Katauri Interactive Studio. Katauri Interactive Studio Continuations from Other Developers

The independent development team of Katauri Interactive was essentially the rebirth of Elemental Games. The studio was founded by Dmitry Gusarov in 2004, in the city of Vladivostok, but legally the company belonged to another person.

Almost the entire team of the current "Katauri" took part in the creation of the famous game "Space Rangers" and its second part, "Dominators".

After a conflict with the company's management occurred among the employees (the official version said that the reason was creative disagreements), almost the entire main part of the team (chief game designers and programmers) left together with Dmitry Gusarov. It is from this moment that the official history of the Katauri Interactive studio begins.

The position of chief game designer was once held by a famous science fiction writer;

Virtually all members of the Katauri Interactive team have created the famous Space Rangers universe.

The studio got its name "Katuri", taking as a basis the name of the type of spaceships from the game "Space rangers" they created

The first project released by the company was the fantasy turn-based RPG King's Bounty (2008). After its release, it was decided to move the headquarters from Vladivostok to the city of Kaliningrad. And already in a new place, the team continued to work on the new official DLC for the King's Bounty game.

Then the company released two more sequels to the famous game that became the face of the company. In the fall of 2010, a brand new Royal Quest game was announced. Open beta testing began two years after its announcement, during which the game received positive reviews.

The studio actively cooperated with the 1C company, which publishes computer games in Russia and abroad.

To get your game noticed in the West? Here you can even count the winners (and the lucky ones in one person) on the fingers of a healthy person. It's time to cultivate patriotism and at the same time get to know one of the best development studios located on the territory of our vast country. The story of Katauri Interactive begins right now.


As said in a recent interview Andrey Iones:. There are a lot of people, but only a few studios. There are even fewer quality projects that these studios release. It's kind of offensive.

To get your game noticed in the West? Here you can even count the winners (and the lucky ones in one person) on the fingers of a healthy person. It's time to cultivate patriotism and at the same time get to know one of the best development studios located on the territory of our vast country. History Katauri Interactive starts right now.

General or junior lieutenant?

The main resource of a company is its people. Story about Katauri Interactive it is logical to start not with the first game, but with the person, thanks to whom, in fact, the history of the company began. Gusarov Dmitry - general managerKatauri Interactive despite the lack of support, he created his first game on his own. We decided to contact Dmitry to "refresh" the memories of those times in his head, and we, in turn, will find out some interesting details.

GameGuru(Further GG): Dmitry, how long have you had the idea to create your own game? And why exactly a game, and not, say, write some kind of program?
(Further D.G.): Long before its creation, while studying at school, I wanted to write games.

GG: That is, as a schoolboy, did you know what you want to do throughout your life?
D.G: Yes. And I entered the university on the basis of those considerations that I would become a professional programmer and would be able to engage in professional game writing.


GG: Some sources indicate that you created the game "General" alone. Is it really so? Or was there any help?
D.G.: Yes. I wrote a game, posted it on the Internet along with the text "help", wanting to find people who would like to develop the "General" together with me. Fortunately, such people from different cities were found. For example, a girl from Kharkov, Natasha Beletskaya, was engaged in the translation of the "General", after which he went to different countries... Another guy helped create the site.

In fact, there were enough people willing. Later, other people appeared, but from Vladivostok (Dmitry lived in this city for a long time). Later, already with them, we began to do new project - .


Variation in space

A small "lyrical" digression. The next important stage in Dmitry's life is the creation and their sequel. The release of the original, if you are not aware, took place at the end of 2002, namely on December 20. The players literally fell in love with her for the "living world", and critics backed up this fact with high marks. On gamerankings.com the game got about 80%.

Moreover, many publishers to whom Dmitry showed his brainchild, considered it to be nothing more than a low-budget project (as a result, the publisher was the company "1C", with which cooperation continues to this day). In this regard, we also could not help asking questions. But first, a little about the game itself.


The plot of "Rangers" revolved around the invasion of an unknown life form into the galaxy, where everything is quiet and, almost, calm. To deal with an unknown danger, a special team was created (read the squad), "Space Rangers". The events unfold in the galaxy of the future (XXXI century), where the gamer is assigned the role of one of these space rangers. Five civilizations coexist in the galaxy: bearings, Gaals, humans, Maloks and Faeyans.

Freedom in the game consisted in choosing your own style of passing and the variability of game situations.

And also the fact that before the start of the story campaign, the player could customize many details to suit his own style of play. Difficulty level, race, name. In short, everything is like any normal RPG. But the peculiarity of "Rangers" was that the game did not fit into the framework of any particular genre. There are really a lot of them here.

By the way, the main "fuel" for maintaining the workflow while creating the game was enthusiasm. And, at times, the "fuel" ran out. Let's go back to the interview.


Another step is the creation of a grandiose in all plans. We will not talk about each separately game (,) in the smallest details. Just some information that you probably already knew without us. But, as you know, repetition is the mother of learning.

The first part appeared in 2009. An incredibly addictive, colorful and addictive mixture of turn-based strategy with RPG immediately won not only the hearts of players, but also the lion's share of all their free time. Initially, there was no phrase in the name, but later, after the purchase 1C rights to this brand, the full name of the new brainchild Katauri Interactive began to sound like:. And after the passage of the storyline campaign, I wanted only one thing - an early release of the sequel.


Appeared a year later, it could be safely dubbed a sequel. However, the creators were modest, calling the game just an add-on. The innovations are worthy of the whole continuation. The last add-on, with a prefix, appeared in September 2010.Since then Katauri Interactive goes into the wilds of online games. Now the team, which has moved from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, is engaged in MMORPG. For everyone and for everyone, the game will be available this spring.

GG: Dmitry, now you and your studio are creating an MMORPG. Could you somehow "motivate" and attract a person into the game who doesn't really like these very MMOs. Quit it, let's say, and dive into the world.
D.G.: I think that people like that shouldn't give up their favorite "single-player games". In our case . Let them continue to play their "stealth action".

GG: Good. And for those who play MMOs?
D.G.: Yes, our game is more likely for those people who play in the MMO. It is not as casual as other MMOs. Our game incorporates some of the "hardcore" features from Ragnarok Online and focuses on being interesting game for people, first of all, playing MMO for a long time. They will be able to understand the difference. - this is not a project that could interest the fans of "single" games and make them go to the world of "online". We introduced new ideas, developed interesting, in our opinion, old ideas, cultivated them. Every year online games are becoming simpler and easier, there is "rendering". But that's not about. Rather, this game is for those who are looking for complexity and variability in an MMO. We want to challenge the player with our project.

GG: Your company, Katauri Interactive, has finally turned into the world of "online", or do we still expect some cool "offline" projects from you in the future?
D.G.: The situation that happened on the PC platform is no good. With the development of the Internet, everyone began not only to go “to the market” for pirated products, but to download games from torrents. This led to the fact that tactics, strategies, multiple RPGs, coming out in large numbers, disappeared from the markets. Only those games that gather the entire audience remained afloat.

For example, . Even if, let's say, the game was downloaded by nine million people, and one million people bought it for $ 40, then you earned forty million and you can continue to exist, stay afloat. And what about other studios that don't have the capacity to invest so much in advertising and marketing? They go to the bottom. The players themselves ruined the single games market by their greed. They can play console games that are simply hard to break. Although in our country they manage to break. Recently, our developers have had several options: either go online, or in console, or switch to small platforms: mobile phones, iOS, Android.

GG:Have you planned to develop games for iOS?
D.G.: If we had not signed a contract with "1C" to create a large project, then we would have had nothing to do but create something for mobile phones, including iOS. After all, they go there not only for money, but also because of the hopelessness.

GG:What are your plans for the future?
D.G.: Do not know yet. Now the main plan is to implement in the battle for the castles, a large and interesting PvP. Well, then, you can do something for iOS, new horizons are always interesting.

GG: Any wishes for our readers.
D.G.: Be outdoors more often and communicate more with your family! Happiness is not in computer games :)

GG: Dmitry, thank you for the interview and creative success to you!

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K: Wikipedia: Pages on KU (type: not specified)
Katauri Interactive
Key figures
Products and services
Number of employees

Company projects:

Company projects in development:

Projects of the Elemental Games company, on which most of the team has worked in the past:

Continuations from other developers:

  • King's Bounty: The Dark Side (2014)

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Notes (edit)

  • "Katauri" is the name of a type of ships of the Klisan fleet from the first part of the Space Rangers saga.
  • The original staff of the company included the same employees that were part of Elemental Games, with the exception of Alexei Dubovoy.
  • Magazinnikov Ivan Vladimirovich, one of the former game designers of the company, is also known as a science fiction writer in the style of humorous fiction, LitRPG, and cyberpunk.


  • in the Internet resource of Russian developers of computer games - DTF

Excerpt from Katauri Interactive

When Pierre returned to Moscow, he received a letter from Marya Dmitrievna, who called him to her in a very important business concerning Andrei Bolkonsky and his bride. Pierre avoided Natasha. It seemed to him that he had a stronger feeling for her than a married man should have for his friend's bride. And some kind of fate constantly brought him to her.
"What happened? And what do they care about me? he thought as he dressed to go to Marya Dmitrievna's. Prince Andrew would come as soon as possible and marry her! " thought Pierre on the way to Akhrosimova.
On Tverskoy Boulevard, someone called out to him.
- Pierre! Have you arrived long ago? A familiar voice shouted at him. Pierre raised his head. In a pair of sleighs, on two gray trotters, throwing snow at the heads of the sleigh, Anatole flashed by with his ever-present comrade Makarin. Anatole was sitting upright, in the classic pose of military dandies, wrapping the bottom of his face in a beaver collar and bowing his head a little. His face was rosy and fresh, his hat with a white plume was worn on his side, revealing his curled hair, pomaded and strewn with fine snow.
“And really, here is a real sage! thought Pierre, he sees nothing beyond a real moment of pleasure, nothing disturbs him, and that is why he is always cheerful, contented and calm. What would I give to be like him! " thought Pierre with envy.
In Akhrosimova's hall, the footman, taking off Pierre's fur coat, said that Marya Dmitrievna was being asked to go to her bedroom.
Opening the door to the hall, Pierre saw Natasha sitting by the window with a thin, pale and angry face. She looked back at him, frowned, and left the room with an expression of cold dignity.
- What's happened? - asked Pierre, entering Marya Dmitrievna.
- Good deeds, - answered Marya Dmitrievna: - I've lived in the world for fifty-eight years, I've never seen such shame. - And having taken Pierre's word of honor to be silent about everything that he learns, Marya Dmitrievna told him that Natasha had refused her fiancé without the knowledge of her parents, that the reason for this refusal was Anatol Kuragin, with whom her wife Pierre had brought her, and with whom she wanted to run away in the absence of his father, in order to secretly get married.
Pierre, raising his shoulders and opening his mouth, listened to what Marya Dmitrievna was saying to him, not believing her ears. The bride of Prince Andrey, so much beloved, this formerly dear Natasha Rostova, exchange Bolkonsky for the fool Anatole, already married (Pierre knew the secret of his marriage), and fall in love with him so much to agree to run away with him! - This Pierre could not understand and could not imagine.
The sweet impression of Natasha, whom he had known since childhood, could not unite in his soul with a new idea of ​​her baseness, stupidity and cruelty. He remembered his wife. "They are all the same," he said to himself, thinking that he was not alone in the sad fate of being associated with a nasty woman. But he still felt sorry for Prince Andrew to tears, he felt sorry for his pride. And the more he pitied his friend, the more contempt and even disgust he thought of this Natasha, with such an expression of cold dignity passing by him through the hall. He did not know that Natasha's soul was filled with despair, shame, humiliation, and that it was not her fault that her face inadvertently expressed calm dignity and severity.