Profession miner description. Lesson on the theme "Profession miner". What would you say to those who are going to go to the miners


« Profession - miner ».

For senior students

Compiled by: Kushcheva N.N.



Profession - miner!

Target: acquaintance with the main professions of underground coal mining.

Profession miner - one of the most dangerous and harmful in the general list of professions. Whatever precautions are taken by engineers and technicians, unexpected or emergency situation. And if on the ground the chances of escaping in such a case are high, then underground the probability of a favorable outcome is sharply reduced. Only stronger and hardened individuals become miners.

Miner - a man of a heroic profession

Miner - a worker who extracts minerals by an underground method, i.e. in mine.

Hazardous working conditions are the daily reality of a miner's work. Coal dust, the likelihood of collapses, gas explosions have long become commonplace for these people. According to statistics, 4 miners paid for 1 million tons of coal with their lives. Those who do not have enough adrenaline in everyday life can become miners, because the profession of a miner is the most dangerous among peaceful professions.

Miners include:
Longwall miner (GROZ) is one of the two main mine specialties. This worker (in professional jargon - a miner) directly mines coal in a stope (longwall). One of the highest paying jobs in the mine.

The most dangerous peaceful profession - The profession of a miner. Every million tons of minerals mined cost an average of four human lives.

The miner performs a whole range of works on the mining excavation of minerals, strengthens the vaults of the face, installs spacers, drills wells, etc.
* stope – the surface of a coal seam or ore body.

Mining coal at the Raspadskaya mine

drifter - one of the main mining specialties. It paves the way to the subsoil, conducting preparatory mine workings for subsequent mining.
It performs the whole range of works on sinking in mines, mines and other industries related to open-pit mining, as well as the construction of subways, tunnels, and various underground structures.

Miner underground (GRP) - a laborer in a mine. The initial specialty, with which the underground experience of each mine specialist begins: GROZ, sinker, MGVM, MPU, electrician, mining foreman, etc.
Everyone who first gets a job at the mine is obliged to work for at least a year in this specialty.

The deepest mines

The deepest mines in the world are located in South Africa, they produce gold:
"Tau Tona", "Witwaterersrand" - a depth of more than 4500 m, "Western Deep Levels Mine" ("Western deep mine") - 3900 m (De Beers company), "Mponeng" - 3800 m.
At such a depth, the heat reaches 60 ° C, there is a constant threat of explosions, water breakthrough.

The deepest mine in Russia is Komsomolskaya (Vorkuta) with a depth of 1200m.

Mining machine operator (MGVM) - a worker, serving and working on underground machines that destroy the rock mass (coal, rock) with a cutting body and ship it to a conveyor or to a special machine. There are two main categories of mine harvesters - tunneling and mining.

Underground plant operator (MPU) - a worker servicing belt conveyors, pumping and coal-suction units, pushers, compressors and other mining equipment.

Master blaster - a worker who carries out explosive work in a mine. An explosion is the most radical way of splitting a rock. But he is associated with a special danger, and the lives of the people with whom he works depend on the qualifications of the explosives.

stem - a worker who works underground near the mine shaft and is responsible for loading the cage with lava (rock) or people before lifting it to the surface (mountain).

Electrician underground is a key figure in keeping the mine running. Not only labor productivity, but also the lives of many people depend on his qualifications (as in the case of a bomber). An electrician at a mine works in a cramped space, with high humidity, high dust content and in an explosive environment.

Profession miner

The profession of a miner is considered today one of the most dangerous and extreme, it is chosen by the most courageous and courageous people. The work of a miner is to extract various ores in underground mines. This is very hard work, the workers have to go down to a great depth (from 800 m to 4 km) into the so-called face, where, for example, coal or gold is mined, which are subsequently fed up with the help of special Vehicle. Various specialists work in the mines, including miners, technicians, mechanics, electricians, machinists, and so on.

Mining (namely, the profession of a miner belongs to it) as such takes its beginning in the 15th century, when people begin to extract various ore from the bowels of the earth, and in the 18th century it develops rapidly, new deposits are discovered, their possibilities and prospects are evaluated. That's when the first miners appeared, who took their name from the German "schacht", an enterprise where underground minerals are mined. ...

Most people have great respect for the profession of a miner, but very few will agree to become one. Danger and harsh working conditions make one of the most prestigious professions in the twentieth century quite unattractive today.

To date, the profession of a miner, a person directly involved in the extraction of any ore, can hardly be called promising, which is primarily due to the special danger of this work. Another thing is the specialties associated, for example, with the search for or development of new mineral deposits.

The profession of a miner is complex and monotonous, it requires certain knowledge, good physical health, great self-control, patience, endurance and willpower. Categorically not suitable for people who are afraid of closed spaces and have problems with the lungs. To attract workers to this hard work, they are offered increased pay and various social benefits, as well as early retirement. This work is for the most courageous representatives of the stronger sex.

To become a miner, you need to graduate from a vocational school or a mining college, where great attention is paid to occupational health and safety issues along with basic subjects.

One of the most dangerous jobs in the world is the work of a miner. This is not surprising, because according to statistics, each ton of coal mined takes five human lives. The profession of a miner is respected in society, but young people are in no hurry to master it. Hard physical labor, daily risk to life, low wages are far from the most attractive prospects. If in the US the government develops social programs assistance to miners, attracts with high salaries; in the countries of the post-Soviet space, officials are in no hurry to subsidize the industry.

What does a miner do

The people working in the mines perform different functions. The following specifications exist:

  • drifter is one of the most popular specialties. By the name of the profession, it is not difficult to guess that main task the worker is laying the path to the bowels. Drifters work in mines, mines, during the construction of the subway and other underground structures.
  • Longwall miner - This is a miner who is engaged in the direct extraction of coal in the face. He performs a complex of works, which includes: cleaning the face, installing spacers, strengthening walls and vaults.
  • Handyman in a mine - a starting profession that provides an opportunity for further advancement. In almost every profession, a miner begins with a handyman; you need to work in a position for at least a year.
  • Mining machine operator - a specialist engaged in loosening rocks and further loading onto a conveyor.
  • bomber – the development of the first deposits is not much different from the extraction at some mines. The most dangerous way to split stone plates is an explosion. The health and life of the rest of the workers in the face depends on the qualification of the blaster.
  • electrician - a figure that is responsible for the performance of power supplies, conveyors, winches, mining equipment powered by electricity. A specialist often works in a separately assigned area and is responsible for its performance. In a mine, an electrician must have the skills of a mechanic, that is, be aware of the operation of machines and mechanisms.

Miners are valued abroad, in some countries this is one of the highest paid working professions. Be sure to check out the salaries of specialists in and.

Pros and cons of being a miner


  • early retirement;
  • does not require special education;
  • state benefits.


  • dangerous and life-threatening work;
  • poor working conditions;

I am a mining worker. You can simply - a miner or a slaughterer. I work in the face, mine coal. In general, a typical miner. Depending on what is required, I drill a well, install spacers, strengthen the vaults.

But there are many professions at the mine: a master blaster, a machinist of underground installations, a shaft operator ... If you want to work at a mine, then you can choose among them, depending on education, skills and inclinations.

What education does a miner need?

In order to become an ordinary miner, it is enough to study at a college or vocational school. But for a career as a technical specialist, you need to graduate from a specialized university.

Who can't work as a miner?

Claustrophobic and afraid of the dark. Even if you are just uncomfortable in dark enclosed spaces, the discomfort will only increase over time. Large and tall people it will also be hard: no one will expand the passages under them, and it’s hard to work in a half-bent state. Asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people with problem joints, kidney disease, heart disease will also be told no. This is a mine, you only need to go down there - half an hour is needed, but what if there is an attack?

They don't hire women as miners yet. Those who work underground are technical specialists, for example, mine surveyors, not miners. There is a list heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, in the performance of which ", it is clearly stated there.

Nervous, irresponsible, panicky, lazy... Such people bring a lot of problems at the top, but underground they can be simply dangerous.

What character traits do miners need?

First, endurance. It's endurance, not strength. Frail, of course, does not belong here, but a person with average physical data and good stamina will do the job and “pump up” over time.

Secondly, the normal psyche. It's not even that it's crowded, dark and there's nowhere to go... Miners rarely tell their loved ones about it so as not to scare them, but emergencies happen quite often. The media gets information only about the loudest tragedies: collapses, explosions. And all sorts of small ones happen once or twice a week and can be accompanied by injuries. And you need to be very attentive, focused, be able to control yourself so as not to panic and not ruin either yourself or others.

Are there any advantages to working as a miner?

Salary, benefits, early retirement in twenty years. It is clear that this is all in order to varnish the disadvantages of hard work, but it's still nice. There are people who really like this work: men's rough work, the feeling of a miner's brotherhood, the ability to rely on a partner, the visibility of real results - now, today five meters have passed, tomorrow another six. But they are fanatics. It's good that they exist, otherwise it would be quite dull.

What are the downsides?

Unfortunately, this work is very dangerous and. It is not only accidents and the risk of death. Injuries are frequent - fractures, gas poisoning, falling under a combine, cuts and wounds. Every day health is undermined. Elderly miners can have everything - lungs from dust, back and legs from uncomfortable posture, eyes from poor lighting, hearing problems, dermatitis from dirt and dampness.

A preferential pension and free vouchers to sanatoriums are, of course, good, but you can’t buy health.

How much do miners get?

They don't like to talk about it. Up to the point that you often don’t know how much your teammate earns. My salary is 60 thousand rubles, but the fork is 45-80 thousand. Plus a bonus for fulfilling the plan, extra pay for night shifts, food subsidies.

How is the working day of a miner?

Theoretically, the shift should last six hours, but in reality it turns out to be about eight - an extra one and a half to two hours are spent on getting to the mine, getting a dress, going down, going up, washing, changing clothes.

At 6 am I arrive at the mine on a service bus. I pass the medical examination, I get permission. If everything is in order, then I change clothes: work clothes stored here, not at home. This is a helmet, overalls, boots and the so-called "self-rescuer" - a breathing apparatus in case of emergency evacuation. We are waiting for the cage - an elevator that will lower us into the mine. Having gone down, we sit down in an electric train and we reach the necessary point.

Then we drill, we put up fortifications so that the rock does not collapse, we lay rails to move on, from time to time we install new sections of the pipeline so that the air enters.

After six hours we go upstairs, take a shower, change clothes. If you manage to get hungry, you can have lunch at a local canteen. At around 3pm, the bus takes me home. Theoretically, there is time left to help around the house, take a walk with the children, complete repairs, but I get so tired that I want to lie down and lie down. But someone, on the contrary, is full of energy - we have a football team, the guys also have time to go to training and play in local tournaments.

During the shift, you can’t leave, breathe, go to the store - as office workers can do. Even at lunchtime we are underground. We take food with us from home - this is called "brake". Breaks are also prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the mine, therefore - either endure, or quit, or sniff tobacco. Due to the presence of methane in the mine, you cannot bring anything with you that can give a spark - lighters, a camera, Cell Phones. Even the flashlights on the helmets are special, they do not spark.

Do you personally enjoy your work?

I can't say that I love her. But I'll be honest - this is the best I could have hoped for in our town. Those who hate the mining business do not stay long, they quit. I see the cons, but I also remember the pros.

Many of those who work here are representatives of the third, fourth generation of miners. Not all parents want their children to continue the family tradition, some of the youth leave for other cities, enter universities, but still the guys go to the mines. They often say beautiful words about romance, about the traditions of the family, but more often the fact is that in the mining villages and towns there is more and nowhere to work.

Do miners have any signs and superstitions?

Someone is more superstitious, someone less, but there are some general rules. For example, they say "extreme shift", not "last". They don't whistle in the mine, they don't sit or lie on stretchers. Someone greets and says goodbye to the slaughter at the beginning and at the end of the shift. There used to be a sign that after the third injury you need to quit, otherwise the fourth one will end in death, but now few people observe it, they don’t scatter work.

My advice to beginners - even if you are not superstitious and consider all this nonsense, do not go against the team. Tradition is tradition.

What would you say to those who are going to go to the miners?

Do not believe the local images of miners either. In life, everything is more ordinary and harder. This is a responsibility not only for yourself, but also for those who are waiting for you at home. If you only want the romance of mines, then you should choose a different specialty. For example, a speleologist. It is also dark, cramped and underground.

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Many people living in Russia know little about who and how miners live in Russia. Usually, all knowledge relates to the fact that they work deep underground and extract minerals. In general, the way it is, but there are still a lot of nuances in this profession. In order to fully understand who miners are, one must first understand what a mine is.

What is a mine?

The mine is underground passages located horizontally, vertically and at an angle. These passages are called workings. They get there with the help of a vertical or inclined trunk. A vertical shaft is a straight tunnel equipped with an elevator that lowers and raises miners, and an inclined shaft is a tunnel at an angle that lowers workers using small wagons. After the miners have been lowered, they disperse to their places, the distance to the shaft can reach 7 km.

In modern workings, coal is mined using lava. Miners call lava a harvester that digs minerals, but there are also places where coal is mined using a jackhammer. After the fossils are loaded onto a conveyor, which delivers them to the point of loading to the surface. Coal is usually brought to the surface by means of an inclined shaft.

Types of mining professions

Also, not all people know that the word "miner" is a general classification of people working in production. Everyone has their own profession and a certain type of employment. For example, longwall miners are those people who are engaged in the extraction itself, repair and maintain mining machines, or mine themselves with the help of jackhammers.

The tunnels are made by tunnellers, the tunnels are needed for the supply of air and lifting from the coal mine. Also, machinists work in the mine - these are the people who operate various mechanisms. As in all such enterprises, there are electricians involved in the repair of mechanical and electrical equipment. In order for the miners to know the location of all the tunnels and where they lead, there are mine surveyors at the mine, mapping the entire underground part of the mine, directing workers to the right place.

In order for a person to become a worker in a mine, he must first acquire certain knowledge and skills. This is taught in institutes, technical schools, lyceums for 2-5 years. But you can also take an accelerated course of study, such courses are held at the training centers of the mine itself, usually you can learn there in 3-4 months. A person who has completed a training course can work in production, but without career growth.

Working conditions

The profession of a miner is very difficult and sawy. Miners work in conditions of high air temperature, tight spaces. Most of the work is done by hand, so the profession of a miner is more complex than on the surface. Maximum safety and efficiency is achieved through team cohesion, thus, the specifics of production require maximum teamwork from people.

Since there is a high level of methane gas pollution underground, it is forbidden to take with you anything that can serve as a spark, even mobile phones and cameras are strictly prohibited. In order for the miners to see something, they have a canagon. Kanagonka is a special helmet-mounted flashlight with a battery for long work. Kanagons are designed in such a way that in any conditions they cannot cause a spark. According to the rules, miners must be in a respirator, but the workers themselves neglect these safety measures, since breathing in a respirator complicates work and takes a lot of strength from a person.

The level of salaries of miners in Russia

Miners risk their lives and health every day, is it worth it? At the moment, according to official data, the average salary of miners in Russia is 43,000 rubles. But the workers themselves say that their incomes are many times less. According to statistics, at the time of 2009 the salary was 23,000 rubles. And already in 2014, employees were paid 40,000 rubles. During this time, revenues have almost doubled.

The growth of miners' wages in Russia after 2014 became less intense, and does not even fully cover the inflation rate. On this occasion, the government of the country declares that it knows how difficult and dangerous this work is. And that there will be no reduction in wages, but as soon as the country comes out of a difficult financial position promises a significant salary increase. The salary of miners in Russia by years directly depends on the length of service, that is, the more experience a miner has, the more salary he will have.

Salary supplements

For the risk of their lives and very hard work, miners are entitled by law to a wage supplement, but, as elsewhere, there is one flaw. According to the law, the employer charges the allowance, but not all employers are honest. Most often, employees are not told about a possible allowance, information about its existence is hushed up, and sometimes it even comes to outright lies when employees are told that there should not be any allowances at all. In this case, the miners have every right to go to court and defend their interests, since this is money that is rightfully due to them, and it was obtained by hard work.

Benefits for miners

Despite how dangerous and difficult the profession of a miner is, the government provides meager benefits. One of the significant benefits is early retirement. Having worked 25 years on the privates and 20 years in the leading specialties, a miner can retire early on a legal pension. After a well-deserved rest, a miner can continue to work and receive a pension supplement.

Also, the benefits of miners include free health care. A miner can conduct a free medical examination, treatment of injuries received at work, check-ups and dental treatment. The state provides benefits for free medicine not only to the miner himself, but also to his family.

A miner can receive a bonus for seniority and quality of work. They issue it once a year, instead of a bonus, they can issue a pension supplement. Children of miners have an advantage in admission to preschool institutions.

In the event that a worker has received an injury incompatible with work, he will receive cash payments from the state, and he is also given the opportunity to study in another specialty absolutely free of charge. In the event of a death, the family will receive permanent payments from the state.

Miner's Day in Russia

Since the time of the Soviet Union, the professional holiday of miners has been celebrated in Russia. The tradition began in 1935, when Alexei Stakhanov set a record coal production, extracting 102 tons at a rate of 7 tons. The first time the celebration took place on August 29, 1948.

Miners are people who, thanks to their merits and production achievements, are entitled to benefits from the state to improve their living conditions.

Despite the collapse of the state, the holiday is still celebrated in the CIS countries. At the moment, the celebration of Miner's Day in Russia takes place on the last Sunday of August. Miners are awarded certificates and cash prizes. In some cities, Miner's Day is a big holiday, and they celebrate it with concerts and folk festivals.

Some interesting facts

  1. In China, in 1931, there was the largest accident at the mine. More than 3,000 miners died in that accident.
  2. The largest diamond mine in the world is located in Russia. At the bottom of the quarry with a diameter of 1.2 km, there are two tunnels in which diamonds are mined. All flights are prohibited over the quarry, as air currents can suck in everything that flies over it.
  3. The first miners took with them a cage with a canary. If the canary, being underground, fell silent - this was a signal for an emergency evacuation. As it turned out later, canaries are very sensitive to the content of methane in the air.
  4. The oldest mine is in the UK. It was founded in 1805 and is still going on there today.
  5. The first miners lowered horses underground to transport coal. If the horse had already been lowered, then it was not raised to the surface again.