Connect to wai fay samsung. Wi-Fi connection on phones and smartphones. TV does not connect to Wi-Fi router

Most modern mobile devices cannot be imagined without features like internet connectivity. Without it, the smartphone seems to be significantly limited in its capabilities, and it is difficult even to think of how the user in this case can upload content to it.

We are used to the fact that our mobile phone is capable of downloading updates from social networks, with its help you can check mail, post photos to your news feed and carry out other operations that require access to the network.

Connection types

There are two ways to connect to the network. The first is a connection to an already functioning wireless network using the Wi-Fi protocol. We will tell you how to set up WiFi on your phone in this article. The second is working with a mobile network that is capable of transmitting a signal in 3G / 4G format. Each of these methods has its own characteristics: advantages and disadvantages. Mobile Internet, for example, makes it possible to be online almost anywhere within the country. But the cost of traffic in a mobile network is much higher than a fixed connection. In addition, there is a speed limit.

Benefits of Wi-Fi

If you are looking for how to set up WiFi on your phone, then the information about the advantages of this method of connecting to the network will be useful to you. First, a Wi-Fi router is capable of transmitting a signal at a much higher speed than wireless communication over a mobile network. Secondly, Wi-Fi distributes fixed Internet, which, as a rule, is not limited in the amount of traffic and has, again, more high speed connections. Finally, it is cheaper to work with the phone via Wi-Fi, since the landline Internet costs less than the mobile one.

Disadvantages of Wi-Fi

But the signal from the router, within the reach of which you can work with a mobile device, is limited to a few meters - it is at this distance that you can move away from a stationary access point without losing communication. This is the main disadvantage of this type of connection: lack of mobility.

Wi-Fi connection instructions

However, let's not be distracted - since you are reading this information, it means that you are interested in how to set up Wi-Fi on your phone. Let's say right away: this is done very simply. Rather, it will be noted that you practically do not need to do anything - the software developers have tried before you. Thanks to this, there should be no questions about how to set up WiFi on an Android phone: all you need to do is enter the initial data required to connect (the name of the network and the access key to it).

Let's say, for example, that your network is called Network, and the password for it is numbers from 1 to 9. Before setting up WiFi through your phone, you need to enable this function on your device. This is done simply - in the settings or in the curtain that drops down from the top (if we are talking about Android). After that, you will see a dialog box in which you will be asked to specify which network you would like to connect to.

Now you will figure out how to set up WiFi on a Samsung phone (or any other Android gadget). It is enough to select your (Network) in this window (where a list of available networks will be shown); then enter the key in the appeared field for the password (from 1 to 9 in our example). Then the system will give a signal that the connection was successful.


Of course, instead of a signal about a successful connection, you may see some kind of error. For example, it can be a Wi-Fi access icon with a characteristic symbol “!” or some kind of cross. Most importantly, in this case, go to the Internet using a browser or some kind of application. social network you won't succeed. In such a situation, there are obviously network problems.

Alternatively, they can relate to the settings of your router or the configuration of your Internet address. Maybe you just ran out of money in the account with the provider - and it happens. But what can be said for sure, the question of how to set up WiFi on the phone does not apply, since the smartphone only receives the signal.

It is important to note that the setup instructions apply not only to the Android OS. On iOS and Windows Phone the mechanism is the same. If you're looking for how to set up WiFi on a Nokia phone (where WP is preinstalled), you can re-read the information above. The same goes for the iPhone.

What to do if you can't see the network

There is such a possibility that the smartphone from which you are trying to connect to the Internet will simply not see the required network. This can happen, and there is nothing wrong with this situation. It is enough to know the name of the network to which you would like to connect, and if it is protected by a key, then his too.

Just on the wireless settings page, where you will see a list of available networks, you need to click the "Add new connection" button. It activates a window in which there will be two fields - the network name and the key. As you might guess, you need to fill them with your network data, after which the device should automatically detect the Wi-Fi connection you want to work with.

Internet distribution

In addition to connecting to an existing network, your mobile phone can be a Wi-Fi modem, receiving a signal using a SIM card (that is, in fact, using mobile wireless Internet). To do this, you should read the instructions on how to set up WiFi on your phone (Nokia, Samsung, iPhone or Lenovo - it doesn't matter) in modem mode. This is not difficult, and we will talk about this further.

Setting up Wi-Fi modem mode on a smartphone

In general, the modem mode (in many phones it is called that, and also - "portable access point" or something like that) allows you to distribute your Mobile Internet to other devices. For example, in this way you can create a network for your laptop, which does not have access to the network. Or another example: this way you are able to create a network connection for your friends, and then simply tell them the access key. As already reported, this is very easy to do.

You need to go to the settings section, where there will be an item "Modem mode", and then select it. In the specified menu there will be fields in which you should enter the name of your future network and the access key. The latter will serve as a password in order to get into the network. And the name can be chosen at random. Next, you need to press the button that will save the settings and activate the access point. In the list of available WiFi networks on other devices, you will see the name of yours.

Don't forget your password

If you create your own access point to distribute the Internet to third-party devices, it is important not to forget to set a password (key) to protect the network from unauthorized connections. It will keep your internet traffic from being wasted by unauthorized users who might connect to your network and start downloading large amounts of data. This warning is relevant for the reason that mobile traffic is expensive, and if it is spent, the connection is transferred to payment for money. Thus, due to your carelessness, someone will be able to calmly “squander” all your traffic and money.

In this short tutorial, I will show you how you can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a Samsung phone. I had the opportunity to write instructions using the example of a smartphone Samsung Galaxy J5, with the new Android 7.0 Nougat already installed. Same as Samsung Galaxy S8 and other models. I think this article will be relevant for a long time and will be useful to many. In fact, setting up Hotspot and Tethering on Android 7.0 is very simple, just like on other versions and devices. But many users still have questions about this function.

We will distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi network to other devices. It will be possible to connect other smartphones, laptops, TVs and other devices. We will have a Samsung phone as a router. In the "Access Point and Modem" settings, you can also distribute the Internet via Bluetooth and even via a USB cable. Bluetooth is not very relevant now, but cable may come in handy. For example, if you need the Internet on a stationary computer, which does not. You can use your phone as a wired modem to access the Internet through your mobile operator.

Note! Since we will distribute mobile Internet, I advise you to clarify the conditions of your tariff plan... What is your megabyte limit and what is the over-limit fee. Devices connected to the access point may suck all traffic and additional charges may apply.

Some operators block the distribution of the Internet to other devices. Therefore, there is an option that you may not be able to share the Internet.

Let's start configuring the access point.

Sharing the Internet via Wi-Fi from a Samsung phone

Open the top curtain. If your mobile internet is disabled, turn on "Mobile data" and go to settings. In the settings, open the "Connections" section.

Next, open the "Access Point and Modem" section. Turn on the distribution of Wi-Fi with the switch opposite the "Mobile hotspot" item. The status "Enabled" should appear. If you have Wi-Fi enabled, the phone will offer to disable it.

If you noticed, then there is the option to activate the Bluetooth tethering and USB tethering.

Our Samsung is already distributing a Wi-Fi network to which we can connect our devices. By default, the smartphone itself sets the network name (AndroidAP) and password. To view and change them, as well as see the list of connected devices, just click on the "Mobile hotspot" item itself.

The network name and password can be changed if desired. Just click on them and change. The password must be at least 8 characters long and the network name must be in English letters.

I connected my Windows 10 laptop to the Wi-Fi network shared by the Samsung Galaxy J5. The device immediately appeared in the list of connected devices. If you click on it, you can see some information, or change the name of the device.

In my case, the Internet on a laptop via a Samsung smartphone worked immediately and without problems. In the screenshots above, you probably noticed that I only have 2G (EDGE). Using such an Internet on a computer is certainly not very pleasant. But now there is very good 3G / 4G coverage, and everything flies there. Even if you distribute the Internet to several devices at the same time.

If you plan to use the function of a mobile access point somewhere in nature, then I advise you to take a power bank, since the mobile Internet paired with an access point will drain the battery of your smartphone very quickly. I also advise you to disable this feature when you do not need it. Well, keep an eye on the traffic consumption and the terms of your tariff plan. In order not to get a "terrible" bill for the mobile Internet later.

Leave all questions and wishes in the comments. Good luck!

Of course, the mobile Internet is a pretty useful technology that allows you to connect to the World Wide Web almost anywhere in the world. But for home use, the 4G communication standard is far from always convenient and profitable, especially if the subscriber has a high-quality modern router installed.

And in this article we will analyze how to connect a phone to a router, and how a home wifi internet more profitable than the "classic" mobile connection.

At the same time, we will immediately "get rid" of several common misconceptions:

  • - first, connect to wifi networks you can use almost any modern phone: the success of this operation in no way does not depend from the manufacturer of the gadget (whether it is Samsung, Nokia, fly, lg or a simple pusher) or his appearance("Classic" push-button telephone or modern sensor);
  • - secondly, the connection of "mobile" wi-fi also does not depend on the Internet provider: if a wifi access point exists, then you can connect to it. And who provides this resource: Rostelecom, MTS, BYFLY or a millionaire neighbor - does not matter.
  • - and finally, installed on a cell phone operating system(android, Windows Phone or iOS) only affects the way the LAN connection is configured.

So which phone can I connect to the router via wifi?

Correct answer: telephone, the hardware of which includes a special wifi module.

The presence of such is indicated by the inscription Wi-Fi on the packaging of the device or the corresponding mention in the user manual.

Why wifi internet on your phone is better than 4G connection?

  • - Benefit: why pay extra for mobile traffic when there is a "free" home Internet?
  • - "Unlimited": with a wifi-connection to the Internet, you do not have to "count" the spent megabytes.
  • - "Independence" from cellular operators: in the absence of a mobile signal, you can safely use the Internet (on some devices, even with no SIM card).
  • - Battery saving: Wi-Fi application is less power-consuming than working in LTE or 3G networks, therefore, when working with Wi-Fi, the battery drains more slowly.

Let's take a closer look at how to connect the Internet to your phone through a router on the main mobile OS.

How to connect wifi on android phone?

Connecting Android devices is almost the same for all models cell phones and smartphones: the differences are not significant.

1. To connect wifi, you first need to unlock the device and go to the main menu.

3. In this window, the main setup menu will appear in front of you: here (usually the first item) Wi-Fi settings are located - go to the Wi-Fi submenu.

(For "older" versions of android, you first need to go to "Wireless Networks" and select "Wi Fi Settings" there)

4. In the settings window:

  • - if the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled, the networks available for connection will be displayed;
  • - if the Wi-Fi module is turned off, the system will prompt you to turn on Wi-Fi to view the available network connections. You can connect the adapter using the slider (usually, in the upper right corner - see the picture).

5. Select the network you need from the list, and in the dialog box that appears, write the password to access this network.

If you entered the password incorrectly and the connection to the wireless network did not happen - click on this network again and in the dialog box that appears, specify "Forget", after which you must enter the required authentication data again.

How to connect an iOS phone to a wifi modem?

1. To set up a connection to a wifi access point on iOS, you first need to go to the main menu and select the "Settings" subsection there.

3. Set the touch slider to "ON" to search for available wifi hotspots.

4. From the list of networks, select your home network and enter your credentials.

If everything is specified correctly, in the future your phone will automatically connect to your home Wi-Fi network.

How can I connect wifi on my Windows Phone.

Connecting these phones is almost identical to setting up Wi-Fi on Android devices.

The only difference here is the visual design of the menu interface.

If necessary, enter the password for connecting to Wi Fi - the phone is ready to work in the home network.

Question "How to set up wifi on the phone?" asked quite often by inexperienced users. In this article I will try to tell you as thoroughly as possible about all the nuances of this operation. We will consider various connection options, the main differences in inclusion on different mobile platforms, and additional features. So, below you will learn how to set up wifi on your phone.

Basic information

The abbreviation Wi - Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity, literally translated as "wireless fidelity". Today this technology is the standard for both mobile and stationary devices. Wi-Fi was created in 1991, and since then it has had tremendous applications, which is driving the development of this wireless network rapidly. Wi-Fi can transmit different kinds information, which allows users to create a personal home network for distributing the Internet from one device. Today, this technology is embedded in almost all electronic equipment, from mobile devices to washing machines. Below you will find information from which you will learn how to set up wifi on your phone.


As a rule, mobile devices such as a telephone are most often connected to a ready-made wi-fi network. Therefore, there is no need to make any settings on the device itself. It is enough just to turn on and connect to the already existing network. In this case, you may need to enter a secret password, which is set when connecting and installing wifi is always possible using the standard means of the phone itself. But the password and other parameters are set up when preparing for the operation of the router. And we will burn about this further.


A router or in another way a router is a device that allows you to transmit signals over a wi-fi network. There are also local equipment without the ability to support wireless technologies. Parameters such as the network password, a certain number of connected devices, restriction of incoming and outgoing traffic are set exactly when configuring the router. In some cases, this process can be particularly challenging. Especially when there is no "setup wizard" application. It doesn't make sense to give precise instructions, since the setup process depends on the device model. If you do not have experience in this matter, then it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Additional features

Some iOS and android devices allow not only receiving wi-fi signals, but also distributing them. In this case, such mobile phones turn into an access point. Such a wifi phone must necessarily have its own source for connecting to the Internet, for example 3G or GRPS. Setting the password and other parameters is done through mobile device... Most often, this function is referred to in the phone as "modem mode". But in different software the name may differ.


Wi-Fi networking is a really useful development. After all, it allows you to get rid of the constantly tangled wires that get in the way all the time. I hope you understood from this article how to set up wifi on your phone.

Phones have long ceased to be ordinary "dialers" - now they are endowed with huge functionality. Now the phone can be connected to the Internet, used as a notebook, personal computer, audio station and more.

One of the most useful features is creating a Wi-Fi hotspot from your phone.

In this case, the smartphone can replace the modem offered by the Internet provider. But the most important thing is that you do not need to download any programs or applications beforehand.

In this article, we will look at the Wi-Fi distribution algorithm using the example of the Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone. This model was not chosen by chance as an example - it is one of the most popular and inexpensive brand devices. Other models of the manufacturer can be viewed and compared at a price on the website.

Algorithm of actions

  1. First you need to open the menu "Settings", and select a section "Network".
  2. In the open list, you will see the section "Modem and access point", then you should select the item "Wi-Fi access point" and customize it.
  3. To start the access point, you need to check the box next to it.
  4. Now you need to enter the name of your network in "SSID", and in the window "Security" we do not change anything (this is done in order to protect the point from access of unauthorized users).
  5. Now it remains to set a password (8 digits) and save it. After that you get to the menu item "Configure Access Point".
  6. We have configured the access point, now we start the Network. To do this, you must check the box in the menu item "Configure Access Point". As a result, you will see the corresponding icon appear in the notification field.
  7. Now, to connect a laptop or computer to the Network, you need to scan the available Wi-Fi networks and find your own (the name that you entered at the beginning of the algorithm), click on this network and enter the password (8 digits). After that the connection should occur.

Sharing Wi-Fi from your phone is a snap. In different models, the algorithm of actions may differ, but everyone can figure it out. A similar connection system is typical for all Samsung Galaxy smartphones, so if you have a different model, this algorithm of actions will also suit you.

Distribution of Wi-Fi from a phone is in great demand, because according to statistics, about 77% of Russian residents regularly use the Internet, so in case of interruptions with a standard connection, you can stay in touch using a smartphone.