1 Sonco instructions for filling. By filling out the federal statistical observation form

Form No. 1 SONKO

Rosstat order No. 468 of August 31, 2016 "On the approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical observation for finances "for the first time introduced into circulation the statistical reporting form for non-profit organizations No. 1-SONKO "Information on the activities of a socially oriented non-profit organization".

Rosstat order No. 607 of September 19, 2017 invalidated Order No. 468 of August 31, 2016. New form No. 1-SONKO was introduced by Order of Rosstat No. 623 of September 22, 2017 "On the approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations." It came into effect starting with the 2017 report. SONCO reporting form for 2018, was approved by the next Order of 04.09.2018, No. 540 and must be submitted before 01.04.2019. At the same time, Order No. 540, in contrast to the previously valid orders, introduced the obligation for socially-oriented organizations to submit a one-time Form No. 1 -NCO also due no later than April 01, 2019. Form No. 1-SONKO for 2018 (you can download it for free on our website below in the text), as already noted, is valid from the reporting for 2018, and previously another statistical form with the same name was in effect. Error while selecting the correct edition Form No. 1-SONKO can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of a fine imposed on a non-profit organization ( SONKO) and its officials. Also, by Order of Rosstat No. 540 dated 09/04/2018, it was established that:

    Form 1-SONKO provide all legal entities, which are socially oriented non-profit organizations, created in the forms provided for by the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations" (with the exception of state and municipal institutions, state corporations, state companies, public associations that are political parties, non-profit organizations, the founders of which are state and local authorities), and carrying out activities aimed at solving social problems, the development of civil society in Russia, as well as activities provided for in Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations"

    Form No. 1-SONKO is submitted in territorial body Rosstat at the location of the organization, while the location is determined by the place of state registration of a socially oriented non-profit organization.

    Completed Form No. 1 for 2018 for the legal entity as a whole, even if it has separate subdivisions taking into account the data of separate subdivisions, at the same time, a separate subdivision is considered to be any territorial separate subdivision equipped with stationary workplaces;

    Form No. 1-SONKO should be filled out and submitted, even if the organization is not currently working, but carried out operations in the reporting year;

    Bankrupt organizations that have entered bankruptcy proceedings are also required to file Form No. 1-SONKO for 2018 if an entry on the termination of their activities has not yet been made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    Statistical form No. 1-SONKO v new edition is annual and effective from the 2018 report.

The form is set out in the order of Rosstat, which also contains Instructions for filling out form No. 1-SONKO and monitoring the correctness of filling out its indicators.

Statistical form No. 1-SONKO filed before April 01 of the year following the reporting year, i.e. for 2018, the completed form must be submitted by April 01, 2019.

Federal statistical observation form No. 1-SONKO "Information on the activities of a socially oriented non-profit organization"
(hereinafter - Form No. 1-SONKO), approved by order of Rosstat dated September 22, 2017 No. 623.

Form No. 1-SONKO is provided by all legal entities that are SONCO, created in the forms of non-profit organizations, provided for by Federal Law No. 7-FZ of 12.01.1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations"
(excluding state and municipal institutions, state corporations, state-owned companies, public associations that are political parties, non-profit organizations, the founders of which are state and local government bodies),
and carrying out activities aimed at solving social problems, the development of civil society in Russian Federation, as well as the types of activities provided for by Article 31.1 of the Federal Law of 12.01.1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations".

The report in the form No. 1-SONKO is submitted before April 1 of the year following the reporting year, i.e. for 2018, the completed form must be submitted by April 1, 2019.

In accordance with clause 7 of article 8 No. 282-FZ of November 29, 2007 "On official statistical accounting and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" and clause 7 of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated 18.08.2008 No. 620 "On the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting" electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Paper documents are submitted to the regional departments of Rostovstat. Information about regional departments is located on the Rostovstat website http://rostov.gks.ru in the section "About Rostovstat" - subsection "Regional departments".

The procedure for the provision of primary statistical data in the form of an electronic document, which defines the standards for software, technical means, including storage media, communication channels, protection means, as well as formats for submitting data to electronic form, are established by the subjects of official statistical accounting based on the possibility of using compatible software and hardware tools that provide the necessary level of security for the purpose of ensuring information exchange.

For the purpose of unification software tools used to prepare and send to in electronic format statistical reporting, statistical authorities use the same technological solutions, as for submitting reports in electronic form in tax authorities, Pension Fund. First of all, this is the ability to provide statistical and annual accounting statements electronically through that operator electronic document management(specialized telecom operator) (hereinafter referred to as the operator), which provides organizations with its services for the transfer of reports to the tax authorities, the pension fund. Currently, as a rule, operators provide tariff plans, which immediately include all the necessary areas for submitting reports, including to the statistics authorities. Preparation software statistical reports can be part of the operator's software or can be used in conjunction with software operator as a separate program provided by statistics authorities free of charge.