How to ride the train correctly. How the train works What fuel do modern trains run on?

what type of fuel do trains run on? and got the best answer

Answer from *** [guru]
The locomotives ran on coal. Now (retro trains) - on heating oil, there a nozzle was attached to the furnace.
The wood-fired steam locomotive will not run, the pressure in the boiler will not rise. And there will not be enough space in the tender for such "fuel". There will be six wagons of firewood.
Diesel locomotives use diesel fuel, the same that is poured at gas stations. One refueling (5t) for the ChME-3 locomotive takes about 5 days of average work at the station.
Electric locomotives and electric trains are driven by electric current.
And with regards to the definition of "train": a train is a group of wagons led by a locomotive.
For an electric train, this is a section (2 cars). It is arranged in such a way that, technically, there must always be a motor car and a trailer car. Please note that the number of cars on the train is always EVEN for this reason.
The so-called "multi-section train" with several parallel locomotives.

Answer from Pavel Zelencov[guru]
Which? Now mostly electric locomotives

Answer from Natalia Nalimova[guru]
on different things. most often we have electric or diesel.

Answer from Aka diesel[guru]
On different things, electricity, diesel fuel, coal, and finally on wood.

Answer from Mite[guru]
on diesel

Answer from Vitaly[newbie]
On diesel

Answer from N / a[active]
alcohol) хД
mostly diesel)

Answer from Victor kirshenmann[guru]
Steam locomotives on wood, coal, later on diesel fuel. Diesel locomotives on diesel fuel, Electric locomotives use e-mail. energy. Only these are not trains, but locomotives. Trains are made up of carriages. There is a concept of an electric train, so it uses e-mail. energy, for example in the subway.

Answer from Sash![guru]
Directly drive wheels for all electro. Electric locomotives are taken from the network, and diesel locomotives are powered by diesel from their generator.

Since the heading deals with fuel for trains, and under this term, according to explanatory dictionary Volodymyr Dahl was initially hit by horse-drawn carts, which followed each other, in particular during the wedding ceremony, representing a single "wedding train". The meaning of the last word comes from the Russian word trip. In this case, the horses were fueled by oats.

With development new technology, for the same V. Dahl, new definitions of the word "train" appeared. Now all the cars that were interconnected and were already a single train driven by a steam locomotive fell under this definition. Efron and Brockhaus, who were: the first Russian, and the second of German origin, publishers, went further. They stipulated one more condition for the word "train" - this is the quantitative and qualitative composition of traction units in such a composition. This is how the same carriages appeared, coupled to each other, which were necessarily driven by a locomotive installed in the head of such a "caravan".

When horse-drawn transport lost its meaning as an intercity transport and remained only as a transport unit within the city limits, people began to apply the meaning of the word "train composition" only to the railway.

In the future, the meaning of the word was repeatedly changed and supplemented with new technical terms, including in the definition the presence of identification and light signals, listing technical means, stipulating conditions that could fall under this meaning.

Subsequently, there were exceptions that could not be considered and called a "train", starting with road transport.

The onset of the locomotive era came to us in the nineteenth century and reigned supreme on the world's railways until the middle of the twentieth century, until the first diesel locomotives appeared on a mass scale, and then electric locomotives.

Based on the name of the first machines of steam locomotives on the railway, the operation of their engine was provided by steam, and fuel was needed for its production, and this was the famous coal. Somewhat later, in areas where oil was being extracted, heavy fuel oil was used for steam locomotives. But still, on the scale of our Russia, on the territory of European countries and on the American continent, initially only coal served as fuel for a steam locomotive. In the hard times of revolutionary days, as well as during the Civil War, wood or peat was burned in locomotive furnaces, sometimes dried fish was used as a completely exotic fuel. On a steam locomotive, a tender served as a storage facility for coal fuel. Water supplies were also stored in such a car. On locomotives that did not have such a tender, all their coal fuel and water were stored on the locomotive itself. For this reason, such a modification of the locomotive was named "locomotive tank".

Solid fuel was burnt in a boiler furnace. To ensure its combustion, a grate was used. Waste in the form of slag and ash was collected in the so-called ash pan, having previously passed through a sieve of a special grate.

With the help of a large number of flame and smoke tubes, heat exchange took place and water was heated in the boiler, forming the very steam that was sent directly to the steam engine, which ensure the movement of the locomotive, activating the crank mechanism, which ultimately transformed into the rotational movement of the locomotive wheels.

It should be noted that the engineers-creators of the locomotive miracle followed a very difficult path, inventing their own machine. Initially, they relied more on their intuition than on specific calculations.

The technique that was being improved could serve people for a long time. In this case, engineers were on the right track, being in constant creative and technical research, including new types of fuel. For these purposes, enthusiasts suggested learning how to properly burn coal dust, which could significantly increase the coefficient of useful fuel used charcoal... At the same time, the furnace volumes did not have to increase. But all these proposals were only theoretical calculations, not having solid practical ground. As a result, coal dust did not serve as a fuel, since the inventors did not achieve the operational reliability of the coal-fired units of steam locomotives. It was not possible to curb the process of combustion of coal mass, including coal dust, precisely at high temperatures. Therefore, this type of fuel was abandoned.

After that, the era of search and creation of additional equipment to increase the efficiency of the used coal fuel began. This is how the first stokers "Duplexes" appeared, which ensured a two-way supply of solid fuel to the furnace mouth. In the SSR, the same was installed on the locomotive modifications "IS" and "FD".

American inventors offered steam engines so-called mechanical devices: "pushers", which successfully loosened frozen coal directly in the tender. As a result, the already loosened fuel through the conveyor was fed directly to the stoker.

In the twentieth century, transport units appeared in the form of diesel locomotives, which already used diesel fuel for power plants... It could be a diesel engine directly or a gas turbine was installed. True, the train carriages continued to be heated with coal for a long time.

Then the first electric locomotives appeared, which were originally consumed as fuel.

DC electrical energy. Subsequently, they gradually began to switch to the use of alternating current. This type of transport units has established itself as environmentally friendly transport. The emission of harmful substances has been significantly reduced.

My work experience as a subway driver is almost twenty years. I used to work as a conductor and every month I was away for a week or two. When I got married, my daughter was born, I wanted to spend more time at home. I decided to take a subway driver's course. They checked my eyesight, hearing, blood pressure, drinker-non-drinker, whether morally stable, whether there were no drives to the police - everything was fine with me. Although these checks were formal, they took just anyone. Some were outright booze, and one was such that we immediately understood: the guy with a shift. I don't know how he got through the medical examination, but he worked for five years until he was jailed for murder.

As for the courses themselves, practice has shown that a tenth of all the knowledge that we have received is enough to control a train. By the end of our studies, we could probably disassemble and assemble the entire staff. They knew where what was screwed, the details and the device of all the nodes. There were lectures five times a week, they just read the material to us, like at the university.

Mostly guys from the suburbs were taken as machinists. If the people of Kiev, then mainly from Obolon - so that they live not far from the depot. For some reason, women were not taken. I only remember one. They didn’t take it, probably because women needed a separate room, so that they could sleep after the night shift, and a separate shower room. And we had everything in common, like in the army.

In general, to work as a machinist, you need to be phlegmatic. But rather, even a naught, not to take everything to heart. The work is generally monotonous, but stressful situations also happen.

About passengers

Fall on the rails quite often. When I first got settled, there was a case: an AWOL soldier, apparently, was running away from the patrol. The train had already started, and the guy decided to catch on to the last carriage. He grabbed the handrails, held out for a while, and then fell off - flew over the sleepers. As far as I remember, it all ended sadly there.

Most often, passengers fall from the platform to Vokzalnaya. I myself did not knock down anyone, once I only touched a drunk with a mirror, but he, thank God, did not fall under the train. And other guys had cases. If you hit a passenger, you are immediately given three days to recover. Some take a week or even a month.

When a person falls on the rails, the driver immediately brakes, fortunately the brakes are brutal. After that, he should not move the train a single centimeter, so as not to crush it.

We had a "champion" in terms of the number of downed passengers - four, it seems, are on his account

Under the platform there is a third, contact, 825 volt voltage rail. Usually, if a person falls, he finds himself between this rail and the carriage, that is, he simply gets stuck there. The tension, of course, is immediately cut off.
Once I helped pull out a fallen passenger at Teatralnaya. He suffered for an hour and a half: it was tightly clamped. Then the driver broke the rule: he drove off a little, and we pulled the man out. After such a shock, some scream, while others, on the contrary, cannot utter a word.

We had a "champion" in terms of the number of downed passengers - four, it seems, on his account. He is a hero father, with many children, so according to the law he could not be fired. He will run over someone, and then he goes to sick leave for six months - to look after the children.

There was also a time when the fashion appeared to walk on sleepers in open areas. I remember driving at midnight, I see a man walking. In such a decent black suit, but somehow barefoot. The interval between trains is long, and he almost managed to get from Hydropark to Levoberezhnaya. I stopped and dragged him into the cockpit. “Well, finally,” he says, “I waited. It's hard to go. " I ask why barefoot. He explained that the sleepers were slippery and that it was uncomfortable to wear shoes. I drove with this "passenger" to the station, handed him over to the dispatcher, and that one - already to the police.

About train driving

The train turns itself. Rather, what everyone calls "turns" - we have these "curved sections". The train passes them without turning the wheels, due to the slope of the tracks. But the driver has a job: open and close doors, brake, accelerate, watch the instruments.

We usually drive at a speed of 40-50 km / h. The maximum train speed is 80 km / h. More is possible, but risky, since some cars are more than 50 years old. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there is no such junk - they handed it over for scrap. Our cars, which were going to be written off back in 1990, are still running.

Average normal distance between trains is 600-800 meters. When some train gets out of schedule, lingers at the station, the next one is forced to stop in the tunnel and wait. In such cases, it seems to passengers that the train has stopped between stations, but in fact, I see the tail of the train in front, between us from the force of 150 meters. This happens because, for example, on the same "Vokzalnaya" the carriage, and the train stands 10-20 seconds longer than it should be. When the distance between the trains is reduced, the train that follows is triggered by the automatics and it brakes itself.

In addition, a special device shows every 50 meters with what maximum speed I can go (it depends on how far the ahead train is). It happens that you drive 80 km / h, and the device suddenly shows that the permissible maximum is 40. If you do not have time to slow down smoothly yourself, the train automatically slows down. It is at such moments that the train jerks and it seems that all passengers should fly into the first carriage by inertia.

About the work schedule and salary

From 06:15 to 07:00 - morning rush, at this time almost all drivers go to work. In 10 minutes we pass the medical examination and leave. Lunch break - half an hour. If you are impatient to use the toilet, then you need to endure it until the depot. There is one day off per week, there are only four days off per month. So little because we have a six-hour day. There are, however, and fat weekends: on Friday morning I finished work, and left already at 6 pm on Sunday.

In winter, you don't see the sun for weeks at all. When the shift is in the morning, and you live in the suburbs, like me, you get to work by train. Those who have finished the night shift and the next shift in the morning spend the night in the depot at Darnitsa or Akademgorodok. There, the metro rents apartments for employees in Khrushchev, where you can spend the night.

The speed is low, the devices are in sight, everything is under control. Some train drivers read newspapers and magazines on the road, play on mobile phones, listen to music

Salary with all allowances and bonuses - up to 5,000 thousand hryvnia. If you get out of the schedule for more than 10 seconds, you can be fined (deducted from the bonus). And it can be difficult to keep to the schedule. People come in for a long time - the train stopped at the station. And not only are you late, you still have to pick up a little more people from the next station.

But in the evening, when the interval between trains is about 10 minutes, as soon as you do not pass the time. I did push-ups and squats so as not to go crazy with boredom. Right in the cockpit, of course. The speed is low, the devices are in sight, everything is under control. Some newspapers and magazines are read, they play on mobile phones, they listen to music.

About secret tunnels and wallets on the rails

When there was no Teatralnaya station yet, the train went from the University directly to Khreshchatyk. Later, a parallel tunnel was built for Teatralnaya, but the old one was left. Garbage from the entire line began to be dumped into it. In 1995, the trash caught fire - smoke and stench were on the entire branch.

There are also tunnels from Arsenalnaya towards Dnipro - there
a whole complex in case of war. Nobody admits what exactly is there. A couple of times I caught a glimpse of a huge metal gate. There is also a small train, a toy train, as we call it. They say that it runs on diesel, not electricity.

Lights are on in the tunnels, so I can see when someone is walking there. While driving, I meet a lot of people, mostly electricians. They do not cross paths, they walk along a special path, on the right along the track.

And when you enter Vokzalnaya, a beautiful picture opens up: on the left, in a row, there are purses for every taste! Pickpockets are how they work: he pulled out his wallet, took out the money, and at the stop he threw it into the slot between the train and the platform.

About the human factor

At all stations on the red line, doors open on the left side, and only on the Dnieper - on the right. It happened more than once that passengers, despite the warning sign on the doors, leaned against and fell onto the platform. There was a case when he himself was mistaken - he opened the left doors on Dnipro. Fortunately, no one fell out.

The drivers have a rule: you cannot get out of the cab at intermediate stations. And one jumped out of the cab on "Beresteyskaya": the grandmother with the trolley could not squeeze into the car, so he pushed her, the doors slammed and the train started. Everything worked out, the train reached Svyatoshino, the automatics worked, the train stopped. The passengers, I think, did not even notice anything. But the driver was fired, although he had about 30 years of experience.

About devices

Everything is so arranged that it is impossible to open both the left and right doors at the same time. Also, you cannot open the doors in one car - only in all at once. New trains are more difficult to ride. They slow down more sharply, and this is bad - the wheels become "square" and skid. We call the new trains tractors - their levers that set the train in motion are designed like a tractor.

There was a case when the driver had already entered the depot, it is not clear how he switched the movement to reverse and drove at a speed of 80 km / h! Fortunately, he slowed down quickly. After this incident, a special button was made to make the decision to go back more meaningful.

There is also a walkie-talkie. When you talk to the dispatcher, all the drivers on the branch hear you. You need to talk to the dispatcher if someone has fallen, if you are late and in some cases. But it's better when you don't have to talk to him at all.

There is also a button for speakerphone announcements. When I first started working, there was only a recording of station announcements. Everything else had to be yelled into the microphone. Sometimes they shouted obscenely. But, characteristically, none of the passengers complained.

Study the question

RAO Russian Railways is a monopolist providing passenger transportation services by rail. Therefore, the basic conditions and requirements for passengers are based on the rules of this company.

One of the main amenities of a train journey is the location of the train stations. Unlike airports, they are located within the city and can be reached using public transport.

The stations are also provided with the necessary infrastructure.:

The train is practically the only alternative for those who are afraid to fly. At the same time, the cost of long-distance tickets is sometimes equal to the cost of air travel.

In addition to its main function - transportation, for a comfortable stay on the train, passengers are provided with:

  • Drinking water (cold and hot), crockery and cutlery
  • Linens
  • Wet cleaning in the car (at least 2 times a day)
  • First aid
  • Train library and available board games(checkers, chess)
  • 220 volt sockets for charging mobile phones and laptops
  • Preparing a bed for the disabled, sick and passengers with small children (if necessary)

Buy tickets

Tickets can be purchased both at train stations and on the Russian Railways website.

Sale starts 45 days before train departure (in some cases over 60).

Ticket offices usually open at 8:00 and close according to station opening hours.

To buy a ticket, you must have an identity document with you.

When registering, be sure to check the correctness of filling out the questionnaire (personal data, departure date, etc.)... If there is an error, it will have to be corrected immediately.

You can also check what services are included in the ticket price (shower, air conditioning, set meals, etc.).

If there are free compartments in deluxe cars, the passenger can purchase a ticket from the head of the train while driving and change seats. (in this case, only the difference in cost will be paid).

Important: there is a fee for reissuing a ticket.

Discounts and discounts on tickets

  • For children from 4 to 12 years old - 50%
  • For persons from 12 to 26 years old - 30%
  • For persons over 60 years old - 30%
  • Birthday - 35% (valid for a week from the date of birth)
  • Newlyweds - 35% (valid for a month from the wedding day)
  • When buying a ticket 60 - 45 days before departure - 10%
WITH complete list discounts on international traffic can be found on the Russian Railways website.

In addition to the requested data (full name ande-mail) it is recommended to indicate in the application:

  • FULL NAME. conductor
  • Carriage number
  • Train number
  • Direction

Public order protection

All Moscow railway stations are equipped with technical security equipment: video cameras, metal detector frames, etc.

In addition, each of them also has points for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, thus, the police are in charge of resolving all conflicts.

There are slightly different rules on the train, according to which the passenger can be dropped off if he:

  • Violates the train's internal rules
  • Violates public order
  • Interferes with the peace of mind of other passengers
Important: an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is called to the nearest station to detain a passenger and then issue a protocol.

In the event of a conflict, a fight or a crime, the conductors act according to internal instructions and contact the head of the train, who, in turn, calls the police squad to the nearest station where the train can stop.

Health care

If a passenger feels unwell while driving, it is necessary to immediately contact the conductor, who, in turn, will call the head of the train.

Then the following measures will be taken:

  • A doctor is being sought among the passengers
  • An ambulance is called to the nearest station
  • The conductor provides first aid to the person
According to the order of the Ministry of Health, each long-distance train must be equipped with a first aid kit containing:
  • Bandage, plaster
  • Tourniquet for stopping bleeding, dressings
  • "Bag" for artificial respiration
  • Splints for different parts of the body (neck, arms, legs, etc.)
  • Isothermal blanket
  • Scissors, napkins, etc.
  • Stretcher
Important: if a passenger needs hospitalization, he is removed from the train for medical assistance. (the train will not be delayed at the station and will leave on schedule).

In this case, the ticket is marked with a stop along the route and the extension of the ticket validity period for the duration of illness.

Rules for the carriage of children

A passenger can carry one child under 6 years old free of charge, provided that he does not occupy a separate seat.

In all other cases, you will have to issue a separate ticket for it.

Also, children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

Important: the age of the child is determined by the day of the start of the trip, so if he turns 6 on the road, he can still travel for free.

If a child turns 14 on the way, but at the time of purchasing the tickets, he was 13, he can prove his identity with a birth certificate.

Rules for the carriage of animals

1.Small (indoor) pets, dogs and birds:

  • They are transported in boxes, cages, containers, etc. size 180 cm (total of 3 sides) at places where hand luggage is placed
  • No more than one seat for one issued ticket
  • No more than two animals per seat
  • In a separate compartment of a hard carriage, except :
  1. Wagons with 2-seater compartments (SV)
  2. Luxury carriages
Important: there is a separate charge for the transportation of the above types of animals.

2. Large dogs:

  • On a leash and in a muzzle
3.Guide dogs:
  • On a leash and in a muzzle
  • In all types of wagons
  • No additional charge for transporting an animal
4.Service dogs:
  • On a leash and in a muzzle
  • In a separate compartment of a compartment carriage (except for luxury cars) with payment full cost all seats in the compartment
  • No additional charge for transporting an animal
Important: you must have with you veterinary documents allowing the carriage of an animal.

Bulky baggage rules

The baggage carried on the train is divided into:

  • Normal
  1. No more than 3 pieces of luggage per ticket
  2. The size of each baggage must not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
  3. The weight of one baggage must not exceed 75 kg
  4. Total weight should not exceed 200 kg
  • Cargo luggage
  1. Fits in the baggage car
  2. The size of each item should not exceed 300 cm (in one of three sides)
  3. Items weighing at least 5 kg and not more than 75 kg
Important: if the weight of your regular baggage exceeds 200 kg, the excess is calculated according to the cargo baggage rates. (payable at the ticket office) and fits into the baggage car.

When removing a passenger from a train (on medical indications, in connection with a violation of public order, etc.), he must also collect his carry-on baggage.

The issue with his baggage is solved in one of the following ways:

  • Follows to the final station
  • Issued to the passenger
If this is not possible (for example, in the case of a short train stop), the luggage will proceed to the station where it can be unloaded. Then, subject to payment of the cost of transportation, he will be sent back to the passenger.

Important: if a person got off the train due to illness, the baggage will be returned to him free of charge.

Carry-on baggage rules

  • No more than 36 kg (for SV - 50 kg) per ticket
  • Carry-on baggage must not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
When buying an additional ticket:
  • No more than 50 kg per ticket
Families with small children and people with disabilities can carry free of charge:
  • Baby stroller
  • Wheelchair and technical means of rehabilitation

Forgotten things

Forgotten things are handed over to the head of the station at which (or next to which) they were discovered. They can also be sent to the terminal station (or ferry line) if they were left directly in the carriage.

For each item found, a label is hung with the designation of the station (or train station) and the serial number assigned to it after the description and entry into the register.

Important: suitcases, bags, etc. are opened by employees of the internal affairs bodies, and then sealed or sealed.

In order to receive your luggage, you must contact the head of the station (or station) at which the passenger discovered the loss.

The head of the station, in turn, will send a memo to the head of the train, which will indicate:

  • Description of forgotten things
  • Carriage number
  • Passenger seat
In order to prove that the item belongs to you, you need to describe it appearance and content. The presence of information tags on the luggage greatly simplifies the search procedure.

Important: this does not apply to items carried in the hold, where a different compensation procedure applies.

Delayed train departure

In accordance with the "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation", the carrier must pay the passenger a fine of 3% of the ticket price for each hour of delay. (but not more than the fare).

Compensation will not be paid if the delay is due to:

  • Force majeure circumstances:
  1. Military actions
  2. Act of terrorism
  3. Natural disasters
  • Elimination of a train malfunction that threatens the lives of passengers (incurred through no fault of the carrier)
  • Other circumstances (also independent of the carrier)
In order to receive compensation, you must:
  1. Obtain a certificate from the station attendant confirming the delay of the train
  2. Submit a written application (in free form) to the claims department of the Office railroad by attaching the original tickets and the above certificate (this can be done at any station)
A decision on compensation payment will be made within 30 days.

Important: if, through the fault of the carrier, you incurred material losses, for example, you missed another train, you can go to court for damages.

Life insurance

The ticket price automatically includes the cost of standard insurance.

Depending on the damage caused, the carrier must pay the following amounts:

  • Harm to life - 2,500,000 rubles
  • Harm to health - 2,000,000 rubles
  • Damage to property - 23,000 rubles
Also, when buying a ticket, you can take out additional insurance, the cost of which will depend on the set of selected services.

Immediately after the accident, an act is drawn up, which is transferred to the insurance company.

To receive compensation, you must:

  • Collect documents (with a list of which the passenger must be familiarized when drawing up an act)
  • To write an application (in free form) and send to the carrier (at the legal address, unless other contacts are indicated).
The term for payment of compensation is 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents by the insurance company.

What is a train in general? This is a row of carriages without an engine, which are pulled along the rails by a locomotive. It is also driven by a motor - electric or combined (diesel and electric motor). One locomotive can pull several dozen wagons. When one locomotive is not enough, the train is pulled by a pair or even several pairs of electric locomotives or locomotives.

What are the types of locomotive motors?

  • Electric motors are only used in trains that travel short distances on the same track. These trains get their electricity from wires stretched above the track. The only exceptions are metro electric trains - they receive electricity through the third rail on the track.
  • Combined motors are capable of providing enough power to propel locomotives pulling heavy freight trains. The burning diesel fuel drives a generator, which generates electricity, and the electricity powers the motors that drive the wheels.
  • Previously, electric and combined motors in locomotives, steam locomotives had a steam engine (that is why the then locomotives were called steam locomotives). The steam engine was driven by superheated steam, which was obtained by burning coal or wood in the furnaces.

Why are the wheels knocking on the train?

The railroad bed consists of separate rail sections of 25 meters each. There is a small gap between them, it is necessary because the metal tends to expand in the summer heat, and, on the contrary, to narrow in the winter cold. And these gaps ensure the mobility of the metal without compromising its operation.

The characteristic knock of wheels results from the fact that the car has to "jump" onto the next section of the rail, because the edge of the rail, when a train wheel hits it, slightly bends under the weight of the train.

The knock is repeated in a specific sequence, which depends on the weight of the composition and its speed.

In countries where sharp temperature changes are quite insignificant, the rails are laid without a gap and the wheels of the carriage ride on them without knocking.

Why is the numbering of carriages on a train not always "from the head" and what kind of cars there are

Usually "head goes in front" in those trains that move from the starting station. And vice versa - when sending from the destination. But on the way, the direction can change several times, and the locomotive turns out to be from one end of the train, then from the other. And at the Kiev-Passenger station, the usual phrase "numbering from the head (or tail)" has now been replaced by new landmarks - east or west.

So, in order to figure out where the numbering starts from, you should carefully listen to what the “aunt who announces the arrival of the train” says.

How are the carriages located and is it possible to get into the wrong carriage

Platzkart cars are always located at the edges of the train, while compartment cars, SV and restaurant car are in the center of the train. That is, if you bought a ticket for a compartment carriage, you should immediately head to the center of the train.

And at stations where there is a short stopping time, you can get into the nearest carriage, and then go to your own, already in a moving train.