country during the month of Ramadan should also refrain from smoking, eating and drinking in public places.

You cannot take pictures of government agencies, palaces of sheikhs, military facilities and structures. Women may not be photographed, walk behind or skip ahead. Men may only be photographed with their permission.

What is not allowed to photograph in Israel?

In Israel, the entire territory from which the Ministry of Defense can get into the frame is considered a closed area, inside which photography is regarded as terrorism. Refrain from photographing military installations, as well as power plants, port facilities, airports. It is necessary to rent cameras at the entrance to the concert halls.

You cannot photograph other people's children, in particular, children of Orthodox Jews. You run the risk of getting into trouble by photographing Orthodox Jews on Shabbat.

What shouldn't be photographed in Saudi Arabia?

In Saudi Arabia, it is prohibited to use phones with built-in cameras. The Saudi Arabian government recently lifted a ban on photography in public places. But filming of private property or people still requires permission from property owners and people.

What is prohibited from photographing in Kuwait?

In Kuwait, digital SLR cameras... At the same time, film cameras and soap dishes are formally allowed.

Smartphones with cameras are prohibited by law, and their use is punishable by a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years. Camerophones are considered immoral, since it is on them that hidden filming is often done, including in locker rooms, which is regarded as an infringement on a person's personal life.

What is not allowed to be photographed in the United Arab Emirates?

In the UAE, you cannot take pictures of military facilities, oil refineries, palaces of sheikhs. Taking photographs of women, especially with their heads bare, is a serious offense. Men usually pose with pleasure. You cannot take pictures where there are prohibition signs: in nightclubs, at exhibitions, in jewelry stores.

In places specially designed for tourists, there are usually no restrictions on photography. For example, in the Heritage Village you will be happy to take pictures of Arab women in burqas and Bedouins. And on safari, you can also capture belly dancing.

What is prohibited from photographing in Australia and New Zealand?

What can't be photographed in Australia?

In Australia, it is forbidden to photograph strangers on the beach. Photography is prohibited at initiation sites on Mount Uluru in central Australia. On the island of penguins, it is forbidden to photograph these birds on the trail and on the beach, so as not to disturb them.

In Melbourne, photography is prohibited inside the Cathedral.

What shouldn't be photographed in New Zealand?

In New Zealand, it is forbidden to photograph live kiwi birds: dummies and stuffed animals are specially made for this. This scares nocturnal birds and negatively affects reproduction.

Photography is prohibited in parliament, art gallery and university observatory.

What can't be photographed in Africa?

On the African continent, you cannot photograph government buildings, bridges, overpasses, military, police.

In countries such as Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, you will need a filming permit. Therefore, in these countries, fraud is developed on this basis: if a fraudster notices that you are filming, he may require accreditation, which you, of course, do not have. Then he will offer to resolve the issue on the spot, so as not to call the police. It seems that everything is transparent, but many fall for this scam.

People can be photographed with their permission, but often you have to pay a couple of dollars for this.

What is not allowed to be photographed in Algeria?

Men can only be photographed with their consent. Women can only be photographed with the consent of the accompanying man.

What shouldn't be photographed in Angola?

There are common African bans here, the northeastern province of the country, Lunda Norte, is closed to foreigners.

What shouldn't be photographed in Botswana?

What shouldn't be photographed in Burkina Faso?

Do not take pictures and do not interfere with the actions of the police of this country, no matter how immoral they may seem to you: you risk paying the price.

What shouldn't be photographed in Gabon?

It is forbidden to photograph military and police objects, as well as the police and military personnel themselves. You risk being left without a camera down.

What is not allowed to photograph in Zaire?

What shouldn't be photographed in Zambia?

Photographing any military objects is fraught with accusations of espionage in favor of South Africa.

What shouldn't be photographed in Zimbabwe?

In this poor country, theft and robbery are widespread, it is better not to shine with your camera or phone, especially Harare and Bulawayo.

What can't be photographed in Egypt?

It is forbidden to photograph the military and strategic objects of Egypt, and it is also forbidden to photograph in the national museum in Cairo: at the entrance, your photographic equipment will be confiscated.

What shouldn't be photographed in Kenya?

In Kenya, it is prohibited to photograph military, strategic and police objects, as well as military personnel and police officers. The strategic buildings include banks, post offices, railway stations, shopping centers and some of the churches. And for some reason, buses at the bus station, as well as pedestrian crossings across the road.

You can get out of the car for safari only with the permission of the guide. In Kenya, most people do not suffer from attacks by lions, crocodiles or snakes. The largest number of injuries sustained by people from wild animals is the share of hippos.

What is not allowed to be photographed in Congo?

All African prohibitions apply here.

What shouldn't be photographed in Libya?

Be careful when photographing people, they are suspicious of this.

What is not allowed to photograph in Malawi?

Pan-African bans apply. Men with long hair and shorts will simply not be allowed into the country; there are also strict requirements for the appearance of female tourists.

What shouldn't be photographed in Morocco?

It is forbidden to photograph the Moroccan king and his motorcade without permission. You cannot take pictures of buildings on which the national flag hangs, and it hangs even on the building of the opera house.

People can be photographed with their consent.

What shouldn't be photographed in Namibia?

Once at the presidential residence in Swakopmund, stay away from the summer palace. Spergebait is a closed area where diamonds are mined. In these places, not only to take pictures, it is forbidden to be.

What is not allowed to photograph in Nigeria?

Smoking in public places is universally prohibited, and the death penalty is imposed for the transport and use of drugs. Filming a smoker or drug dealer is life-threatening.

What shouldn't be photographed in Sierra Leone?

There are general rules that are typical for most African countries.

What shouldn't be photographed in Sudan?

Do not import anything expensive (radio equipment, cameras, video equipment): all this will either be stolen or confiscated under the most plausible pretext.

In Sudan, you cannot shoot bridges, government buildings, any objects that may turn out to be strategic.

You cannot take pictures of people without their consent. Even just seeing a camera, local residents start shouting, waving their arms, and may try to take the camera away.

What shouldn't be photographed in Tunisia?

People can only be photographed with their consent. In no case should you take pictures of the worshipers. Do not stare at women in burqas. And don't take pictures, of course.

Do not photograph objects with the national flag, presidential apartments, police officers. It is strictly forbidden to shoot the Presidential Palace!

What can't be photographed in South Africa?

It is forbidden to photograph military, strategic and police objects, as well as military personnel and police.

What can't be photographed in North American countries?

What can't be photographed in Mexico?

In Mexico, you cannot photograph military objects, military personnel, regardless of the rank and type of troops, police stations and the police themselves. It is forbidden to shoot objects under state protection.

People can only be photographed with consent. Don't try to photograph Indians. The Indians are convinced that the camera "can steal a piece of the soul." There are animators who pose for money in Indian national costumes, you can take pictures of them as much as you like. Although nothing stands still in large cities, children (when parents are not around) and modern girls are absolutely calm about photography. Taking pictures of people, mansions, and even more so services in churches is possible only with permission. For all occasions, it is enough to remember just the question: "Can I take a picture?" (se puede photos?).

What is prohibited from photographing in the USA?

Americans are very fond of litigation on various occasions. Do not take pictures of people without their consent: this can be regarded as sexual harassment. And it doesn't matter what gender, age and nationality the person is. Of course, they do not think anything like that, just a good reason to sue you for money. Even for the accidental hit of a child in the frame, you can get a charge of pedophilia. In America, the law prohibits single men from even near the playground.

The ban applies to covert photography at federal property. These include federal buildings, public parks, squares, airports and train stations. It is forbidden to photograph police stations, court buildings. Photography of highways, tunnels and bridges is prohibited in North America. In the United States, there have been cases when people were expelled from the country for attempting to photograph attractions located near the freeway. There is a ban on photography of individual buildings that make up America's cultural heritage. Such photography requires special permission.

In addition, certain states of America have their own bans:

  • Alaska - It is forbidden to wake a sleeping bear in order to take pictures.
  • Wyoming - Rabbits cannot be photographed from January to April.

What can't be photographed in Canada?

The limitation is imposed on military and strategic targets. You can take pictures of the Police and the National Guard as much as you like.

Children under 14 can only be photographed with parental consent. Photography in shops without the consent of the owner is strictly prohibited. In museums, galleries, exhibitions, the situation depends on whether it is private property or state property. In some places you can shoot without restrictions, in others you need to buy a photography permit, which serves as an admission ticket at the same time.

What can't be photographed in Cuba?

In Cuba, photography of any military installations and military equipment... It is forbidden to film military personnel. Can't take pictures industrial enterprises... Although the Cubans themselves willingly pose and love to be photographed with tourists.

What can't be photographed in South American countries?

What shouldn't be photographed in Argentina?

In Argentina, it is forbidden to film both military and police objects and the police themselves.

What shouldn't be photographed in Bolivia?

As in most countries, it is forbidden to take pictures of military targets. You cannot photograph Indians without their consent.

What shouldn't be photographed in Venezuela?

Avoid public shares protest and demonstrations, as they pose a threat to your life and health. By the way, there is a tourist police in Venezuela. In case of any situation, you can always ask for help from an officer in a police uniform with a red beret.

What shouldn't be photographed in Peru?

You cannot photograph Indians without their consent. You should not wear national clothes to take pictures. The locals don't like it.

  1. Abandoned buildings
    Do not suit photo session in abandoned buildings... And just do not take pictures in front of them. This process will take away vitality, provide an attachment to the place and reduce your energy level.
  2. Cemetery
    And in such a terrible place there are those who want to take a photo against the background of the graves of the dead. Even one photo can tie you to this place. Subsequently, you can get very sick.

  3. Sleeping people
    They say that sleeping people are more susceptible to negativity, which is transmitted through the photo. And if the photo falls into the hands of an ill-wisher, then it will be much easier for him to damage it.

  4. Mirrors
    Do not photograph yourself or other people in mirrors. As you know, these objects are capable of storing all the events and energy of people who appeared in them. A photo of reflection draws on you all the negative energy of those who looked at themselves in the mirror before.

  5. Waterfalls
    Experts say that a photo with a waterfall in the background can greatly harm you. After all, a strong stream of water can take away all your vitality. The result of this action can be the saddest.

  6. Children under one year old
    Do not photograph children under one year old, ideally before baptism. And if you can't resist taking pictures of a cute baby, do not show the photo to unfamiliar people. After all, children are absolutely defenseless against any energy blows.

  7. Keep your photos right
    Do not mix photos of living and dead people in one album or folder on your computer. Thus, you will create a mess by mixing different energies, and this will worsen the well-being of the living. If your loved one is on the verge of death, then do not constantly hold his photo in your hands, and also remove it from a prominent place if possible. Otherwise, when he dies, he will not be able to calmly leave for another world. Such is the mysticism.

  8. private photos
    Of course, it is difficult to imagine modern life without publishing photos in social networks ... But try to minimize this matter: fewer photos with your family, with material benefits ... Especially if you know that there are people who wish you harm. For example, you are a very rich person or you work in government bodies.

  9. Destruction of photos
    Do not tear, do not pierce with needles, do not cut or burn photographs - all this causes damage to the person who is depicted on them. Do not take sin on your soul, even unconsciously.

  10. Photo under the clock
    They say you can't put photos under the clock. This shortens the life span of a person.

Find out why you can't be photographed in a mirror if you believe in signs


Why can't I be photographed in? This question often arises before those who like to snap camera lenses and take selfies. After all, the most attractive photographic portraits are obtained when you pose for yourself, and it is most convenient to do this in front of a mirror. And romantic stories, made, for example, through the looking glass, turn out to be the most magical and effective.


But for some reason there is a ban on pictures in the mirror. Didn't it appear out of nowhere? Some associate it with superstition and mysticism, others - with a tribute to established traditions. We offer together with to understand the question of why it is impossible to be photographed in a mirror, and what danger a mirror can bring to our destiny.

Mirror has long been attributed to magical properties. People believed that glass covered with amalgam reflected not only appearance a person, but also his inner world, i.e. soul. The mirror can both embellish reality and distort it beyond recognition.

In addition, this amazing glass is able to accumulate and store the energy of those people who looked into it throughout their lives. Do you remember the good old tale about "The Mystery of the Third Planet", which, by the way, talked about similar properties of living mirrors in a flower meadow? But in every fairy tale, as you know, there is a fraction of a fairy tale.

And it's good if this energy is kind and positive. And if not? Such information is first accumulated in the mirror, it, as it were, "remembers" what is happening around it. And then at some point it can throw out people looking at him. And such an exit can be provoked precisely by the click of the camera shutter.

It's just fantastic, you say. Right. How long have computers, ultra-high-speed cars, or, for example, wireless communication at a distance, been fiction? Jokes as a joke, but literally for our grandparents it also sounded fantastic and implausible that you can talk without problems and see each other on a vibe or skype, being on the other side of the Earth. And now we don't even think about it.

Science fiction in the IT industry has become a reality due to the rapid development of science and technology. But mysticism remained less studied and therefore, perhaps, did not develop to the level of the obvious. But this has not ceased to be potentially real.

It is believed that the camera is able to capture not only the visible image of a person, but also the other world. Have you ever gotten strange spots or overexposed parts of a photo where they shouldn't have been? Someone will consider this effect a marriage, while someone will consider an otherworldly entity, invisible in the real world. And the picture taken in the mirror greatly enhances this effect and is able to impose the energy of the mirror on the person posing in it.

Such pictures taken in a mirror can attract the attention of people with poor energy or those who are capable of causing damage. And if the defenselessness of your soul in the photo is invisible to the naked eye of an ordinary viewer, then an experienced magician or psychic can take advantage of this for selfish purposes.

There is also an opinion that photographs in which a person is depicted in a mirror, i.e. "inverted" reflection, also negatively and "inverted" affect his fate. For example, if in reality a person is healthy and happy, then a mirrored photograph can cause illness and trouble.

In any case, it is up to you to decide whether this is really so, and whether it is worth believing in the reasons why you should not be photographed in the mirror.

Children grow and change quickly, so parents (especially if the family has the first child) want to stop a moment, capture almost every minute of their baby's life.

And it seems modern technologies allow you to do this, but ... Many mothers (most often at the suggestion of their parents or grandmothers) are afraid to photograph babies, especially if the child is sleeping sweetly. Can sleeping newborn babies be photographed? If not, why not? Bad sign! Oddly enough, but many do not even know what exactly is the folk omen regarding photographing children in a dream, but since it says “no”, then it’s better not to risk it. And it doesn't matter that this is the age of high technologies and the era of space discoveries.

So, can sleeping children be photographed? Let's discuss this issue in detail.

The sleeper will not wake up

Why not take pictures of sleeping children? The short answer "no" is perplexing to many. But why? Usually folk signs associated with long-term observations of people for various phenomena and identified patterns. But there are those who have appeared due to a lack of knowledge of human nature and ancient superstitions. The ban on photographing in a dream can perhaps be attributed to the category of the latter.

So, for many centuries, people believed that during sleep, the soul leaves the body and returns to it only at the moment of awakening. While a person is sleeping, his soul allegedly visits its previous body (reincarnation). Accordingly, if you try to wake up the sleeping person, then the soul will not have time to return to his body and the person simply will not wake up.

It's the same with photography. According to this principle, during photography, the shower may not return in time or “deteriorate” and never return to its body due to the characteristic click when the button is pressed. All the more so for children, because they themselves and their souls are still small and "untrained" - it still has a strong connection with the previous incarnation, and the speed of quick return is "not worked out".

In this regard, the baby may not wake up at all or wake up without a soul, which is also very, very bad.

Sleep impairment

Inadequate sleep and, as a result, irritability and even deterioration in health. All this, according to many elderly people, can be the result of photographing a child in a dream.

Loss of an angel

Why not take pictures of a sleeping newborn baby? By analogy with the soul, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, an angel could be "frightened" by a flash and the click of a photographic shutter. And frightened, he flies away, leaving his little master unprotected.

After that, the baby, of course, does not die, but begins to hurt, and misfortunes literally pursue him.

It is noteworthy that in Christianity there are no prohibitions on photographing, even in a dream, even while awake. And the fact that an angel can leave his little client because of the click of the camera is also strongly doubted here.

But in Islam there is a ban on photography. But it is completely unrelated to various kinds of prejudices and subjects. It's just that in Islam it is forbidden to draw portraits, moreover, a taboo is imposed on all images of living beings.

"Stolen Destiny"

Why not take pictures of sleeping children? The answers have been sought since ancient times. And now there are so many of them that it is difficult to figure out what is true and what is fiction. Among the superstitions one can hear such that, when photographing a sleeping child, his health and destiny are robbed. The more pictures, the larger the "theft" turns out. This is especially true for newborn unbaptized children who do not yet have any protection, who cannot withstand external negative influences.

By the way, it was forbidden to photograph unbaptized children not only in a dream, but also at any other time. The rite of baptism took place on the 40th day after birth, when the mother was allowed to attend church.

But even after that, the older generation, wise with experience, forbade to invite strangers into the house - photographers, so that they would not steal the fate of the baby.

Damage, evil eye and other troubles

Another interpretation of the sign about the prohibition of photographing sleeping children is that with the help of the obtained picture, the baby can be easily jinxed, damaged, etc.

It is no secret that many fortune-tellers, shamans and sorcerers use photographs for their rituals. It is believed that a photograph carries not only visual, but also deeper information about a person, keeps the imprint of his aura. At the same time, the aura of children is clean, light, but absolutely defenseless - an easy prey for various sorcerers and magicians. Therefore, any even a novice sorcerer can damage him from a photograph of a sleeping child.

Anyone can jinx a child, even the closest one, who looks at a child's photo.

By the way, about this reason, according to popular beliefs, it is impossible not only to photograph sleeping people, but in general to show children's photographs to strangers. And you also can't throw away or burn photos, as this can also negatively affect the fragile children's aura.

Hypnos and Thanatos are twin brothers

In ancient Greek mythology, the death god Thanatos and the sleep god Hypnos were twin brothers. And the Slavs have long believed that sleep and death are very similar and have a number of similar features. And a deceased person is very similar to a sleeping person (the same closed eyes, the same real estate).

In this regard, it was believed that photographing a child in a dream brings his death closer. Especially if the picture is blurry. Such ambiguity was considered evidence of some hidden fatal illness, the approach of trouble and an early death.

Where do legs grow from?

Believing or not believing in all these superstitions is everyone's business. But still, I wonder what caused such a negative attitude towards photographing in a dream.

Why not take pictures of sleeping children and adults? Many researchers are sure that these prejudices began almost immediately after the invention of the camera - in the 19th century. Photographing in those days was very expensive. And as a rule, only rich people ordered pictures and only at the most last moment- when a loved one was dying.

Moreover, the deceased was not just photographed as a keepsake, but a real photo session was arranged. Adults were dressed in the most beautiful outfits, seated on a chair or even at a table, toys, books, etc. were laid out around the children.

Often, living family members were photographed next to the deceased. In the photo it seemed that the person was just sleeping, but still the impression was eerie. However, this did not prevent the creation of entire albums with photographs of deceased relatives, which were replenished with each new deceased. Almost every family had its own "book of the dead".

Subsequently, on the closed eyelids of the deceased, some painted on the pupils, and the impression was created that the person was alive. But even in black and white photos of that time, his deathly pallor was visible, which made the picture downright ominous and scary.

This custom has long been widespread in European countries and the American continent.

Time passed, the fashion for photographing the dead became a thing of the past, and instead, prejudices began to appear about the prohibition to take pictures of sleeping people.

And again the ancient Greeks, or From the depths of the centuries

According to another theory, the ban on the image of sleeping people is much older and has its roots in Ancient Greece... All because of the same twin brothers Hypnos and Thanatos, ancient artists never painted portraits of sleeping people - this was one of the main taboos that no one dared to break.

The Greeks believed that paintings depicting sleeping people would attract misfortune, ruin, parting, illness of loved ones and even death to the house.

Perhaps later, this ban was simply smoothly adapted to new realities and moved from portraits to photographs.

What is it really?

Why not take pictures of sleeping children? Signs are one thing, but modern scientists and simply educated people consider all folk signs concerning photographing in a dream to be an ordinary invention and do not take them seriously.

At the same time, many of them do not deny that there are a number of reasons why photographing a sleeping baby is still not worth it. Among the most important:

  1. In a dream, small children are relaxed, but at the same time they sleep quite lightly and can wake up from any sharp, even quiet, sound or bright light from a flash. And not just wake up, but also get scared, which can provoke a number of problems from hysteria to real phobias that young parents certainly do not need.
  2. Even serious scientists have come to the conclusion that the outbreak can affect the quality of the baby's sleep. Of course, this does not mean at all that because of a couple of shots taken by mom or dad in order to capture his baby sweetly snoozing in the crib, the child will certainly not get enough sleep. No! But in his biorhythms, serious changes can really occur.
  3. Another con is the bright flash, especially at night. The luminous flux has a negative effect on the vision of the child. At the same time, closed eyelids do not diminish this effect in the least.

You can if you are careful enough

Summing up, we can say that you can, of course, take pictures of a baby asleep, but with extreme caution. Better yet, to capture a child while he is awake: when he collects his first pyramid, takes his first steps or tries to bring a spoonful of porridge to his mouth. And then everyone important points the baby will be captured for history and all this absolutely without harm to his health. As well as souls, auras and a guardian angel.

A situation familiar to every photographer in Russia: as soon as you start shooting near government and private buildings or shops, a FSO officer / security guard / person in uniform will come up to you very quickly and demand that you stop shooting. Their job is to “forbid”.

New article relevant for 2019.

But in most cases, these prohibitions are completely illegal.

Here are analyzed the most common questions about the legality of photography prohibitions on the territory of various objects: shops, streets, railways, government agencies, etc.

And the best thing is to print all the text at once and always have it with you.

With a few exceptions: it is forbidden to shoot such a work in such a way that it is the main subject of shooting, and it is also forbidden to use the image "for commercial purposes" (even if it is not the "main subject", but just got into the frame).

But these prohibitions apply only if the shooting is not done "for yourself". If photographing or filming is carried out "for personal purposes", there is already a permitting to shoot anything. The only restriction related to filming is that it is forbidden to make so-called "screen copies" of films ( p. 1, p. 5).

[Situation # 4]

It is forbidden to remove the pages of books in the library as it infringes copyright

2. It is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the compulsory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (works, services) are reimbursed by the seller (executor) in full.

[Situation # 5]

It is forbidden to shoot, because the store's trademark may be included in the frame

Not every image of a trademark violates the rights of its owner.

All of these rights apply regardless of whether the image is copyrighted or registered as a trademark. However, photography itself does not violate them, violations can begin only after the publication of the image or its use for commercial purposes.

Restrictions on access to museum items can be set only in those cases when they are in unsatisfactory condition, on restoration or in the museum storage. This also includes prohibiting flash photography if it could damage the condition of the subject.

As for the sale of "filming rights" by museums, it is also illegal. In fact, the museum first illegally restricts the rights of visitors to collect information, and then removes this restriction for a fee.

Soviet regulations, even if they are not canceled, they often do not actually work, because after their adoption, new regulations in the same area came into force.

For example, if we are talking about the provision of services, then there is ZoZPP with article 16 and the prohibition to restrict the consumer other than the "rules" adopted by the Government.

[Situation # 15]

Photographing on Red Square and near the Kremlin is regulated by order of the FSO

25. The employee must not interfere with the use of video and sound recording equipment by the participant road traffic unless prohibited by law. The employee must inform the road user making the recording of the existence of the ban.

[Situation # 19]

Where is photography really prohibited?

First of all, this is filming in the buildings of courts and correctional institutions.

Such prohibitions are established by the relevant procedural codes, which have the force of federal laws.