Cardboard plate painted with Gorodets senior group. Methodical manual for lessons from "Gorodets painting". Rosan. Step by step drawing

Gorodets painting, which comes from the villages of the Volga region, began its development in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, woodworking industries were actively developing in Russian villages surrounded by wide forests. Currently, the elements of Gorodets painting are being studied, starting from preschool institutions in the classroom for arts and crafts.

Specificity of technology

In Old Gorodets, from where this painting takes its name, the main sale of wooden household items painted in a special style created by the artisans of that time took place.

Initially, the painting was used to decorate the spinning donets. The fact is that the Gorodets spinning wheels themselves consisted of several parts, the bottom itself served to fix the piggy with a comb. They sat on the bottom during work, then the spinning wheel was disassembled, it was hung on the wall. So there was a need to decorate boards, turning them into pictures for some time. By their design decision, the Zavolzhsk masters attracted many residents to purchase such a product, which gave the development of Gorodets painting as a folk craft.

Frozen storylines were depicted on the bottoms. Everyday, idle or other events in the life of peasants and merchants. Ladies and gentlemen in lush outfits walked at fairs, drank tea, sitting at a round table, the background was not detailed, only fenced off with columns, floral arrangements, the drawing could not be divided by tiers, framed by simple lines.

Black horses, cats, wood grouse birds, peacocks, as well as flower arrangements are typical for Gorodets painting.

The painting was applied directly to the wooden surface with tempera paints, on egg yolk. Sometimes red and yellow paints could be used for the background. The color scheme has rich, as well as diluted shades of red, yellow, black colors. In later works, green and blue appear.

Painting technique

The main elements of Gorodets painting have changed only slightly over time. The style and principles of her drawing are studied in the practice of drawing on wood for preschoolers. At the initial level, he practices drawing of floral ornaments, recognizable among different types of arts. The motifs used schematically depict symmetrical buds of roses, rose trees, daisies and kupavka, and have their own characteristic features. There are fairly simple schemes by which you can learn to draw in the style of Gorodets painting.

Drawing takes place in stages and requires the use of paints that dry and do not mix with the previous application, such as gouache. Floral arrangements can form garlands, diamonds, or frames.

  1. "Garlands";

  1. "Rhombuses";

  1. "Frames" are usually used to frame the main picture.

So, for a start, a sketch is applied with a pencil, which determines the positions of the main elements of the painting.

It is not necessary to detail the drawing, since the first step in drawing with paints begins with the so-called smearing, applying only spots, circles for buds and outlines of leaves with the main flowers slightly diluted with flowers. For example, as shown in the photo below. The first step in creating bouquets.

With the second layer, we apply a darker shade with arcs for shading, that is, undiluted, saturated with colors or darkened. Drawing defines the outlines of the buds.

And the last step is to apply white paint to create a variegated picture. In drawing animals, white strokes are of the final importance in the painting of the coat and plumage. This process is called "revival" for a reason.

These are the simplest basics of drawing Gorodets painting, used in art and applied classes for children in preschool and school age.

Birds and animals are drawn in the same step-by-step actions, cockerels and pheasants are drawn quite simply and schematically.

Horses are depicted in black paint or ocher; in the Gorodets style, they are also dressed in reins and saddles, have a graceful stature and lush manes.

Application in life

Of course, unlike the old works, a new step in the development of painting took place thanks to the emergence of new paints and technologies. The technique of craftsmanship in the modern interpretation of creativity is much brighter and more elegant and is mainly used for souvenir and decorative purposes, as well as for the development of artistic skills. Nowadays, elements of the imagination of artists are added with new images in the form of butterflies and insects, and even drawings of wonderful unicorns are allowed.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs"


Institute of Arts and Arts Education

Abstract on the topic:

Gorodets painting on wood.

Work completed

Student of group Khgg-112

Illarionova Natalia.


R.M. Vartsava

G. Vladimir 2012

    The history of Gorodets painting.

    Technique of Gorodets craftsmen

    Elements, plots and techniques of Gorodets painting

    Composition in Gorodets painting



History of Gorodets painting

The painting, which is now called Gorodets, was born in the Volga region, in villages located on the banks of the clean and bright Uzory river. In the villages of Koskovo, Kurtsevo, Khlebaikha, Repino, Savino, Boyarskoye and others. In the 18th century. a center for the production of spinning donuts and toys appears. The peasants took their products to sell to the fair in the village of Gorodets. Therefore, the painting made on these products was named Gorodetsaya. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language V.I. Dalia explains that the word "bottom" means "a plate on which a spinner sits down, sticking a comb into it." After finishing work, she took out the comb, and hung the bottom on the wall, and it decorated the hut. Therefore, craftsmen paid special attention to the decoration of the boards with carvings and paintings. The spinning wheel was a faithful companion throughout the life of a peasant woman. Often served as a gift: the groom gave it to the bride, the father to the daughters, the husband to the wife. Therefore, the bottom was chosen elegant, colorful, for everyone's joy and surprise. The spinning wheel was inherited, it was protected and stored. To decorate the boards, the craftsmen used a peculiar technique - inlay, which is very rare in folk art. The figures were carved from wood of a different species and inserted into correspondingly shaped indentations. These inserts, made of dark bog oak, stood out in relief on the light surface of the bottom. With two shades of wood and using the simplest instrument, folk craftsmen turned the bottom into a work of art. In the future, the masters also began to use Donets tint. A bright combination of a yellow background with a dark oak, the addition of blue, green, red colors made it elegant and colorful. From the second half of the XIX century. the complex and laborious technique of inlay was replaced by staple carving with tint, and then the pictorial style of decoration began to prevail. The subjects of the old Gorodets painting were images of birds, flowers, riders on horses, young ladies and gentlemen, scenes from folk life. Nowadays, the traditions of old masters strive to revive and enrich folk craftsmen working at the Gorodetskaya Painting factory in Gorodets. Among them there are laureates of the A. I.E. Repin. This is L.F. Bespalova, F.N. Kasatova, A.E. Konovalov, L.A. Kubatkina, T.M. Rukina, A.V. Sokolov.

Technique of Gorodets craftsmen

Tools and materials. For painting, it is desirable to have three brushes: art squirrel (No. 2 or No. 3), column art (No. 1 or No. 2) and flutes (No. 2 or No. 3). A flutz is a flat, soft hair brush that is used for underpainting and framing. In our time, Gorodets artists paint products with oil and tempera paints. Requires eight: black, white, scarlet, kraplak red (cherry), cobalt blue light (bright blue), yellow, chromium oxide and red iron oxide. One more paint is also needed - cinnabar (bright red). To get the color scheme of the Gorodets painting, you need to mix the paints. In addition to those that are in the gouache set, you need to get four new colors: light blue, light pink, light ocher and Gorodets green (Fig. 1). To get light blue, a little cobalt blue light (bright blue paint) is added to the white paint (zinc white). Light pink is obtained by mixing white paint with cinnabar or white with scarlet. For light ocher, take light yellow and slightly red iron oxide.

Elements, plots and techniques of Gorodets painting

At the beginning of the training, it is very important to learn how to hold the brush correctly. It must be in a strictly vertical position relative to the work (Fig. 2). The elbow is fixed, and the hand is completely free to perform continuous plastic strokes, both on smooth planes and on spherical or cylindrical surfaces. In the process of work, you can lean on the protruding little finger, slightly touching the product with it. Ornament occupies a significant place in wood painting. An ornament is a pictorial, graphic or sculptural decoration made from a combination of geometric, plant or animal elements. The main elements of Gorodets painting are circles, brackets, dots, drops, arcs, strokes, spirals (Fig. 3). It is important to understand the difference between the concepts of "pattern" and "ornament". A pattern is a drawing that is a combination of lines, colors, shadows. They, brought into a certain system, rhythmically ordered, will constitute an ornament. Mastering painting of a pictorial type, to which Gorodetskaya belongs, they perform without first drawing the outline of the drawing. Gorodets painting is carried out in three stages. The first is underpainting, i.e. circular motion with a brush, applying one color spot. Underpainting is carried out with a wide flat brush - flutes or squirrel No. 3. If there is not enough paint, the underpainting will turn out to be pale, inexpressive; if there is a lot, then when it dries, the paint will begin to flake off. The second stage is shade (or shade), i.e. applying brackets. To draw the bracket correctly, at first you just need to lightly touch the tip of the brush and draw a thin line; press hard on the brush towards the middle, and finish the bracket again with a thin line. Make sure that the brush is perpendicular. The third stage is revitalization (or revitalization), i.e. fine cutting of ornamental forms with whitewash. The highlights are always applied to plain silhouettes, which gives them some volume. Mastering Gorodets painting begins with writing flowers, which are depicted mainly in a circle. Gorodets flowers are diverse in color and shape. Flowers in Gorodets painting are a symbol of health and prosperity. Buds (Fig. 7) - a kind of Gorodets flowers. First, apply the main color spot (underpainting) in a circular motion with a brush. Then they proceed to the detailed development of the ornament (shade). It is performed in black, burgundy or kraplak red. The development of the bud, the movement with a brush, the application of one color spot.

The shape of the bud depends on how the brackets are located. It can have one or more parentheses. If there are a lot of brackets, you need to start drawing with the smallest one, gradually increasing them in size and bringing them closer to the edge of the underpainting. It must be remembered that the buds are always small in size. At the end, whitewash is applied to the revitalization. Kupavka is the most widespread flower in Gorodets ornament. Her underpainting is larger than that of the bud. They begin to paint with a small circle along its edge, then make a bracket inside the circle. On the edge of the underpainting, brackets are drawn, in shape the same as the parenthesis inside the underpainting, only of a smaller size. Brackets along its edge are drawn, starting from the center, gradually reducing them in size to the core. The final stage of painting - revitalization is performed, as a rule, with whitewash. The application of revitalization requires very careful and precise execution, so it must be done with a confident stroke with a thin brush. The rose tree reflects the main features of the flower, i.e. has petals and a pronounced center. Silhouette in the form of a circle. The size may be larger. The center of the flower is drawn in the middle. The rose tree in Gorodets's painting is surrounded by brackets - petals of the same size, the color of which coincides with the color of the middle. The technique of painting the brackets is the same as for the kupavka. The development options for revitalization are so diverse that it is difficult to name even the most common ones. Gorodets artists use dots, brackets, drops, spirals. Chamomile flower is not difficult in technique. Lightly touch the surface of the paper with the tip of the brush, leaving a thin mark on it. Then, without looking up from the surface, quickly apply and lift the brush. The result is a blob stroke - thin at the beginning and wide at the end. Like a rose, it has a core, only drop petals are drawn around it. The rose is the most complex flower. The painting begins with an underpainting - the main volume of a flower-circle, a central rounded petal is added to it below, smaller petals are placed behind it in a circle to the very core, which occupies the center of the upper part of the flower.

After the silhouette of the flower is created, they begin to develop it: the elements of the central part are limited by a large bracket and turned towards the core. The arch-bracket and the core in the upper part of the flower are painted in black, burgundy and red kraplak. The edges of the petals can be outlined with the same paint as the core. The hardest thing about a rose is reviving. Inside the arc-bracket, first draw a small bracket with a linear cut. Then two to four drops are drawn on both sides of the arc, depending on the free space inside the arc. Small brackets are drawn outside the arc. Stamen dots can be drawn inside the parenthesis arc. Gorodets leaves are very diverse in shape, size and color. They are almost always arranged in groups of five, three, or two leaves.

A simple Gorodets leaf is depicted as a pumpkin seed. A more complex one is written like this: they draw a smooth arc with a brush and connect it with a curved line, making sure that the sheet at one end remains wide. The leaves are always wide, round and spread out. Leaves are depicted in two steps: with underpainting and reviving. If the underpainting is done with Gorodets green paint, then the revival is performed with black paint, if with Gorodets dark green paint, then whitewash is added to the black revives. The Gorodets bird is a symbol of family happiness. Birds are depicted in various versions: this is a proud peacock, a frowning turkey, a cocky cock, and a fabulous bird. They begin to write them with a smooth line depicting the bend of the neck and chest, then a line is drawn that defines the shape of the head and back, then the line of the wing, filamentary beak and legs are determined. Most often, the body is made in black, the wing is painted over with Gorodets green paint. The tail is written in different ways, for example, it is limited on both sides by lines that define its silhouette and painted over. This is best done in scarlet. In another case, each tail feather is drawn in two colors. The development of birds begins with the head and ends with the tail. The revives are made with whitewash, applying thin strokes.

Gorodets horse is a symbol of wealth. It is mostly black in color, with a small head on a sharply curved neck and a neatly combed mane. Masters portray him in several ways. Some free swinging strokes write the outline of the entire figure and only then paint over it. Others build the figure of a horse with color spots, starting with the largest vertical element - the chest and neck. The outlines of harness and saddle, back and abdominal parts of the body are added to them. The plane bounded by the harness and saddle lines remains light in this version. Most often, the saddle and harness are made scarlet, and the details of the head and tail legs are made with whitewash.

Gorodets bird

Hello everyone! Today on our agenda is art. Do you have any painted wooden bowl or spoon in bright golden-red colors in your home? Or maybe you inherited a rocking horse, joyful in patterns? Then, perhaps, you already know what a Gorodets painting is.

Well, if you still have a little meager idea of ​​the Gorodets masters, then I suggest you get to know their interesting work better.

Lesson plan:

Where did Gorodets art come from?

The history of one of the highest achievements of folk art - Gorodets painting - began in the 19th century. Peasants lived on the two banks of the Volga River in villages named Kurtsevo, Savino, Koskovo and others, who made spinning wheels with carvings and sold them at fairs.

And they decorated this carving to make their creations brighter.

Later decorative pattern and completely supplanted woodcarving from spinning wheels, and such painted art began to be called "Nizhny Novgorod painting", and the masters themselves were called "Kurtsev dyers".

It is interesting! Not everyone knows that the establishment of woodcarving in Gorodets is due to Peter I, who asked to decorate each ship with wooden carvings, showing the Russian power and talent of the Russian people. When in the 18th century construction moved closer to the shores of the seas, Russian craftsmen found another use for their talent - they began to make spoons and bowls, cups and spinning wheels from wood.

It is believed that Gorodets painting flourished with the appearance in the village of Kurtsevo in 1870 of an icon painter from Gorodets by the name of Ogurechnikov, who was invited to revive the painting of the Kurtsevo church. It was he who taught local craftsmen to apply paints in layers, enliven the picture with whitewash and give expressiveness to the drawing.

Starting painting with spinning wheels, the Kurtsev craftsmen slowly began to hone their acquired skills on dishes, baskets, toys for children, and boxes. Lush bouquets, black horses, and outlandish birds appeared in the houses. On the tree "they drank tea" and "staged walks."

Only in the 30s of the XX century the name of this drawing on wood appeared, which today we know and hear - "Gorodets painting", and all thanks to the fact that such decorated household utensils were sold in the nearby town of Gorodets, and workshops worked.

Kohl girl on the board

Or a daring fellow,

Wonder horse and wonder bird, -

So this is Gorodets!

What is the difference between Gorodets painting?

It is difficult to confuse Gorodets craftsmanship with another, because this particular painting is replete with bright garlands and lush bouquets. Only here you will see all the pomp of the plots together with the sincerity of the common people.

One has only to look at the objects painted in the Gorodets style, and you will immediately find yourself:

  • on a walk as a rider on a horse;
  • at the table during tea drinking, surrounded by rich decoration;
  • together with hunters in the forest;
  • in the circle of cheerful and carefree city people;
  • or behind a spinning wheel.

In addition to the painted life of peasants and merchants, Gorodets craftsmen could depict mystical animals. But whatever theme was present in the drawing, it was always decorated with garlands of flowers.

From the very beginning, Gorodets painting was applied with egg paints in the form of large spots, without contours. Craftsmen could make free-form strokes, then outlining the elements with black or white lines. Favorite background shades:

  • green;
  • bright red;
  • black;
  • juicy blue.

Today, masters in factories use oil paints, which gives them a greater variety of colors, but the features of the motives of Gorodets painting have been preserved. The technology of painting on wood has also remained the same.

Yellow evening, black horse

And kupavka like fire

The birds are watching from the casket -

This is Gorodets's painting!

How to draw in Gorodets

Gorodets craftsmen have their own technology of painting on wood. Initially, artists, using a pencil, throw in a future drawing with a thin line, outlining the location of its elements, their sizes. The wood base can be pre-coated with a primer paint of one of the shades - red, yellow or black. Professionals do not waste time on a sketch, but draw immediately with paints.

For Gorodets painting, a special paint is used - tempera, which is made from natural or artificial powders. Sometimes masters take gouache as assistants and add PVA glue there. But whatever the paint may be, the most important thing is its rich color, which is what distinguishes the painting from Gorodets.

The base of all elements is drawn in white, this is called a paint job. Then, details are applied on a light tone with thin strokes. This is done in dark shades, which is why this step is called shading. At the last stage of drawing, with the help of the thinnest brush, they make the so-called lightening with black paint and revive with white paint in the form of dots and shading.

When finished work dries completely, it is varnished. In general, it is not so difficult. Want to try? Then read about what the Gorodets masters usually draw.

Where are the buckets, rocking horses

Very joyful tones

These are all the works of the beautiful

Gorodets craftsmen.

Gorodets compositions

Gorodets painting has three types of patterns.

Flower theme

The most simple and therefore often used. It can be a single flower with leaves or a floral ornament in the form of bouquets, flower garlands, rhombuses, stripes and wreaths. Bouquets are often painted on kitchen boards and table dishes, glasses, bowls and salt shakers.

Garlands are found on bread bins, children's furniture and gift boxes. Rhombuses of flowers decorate cabinets and benches. Stripes are used for painting three-dimensional objects, for example, for decorating a round box, or as edging in a plot. The edges of the product are often painted with wreaths.

Composition with drawing bird or horse

It is often used to paint large items - table dishes, bread bins, children's furniture, but sometimes this theme can be seen on a regular spoon. Such images look very nice on a black or red background.


The most difficult painting, which can be devoted to dating or a feast, fairy tales or modern life. Typically, these patterns are elongated along a horizontal line. The picture can consist of several parts, separated by columns, curtains or other interior items. Sometimes in one plot you can see several heroes in different rooms.

Gorodets craftsmen always depict grooms on horseback, and brides - standing near birches. In plots with a feast, the tables are necessarily full of dishes, on them a mandatory symbol is a samovar. Sometimes Gorodets artists paint entire villages with houses, wells, streets, churches.

Today, the modern masters of the Gorodetskaya Painting factory continue old traditions, creating masterpieces of art craft in the form of boxes, bread bins, toys and furniture.

Painted flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

That beauty has no end

It's all from Gorodets!

You can learn even more about the history of painting, see how real masters work and admire their works by watching this video.

So you got to know better the Gorodets painting. If you become interested, you can now try to make a beautiful gift for your mother for the holiday with your own hands by painting a chopping board or a box in the style of Gorodets.

Well, for your teacher and classmates the best gift will be your interesting research project dedicated to the work of Gorodets craftsmen.

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Today we are studying the technique of Gorodets painting. This type of painting for beginners is one of the types of folk applied art of Russia, which originated in a small town on the Volga called Gorodets. Drawings made in this technique are distinguished by bright, saturated colors, the presence of black horses in the paintings and birds with incredibly lush tails. Also, flowers are always present in the works, mainly a bud, a rose, a rose and a chamomile.

We study Gorodets painting for beginners

Drawings in the technique of Gorodets painting are very symbolic - a horse symbolizes wealth, birds - happiness, and flowers - health and prosperity. The main motives of the drawings are horse riders, young ladies in lush, colorful dresses, various festive events - fairs, weddings, folk festivals or just city streets, that is, all the elements of the painting conveyed life and everyday life ordinary people... Moreover, animals have always been depicted only in profile, and people in full face. In addition, Gorodets pictures are always saturated with flowers - in the form of bouquets, garlands, or they are simply randomly scattered throughout the work.

Traditionally, drawing in the technique of Gorodets painting was carried out on wood - spinning wheels, boxes, chests, arches, children's furniture, cutting boards and other household items were decorated with patterns. But at the initial stage, you can try your hand at paper, so that your hands get used to curved shapes, to the transitions from the thinnest lines to wide strokes and other unusual elements of drawings.

Let's get a little touch of folk art and try to draw the main types of flowers that are present in Gorodets drawings. To do this, we need a sheet of paper, a pencil, a paintbrush and cherry-colored gouache.

At the beginning of work, on a sheet of paper, draw four circles - three are identical, and the fourth is slightly smaller and with the help of a brush and paint we make round spots on each circle - these will be the spouts of flowers. On the first two circles, the spouts will be located in the center, and on the rest - on the side.

Next, we begin to finish painting our flowers as shown in the photo, performing the petals with paint of the same color. Draw an arc along the circumference of the first circle, starting with a barely noticeable touch of the paper brush, gradually increasing the pressure and finishing the work again with a barely noticeable touch - we got a bud. In the central part of the second circle we draw a similar arc, and along the edge of the circle, with smaller arcs, made according to the same principle, draw petals - we got a rose. Draw the same petals along the circumference of the third circle, thus obtaining a rose tree. From the fourth circle we will make a chamomile, using a different technique - wetting to draw droplets around the nose of the flower.

Flowers in Gorodets painting are drawn in such not cunning ways. Now you can paint some household item and present it as a gift to a loved one. If you have to draw a large number of colors at the same time, then you can use templates and stencils of circles with the help of a compass and use them in your work.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how flowers are made using the Gorodets painting technique.

Stages of execution of flowers.

Underpainting is the same colored circle that serves as the basis for all colors in Gorodets painting. For flowers in this painting technique, paint is traditionally used in red, cherry, pink, light blue and blue. At the same time, flowers of blue and light blue color may be completely absent from the picture or occupy no more than 1/4 of its part.

Guidance of the petals - after the gouache with underpainting has dried, we begin to draw the petals, depending on the flowers that you want to paint, and we do their guidance with a darker paint.

Lives are the decoration of flowers with dots and strokes. They are made with the help of white gouache and fine art brushes No. 2 or No. 3. Dots are placed in the center of the noses of all colors, and the edging of the noses for daisies and rose trees is also made. The noses of buds and roses are decorated with a white arc. This stage is completed by the strokes applied to the roses.

Thus, if you adhere to the traditional rules of drawing in this technique, then Gorodets painting will no longer seem to be something super complicated and unattainable for beginners. Even children can master it, one has only to make some effort and, as they say, "fill" a hand. In addition, there are now quite a lot of different artistic educational institutions, where teaching this kind of creativity is adapted for both children and adults.

Household items painted in the Gorodets technique are popular to this day, because drawings on cutting boards, boxes or kitchen spatulas can decorate the interior of any, even the most modern dwelling.

Related videos

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with video lessons on the technique of Gorodets painting, which will allow you to plunge into the world of folk art, help you better master this technique and create unique patterns on quite ordinary household items that will delight you and your loved ones for a long time.

Gorodets painting is a wonderful painting technique that was created in Russia. Often, even in kindergartens, lessons are held on the art of depicting objects and animals in unique bright colors with elements of a fairy tale.

History of Gorodets painting

Usually, wooden products were decorated with Gorodets painting. Since initially it was the folk craft of drawing on wood from the Nizhny Novgorod Territory.

It got its development in the second half of the 19th century, near the village of Gorodets, hence the name. There were a lot of forests in that area, so the material came out cheap. And from it, in turn, they made children's toys, furniture, houses and much more. To decorate wooden objects, painting was used, which could not do without bright garlands of flowers.

So it was gradually transferred to almost all household items. And the images of various fairy-tale plots and variegated colors gave the paintings a special memorable plot.

This technique is still popular today. You can easily find pieces of furniture, especially for children, decorated with lush flowers. And since the elements are large enough, kindergarten teachers began to use stage-by-stage drawing of Gorodets painting during creative activities.

Elements and technique of their execution in Gorodets painting

Real masters of Gorodets painting, first of all, pay attention to the position of the hand during work. It is only required to hold the brush vertically so that it can rotate between the fingers (thumb, forefinger and middle) without obstacles. With the correct setting, all the elements of the painting are given without much effort.

The painting is carried out in two stages:

  • underpainting;
  • revival.

For underpainting, use large brushes, fill the entire figure at once. For example, all horses are completely covered with black paint, except for the harness. Such a technique is available even for a five-year-old child. The main thing in it is to smear the paints in an even and thin layer so that there are no gaps.

Animation is a technique by which a sketch of a drawing turns into a picture. In this case, thin (artistic) brushes are used. They work only with black and white paint, unlike underpainting, where any color is acceptable. Only the tip is dipped, and all the details are done neatly.

Various dots and curls are applied to liven up the picture. But they have strict rules of execution. For example, you can only apply arcs, dots, strokes, and droplets. The main thing is to touch only the end of the brush work, so that the strokes are smooth and beautiful.

Absolutely all elements of Gorodets painting are applied without a preliminary pencil sketch. That is why each work turns out to be individual.

How to depict flowers in Gorodets painting

To make the paintings work especially well, consider the step-by-step drawing of Gorodets painting using the example of flowers. They are considered a symbol of health.

To master the technique of Gorodets painting well enough, it is enough to learn how to draw four flowers. The work is done in three stages, unlike the rest of the elements:

  • underpainting;
  • aiming the petals;
  • revival.

While you are studying, as well as if the children are doing the work, you can use a pencil in the "Gorodets painting" drawing technique. A step-by-step drawing for children, and for adults, will look like this:

  1. Draw four circles (three equal and one smaller) on a sheet of paper with a pencil
  2. Take a thin brush and put round spots with cherry paint (in the first two - on the side, and in the remaining ones - in the middle)
  3. Using the same paint, on the first circle draw an arc from the edge. To aim it correctly, hold the brush perpendicular to the sheet of paper. Barely touching, start drawing, then press, and finish again with a thin line.
  4. On the second circle, draw the same arc, but not along the edge, but inside. And place the petals on the edge. Make them the same as the previous element, only smaller.
  5. On the third circle, distribute the petals around the circle.
  6. In the fourth, paint the droplets using the blotting method. They must be placed in a radius around the central spot.

When you've learned how to draw the elements separately, let's move on to making a flower:

  1. First, draw underpainting - large spots of paint in the form of a circle. We take any color, usually pink or blue.
  2. On these circles we apply one of the selected patterns that we learned to draw - this is the stage of guiding the petals.
  3. Now we complete the work with revivals. They are performed on flowers with white paint. We make neat drawings or dots to bring the pattern to life.

The image of flowers is the basis of the "Gorodets painting" style. Step by step drawing in kindergarten such patterns will bring children a lot of joy and teach them accuracy, since everything must be done without a sketch, and arcs and animations should be done with special precision.

in a kindergarten group

As we already said, Gorodets painting is perfect for children. Consider how to carry out a phased drawing of Gorodets painting in the senior group of a kindergarten.

First, tell the children what Gorodets painting is in general and show the illustrations. To make it easier for them to do the work, do it together by drawing on a sheet of paper attached to the board. Begin:

  1. Draw a body that looks like two droplets that look in different directions and are connected with a stick.
  2. Next, sketch out the head. It is not necessary to complicate it, take an oval, add ears and an elongated muzzle.
  3. Now the legs. Small triangles in the right places, from them sticks and at the end also triangles (hooves).
  4. We depict the mane and tail with yellow paint, using semicircles in work.
  5. We draw a saddle (children choose the color themselves).
  6. Draw the eyes, bridle and decorate the saddle.

It was a phased drawing of a horse. Gorodets painting will help children become more accurate and develop their creativity. And also you can familiarize young artists with geometric shapes.

We paint the board with Gorodets painting with children

Particularly interesting for children in kindergarten will be the phased drawing of Gorodets painting on a wooden board as a gift to parents. You can ask the pupils in advance to bring blanks for work from home. And build the lesson itself as follows:

  1. We tell a little about the history of Gorodets painting.
  2. Determine the center of each plank, put a point there with a pencil.
  3. Draw a circle with the selected color.
  4. When it dries up, apply petals on top (choose one flower option for everyone).
  5. After waiting a little, take a thin brush and apply streaks in white.
  6. The remaining space is allowed to be supplemented with curls.
  7. Paint over the outline of the board with a solid strip of the same color as the flower.

Such an activity will bring a lot of impressions to the children, and the memory will remain for life. Recommend varnishing the board at home with your parents to keep the paint from falling off over time.

Tips for working with children in the execution of Gorodets painting

If you plan to carry out a phased drawing of Gorodets painting with your pupils, do not forget:

  1. First, do all the elements yourself.
  2. Choose the same pattern for everyone.
  3. If you see that someone is failing, help.
  4. Do not forget to praise the guys as you work.
  5. Remember that the basis of Gorodets patterns is underpainting, which is done in one color, and there should be no gaps, and the revitalization is done with a thin brush.

Gorodets painting is a drawing of the elements of a fairy tale, so children will definitely like such work.