Work without pay. Who wants to work without pay? Heavy salary burden

If the director of the company works without a salary, inspectors can block the company's account, demand that the director's salary be calculated retroactively, withhold personal income tax, charge contributions, pay fines and penalties.

Inspectors, without understanding, block accounts for companies that have not submitted 6-personal income tax. This even affected those where the director of the company works without a salary.

How to explain why they didn’t pass 6-personal income tax

Even if you send explanations that income was not accrued and not paid, the account may not be unfrozen. Sometimes inspectors wait until the company pays its employees. That is, he will pay a salary not less than the regional minimum wage, transfer contributions, personal income tax and penalties. Of course it's illegal. Inspectors are only entitled to invite the director for a conversation (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 25, 2017 No. ED-4-15 / 14490).

  • Important article:

Let's say the director is the only employee in the company. You can not accrue and not pay wages in one case - to issue a leave to the director at your own expense. What to write to the tax office to unlock the account, see the sample below.

This option can be applied only if the company does not work at all. She has no income and no salary to pay. If the activity was, it is safer to pay at least the minimum amount.

There is a risk that the tax authorities will report to the labor inspectorate. From there, they will be interested in how the director of the company works without a salary and signs documents, responds to inquiries and does other work on vacation. It is safer to arrange a part-time job and accrue wages from the minimum wage in proportion to the hours worked. Otherwise for violation Labor Code the company faces a fine of up to 50,000 rubles, and the director - up to 20,000 rubles. (Part 6, Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). For a repeated violation, the leader may be disqualified.

Income from 50 thousand rubles - interesting. Free schedule is tempting. Training at the expense of the company is even better! Salary - a percentage of the transaction? Add to cart! Find out if you can actually work and earn decent money without a fixed salary?

There are many vacancies, few requirements, almost no applicants

Working for "naked" interest has never been very popular among job seekers. Nevertheless, many companies prefer to calculate salaries according to the formula “How much you work, so much you earn”, when an employee is offered not a fixed salary, but a percentage of sales or the amount of work performed.

According to Maria Silina, head of the department "Recruitment for the FMCG market", a scheme in which wage paid in the form of bonuses, primarily characteristic of the consulting and sales sphere.

“The bonus scheme is usually used where it is easy to calculate the bonus payment, where it is clearly visible and understandable what money the employee brings to the company, and taking into account this indicator, form his bonus,” the expert comments.

Irina Kulikova, director of the Adecco Group Russia branch in St. Petersburg, believes that direct sales agents, insurance agents, sales managers in FMCG companies, sales managers of financial products in retail and cellular networks are most often offered to switch to free bread, and as well as agents selling Internet services.

The eternal dispute between salary and interest

Disagreements between the employer and the applicant have existed at all times. But it is the pay scheme that often causes the most heated disputes and discussions.

Employees perceive the salary as an obligation of the employer to provide the employee with at least a minimum income. Everyone strives for stability and wants to be sure that regardless of the season, the downturn in the market or the volume of sales, they will be able to “pay their bills”.

At the same time, employers mean by salary the obligation of the employee to repay the investment invested in him. Companies do not want to risk money and keep inefficient employees on the staff. Who needs salespeople who sell their pastime in the office for a salary? “A manager who cannot provide a living wage with his sales is a bad manager,” employers are sure.

And although the disputes are still going on, the labor market has long formed a stereotype that an employee who knows his own worth will never come to work for "bare" interest. However, working without pay has its advantages...

Heavy salary burden

In order to get a job for good interest, but no salary or for a very modest fix, there is no need to indulge in a long search. Job portals, newspapers, Internet forums are full of similar offers.

But even with all the ease of employment and tempting conditions, there are almost no people who want to work for a “clean” percentage. Not everyone knows that piece-work payment work in comparison with a fixed salary has a number of undeniable advantages.

Almost your own business. Work without a fix can be considered own business which so many dream of. You no longer have to obey anyone, report to anyone - you yourself draw up a work plan and control its implementation yourself. No reprimands and demands from the authorities. In fact, you are your own entrepreneur, but you do not need to think about how to pay rent or how to have time to submit tax returns.

Free schedule. Very often, work without a fix "and implies a free schedule, the very ability to belong to oneself and manage time at one's own discretion. Is it convenient to start the working day at 11:00 and end at 17:00? Please!

Unlimited income. With a fixed salary, you always get the same amount, regardless of performance. In working for interest, income is usually limited only by your skills and ability to work.

“With this scheme of remuneration, wages directly depend on the performance of the employee. If he is efficient, then he is given the opportunity to receive much more than the fixed rate. At the same time, as a rule, bonus system does not limit the size of the bonus that an employee can receive, ”comments Maria Silina.

Better a small salary in hand than a large percentage in words

“What will I live on if there are no sales in some month?” - this is the question that worries most of all those who want to go to free bread. Indeed, despite all the advantages of piecework payment, not everyone can afford it. We give only a small list of reasons that cast doubt on the work without a "fix".

- Lack of a permanent income that would cover the mandatory expenses for housing, food, clothing.

“The bonus payment system is not very convenient for those employees who have a loan or other personal circumstances that require a guaranteed stable income, since you can earn a lot in one month and be left with nothing the next,” says Marina Silina.

- Lack of monetary savings that would allow "painless" existence during a not very fruitful initial stage. As a rule, this period lasts from six months to a year.

- Fraud in the payment of interest. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for cases when only numbers are announced at an interview, and in the event of a significant overfulfillment of the plan, the owner begins to be greedy and arbitrarily cut interest.

“The bonus salary is not a fixed salary, and there is always some possibility that the employer may not pay it (even in the case of the employee’s full performance). Therefore, the concerns that the applicant has about a new employer offering such working conditions are quite justified, ”comments Marina Silina.

Who benefits from interest?

What to do if you are offered piecework wages? First, decide what is more important to you: a stable salary or a higher, but unstable income. After all, working without a “fix” is most beneficial either for beginners who want to gain experience, or for those who have been working in the industry for a long time and know what they can count on, are familiar with the product and competition, have a client base and can roughly predict their income. .

“For professional specialists and working staff — those who work in 100% employment mode — such a system is less interesting,” says Natalia Belashova, head of the permanent staff recruitment and personnel consulting department of AVANTA Personnel, Adecco Group Russia branch in St. Petersburg. “Since the workload of such specialists is fixed and their work schedule is predetermined, the stability of a fixed salary, which is guaranteed and not tied to indicators, is important to them.”

Of course, how many people - so many opinions, and the attitude to the saying about the tit and the crane has always been and will remain twofold. It is easier for someone to work and know that at the end of the month a guaranteed (albeit not fabulously large) amount will come to his card. And someone is ready to give up stability for the sake of tempting prospects and mountains of gold, even at the risk of sometimes being “stranded”. Is there any point in trying? It's up to you to decide.

Natalia Gladkova, the head of a recruiting and appraisal company, wrote an article for an article about the types of sales managers who are willing to work without salary and for interest, and whether the company needs such specialists.

We are often approached by startup leaders with a request to find a sales manager for them without salary. This temptation is hard to resist, especially if the company is new and doesn't make a lot of money. Hiring a manager without a salary seems like a logical way out: no wasted money paid, there is a result - there is a salary, there is no result - he, as they say, is to blame.

To find a manager for piecework, let's first figure out what kind of person he is, where to look for him and whether it makes sense. We will draw up a portrait of a candidate working without a fixed rate. Who is this person who is looking for a job without a salary? Why does he agree to such conditions?

We have identified four main types of employees who are ready to work without salary.


The "newbie" does not work for money, but for experience. He does this in two cases:

  • He is rich and can afford it, he has a financial cushion, and he is interested in an area in which there is not enough experience.
  • He is young, has no financial obligations, has just entered the labor market and is gaining experience. The ability to work without pay is an indicator of a person's psychological age. A salary is necessary when there are financial obligations and an understanding of what to pay for next month.

Alexander M. is 30 years old and has 13 years of experience as a sales manager. Early in his career, he worked for six months without pay at the Kirby Company, where he sold vacuum cleaners on a door-to-door basis. “I was in my second year at the time and living with my parents, so I could afford it. The salary came out different, then five thousand a month, then one thousand. But it was important for me to learn how to work for a percentage and gain experience, because without it they don’t hire anywhere. Moreover, piecework pay motivates you to work better. Now I am counting on a salary of 100 thousand rubles and, of course, I will no longer agree to such conditions.

Anna T., 27, three recent years worked in Nizhny Novgorod as an insurance agent without a fixed salary and received more than 50 thousand rubles a month. “I do not believe in stability and I am not interested in pension contributions,” Anna admits. - Now I have changed the field of activity, again I work without salary and I get even less than before. But I know what I'm doing it for: I'm interested in car business and I'm getting experience."


Professionals who go to managers without a salary are definitely on the labor market. Six months ago, we were looking for regional representatives with their own base selling rolled metal and reinforced concrete products. Candidates came with their own client base, knew their target audience and the proposed product, understood how to interact with customers and how to create a result. They didn't need a salary. They understood exactly: how much you stomp, you will burst so much. They could predict, and their percentage was no different from the salary.

Finding a sales manager on the Moscow labor market who is trained, pumped up and owns sales technologies is an unrealistic task. These people will not line up for you when you put up an ad that managers are needed. In order for professionals to come to you, you need to make an effort and offer a certain fix and technology by which people will earn.

Julia N. has been working as a tourism manager for over 15 years. Works without salary, on interest. “I feel so comfortable,” Yulia says, “the salary implies clear obligations, a clear work schedule. When I receive a salary, I immediately become indebted to the employer. I have a child, I do not want to be bound by a schedule. This format is beneficial for the employer, and it is more interesting for me to work more in order to earn more.”


Back in the late 1960s, Stanford University conducted a series of studies on delayed gratification, the so-called “marshmallow experiment,” in which children were given a choice: one marshmallow immediately or two marshmallows after a certain period of time. To get two marshmallows instead of one, a person is willing to invest his time. What kind of people are willing to invest their time?

I can tell by personal experience: I had four cases when I worked with people without salary, and all four were my full business partners, working with whom cost me 50% of the business.

My first business partner with whom we opened Kindergarten, previously engaged in the organization of student proms. The business of “organizing a booze for money” seemed unethical to him, therefore, having met me at one of the business events (and I had already launched my first kindergarten at that time), he suggested that I open a second one together. He came to me as a sales manager, without a fixed salary, but for 50% of the business.

Are you sure you want to work with people without pay?

If your employees without salary are not “green” newcomers, then they are full-fledged business partners who understand how investing time earns themselves a second marshmallow. Entrepreneurs are a vivid example, if not of dementia, then of courage, for sure, because any business at the beginning turns out to be in the negative. With the same amount of effort in hiring, they would definitely earn more right now. But they understand why they do it, and go into their own business.

However, an employee is not a partner, otherwise he would not have come to us for hire. Hiring people with a certain psychology, goals and objectives. Entrepreneurs among them 5%. Accordingly, even if you hire such a person, he will come to you and work well, think about why he does this, why do you need an entrepreneur, what will he learn from you, what will you interact with in the future?


There are also candidates in our practice who are forced to work without a salary, because they are not hired anywhere for a salary. At the same time, they are not taken for various reasons: non-Russian citizenship, unpresentable appearance, inappropriate age, criminal record, or - which is much more common - unprofessionalism, inadequate requests and difficult character.

Ivan I. responded to the vacancy of an operator in the call center. 44 years old, posted several resumes on the site: sales manager, proofreader, call center operator. Work experience is unstable, in most companies it does not even reach a year. It does not matter for him what vacancy, what salary, what prospects. After a phone interview, they took a break to make a decision. An hour later, an angry letter comes from Ivan stating that we are choosing the wrong one, focusing on the wrong thing and will definitely give him a negative answer, because everyone has been refusing him since February 2016. After this letter, we did not deceive his expectations.

Do you really need such employees? If so, then take it, but what are you trying to achieve: reduce costs or get results?

Does a sales manager need a salary?

Those who study employee motivation know the famous Carl Duncker Candle Test. People were given a candle, matches, and a box of buttons and asked to fix the candle to the wall so that the wax would not drip onto the floor or wall. At the same time, one of the groups was promised a monetary reward for a quick decision, while the other was not. It turned out that where work involves only mechanical actions without any creativity (do it once, do it twice), piecework increases people's motivation. More done, more received. Accordingly, as soon as the element of creativity is included, piecework worsens the results of labor.

If you have a mechanical job, it is profitable for you to pay for it piecework. But if your work contains elements of creativity and creativity, emotional intelligence and so on, and in sales it is a “must have”, then paying employees only a percentage, you worsen the results of work. And people give the worst result not out of harm (“Yeah, my employer is so bad and I will work worse for him in return”), but unconsciously.

Among our clients there are companies that at the entrance offer managers a salary of 30 thousand rubles. Further, having understood the field, managers come to them with a proposal: “Listen, you have a cool product, I like to sell it, I want to earn more, how can I do this?” And then they take away the salary, give a higher percentage, and people earn 400, 500, 700 thousand. There are such companies on the market, but, nevertheless, they lure people at the entrance with a salary of 30 thousand rubles - the market rate for the b2c sphere.


If you understand for yourself why and which of these types of people you need, hire a manager without salary. Question: what will you come to?

If you want to transfer your current managers to work without a salary, and if they are not entrepreneurs, but employees, then think about what technologies you will provide them with, what you will gain and what you will lose.

If your task is to test a hypothesis and you are looking for sales managers for it, then if possible, try to sell yourself first. You, as the “evangelist” of the product, will be able to better describe to the potential client all its advantages and benefits. If you do not have enough time for this, then choose "entrepreneurs" or "pros" to get an adequate result. Otherwise, incorrectly selected managers will “burn” your hypothesis.


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