Birthday discounts in Eldorado. "Eldorado" celebrates its anniversary and gives gifts to customers. Bonus program conditions

Until July 28 inclusive, each visitor to the Eldorado retail stores can join the action by purchasing the participating product and spinning the “gift wheel”. And everyone will be lucky, prizes in the amount of 500 to 20,000 rubles are guaranteed. The winner will receive a card for the second purchase, which can be used to pay up to 100% of the cost of the equipment, the next purchase can be made until August 31.

The promotion started recently, but some buyers are already lucky and share their impressions:

“We recently bought an apartment and are now furnishing it,” say Marina and Pyotr Evseevs from Irkutsk. - In "Eldorado" looked behind the washing machine. And then the "wheel"!

“I’m not often in stores,” says Tatyana Semyonovna Gorshkova, a pensioner from Yaroslavl. - But the iron burned out - I came for a new one, and here is such a gift! As many as 20 thousand! I will please new purchase his grandson Ilyusha.

- This is a super idea! - rejoices eighteen-year-old Muscovite Oleg Igoryshev. - For my birthday, friends gave me an envelope - they know that I am a music lover - and I came to choose a music center. And then the action! One push of the lever, and I have another 5 thousand.

The winner is from Vladimir. Photo: press service of Eldorado

Price tags will tell

Buyers need to be aware that not all products are eligible for the promotion. The purchase of those of them that are marked with special price tags, gives the right to receive a bonus. The buyer must go to the "wheel" and spin it. At the moment when it stops, using a special pointer, the same amount of bonuses that will be credited to the plastic card will be determined. Cash withdrawal by card is not available, bonuses can only be used to pay for Eldorado goods. Both retail stores and an online store will accept cards for payment, the only condition is self-pickup of the goods. You can use the card only once. Please note that the balance of the card is debited in full in any case, even if your purchase is worth less. You pay only 1 ruble to the cashier.

The bonus system of the hardware store provides additional privileges. They apply to holders of "Savings" cards "Eldorado". Discounts on the buyer's birthday is one of the advantages.

Benefit size

Usually, the store credits bonuses to a special "Savings" card. They can be used on subsequent purchase. For birthday people, the number of points received is doubled. 6.6% (and not 3.3% as usual) of the check amount falls on the card. Later, with savings, you can pay in full or in part for the HiTechnic equipment or service (installation, adjustment and maintenance of purchased items).


There are several options for obtaining the birthday privilege. The path depends on whether or not the birthday person has an Eldorado Savings card. Birthday promotions are offered to every buyer.

The timing

  • The privilege is valid on the birthday and for 5 days after the holiday date.
  • Double benefit is credited to the card immediately, and you can pay for the further purchase with the received points after 14 days.

Additional Information

Bonuses are awarded in accordance with the rules of the loyalty program. The store gives birthdays additional bonuses on your next purchase. Special discounts on the birthday itself are not available at Eldorado.

In the period from July 1 to August 31, 2014, the "Birthday of Eldorado" campaign is held in all retail stores of ELDORADO LLC.


2. The action takes place in all retail stores of LLC "ELDORADO" (hereinafter "Eldorado").

3. The promotion applies to online store orders issued for pickup from retail stores. The promotion does not apply to online store orders placed with delivery or self-pickup from online hypermarkets and online store points.

4. In the period from July 01, 2014 to July 28, 2014, when purchasing certain goods, the client can receive a gift for the promotion "Birthday of Eldorado".

5. To participate in the promotion, no later than 20 minutes after the purchase, the client must go to the "wheel" and spin it. At the moment when the wheel stops, using a special indicator, the amount of bonuses will be determined, which will be credited to the plastic card.

6. Wheel spinning is possible only in the same store where the purchase was made.

7. The promotion is carried out by pressing a special lever once. Any physical impact on the wheel after pressing the special lever and until the wheel comes to a complete stop is prohibited. If the client took any action in order to change the amount of bonuses displayed by the wheel, the minimum amount is credited to his card - 500 bonuses.

8.After paying one check, spinning the wheel is possible only once.

9. The gift is provided in the form of a plastic card "Birthday of Eldorado" (hereinafter referred to as "card"), to which the corresponding denomination is credited, 1 bonus = 1 ruble.

10. Information about the amount of bonuses credited to the card is displayed in a special document. After the corresponding amount is credited to the card, a document is printed in two copies indicating the denomination and card number as well as the date of enrollment.

11. Both copies are stamped by the store, one is signed by the buyer, the second is the responsible employee of the store. A copy signed by a store employee is provided to the buyer.

12. Bonuses credited to the card within the framework of the "Birthday of Eldorado" promotion can be used to pay up to 100% of the check amount in the period from July 01, 2014 to August 31, 2014. Cash withdrawal by card is not made, the card can only pay for Eldorado goods ...

13. Payment by card is possible at any Eldorado retail store, or Eldorado online store, subject to self-pickup.

14. For payment / partial payment of the check amount, the card must be presented.

15. The use of the card is possible only once.

16.If the card is lost, the card is not restored.

17. If the price of the goods purchased using the card is less than or equal to its face value, the balance of the card is debited in full, the buyer must pay 1 ruble to the cashier.

18. In case of participation in the campaign “Just choose, easy to change”, the client cannot participate in the “Birthday of Eldorado” campaign at the stage of issuing or accepting a card.

  • Enter the promo code in the shopping cart when placing an order

  • The size of the discount ranges from 500 rubles to 5000 rubles. from the cost of promotional goods
  • One code word discount is provided for one item
  • Codeword discounts are not cumulative
  • Products. participating in the promotion are marked with a special icon
  • The list of eligible products and discounts are subject to change during the promotion period without prior notice.
  • The code word is valid only for the products of the Eldorado online store.
  • Codeword does not apply to "Services" and Hi Technic certifications


  • Lots of payment methods.
  • Additional service for maintenance.
  • Convenient forum with reviews about the equipment and the store.

Online store "Eldorado"

Eldorado, one of the largest online stores of household appliances and electronics, celebrates its birthday and gives generous gifts to all customers! Don't miss 5 promotional codes for a discount up to 5000r. for household appliances, electronics and accessories, and this means that you have a chance to buy TVs, laptops, phones, computers, cameras and much more at the best prices !
Eldorado online store is convenient! Make an order online and receive it from the comfort of your home! Save time and energy on shopping and waiting in lines : the entire assortment of the Eldorado store is now available for ordering on the website! Choose from hundreds of offers, enter a special promo code and enjoy your new technology- it's so easy to live better!

The Eldorado retail chain, which specializes primarily in household appliances, is familiar to almost everyone in our country. The company's stores are currently represented in more than 200 cities, in total there are more than 600 stores in different regions of Russia. How to get discounts on birthday in Eldorado?

Buyers who are members of the "Club Eldorado" and have a corresponding bonus card, on their birthday can count on significant bonuses in this trading network. Now Eldorado issues its customers two types of cards:

  • plastic;
  • virtual electronic.

Electronics store Eldorado offers a bonus system for cardholders

A plastic card is issued to the buyer after purchase in one of the stores of the Eldorado chain. The card itself costs nothing, however, upon receipt, it is advisable to fill out a special buyer's questionnaire (it is in it that, among other information, you need to indicate your date of birth).

As for the electronic bonus card, you can order it in your Personal Account on the Eldorado website (of course, for this you first need to register and log in to this portal).

Both types of cards are absolutely equal and give the opportunity to participate in the bonus program on the same conditions... However, a buyer who has electronic card, in a real store, if he wants to use the bonuses, he will have to change it to a plastic analogue.

There are situations when a person receives a card, but at the same time forgets or does not have time to fill out the questionnaire. What to do in this case? In fact, this oversight is easy to fix on the Eldorado website in your Personal account... Or you can print the questionnaire from the site on paper, fill it out neatly and come with it to the nearest Eldorado store.

What else is the Eldorado bonus program characterized by?

Let's list some of the main features of this bonus program:

  1. Bonuses, as a rule, are activated (that is, become available for use) fourteen days after accrual. And the activation of promotional points can occur in terms that differ from the standard ones.
  2. With the accumulated bonuses, you can pay not only for goods, but also for some services, for example, delivery when ordering via the Internet.
  3. There are certain exceptions - goods and services that cannot be paid for with bonuses. We are talking, in particular, about payments for mobile communications and insurance services.
  4. Sometimes it happens that a bonus card has been forgotten at home and you cannot present it when buying. In this case, is it possible to spend the bonuses accumulated on it simply by calling the card number? This is not possible today. However, Eldorado employees may well accrue bonuses for your purchase, even if you do not have the card with you. It is enough just to enter its number when registering the purchased product in a special field.
  5. The rate is one to one. That is, 1 bonus equals 1 ruble.
  6. If desired, more than 99% of the purchase price can be paid with bonuses (but in any case, 1 ruble will have to be paid either in cash or by bank transfer).
  7. Ninety days after activation, those bonuses that have not been used will “burn out”.

Information on how to check the amount of accumulated bonuses is indicated on the card itself. In particular, this can be done by calling the help desk or by contacting the cashier point of sale El Dorado.

What bonuses and benefits can an Eldorado buyer expect on his own birthday?

Any holder of a bonus card has the right to receive and accumulate bonuses for purchases all year round. For example, for the purchase of a regular product in an offline retail store Eldorado, the buyer will be credited with 3.3% bonuses on the bonus card. When purchasing a product for which a special offer or promotion is valid, the user will be credited with 1% of the amount. For any purchase in the Eldorado online store, he will also receive 1% in the form of bonuses.

And the bonuses for the birthday and the next five days are literally doubled for all of the above items. That is, 6.6% will be charged instead of 3.3% and 2% instead of 1%.

On the site you can activate a loyal customer card to accumulate bonuses

In addition, the buyer can count on special gift bonuses on his birthday. The system automatically determines the users of bonus cards, who will receive bonuses for special offers. A message about such an accrual can come to the phone or to the e-mail indicated when filling out the questionnaire. In addition, you can find out that you have become a member of the special offer on the website of the trading network in your Personal Account (this information is posted in the section "Personal offers"). Any other preferential conditions and discounts on birthday in Eldorado are not available at this time.