Names, descriptions and features of migratory birds. Migratory birds. Names, descriptions and features of migratory birds Listen to the singing of fieldfare

BIRDS Natural science Grade 3 Guess what we know about ribs - How many parts do the body of a riba consist of? - What shape can tіlo ribi? Why? - Bring stocks of freshwater ribs, sea ribs. What role does riba play in the life of a person? Let's guess what we know about coma - For some sign you can recognize coma? - Where do komakhs live? - What is sleeping in these coma in Budovі tіla? Yaku melancholy bring sonechko, gnoyovik beetle? What is the creature? Tse not komaha, to that scho ... .. Tse not riba, to that scho .... Birds Tilo birds vkrito fir'yam. Most of the birds have their lives tied up with the help of Budov, the bodies of the birds Tse tsikavo, remember ...  The birds have a warm star. The stench can stash objects, roztashovani on a distant vіdstanі.  The best light blue swift - 110 km/year.  How long do birds live? Falcons and parrots reach the historic age. FIZKULTKHVILINKA Geese-swans flew. They sat quietly in the Galyavintsy. One - they got up, cut themselves off. Two - the circle turned around. Three, chotiri - poured. Five - they sat at the party. Livestone Ptakhiv Behind the way Livestone Roslinnі (feed for them є ROSLINI) M'YAYSHYEMI (Feed for them є Komaahi Ta Іnshі Tarini) ISEMEZHI ROSHIZHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSHYEMI SOKLY STUDOVY OREL SHULKA SOVA ISMEMTNI GOROBETS SINITSA ROUNT one day 500 caterpillars tit in one day 500 - 600 caterpillars (take 40 trees) MUCH І KOMARIV KOLOLOKS FOR RІK VILLINUN 8 - 10 MILYONIV KOMAKH SPOSIB YITYA PTOVIV OSІLІ PTAHI (mean food uzimki і not vіdlіtyutyu in warmth) Woodpecker Soykaya PTAHITY PTAHI (Zamenii і ід ідлітаютютю телілі кольі) Lastivka nightingry Ostriches, the most important birds, run fast. Geese, gulls, penguins - good swim and sip. Jocks, geese swim for help. What is the melancholy of the birds? Rise of shkіdnіkiv Rіkuyu people Rіdnіmіyut іnstrіy Raznіnі nіnnya Giutіnі people's eating Pіdsumkov's conversation Homework Dzherel: - Gilberg T.G., Sak T.V. Natural science: a handyman for the 3rd class of primordial lighting deposits - K .: Geneza, 2014. - 176 p. - Sak T.V., Beskova N.V. Natural science: assistant for grade 3. specialist. Zagalnosvit. Navch. Conclusion Intensity Ped. Corrections - K .: Our hour, 2008. - 200 p. - Barishpol S.V. Natural science. Grade 3: plans - summaries of lessons on a different basis - X. : "Ranok", 2014. - 128 p. - Volodarskaya M.O. Natural science. Grade 3 - Kh.: Osnova, 2014 - 150 p. - Matenchuk L.I., lecturer of Umanskoy ZOSh І-ІІІ st. No. 14, presentation “Birds of Ukraine” - Sokolenko O.V., teacher of Kryvorizka gymnasium No. 127, presentation “Birds” - Natural science. Grade 3: working zoshit: up to pіdruch. T.G.Gilberg, T.V.Sak / N.V.Diptan - H.: View of “Ranok”, 2014. - 64 p.: il. The presentation was prepared by Zinchenko S.O.

Our birds Only with the crimson of mischievous dawns The bright edge of heaven will turn red, Nimble creatures - our birds With sonorous singing will announce meadows and forests. Russian birds can be seen in the field, On lakes, in parks and yards, In the blue, big heavens, On the banks of the seas and rivers, in the steppes, mountains ... From their singing, sight and flight Our faces joyfully shine, Forgotten sorrows, worries, Oh, what a miracle these birds are!

Signals for migration The signal for migration for birds, in addition to endogenous biological rhythms in the organism itself, is an increase (in spring) or a decrease (in autumn) in the length of daylight hours to a certain critical level. From this time on, the hypothalamus begins to stimulate the production of pituitary hormones, which, in turn, change the daily rhythms of the liver and cause the deposition of the necessary fat reserves. Under the influence of hormones, a change in the behavior of birds occurs, a migratory state occurs and, obviously, bionavigation mechanisms are activated.

Chaffinch Chaffinches arrive at nesting places in late March, early April. Males appear first, females arrive after 5-6 days. At first, the birds keep in flocks, then they break into pairs. In good sunny weather, finches perform a loud, provocative and melodic song: “fuit-fuit-la-la-la-viciu-kik” with a characteristic “stroke” at the end. In cloudy weather, finches “ryumyat” emit a short dull trill “ryu-ryu-ryu”. Finches, like many other songbirds, can vary greatly in the quality of their singing, along with excellent singers, there are birds with an inexpressive song.

Tap dance. A little smaller than a sparrow (body length up to 14 cm). The forehead and anterior part of the crown, crop and chest are raspberry-red, there is a small black spot on the throat. The dorsal side is grayish-brown, the ventral side is white. Females are colored in the same way as males, but the red and pink color is replaced by white, there are dark spots and stripes on the crop, chest and sides. Distributed in the north of Russia. Inhabits shrub tundra, forest tundra and forest zone of coniferous forests. Wandering bird. In the summer, the tap dances nest in the taiga and forest-tundra zone, in winter they migrate south to the zone of mixed forests and forest-steppe in search of birch, alder and weed seeds. The voice is sonorous “even-even” and “pee-pee”. The song is a set of chirps. The tap dancers continuously chirp and call to each other, fluttering through the branches of trees, competing in their nimbleness and mobility with tits and siskins. They feed on seeds and insects. The diet is dominated by the seeds of birch, alder, cranberries, grasses, and also eat aphids.

Shchur The size of a starling (body length about 20 cm). The beak is short, thick, swollen at the base. In males, the head, back and chest are crimson, the wings and tail are brownish-black, on the shoulders there are two white transverse stripes. In females and young males, the crimson color is replaced by a dirty yellow-orange. Inhabits the zone of taiga forests of Russia and North America. An inhabitant of coniferous forests with an admixture of alder and birch and a belt of cedar dwarfs in the mountains. Common nomadic bird. It feeds on seeds of coniferous trees and berries. Forages in spring in pairs, otherwise in flocks on trees. In other winters, smurfs remain in the taiga without flying anywhere. According to the observations of experts, these winter migrations of schurs are caused by a crop failure of berries, their main food in the winter. The voice is a melodic whistle of “I drink-lee”. The song is a set of melodic whistles.

Crossbill The size of a sparrow or slightly larger (body length up to 17 cm). Dense physique. They have a special structure of the beak: the ends of the mandible and mandible come in, crossing crosswise, on top of each other. The general coloration of adult males is cherry red, with a brighter red uppertail and with brownish-red wings, tail and shoulders. In the female, the red color is replaced by a yellowish gray. Young males have an orange tone in the first year of life due to mixed red and yellow feathers. Inhabitants of the taiga zone, but also found in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, Crimea, Turkmenistan and Siberia. On the territory of Russia, there are 3 species: the spruce crossbill, the pine crossbill and the white-winged crossbill. The most common crossbill in Russia. The pine crossbill differs from it in its thick and high beak and somewhat larger size. The white-winged crossbill is colored a lighter pinkish red, with two wide white stripes running across the wings. In size it is smaller than the other crossbills. Common nomadic birds. Crossbills from the taiga during their frequent migrations fly into all regions of Russia, often very far from their nesting sites. They were observed in the Volga delta, in the zone of semi-desert steppes of the Karaganda region. They stay on coniferous trees in flocks, often hanging from cones, plucking and dropping them. During the flight, they constantly call to each other, but, having landed on a tree, they fall silent. They feed mainly on the seeds of conifers. The voice is sonorous "kle-kle", which serves for sound communication between flocking birds. The song is a set of chirps with loud whistles. Crossbills are often kept in cages. Caught birds very quickly get used to captivity.

Linnet Slightly smaller than a sparrow (body length about 13 cm). There is a small crimson spot on the forehead, the head is gray, the back is brown, the rump is pinkish-gray. Longitudinal wide black and narrow white stripes on the wings and tail. There are large red spots on the sides of the chest. The bottom is whitish with longitudinal streaks. The female has no red color in the plumage, and the chest and sides with grayish-white and dark spots on the feathers. Widely distributed in Eurasia and North-West. Africa, in Russia west of Tomsk. Inhabitant of edges, copses, gardens, parks, wastelands with shrubs, hedges and roadside plantings. Often located near human habitation. Grain-eating bird. Repolov fly away from the northern and central regions for the winter, but their wintering grounds are very close to nesting sites. The proximity of wintering grounds makes the repolov one of the earliest migratory birds. The male sings well. Voice chirping sounds and ringing song. The nest is built in dense thorny bushes, on small juniper (in the Caucasus) and spruce trees. Repolovy chicks are usually hatched twice a year. Clutch contains 4-6 greenish-blue eggs with brown spots. The singing is musical and varied. The song of the linnet is melodic chirping and whistles of medium strength, as well as rather long silvery trills.

Lark FIELD LARK (Alauda arvensis), a songbird of the lark family. The field lark is slightly larger than the sparrow (body weight g), densely built. The top of the body is clay-gray tones with frequent large brown streaks, the bottom is whitish, with a reddish breast in small dark streaks. There is a rounded tuft of feathers on the back of the head, white spots along the edges of the tail. In Russia, the field lark is distributed from the western borders to the Pacific coast, in the north of European Russia up to 62 ° N. sh. and in Western Siberia up to 64° N. sh., in the south to the coasts of the Azov and Black Seas, east to 41 ° N. sh. A common, and in some places numerous migratory species of open landscapes of dry meadows, steppes, fields, wastelands. V last years Lark populations have declined sharply wherever fertilizers and pesticides are widely used. They arrive in nesting areas at the end of March and at first stay on thawed patches. In the spring after the snow melts and in the summer, everywhere in the fields and meadows, the sonorous, joyful songs of larks are heard. The song consists of loud ringing trills following one after another, which are replaced by sounds borrowed from other birds and drawn out “tee-ee, tee-ee”. The urge is sharp and short: "three-ri-ri." The well-known Hungarian musician and ornithologist P.P. Seke established the general patterns of melody, rhythm and pauses in the song of the lark (and some other birds) and in folk melodies. This is also clearly seen in the example of the famous song by M. I. Glinka to the words of N. V. Kukolnik

Nightjar Sero - sand birds fly to us in the spring, They hunt at night, but during the day they hide in the shade of the forest In a deft silent flight they catch bugs in the light of the stars, Eggs are laid only on the ground, not making nests at all. Kozodoi (goats), a detachment of birds. 5 families, including zhiryaks, gigantic and true nightjars, 93 species, mainly in the tropics. In Eurasia (to the north of Arkhangelsk, Tomsk and Yeniseisk), the common nightjar (length cm) is widespread. Exterminate insects - harm

Kamyshevka. Warblers (Acrocephalus), several genera of birds of the warbler family. Small birds of inconspicuous grayish-brown or greenish color, usually with rather short stepped tail. The beak is straight, flattened, rather long. The body is somewhat elongated. Wings are short and rounded. 27 species inhabit Eurasia and Africa. In Russia, 8 species are distributed everywhere, except for the tundra. They live in bushes and reeds along the banks of water bodies, prefer floodplain and marshy lands. They keep very secretive. They fly poorly and reluctantly, but deftly crawl up and down the vertical stems of plants. Migratory birds. They feed on insects. It is difficult to distinguish one species of warblers from another in nature, since they are very similar. In spring and early summer, all warblers sing a lot both during the day and at night. Their songs are varied and lengthy, but amateurs do not really appreciate them, since they contain a lot of crackling sounds. However, in the genus Warblers there is one species, the garden warbler, which many consider one of the best singers in our gardens and fields. The warbler-badger is distinguished by the variegated coloration of the upper body. The largest reed warbler inhabits reed thickets along the banks of water bodies.

Thrush. Slightly larger than a starling, frisky, melodious, simple Thrushes again fly into our dense forests. Thrush (Turdidae), a family of birds of the passerine order. Small and medium-sized birds (body length cm). Males are usually larger than females. Coloring from bright and contrasting to modest, patronizing. The beak is straight, with a slightly arched mandible and open nostrils. The tail is straight. The wings are rounded, rather wide. The body is usually somewhat elongated. Over 300 species. Thrushes include thrushes, wheatears, coinage, nightingales, robins, redstarts, etc. They are widely distributed, except for the polar regions, New Zealand and some oceanic islands. More than 50 species, 21 genera live in Russia: robins, nightingales, bluethroats, redstarts, wheatears, coinage, blackbirds, etc.

Redstart. Redstarts (Phoenicurus), a genus of birds of the thrush family. Small and medium-sized (body length cm), tall on the legs, slender birds. The name was given for the bright orange color of the uppertail and tail. They live in the mountainous regions of Eurasia and North Africa. In Russia, they are distributed throughout the territory. 6 species Common Redstart, Nigella Redstart, Siberian Redstart, Greyhead Redstart, etc. Settle along forest edges with hollow trees, in gardens and parks near dwellings, in rocks near mountain meadows. They feed on insects and other small invertebrates, in winter mainly seeds and fruits. Nests are built in hollows, in buildings or rocks. A sitting bird often twitches its tail. A migratory bird slightly larger than a tit

Plover. Zuyki, a genus of birds of the plovers family. Length, see 23 species, widely distributed. Most live near water bodies. The sandpiper, in the picture, is a little larger than a sparrow, Lives, whistles on the shallows of lakes and various rivers, Meets in the wastelands, like his whole family, In dumps in quarries that man has created. During the high water in the spring Zuyki walk light on the shallows after their arrival And make their nests among the pebbles or in the sand, Without lining them with anything fluffy.

Cuckoo. Cuckoos, a family of birds of the cuckoo order. Length see 129 kinds. Distributed widely; numerous in the tropics. Many cuckoos lay their eggs in other people's nests (nesting parasitism). Exterminate insect pests of the forest. Leaving Africa warm, (how beautiful it is there!), With the first green of spring, they fly to us They don’t incubate there motley eggs, But they throw them into the nests of songbirds.

It has been experimentally established that they cannot stay in the air for more than 15 minutes. If the birds are not allowed to crouch, they will fall dead. So it was in the middle of the last century in China. Considering sparrows as pests, the authorities declared "war" on them. The birds could not escape the massacre.

Migratory birds do otherwise. They are able to escape not only from the wrath of man, but also from frost. Birds fly hundreds of kilometers without rest. The goal is the south with an abundance of food and warmth. However, migratory birds can become sedentary.

In England this spring, swallows flew a month and a half later than usual, and several other species of birds completely refused to migrate. The reason is an increase in the average annual temperature. Over the past decade, it has increased by 1 degree. Russia has not yet been affected by climate change. The list of migratory birds in the domestic open spaces remains the same.

forest hawker

She is confused with the forest pipit, warbler, warbler. The hawker is one of those birds that only ornithologists know, although it is common in forests. Feathered hunters come across together with goldfinches and buntings.

The appearance of the bird is inconspicuous. The plumage is brown-grey. The size is small. The body weight of the curler does not exceed 25 grams. Many people confuse a bird with a sparrow. There is a deal of truth in it. The hawk belongs to the order of passeriformes.

The hawker feeds on insects. This prompts the bird to fly south. However, the bird stays until the very cold weather and returns early in the spring. True, this goes sideways to the curler. Upon arrival, the bird immediately lays eggs. There is no vegetation yet. It is not possible to hide the masonry. The eggs are eaten by predators. Chicks hatch only from the second clutch.

Accurate tolerance to cold is reinforced by the ability to change the protein diet to a vegetable one. Instead of insects, the bird may eat berries and seeds. Therefore, in regions with a temperate climate, curlers do not fly away at all. Birds from the northern regions of the country rush to the south.

Few people know the hawker, it is very similar to a sparrow, and it is often confused with a more familiar bird

reed oatmeal

Outwardly, it also looks like a sparrow and also belongs to the sparrow order. The bird prefers to settle in the forest-steppes of southern Russia. They seek out thickets of bushes, reeds. They serve as a reliable shelter for the bird.

Names of migratory birds, as can be seen, is often associated with external features or those associated with nutrition, lifestyle. The last option is relevant for orioles. They often settle in willow thickets along the banks of water bodies.

However, linguists and historians associate the name of the bird rather with the word "moisture". The ancient Slavs considered the oriole to be a harbinger of rain.

Oriole is considered a harbinger of rain


Appeared before most birds. The crane family is over 60,000,000 years old. Representatives of 15 species survived until the 21st century.

Gray herons are shy. Seeing the danger, the birds take off. At the same time, herons often leave their chicks to the mercy of fate. The wren, for example, pretends to be wounded and, at its own peril and risk, drags predators with it, saving offspring.


This . The bird is active, seems fussy, constantly repeats "chak, chak, chak". A characteristic sound gives fieldfare. Most often, a din is created from many voices. Pairs of birds nest next to each other. There are usually 30-40 fieldfare families in a colony.

Listen to the singing of the fieldfare

Birds settle in copses and parks. Approximately half of the individuals survive the winter in Russia, wandering in search of food from place to place. The other half of the thrushes fly to Asia Minor and northern Africa.

Developed a peculiar way of protection from enemies. Birds spray them with their droppings. This is what thrushes do, for example, with crows. The latter feast on both fieldfare and their eggs.


This is a bird of the passerine family with a red tail. Its brightness is reminiscent of flames. Juveniles do not show color. It becomes bright by the age of one and a half.

Of the 14 species of redstarts in Russia, there is a nigella. With the exception of the tail, she has black plumage. From the south, males are the first to return to Russia in order to build nests. Birds equip them in bushes, hollows, on tree branches. When the houses are ready, females and young animals arrive. As a rule, this is the beginning of May.

Redstarts feed on small insects. When the beak is free, the birds sing. The birds seem to be doing this all the time. Redstarts managed to attract attention with their singing and coloring. In 2015, the species was declared bird of the year.

Pictured is a redstart bird


Dense bird up to 11 centimeters long. 3 species live in Russia. They live everywhere except the Far East and Yakutia. In other territories, warblers make nests-huts.

Chiffchaffs have a pleasant timbre of voice. Males especially like to sing during the nesting period. Trills are interspersed with whistles. You can listen to them at home. easily tamed. In captivity, birds live up to 12 years. In nature, the age of birds is 2-3 years.

Not being domesticated, the warbler flies south in mid-September. Birds return by the beginning of April.


Refers to thrushes. The species is also called the great grey. Not all individuals fly south. Those who dared to stay in winter switch from protein foods in the form of larvae and insects to frozen berries.

Deryaba is shy. Therefore, it is difficult to see a bird in nature, even though it is feathered and the size of a dove. In its kind, the mistletoe is the largest.

Missile thrush


Songs are carried through the forests when they are covered with leaves. Before the appearance of greenery, the birds do not give out trills, although they arrive in Russia earlier. As a rule, the birds return 6-7 days before the flowering of nature.

Listen to the trills of the nightingale

Love for the nightingale is expressed in folk tales dedicated to bird monuments and museums. In Kursk, for example, the exposition "Kursk Nightingale" is open. This museum contains crafts with the image of a feathered bird, books about it. In publications, one can read that nightingales build their nests near water in thickets of bushes or in enemies.

Nightingales feed exclusively on pests of fields and forests. Caterpillars and beetles enter the stomachs of birds. Songbirds are not ready to switch to plant foods, so in the fall they rush to warmer climes.

In total, about 60 species of migratory birds nest in Russia. Many of them are subspecies of one feathered bird, as in the case of the warbler. Preparing to fly away, the birds are full to satiety. You need to stock up on energy, because it is not always possible to refresh yourself on the road.

With difficulties along the way and little preparation for it, migratory flocks can die. So, every year thousands of swallows do not return to their homeland. Having perished along the way, they forever remain a symbol of courage, the desire to explore new horizons no matter what.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

What is it like for our feathered neighbors in winter? It is hard for birds in winter. After all, finding food under the snow is not easy. No one thinks how many birds die in winter in our village due to lack of food. And who would think of counting them? Usually many do not notice them, they simply do not pay attention to our little neighbors. But they are also residents of the village - part of the world around us. And they all need our help, our care in winter.

Unfortunately, 94 species of birds have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth, and another 187 species of birds are in the Red Book. The most accessible and common type of care is hanging feeders and feeding birds. Each of us must take care of wintering birds, so the topic of my work is relevant.

Suppose that in winter birds suffer more from hunger than from cold.

The object of the study was wintering birds.

Target: study the lifestyle and behavior of wintering birds in our village.

  1. Information stage


1. Study additional literature and identify wintering birds.

2. Study which birds stay with us for the winter.

3. Find information about what birds eat in winter, how they adapt to winter conditions.

4. Pick up illustrations depicting birds;

5. To issue the received information in the form of a message.

Having studied additional literature, I found out whichbirds stay with us for the winter:


This is one of the most famous birds living in the neighborhood of the dwelling and is well recognizable both by appearance, and by the characteristic chirp. Sparrows are found everywhere. Only in Taimyr, Chukotka and Kamchatka do not live a sparrow. The sparrow was named so a long time ago because flocks of field sparrows could devastate vast fields. People, dispersing the flocks of these little birds, shouted: "Beat the thief!" So they remained sparrows, although they have not devastated anything for a long time

It feeds mainly on plant foods, only partially in the spring with insects, which also feeds chicks. (Appendix 1)


This beautiful bird. She has a black cap on her head, white cheeks, on her throat black line tie. The wings and tail are gray, the back is yellow-blue, and the abdomen is yellow.

They got their name from the blue feathers on their bodies. In our forests you can meet: great tit, black tit.

The tit is very voracious, it eats as much per day as it weighs itself. Thus, it is of great benefit by eating harmful insects, and on a sunny winter day it pleases us with a cheerful song. A very mobile bird.

In winter, it gathers in mixed flocks with other birds and roams in search of food. Willingly visits feeders, where it feeds on sunflower seeds, unsalted lard. (Annex 1)


This bird has a beautiful colorful plumage: the upper body is black, there are white spots on the head and neck, white stripes on the folded wings, red undertail and crown.

This is one of the very useful birds our forests; unlike other insectivorous species, it does not fly away for the winter, working all year round to exterminate pests. The most common large spotted woodpecker. He is the beauty of our forest. Woodpecker forest worker.

In summer they feed mainly on tree insects, and in winter - on the seeds of coniferous trees. (Appendix 1)

Pigeon .

In places where a person lives, it easily adapts to eating food waste and waste grain (wheat, barley, corn, etc.). Occasionally eats insects. In general, compared to other species, it is quite unpretentious in choosing a source of food.

Pigeons generally walk very well, food is usually collected on the ground. Pigeons live in flocks, and sometimes very large ones. (Annex 1)


You can meet a crow all year round, in winter most often near human habitation, in landfills. Watchful bird. Walks well. Before rising to the wings, the crow makes several jumps. The voice is a very characteristic croak.

The crow is an omnivorous bird. The main place in the diet is occupied by carrion, which the crow feeds on landfills. In this regard, the crow acts as a sanitary bird.

A modern city crow can open a carton of milk, smash Walnut, soak crackers in a puddle, open a tin can. (Appendix 1)

gray bullfinch

Unlike the common bullfinch, the males of this forest bird do not have a red color in their plumage. Distributed in cedar-larch and larch forests. Nests are located high in the crown of larches.

It feeds on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, eats out seeds from them, leaving the pulp. (Annex 1)


Nuthatch - this name speaks for itself: it means that someone is crawling. But only an unobservant person can say this about this bird. The nuthatch does not crawl, but runs, and very dexterously. This is the only bird that can move up the trunk upside down as well as upside down.

The legs of the nuthatch are strong. The back is bluish-gray, the abdomen is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head, and the tail seems to be lined with white thin stripes. Running, the nuthatch constantly sticks its long and sharp beak into every crack, crack in the hope of finding a seed or grain. (Annex 1)

Having studied the literature about birds, in our class there was a competition of drawings and a competition of crafts “Wintering birds of our region”. The children prepared messages about birds. (Annex 2)

I did

Conclusion: not all birds winter in our village, but only those adapted to survive in harsh weather conditions.

2. Practical stage


1. Get acquainted with a variety of ways to make feeders.

2. Make bird feeders, hang them up, make sure that there is always food in the feeder.

3.Make and distribute leaflets "Help the wintering birds!"

My classmates and I made feeders out of empty juice boxes and hung them up at home and on the school grounds. Some feeders are made from empty cookie boxes plastic bottles and wooden planks. During this period of time, the following types of birds flew to the feeders: tits, sparrows, nuthatches, bullfinches, woodpeckers.

We feed the birds every day. Every day they arrive, emptying the feeders. We add food again and again and watch the birds with great pleasure. (Annex 3)

Conclusion: wintering birds willingly fly to feeding places.

There should be no snow in the feeders.

You can not throw packages, jars in which you bring food near the feeders.

Make sure there is always food in the feeder.

You also need to know what to feed the birds.

Stage 3. Observation


Watch the birds flying to the feeder. Count the number of birds.

Tell about your observations.

Take photos


Air temperature

The number of birds that arrived at the feeder


12 sparrows


15 sparrows


13 sparrows, 1 woodpecker


5 sparrows, 1 tit


8 sparrows, 1 woodpecker


13 sparrows


14 sparrows, 2 tits


18 sparrows


12 sparrows, 2 tits

As a result, I found out that sunflower seeds and millet are more popular with birds. But they did not want to peck the buckwheat at all, it remained whole in the feeder throughout all the experimental days.

Sparrows, unlike tits, sat comfortably and sat for a long time in my dining room. The tits, on the other hand, behaved very civilly. They quickly flew in, sat down on the edge of the feeder. Grabbing a seed, the titmouse flew to the branch of a neighboring tree.

Later I decided to diversify my guests' lunch. He began to sprinkle them with bread crumbs on the snow crust and hung pieces of fresh bacon and meat on the branches. The tits were actively pecking at the fat and meat, and a whole flock of sparrows gathered around the crumbs. Thus, I found out why tits are more often seen in trees, and sparrows on the road and near garbage cans. These are habitual places to search for food.

Pigeons pick up what has fallen, spin in the snow.

A woodpecker flew over to me twice. But this bird behaved very carefully, and did not try anything from my feeder. (Annex 4)

Feeding the birds, we arranged a competition for the best production of the leaflet "Help the wintering birds." We wanted as many residents of our village as possible to help the birds too. We posted flyers all over the village. After all, winter is not terrible for birds if there is food. (Annex 5)


After observing the birds, I came to the following conclusions:

In our village sparrows, pigeons, tits, nuthatches, crows, woodpeckers hibernate next to humans.

Not all birds winter in our region, but only those adapted to survive in severe weather conditions. Birds can quite successfully withstand the cold if there is a lot of suitable food around. And a person can help the birds to overwinter by building feeders. Perhaps if the birds are constantly fed, they will not fly away to warmer climes. Our observations confirm the hypothesis.

"To listen to the birds in the spring,

Let them eat in the winter!”

List of sources used

  2. Sukhova T.S., V.I. Stroganov "Secrets of Nature" - M., 2001
  3. Shorygina T. “Birds. What are they? - M., 2004
  4. Schlotgauer S.D. "Seasons", 2002
  5. Personal Photos
  6. Gorkanova A.N. "Migratory and wintering birds of Russia." Thematic dictionary in pictures - M.: Ed. School press, 2008,