Reportage photography of events. What is the difference between reportage photography and a regular photo shoot? A photographer about staged and reportage photography

What you need to know when you first shoot a report.What equipment to take with you.What and how to shoot at the event.

We will talk about all this and many other things in the article "The first shooting of the reportage". Today I will talk about all the basic things a photographer needs to know to successfully shoot a reportage.

So, you were invited to shoot a report: corporate party, music festival, presentation or any other event. To shoot successfully, first of all, you need to properly prepare. Let's take a look at what equipment a reportage photographer's bag should have.

Photographer's bag


During the reportage, the photographer must be ready to shoot diverse shots. First you have to shoot people in the banquet hall, and then - the musicians on the stage.

This is why you need lenses that will cover all major focal lengths. Most photographers use two types of optics to shoot their reportage:

    • Wide-angle lens ("shirik")

It is “shirik” that is the main working lens of a reportage photographer. With a lens like this, you can fit a large number of subjects into the frame. And this is necessary when shooting general shots or, for example, group portraits.

The 35mm is a classic wide angle reportage lens. Practice shows that the majority of reportage shots are taken precisely at this focal length. It is also very convenient to use zoom lenses such as 18-70mm. With a zoom lens, you can quickly change the focal length, which is very important in sequential shooting conditions.

    • Long focus lens (telephoto)

The most popular and convenient telephoto for reporting is 70-200mm. A TV set is used when you are far from the subject, which often happens in a reportage. You can also use it to make interesting close-up portraits of event visitors.

So, in our photo bag we put 18-70mm and 70-200mm lenses, so we can work at focal lengths from 18 to 200 mm. This means that we will be able to make any frame that we need.

I have given the main characteristics of lenses in a separate article.


The flash is one of the main working tools of the reportage photographer. Events are often very poorly lit and extra light is essential. You already know how to choose a flash.

But when going to shoot a reportage, you must take into account several important things:

    • Bring spare sets of flash batteries with you.

In sequential shooting, you will be taking a large number of shots, which means that your flash battery will quickly run out. Always carry 4-5 spare sets of batteries with you. It is better to have unused batteries after the event than if the batteries run out during shooting and you cannot use the flash.

    • Take a colored tracing paper

Colored tracing paper, or just a small plate made of translucent plastic, is a necessary thing for some cases. The point is that sometimes you need to color the light from the flash. For example, when you need to warm up the flash light. To do this, simply stick the orange plate on the flash - and you get warmer colors.

    • Reflectors and diffusers

The light from the flash is very hard and highly directional. Precisely in order to soften and diffuse it, there are reflectors and diffusers. If you really want to do high quality photos- you should always have them with you on set. In the near future, I will talk separately about the use of reflectors for flashes.

Important little things

When going to shoot, it is important not to forget about a few necessary things:

    • Batteries and chargers

In addition to the battery pack for the flash, take an additional battery for the camera. It is best to have a charger for your camera and flash batteries with you.

    • Polarizing filter

When shooting a reportage, you often have to choose between high ISOs (and therefore more noise) or shooting at slower shutter speeds, fraught with the appearance of wiggle. It is also important to remember that during processing you may need to brighten the photo, which means that the noise will become even more noticeable.

But nevertheless, practice shows that it is better to raise the ISO all the same, because the shake is much more difficult to remove during processing, in contrast to digital noise. For working with noise, there are special noise reduction programs, for example, Noise Ninja or Neat Image.

When we have filmed the material and brought it home, the next stage of work begins - photo processing.

Processing of reportage photos

What is the main feature of processing reportage frames?

The fact that you are working with a large volume of photographs. As a rule, "at the exit" the photographer should get 300-600 selected good photos... The number of frames varies depending on the duration of the event, but in any case, you have to process a large amount of material.

To work effectively with so many photos, you need to be able to use batch processing, that is, processing a large number of photos at once. I will talk more about batch processing in the near future, as this topic really deserves a separate article.

It is also very important to pay attention to the colors in the photo. Your photos should be bright, vibrant and saturated.

Such photographs immediately attract attention and a priori are liked by customers. If you are shooting outdoors, always raise the Saturation and Contrast slightly - this will make the frame livelier and more vibrant.

Besides brightness and saturation, it is very important that your photos are sharp.

The sharpness of the frame is one of those things that even a person who is far from photography and photography notices. The biggest problem with sharpening is that the noise in the photo increases along with the sharpening. But this can be avoided by using one very effective batch sharpening technique with actions in Photoshop. The essence of this method is that we increase the sharpness only in the light areas of the frame, without affecting the shadows (where the noise is most noticeable).

I described this sharpening method in detail in a previous article.

And always, absolutely always, along with full-size photos, I write a preview of 700-800 pixels on the long side to disk. Viewing them is much faster and easier than bulky full-sizes, and they can also be sent by mail or posted on "classmates".

Of course, the topic of reportage shooting is huge and has a lot of nuances that cannot be described in one article. And in the future I will definitely devote several more articles to this topic.

It has become a long-standing tradition that all significant events, be it an event of national importance or a book exhibition, or a film festival, are covered not only by journalists, but also by photographers. A series of photographs capturing individual moments, episodes of what is happening are called a photo reportage or reportage shooting.

Process specifics

Sequential shooting is fundamentally different from the usual. Fundamentally different, first of all, the approach to the selection and presentation of material. For a photo session or traditional photography, the artistic side of nature is important, i.e. what is photographed and depicted on the card. Therefore, any photographer is also an artist to some extent. He tries not only to show distinctive features subject, but do it beautifully, with a twist, creating

The photographer carefully plans the composition of future photographs, chooses the desired lighting tone, color range. He may ask his models to smile or pretend to be sad, depending on the plot. And even if the photos are ordered and must meet certain requirements, the photographer still has many opportunities for improvisation. Reportage is not like that.

The main task of the photojournalist is the objectivity and truthfulness of the work. Taking pictures of the president's visit to or his meeting with the people in the provincial outback, taking pictures at the scene of the next accident or from the opposition protest rally, the reporter creates the chronicle of the country, writes its history. Reportage shooting is done impromptu, on the move, and the photographer must have time to guess the desired angle, choose the most successful shooting point, its moment. You need to act quickly so as not to miss a special gesture or movement, a "talking" background and such details that will turn the picture into a photographic document. Thus, a kind of photo story is obtained, which should be presented in an interesting, exciting, bright, lively manner. Often, for the sake of one correct shot, the reporter presses the "start" button dozens of times, and then selects several of the most successful ones. He is an eyewitness, and through his photographs the viewer becomes involved in what was happening, plunges into the thick of events, becomes a participant in them, feels the intensity of passions and drama, experiences unique moments in history.

It is clear that reportage shooting is a complex business, it requires high professional skills. It is not possible to learn how to present material “simply but tastefully” in one day or a month. The hand and eye are "stuffed" for years. After all, the selected pictures should be vital and convey the spirit of the events. Therefore, we can say: reportage shooting is a story in "pictures" about their contemporaries and their era.

Often, a series of photographs accompanies the text of a newspaper article or blog post. Therefore, the content of the photo report must correspond to the text, and often without prior agreement. This consistency is also one of the hallmarks of professionalism.

We are shooting a holiday!

One of the types of photo reportage is shooting holidays. Like reportage, it includes almost all genres and types of landscape, "from nature", interior, ie. household, static and mobile. Photographing holidays should convey the appropriate atmosphere, mood, emotions. And then the photographer turns into an artist. It captures the brightest and most colorful moments, the most touching and happy, funny and interesting. After all, such a report helps to preserve the memory of the solemn events for many years.

The profession of a photographer is a profession by vocation. She must be loved, she must be lived, she must strive for perfection. Only then can you become a true master photojournalist.

One of the most famous contemporary Russian photographers Sergey Maksimishin recommends to his students 54 of the best reportage photographers of our time. Let's briefly describe each of them.

Jan Dago

Danish photographer Jan Dago began his work with short films, but he became famous thanks to his emotional photo reports, which he created over several years in the most different countries the world. Yang Dago has been a World Press Photo laureate three times. His works are published in the most famous international publications.

Stanley Greene

main photo

“I never have money, because every penny I spend on my trips and reporting on what I think is important. I try to ask magazines for orders, and they answer: "No, we'd better take pictures of Paris Hilton's under her skirt." Unfortunately, what she has there will not save the world ... "- Stanley Greene said in one of his interviews.

All his work serves the main goal - to tell about the crises of our time, to show the cruelty of wars and the destructive consequences of environmental problems, to draw public attention to what is happening next to us. Deeply philosophical and realistic, Stanley Green's reportage photographs have long won fame as the best.

Seamus Murphy

Seamus Murphy's portfolio is like a book dedicated to all the inhabitants of the planet. This is an incredibly emotional, empathic story about the life of different nations. Sometimes his photographs are slightly ironic, but often they are still tragic, just like human destinies. Seamus Murphy has been awarded the World Press Photo Award seven times.

Bruno Stevens

Bruno Stevens is the author of many memorable reports, who covered conflicts in Serbia, Angola, East Africa and other countries, a photographer who created poetic images of everyday life. Here's what he says about his work: “I observe, think, analyze. My photos are stories in which I put my emotions and feelings. They have to be deep, like metaphors ... I am not creating anything. My camera is like a notebook or notebook. I write with light. "

Thomas Dworzak

Thomas Dvořák was only 20 years old when he voluntarily gave up a prosperous life in Bavaria and wanted to know what war was. He dedicated his life to the genre of photo essay, visited various hot spots and took shots that will forever remain in world war photography. “I like the fact that I am not able to fully control what is happening during the shooting; the only decision on my part is the choice of the frame. You might say that this is a flaw in photography, but it is also what makes it magic. " Thomas says.

Antonin Kratochvil

A native of the Czech Republic, Antonin Kratochvil wandered around Europe for a long time. At 24, he moved to the United States, where he began his career as a photographer. During this time, he captured many decisive events that took place in the world: the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, military conflicts in Iraq, Nigeria and other countries. Showing war along with everyday life, Kratochvil created a documentary realistic gallery of the life of his contemporaries.

Larry Towell

Larry Towell is not only a photographer, he is engaged in folk music, writes books and simply observes the life around him. "If there is a theme that connects all my works, I think it is land: how it makes people what they become, and what happens to them when they lose their land, losing their identity with it." says Larry.

Jan Grarup

“My most important advice is to listen to your heart. If you shoot without empathy, you will fail. Only the time spent at the shooting location with the characters, only communication and interaction, only help and sympathy will help you create a real story ", - Jan Grarup once said. His black-and-white shots tell about the troubles and other people's pain. Showing the life of people in the conditions of wars and crises, he draws the attention of the world community to small feats that have become an integral part of the lives of some of us.

Carolyn Cole

Carolyn began her career as a photojournalist immediately after graduating from university in 1983. She visited Kosovo, Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq - wherever serious military events took place. In 2004, Carolyn won the Pulitzer Prize for her photo coverage of Liberia.

Alexandra Boulat

Alexandra covered the tragic events that took place around the world. Her pictures were published by the largest publications: Newsweek, Paris Match, National Geographic. She was one of the leading French reporter photographers. Since 2006, Alexandra has specialized mainly in the conflict in Gaza. In 2007 she passed away.

Tomasz Gudzowaty

Polish photographer Tomasz Gudzovati specializes in non-commercial sports photography. In his portfolio, we see dynamic shots of Mongolian horse racing, street parkour, kung fu training and much more. His work is widely published by Forbes, Newsweek, Time and The Guardian. Tomas himself does not consider himself a sports photographer and says that each of his shots is a story about a person.

Tim Clayton

Tim Clayton is also involved in sports photography. The British reporter has already covered eight Olympics and five Rugby World Championships. Finally, he is interested in street photography. For his unique sense of composition and ability to choose unusual angles, Tim is sometimes called the living classic of photography.

Heidi Bradner

Heidi Bradner is known for her humanistic reportage shots. Her works are actively published by New York Times Magazine, Granta, GEO, Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Stern. "When I am in another country, I am very open to what people tell me ..."- says Heidi. This must be the secret of her success.

Noel Patrick Quidu

French photographer Noel Patrick Quidy has shot in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Chechnya, Yugoslavia and the Balkans. "The war is so ugly that I do not understand those who seek to take beautiful photographs", - he said once. His shots are realistic and at the same time filled with humanism and sympathy. Noel won the World Press Photo award three times.

Ikka Uimonen

Ikka Uimonen, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, has made war reporting as his main genre. The main theme of his work was the coverage of military conflicts in Afghanistan and Palestine.

Christopher Morris

Christopher Morris is one of the most famous American photojournalists. He filmed the invasion of US troops in Iraq, military operations in Colombia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Chechnya and other countries, a total of 18 international conflicts. Christopher is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Robert Capa Gold Medal and the World Press Photo Award. “The role of the photographer in war is very important: we must face its ugliness if we want world peace. The new millennium has begun, but the conflicts have become not less, but more. If you consider South Africa and Zimbabwe dangerous countries, where it is dangerous for a white person to appear on the street at night, remember that these are the consequences of the past - the blindness of the colonialists and occupiers. ", he says.

Luc Delahaye

Luc Delaye is a renowned French photographer who has been photographing wars, social conflicts, suffering and poverty for many years. His work is distinguished by an emphasized honesty in front of the viewer, which is combined with a thoughtful drama of the narrative, consisting of a series of photographs. Luke began working in the mid-1980s, and over the past almost 30 years has filmed almost all significant military conflicts - in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Chechnya and Iraq. Luc Delaye's photographs are not only published in the press, but also exhibited in museums, creating truly powerful compositions.

“It's just true that in Afghanistan, death coexists with beautiful views. Don't show this contradiction ?,- says Luke ... - Journalists representing the press see Afghan landscapes, but do not shoot them because they were not asked to do so. My best efforts are to be as neutral as possible and to feel as much as possible in order to allow the image to reveal to the viewers the mystery of the real. "

Georgy Pinkhasov

Georgy Pinkhasov is one of the outstanding photographers of his generation and the only Russian to become a full member of the reputable Magnum agency. After graduating from VGIK, Georgy worked as a free artist, first in the USSR, then, since 1985, in France. His works are extremely colorful, and one of the most famous was the series "Tbilisi Baths", after the creation of which he was admitted to Magnum. Georgy Pinkhasov - winner of World Press Photo, Bourse de la Ville de Paris (France), Society of News Design Awards of Excellence (USA), his works are published in GEO, Actuel, New York Times.

“All my best photographs are contingencies. You just need to destroy your own self-will, stereotype and surrender to the free wave ... You need to find harmony with reality, but, again, this does not guarantee you success. "

James Nachtwey

James Nachtwey is one of the most famous war photographers who began working in conflict zones back in 1981, when he made the almost legendary report on the unrest in Northern Ireland. After that, war and social clashes became the main theme of his works, imbued with real pain and a call to stop violence on the entire planet. James has worked in South Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as Eastern Europe.

His dedication to his cause and humanistic ideals has made James Nachtwey one of the most respected reportage photographers, which is reflected not only in a large number of solo exhibitions, but also in the World Press Photo Award in 1994, as well as in five Robert Capa Medals in 1983, 1984, 1986. , 1994 and 1998.

“I'm half deaf. I have bad nerves and are constantly ringing in my ears ... I guess I became deaf because I did not put the earplugs in my ears, because I really wanted to hear. I wanted to achieve maximum strength of sensations, even if they are too painful "- says James.

Gideon Mendel

Gideon Mendel was born in 1959 in South Africa. As a civic activist, with his photographs, he not only tries to draw attention to any problem, but literally calls for solving it. And the main theme of his work, which is not surprising for the South African, was the problem of AIDS. He was one of the first to describe this terrible disaster through the use of photography.

For his work, Gideon Mendel has received many awards, and his photographs are actively published by the world's leading publications, including National Geographic, Fortune Magazine, Condé Nast Traveler, GEO, The Sunday Times Magazine, The Guardian Weekend Magazine, L’Express and Stern Magazine.

Andrew Testa

Andrew Testa was born in England in 1965 and began his career as a freelance photographer for the Guardian and Observer newspapers. The first direction of his work was the protest movement of the "greens", but since 1999 Andrew Testa has completely gone into reportage photography, covering numerous armed conflicts. His first place of work was Kosovo, and then the countries of Central Asia, the Balkans and other regions.

He received his first World Press Photo award back in 1994, and since then there have been three of them. Unsurprisingly, his reporting can be seen in publications such as Newsweek, Time, Stern, GEO, Paris Match, Der Spiegel, The Sunday Times Magazine and many more.

Anthony Suau

Anthony Sauw is an American photojournalist specializing in social conflicts and their reflection in the fate of people. He filmed the demolition of the Berlin Wall, which marked the beginning of his ten-year project on the transformation of the Eastern Bloc, created a report on the famine in Ethiopia, for which he received a Pulitzer Prize, and became the author of a photo project about images and slogans within the United States during the Iraq War. Anthony Svoe visited Moscow twice: in 1991, during the putsch, and in 2009.

“I am aware of the risks involved in any military conflict. When I go there, I know what I'm going for. Often a journalist speaks on one side, and each of them has its own truth, its own ideals, its own understanding of what they are fighting for. I try never to separate them. It is important for me how I see the history of this or that conflict. "

Ron Haviv

Ron Haviv is a photographer who made it his goal to show the war as it is. Born in 1965, almost immediately after graduating from New York University, he began to film armed conflicts that have become commonplace even in Europe. Among his first missions were the Battle of Vukovar in Croatia, the siege of Sarajevo, the atrocities committed in Serbian concentration camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and much more. He also filmed other tragedies: the earthquake in Haiti, famine in Bangladesh, the war with drug lords in Mexico. In 2001, Ron Haviv founded the VII photo agency, which, along with him, included, for example, Christopher Morris and James Nachtwey.

He recalls: “It's terrible when someone is killed next to you. The first time it happened, I was not allowed to film. I couldn't save them, but if I hadn't told the world about it, it would have been even worse. And I promised myself that if I find myself in this situation again, then at least I will be able to press the button. ".

Paolo Pellegrin

Paolo Pellegrin is an Italian photographer who combines the talent of a photojournalist with the talent of a photo artist, creating sometimes real works of art, which at the same time do not lose their original content, remaining a deep journalistic work.

Paolo was born in 1964 in Rome and originally planned to become an architect, but after studying for three years, he realized that he was attracted to photography much more. He completed his studies at the Faculty of Photography, after which he moved to Paris and worked for the VU agency for ten years. Since the late 1990s, wars and social conflicts have become the main themes of Paolo Pellegrin's works, while he himself moves from one hot spot to another. It was in this field that Paolo became best known, and his work has brought him numerous awards: World Press Photo, Leica Medal of Excellence and the Robert Capa Gold Medal.

“I started traveling in the late 1990s, photographing events in Darfur and other hot spots of the time. I filmed Kosovo. Since then I have not been able to stop ", -tells the photographer.- I think it's important for me to want to document and create a visual story about our story, at least part of it. I am interested in the social, humanistic side of photography, and for me this is the main attitude towards life. I love to communicate with people and be an intermediary between a photograph and its viewer. The motivation for me is to connect these three components. "

Alex Webb

Alex Webb is one of the few photographers with a truly deep classical education. In addition to his photography studies at the Carpenter Fine Arts Center, he studied literature and history at Harvard University. And in 1975 he began his career as a professional photographer, and he was immediately noticed by the public and editors.

Over the years, he has achieved impressive success, becoming a recognized master of photography: his work can be found in the Cambridge Museum of Art, the International Center for Photography in New York and many other museums. In addition, as a journalist, he is actively published in publications such as National Geographic, GEO, Time, New York Times Magazine. Also Alex Webb is the author of numerous books on photography.

“When I work, I really have to work. I need to stay tuned. I have to get up early in the morning, leave the house and be curious; when the light becomes less interesting, then I go to breakfast ... I work in color, so the quality of lighting is especially important to me, for this reason I shoot more at one time of the day than at another. I always try to be outside in the afternoon and evening, ”says Alex.

Francesco Zizola

Italian photographer Francesco Zizola was born in Rome in 1962. He came to photojournalism shortly before the outbreak of numerous armed conflicts in Europe and other parts of the world, so it is not surprising that the young Italian photographer began to visit these hotspots as a correspondent. He was in Angola in 1996, prepared two projects on Iraqi issues, and filmed in Africa, Brazil and other regions.

The result of 13 years of his work was the book Born Somewhere, dedicated to the children of the countries he visited. For his work, Francesco Zizola has received seven World Press Photo awards and four Picture of the Year awards.

David Guttenfelder

American war reporter David Guttenfelder, like all his colleagues, simply cannot stay at home for a long time and tries to go on a new trip at the first opportunity. However, few of the photographers managed to visit a total of 75 countries around the world!

The main themes of his work are wars and those humanitarian disasters that accompany them. David has covered the Rwandan genocide, conflicts in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq. However, he does not refuse to work at various important events such as the inauguration of Barack Obama or the Olympics (he attended several).

One of his most famous projects was a series of photographs from North Korea, which is not easy for an American, and even a professional photojournalist, to get into. Nevertheless, David Guttenfelder managed to make a very informative report from one of the most closed countries in the world.

Eric Refner

Dane Eric Refner began his career as a commercial photographer. However, at some point, he realized that the romance of photojournalism attracted him much more, and began to travel the world with a camera in his hands. He filmed conflicts in Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq.

However, Eric is not limited only to wars and humanitarian disasters, the range of his creativity is much wider. In particular, he received the World Press Photo award for his report on the "last romantics of rockabilly" who still live as if they were in the 1950s.

“I hate to hear complaints and excuses that things are not going the way they want. I don't like people who are cold about their work. There is nothing technically complicated in photography. It is important to understand and desire to do something unique, without passion for this business nothing will work ", - tells the photographer.

Reza Deghati

Reza Degati is one of the most famous photographers of our day, whose photographs have graced the covers of such publications as National Georgaphic, GEO, Time Photo and many others. Born in Iran, he was forced to leave in 1979 following a coup d'état that brought radical Islamists to power.

Over the years, Reza Degati has achieved recognition as one of the outstanding humanist photographers, combining professional talent with a sincere love for humanity. His photographs are imbued with the desire for the best, the desire to "give the world a chance", so it is not surprising that, having proved himself as a photographer and teacher (since 1983 he has implemented many educational programs in different countries of the world), Reza Degati is also a philanthropist. In 2001, he founded AINA, a charitable association dedicated to children's education.

“Two natures coexist in me, a photographer and a humanist. Photography for me is not just a picture. With my work, I try to establish a connection between cultures, as well as show the society countries and people that they have not seen ”, says Reza.


Iranian photographer Abbas Attar first became famous on a global scale back in the 1970s, when he began filming the gradually maturing Islamic revolution in his country. After the 1979 coup, he left his homeland and moved to France. As a photojournalist, he worked in various parts of the world, covering mainly wars and other conflicts. Abbas visited countries and regions such as Bangladesh, Ireland, Vietnam, Chile, Cuba, the Middle East, South Africa during the apartheid era.

Since the late 1980s, Abbas has been engaged in a large project dedicated to the rise of Islam in different regions of the planet, which not only brought fame to the photographer, but also developed into a kind of attempt to show the reality of religions as such, as well as the clash of various ideologies.

“I would call this feeling an inspiration, with the amendment that it is far from religious. To see the whole event and the multidirectional flows of people in it, you need to distinguish between color, shadows and lines. To do this, you need to immerse yourself in the event and be sensitive, and I consciously do this. Sometimes during a Muslim prayer, in an Orthodox church, during a pagan rite, there is a feeling close to a trance, but even in this case, I still have to correctly adjust the exposure, ”- Abbas shares his thoughts.

Harry Hruyaert

Belgian photographer Harry Gruer, as a photojournalist for the famous Magnum agency, has found his special niche in the everyday life of photojournalism. In his bright, emphatically coloristic works, the West and the East meet. He made his first trip to Morocco back in 1969, and the bright, rich colors of this North African country inspired him to work. Since then, Harry Gruer has traveled all over the world and brought his bright and colorful reports from everywhere.

"A composition formed suddenly of color, lines and movement is magic."
“When filming anywhere, I try to be open to the world. The camera must be ready, and the head must be empty, so that prejudices do not prevent me from seeing the world as it is. "

Vladimir Semin

Vladimir Semin, series “Abandoned villages. Forgotten people "

Vladimir Semin is one of those photojournalists whose work is becoming international. Born in Tula, he is still in primary school became interested in photography, and after graduating from college he worked in the North. Then there was military service, study at Petrozavodsk University, work as a photojournalist in a youth newspaper. In the 1970s, Vladimir went on a long trip to the Pamir, Altai and Siberia. He visited many cities and towns and brought back the richest material from the trip.

Since 1976, Vladimir Semin worked at the Novosti Press Agency, and then as a freelance artist. His work has received worldwide recognition, he has received numerous international awards, including several World Press Photo awards, and has given a start in life to many Russian photographers.

“I am always looking for randomness. I can't get to the point right away. My photography language is an accident. I only have a feeling of inner attraction or coldness to this moment. Second. From experience I can see whether this situation is difficult or not. In addition to a difficult situation, she can still be cold, but she must become attached to her soul. It's just like a love moment. I do not want to say that this is ecstasy, but nevertheless it is at the level of some moment of ecstasy. A scene can be very short and I shoot a lot because I can't say “just that”. Two hundred percent. I shoot both this nuance and this one, so that when I cool down, when I am at home, I can choose and say, “this is mine or something close”,- says Vladimir.

Valery Shchekoldin

Cycle “History of Patriotic Photography. Photographer and Power "

Valery Shchekoldin from Ulyanovsk is a recognized classic of Soviet and Russian photography. Having started to get involved in her at the age of 16, he went to work for a long time. professional photographer... Valery worked as a designer at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and graduated from the Ulyanovsk Polytechnic Institute, all this time without parting with the camera, and only in 1974, at the age of 38, he began to devote all his time to photography.

Valery Shchekoldin is the author of many reports that honestly and impartially showed the Russian reality of the 80s and 90s of the last century. He traveled to many cities of the country, filmed in Chechnya. Today, in addition to working as a photographer, Valery Shchekoldin writes articles on photography.

“The photograph is taken not by the photographer, but by chance. Professionals who control everything are doomed to mediocre staff. The photographer is not a creator, the same Cartier-Bresson said that life is much more unusual than fiction: no brains are enough to invent such a frame that is given to you for free. We must wait for him ... ",- says Valery.

Nikolay Ignatiev

Religious procession to the river Velikaya, Kirov region

Nikolai Ignatiev came to photography quite late. For a long time, his sphere of professional interests was far from photojournalism - born in 1955 in Moscow, he received an economic education, and then served in Afghanistan as a translator from Farsi. And only after the end of the service, in 1982, Nikolai Ignatiev becomes a photographer. All his life he worked mainly in the genre of reporting, but he always tried to bring an element of genuine art into it.

In 1987 he moved to London, and a year later Life magazine published his material on the millennium of the Russian Orthodox Church. As a photographer for the Network Agency, he documented the collapse of the USSR, and subsequently published in leading publications such as the New York Times, Observer, American Express Magazine, Time, Fortune, Forbes, GEO, Stern, Vogue, Elle and The Sunday Times Magazine.

Yuri Kozyrev

Yuri Kozyrev is one of the most famous Russian photojournalists. For more than 25 years now, he has covered all the significant events taking place in our country, as well as many significant world events, including the wars in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq. Since 2011, Yuri Kozyrev traveled to Arab countries, seized by popular unrest.

As a result, this photographer's creative baggage has accumulated unique material that has brought him a large number of international awards, including six World Press Photo awards. Moreover, for three years Yuri Kozyrev was a member of the jury of this most authoritative competition for photojournalists.

“My work is for the soul, this is my life,- once said Yuri ... - And there was never a separation, there were stages of life. Filmed one thing - confined spaces, prisons, children living in difficult conditions. I've lived it all. And for the last 14-15 years I have been filming only war ”.

Oleg Nikishin came to professional photography at the age of 20 and since then has not parted with the camera, becoming over the years one of the most respected Russian photojournalists. Having started working in Kazan (first in the theater and then in the newspaper), he moved to Moscow in 1990 and collaborated first with Agence France-Presse, and then with the Associated Press.

As a staff photographer and then as a freelance photographer, Oleg worked in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Yugoslavia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, which brought him awards at prestigious Russian and international competitions.

Sergey Kaptilkin

Moscow photographer Sergei Kaptilkin is not just a photojournalist who has gained experience as a correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda and Izvestia newspapers. In addition, he creates amazing images on the verge of reality and surrealism, filled with ambiguous meaning. In them everyone sees something of their own. At the same time, the photographs of Sergei Kaptilkin are surprisingly harmonious and do not look like an artificial pile of plots.

Today his pictures are published by various publications, including Life, Time and National Geographic, and he also became popular on the Internet. For his work, Sergei Kaptilkin was repeatedly awarded various prizes, including Press Photo of Russia, Face Control Awards, Silver Camera, Stolychnaya History and others.

Victoria Ivleva

Victoria Ivleva is one of the most prominent domestic photojournalists. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University in 1983, she quickly gained considerable prestige among her colleagues. At the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century, she worked in all hot spots of the USSR, and then Russia. In 1991, Victoria became the only journalist to film inside the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For this material, she received the most prestigious award for a photojournalist - the World Press Photo Golden Eye.

Victoria Ivleva's works were published by many leading Russian, as well as many of the best world publications, in particular New York Times Magazine, Stern, Spiegel, Express, Sunday Times, Independent, Die Zeit, Focus, Marie Claire and others.

“When filming in dangerous places, you are usually separated from the event by the camera and work - you need to think purely photographically at the same time, there is simply no time to be afraid”, - says Victoria.

Alexander Zemlyanichenko

Alexander Zemlyanichenko is one of the prominent Russian photojournalists and documentary photographers. He has come a long way from an employee of the Saratov newspaper "Zarya Molodezhi" to the head of the photography department of the Moscow bureau of the Associated Press agency (with which he has been cooperating since 1990). All significant events of the Russian history of the last decades passed before the lens of the camera of Alexander Zemlyanichenko. And even now, as a manager and doing administrative work, he continues to film reports.

In addition to a large number of photographic awards, Alexander Zemlyanichenko is also a Pulitzer Prize laureate in 1992 and 1997. Many of his photographs (for example, a snapshot of Boris Yeltsin dancing at a rock concert) have long been well-known and have taken on a life of their own, separating from the author.

“If you do not see the frame that you need, then it is simply not there, and you don’t need to invent it, interfere in the course of events, artificially create a performance,” Alexander said in one of his interviews. “But waiting for your moment, which would well express what is happening, and catching it - this is a real and rare pleasure for a photographer, which does not happen every day.”

Vladimir Vyatkin

Vladimir Vyatkin is an outstanding Russian photojournalist. He came to photography as a very young man, after graduating from school, and immediately to the Novosti Press Agency. Of course, not for the position of a photojournalist: at first he was a laboratory assistant, and then a student of the artist. In fact, since 1968, Vladimir Vyatkin has been continuously working for the APN and his successor, RIA Novosti.

Over a long career, he has collected perhaps the most impressive collection of professional awards among all Russian photojournalists: he has seven World Press Photo awards alone, including the highest, the Golden Eye. In addition, many of the best contemporary Russian photographers are students of Vladimir Vyatkin.

“Photography is an excellent textbook of life, inner states, discoveries and experiences. This is the energy of knowledge, self-improvement, self-discovery. Before, I never thought that photography could at some point replace a certain kind of literature or supplement it, ”- Vladimir Vyatkin is sure.

Alexandra Demenkova

Alexandra Demenkova is one of the representatives of contemporary Russian photographers, although her work is based on traditional realism, with which she tries to show people life as it is, without embellishment. Her works have been repeatedly exhibited in different countries, as well as published in leading Russian publications.

“I am sometimes told that I shoot in the tradition of humanistic photography; I do not mind, although it often means a reproach for being old-fashioned, -

They have a lot to learn

Reportage photography is probably one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting genres. After all, the photographer must tell a story in one shot. And so that it was exciting and bright.

In this article, we have collected the best photographers and reportages of our time. Who have reached unprecedented heights in this difficult genre.

Stanley Greene

In his photographs, Stanley Greene shows the stories of people's lives. He has no purpose to portray death or shock the public with his photographs. His photographs reflect death and destruction in the faces of those who survived, and these photographs give us a glimpse of the war.

Seamus Murphy calls photography "half history and half magic." This short description can serve as a title for the entire archive of his works, because his work is particularly penetrating. For a long time he has shot in the Middle East, Europe, Russia and the Far East, Africa, North and South America. He is a six-time winner of the World Press Awards.

Polish photographer who specializes in non-commercial sports photography. Among his works you can find dynamic shots of Mongolian races, street parkour, training of kung fu masters and much more. His works are actively published by such well-known publications as Forbes, Newsweek, Time and The Guardian. Tomas himself does not consider himself a sports photographer and says that each of his shots is a story about a person.

The shots by French photographer Noel Patrick Quidy are lifelike. And at the same time, they are filled with humanism and compassion. "The war is so ugly that I do not understand those who seek to take beautiful photographs", says the photographer. For his shots, Noel won the World Press Photo award three times.

Bradner is widely known for her humanistic photography. Her works are actively published by New York Times Magazine, Granta, GEO, Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Stern. "When I am in another country, I am very open to what people tell me ..."- says Heidi. Apparently, this is the secret of her success.

This is one of the most famous American photojournalists. In total, he filmed 18 international conflicts, including the invasion of US troops in Iraq, military operations in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Chechnya and other countries. Christopher has won numerous awards, including the World Press Photo Award. "The role of the photographer in war is very important: we must face its ugliness if we want world peace." - says the photographer.

The renowned French photographer has been photographing wars, social conflicts, poverty and suffering for many years. Emphasized honesty in front of the viewer, combined with thoughtful dramatic storytelling, is what sets this photographer apart from others. His photographs are not only published in the press, but also exhibited in museums, creating truly powerful compositions.

“My every effort is to be as neutral as possible and to feel as much as possible in order to allow the image to reveal to the viewers the mystery of the real.”

An outstanding photographer and the only Russian who has become a full member of the most reputable agency Magnum. His works are extremely colorful, and one of the most famous was the series "Tbilisi Baths", after the creation of which he was admitted to Magnum. His photographs are published in GEO, Actuel, New York Times.

“All my best photographs are contingencies. You just need to destroy your own self-will, stereotype and surrender to the free wave ... You need to find harmony with reality, but, once again - this does not guarantee you success. "

With his photographs, the photographer not only tries to draw attention to any problem, but literally calls on to solve it. The main theme His creativity, which is not surprising for the South African, became the problem of AIDS. He was one of the first to describe this terrible disaster through the use of photography.

His photographs are actively published by the world's leading publications, including National Geographic, Fortune Magazine, Condé Nast Traveler, GEO, The Sunday Times Magazine, The Guardian Weekend Magazine, L’Express and Stern Magazine.

War and social clashes are the main theme of his work, imbued with real pain and a call to stop violence on the entire planet. James has worked in South Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as Eastern Europe.

His dedication to his cause and humanistic ideals has made James Nachtwey one of the most respected reportage photographers.

“I'm half deaf. I have bad nerves and my ears are ringing all the time ... I guess I became deaf because I didn’t put the earplugs in my ears, because I really wanted to hear. I wanted to achieve maximum strength of sensations, even if they are too painful ", says Nachtwey.

The English photographer began his career as a freelance photographer for the Guardian and Observer newspapers. The first direction of his work was the protest movement of the "green". But since 1999, he has completely gone into reportage photography, covering numerous armed conflicts.

He received his first World Press Photo award back in 1994, and since then there have been three of them. His work can be seen in publications such as Newsweek, Time, Stern, GEO, Paris Match, Der Spiegel, The Sunday Times Magazine and many others.

For more than 25 years, he has covered all the significant events taking place in our country, as well as many significant world events, including the wars in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq. As a result, this photographer's creative baggage has accumulated unique material that has brought him a large number of international awards, including six World Press Photo awards.

“My work is for the soul, this is my life... And there was never a separation, there were stages of life. I've lived it all. "

The goal of this photographer is to show the war as it is. He filmed the Battle of Vukovar in Croatia, the siege of Sarajevo, the atrocities committed in Serbian concentration camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and much more.

“It's terrible when someone is killed next to you. The first time it happened, I was not allowed to film. I couldn't save them, but if I hadn't told the world about it, it would have been even worse. And I promised myself that if I find myself in this situation again, then at least I will be able to press the button. ".

Jan Grarup's black and white footage tells about the troubles and pain of others. Showing the life of people in conditions of wars and crises, he draws the attention of the world community to small feats that have become an integral part of life.

“My most important advice is to listen to your heart. If you shoot without empathy, you will fail. Only time spent at the shooting location with the characters, only communication and interaction, only help and sympathy will help you create a real story ".

One of the most famous photographers of our day, whose photographs have repeatedly graced the covers of National Georgaphic, GEO, Time Photo and many others. His pictures are imbued with the desire for the best, the desire to "give the world a chance." In 2001, he founded AINA, a charitable association dedicated to children's education.

“Two natures coexist in me: a photographer and a humanist. Photography for me is not just a picture. With my work, I try to establish a connection between cultures, as well as show the society countries and people that they have not seen ”, says Reza.

Dane Eric Refner began his career as a commercial photographer. However, at some point he realized that the romance of photojournalism attracted him much more. And he began to travel the world with a camera in his hands.

But he did not confine himself to wars and humanitarian disasters. In particular, he received the World Press Photo award for his report on the "last romantics of rockabilly" who still live as if they were in the 1950s.

“I hate to hear complaints and excuses that things are not going the way they want. I don't like people who are cold about their work. There is nothing technically complicated in photography. It is important to understand and desire to do something unique, without passion for this business nothing will work. "

The Italian photographer came to photojournalism shortly before the outbreak of numerous armed conflicts in Europe and other parts of the world. Therefore, he began to visit these hot spots as a correspondent. He was in Angola in 1996, prepared two projects on Iraqi issues, and filmed in Africa, Brazil and other regions.

The result of 13 years of his work was the book Born Somewhere, dedicated to the children of the countries he visited. For his work, Francesco Zizola has received seven World Press Photo awards and four Picture of the Year awards.

This is one of the few photographers who has a deep classical education. He has achieved impressive success as a recognized master of photography, with his work to be found in the Cambridge Museum of Art, the International Center for Photography in New York and many other museums. In addition, as a journalist, he is actively published in publications such as National Geographic, GEO, Time, New York Times Magazine. Also Alex Webb is the author of numerous books on photography.

“I work in color. Therefore, the quality of lighting is especially important to me, for this reason I shoot more at one time of the day than at another. I always try to be outside in the afternoon and evening. "

As a photojournalist for the famous Magnum agency, he has found his special niche in the everyday life of photojournalism. In his bright, emphatically coloristic works, the West and the East meet.

"A composition formed suddenly of color, lines and movement is magic."
“When filming anywhere, I try to be open to the world. The camera must be ready, and the head must be empty, so that prejudices do not prevent me from seeing the world as it is. "

A recognized classic of Soviet and Russian photography. He owns many reports that honestly and impartially showed the Russian reality of the 80s and 90s of the last century.

“The photograph is taken not by the photographer, but by chance. Professionals who control everything are doomed to mediocre staff. The photographer is not a creator, the same Cartier-Bresson said that life is much more unusual than fiction: no brains are enough to invent such a frame that is given to you for free. We must wait for him ... ".