The script of the Ukrainian wedding is killing from above. Wedding script in Ukrainian. Ukrainian party Graduation in Ukrainian style script

Scene of the party.

Good evening, dear friends!
I am visiting you at the common living room. At all the specials, that unforgettable evening of all the presence, absolutely, happy and proud, who were violated, wicked, brought such beautiful children.
On their last line, the vypuskniki said: “We played some classics with you, but lived a quarter of our life in the world”. It is true that we are living our life because of shvidkisti bliskavits. Also, let’s try to remember the skin, skin smile, skin word.

Uwaga! I will ask you before you fill in the vipusniks _____ rock!


To move chestnuts, tumbled and mlyavi,
That axis is before them, at the kingdom of silence,
Chornyavi and bilyavi entered,
Black and blue daughters.

І vzhe chestnuts nikoli drimati,
І month do not be surprised at zgori
Wear it, rum and brick,
On the twists, on the heat of the kids.

І heaven with the warmth of glybin,
I joy to pour into the heart -
Laugh, hum, radio, murmur,
Zakvitchani zamriyanі sotsya. (V. Simonenko)

Vitaєmo vypusknikіv special school № ______ !!!

The urochist was in need of the message of the evening, dedicated to the farewell from school and the presentation of certificates to the graduates of the _________ rock!
I ask everyone to get up. Sounding to the Hymn of Ukraine!


The whole day, really, happy for all those present at the hall.
For vipuskniks, the stench was smelled about the next 2 years.
Happy for the Victims, even the process of creation is over. The I skin sees a part of the Divine in my own mind, seeing to myself by Pigmalion, as having opened his unique Galatea.

І in holy hominki, і in the days of work
We think, vypuskniki, about you.

Ні, it is not enough to pry the skin of rice,
That creativity is from our natchnennyh vich,
And the creativity of the head of the world is alarming,
Nemov travneva is restless nich.

We do not dream of a sleepy, sleepy call,
Nі, we can’t be hammered by the silence -
When you come, you feel our face,
Unsettled creative with the luck of Edna.

We are thinking about you. In fine summer nights,
In the freezing wounds and the evening hour,
І in holy hominki, і in the days of work,
Areas of the road, we will grab you!

I want you to be welcoming me with splashes quietly, that at once with you, dear graduates, for the joy of a new message, reading books, reading the light of human culture, and then, having asked for all the rock.
Visit the readers of 315 specialized schools!

Happy whole day for the headmaster of our school, for you, dear graduates, for our intellectual and professional maybutnim, ties and peace, and support.
The same word is for Biruk Oleksandr Oleksiyovych.


Know to bring us the sum
Our beloved children in self-life.
Already grown up have become the color of the vip-red,
I saw a new maybutty for the boys.

Hi, I will be a generous share for you,
I good, yak grain, skin day of sprout,
І do not know nіkoli nі bіdi, nі severe pain,
Well, and we want to write one sheet.

Lusciously all around our sleeping place,
I will ask you from nature.
Hai voices to heaven, your youth and pure,
І to the rank to sound a whole dance music for you. (Violetta Dvoretska)

Dance, MUSIC.

Love graduates! Chi dovgimi, chi tsіkavimi for you, 10 school rockies ?! Mabut, from the look of this year's day, you smell like ten sidewalks of a miraculous Kazka, more useful, unsatisfactory, mysteries. They read the first kazku ... At such chvilini, beloved, bang, it’s radisno, and you also reached the one who was so pissed off, they knew, what kind of wine, a whole lot of happy kinets.
Ale і sum may hunt for a soul, for those who have ended, be useful, to say goodbye to the beloved head heroes.
Hourly every hour you will want to play the book and read the chapters.

The axis of the side is ______, and once again, you will be amazed at the bazhany of little lads and the girls go to school, the teacher’s patience, I’ll just repeat the name of the components when they’re seen: change, vid'єmnik, dear.

Not less tsіkava bula side ______. New school, new enemy, new friends.

And the side of 1995 is not good for you. We got to know the new classy kerіvniki. Whom was spared, and by stretching out six rocky orders, one ludin was born. And there are some orphans, and then they woke up to the new classy mothers: protesting, stupefying or experiencing and suffering. Ale in reshtі rasht at once went to theaters, on excursions, got ready until the Day of the People's School, celebrated in sports games, and even became one for one.

On the other hand, you can read the ______ rock in the doorway.

Why the trouble is with you
Often go to the light of day?
Singing, є there is a lot of grief in you,
Invisible to me.

I want to have a happy life,
Ale kozhnu ludin wait
І sorrow, і sum, і spend,
I can’t bend it.

Ale to bisu qiu wisdom is wretched!
I guess three chorti!
I'm banging all the way
All life smiled at you.

Schhob nikoli slosa on vії
Not svitilas, mov dew.
Hail happiness to be clear
Your beauty is not loud.

I don’t know you,
I will give you a yak, -
The sky in the day buvak sirim,
And for good reason - dove.

The word is nadaєatsya to the best kerіvnik in the _____ class - _____________________.


Well, from i everything is read to the miraculous kazka about school. Losing the epilogue.

School of the last days, good weather and sumny.
School left to drain your soul.
If you want it not to check, now one more musish
Accept everything, yak є, ... school days
School days, it was so far away.
School days remain at the skin.
It's so easy for you to get out of the way.
More croc - and go to school the last days.
Stink you to grieve without any prediction,
Spill clean sloos and snake kalamut.
And in the heart and in the soul - the feeling of frost.
Passed through school of life, school of last days.

For the presentation of certificates, I will ask the stage director of our school - ________________________. - those of the best kerivniks.

Slide to mean that this year's certification will be awarded for the singing nominations.

Then, I will ask to go to the stage for the Gold of the hope of our school, the scholars who graduated from school with gold medals.


The nomination is coming - Срібна nadіya. Graduates went to her, as they graduated from school with medals.

Until the upcoming nomination - Our hope is gone by the scholars, who have reached the high level of the acquired school subjects, and, indeed, they have great hopes.

The nomination is coming - Olimpijska nadiya - tse ti, glorifying our schools and sportsmen.

Nomination The young presenter was quiet, having taken part in the Olympics, writing robots for the Little Academy of Sciences.

The nomination is coming - Mіs and Mіster. I ask you to be quiet, taking part in the whole competition.
Є middle of titles and artists. The stench will stay in front of the saint with a penzel in my hands.
And now I will ask you to go to the stage of the Nevgamovs. Quiet, hto writing scripts, vlashtovuvav contests, in a word, quiet, who just can not sit without money.

Nomination - Gold in the middle. Before her, I must enter those, who are included in the life of all ideas, as they are popular with the non-vampires ..

Є We have a special nomination - Nayekstravagantnіsha student. Until she passed away
1.Korolova Yuliya Sergiyivna 11G

Coming nomination - Creative specialties (sing, spіvtsі, sound-and-TV operator)

Є We have Gentlemen and Gentlemen. All of the people who came to the fore and the hopes that they helped the most classy students.

And now I will ask for Financials, quiet, but in the place of rahuvati pennies and zberigati.
It is scratched that special nomination є we have - The right hand of the best clerk. Until she was gone:


Sered vchitelіv, as pratsyuyut in 11 grades, we spent a study with the appointment of candidates for a special nomination - LYUDINA VIPUSKU.
Otzhe, wait for the chance! Tse
The very tsim to vipusknikami will be given the right to bring in the ensign of the school.
Tozh pid Hymn to the school and I ask you to bring in the ensign.


I wonder if I will not have mercy, I will say that all the daddy write at once with their children, and that, in my own house, I’ll help my daddy for love, I’ll help you. And don't be hungry for words of intimacy, love, that all the same is smarter than those that are visible.
And tell me, as the vypuskniki wrote to tell you how to love and appreciate your fathers and be ready to help them.


“I love my mother even more and I don’t know my life without her. Yak kindly bow down to your breasts, see the warmth of your hands, which you should not press to your heart. It's easy for my mother's hands! Skіlki robots stink! Golden hands, charisma! Smell vm_yut vgamuvati b_l, znyati vtom, razveseliti.
Yak kind, if є mom, kind, sweet і nіzhna, є, to whom to go for joy. Won’t be evil, don’t make a grudge, and do not make a mistake.
Tse Bereginya, as nikoli did not vimag to see nothing of us, but to sacrifice everything for us - to bring life to us.
People's wisdom to impart: "Shanuy dad and nenko - everything will be smooth!" even only for the help of others, the unique pleasures of the life, the laying of the winds of the maybut.
Matters do not buy, do not deserve. Also, take care of them and shake them. Remember, that early old age and ailments are not to be brought in by the style of the priest, like the wounds of the heart, the sickness, our behavior is not common, the unkind words. Mom vibrates everything, survives everything: і image, і bіl, і grief, it is more irksome to the mother's heart to grieve even more. It’s not easy to be put to love by our mothers, but to take care of it and multiply it. ”


“Mati is the very same person, as with her butt to hammer in the need and vitality, love to the neighbor.
I have a mother like that. I remember that when I denounced it, I didn’t take it over me, if I was sick, my eyes, reminiscent of tears, are tight. Had to be built, if she could, then she took away the ailment on me. And with love, you wondered off my scythe, spending the first day before school. And yak walked around quietly, navshpinki, so do not wake me up. And she has a few bad nights on her shoulders! From the early morning until the evening out on the robots with the children (my mother worked at school), and when I came home, she knew an hour or two, if I asked for help, and even more or less in the evenings and at night, I changed the education and prepared before lessons. On all new-borns, the saint was swearing with her wispy hands, and she was picking me up. Can you reread everything that your mother's hands have broken? Hiba is it possible for those who have experienced more than once in the heart?
If I didn’t bring me back to life, I’ll always come to my mother, and I’ll just check out on me. І z rokami, mabut, їy more and more not vistachatyme me. And today I’m happy, Tim, I’m entrusting the dear to me, people are my mother, my friend and helper.

Dyysno, a lot of strength, patience that hour requires a lot of power, the vitality of such garnishing and smart children. I would like to play with you for those who helped us to grow our school life, we shrink, lighten, and trick.

In the middle of the Batkivs and such, as the chiefs took an active part in the robots of the Batkiv Committee of the class, and in those on the right, they took the best kervniks. Identical to most active fathers

On the sign of the widespread awareness, I would like to hand over the letters to the team, who will help us to build our school with a thinner, more equipped. Tim, who should be aware of our problems and help us in their development. This is the rank our sponsor will be awarded.

In the middle of our fathers and home Sukhomlinsky, who were respectfully and respectfully raised to pedagogical problems and shook beautiful children. Tse ...

The word Batkivske has long been appreciated,
There is little great vagu in the homeland.
Mom's weasel і Mom's nіzhnіst
Dovіku us gіyut, dear heart.
Stop everything, pass everything, mine.
Lyubov Matusi is not a kid.

Listen to the found words, the most popular from your fathers.
I will ask you before the word …………………………… ..


Grant a quote, MUSIC.

Dear graduates!
Remember the whole day - 21 worms of 2002 to rock.
Remember all the life of the school life, you can't get lost in your life. Remember the warmth of your little one.
Friends are welcomed by the readers, who were always given another chance.
Do not forget to see in the eyes of the best clerk, if you, having got lost in your pardons, for the first time, feel sorry for yourself, because you did not recognize pardons.
Remember all the knowledge of that life of truth, and even the stench of it is necessary to help you with an independent life.

And now I want to ask the graduates for the stage, the stench has given the joy of the bachiti on the stage, they have given one more mity, yak, absolutely, never to be lost in our memory, in our hearts.


Today we have the honor to open 1 ceremony of presenting a unique school award "MIG".
For graduates of _______ year, this is a very important event, as MY TRUE HEROES are determined.
The title of this award is very symbolic. MIG is those school years that, like a sparkler, burned out quickly and beautifully.
MIL is those minutes that were spent with classmates and teachers, at lessons and school holidays.
Those moments that will forever remain in the memory and over the years, probably more and more will warm the soul.
And our teachers were wise creators of these wonderful moments !!!
It is they - smart, creative, beautiful, our true heroes - who will be nominees and winners.

Teacher's waltz.

It's time to sing a song
Dear, glorious teachers!
Remember your first lesson in life,
Remember your first favorite waltz.

School years are wonderful:
With friendship, with a book, with a song,
How fast they fly, you cannot turn them back.
Will they fly by without a trace?
No, no one will ever forget school years!

Your hearts are devoted to children.
You give everything to them to the end.
I really wanted to help remember
Youth would be your forgotten waltz.

How quickly the years fly by
But you are still with the guys.
May your temple be silver with gray
But this waltz will not be forgotten.

Wonderful school years will never be forgotten, this day will not be forgotten, this waltz will not be forgotten.
A waltz that will be danced by the most important, the best and most beautiful people of the school.
We invite Alexander Alekseevich and Emma Abramovna to the stage.

Dialogue on prom

- What is happening in the world? - It's just June!
- Just June, you suppose? - I suppose!
After all, I myself, as I can, console myself,
I am looking for fleeting support in your eyes.

- What will be behind all this? - And there will be peace.
- There will be peace, do you think? - Yes, I think.
I have long dreamed of this glorious time.
Sun, seagulls and gentle sea surf.

- How will all this end? - It will be September.
- September will be, are you sure? - Yes, I am sure.
I have already heard, and this rumor has been verified by me,
All the children will stand on the ruler again.

- What follows from this? - You should live.
Sewing jackets and, of course, blue skirts ...
- Do you think all this will be worn?
- I suppose that all this should be sewn!

You should live and, of course, circle in a waltz,
So that the kids love us and do not forget!
So let me celebrate the prom
My hand to dance, madam, to offer you.

Farewell evening, erase a tear with your hand,
Do not remember sorrows, exams, torment.
The waltz begins, give me your hand, madam, -
And one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three.

So, the opening ceremony of the award ceremony took place successfully.
We will no longer torment anyone with anticipation and will name the first nominations.
Excellent nomination - Humanism and love for children. FOR THANKS
A very important and bold nomination - Best School Innovator.
Versatile nomination - Scrabble of the school.

The nomination "Humanism and love for children" presents:
Yarmolay Larisa Nikolaevna ...
Balyasnaya Ksenia Romanovna ...
Nazarenko Lilia Alexandrovna ...

The nomination "Best School Innovator" includes:
Bobrulko Natalia Grigorievna
Sapsay Galina Egorovna
Travkina Elena Georgievna
Pindyura Irina Petrovna

The nomination "Schooled Schools" presents:
Gritsyuk Elena Nikolaevna
Bessarab Nona Sergeevna
Zhuravlyova Vera Andronovna

And the winner in each nomination will help us to find out a young lady who has kindly agreed to pull out an envelope. (______________________________.)

An exciting moment comes.
Now we will find out who the true heroes of the _______ year graduates are, who will receive their highest award - MIG.
In the nomination "Humanism and love for children" won ...
in the nomination "Best School Innovator" ...
in the nomination "Best Erudite" ...
We ask the winners to come up on stage.

And now for all our beloved teachers (in whatever category they are) we want to present a song that very accurately reflects the teacher's life.

The teacher's work is dangerous and harsh,
You will find many thorns and thorns in it,
If someone else with us sometimes
Doesn't want to be smart.
So you have to fight an invisible battle with them.
So appointed for you by this fate:
They learn days and nights.
You often hear reproaches from relatives,
That you work seven days a week,
What's for an exhibition, theater or cinema
Don't go with them.
But others are always full of worries,
Taking their children at the same time,
With the class you go to the circus.
“Risk is a noble cause” is the next nomination.
The nomination, in which people who make stars of us are represented, is called "Through the thorns to the stars."
And the representatives of the "Inspiration" nomination inspired us with their example and skill

The nomination "Risk is a noble cause" presents:

In the category "Through hardships to the stars" are presented:

The Inspiration nomination includes:

In the nomination "Risk is a noble cause" won ...
In the category "Through hardships to the stars" ...
And one more MIG is awarded to the winner in the Inspiration nomination ...

We invite the winners to be awarded.

As you know, there is never much inspiration, and skill and talent always give us moments of pleasure.

A rare nomination for a school - "Calm and poise".
There is also such - "Pedagogical Ideal".

In the category "Calm and poise" are presented:

The nomination "Pedagogical Ideal" presents:

In the category "Calm and poise" won ...
MIG is awarded to the winner in the "Pedagogical Ideal" nomination ...

As one MIG, hope would flicker and disappear, but this was enough for you to forgive, to believe in us.

It once brought you here.
You have not looked for easier ways.
Mind and heart, soul and warmth
They gave it to young generations.
For the sake of kindness
Through all the doubts and worries
Carried high dreams
And they knew the joys and ups.

Hope! Your earthly compass,
And luck is a reward for courage
And one song is enough
So that she sang only about the school.

School calls you all the bells
And the soul is still striving for her,
After all, the young people are waiting at school,
What is your hope.
May your hopes come true.
Everywhere on earth there is such a share.
Your ideals into life now
Embodies the young tribe.

It is especially pleasant to name the next nomination - "The first teacher"
It presents:

Before we determine the winner, let's ask the first school moms to tell us what the first steps of their pupils were.
Will you tell?


And all four teachers won in this nomination.
It could not have been otherwise, so they all receive the highest alumni award - MIG.

And now there will be a hint so that you can identify the next nominees.

"Good girls ..."

Of course it is class teachers, cool mothers:

Reward ……… ..

Yes, the story of the school is coming to an end
Chapters finished, dreams examined,
Already, not hoping for someone's clues,
We ourselves must solve all the problems.
Not every path will be smooth
Not all tests will be easy.
And life lies in front of us like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.
Time, unfortunately, is fleeting
Year after year, ten years have flown by
And childhood has departed from us forever,
Leaving a good mark in my memory!

There is only a moment…

Everything in this raging world is ghostly.

It is he who is called life.

Eternal peace of mind is unlikely to please
Eternal rest is for the gray-haired pyramids.
And for the star that fell and fell
There is only a moment, a blinding moment. 2p.

Let this world fly into the distance through the centuries,
But not always on the way to me with him.
What I value, what I risk in the world,
In one moment, only in one moment.

Happiness is given to meet or still trouble,
There is only a moment, hold on to it,
There is only a moment between the past and the future,
It is he who is called life.

Heartfelt songs, merry dances, richly set table and people - simple, open, hospitable. A bright and noisy Ukrainian-style party will be an excellent birthday present for those who love to relax on a truly Slavic scale!


The degree of complexity of the preparation largely depends on the place of the meeting. If this is a cafe / restaurant of Slavic cuisine (which one does not play a big role), it is quite simple to bring a national flavor into a suitable interior. In the courtyard of a private house or in nature, a few bright details are enough, because nothing distracts from the topic.

In a modern apartment it is more difficult to organize a Ukrainian party with your own hands, but it is also possible if you approach the embodiment of ideas creatively. To help hundreds of MK from the network, simple materials and time, which will take quite a lot to decorate a Ukrainian party. We offer ideas:

  • the stove is the main attribute of the hut, it is with it that you should start the transformation of the room... Cut out a silhouette from white cardboard, paint with bright bird flowers (the patterns are very simple, the child can handle it). From the same cardboard grab, pots - all together with the oven to the free wall. You will get a bright decoration and a gorgeous photo zone;

National ornament - tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, napkins, sofa cushions. And also grandma's striped rugs. Ethnic patterns instantly transform the interior, indicating a given direction.

  • at the entrance, be sure to hang a horseshoe. Decorate the walls with wreaths, bast shoes, rural landscapes... Sit on the shelves and make mini-scenes of dolls in national costumes (rag, straw). Find a secluded but noticeable place for a colorful brownie. All these attributes of a Ukrainian party are easy to do with your own hands;
  • a wicker of twigs along one wall, against the background of a hut painted with flowers with a thatched roof... You can cut a goat out of cardboard, put buckets next to it, hang fake jars and other symbolic attributes. If there is not enough space, a few miniature fragments of the fence will be enough; "align =" "src-original =" width = ">

The entourage of ethnic musical instruments (cardboard bandura, kobza), a massive chest in the corner, simple and painted earthenware - pots, pots, jugs are emphasized.

To make an original Ukrainian-style invitation, decorate a white blank with your own hands. Along the edges there is a braid with ethnic ornament (print or draw by example). In the center is a loaf and spikelets, a hut with a thatched roof and a garnished maiden standing next to it, or a flower wreath with variegated ribbons.


If you have time for preparation, you can arrange a full-fledged costume party - the national Ukrainian clothes will not hit your pocket. Of course, this is about styling, not handmade... And still very beautiful! "align =" "src-original =" width = ">

A wreath with ribbons will complement the image (there is an MK on the network, how to make a wreath with your own hands from paper buds, it's simple). A striking element of the costume is the famous red threads!

Or maybe the scenario of the Ukrainian party will take place on a farm near Dykanka? Or remember folk tales? Vakula and Oksana, godfather with godfather, robber Cossacks, devils and witches, Viy himself or the hero Kotigoroshko and ... you can't list them all! Of course, it is better to distribute the images of folklore / literary characters in advance.

Menu, serving

Cooking for a Ukrainian party with your own hands is a sheer pleasure. Simple recipes and affordable products guarantee a lush Slavic feast! True, you will have to forget about the diet. Dumplings with potatoes, homemade sausage, pampushki, cheese cakes, potato pancakes, pancakes - and these are just "snacks". "align =" "src-original =" width = ">

Have the guests burst yet? Then pies for dessert, pancakes with sour cream or jam and ... enough? Oh drinks! Gorilka, honey and kvass for the entourage must be on the table, and the rest is to the taste of the guests... For your birthday, order a Ukrainian-style cake that blooms with sweet poppies, sunflowers and cornflowers.


Whether it's urban in the center of Kiev or ordinary people on a distant farm near Dykanka, Ukrainian national holidays are unthinkable without dances and songs. Download folk and contemporary music, give a playful master class on a hopak or a Cossack woman. Having divided into lads and maids, arrange a battle of voices - who will better sing the song chosen by the host / birthday boy? "align =" "src-original =" width = ">

To the song "Esaul-esaul", sitting on a chair with a booty, jump on a foot-carry (from a mattress, a gymnastic ball - ask your friends), holding a ball in your hand, put on a hose. The goal is to burst your ball faster than your opponent.

Maiden beauty (for guys)

Cut inexpensive fabric into ribbons of equal length. Tie them to the backs of the chairs according to the number of players. You need to quickly braid the ribbons in a braid to the very tip of your opponents, sit on a chair, wrap the braid around your waist (as if to tie yourself to a chair) and shout: "Vaughn was angry with me on the braid!"

Namalui-ko "align =" "src-original =" width = ">

MK or handicraft contests (reeled dolls, wreaths), power games for guys, performances of artists - folk dances and songs, Cossack tricks with weapons will perfectly fit into the scenario of a Ukrainian party. Don't Forget Memorable Souvenirs: mugs, stationery, key rings, magnets or charms, towels, utensils in the Ukrainian style.

Vesilny scenario

There is a whole scenario for the tamadi of signs for holding a "traditional" fun with relatives and friends, to reach the great primacy, if the fun will pass.

In addition, as the daddy instructs the young cows and blessings, and everyone goes into the hall, the master of ceremonies is sacred:

Dear names, fathers, relatives and friends! This year we have chosen here to learn more about this newcomer! Let’s, nareshti, all at once welcome a young man and a young squad, and every day our cells, for their health and happiness!

Why should I be built, why is it so efficient? What about the wine? What about zezheyu? Are you so hot, dear guests, like me?

Vlasne, the guests are guilty of being invited to the food service for the party "Girko!"

- Earlier, it was accepted to read a document at the Christmastide table, which legitimized two loving people. We also have testimony about the love, the axis is out (demonstrating the testimony), even if our youngsters were drinking the distance. Smells prepared one for one oath, as if it sounds like a bunch of people, if you’re a svyatchennya, if you’re going to write down at the bottom of the community’s acts! Name, you have the floor!

The spilna oath of the young.
The whole moment of celebration is romantic. It will be miraculous, as for the nouns, and it is called in advance to formalize the words of your oath in a kind of speech form. For example, the named varto turns into a carpenter's workshop in order to make sure that the words of the oath of the oath are scribbled and then put into the frame on the good made of wood.

A vow is called a vishiti qiu, a small tapestry is a small tapestry, and if it isn’t a masterful vichyvannya, then the robot will visit a vidpovidny studio. In general, two "documents" in the frame will be even more beautifully and symbolically looking at the wall of the living space - as an unprecedented embellishment of the Internet, as well as nagaduvannya about any kaydans. And at the funeral, the youngsters can read them (don't read the text) and exchange themselves with their "little boards".

The words of an oath can be just like that, so they were invented by the young people themselves - in the end of the day, loving people want to say one to one. Smolder, the oath is such an "exclusive" that there will be no more in anyone.

Oath words for the nominated:

I swear that I will be with you - at the mountain and in joy, in reality, in a word - never mind!
I swear to take care of you, if you’re lying on the couch for a weekend, or you’ll go with friends to the garage, and then go to football. Vreshty-resht, girlfriends and shops, maybe not seen!
And yet, I swear that my love will grow up on a skin day, and I will try to kill everything, so that our rychki felt all life fell into the sea, like being called “Happiness”! "

Oath words for the betrothed:

“Kohana! I swear that I will not be dearer to me than anyone else, if only for you and our children.
I swear to you, I swear to you, you will stick on a mask with ogirkiv - you are beautiful, you are a goddess! I dare say I can go to the garage with my friends or go to football, even if you don't stop playing me!
And yet, I swear that my love will feel like a skinny day for you, that you will be covered with it, as warm in the fire, and captured by the walls of our booth, so standing in the middle of the sea, as being called "Happiness"! "

- Well, well, our names already started to bring one to one, as the stench pragmatic to the happy family life. Our cells, for those young men and squads, remembered their vows, and all life smelled like a stench. Girko!

And yet, in memory of the whole day, more and more nagaduvan, khviliin will be held in ten minutes, a competition of amateur photographs will be held, in which one can take the fate of all bazhayuchi!

The master of ceremonies gives guests a ten hour for "vipiti-snack". To whistle ten khiliins, so that the people have kicked in the first hunger, and started to play with them.

Contest "beautiful photograph of young pari"

For the whole competition, a laptop and a digital camera will be required. All of them can be trampled by photographers - they smell the stench of robbing the composition of youngsters, putting them on like that, asking them to show them off, and taking photographs. At the same time, it is possible to shoot one frame. The further photos are taken in the computer, the skin frame is given to those who have won the first sign, and the youngsters themselves are able to rob the opportunity. You can get the nominations “Samiy romantic znimok”, “Samiy tsikaviy znimok”, “Samiy bezgluzdiy znimok”.

- And now one of the most wonderful moments at the party is the welcome of that gift for the young family!

Relatives and guests are young. The envelopes, by themselves, are passed on for recognition, and from a gift-speech you can put on an impromptu green galyavin ", the role of a vicon of shmatok is a carpet or a green linoleum, in a word, everything that can symbolize the lawn. You can navigate the kilimoks with poured on the new quits - so much more beautiful. Now they need a "lawn", - the distant country is zerous.

- Well, boy, don’t navit і young, it’s not out of the fun, but good. Our young people ask at once to come here in order to be quick, and to show us, like a vigilante of the house of the world!

Contest for young people "Get a little boy" with Lego constructor

Creative competition for the building of a booth for Lego spare parts. Moreover, it is necessary to give the youngsters great details, but they are not small. There is a small collection of toastmasters "estimate", some details, and some of them, which is necessary for a kind of everyday life. Let the lads be on the green pavement.

There will be a demand for a vilny kuchok for "instalation", as a result of a viyde - for a booth, prompted by a designer, booths will be adorned with a "fun bouquet", which is like crumbling girlfriends; a baby doll, in the course of the competition of young cholovik miniav diapers; lyalkoy with a bow, the yaku was named; there are tarіlka mlintsіv, as the mother-in-law speckled; cars, like the designer's father-in-law, son-in-law and father-in-law, and having a laptop stand in the foreground at the forefront, while in presentation mode, one photograph is replaced by young people, matured for an hour to the competition. In a word, such a small model of the native "nest" is to blame - for children, material prosperity, friendship with fathers, friends who are happy in the family life, happy fortunes. And even before the end of the tract part, the master of ceremonies can make photos of young people on the basis of the "composition".

If you want to play the competition, you can make a small break, a light musical break.

- Dear girlfriends named, especially those who are not vyshov zamіzh! On all occasions, a bunch of flowers is to be blamed for you; Zychay, re-mag is spritna itself. Ale, I will propose to you on your own a merry bouquet of my world, also from the windows of your world.

Contest for girlfriends nominated for the best ticket

Before the girls, put small materials - pakuvalny paper for sheets, staplers, green wrap around color (for stems), foil, scotch tape, knives, scrapbooks, scrapbooks, scrapbooks, scrapbooks, scrapbooks with rhinestones, invisible hairpins can be nailed, embellished with beads and these rhinestones. Zavdannya divchat - put your vlast note in the world of your imagination. Shvidshe for everything, vidzhe duzhe tsіkavo. At the end of the competition, all the apartments can be taken into the "bouquet" and placed next to the vase on the "galyavina".

- One of the head minds of a happy family life is a child. Why don't we know our youngsters, how can we be with them? I will convert it!

Competition for Maybout dads "Remember the diaper"

The students are nadayutsya three-chotiri dolls in diapers (the middle of the participants obov'yazkovo obey buty names). The head of the cholovikiv is to remember the child's diaper, smartly and well. Evaluate the results if you will see the mother from the guests, or you will find the elder woman from the motherland. The bobblehead of the intended person to sit on the "galavina" in front of the "budinka".

Competition for mothers of the future "Tie yourself a beautiful bow"

No need to give Barbie girls for the competition. More beautifully, do not want to be a standard baby girl of the same size as a pupsy baby from the previous competition. Golovna umova, the hair is complete. Give the ladies a lunar line, and the girls tie the bows to the bowls, also, which is shorter and more beautiful. Lyalka of the young squad borrowed her place on the "galavin" in front of the booth, entrusted with the bobblehead. You can make your pens, don’t smell the stink of trimatis one by one, like a brother and sister.

- Yak is mother-in-law not to love her son-in-law? That's right, mother-in-law ... What kind of son-in-law does not go to mother-in-law on the first call? Well, at once we will see the urochist vipichka of the first son-in-law of the mother-in-law, and I will help you, I won’t be lumpy!

Head for mother-in-law "Mlintsi"

The whole competition of the demand is in advance to discuss with the mother-in-law. As far as the culinary meister-class before the publication doesn’t run out, then there will be a need for all the Ingredients for preparing the mints, and also a small gas stove and a frying pan are needed. Do not forget about the blenders - it’s just a bunch of blenders, I’ll give it to you. The mother-in-law on the okremom table got two or three mlintsi (quite enough) and one of them is easy to give to the son-in-law on the day (it is possible with sour cream, with a cut, with boiled vegetables) at once with a glass of a bottle. The son-in-law, viciously, is guilty of drinking a gorіlka (not a non-nourishing one) and having a meal with a Mlynets. If there is a great joy in the family, and the son-in-law does not live alcohol, then you can replace the bottle with a bottle of milk -)))). Tarilka with sieve mlintsi put a handrail with a booth, you can right in front of the lyalki.

- Well, and the father-in-law? The song of mother's love! Who, what if not mother knows his blue is more beautiful than all? First of all, as you can’t just replace your nevistka - so kindly did you vivify your young man?

The preference for the nominated father-in-law - won the first person

The father-in-law has prepared a list of food for the young from all over the world. Nutrition, in a very simple way, (the change can be updated).
Love colors;
I will be in love with a strava;
who to love more - kishok or dogs (and maybe turtles or papugs);
liked the brand of the car;
like at її sina mriya, і yak;
love subject at school;
lovemaking kind of sports;
in love with odyag;
Skіlki rokіv yomu bulo, if vіn for the first time zakokhavsya;
Name the relatives from the birthplace of the young man - not only mother and father, ale and uncle, great, sisters and brothers, who are living, maybe in some other places as well as relatives.

If you become a raptor, if the young squad doesn’t guess the majority of the views, then the mother-in-law would say: “Nothing, but a little bit of a trick, so that you should know for the rock of the social life!”

- It’s for me to be built, there’s no whistle at our booth! And the price is even more important. It is strong to become exactly the sign - what is dumb on our galavin! Our youngsters' buddies will be embellished with unique car models.

Competition for father-in-law, father-in-law and son-in-law - take your own car with Lego

For the whole competition, it is necessary to take parts from the designer, and the folding of machine models has been transferred. The Novospecheni son-in-law, father-in-law and father-in-law pick their own exclusive "exclusive" supercars, give them a name, and present them to the public. Possibility to vibrate with splashes. Cars are parked in front of the booth.

Will remain a "stroke" of photography will be young on the same model and maybutny booth

Other contests can also be interspersed with dances, songs, in one word - “the urochisto-rozvazhalnaya part is over, and it was simply“ rozvazhalnaya ”. The master of ceremonies is conducting a competition in an impromptu style.

Competition for reintegrating choloviks from women.

A woman to over-pull is problematic, because everybody got ready to play and got in, but over-pulling is still not tied to it, maybe a scratch, make-up, so it is more important for women to “play the fool” publicly. In addition, people are on the go in their clothes, not navpaki.

Otzhe, from a tamadi, it is necessary to give three chotiri sets of female odyagu, most beautifully - a great size, and even more. Yaksho є the possibility of positioning here are droplets or droplets - even more beautiful. Do not forget about handbags and khustochkah, tse even women accessories))). On your feet, do not let the skewers get stuck on your feet, which will be tricky. The bottom line is that the whole thing will lie in one merchant, and the competition will be awakened. And then, if everything will be rooted out, it will be necessary to change clothes with this set, as if there were a lot of battles. " The competition ends with the defile "participant". Varto poklasty і vіyal, tho cholovіkіv will be able to coquettishly recriminate them, like Kalyagin in the film "Hello, I’m your tint."

Competition for family couples - hto z cholovikiv know their squad by nosi, and hto z women of their cholovik by rutsi

Everything here is smart - people put their eyes on, and sometimes they present them for the recognition of a woman, and if a woman is guessed, then the people present their hands.

Music competition (promotion of the text of the song)

The master of ceremonies speaks in a row of stanzas as if writing about kohannya, the contestant is guilty of continuing the gathering. If it’s wrong, the toastmaster is included for listening to the same urivok, which is not guessing. Alternatively, you can turn on the song and write for the skin appearance, right away from the fact that it is in the distance.

Competition for the most beautiful "favorite dance" of choloviks in front of women

It is more beautiful to hold a competition, if everyone is already encouraged and amused. The choloviks are guilty of the viconati's fiery dance in front of the woman's "zhury", and the ladies will be vibrating the most sly cholovik. It’s even more confusing, as the musical suprovid will not be youthful and “erotic”, but amusing, for example, “Dance of the Little Rocks” or the Georgian song “Tsip-Tsip, My Kurchatka”.

Competition for the formation of cholovikiv

In the whole competition, it is more beautiful not to experiment with music, but to let it go beautifully. Still, the feminine dance can be focused on so much more, but not for the choloviks, for the weak statues, such a way of being spirited. Choloviche "zhury" vibrates "I am very charming and addicted."

Competition "Vorozinnya" (final)

On papyrtsy, according to the number of guests, it is written "transfer", in a non-special form, so that you can get stashed to the cholovik, and to the woman. Zvychayno, the form is most beautifully hot and / or romantic, for example: "Soon you will create your half for your friend", "You will become a victim of an attack - love will attack you from behind the horn", etc. You can also transfer good luck to the right, folk child (if it’s good, if you’ll also get caught by 90-year old women, but especially I’m going))), in a word, it’s good, it’s more positive.

Wedding script.

A new family has appeared
And they are not happier today.
I invite them to the hall to the guests,
We are happy to meet young people.

Young people come in.

Dear newlyweds! The rainbow on the wedding day has always been a harbinger of happiness, kindness, prosperity.
We greet the bride and groom,
We wish you good luck on your way!
Under the rainbow of family happiness, we ask
You, young people, go through!
May it cheer you up and give you hope,
Each color will protect from evil.
And let each color become your favorite,
Goodness brings you a hundred years.

RED. May love intoxicate you with red wine,
With the tenderness of scarlet roses.
And relentlessly the blood warms
Even in bitter frost.

PINK. So that you do not get tired of life,
So that the shine does not fade away in the eyes,
Take a moment and read
In your pink dreams.

GREEN. May the spring freshness not leave you
Let the nightingale sing to you.
Let in your hearts, scattering flowers,
Spring is always alive.

YELLOW. With a sunny color, yellow will warm you,
Hastens to give you warmth.
And you just have a little
Keep it warm.

BLUE. peaceful overhead
Gives you the color blue
So that your children grow up carefree
Peacefully under the roof of my dear.

VIOLET. Purple is an eternal mystery
It beckons with its riddle.
You are a constant secret for each other
And a permanent magnet.

WHITE. The color of nobility, purity of relationships,
White is today's color.
May you manage to save it
For many decades.

Throw in a stream of champagne
Fortunately for the young
Fill them with radiance
Sparkling, golden!


Expensive _________________________________________.
I ask you to drink this glass one for two as a sign that from now on you will share all the sorrows and joys in half.


May it be so, let evil not dare
Enter your house and stand at the head of the bed.
May happiness bring to your house,
The bread that is baked with love.

We always meet young people with a baked loaf,
You try his piece of your happiness.
Sound joy and happiness for many years, accept the blessing of your parents.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt. You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more!
Now swap pieces.
And now the way for a couple -
Let only happiness await in life!
Come on in, hurry up!
The wedding feast is calling you!
Guests sit down
Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long business. Choose a funnier neighbor, but a prettier neighbor. Men - closer to the snack, women - to the drink.
Attention! 3 times. Every fifth commander is at the wedding. Pay in order of numbers!
Well done! Come up! You are the commanders of festive feasts, your duties include: pour, pour, do not forget all the neighbors and don’t dress yourself up.
Dear guests! We are all gathered here today, at this festive table, the most revered, most beloved holiday in Russia. His name is wedding! So let our wedding begin.
Let the warmest, most heartfelt words be addressed to the bride and groom.
Let the wedding "Bitter" sound louder than a thousand fireworks!
It's time for us to drink
A friendly "Hurray" for the newlyweds!
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear the explosive anniversary fireworks!
Well, guests, got up together,
The glasses were cheerfully raised
Let's wish them a lot of happiness
And three times together we will shout "Congratulations"!
Our first toast, friends, for our couple,
For the happiness and love of these eyes!
And we will drink only then
When the mouth is one.


So that they have full happiness
Drain the glasses to the bottom!


Dear guests! Dear fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles!
Friends and girlfriends and other friends!
Greetings to everyone who came, flew in and just got there,
And he found his place at the table!
Today at the table are the most devoted and dear people of a young family, therefore, let me address you - "Dear friends!"

From ancient times, from forgotten legends
A wedding ceremony comes to us -
On hands, as a sign of endless love
Wedding rings are burning.

And tears glisten on your eyelashes
Mothers crying with happiness
Father's pride on their faces
For the fate of their big children.

And wish the newlyweds happiness
Old and new friends
And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
Distant and near relatives.

So raise the drunken glass
For the union of two loving hearts,
For their pure, holy love,
For the shine of golden rings

And now, everyone, bon appetit!
By the way, lovely ladies! If you are afraid of breaking your diet, drink another 50 grams, they are sure to dull the feeling of fear.


BE READY! (for guests)
Dear guests, are you ready for the wedding?

We friends are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
To the groom, his bride ... Be ready! ..

We congratulate the young
Have fun again and again.
Let's dance, play. Be ready!..

And part with gifts,
Sparing no wallets
And have a great walk, Be ready ...

Get ready to sing songs loudly
Sparing no votes
And shout "Bitter" more often!
Be ready!..
And I will remind you of some of the features of the wedding evening!

1. Friends are learned in food! I ate it myself, feed the neighbor!

2. A quickly drunk glass is not considered poured. Drink less, but more!

3. Took his chest - say something! Each of you can congratulate the young in person, in cash and non-cash!

4. The mouth rejoices at a large glass! As the people say - the soul is a measure, if only there was a peaceful atmosphere!

5. Steal the bride only once! For the second - a fine of 25 thousand rubles!

6. Chairs for newlyweds today have a special magic! Whoever sits on them does not threaten a crisis. But remember! Magic is great, but not free! He sat down on a chair - pay the money! Dachshund - 500 rubles!

7. Dear guests! Be nails! The nails of our wedding program!
Sing, dance, play, get prizes as a keepsake!
In a word, easy in fun, hard in a hangover!
All good mood and sweet alcoholic intoxication!
Wedding reportage

KALEIDOSCOPE. (dating game)

Dear friends! let me introduce myself
Those who are entrusted with the wedding.
I'll start with myself, my name is Natalya.
I will be leading the entire wedding program.
And my partner is known to all Gubakha.
_____________________ is our best DJ!

We give ovation to the first ladies,
What are mothers to the bride and groom!
Let the young dads rise
we applaud in honor of them.

Into the kaleidoscope of the motley family
Bridal sisters fit in!

And we must pay tribute
Who are brothers to the groom and the bride!

Not for the sake of fame, for the sake of honor
The newlyweds will get up uncles!

And we do not mind to greet,
Kohl the newlyweds get up aunt!

Let's play together okay
We are beloved grandmother!

Let them stand to be noticed
The newly formed family are witnesses!

Do we have godparents?
We applaud them now.

I would like to see more of us
Nephews of the newlyweds!

I'll say simply, without fancy:
Applause is for friends!

And there is among you, please, answer,
Are the heroes of the celebration neighbors?

Let's clap our hands
For all the guests, for you good!


And I want to check whose half of the table is the loudest, the most friendly.
GAME "You have to drink for this"
- The wedding is in full swing,
The fun begins.
- Today we have a holiday,
We all know about it.
- Praises to your address,
We compose in chorus.
- With love for the young,
We give gifts.
- Happy days, patience,
We wish you more.
- Come to the golden
We wish you a wedding.
And now I propose to find out who came to the wedding for what purpose.
Dear guests, guess any odd number from 1 - 9. Have you wondered?
1 - these are guests who came to show themselves.
3 - these guests came to give gifts
5 - find a new sexual partner
7 - come to drink and eat
9 - and it was just boring to sit at home.


Our dear guests!
I suggest you open a little the curtain of the future. Let's try to find out what awaits each of us on this anniversary, and tomorrow we will check your forecast.
1. Most of all will sing
2. Dance
3. Drink
4. Give number 5 shoes
6.Will gladly give number 7
8. The most beautiful
9. The most smiling
10. The most hungry
11. The loudest will be shouting "Congratulations"
12. Will eat up all that remains
13. Shakes hands with everyone present
14.At 22.00 will fall asleep
15.At 22.30 will already wake up
16. Now kiss the neighbor on the left
17. Kiss the neighbor on the right
18. Kiss the neighbor to the left and to the right
19. After 2 hours, shake hands with everyone present.
20. Will lend without return
21. Tomorrow will invite everyone to improve their health
22. Will come to him with a case of beer
23. Now he will drink to the health of all those present
24. Kiss the hero of the day
25. The most incendiary
26. After the feast they will carry you home
27. After 3 hours he will say that he is cool
28. After 2.5 hours he will say that he sneezed at everyone
29. After 3 hours, he won't say anything
30. Give everyone a belly dance
31. Most of all will smoke today
32. Will not go home alone
33. Will be a super-star today.
We are plus minus 32.
Are you all ready for a toast?
There is no cause for concern.
All men approve.
Well, and women in return
Is there vodka in your glasses?
Everyone is ready for a toast
Guests on site.
Bitterly! To the bride and groom!


If there is a veil on it, she named the guests.
In a place of honor
So her name is THE BRIDE

If the boy is at the parade,
In your best holiday outfit.
But he looks timid,
But he doesn't look at the girls,
Only one has quieted down,
So, to call him ... Groom!

Take a look, guests, at the red place!
Take a look where the bride and groom are!

She is both clever, and funny, and just a beautiful girl,
The whole meat processing plant is very proud of her.

And he is a guy, young and tough.
Everything is in perfect order with him.
And the whole Metastroy is happy with it,
He is worthy of our beauty.
Both are young guys
The lips of our children are dear.
And today they have united, united into one family.
And fate brought them together not in vain.
Lena and Andrey are the best couple!
And the young people at the wedding neither eat nor drink properly!
And now a mini-exam is announced for them!


Questions to the husband:
1. How will you peel potatoes?
But in vain. Better with an electric razor. The thin cut and preliminary massage give it an irreplaceable taste.
2. Do you drink coffee in the morning?
Right! Anyone who drinks coffee in the morning does not get tired all day ... helping his wife with the housework.
3. Will there be a division of labor in your family or will you do everything together?
Right! Take on yourself the honorable mission of earning money, and leave the less noble, but necessary - to spend it - to your wife.
4. Can you: compare a wife with a musical instrument?
Yes, the wife is not a gusli; after playing, you cannot hang it on your back.

For the wife:
1. What do you like more: bread or cake?
Strive to be bread for your husband, not a cake. The cake is delicious, but it gets boring quickly. However, remember that man is not fed with bread alone.
2. Will you always tell your husband the truth?
Right! Be moderately truthful and do not demand more from your husband, as they say - truth is good, but happiness is better.
3. Will you always tell your husband the price of the things you bought?
Right! The husband doesn't need to know the true value. This will keep his nervous system from shock.
4. Will you always obey your husband?
Right! Cross the street where your husband wants, but take him wherever you want.

I was a bride, I became a wife,
And took possession of such an eagle,
Ringed, wrapped,
Well, serve him right, serve him right
And he noticed a swan,
Did not miss her, predator, beast,
I know my husband will be friendly with his wife,
What remains for him now.
Live together, newlyweds,
Improve your nest,
Spawn princesses and champions
And we all drink together for you!


Traffic jam - there is a big booze at the party
Candy - there will be an unusually tasty treat
Chewing gum - the holiday will be very long
Matches - the holiday will be full of bright moments and incendiary entertainment
Condom - the guest will be sexually anxious
Now let's greet each other.
Let's cheer up.
We raised our hands together
They waved their right hand.

Well, the left hand goes down for now
On your knee. Not his own, but his neighbor.

Right handle is hot
We are a neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Fine!

Swung left, right.
You swing great, bravo!

Pulled up all the belly
We pull our hands forward.

Low - low they all bent down,
Straightened, stretched.

Everyone stroked their belly
They smiled broadly.

We will push the neighbor
And pinch it lightly.
Have you raised your spirits?
We played great.

And now, good people,
Clap your hands together!

Let's shout "Congratulations" to the newlyweds!
And raise our glasses again!
And again, applause to our young people!
Lovers and beautiful! And the most expensive!

We wish you a happy life
So be happy, friends!
Now let's check the capacity of the hall
Let's shout to the young "Hurray!"

Let the wine sparkle in the glass
Let the blood play in your veins.
May it be bitter for us, may it be sweet for us
Advice to you, yes love!
We wish newlyweds happiness
And we will shout "Congratulations" three times!

So that the guests do not feel bitter from the wine,
It needs to be sweetened.
And the newlyweds kiss so much
While they will be asked about it!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips!
Let's eliminate this mess! After all, today is a universal day of love!


We will fill the glasses again
And together let's drink to LOVE!


But now our wedding noise dies down,
It's time to get up from the tables,
After all, the sounds of beautiful music
We are invited to dance.
But the first dance will be theirs,
Lovers, dearest ones.


Guests, we can't sit forever,


Today you can't be sad and gloomy!
It should be light and light today.
And if Andrey married Lena,
It means that he was the most fortunate.

In a life where there are many doubts,
Happy is only the one who knows how to love.
You can live without wealth and money
But it is impossible to live without love.

You can't be sad and jealous today!
To hell with separation, treason and evil.
And if Elena goes after Andrey,
It means that she was the luckiest of all!


Young people have a special day today,
From now on, they will go one way.
Go to the first wedding, not regretting
And on the way, meeting anniversaries.
I would like the young to wish us
Celebrate their wedding together more than once,
But know wedding anniversaries
They have their own names.

Let's tell these two lovers
What is the wedding day today? GREEN
And a year later? SITZER
And in five? WOODEN
And in ten? PINK
And 25? SILVER
Every wedding has its own term,
Who will be honored here
To be generals at these weddings?
To know I ask you all
Do not be lazy, in your places
Find cherished hearts.
Take a closer look at the chairs,
Found hearts, come out!

Here are the generals in front of you,
And who is what you see for yourself.
And I want to ask you:
"Are you ready to hold your wedding?"
Amuse guests with toasts,
Sing and of course dance
Are you ready to pass the test?
I have a task for you.
Perform a song for us
Let's see who is the best among you.
There is nothing better in the world,
Than to walk now at this wedding!
How beautiful the bride and groom are!
Let's wish them a happy life!

Your guests are cheerful, not drunk,
Guys are daring giants
Russian beauties girls,
So let's sing and have fun.
Let your life be as full of joy as this glass! So let's drink it to the bottom!


A wonderful event happened today - on our kind blue planet
a new family was born!
Two more hearts merged together!
Two more people found each other!
Let's wish: Elena and Andrey this happiest for
their day - endless love, tenderness for each other, mutual understanding!
And let the sun shine brighter today. May this October day
will be the beginning of creating a strong and friendly family!
We are happy to congratulate the young!
There is no more wonderful couple in the world!
Live amicably and richly
Not 100, but 200 years!
Let in the perennial noise of everyday life
All the louder - the voices of children!
May the door be always open
Both for family and friends!
Face the difficulties you stand
And always defeat them!
Let them shout to you today
Like no one ever!
Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!

So that our beautiful bride
You were able to admire.
And now all you need is

Everyone whom the groom greeted,

Groom for the best
You were able to admire.
And now all you need is

Who wishes a couple of happiness
We ask you to get up from your seats,
To the bride and groom
You could admire.
And now we only ask
Shout “Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Well, guests, don't be stingy!
Share your generosity!
Our royal wedding sparkles brightly!
It's time to give you gifts too!

Treasures are allowed to open!
There are so many treasures that you cannot count!
Treasures are heartfelt words
Their head is dizzy from their glitter!

For you, newlyweds, everything is for you!
Raise your glass higher
Wish the young people happiness!
We start the show -
Presentation of wedding gifts!
Giving gifts
A new home is being created
The house is big from small.
It is built brick by brick,
Yes stronger, you never know?
How will construction go
Never seen
It all depends very much on
Craftsmanship of builders.
Here you go, friends,
An unbeaten path
Hello new family
New story!
Here's a brand new album for you
Imprint in it
And look then
Anything you can do.
It's fun to walk together
Bright spaces
Start creating
A new story.


Dear Andrey and Elena! You will hear many good words addressed to you today, but I invite you to find out who and for what purpose actually came to your wedding.

1. I didn't want to cook dinner at home.
2. They sobbed and begged me for it.
3. I just had no other choice.
4. For me on Earth, they are the most dear and beloved people.
5. Tomorrow I want to borrow money from them.
6. I have long dreamed of drinking with them for brotherhood.
7. I promised them that I would never reveal this secret.
8. I have long dreamed of communicating with them in an informal setting.
9. Today I have nowhere to sleep.
10. They have so much good food here!
11. Without me this holiday would not have taken place.
12. It is impossible to resist the charm of the groom.
13. They promised me an unforgettable evening.
14. I really want to invite all their relatives to my birthday.
15. I promised them, after the guests left, to wash all the dishes after them.
16. Today I decoded.
17. I am hiding from the police.
18. I need an alibi for my wife.
19. I secretly love the bride.
20. The groom is a great man.
21. I want to find a new sexual partner.
22. They are the most reliable friends.
23. They always have fun.
24. I want to find new friends.
25. I really wanted to drink vodka.
26. I'm tired of being alone.
27. I have long wanted to show my new outfit.
28. The groom is the wisest man in Gubakha.
29. I want to kiss a beautiful bride.
30. I haven't sung drinking songs for a long time.


Comic test "You are like a beast."

Affectionate, like ...
Strong as ...
Sociable, like ...
Authoritative as ...
Independent like ...
Smiling like ...
Neat as ...
Amorous as ...
Bold as ...
Handsome as ...
In transport as ...
With relatives like ...
With colleagues at work as ...
In a store like ...
At home like ...
In a cafe or restaurant like ...
With the boss as ...
In a friendly company like ...
In bed like ...
In the doctor's office like ...

May life be like blue sky
Will pour light into the house
How beautiful you are -
The bride with the groom.

We will drink to the bottom -
Was, oh, was not -
For the white swan
For the glorious eagle!

For your happiness, spray
For joy over the edge,
For devotion, for sincerity,
For your family paradise.

For a little third
We'll drink with a dream
So that we all meet together
Gold at the wedding!

She is unprecedented beauty
He is dashing like a hussar ...
Oh, how we envy you.
Bride and groom!

"Kiss the bridegroom"
Oh what a wedding
brought us together!

At the huge table
There was enough room for everyone

You can't find a better pair!
Let's tell you without flattery.

So live okay
Amicably, honor for a couple!

Joys and difficulties
You meet together.

And like this until old age,
About two hundred years ...
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the groom the bride!

- Dear guests! There is such an aphorism: "Gold is tested with fire, a woman - with gold, and a man - with a woman!" Let's try to make sure that this statement is true.
1. Zolotko, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
2. Honey, will you ever be able to believe that "the wife on the couch is gold in your pocket?"
3. Darling, would you like to become a gold digger in the future?
4. Buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you come across?
1. I secretly dream about it.
2. Without a bottle it is impossible to understand here.
3. This can only happen.
4. Easy! But then blame yourself ...
- Thank you! God grant that your family always has answers to all questions, and gold is not a stumbling block.
Poems are good
And the music is better
Isn't it time for us to dance and sing
Show yourself, look at others.
Dance break
If two fell in love
They already went to the registry office,
This couple, friends, is called FAMILY.
If after the wedding immediately
She - in tears, he - threw the vase,
This, well, who guessed?
It's called SCANDAL.
Although you are mutually loved,
And forever you are one
Your union, at least this way, at least that way
They call it the word MARRIAGE.
If suddenly a dream came true:
Nearby is a tie and a veil,
If guests are waiting at the estate,
So this is your WEDDING.
If the house does not pass,
Always someone on the way
No need to guess, come on,
GUESTS are waiting for you at home today.
Dear guests!
I hope that at any difficult moment you will come to the aid of this couple, because family life is not only happy serenity, but also a piercing wind of misunderstanding, bitterness and tears.
So that our young people do not have to disentangle themselves, I propose to pile on the whole world. Each one a sip and our young people will get less bitterness and tears.
I propose to raise glasses to the young,
For their parents and relatives,
For relatives and friends,
Let's have a drink soon.
But before you drink wine,
We need to sweeten it.
We can't do it ourselves -
Let us entrust it to the young!
Kiss your husband on the cheek,
So that you do not arrange the vaping
Kiss your husband on the nose,
So that the questioner does not ask you one more time.
Kiss your husband on the mouth,


Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips. Let's eliminate this mess. After all, today is a universal day of love.
If you think our kissing games are over, then you are wrong.
Who got married in the summer, get up and do not spoil,

Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the fall, get up and do not spoil,

Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in a winter, get up and do not spoil!
And publicly little wife, you kiss me hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the spring, get up and do not spoil!
And publicly, little wife, kiss me hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!
Attention! Auction!
The only lot is being executed today.
Exclusive prize from the young!
Who wants to buy?
The starting price is 50 rubles.
Our young people have received a greeting card.
Did you drink for the young?
We drank!
Did you drink for your parents?
We drank!
To become closer and closer to everyone, let's drink to the guests!
"Vodka, beer, cognac"
"Music track"
Guests, we can't sit forever,
It's time to stretch your limbs!
Dance break
Choir game "It's Me!"

Which one of you is ready now
Howl to the brim with the glass?

Which one of you is a merry song
Enchant us all together?

Which one of you, tell brothers,
Will you undress in the dance?

Which one of you is in a new suit
So similar to Casanova?
Which one of you, gaping your mouth,
Will he tell a joke here?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,
Will it lie under the table?

Who is behind a clever conversation
Drink a glass from a neighbor?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,
Will get drunk tomorrow?

When you wake up at an early dawn,
Already alone, already together
And remember the cries of "Bitter"!
At this wedding table.
When in confusion alley
The sun will look through the window
It will become clearer to you
That both of you are already one.
May the joy of this moment
It will go through your whole life,
So that happiness is not exchangeable
Copper of random little things.
So that no parting
Didn't prevent you from saving,
All the freshness of the first date
All the tenderness of your first meetings.



Men lead the ball with their feet, passing like a snake between the ladies. Passing a lady, you need to kiss her. Who quickly.
"Newspaper Passions"
Couples. Newspaper sheets are sandwiched between the stomachs, unfolded. Task: with the help of body movements, crumple the paper for the definition. time. Whose lump will be the smallest, he won.

The groom in front of the registry office, everyone knows
Gives flowers to his bride.
And our bride has
A bouquet that you can't take your eyes off!
But, in order to become a wife forever,
You must part with the bouquet,
And it would be interesting to know
Who will be the next bride.
Now we will find out the answer
Who will get the bouquet!
So come out, girlfriends,
But only those that are unmarried!

So, the girlish system is ready,
Throw the bouquet, bride, yours!
The bride throws the bouquet
Guests! We have a reason
Apply to men too:
Middle-aged or young,
Come out who is single.

And we will know at the same moment
Who will be the next groom.
It remains to wait quite a bit.
Take off the bandage from the pretty leg.

And now the denouement is approaching.
Who will get the garter?
Throw, groom, but don't be cunning,
And wait for the command: one, two, three.
The groom throws the garter
Wedding parable
Happiness decided to leave one house. But first, it decided to fulfill one desire of each family member. The hostess wanted a mink coat, her daughter wanted to marry the overseas prince. And already on the threshold, happiness saw the owner and asked about his desire. I want the family light to never go out in the house. And happiness remained to live in this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns.
The custom came to us from our grandfathers
Bring fire to the newlyweds' house,
So that they light up the welcoming and familiar
The hearth of the family is a guarantee of great love.
And so that the fire gives him warmth
And the light of love and joint work in life,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy and interesting.

Highlights of the Ukrainian wedding rite: matchmaking, betrothal, baking a loaf, girl's evening, twigging, wedding, young man's yard, young man's yard, dining room, bride's outfit, etc.

Once they said "to play a wedding" - and played for a week, because it was not just a party, fun, but a whole complex of rituals that accompanied the creation of a new family and laid the foundations for its future well-being.

Historical sources indicate that even before the beginning of the 20th century, among the Ukrainian peasantry, it was a wedding, not a wedding, that was considered a legal guarantee of marriage: married couples could live apart for 2-3 weeks, waiting for the wedding.

Everything was preceded by the “loaf” - this is how the main ritual wedding bread was called in Ukraine, and the ritual of its preparation itself, which most often took place on Friday.

V Saturday evening the youth said goodbye to the young. At the girls' evening, a wedding tree was made - "giltse", "viltse", "rizka", "troichetka". This dense flowering tree is a symbol of youth and beauty of the young, with which bread or roll was decorated. It was on the table throughout the wedding.

Sunday was coming.

In the morning, the girlfriends dressed the bride for the crown: the best shirt, an embroidered skirt, namisto, a beautiful wreath with ribbons. The women cherished the wedding dress as a relic until their death. The son took his mother's wedding shirt with him when he went to war.

The groom also came in an embroidered shirt (it was supposed to be embroidered by the bride). The young people went to church to get married. After that, the bride came to the courtyard, where they were greeted with bread and salt, sprinkled with rye, and the young woman invited guests to the table.

Once upon a time it was not easy to get a wife: you had to steal a girl, and conquer her in battle, and buy ...

When is the best time to have a wedding? This is not an idle question. More often than not, it contains not the everyday "when is it more profitable and easier to do this?", But "when to arrange a wedding, so as not to inadvertently harm the young?" So, in the old days, the wedding was most often played in winter, in the period between two winter fasts - from Christmastide to Maslyanaya. He loved the people and the spring weddings, which were arranged after Easter. Well, it’s rare that any of those who had the time to marry could resist the abundant luxurious autumn.

The wedding was preceded by matchmaking. There was a custom: for the success of the business, people who went to court were whipped with rods or thrown with women's headdresses in order to quickly snatch the girl.

Interesting was the morning of the wedding day, when the bride washed. She did not go to the baths alone. When the bride has washed and steamed properly, the sorceress collects sweat from the bride's handkerchief and squeezes it into a bottle. copyright - http: // site This sweat was then poured into the groom's beer to tie the young with indissoluble bonds.

A modern wedding is, in most cases, a restaurant celebration and a cortege that takes young people and guests from the registry office to the restaurant. This is where it all ends. In Russia, the wedding train traveled further, and all the guests certainly had to be present at the morning inquiry into the integrity of the bride ...

There are certain wedding rules. The groom not only has the right, but also must give the bride various gifts, starting with bouquets and boxes of chocolates, and ending with a "wedding basket", the contents of which consists of various toilet accessories, gold jewelry, precious stones, etc. The bride can also give the groom present.

For the wedding, it is customary to give useful, practical things that may be useful to newlyweds in their future family life.

Accepting gifts is not easy. The bride and groom should pay attention to each giver, unfold the gift, look and thank. Money is usually given to the groom, and things and flowers to the bride.

High school graduation party


Scenario of the tract part of the saint of vipusny at the school

І learn a stranger,
Don't be fooled about it.

Let my heart do not know the soup,
Hai to beat the world to the hour of big "
І your youth will be like this,
Schob Ti nіkhto do not zadriti do not mis!

The script is partially in Ukrainian.

(Ukr. Lyric melody sounds, leading out)

Edge, de mi were born,
De growth - alive,
Batkivshchinoyu nezhno
І with love zvemo.

Fox, cat and rooster (in Ukrainian)

Scenario for senior scientists.
Kazochka "Fox, Cat and Pivnik"

Scenarios were put
uchni 11-B class
SZSH І-ІІІ steps No. 1
Shargorodsky district
Vinnytsia region
Babich Pavlo (Fox)
Bilous Andriy (Pivnik)
Trizna Mikola (Kitty)

Diyovi individuals:
Pratsivnik, Win Tsar
The queen
Senior prince
Middle prince
Young Tsarevich
The elder prince is named
The middle prince is named
Young tsarevich's harem (3-5 days)
Did Moroz
Snow queen
Baba Yaga
Well done from the hall

On the stage there is a style for the presidency to ask for veterans and honored women.
Briefly add to rob Marchenko V.D.
Congratulations to the Holy See of the Director of the Technikum V.A. Gerasimenko (handing out letters to that podyak).
You are in the ensemble "Arabesques" with the composition "Merry parasolki", Miska school of arts.

(behind the scenes)
Spring came! Just a little more
The gimp will last the winter song
And again the sun is yellow road
Will illuminate the green bed with herbs.

Times are changing, and with them traditions. Have you heard of such that a girl herself is wooing a guy? Let him love, let him bewitch, but to woo ?! This also happened, and it was considered a great sin to expel the girl from the hut with her elders. Honest girls were respected, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, as soon as they said: "He will marry me - let him go" - and the life of the newly-made groom was saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rituals of neighboring villages, albeit in small things, the difference was felt. Some had a round loaf, others had a square one, those had a herringbone branch, and those had a pine tree. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and bitter.

“Dobriden, shanovni! Allow me to feed, where are you so cheerful and happy, with such garnishing quotes? " The nouns were given, when I came for my kohan. Druzhka: “You don’t even live here? Chi didn't have mercy? If so, then go to the top of the request and go to the apartment, abi see the girl you have come to? " “Don't you live here yourself? Chi didn't have mercy? If so, then go to the top of the request and go to the apartment, abi see the girl you have come to? " Nouns відповідає. Friend: “So! The apartment is right, robotic, a string, kind red. Bachu is a fiance who is showy and garnishing, and ours is called not to compromise. And that just so ti to her do not eat. Would you be able to pass through the fire, the water and the midnight pipes, could you pass over when you got the old nouns? " "So! The apartment is right, robotic, a string, kind red. Bachu is a fiance who is showy and garnishing, and ours is called not to compromise. And that just so ti to her do not eat. Would you be able to pass through the fire, the water and the midnight pipes, could you pass over when you got the old nouns? " Numbers are pogodzhuєtsya.

Ear of ear:fanfare

ZDVR. Good day, shanovnand scholars, teachers, fathers and guests! This year we have chosen a special saint. The saints have intertwined joy and troubles, help and world, dignity and youth. Tse sacredly chose our friendly homeland this year: scientists, teachers, fathers.

Quiet melody "Fantasy".

Ved. one: Nadvori lito ...

Our generous lito ...

Tsey is a special one-of-a-kind hour,

If a couple has a dignity with youth

Dancing with you the first low waltz.

Ved. 2: Nadvori lito ...

Our warmth lіto ...

In which joy and gloom there is a water hour.


svit nevidomiy klich far away from you!

Ved1: Chervnevyi vechir pidsumovu

Stresses in the head rіk -

Vin є go to the miracle

For quiet, hto name "Vipusknik".

Ved2 : І mіzh maybutnіm і passed,

Dignity and bezdezhzham mriy,

Never mind, mi stretched out

Christmas evening

ZDVR. Watch out for the trackers,

Reasonable and sticky vypusknikiv -

Wonderful, young, cold and hot!

Vitaєmo gooey splashes and askmo vipusknikiv in 2014 rock!

(VIHID vipusknikiv) (Apostle, Ameli, T. Turner)

Muzyka (Name the nickname, im "I)

ZDVR. Vysskiy vechіr get naked

(Muzyka, fanfare)

Paravoz whistle ...

Melody "Ocean of Feelings"

1st leading ... Life is a vichny station, de-razrachayutsya, startling, crying and radioing. For the first time with you - at the railway station farewell: with childishness, school rock. Hour іde. Sip is worth bіlya peron. And the passengers ... The passengers are all our family members.

2nd leading ... Say goodbye to our train station. Don't wait to sit at the carriage - you have another hour before the weekend.

Song "Farewell Waltz" N. May (vison student)

1st. leading ... Ochikuvannyam skin of the heart will be afraid,

Nadiya vognik is not fading in the eyes,

Directors' word to hope,

Won this year with the joy of seeing you.

2nd leading ... The floor is given to the principals of the school _______________.

Ved1 And an hour to fly from evening to early -

There is no longer a mumbled past.

I will soon draw your attention to the republic of the child

In the republic of mature life.

Ved2 And why don't you go to the road,

І mother for business document,

Give you a certificate of request to everyone -

Nigholovn_shy proїzny ticket!

ZDVR. A word for nudity I will order about the end of ________________ ZOSH nada to the patron of the director z navchalnoї robots ________________

For the svyatkovo handing of certificates about the end of schools and 11th grade students, the school director is requested.


(Presentation of certificates for 5 choloviks)

Melody "Where togoes awaychildhood".

Leading dialogue:

    1.Travel tickets otrimano

    2.To rush away

    1.Not overkill persha zupinka

    2.What is it about us?

Scene: music "Where goes away de T state? "

Divchinka :

Hello friends. Didn't you recognize us? Mi from your dynasty. Mi taki, yak kolis buli vi. Small growth, galaslivi, not sitting. Mi from the center of the Kazakh and far-away land of dynasty.

Clapper :

All the same, I am happy for you and I speak to you. Having gained attestation, we have become so grown-up, independent. By way of rapt, we have rejected the styles of rights and freedoms, so we can simply ruin the whole new world. For example, you can not wonder at the bik native school.


I don’t go to see the teachers.

Clapper :

Maєte right to read dalі abo pratsyuvati.

Divchinka :

For if you don't read it, don't start screaming: at your home, you will be so amazed.

Clapper :

You may have the right to sleep, if you want to, do not be in time for the first lesson, (really, __________?)


І wear bazhana dozhini's spіdnichki.

Clapper :

You can make friends and it’s change, grow hair, pierce not deprived of vuho, ale and nis that іnshі part of the tila.

Divchinka :

Mi, it's a pity, there are no such rights. All the same, the maybutny graduates of our school, will be attributed to you.


They are good-natured, love sports and vikonuvati all homework.


Do not spend a little humor in the most intelligent situations, as the main goal is ____________.

At once: We will not let you.

Melody "On the Way of Good" (-)

Grade 4 students.

1st student ... Dear graduates! We are rightfully your messengers, us and you about "one great spilny."

2nd class. Po - perche, 4th class, yak і 11 - vypuskny.

3rd student ... On a friend, we, like and you, will have one very good mother.

4th class ... We also came to you on a holy day,

Schob gratefully grateful.

Would you like to accept the commonplace from us -

We will be a great replacement for you.

5th class. I try to be good at reading

Grow up as good and pure people,

We could be proud of us

I come to visit us.

6th student ... And you want to give me a favor

Great successes with the Maybutti.

Bazhaєmo at universities we will see them.

Happy swimming to you with a grown-up life!

Musical number, song "By the Way of Good" at the 4th class of the victorious scholars.

Veda ... The heart of our graduates has been re-enrolled in hundreds of posts. I want to tell you the stink of the style, the teacher. I will ask you before the word vipusknikiv.

Vypuskniki go to the gatherings for the music "Turkish March".

Vipusknik 1 ... Friends! And yet, in our school, the most beautiful ...

Vipusknik 2 ... Nice ...

Vipusknik 3 ... Nairozumnіshі ...

Vipusknik 4 ... Nayerudovanіshі ..

Vipusknik 5. Naytalanovitishi ...

Vipusknik 6 ... Naylyudyanishі ...

Vipusknik 1 ... Nayveselishi ...

Vipusknik 2 ... Naypedagogic teachers!

Vipusknik 4 ... People from the Great Literi.

People who are not deprived of their golden hands,

Gold heads, and th gold hearts!

Vipusknik 5. People who are the most beautiful words, who find them in the city.

Vipusknik 6.

You will be inclined by the eight mi,

For love, for a turbot, for a mine

Vipusknik 7. We have grown up to become people,

At once: Thank you too for your patience

1st issue

The headmaster of the school and we use our knowledge,

Kerіvnik is good, I am wise of views.

Wonderful day mov capitan.

Navigate the storm and hurricane

Maє vtrimati the steering wheel is not evil її rush.

(school principals will be handed the steering wheel and quitty to the music from the cartoon. "Stay boy with us .."

3rd vipusknik

A - head teachers! They have their own turbo

Today it is a folding robot.

I know everything: readers and children -

Є in school for them robiti!

Vipusknik 4

Magazines, layouts, lessons,

Liniyki, zbori and gurts ...

І zranka early to night

Klopochut head teachers and klopochut.

Їm sisti nikoli,

More than their colleagues and children.

(Hand over the inflatable circles to the squares)

Melody "Lebedino Lake"

Ved. School life to obey from the first teacher.

N. May "Pisnya pershoklasnika" (on the background of pisnі pupils go to the descent).

Vipusknik. Yakimi smіshnymi and unaffected mi boules! Slugs of the deaf people were fed on the head of our first teacher.

Vipusknik. ___________________ , _______________ our first readers.

Dyakumo to you for affection, for wisdom,

Bo skinny child

Vi to yourself

Lost in the soul!

6th graduate student. Vchitel my, the words are best for you,

Dobri and see good,

Vdyachny mi for everything in life.

Say goodbye to you from love.

(continuation of the painting "Pershoklasnik" upon the presentation of quotations)

Locomotive whistle ...

Veda ... First, the price of our rise is coming. "Mentor and helper is our best teacher"!

"Turkish March" (two vip musicians come to the music for music).


Vipusknik 1.

Less than 10th last minute

Yak pishov at the 5th grade

If you walk around the school

Zustryv at the corridor of you

Charіvnykh, young, smart

M "yak, gripping such,

At once I thought:

We need such teachers!

Vipusknik 2.

And everything was going wrong.

We are with us

Dili joy and zhurbu

Lead us shkilnyh shlyakh

I hammered in Bachiti beauty.

We watched the scenes

We went on trips, slept

They guided us.

At once: We love you a little more!

Ved. From the words of grasping to their grown-up children, the classiest kerivniks are murdered. (Words of the best kerivniks: ___________, ___________.)

Ved. : Gone another zupinka. Zupinka is on the way: "Our teacher is uncomfortable and a laborer"

Vistup vipusknik_v song "Relatives teachers"

8th graduate student.

And the hour is to live, to live our hour,

Pass our beautiful rock,

I see the school for us,

The lessons are already over.

9th graduate student.

We are at school, all the lessons are right with us, they are our friends. The stinks helped, podkazuvali, instructed and pidtrimuval us at the twisted gillet.


Ved. Lesson from the Ukrainian language

1. (Vipusknik i vipusknitsya)

    Tell me, _____, why is my mother called mother?

    Bo mati speak more nіzh dad.


    Maybutny hour of the word "love"?

    "I'm getting married!"

Shanovna, _________!

2nd vipusknik

We would like to advise you for the vigilance of the navs for the achievement of the unverified knowledge of the native language and literature. You are now super-super-ukrainian.

Shanovna, __________!

Dyakumo to you for a lucky pidhid at the vivchenna іnozemnoy movi. Since they lived in England, then Queen Elizabeth Obov "linguistically assessed our knowledge of the English language and asked for the royal ball.

Shanovna, __________!

Dyakumo to you, for the love of love to the light of the literature. If you are in charge of us, you will want to lose love to the classics of the literature.

Scene "Wounds for students of the 1st and 11th grade"

Shanovna, __________!

We were always amazed at your erudition, the mind and memory, as all the dates from the Neanderthal people and to the ninth rock are saved.

Scene before physics

    (____) Why are you so sick? Afraid to power __________?

    That ni: I'm afraid of my views!

Shanovny, __________!

Dyakuєmo, for the benefit of you, those victorious laws. The leaders of the laws of physics are familiar: whoever is evil, who is sick to fall.

Shanovna, __________!

We would like to advise you for making it easy for you, for the development of mathematical usefulness. The managers of you have come to see you rakhuvati not less than a few fingers on your hands and feet, but a penny, which trim your hands.

Geography (scene)

    Jesus Christ, make London the capital of Argentina! Jesus Christ, make London the capital of Argentina! ...

    And why should it be the capital of Argentina?

    Bo I wrote so at the control robot.

    And writing about the Panama Canal?

    That our television broadcaster does not take such a channel. We are alive at the yar.

Shanovna, ___________!

Dyakuєmo to you for unforgettable prices for the countries of the world in the boundaries of the class.

Biology (scene)

Biology lesson

    Denis, do you know about the head?

    One head is kind, but two are more beautiful!

    Let's go. People have two wuhs. Now?

    In one case, it flew in, and in one, it flew in.

    Eyes in the people ...

    Look at someone else's zoshiti. Having written off the order!

    Go to the place. They haven’t come up with such a ball yet.

Shanovna, _________!

Dyakumo to you, for the vykhovannya love to growl, creature and human light.

A scene about a physical culture lesson.

Shanovny, __________!

The physical education teacher taught us

Athletic perseverance and dexterity

And gradually he raised the bar

Physical sports training.

He opened for usTorecordamall the way

And explained how to achieve a lot

So that we can boldly walk through life,

To appreciate victories, always strives for them!

Muzyka (delivery of quotes)

Veda ... 3 worms our vypuskniki store zovnіshnє nezalezhne ottsіnyuvannya.Ved. Obviously, їх checkє ...

Scene "ZNO"

11th vypusknik .

Thank you, teachers, for the soul to see,

For affection, turbot, love, kindness.

Live dovgo-dovgo, have mercy on cim light,

Hai wait for you to color,

Happiness and laugh like a dim,

For your turbo - low bias for you.

12th graduate student.

A wide range of words are spoken by the school's medical sister ____________, as if I was feeling sick, deprived of one pill!

At once: Healthy bully, _____________________!

13th graduate student. Our friend and those. To the forebears, they cleaned us up when we were burning, but our legends were cleaned up, and the school was beautiful and the school was beautiful.

14- graduate.

Me to our cooks, as they robbed all of them from the fallow, but the sounds of our slunk did not entice us to think and read.

Musical number of the song of the vipusknikiv "Vipusknoy"

Paravoz whistle.

Lead 1 And our sip all rush ahead.

Ved. 2 The new station "Sonyachna"

Lead 1 And why "Sonyachna"?

Ved. 2 For people to live here, so that they can warm their hearts and turbot, sleep before thinking and experiencing. Itself at the tsіy station to chill out the first crock and first to promote "mom", and maybe: "tato". Here live the most popular and kohan people - your fathers.

"Song about parents" K. Der

Vunits 1 Homeland, homeland dear!

You can be more beautiful in the world!

Chim cherish lyudin more

For father's and mother's dim?

Ved. 2 If you can scoop up more love,

Take more kindness,

Nіzh in mother's old words,

Do you need a generous hand?

Melody "Song about parents" K. Der

1st vypusknik

Crowned with us і mami, і tata,

Go from class to class at once.

Їm the rules have been given,

Bo often took lessons for us.

2nd graduate student.

Matus went to Batkivska Zbori

I really want it once, maybe two.

But it’s bulo pislya, I don’t undertake to say -

I can't add cultural words.

3rd graduate student.

Bully "puncture" us, well, here it is,

My friend, friend, forgive me, forgive me!

More than once you have brought us to ruin -

We've got you shkoduvali shanovny daddy.

4th graduate student.

Accept our school

For our nevtomny, titanic work.

For those who gave us a little more

You are here with us today.

The word is from batkiv.


Blue and daughters, our born children!

The axis of maturity is an unbearable hour.

You will self-esteem life again,

Have a good hour, we will bless you!


May we bless you on the path of light, on a good day,

I will instruct you on the correct stitch,

You have a share of a happy bully.

Bazhaєmo is healthy "and the happiness of life,

On the whole earth, know yourself in work.

Reach out to the world, fly.

It also swept the way, leaving the young!


Accept tsey hlib, for him the fatherland

Bless you a yak with a symbol of life,

Ukraine is alive for him,

Hai s hlib will be your maybuttya.

(dad give hlib to children)


Rіdni mamo y tato

We take hands

I whirled into the tank at once.


Say goodbye to dynasty

Stand on the porosity

Bo before the goal of life.

Dance with fathers to song N.May "Spill over the rock"

ZDVR. Music suprovid "Zhaivoronok"

I would like to introduce one garnu of old words "yansk tradition. Young lyudin, as I leave my house, send a line to the end.

Zhovtu is a symbol of the sun, green is a symbol of beauty and youth. Dal to weave blakitnu - a symbol of the sky and blue - a symbol of water, that gives strength and health "to I. Pomaranchev - a symbol of khlib, violet - wisdom of the people. Malinov - sincerity, generosity, mug - prosperity, red - love. Let us become a talisman, who will pick you up for entertainment in a native school.

Ved. 1. Well from i everything. І more two or three akordi,

I - goodbye, republican children!

Vee - on the cordon! Radio and proud!

And before you - the way and the sky is clear!

Vedas 2. And poki scho hi muzyka moonє

I all circling, a light-hearted waltz,

A ditty without turbot is still mine,
Life is older than your check.

(Play waltz)


    Voloshin I.V. Have a good way! Have a good hour! / Cool curriculum. Mustache for robots. - 2012. - №4 (40) - p. 32.

    Braiko N.V. Goodbye dignity. / To the best quirk. Mustache for robots. - 2012. - №4 (40) - p. 42.

    Palivoda O.M. The last school ball / Classroom curriculum vitae. Mustache for robots. - 2011. - No. 4 - p. sixteen.

    Kiktenko L.G. Raise the edge of the land of dynasty / Vikhovna robot in school.-2014.- №4 (113) _s. 14.

    Vypuskny evening: scenarios / V.I. Kovalchuk, O. A. Makarenko. - К: Editorial office of newspapers with management of the light, 2013.-116- (Library "Shkilny svitu").

Kotiga Tetyana Yosipivna

So! Corporate party in the Ukrainian style.
Of course, the venue themed event in Ukrainian style very much depends on the surroundings and style of the institution itself, therefore, to embody the event in the Ukrainian style, we will provide you with several options for restaurants in a given style.
After selection venue of the event , at your request, we can develop exclusive invitations strong.

After solving all organizational issues, a scenario and timing of the event is drawn up.
Below we provide you with a plan of our events in Ukrainian style in the city of Kiev.

Well, let's start ...!

To meet guests, you can use real Ukrainian Cossacks, who will be dressed in national costumes with sabers, mace, spear. Objective: to invite guests to a photo session with the Cossacks and to the tantamaresque stand. In parallel, guests can also be met “ girl live table »With champagne, vodka, shred and lard.

To nich but, at the same time pho tograph and video operator conduct reportage shooting.
Our company provides eksl
user-friendly services " Pechat photos at the event". You will not have towait for photos for several weeks, or even months - you will receive photos right at the holiday, it will be a kind of entertainment, gift and surprise for your guests.
By ordering the services of our photographer, a prop as a gift.

In addition to this, you can also invite caricature artist , who will be dressed in a colorful Ukrainian national costume. Caricature artist draws all of your guests, capturing their emotionshumorous on paper m cartoon.

Ukrainian music is playing in the background or live music .
It can be bandura players , accordionists, balalaika or folk vocal choir .

Guests who entered the celebration hall are met by host of the event - meets the newcomers, offers a drink from the "shablyuka" and invites them to take their places at the table.

And then, the event is only gaining momentum, the guests are all gathered and we begin the feast part of the celebration, which is officially opened by the head of the company with the first toast.

After people have had a snack for 15-20 minutes, drank, as they say, pushed toasts, the presenters move on to drinking competitions, and then to active ones, for example, to the competition - "Yak Kum Priyshov is on a visit", where the main task of the competition is to quickly eat dumplings ... Of course, the most insatiable godfather will be given a gift in the Ukrainian style or a diploma with a certificate.

In general, in our assortment there are a lot corporate competitions, but we all will not reveal to keep the intrigue. Also, the variety of competitions, as a rule, is discussed with the customer individually, as well as the event scenario itself.

Well? Is it rushed? Let's move on to the show program!
After active contests, guests will certainly want to eat, so everyone is invited to the table, and artists appear on the stage, for example, show-ballet in Ukrainian style with groovy dance numbers.

Or the performance of the collective " Spiers kobzars ", Which are semi-finalists of the show" Ukraine may talent". Shpilyasti kobzar is a Ukrainian humorous and musical hard, rock, pop, techno dance bandura show ... Guests will be delighted with such a performance!

After these groovy performances by artists, at such a thematic corporate party, of course, you will want to dance. Therefore, further waiting for its release parodist Viktor Bronyuk from the group "TIK", which in a matter of seconds raises the whole hall into dances and dances.

Meanwhile, the waiters are updating the tables, introducing new dishes. After the musical performance, guests are again invited to the table, where leading events spend humorous show in the style of "Comedy Club".

Guests drink, eat, laugh, communicate, and then they will have an interesting interactive experience.