Tests for the certificate 1c professional. Conditions for passing the certification exam

Good afternoon, Colleagues!

Testing system 1.1

Configuration "Testing System 1.1" is a continuation of the development of "Simulator for testing 1.0" (the description of the simulator is below under the spoiler), the functionality is expanded by connecting the user profile.


The configuration can be used for attestation of employees, students, schoolchildren and for other purposes where testing is necessary.

A full-fledged functionality for recording actions in the user's system has been added, all answers to questions in all modes are recorded in the context of the user.

Added time limit for testing.

The concepts of testing are divided into preparatory and assigned tests. The user can carry out preparatory tests independently a number of times. Assigned tests - it is possible for the user to pass only one time, the assignment of testing is made in the context of the course and users.

The rest of the configuration options are inherited from Test Trainer 1.0:

  • Three modes for conducting preparatory tests: Questions, Intensive and Testing.
    • Questions - all questions in the context of the course and section.
    • Intensive - a series of questions defined earlier in the "Questions" mode by the corresponding button.
    • Testing - full-fledged testing with random generation of questions, limited by the time it takes to complete (the time limit is only available in the Testing System 1.1 and higher configuration).
  • Entering questions (video instruction is shown below in the description of the simulator for testing).
  • A section is a group of questions that will be used to randomly generate tests. The number of sections is not limited.
  • It is possible to use pictures in questions.


A lot important changes has undergone an interface. Everything related to the "Testing System 1.1" configuration has been moved to the "Testing" subsystem, divided into four blocks: Testing, Preparation for testing, Configuration and Reports. Two blocks: Configuration and Reports are available only to the administrator of the testing system.

New reports allow you to analyze the success of user attestation.

The "Administration" subsystem is available only to the system administrator and is used for configuration.

Notes (edit)

The current version of the configuration "Testing System 1.1"

Minimum requirements: Platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 (

The transition from the configuration "Test Simulator 1.0" to the "Testing System 1.1" is carried out by updating through comparison and merging. Beforehand, be sure to make a copy of the database. After updating, it is necessary to disconnect all objects from the "Management" subsystem and delete it. When testing the update, I did not find any errors.

The Test Simulator 1.0 configuration option remains available for download for single user use. If you need to use the configuration for corporate purposes, you need to download "Testing System 1.1".

The configuration does not contain nested tests of the 1C company

The background how it all began ...

I, like many of you, a beginner programmer path to certification. Someone disdains certificates, but with them, alas, you look more attractive to the employer!

1C releases its simulator, but after looking at it from a friend, I realized that he did not suit me for the following points:

  • There is no "Intensive" mode - when I can set / highlight the questions on which I would like to run tests, excluding questions that are not a problem for me, in the context of the course and section.
  • No convenient reporting of results.
  • No reset of results.
  • No PC version available.
  • Quite expensive.

I came up with the idea to create my own simulator. But before you create something, you need to check can you already have it on Infostart? There are several simulators on Infostart, but they are even less attractive than the development from 1C.

Description of the version "Test Simulator 1.0"

This simulator turned out to be universal, it can be used not only for the need to obtain 1C: Professional certificates, but also to create any other tests, it can be school testing, preparation for passing traffic rules, consolidation of corporate training and much more.

  1. "Testing" mode - the mode is set by the number of questions and the number of correct answers.
  2. Mode "Intensive" - ​​only questions that need to go through hard.
  3. All questions mode. In the context of the course.

  1. It is easy to submit questions - through special handling.
  2. Support for images in question.
  3. Unlimited number of questions for testing (you can create a test for 100500 questions).
  4. Mode "Intensive" in the context of the course or course and section.

  1. You will learn how to dynamically create managed form elements.
  2. How to load pictures (images) into 1C configuration.
  3. Option to parse text line by line.
  4. Working with a dynamic list.
  5. Formation of drop-down lists on a managed form.
  6. Working with random formation of a list of questions.
  7. Much more.

  • Add time in "Testing" mode.
  • BSP - tweak users and other features.
  • Offer your ideas, if possible I will implement it.

This simulator does not contain any base of questions, all coincidences are random!

The only location of the simulator is this publication, the rest of the publications are not legal.

Version changes

Version (09/27/18)

A BSP is connected to the configuration. Redesigned interface. Added new reports to analyze user work. The concept of testing is divided into two: assigned and preparatory. The preparatory test includes three test modes, the assigned one has one option and one attempt.

Exam 1C: Professional given in the form of a test. On the website of the 1C company there is an opportunity to pass training testing... Moot testing is one of the effective methods preparation.

Paid educational testing on the 1C website

In paid educational testing, the correct answers to the test questions are visible 1C: Professional... The number of attempts and test time are unlimited. Paid access is provided for a limited period of 30 days. More detailed information on the conditions for purchasing educational testing can be found on the website edu.1c.ru.

Free educational testing on the 1C website

1C provides free educational testing... The tests contain relevant questions on various exam topics 1C: Professional... Testing takes place on the website in a special educational section. To access testing, you must register. After successful registration, a letter with a username and password will be sent to your e-mail. Upon successful passing of the educational test, a letter will be sent to your e-mail with a link to the certificate-reference (about passing the educational test).
  • The number of test attempts is unlimited
  • The number of errors allowed is unlimited
  • The mark is set in the system "Pass" or "Not passed"
  • To assess "Pass", you must correctly answer 12 questions out of 14
  • The time limit for passing the test is 30 minutes
  • At the end of the test, the total percentage of correct answers is indicated

Registration for educational testing on the 1C website

On the site http://edu.1c.ru go to the section Educational testing-> Registration for 1C: Educational testing.

In the window that opens, you must fill out and send the registration form.

After sending, a window with a login password will appear and a notification about successful registration will be sent to your e-mail.

After pressing the button Sign in and start testing a window for passing the training test will open.

In the "Courses" tree, select the test you are interested in and press the button Start lesson.

30 minutes are allocated to take the test. If you need to complete earlier, then you need to click on the button To complete... After that, the test result will be displayed on the screen.

1C: Educational testing allows you to test your knowledge of the most popular business products of 1C and can be recommended for preparation for the 1C: Professional exam.

The base of educational testing is freely available and includes tests from all topics of the 1C: Professional exam.


To access the tests, register at.

When re-passing the tests, use the login and password specified in the letter you received upon registration.

Rules of 1C: Educational testing

  • You can use the literature and open the 1C: Enterprise program.
  • The number of attempts and the number of errors is not limited and is not published.
  • To receive a positive assessment ("Pass"), you need to correctly answer 12 of 14 questions within the established time limit - 30 minutes;

When passing the test, only the total% of correct answers is shown without indicating which of the questions was answered incorrectly.

Right answers

To see correct answers - use

  • paid version of 1C: Educational testing (for stationary computers)
  • mobile simulator http://1c.ru/prof/mobile.jsp (for tablets and smartphones)

Help on the successful completion of the 1C: Mock Testing

After successfully passing the test, you will receive a letter with a link to help.

At your request, the certificate can be presented to the teacher, employer, posted on the personal page, etc.

We are ready to send a paper version of it by mail if you place a link to the educational testing: in social networks, on the website or forum. Just send the link (which you posted) to indicating your postal address.

Place 1C: Educational testing in the knowledge control system "1C"

Please note that passing the 1C: Mock tests is not mandatory for admission to the 1C: Professional and 1C: Specialist exams.

Passing the certification exam "1C: Professional"

We recommend that you do not stop there and pass the 1C: Professional certification exam. The "1C: Professional" certificate is an official and generally recognized confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the whole range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse, management accounting and calculation wages... The presence of the "1C: Professional" certificate will favorably distinguish your candidacy from the employer.

You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for passing the 1C: Professional certification exam and apply for the exam.

Passing the exam "1C: Specialist"

Successful passing of "1C: Professional" gives you access to the next step - the exam "1C: Specialist". "1C: Specialist" - indicates a deep study of the subject area and professional knowledge instrumentation design in the "1C" environment. Specialists of this level are the elite of the 1C community and are always in demand on the labor market. Preparation for the 1C: Specialist exam is a complex and time-consuming process in which the user can rely on methodological literature, as well as use the services of training centers.

Dear specialist user of 1C!

We offer you to test your knowledge of the most popular 1C products for free using 1C: Educational testing. This can be the first step in preparing for the 1C: Professional exam.

1C: Academic testing will also be interesting to check the quality of student training in educational institutions, self-control by users of training versions, as well as for self-control of the level of residual knowledge by those who already have certificates and attestations.

1C: Educational testing is carried out using the following software solutions:

  • "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management for Ukraine"
  • "1C: Enterprise 8. Management manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine"
  • "1C: Accounting 8 for Ukraine"
  • "1C: Enterprise 8. Salary and HR management for Ukraine"
  • "1C: Salary and personnel budgetary institution 8 for Ukraine "
  • "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8 for Ukraine"
  • Tests 1C: Educational testing are freely available.


    To pass the tests, you must register once. After registration, you will receive a username and password to your email address specified during registration. Use them to start testing.

    Rules of 1C: Educational testing

    • unlike testing "1C: Professional" when performing test task 1C: Educational testing You can refer to special literature, open the program "1C: Enterprise" in order to find the correct answer;
    • the number of attempts to pass each test and the number of errors are not published;
    • passing tests takes place online (with a constant connection to the Internet) at any time after registration;
    • to receive a positive assessment ("Pass"), you must correctly answer 12 of 14 questions within the established time limit - 30 minutes;
    • the number of test attempts is not limited;
    • if the connection is broken, the test will need to be passed first (the questions will change), while the attempt to pass will not be counted;
    • if there is no action on the part of the user for half an hour, the session on the server is interrupted, you must log in to the system again.

    When passing the test, only the total% of correct answers is shown without indicating which of the questions was answered incorrectly.

    Help on the successful completion of the 1C: Mock Testing

    After successfully passing the test, you will receive email with electronic link for a certificate confirming the successful passing of the test.

    The received certificate, at your request, can be presented to the teacher, employer, posted on your personal page, etc.

    It is important to remember that this certificate is not an analogue of the 1C: Professional certificate.

    Place 1C: Educational testing in the knowledge control system "1C"

    Please note that passing the 1C: Educational Testing tests is not mandatory for admission to the 1C: Professional and 1C: Specialist exams.

    So, you firmly decided for yourself to prepare for the Professional 1C exam?

    Let's find out what to prepare for and how to do it!

    Test passing strategy 1C Professional

    Please note that in these books you can only find a list of questions for the 1C Professional test, but not the answers 🙂

    Please note that the 1C versions for passing 1C Professional tests are periodically updated (previously it was given under version 8.1, now under 8.2, etc.), so you need a list of questions exactly for the platform / configuration version that is currently used to accept 1C tests Professional. According to which version the delivery is made - it is better to clarify directly where you plan to take the 1C Professional exam.

    Stage 2) Learning on the topic

    After you understand what you need to know in general, you need to get this knowledge.

    As we discussed earlier, the issue of training can always be solved simply:

    • Full-time courses (from 4000 rubles)
    • Internet courses (from 1000 rubles, ibid.)
    • Self-study on the existing 1C and books.

    The purpose of such training is to get a general education on the topic and make sure that there is knowledge in principle.

    Stage 3) Problem solving 1C professional

    Despite the "general" knowledge of the topic, any tests have their own subtleties.

    The question may not be formulated accurately, with a trick, for example "What objects are used in algorithms?"

    There may be questions that are rarely needed in life, for example, "The full-text search engine uses expressions to search for synonyms for the word‘ scarlet ’."

    It is clear that no "general" education will give exact knowledge of the answers to such questions, or they are not contained in the operative memory of the human brain. Therefore, before passing the 1C Professional test, it is necessary at least to solve all the questions of the 1C Professional test, as a maximum - to memorize the correct answers.

    There are no ready-made answers for 1C Professional tests "existing" - that is, they are not published or distributed officially.

    The following options are possible:

    Option 1) Self check using directly 1C. The option is not very good in that 1C will not tell you that this particular option in the test is correct, and the questions, as already written, can be “tricky”.

    Option 2) Study of ITS disks, on which answer options are published, if you have access to ITS disks. However, less than 100 answers to questions are published on one disc, so you will need a lot of discs.

    Option 3) The list of answers can be indirectly obtained from the test delivery (about the test delivery of the Professional it is written above).

    Option 4) Search the internet.

    Questions 1C Professional

    In order for you to quickly assess your knowledge for passing exams in the most popular 1C Professional exams, see what knowledge you should have on 1C.

    Questions 1C professional - platform

    • What is platform - thick and thin client, databases
    • Enterprise Mode Platform Tools and Configurator
    • Configurator constructors
    • Development and debugging
    • Configuration as a collection of objects
    • Configuration as a set of database tables
    • Data exchange
    • Configuration maintenance
    • Interfaces
    • Reporting
    • Mechanisms for constructing accounting for accounting, trade, salaries.

    Questions 1C professional - accounting edition 2

    • Configuration and administration of the 1C * platform
    • Chart of accounts in 1C *
    • Registers in 1C *
    • Working with 1C as applied to 1C Accounting
    • Cash
    • Fixed assets and intangible assets
    • Calculations
    • Nomenclature
    • Salary (in Accounting)
    • Manufacturing (in Accounting)
    • Income tax
    • VAT (in Accounting)
    • Other types of taxation
    • User work

    Where * is not indicated, the topic refers specifically to the configuration of Accounting 1C, otherwise - in general to 1C.

    Questions 1C professional - trade management edition 11

    • Working with 1C as applied to Trade Management
    • Initial balances, directories and documents
    • Prices and rules of sale
    • Procurement
    • CRM (in Trade Management)
    • Wholesale, commission, retail
    • Accountable persons
    • Warehouse
    • Planning (in Trade Management)
    • Cash (in the Trade Office)
    • VAT (at Trade Administration)
    • Income and expenses (in Trade Management)

    Where * is not indicated, the topic refers specifically to the configuration of Trade Management 1C, otherwise - in general to 1C.