How to change the background in a presentation. How to make a picture as a background in a presentation. How to choose a background for your PowerPoint presentation

It's hard to imagine a good catchy presentation that has a standard white background. It takes a lot of skill to keep the audience awake during the show. Or you can do it easier - still create a normal background.

In total, there are several options for changing the background of the slides, allowing you to do this with both simple and complex means. The choice will depend on the design of the presentation, its task, but mainly on the desire of the author.

In general, there are four main ways to set the background for slides.

Method 1: Change the design

The easiest way, which is the first step in creating a presentation.

Nice and simple method, but it changes the background for all slides, making them look the same.

Method 2: Change manually

If you need to tackle a more complex background in conditions where there is nothing in the proposed design options, the ancient saying begins to work: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself."

This method is the most functional due to the breadth of possibilities. You can create unique views for every slide.

Method 3: Working with templates

There is an even deeper way to universally customize background images.

This method is ideal for situations where a presentation needs to create groups of slides with different types of background images.

Method 4: background picture

An amateurish way, but it is impossible not to say about it.

Now the picture will not be the background, but will be behind the rest of the elements. A fairly simple option, but not without drawbacks. It will become more problematic to select components on a slide, since the cursor will most often fall on the "background" and select it.


When choosing your background image, it is not enough to choose a solution with the same proportions for the slide. Better to take the picture in high definition because low-format backdrops can get pixelated and look nightmarish when displayed full screen.

When choosing designs for websites, individual elements remain depending on the specific choice. In most cases, these are various decorative particles along the edges of the slide. This allows you to create interesting combinations with your images. If this gets in the way, it’s better not to choose any type of design at all and work with the original presentation.

Let's imagine the following situation: you are making a presentation, you have chosen a suitable theme for the design from the list, the required font for the text, but the background of the selected theme is not very suitable and I would like to change it. If this is a children's presentation - put bright balloons, if it relates to nature - choose a field with flowers and a lake, and if you represent the goods of any company - you can put its logo as a background.

In the article, we will look at how to make the background image you need in PowerPoint presentations, and how you can change the transparency of the picture on the slide that is selected as the background.

We will start with template changes in PowerPoint... This will be especially useful for those who plan to use the selected picture more than once as a background for various presentations.

Open the presentation and go to the "View" tab. Now in the group Sample Modes click on the button "Slide Master".

Select the first slide, right-click on it and select "Format Background" from the context menu.

The corresponding dialog box will open. On the "Fill" tab, put a marker in the field "Pattern or texture"... You can choose one of the suggested textures as a background. The result will be immediately visible on the slides.

To make the background of the slide a picture that is stored on your computer, in the "Insert from" field, click on the "File" button. Using Explorer, find the image you want on your computer and click "Insert". The background of the slides in the presentation will change.

If you find a suitable image on the Internet, then you can also make this image a background for slides in PowerPoint. Open the image in full size, right-click on it and press "Copy". This way we will put it on the clipboard.

Return to the "Format Background" dialog box and click on the "Clipboard" button. The background in the presentation will change.

You can also choose any picture from the PowerPoint collection as a background. In the "Format Background" dialog box, click on the "Picture" button, then select one of the proposed images and click "OK".

After you select the desired image as the background for the presentation, click "Close". To return to the usual view for working with the presentation, on the "View" tab in the group Presentation View Modes click "Normal".

So, we have changed the template for the presentation. Now consider how save template with selected image as background in PowerPoint.

Go to the "Design" tab, expand the list of available themes and select "Save Current Topic".

The saved theme with the desired slide background will be available in the general list of themes. While creating new presentation. You just need to select it.

If you need make a background for one slide in PowerPoint Using the selected image, select the desired slide with the mouse, right-click on the background and select "Format Background" from the menu.

Now select a picture or image for the background of the presentation, as described above, and click "Close". Change the background only for the selected slide.

By pressing the button "Restore Background"- will return the old background for the slide by clicking "Apply to all"- the selected picture will be set as the background for all slides in the presentation.

To change the background, for example, only from the second to the fifth slide, select the second slide, press Shift and select the fifth. To select slides that are not adjacent, hold down "Ctrl" and select them one by one: 2, 3, 5. Click on any selected slide with the right mouse button and select "Format Background" from the menu. Then do everything as described in the article.

After you have made the desired picture as the background for the slides in the presentation, you may need to modify it a little. Let's figure out how you can make a transparent background in PowerPoint and not only.

You can change the transparency of the background, picture or picture in the "Format Background" dialog box. Select the slides you want and open the specified dialog box. On the Fill tab, in the Transparency box, move the slider to the desired position.

You do not need to select all slides for the changes to be applied to them, after all the settings, just click "Apply to all".

In the tab "Picture Setting", you can change the sharpness, brightness and contrast. On the Picture Color tab, you can adjust the saturation and hue.

Making a picture or drawing a background in a PowerPoint presentation is not that difficult. In addition, you can save the customized template with the desired background and use it in all subsequent presentations. If your image turns out to be too bright, change the transparency of the background so that viewers are not distracted by it and can normally perceive the information presented in the slides.

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  1. When using the Format Background command, the program stretches the image to fill the entire slide. How can we reduce the size of the image by area, as if we were dragging a corner of the image? I need the image to fit into the template in size, otherwise it is large. I reduced the size of the image in FShop, but it still stretches to fill the entire sheet.

    To answer

A presentation with a solid background usually looks boring and doesn't attract attention. With the help of a correctly set background, you can not only interest the viewer, but also correctly place accents. Fortunately, the functionality of PowerPoint allows you to choose and customize the background images to your liking and discretion.

How to change the background of a PowerPoint presentation

You can change the background and appearance of your PowerPoint presentation in several ways, which are discussed below.

Option 1: Design Tab

In the PowerPoint editor, there are several predefined options for changing the presentation design, which are available in the corresponding tab:

Unfortunately, this option for changing the background has a downside, not very pleasant side - changes are made to all slides in the presentation. If you have it large, then after that it will be of the same type, which is not much better than if a white background was used.

Option 2: Change the background manually

This option is suitable if you need to change for a specific slide and / or among the proposed design layouts you did not find the option that would suit you. The bottom line is as follows:

This option is quite functional and allows, with a competent approach, to diversify the presentation and correctly place the accents of attention. However, if you want to make a unique background for each slide, you will have to waste time doing this, especially if the presentation itself consists of many elements.

Option 3: Editing templates

If you like a design layout, then you can apply it to the entire presentation, but change some details on it and save it as a custom template. This is done according to the following instructions:

  1. Go to the presentation editor. Open the column "View", which is located in the top menu of the editor.
  2. Click on "Slide Master".

  3. PowerPoint will open the Slide Layout Designer, where you can edit an existing layout or create your own. It is best to use the second option (the "Insert Layout" button), as this way you can customize the slide view that best suits general view presentation.

  4. Now go to the "Background Format" tab and make the necessary settings there. More about this was written in the previous instructions.
  5. You can also use the standard design editing tools. They are located at the top of the constructor. You can set both a general theme and customize individual aspects.
  6. If you want to keep your custom layout for future work, it is best to rename it. To do this, use the corresponding button in the top menu.

  7. When you are finished, click on the "Close Master View" button to return to normal presentation mode.

  8. Pay attention to the list of slides located on the left side of the editor window. There you need to right-click on the slide. Select "Layout" from the context menu.
  9. A window with a choice of templates will open. Among them, there should just be the one that you created earlier.

  10. You just have to choose it from the general list. The template itself will be applied automatically to the desired slide.

Option 4: Insert a picture

This is a rather primitive way of setting a background for a presentation, the essence of which is to drag and drop a picture and stretch it to fill the entire slide. The instructions for this method are as follows:

This option of setting a background image for a slide will work in some cases, but it has its drawbacks. For example, when editing the content of a slide, the cursor may accidentally hit the background without highlighting the desired element.

As you can see, setting a background for a PowerPoint presentation is very easy. Choose the method you like. If this article helped you, then share it on social networks using the buttons below. Perhaps this way you can help someone else.

The ability to create a background for a PowerPoint presentation is included in the list of basic skills to work with the program. A cleverly selected background gives your slides a consistent style. Then the presentation is more easily perceived by the audience and gives the impression of completeness.

How to choose a background for your PowerPoint presentation?

Correctly chosen background is the key to easy perception of the presentation. Let's take a look at the key principles to help you make the right choice.

  • Background colors should match the content of the presentation and be easy to read. Color scheme is one way to convey the mood of the speech to the audience.
  • The background of the presentation should match the area in which you are working.
  • The choice of background design directly depends on the audience. Presentation design for schoolchildren and potential business partners requires a different approach. If in the first case any manifestations of fantasy are appropriate, then in the second, on the contrary, restraint and brevity are welcomed.
  • The background of the presentation should not contrast with the colors in the body of the slide, eat up space, or compete for attention with the main content of the presentation.
  • If your presentation is not about the company, but you personally, it is worth looking for a background that matches your personality. But even in this case, the presentation design should not contradict the goals of the presentation.

The slides included in the presentation do not have to have a uniform background. It is allowed to use several backgrounds, but such a technique should be based on a compositional idea.

How do I change the background in my presentation?

Different types of fills, images and textures are used to format the background. Let's take a look at how to change the background in a PowerPoint 2016 presentation using the above options.

Applying a solid fill

  1. Right click on the slide.
  2. In the menu that appears, click "Background format".
  3. Select an option Solid fill.
  4. Click on "Colour" and select the desired shade. With option "Other colors" you can create your own color. For this purpose, the tab is used "Spectrum".
  5. The transparency of the background can be changed by moving the slider of the same name from 0% (by default) to 100% (absolute transparency).
  6. To apply the created background to the entire presentation, click "Apply to all"... If you click Close, the background will only be applied to the selected slide.

Applying a gradient fill

There are two approaches you can use to create a background that transitions from one color to another. The first involves the use of ready-made gradients, and the second is to independently adjust the color scheme of the gradient. The first option includes the following steps.

  1. Right-click on the slide.
  2. Click on "Background format" > .
  3. Click on "Preset Gradients" and choose one of the options provided.
  4. Specify the required parameter values "Transparency" and "Brightness".

If you need to create your own color gradients, use the following instructions.

  1. In field Gradient Points mark the first point.
  2. Please select "Theme color" or "Standard color".
  3. Use the gradient points to adjust the area of ​​the gradient. They can be dragged and dropped. The field is intended for the same purpose. "Position".

To make the text stand out more, you can set a different gradient for the background.

Advice! Work on appearance Presentations are greatly facilitated by the presence of built-in themes in PowerPoint. A theme is a slide layout that consists of matching colors, fonts, and special effects. Using the built-in themes, you can significantly reduce the time spent on the presentation design. It's also a great source of inspiration for creating your own templates.

Using an image as a background

The background can be a company logo or any other picture. Before using a picture as a background in PowerPoint, consider how appropriate the selected image will be. Additional visual noise can complicate the perception of the presentation. If you are sure of the need to use a picture as a background, then use the following algorithm of actions.

  1. Select an image that matches the orientation of the slide. If the orientation of the picture differs from the shape of the slide, the outer parts of the picture may cross the borders of the slide.
  2. Open the slide you want to change the background for.
  3. In the tab "Constructor" click "Background format".
  4. On the menu "Background format" choose "Pattern or texture".
  5. In chapter "Add picture from source" click "File".
  6. Select a picture and click "Insert"... A great source of quality background images is PowerPoint's own organizer.
  7. Open up "Background format" and adjust the transparency by moving the slider of the same name.
  8. To add a background image to all slides in your presentation, click "Apply to all".
  9. Save changes by clicking "File" > "Save".

Advice! When creating a background, do not neglect the "Transparency" parameter. A bright background image will distract the audience's attention and interfere with the normal perception of the information presented in the saloons.

The above instruction will fill the entire slide background with the image. But this does not mean that the size of the picture cannot be changed. For this purpose, the program provides the parameter "Bias"... While the parameter Convert Picture To Texture allows you to set the repetition of the picture over the entire background.

If you insert a picture on a slide in the usual way, and then stretch it to fit the background, there is a risk of image displacement, which can negatively affect the design of the presentation.

Save the background you created for your PowerPoint presentation so that you can use it as a template in the future. Don't forget about the free backgrounds available for download.

Of course, on the Internet, you can find many presentation templates in which some kind of background design will already be present. But often you want to design presentation slides in your own way, for a specific task... It is not difficult at all to do this in PowerPoint, there are 2 ways. 1st is very fast - using the Format Background button on the Design tab of the ribbon. The second is a little more complicated, but much more functional - using the "Slide Master" mode on the View tab. Below is a detailed analysis of each method and their comparison. But first of all, let's look at the basic rules of good form when choosing a presentation background.

How to choose a presentation background

How to make a picture the background of your presentation

The fastest way to use picture as background :

  1. Go to the tab "Design"
  2. Open the panel "Background Format" the button of the same name on the ribbon
  3. Select check box "Pattern or texture" in the section "Fill"
  4. Add a picture from a source (either a file on your computer, or a picture from the Internet)
  5. Adjust the parameters of the added image (transparency, artistic effects, sharpness, saturation, etc.)

As a result, you will have the configured background on the slide where you did all these procedures. Button "Apply to all" you can replicate the settings to all existing and future slides of your presentation

How to customize presentation background in Slide Master

The above method is good if you have a background image with the same settings will be used only on one slide or on all at once.

If you plan to use different background styles in your presentation, then it is better to customize the styles through .

See the title of the article for an explanatory picture.

  1. First, go to "VIEW" > "Slide Master"
  2. We open Background Styles > "Background Format"
  3. Choosing a selector "Pattern or texture"
  4. Add a picture from an existing source

Button "Apply to all" in this case, we do not need it, since it fills the background on all slide layouts, and we only needed one layout. Next, go to normal mode, and apply the customized layout to those slides where it is useful to us:

Note: now if you need to change the settings of the picture, go back to the slide master, where we set up its characteristics on the layout. After saving the settings, they will be immediately applied to all slides where this layout is used!