Presentation on the topic of parasites. Roundworms -


Roundworms breathe throughout the entire surface of the body, the circulatory system is completely absent.

The brightest representatives, which belong to the class of roundworms:

  • whipworm;
  • human roundworm;
  • pinworms, etc.

The signs of the presence of nematodes in the human body will be discussed below.

Flat helminths

If the nematode has a monolithic body, then the fluke is divided into multiple segments.

All representatives of the class flatworms are hermaphrodites and have a reduced intestine.

As such, the fluke and other cestodes do not have sense organs, but at the same time the body of the helminths is covered with peripheral processes that help them to orient themselves in space. The sucker is deprived of the circulatory system and respiratory organs.

The presentation of flatworms allows us to see that, unlike flukes, tapeworms tend to have a head with characteristic two pits designed for fixation on the walls. internal organs, as well as one hole, which is located on the front of the body of the helminths.

The head of the chain is "equipped" with four suction cups, the body is also divided into many segments. The life cycle of tapeworms - cestodes - is associated with multiple changes of intermediate hosts, as well as with alternation of larval stages of development.

The vital activity of worms in the host's body cannot pass without a trace. It is no secret that flukes, nematodes and other helminths are capable of disrupting metabolism, which provokes a malfunction in almost all internal organs of a person (this disease is usually called helminthiasis).

Instead, worms release toxins - substances that cause a variety of allergic reactions in an infected patient.

As a result, a person's metabolism is disturbed, inflammatory processes develop in the affected organs, symptoms of allergy (intoxication) appear. Toxins - waste products of helminths - are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and along with it are carried throughout the patient's body. This leads to various nervous disorders and other health problems.

Fluke - a representative of trematodes - consumes stomach components, blood, mucosal cells and nutrients that are in the gastric ducts.

The class of flatworms (including the fluke) "choose for life" the liver and pancreas. The disease, the development of which he provokes, is called opisthorchiasis. The main symptoms of this form of helminthiasis:

  • muscle pain;
  • hyperthermia;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rashes;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen (especially in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium).

A fluke such as a fluke (a presentation of a class of flatworms shows a photo of this helminth) can be placed in the respiratory organs and provoke symptoms such as wheezing and chest pain in patients. Clonorch - hepatic fluke - causes the development of pancreatitis and severe attacks of pain in the gallbladder. In rare cases, a patient with opisthorchiasis may be diagnosed with liver cirrhosis.

Roundworm larvae are able to migrate throughout the patient's body, they feed on particles of undigested food, as well as useful ingredients which they obtain from the blood of an infected host.

The main symptoms of nematodes - a form of helminthiasis caused by roundworms - include the following characteristic signs:

  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hallucinations may occur.

Such a representative of roundworms as whipworm often causes the development of inflammatory processes in the cecum. Symptoms such as frequent constipation and anemia are signs of pathology. Trichinella spp. Usually "choose" muscle tissue for life, their larvae cause painful sensations in the muscles located throughout the body.

Forming cysts, amoebas leave the human body with undigested food debris. Light cysts are easily spread. If you don't wash your hands and food, you can get infected with them.

Malaria plasmodium

If a malaria patient is bitten again by an anopheles mosquito, now the plasmodia will get from the person to the mosquito. In the body of a mosquito, Plasmodium reproduces sexually.

Malaria is common in Africa. This is a very dangerous disease. Fight against malaria, including the destruction of malaria mosquitoes.


The carrier of sleeping sickness is the tsetse fly. This disease is typical for tropical Africa. Sleeping sickness develops in two stages: the first weeks of a person are tormented by fever and pain, after a month or more drowsiness occurs, sleep and coordination disturbances, and a change in consciousness. The disease is easier to treat in the first stage.


A person becomes infected with giardiasis by eating unwashed food containing Giardia cysts. Coming out of the cyst, lamblia sticks to the intestines and feeds on digested food.


Exists different kinds leishmaniasis associated with damage to various tissues of the body. One of them is the skin disease Pendinsky ulcer.


The genus Toxoplasma belongs to coccidia. Their representatives cause such a widespread disease in humans as toxoplasmosis... A person becomes infected from pets or poorly cooked meat food. Toxoplasma affects many organs, including the nervous system.

The female, crawling out, irritates the skin on the anus, causes severe itching. A man scratches this place and spreads thousands of eggs around him. Then they fall back into the digestive tract with dust or products that are taken with dirty hands.

The symptoms of pinworm infestation are quite pronounced and well recognizable:

  • itching in the anus, especially after 21.00 (females crawl out to lay eggs);
  • poor appetite or a sharp need for sweets;
  • weight reduction;
  • troubled sleep;
  • fatigue.
  1. Washing with soap in the morning and evening. Thus, the eggs left by the female on the anus do not spread.
  2. Wet cleaning indoors at least 4 times a week.
  3. Cut nails, especially in children.
  4. Washing hands after going to the toilet, upon arrival from the street.
  5. Ironing underwear with a hot iron after washing.
  6. Frequent bed linen change.
  7. Maintaining immunity at a high level, and then, even after entering the body, the helminths do not take root.

People who adhere to these rules are rarely exposed to pinworm infestations. Even if they do appear, the cure comes much faster. It is necessary to carry out these events, strictly observing the rules, not missing a single day during the month.


These roundworms can be up to 45 cm long. Roundworms live in the small intestine and cause tremendous harm to the body. During their life cycle, they pass through several organ systems, capable of causing serious diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • anemia;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is easy to become infected with roundworms after eating unwashed fruits, especially strawberries. Roundworm eggs can be found on greens and vegetables that grow close to the ground. This feature is due to life cycle these helminths. Eggs enter the soil with animal and human feces.

Ascaris invasion has pronounced symptoms. 10-14 days after infection, the first signs of the disease appear:

  • allergic rash;
  • obsessive cough;
  • low temperature;
  • suffocation;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

These symptoms are due to the fact that roundworms migrate through the lungs and bronchi to the gastrointestinal tract. They damage the tissues of the respiratory system and can cause pneumonia. At this stage, symptoms resemble bronchitis or pneumonia, so treatment is often incorrect.


The invasion of these worms leads to damage to the nervous system, its symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • bad dream.

They are joined by nausea and vomiting. In the chronic stage of the disease, the symptoms of pancreatitis and gastritis may worsen. Such a helminth with its vital activity leads to the development of serious anemia.

Freshwater fish must be exposed to heat treatment at least 40 minutes.


Symptoms of infection are associated with the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, these are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pain in the right side of the abdomen, especially after eating fatty foods;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • increased body temperature.

These measures will promote a good defense response to prevent the proliferation of giardia.


  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • strong excitability;
  • nightmares;
  • fears.

Sometimes total infection leads to severe inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Prevention should be carried out following simple rules:

  • prohibit any contact with unfamiliar animals;
  • after playing with pets, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water;
  • take care of four-legged friends correctly;
  • conduct a prophylactic course of anthelmintic drugs for pets.

Less common, but very dangerous infestations

Vlasoglav causes false signs of acute appendicitis. Because of this, surgery is often performed off indications. Infection occurs through poorly processed food.

Symptoms of the lesion are quite serious:

  • fast weight loss;
  • severe anemia;
  • persistent nausea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • severe abdominal pain.

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Round helminths, pinworms Pinworms are the most common helminths in children. They live in the lower intestine. Females actively leave the anus, lay eggs (from 5,000 to 15,000 per day) and die. After 4-6 hours, the eggs ripen, fall on the bed linen, hands, fall into the mouth.

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Toxocara The main owner is dogs, but human infection can also occur. The length of the helminth is up to 30 cm. The female lays 200,000 eggs daily, which remain viable for several years. With dust, sand, on shoes, through dirty hands, eggs enter a person's house, infection occurs.

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Hookworm - crooked head Adult worms are 5-13 mm in size, live in the intestines, where they attach to the villi, sucking them into the mouth. The total number can range from a few pieces to 2 million. The female lays up to 20,000 eggs per day.

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The larvae of helminths ripened in the soil enter a person through dirty hands. Migrating through the body through the blood vessels, they settle in the lungs and heart. Growing up, they enter the oral cavity and are swallowed, feed on blood.

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Echinococcus A sexually mature individual has a head with 4 suckers and a double crown of 40 hooks, a neck and 2-3 body segments.

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Human infection occurs through contact with infected animals, when picking berries and herbs, drinking water from contaminated sources. In the human intestine, the larvae penetrate the blood vessels and are carried by the blood stream, linger in the liver, lungs, kidneys, and settle in the bones and brain. There, echinococcus begins to form a capsule with many worms, the size of such a capsule can reach the size of a soccer ball, while squeezing and dying off of the host's tissues occurs.

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Test for the possibility of infection with helminths Yes - 2 points, Sometimes - 1 point, No - 0 points. Do you swim in rivers, ponds? Do you use water from unverified sources, for example, from a well in a village? Fertilizing your garden with manure? Do you eat homemade bacon with streaks of meat? Do you eat lightly salted freshwater fish?

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6. Do you eat freshly prepared pork skewers? 7. Do you eat "wild meat" such as bear meat? 8. Do you use home-made light-salted caviar? 9. Do you eat vegetables straight from the garden? 10. Do you eat fruits and berries straight from the garden, such as strawberries? 11. Do you eat fallen fruits such as apples? 12. Store carrots in yard sand?

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13. Do not wash your hands with soap and water before eating? 14. Do not pour boiling water over all the greens before cooking? 15. Don't you wash your chicken eggs? 16. Do not wash bananas, oranges, tangerines before meals? 17. Walking barefoot on the grass? 18. Have you had any helminthic diseases in your family, such as pinworms in children? 19. Does the family have a dog or cat?

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0-5 points The helminths have practically no chance of finding you as a host. Continue to do the same. 6-12 points Chances of infection are real. You need to strengthen the rules of your own hygiene, revise some aspects of nutrition and rest in order to increase the degree of your protection from the penetration of helminths.

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13-25 points You have absolutely real chances to become the owner of about 150 types of helminths. You are the desired object for them, because you do not have sufficient information about the methods of infection, or do not attach importance to it. More than 25 points You are the best friend of helminths! You need to completely reconsider your views on personal health safety!

Who are the parasites? - these are organisms of plant or animal origin that live in another living organism - the "host". Parasites feed on their "host", sucking out all the vital microelements from it, day after day destroying it (the host). Parasites have learned to adapt in an oxygen-free environment and multiply very quickly, which is why it is difficult to get rid of parasites. Sometimes parasites replace 2-3 hosts (larval stage of helminths) or continue to stay at their "permanent place of residence" without changing the host.

Worms Protozoa Mycoses (fungi) Worms 1. Roundworms (nematodes - roundworms, pinworms, filariae, whipworms, strongyloids, hookworms, trichinella); 2. Flatworms: 1) trematodes (flukes - feline fluke (opisthorchus), clonorchus, fasciola, schistosome); 2) cestodes (tapeworms - bovine and pork tapeworms, dwarf tapeworm, broad tapeworm, echinococcus). The simplest Amoeba, Giardia, Trichomonas, which are often the hosts of chlamydia and the AIDS virus. Mycoses (fungi) Candida, cryptococci, penicilliums.

Gadflies (Gasterophilidae) lay larvae under the skin of mammals, including humans. In Central and South America, the human skin gadfly lives, which lays eggs on mosquitoes. When a mosquito sits on the integument of a person's body, the larvae of the skin gadfly are "drilled" into the skin. With the flow of blood, they can travel throughout the body and even enter the brain through the blood-brain barrier. By eating vital parts of the brain, gadfly larvae can lead to death.

Ankylostoma-crooked head The transmission mechanism is contact (through the skin) and through dirty hands. The larvae penetrate intact skin when walking barefoot on the grass. The larvae are able to climb the blades of grass to a height of up to 40 cm. Adult helminths are small mm in size and live in the upper parts of the small intestine, where they attach to the villi, sucking them into the oral cavity.

Pinworms are the most common helminth, especially among children. They live in the lower half of the small intestine and in the initial part of the large intestine. Females descend into the rectum, actively leave the anus, lay eggs and die. After 4-6 hours, the eggs mature and become infectious. They get on bed and underwear, hands, carpets, soft toys. They can remain viable for up to 6 months. Through hands and dust gets into the mouth. They don't need any intermediate hosts. The disease can last for decades. About 350 million people in the world suffer from enterobiasis. In the presence of pinworms in one family member, the possibility of infection of other members is very high, all family members need to be examined.

Used literature: "Internet" network: Parasites in the human body. Influence of parasites on humans. files http - nsp-dostavka_com_ua Health and beauty with Nature`s Sunshine - nsp-dostavka_com_ua.mht Parasites - hookworm.mht Parasites - ascaris.mht Parasites - giardiasis giardiasis.mht Parasites - pinworms.mht Parasites - toxocara.mht Parasites in the body human_ Influence of parasites on humans.htm The most dangerous parasites of the planet.mht WHO statistics informs_ Photo - Cleansing the body of toxins and parasites at home.mht