On the basis of which document the staffing table is drawn up. How to draw up a staffing table correctly

Staffing like personnel document, many people have a lot of questions. For example, how often it needs to be drawn up, how to fill out the unified form correctly, and whether this regulation is mandatory. To clarify the situation, it is worthwhile to dwell on some issues in more detail.

Why do you need a staffing table at all?

The staffing table is a document required to form the staffing structure and the number of the organization in full accordance with the Charter of the enterprise. This document contains a list of structural units organizations, a list of positions, the name of specialties and professions with an indication of qualifications, as well as data on the required number of certain staff units. To compile it, the unified form T-3 is used, which is approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

From the point of view of the employer, the staffing table performs a number of important functions and allows you to optimize and streamline the work of the institution as much as possible. Usage staffing table allows you to clearly see the entire structure of the organization with its divisions, fix the number of staff units, control the number and quality of employees, track the remuneration system and the amount of allowances. And when vacancies appear, it greatly simplifies the selection of personnel.

Is the staffing table a required document?

Interestingly, there is no single answer to this question. On the one hand, the Labor Code addresses the issue of the staffing table, since this document concerns labor function employee organization and remuneration of personnel. And in employment contract it is indicated that the employee performs duties in accordance with the staffing table. There is a unified form of the staffing table, and this document is also mentioned in the Instructions for maintaining work books (entries in the work book are made taking into account the name of the position in accordance with the staffing table). This means that the staffing table of the organization must be there. But, on the other hand, not a single statutory act directly indicates the employer's obligation to enter the staffing table. Nevertheless, it is better to issue this personnel document, since most of the inspection bodies consider it mandatory for any organization.

For example, the tax authorities and the Social Security Fund always ask for staffing when conducting field audits. According to it, they check the correctness of the calculation of insurance premiums, collect information about the insurance record of employees, and control the correctness of taxation. The fact that the staffing table is not a document tax accounting does not relieve the employer of the need to provide it during inspections upon request outside organizations... And his absence can be regarded as a violation of labor legislation, for which a fine is imposed on the organization in the amount of 50,000 rubles. Of course, it can be challenged in court (especially since there is no direct indication of the employer's obligation to draw up a staffing table in the law), but first you have to pay it.

Frequency of staffing

How often should a new staffing table be drawn up? There is no clear answer to this question either. But in this situation, one should be guided by logic: since the staffing table is a planning document, then it is advisable to draw it up for one calendar year or half a year. This will allow, if necessary, to regulate the number of the organization's personnel and its qualitative composition. But, at the same time, it is possible to approve the staffing table for several years (if the organization does not need to introduce new positions).

Who develops and approves the staffing table?

If the company does not have a staffing table, but the management decided to develop it, a reasonable question arises: who should do this? Again, the legislation does not give an unambiguous answer to it. Therefore, the leader can do this himself, having determined the circle of responsible persons who will help him. It is logical if these are personnel workers, the chief accountant, employees of the legal or planning and economic department. And if the enterprise has a labor organization department and wages, you can entrust this work to them. Responsibilities for the development and drawing up of the staffing table for 2014 can be reflected in the employee's employment contract or his functional responsibilities.

The approval of the staffing table refers to the powers of the head of the organization or the person to whom these powers are delegated by order of the head. To approve the staffing table, the manager must sign a special order or order. The details of this document must be indicated in the field of the unified form T-3 "Approved by order of the organization from" __ "_______ 20__№__". In this case, the date of approval and the date of entry into force of the staffing table may not coincide (the date of entry into force is usually later).

How long is the staffing table kept?

Rosarkhiv establishes certain storage periods for standard management documents, according to which the staffing table of the institution must be kept for three years, starting from the year that follows the one in which the document became invalid. As for the standard layouts, which will be discussed in the next section, they are stored for seventy-five years after new ones are drawn up.

Staffing - help in the work of the HR department

In some organizations, the personnel department maintains a staffing table - a mobile version of the staffing table, which reflects all vacancies, as well as all information on filling positions (name of working employees, status of positions, etc.). Establishment provides the necessary information about changes in personnel, contains personnel numbers employees, information on seniority and categories (minors, disabled people, pensioners with children under three years old, etc.) employees.

When drawing up the staffing table, the current staffing table is taken as a basis, to which the necessary columns are added. This document is optional and should not be maintained by the organization. But the staffing is a fairly convenient document, especially for large organizations, which allows you to optimize the work of personnel officers and clearly control the filling of vacant positions. Therefore, it is often used as an internal document.

Staffing table of workers: rules for drawing up

Consider drawing up a staffing table based on a unified form T-3. To receive finished document you just need to fill out the form, guided by the Instructions for filling out the forms of primary accounting documentation.

"A cap". When filling out the "header", you must indicate the name of the organization in the "Name" field (this is done in accordance with the registration certificate), OKPO code, document number and date of compilation. In the field "Staffing for the period ..." you only need to indicate the date of entry into force of this document.

  • Column 1 "Name". We indicate the name of the structural unit, workshop, representative office, branch, placing the structural unit according to the existing hierarchy.
  • Column 2 "Code". We indicate the code of the structural unit assigned to it by the head of the organization.
  • Column 3. We indicate the position (specialty, profession), grade, class (category) of the employee's qualifications in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations and the Qualification Reference Book of Managers and Specialists. Here it should be borne in mind that the position for which the employee is accepted should sound the same both in the staffing table and in the employment contract, as well as in the work book.
  • Column 4 "Number of staff units". We indicate the number of staff units for the respective positions. If there are incomplete units, they should be indicated in fractions, for example, 2.75. And if there are vacancies, then they are also indicated.
  • Column 5 "Tariff rate". We indicate the salary, wage scale, percentage of revenue, share of profit - it all depends on what kind of remuneration system operates in a particular organization. The main thing is to indicate the amount in ruble terms and remember that the size of the salary (tariff rate) cannot be lower than the minimum wage.
  • Columns 6, 7, 8 "Allowances". We indicate the stipulated stimulating and compensation payments... These can be bonuses, additional payments, incentive payments, allowances, which can be established both by the legislation of the Russian Federation and by the employer. Such payments can be fixed amounts or percentage premiums.
  • Column 9. We indicate the total amount of columns 5-8. That is, we add up the salaries and all allowances and display the total value in rubles. If the data is shown as a percentage, we display the percentage.
  • Box 10 is for notes. If they are not there, it is left blank.

After all the columns are filled in, you need to fill in the "Total" line. It summarizes all indicators in vertical columns: it indicates how much is provided for by the schedule of staff units, the amount of salaries (tariff rates), allowances and the amount of the monthly payroll.

The staffing table is signed by the head of the personnel department or an authorized person, as well as the chief accountant of the organization. You can put a seal on the document, but it is not necessary.

Change of staffing table

Even the established staffing table has to be changed from time to time. The reason for such changes may be the need to introduce a new unit, department or, on the contrary, to reduce the existing staff. In addition, there may be a need to change salaries, tariff rates, as well as the need to rename positions or divisions.

There are two options for making changes to the staffing table:

  • develop and approve a new staffing table;
  • make changes to the current staffing table.

In the first case, the staffing table is developed on the basis of the current one, but taking into account the necessary changes, and is put into effect from the beginning or the middle of the calendar year. If there is an urgent need, then from the beginning of the new month.

As for making changes to the current document without canceling it, they are made in accordance with the order of the head "On changing the staffing table." In the order itself, you need to indicate the basis for making changes to the staffing table (this can be reorganization, staff reduction, improvement of the organization's structure, etc.), and also indicate what changes should be made.

In a large organization with a ramified structure, it is better to indicate not only the positions that are affected by the change, but also the structural units where these positions are located. In this case, all changes in the staffing table must be brought to the attention of the employees of the enterprise, and also made in work books with reference to the basis (order or order).

Downsizing: When to Change?

Reduction of the staff or the number of employees is one of the reasons for making changes to the staffing table, since the reduction in the number of organizations implies the exclusion of certain staff units from the schedule, and the reduction of staff implies the removal of positions. At the same time, the laid off workers are subject to dismissal (unless they are supposed to be transferred to another job).

Since upon dismissal due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees, it is necessary to notify about the changes no later than two months in advance, the new staffing table can be put into effect only after this period. Although it can be drawn up in advance, the very presence of a new or changed staffing table, which has already been approved, will confirm the legality of the dismissal of employees. If the circumstances for which the decision was made to reduce are eliminated, the employer has the right to change the staffing table again in the direction of increasing the number of employees.

Change of the unified form of T-3

Goskomstat Resolution No. 20 of 03.24.1999 allows organizations to make changes to unified forms of primary accounting documentation (this permission does not apply to accounting cash transactions). Therefore, if there is an urgent need, the organization can make its own edits to the finished form, but it is not allowed to delete existing details. Changes can include expanding or contracting columns, adding lines or loose leaflets. The necessary corrections can be made during the manufacture of forms on the basis of a unified form.

The lack of detailed legislative regulation leads to certain difficulties in drawing up the staffing table. This article describes step by step the entire procedure for the development and adoption of this document. Also, attention is paid to important nuances and controversial situations. The staffing table with examples of filling will allow the personnel officer to correctly draw up this document.

The staffing table is a local regulatory act that is used to formalize the structure, composition and number of an organization. It contains a list of structural divisions and positions, information on the number of staff units and the size of official salaries and allowances established by the employer.

This document is signed by the head personnel service and the chief accountant, which means that employees of the personnel department and accounting are responsible for its preparation and execution. It should be noted that in terms of content, this is primarily an economic document, and its preparation requires certain knowledge in the field of economics.

Creation of a staffing table

The employer organizes the development of this act at its own discretion. It is advisable that the procedure, the timing of the preparation and the persons responsible for the preparation of this document are determined at the local level, for example, in the Record Keeping Instructions. The procedure for making changes to this document is usually fixed here.

Thus, in the Record Keeping Instructions, we recommend that you define:

  1. terms of development (making changes to it) and order of approval (order of making changes);
  2. the composition of regulatory legal acts and local regulatory acts of the employer, on the basis of which this document is developed;
  3. employees responsible for the preparation and execution of the staffing table and the order for its approval (for making changes to it and drawing up and filling out the order for making changes);
  4. workers with whom it is necessary to coordinate the project of this local normative act(changes to be made).

It should be borne in mind that the approval of the project is not mandatory. To give this document legal force, it is not required, but to improve its content and bring it in line with the norms of the current legislation, this procedure is desirable.

Coordinate work on the preparation of the staffing table can individual worker, for example, the deputy head of the organization, responsible for personnel, or other authorized official.

Drafting the staffing table

To formalize the structure, composition and size of the organization, a unified form No. T-3 is used, approved. Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration."

The staffing table is drawn up in the form of a table that includes ten columns.

Staffing registration

Registration of a unified form

When drawing up the staffing table, the following details are drawn up:

1. The name of the organization.

Indicated in the corresponding line of the unified form No. T-3 in full accordance with the name enshrined in the constituent documents, including the abbreviated name and the name on foreign language... If there is an abbreviated name, the full name is indicated first, and then, below or after it, the abbreviated name (in brackets).

Read also:

2. Organization code.

The code, including eight characters, is affixed in the coding zone of the unified form No. T-3 according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

3. Date of compilation.

It is drawn up digitally in the appropriate column. Date elements are written in Arabic numerals in one line in the sequence: day, month, year. Date and month are drawn up in two pairs Arabic numerals separated by a dot, and the year is indicated by four digits.

4. Period of validity.

This local act must be signed by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant. The requisite "Signature" contains the title of the position, personal signature and its decryption.

Features of the establishment of salaries

In practice, the establishment in the staffing table of the size of tariff rates (salaries) and allowances in foreign currency has become widespread. Especially often in this way they fill in columns 5-8 of the staffing table in organizations with foreign capital, the founders of which are foreign citizens or organizations. At the same time, employers argue that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain provisions that directly prohibit the employer from setting the amount of wages in foreign currency (conventional units), since Part 1 only refers to the payment of wages in cash in the currency of the Russian Federation (in rubles) ...

And since the payment of wages, the amount of which is determined in foreign currency, is made in the ruble equivalent, at the exchange rate established for the day determined by the employment contract, the norms of the Code are not violated either.

However, when deciding this issue, it is necessary to take into account other provisions of labor legislation. For example, Part 3 contains definitions of the wage rate and salary.

So, the salary (official salary) is a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for the performance of labor (official) duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, excluding compensation, incentive and social payments. And the tariff rate is a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for fulfilling a labor standard of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time, excluding compensation, incentive and social payments. As you can see, part of the salary - the wage rate (salary) - should be unchanged during the period of validity of the employment contract, only if the parties do not agree to change the conditions of remuneration in the general procedure provided for by the norms of Chapter 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And this condition is impracticable when establishing wages in foreign currency, since when recalculating at the exchange rate (for example, on the day of payment or on the last day of the billing period), a different amount will be obtained all the time.

Thus, the establishment in labor contracts of wages in the ruble equivalent of the amount in foreign currency does not fully comply with labor legislation and, under certain conditions, infringes upon the rights of employees. Therefore, wages should be set in rubles.

Since the name of the employee's position and the amount of his remuneration in the employment contract are indicated in accordance with the staffing table, columns 5-8 of the staffing table must be filled out, indicating the size of the tariff rate (salary) and allowances in rubles.

Staffing - internal normative document organization that performs organizational and administrative functions. It is necessary in order to understand the structure of the company, approve the staff, know how many people work in the company, what positions they hold, and what size Money receive.

What is the staffing table?

In the process of familiarization with the drawn up schedule, it is possible to mark the existing structure of the enterprise, which positions are defined, how many units are approved in each substructure.

With the help of this document, you can deal with any controversial points: if it is planned to reduce the existing staff, situations when the employee's application for admission to the team is rejected, or the appointment to the promised position.

It is important to note that when drawing up a schedule by the HR department or the person in charge, it is necessary to focus on the universal established form T-3, developed by law (Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1).

Before shaping organizational issues, it is important to start with an understanding of the structural grid of the company.

The structural grid is a structured hierarchy of departments and divisions of the company, starting with the main division (company management).

In this structure, the order of official interaction and arrangement in relation to each other (both horizontal and vertical) should be clearly traced.

Staffing structure

The schedule contains some information.

All organizational issues related to the filling of this document, its time frames, the periods for making adjustments are regulated by the manager and the responsible person in independent order(this may be the leader himself).

The legislation did not present any requirements regarding this issue. The only condition is that you cannot shorten this form, but you can add detailed information.

The staffing table format should contain the necessary elements:

  • the official full name of the company or a valid abbreviation;
  • number and date when the document is drawn up;
  • the period of its validity;
  • reference to the documentary form in which the amendments or new conditions were officially adopted;
  • a list with information (including names) of the structures available at the enterprise and established departments;
  • assigned positions;
  • the number of employees and their correlation with the declared position in the enterprise;
  • the amount of the established salary, whether there are additional payments and under what circumstances;
  • signatures of employees who formed mandatory information for reporting and are recognized as responsible for the work done.

There are certain requirements for filling out this document:

  • the document takes effect on the first day of each month following the month it was drawn up;
  • there should be no gaps in the numbering of the journal, which is affixed immediately upon formation.

Each page of the document must be stitched and sealed with the signature of the management staff, as well as the seal of the legal entity.

Who should be empowered to write the document

Compiled by an authorized person.

The current legal system does not provide mandatory conditions to employees who should be engaged in the preparation of such a document. The person acting in the role of manager can independently determine the person in charge or leave these responsibilities to himself (more often in small private companies).

As a rule, if the company has a control over personnel affairs, then this functional belongs to her. There is a manager who is authorized to empower the employees of his department with these functions.

Less often, this functionality belongs to an accountant or lawyer. It all depends on how ramified the structure of the organization.

The responsible person is fixed by order and his functionality is necessarily recorded in the proper documentation provided for by the current legislation.

In order to avoid difficulties in the formation process, it is recommended to indicate the main points in the company's internal instructions:

  1. The procedure for the formation and correction of changes;
  2. The timing of new data changes and their display in the documentation;
  3. Terms of agreement and approval;
  4. Responsible employees who are engaged in the formation of the current schedule;
  5. Responsible for coordination and approval;
  6. The legal framework for the main schedule.

Filling rules

Abbreviations are not allowed.

There are special rules for filling out the staffing table:

  1. All data must be indicated identically in the executed documentation and the file that is stored at the enterprise. Abbreviated abbreviations are only allowed;
  2. The official name of the company must be indicated in the same order as the articles of association or articles of association;
  3. OKPO - 8-digit company identification code. It can be found in the documentation from government agencies, which is issued when registering an organization;
  4. A serial number is assigned based on the number of documents to be compiled, starting from one;
  5. The number of the formation of the schedule is indicated. Not to be confused with the number when the document came into effect;
  6. The period of time when this document is valid, as well as the date of its entry into force (usually the first day of the calendar month) is indicated;
  7. In the "approved" section, you must refer to which approved the schedule, as well as put down the total number of employees on the date.
  1. Most often, enterprises do not have established any rules for the names of divisions. Exceptions may apply to institutions where retirement benefits may depend on the correct name;
  2. The "department code" shows the location of the given department / department in the general hierarchy of the company. For example, department-group-department can be numbered as follows 01-01.01-01.01.01;
  3. Positions are established in accordance with the current All-Russian classifier of positions and qualification reference books... The organization can independently formulate the position based on the above reference books;
  4. This column indicates the number of employees who should work in the relevant department;
  5. Depending on the method of calculating wages, which is provided by the company, the column "tariff rate" is filled in. If wages are calculated as a percentage of the performance of any work, then this column indicates the amount of interest;
  6. If additional payments are provided, then they are indicated in the corresponding columns "Surcharges" in the form of interest;
  7. Fixed value format;
  8. Allowances belonging to other categories;
  9. The column should be filled in case of one measurement of a tariff at a certain rate and probable additional payments. If the units of measurement of these indicators are different, then the sign "-" is put, and the next column contains links to documents that contain information about payment;
  10. Any information that is even indirectly related to any of the previously filled columns is filled in. This can be the formation of additions to the main contracts, orders of various directions concerning this issue.

The presented form containing information about the schedule can be quite voluminous in terms of the number of pages.

If the document contains more than one page, then in mandatory it is necessary to sew and fasten the text.

The place of bonding must be signed and stamped. Responsible employees authorized to carry out these procedures leave their signatures in the lines provided for this on the last numbered sheet.

If the document requires a visa on each page, then for this you need to provide extra space on the sheet. It is not necessary to affix the stamp on the form of the staffing table itself.


You cannot make changes without a reason.

By the resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 03.24.1999 "On approval of the procedure for the application of unified forms of primary accounting documentation", it is officially permissible to correct the data without reducing the previous ones.

That is, all columns, sections remain in place. It is allowed to expand the main informative part of the schedule with additional columns.

All changes that are made in the document must be accompanied by an order. The name of the order follows from the process itself.

Moreover, each change must have a basis:

  • optimization of the management function;
  • reorganization process at the enterprise;
  • prevention of duplication of performed duties;
  • creation of management centers, etc.

Changing the position of an employee is carried out only after receiving his written consent.

Frequency of staffing

When the company often leaves employees, then this document undergoes any adjustments no more than once in the current month. When there is an average turnover rate, a new adjustment is made once in the last six months.

In the event that no changes have taken place in the last calendar year, then this schedule remains unchanged, but from the beginning of the new calendar year it is recommended to assign it the next sequence number.

Methods for making changes

An order is issued for approval.

All adjustments affecting the staffing table (change in job titles, reduction or expansion of staff, reduction or increase in salaries, etc.) are carried out in the following ways:

  • issuance of an order (instruction), if the changes are small;
  • if a significant amount of information is subject to change, then a new version of the document is created and it is again subject to approval, a new serial number is assigned to it.

Terms of coordination and approval of the staffing table

  1. All terms are provided by the organization and must be spelled out in its internal documents and instructions;
  2. The drawn up schedule is agreed (if provided) with the approved persons and signed in accordance with the form and by the chief accountant;
  3. If other signatures are approved, then the appropriate changes must be made to the form;
  4. After agreement and signing, an order (order) is issued.

How to properly approve

If there is a need for a change in the current staffing table, the person responsible for drawing it up draws up an official appeal to the head of the company with a request to make these changes with mandatory justification and an indication of the reason for these changes.

The supervisor instructs the person concerned to issue an order.

The main part (text) of the order must include the grounds for making changes and an order indicating the location of the changes being made.

In this video, you will learn about the staffing table.

Form for accepting a question, write your

on the preparation and approval of the staffing tables of organizations of the municipal sphere of the city of Irkutsk

1.3. In order to establish the reliability of the determination by organizations of the number and remuneration of labor by positions of managers, specialists, employees and workers 'professions, the conformity of the names of professions (positions) to the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, positions of employees and wage categories, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, schedules are agreed by the Founder and the Committee on Economics and Finance of the Administration of Irkutsk (hereinafter referred to as the Committee on Economics and Finance).

II... Staffing Tasks.

2.1 The staffing table is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its Charter. The staffing table serves as the basis for the formation of the wage fund and is the primary accounting document for personnel records.

2.2. The presence of a staffing table for the organization is mandatory. In accordance with it, a budget estimate is drawn up, as well as the calculation of the wages of employees.

It should be taken into account that the total wage fund per month, established by the staffing table, must be greater than the sum of tariff rates (official salaries). To calculate the monthly payroll in organizations, the average number of hours worked by one employee per month is taken into account.

3.5.7.Graphs 6-8 "Surcharges»Are provided for by the remuneration system and are intended to indicate permanent additional payments, allowances in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement and local regulations.

Supplements and surcharges are established in the form of a fixed amount in rubles or in the form of interest to the salary.

3.5.8. When filling columns 9 "Total, rub. (column 5 + column 6 + column 7 + column 8)" the amount of wages of employees holding a certain position is shown for each line.

3.5.9. Column "Note" is provided to reflect the specifics of a specific job title (grounds for established additional payments, allowances, etc.).

3.5.10. After filling in all the columns of the main part of the staffing table in the "Total" line, the amounts in columns 4-9 are indicated.

The final indicators of the 4th and 9th columns are reflected in the order, which approves the staffing table, with a specific number of staffing units and the definition of the wage fund.

3.5.11. The final part of the staffing table.

The staffing table is signed by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant, with a decrypted signature.

Considering that the staffing table is approved by the order of the head, it is drawn up as an appendix to the order. When issuing orders, visas of interested persons are affixed on the approval sheet to the order.

References, conclusions, reviews, service notes and other documents created during the preparation, approval and agreement of the staffing table are stored in the organization along with its projects for 5 years after the staffing table is approved.

All correspondence between the founder and the Committee on Economics and Finance, when agreeing on the staffing table, must be kept by the Founder for at least 5 years or permanently.

IV. The procedure for agreeing on the staffing table.

4.1. The staffing table approved by the head of the organization is sent to the Founder, who is in charge of the organization, for analysis and approval.

All are attached to the staffing table Required documents, which are the rationale for drawing up a staffing table for given positions, including in terms of the compliance of the data included in it with the adequacy of the number of employees for guaranteed performance of functions, tasks and scope of work, with confirming regulatory legal acts.

4.2. The founder conducts an examination of the staffing table for compliance with the All-Russian Classifier of workers' professions, office positions and wage grades, approved by the resolution of the State Standard of Russia, the Unified tariff and qualification characteristics, as well as the number of staff units and funds for wages provided for the current financial year.

4.3. After checking the submitted documents, the Founder, who is the main manager financial resources, directs the staffing table in triplicate (originals) for approval by the Committee on Economics and Finance with the attachment of the following documents:

Cover letter;

- an explanatory note, which describes the nature of the activity, technical data and brief characteristics serviced objects, volumetric indicators, depending on which the headcount is required according to the staffing table;

Calculating the rates of workers (for example, cleaners office space, janitors, building maintenance workers) and other documents on the basis of which the number of employees is established.

If necessary, the Committee on Economics and Finance has the right to request from the Founder additional documents necessary for the examination of the staffing table.

4.4. The Committee on Economics and Finance conducts an examination and prepares conclusions:

Department of Economics - for compliance with the staffing table of the All-Russian Classifier of workers' professions, positions of employees and tariff categories, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia No. 000, the Unified tariff and qualification characteristics;

Department of Finance of the Committee on Economics and Finance - to confirm the justification of the staffing positions and funds for labor remuneration provided for the current financial year.

4.5. If it is established that positions or professions not provided for by the staff list or staffing standards have been introduced in the staffing tables submitted for approval, official salaries (tariff rates) have been incorrectly set, or other shortcomings have been identified, such staffing tables are reconciled only after they have been eliminated. The comments of the Committee on Economics and Finance to the staffing table revealed during the examination are sent to the Founder in writing for their elimination within two weeks.

After agreeing on the staffing table, the first copy is sent directly to the organization, the second - to the Founder - the main manager of financial resources, the third remains in the Department of Economics of the Committee on Economics and Finance of the Irkutsk Administration.

V.The procedure for making changes and additions to the staffing table

5.1. All changes in the structure, composition and number of positions (professions) that take place in the organization during the year are reflected in the staffing table. To adjust the staffing table, 2 methods are used:

1) making changes to the staffing table;

2) approval of the new staffing table.

5.2. The first method is used in case of minor changes in the staffing table.

5.3. The second method is used if significant changes have occurred in the organization. It should be borne in mind that in the event of a reduction in staff or the number of employees, a new staffing table may be put into effect no earlier than 2 months after its approval (part 2 of article 81, article 180 Labor Code RF).

5.4. All changes in the staffing table are approved by the order of the head of the organization. Based on the order, the accounting department and the personnel service make changes to their working copies of the staffing table.

5.5. The staffing table, approved by the head for the next period without changes, is not submitted for approval to the Committee on Economics. Also, changes made to the staffing table are not submitted to the Committee on Economics and Finance for approval in the case of indexation of wages, in accordance with the municipal legal acts of the mayor, local acts of the organization or a change in the ranks of employees, within the ranges established by the Unified tariff and qualification characteristics. , All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees, wage grades.

5.6. The founder informs the Committee on Economics and Finance about organizations whose staffing tables have been amended that do not require approval by the Committee on Economics and Finance.

5.7. The head of the organization, in agreement with the Founder, has the right to introduce additional staffing units, reduce existing ones, make changes in salaries to the current staffing table at the expense and within the approved wage fund for the current financial year.

In the event of the introduction of additional staff positions in municipal budgetary institutions, the Founder, together with the head of the organization, prepares an appropriate justification, and the changes are approved by the regulatory legal act of the mayor of Irkutsk.

5.8. Changes to the staffing tables of municipal budgetary institutions for the new financial year must be agreed in the Committee on Economics and Finance before October 1 of the current year, before the adoption of the budget of the city of Irkutsk.

In exceptional cases, proposals on making changes to the staffing table by subordinate organizations are submitted by their heads to the Founder as necessary in the prescribed manner.

5.9. To keep track of staffing tables, the accounting department or the personnel department are obliged to keep a register of registration of staffing tables, in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

Department of Economics KEF


First Deputy Mayor -

chairman of the committee

economy and finance

Head of the Department of Economics

Committee on Economics and Finance

Head of Finance Department

Committee on Economics and Finance

Head of Financial Department

control of the finance department

Committee on Economics and Finance

Head of the Analysis Department and

cost planning by institution

social sphere of the finance department

Committee on Economics and Finance

Chief specialist - lawyer

Committee on Economics and Finance

Any employee can be charged with drawing up the organization's staffing table. For example, a manager, a head of the personnel department or a chief accountant can draw up a regulatory document.

The staffing table is an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization, contains a list of positions with an indication of their number and size of official salaries. When drawing up the staffing table, you also need to take into account the amount of allowances and surcharges existing in this organization, in relation to specific positions. In this case, not specific employees are indicated, but the number of positions in the organization and salaries for them.

The first stage in the approval of the staffing table is the issuance of the corresponding order. The order is drawn up in any written form.

How to draw up a staffing table correctly

The document can be drawn up by any employee who is entrusted with such a duty by the head of the organization. The procedure for approving the staffing table implies the use of a unified form (T-3), approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of January 5, 2004.

The following information is indicated in the staffing table:

  • the name of the structural divisions of the organization;
  • names of positions, specialties, categories;
  • number of staff units;
  • the size of labor remuneration at the wage rate (salary);
  • the amount of allowances and the total amount of funds allocated monthly for the remuneration of employees.

The names of the divisions are listed in order of importance. The column "Profession" is filled in in strict accordance with the tariff and qualification reference books and the All-Russian classifier of positions of employees and professions of workers.

The procedure for approving the staffing table

The draft of the new staffing table is drawn up by the heads of the structural divisions, and then agreed upon against signature by the chief accountant and the head of the organization's personnel department.

The next stage is the publication of an order of the head of the organization on the approval of the staffing table. The labor legislation does not provide for a unified form of this order, therefore personnel specialists draw up this order arbitrarily.

Use the template prepared by our lawyers to develop the staffing table.