Business baguette workshop. How to open a framing workshop? What is required to start a business

At the present time, framing workshops enjoy a stable demand that is growing by ten to fifteen percent every year. These firms, engaged in the production of baguette frames, as well as the installation of hanging systems for paintings and photographs, have become especially popular due to the availability of modern cameras. Photographing accounts for about half of the orders received in such workshops.

At the moment, according to market participants, it is necessary to increase the number of baguette workshops two to three times.

In European countries, mini-workshops are found everywhere. This is often a family business, where the wife is responsible for taking orders while the owner of the business makes them himself.

As for Russia, the frames are made even by the business owners themselves, or at least under their control, and the workshop's turnover is two to five thousand dollars.

Most of the baguette workshops in our country have been established in the last couple of years. This type of activity is considered to be artistic design work, not production, therefore, a license for its conduct is not required. However, you need to register a company, register it and issue certificates for the offered goods: baguettes, mat.

Consider now all the steps that an entrepreneur must take in order to engage in this type of business.

Step 1. Premises.

First of all, make sure that the room for the framing workshop has an area of ​​at least eighty square meters. Twenty of them will go to the warehouse and the place where orders will be accepted, and another forty will be occupied by the workshop itself.

Since the production of frames cannot be called a quiet business, framing workshops are often arranged in basements or annexes to a building. This eliminates the costs of soundproofing, which are inevitable when a workshop is located close to living quarters.

Typically, each framing workshop has more than one point for accepting orders and it is better if the place of production and the point of registration of orders are located near a friend and in the city center. This will make the process more convenient and faster.

Opening several workshops in different districts would also be a good solution. With an ill-conceived location of workshops, it will take too much time and money to deliver orders.

Step 2. Equipment.

The purchase of the equipment will cost approximately six thousand dollars.

Frames are made using cutting at a certain angle and in compliance with the required size baguette profiles of the machine - a guillotine, which then holds the picture and the details of the frames with a stitching machine.

The guillotine works silently and is suitable for placement even in a residential building that does not have sound insulation. Moreover, this machine takes up little space.

However, it does not give the possibility of making curly and stucco frames. To do this, you need saws, the cost of which ranges from three to twelve thousand dollars. Such instruments are not produced in Russia. Entrepreneurs purchase equipment for baguette workshops in Moscow or Finland, where guillotines and saws are supplied from Italy, the USA and France.

Step 3. Personnel.

In Russia, baguette masters are not trained, but joiners, carpenters and restorers can work with them. However, for successful work sufficient (at least two years) experience is required.

The staff of the baguette workshop is small. Usually this is an inspector, an accountant and, of course, a foreman with assistants. The salary of a master is usually six to fifteen thousand rubles.

And at the initial stage, a business owner who owns the craft of a framing master, an order taker and an accountant are, perhaps, all the employees who are able to ensure the functioning of the workshop.

If the business is successful, it is worth considering hiring a design consultant who has an art education and will assist clients in choosing the shape and tone of the frame.

Step 4. Raw materials.

It should be noted that the baguette profile, the standard length of which is three meters, is not fully used in the work. There is always raw material left behind.

In an ordinary workshop, about fifty types of baguettes are presented, which are made in Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, Poland.

Unfortunately, there are no factories in Russia that produce such products in large quantities. And all over the world there are about four thousand of them.

Bologna hosts annually unique exhibition where large companies specializing in the production of baguettes showcase their products. If you are thinking about organizing your own framing workshop, surely visiting such an exhibition will be a useful and pleasant event for you.

In view of the current situation, raw materials are purchased in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where, in turn, they come from Italy and Spain.

Despite the fact that in St. Petersburg there are entrepreneurs engaged in the manufacture of baguette profiles and frames, their number is small, and the market for these services is not overcrowded. Of course, it is better to work in the area where the buyer of services is not satiated with offers.

Most of the orders received by the framing workshops (forty percent) are occupied by the design of graphic works, a little less - about thirty and twenty percent, respectively - the design of paintings and photos. And, finally, ten percent of the total number of orders falls on the design of non-artistic works, as well as embroidery.

The daily cost of the number of orders that even one master can complete is at least 5 to 50 thousand rubles.

Step 5. Specificity.

If your workshop is located next door to a photo gallery or an art salon, there will certainly be no end of clients. Or maybe you want to open your own salon too.

Orders are sometimes very unusual, for example ... to frame a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

But don't be surprised. In this way, you can design anything - from embroidery to icons.

As for the duration of order fulfillment, experience shows that not much time is needed - about forty minutes. The speed of work will attract customers.

Let's summarize. If you decide to open a framing workshop, you will need about ten thousand dollars. At the same time, the monthly rent for the premises will be from five to one hundred dollars per square meter, the purchase of equipment and materials will cost about six and three thousand dollars, respectively, and wage employees - at least two hundred dollars.

Opening of a baguette workshop.

One of the rather promising, but at the same time, not oversaturated with competitors, directions in modern small business is the market for the production of baguette workshops. Even taking into account the crisis, the demand for baguettes and the frame annually increases by an average of 10-15%.
The availability of this area for start-up entrepreneurs is explained, first of all, by the absence of the need to obtain a license. After all, the baguette direction does not refer to production activities, but to artistic restoration work.

Enough high demand for products baguette workshops, can be explained by the availability and popularity of photography. And almost 60% of photos are framed. Regular customers baguette workshops become like individuals- artists, designers who use baguettes for covering mirrors or paintings, and legal - owners of cafes, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, decorating the walls with posters or photographs.

To open your own baguette workshop first of all, you need to choose a suitable room. Its area should be 25-100 sq. m. depending on the planned volume of work. The workshop can be located in any area of ​​the city. The main functional requirements for the room are electricity and good lighting. it is important to remember, so it is necessary to pay attention that the production of baguettes is associated with noise, so it is worthwhile to be located far from residential buildings, or to install soundproofing.

The purchase of the equipment necessary for the workshop will cost 6-7 thousand dollars. With this money, you should purchase a guillotine (a machine that cuts the profile of a baguette to the desired size), a sewing machine and staplers. In the case of mastering the service for the manufacture of molded and curly frames, you will have to purchase special saws, costing 3-4 thousand dollars.

Framing Workshop Staff is on average 5-6 people, and at the initial stage, three may be enough. The average salary of an experienced baguette master starts from 15-30 thousand rubles.
To attract customers, you need to use the whole range of marketing activities: advertising on the Internet, advertisements in the newspaper, distribution of flyers, posting leaflets. Holding master classes on making baguettes with your own hands can be a good marketing ploy.

Framing workshop annual turnover that has found its market niche and receives corporate orders, can reach 50-200 thousand dollars. The profitability of orders ranges from 30-40% for standard orders to 200% and more for individual orders.

A very interesting Video on how baguettes are made:

Any entrepreneur can produce frames, since this type of activity does not require a license.

The production time for one frame is 40 minutes on average. It is highly demanded and promising business... For example, in St. Petersburg the demand for baguettes and frames is growing every year by 10-15%.

Many businessmen say that the market for framing workshops is pretty free.


“In Europe, as a rule, framing workshops are a family business. Each neighborhood has one small workshop. Usually the wife of the owner of the baguette workshop takes orders, he himself works at the machine, makes frames. "

But back to Russia. For example, in the aforementioned St. Petersburg, frames are made, after all, by individual entrepreneurs, not families. However, the founder can either do the production himself, or simply oversee the work.

Recently, this business has begun to develop more and more. The average turnover of baguette shops is from $ 2 to $ 5 thousand.

Due to affordable prices for cameras, interest in framing workshops is increasing. About 50% of orders are for photo decoration.

So, what steps do you need to go through if you decide to do this particular business?

Framing workshop: Choosing a room

Framing workshops are usually located in basements or outbuildings.

As a rule, the baguette workshop does not require special repairs.

Frame production is a noisy process, which is why many entrepreneurs prefer to be located away from residential or used premises. Soundproofing can be done, though.

In most cases, workshops have several points where orders are taken. It would be optimal if the workshop and the collection point are located in the same location. So you can quickly execute an order, sometimes even in front of the customer.

Framing workshop: Equipment

Equipment costs will be at least $ 6,000.

To make frames, you need a guillotine - a machine that cuts baguette profiles of the required size at the right angle, also one stitching machine that holds parts of the frames together, and staplers that fix the picture in the frame.

By the way, the guillotine is a silent machine, so your workshop can be located in a residential building. However, with the help of a guillotine, you cannot make curly, stucco frames. Therefore, when the baguette workshops expand, they buy special saws. The cost of one saw
from $ 3 to $ 12 thousand

But the main problem of this business is the following: In Russia, the equipment for the baguette workshop is not produced.

The best saws and guillotines are made in Italy, France, the USA by large industrial enterprises,
manufacturing woodworking machines.

Framing workshop: recruiting staff

In order to be able to call yourself a baguette master, it will take at least 2 years of work in this production.

Frames can be produced by graduates specializing in carpenter, cabinetmaker and restorer.

Usually, the staff of a baguette workshop consists of 5-6 people: 1-2 foremen with assistants, an inspector and an accountant.

At the initial stage, 3 people work in the workshops: the owner of the enterprise and the foreman in one person, the order taker and the accountant.
The average salary for a baguette maker ranges from 6 to 15
thousand rubles.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the position of a designer-consultant. This is a person with an art education. He helps clients to choose the color, look and shape of the frame.

Framing Workshop: Raw Materials

Frame raw material - baguette profile is never used 100%.
The standard baguette profile is 3 meters. In the process of work, there is always a remainder. When buying raw materials, this must be taken into account.

There are no more than 4 thousand enterprises in the world that
produce a baguette profile.

At the annual spring exhibition in Bologna (the only one in the world), you get to know the baguette producers and their products.

Raw materials are usually purchased in Moscow or in St. Petersburg baguette workshops, which themselves bring raw materials from Italy and Spain.

By the way, in Russia, attempts were still made to establish the production of a baguette profile, but this did not end with anything.

Based on the article by Galina Astashenkova for the newspaper

Any entrepreneur can produce frames, since this type of activity does not require a license.

The production time for one frame is 40 minutes on average. This is a very popular and promising business. For example, in St. Petersburg the demand for baguettes and frames is growing every year by 10-15%.

Many businessmen say that the market for framing workshops is pretty free.


“In Europe, as a rule, framing workshops are a family business. Each neighborhood has one small workshop. Usually the wife of the owner of the baguette workshop takes orders, he himself works at the machine, makes frames. "

But back to Russia. For example, in the aforementioned St. Petersburg, frames are made, after all, by individual entrepreneurs, not families. However, the founder can either do the production himself, or simply oversee the work.

Recently, this business has begun to develop more and more. The average turnover of baguette shops is from $ 2 to $ 5 thousand.

Due to affordable prices for cameras, interest in framing workshops is increasing. About 50% of orders are for photo decoration.

So, what steps do you need to go through if you decide to do this particular business?

Framing workshop: Choosing a room

Framing workshops are usually located in basements or outbuildings.

As a rule, the baguette workshop does not require special repairs.

Frame production is a noisy process, which is why many entrepreneurs prefer to be located away from residential or used premises. Soundproofing can be done, though.

In most cases, workshops have several points where orders are taken. It would be optimal if the workshop and the collection point are located in the same location. So you can quickly execute an order, sometimes even in front of the customer.

Framing workshop: Equipment

Equipment costs will be at least $ 6,000.

To make frames, you need a guillotine - a machine that cuts baguette profiles of the required size at the right angle, also one stitching machine that holds parts of the frames together, and staplers that fix the picture in the frame.

By the way, the guillotine is a silent machine, so your workshop can be located in a residential building. However, with the help of a guillotine, you cannot make curly, stucco frames. Therefore, when the baguette workshops expand, they buy special saws. The cost of one saw
from $ 3 to $ 12 thousand

But the main problem of this business is the following: In Russia, the equipment for the baguette workshop is not produced.

The best saws and guillotines are produced in Italy, France, the USA by large industrial enterprises,
manufacturing woodworking machines.

Framing workshop: recruiting staff

In order to be able to call yourself a baguette master, it will take at least 2 years of work in this production.

Frames can be produced by graduates specializing in carpenter, cabinetmaker and restorer.

Usually, the staff of a baguette workshop consists of 5-6 people: 1-2 foremen with assistants, an inspector and an accountant.

At the initial stage, 3 people work in the workshops: the owner of the enterprise and the foreman in one person, the order taker and the accountant.
The average salary for a baguette maker ranges from 6 to 15
thousand rubles.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the position of a designer-consultant. This is a person with an art education. He helps clients to choose the color, look and shape of the frame.

Framing Workshop: Raw Materials

Frame raw material - baguette profile is never used 100%.
The standard baguette profile is 3 meters. In the process of work, there is always a remainder. When buying raw materials, this must be taken into account.

There are no more than 4 thousand enterprises in the world that
produce a baguette profile.

At the annual spring exhibition in Bologna (the only one in the world), you get to know the baguette producers and their products.

Raw materials are usually purchased in Moscow or in St. Petersburg baguette workshops, which themselves bring raw materials from Italy and Spain.

By the way, in Russia, attempts were still made to establish the production of a baguette profile, but this did not end with anything.

Based on the article by Galina Astashenkova for the newspaper

The French word "baquette" is translated simply - "stick, twig". That is, it is the basic material that is used to make frames for paintings, photographs and anything that can be placed inside an elegant frame. The modern concept of a baguette has long ceased to be associated only with raw materials, spreading to naming the frames themselves in this way.

Therefore, thinking about the idea of ​​how to open a framing workshop, you need to analyze the market and calculate whether the result of a unique craft will be in demand in a particular region.

Does such a business have potential

First, you need to ask yourself this question, because without learning how to make perfect frames from a baguette, there is no point in investing in opening a workshop. The business plan of a framing workshop is unlikely to come true.

Manufacturing technology, if desired, can be mastered, but it is also important to have an artistic vision, creative inclinations. Only then will the baguette stick become magic. Recognized natural materials, which have long been used in the production of moldings, have begun to be actively replaced by such as plastic, aluminum and MDF.

But African ayus, Indonesian ramin, as well as native Russian cherries, oak, walnut, pine and spruce cannot be discounted. After all, the masters of the baguette business are unanimous in the opinion that a true, "living" baguette should be made of wood.

A wooden frame will ideally fit into any interior style, and using special mastics, you can achieve its aging, up to the effect of settled dust. Artistic taste is one of the main ingredients that can move a business idea forward. After all, people who want to embody a design project with a baguette in their interior, as a rule, come not only to order a frame, but also to consult with a specialist.

It is necessary to have not only a specific plan of action, but also an understanding of the styles of the interior and that, first of all, that it is impossible to drive a picture with a picturesque landscape, an old photograph and a graphic drawing dear to the heart, into the same standard frame. A magic baguette, participating in a classic profile, will create a perspective effect, in the opposite - it will produce a feeling of pushing. And in flat it will leave the image unchanged. How much depends on the master's framing and the halo created by him, "in whose hands" the image will sparkle with other colors.

Professional artists and photographers are people with a constant need for the products of the framing workshop, since even the most valuable painting will not produce the desired effect without the appropriate frame. Therefore, they themselves are often the creators of baguette business... And artificial materials make the purchase of frames much more affordable, and in office premises, it is metal frames for hanging diplomas, certificates, and letters of thanks are welcomed.

The results of what the baguette business offers are also in demand among ordinary citizens who want to replace the carpets on the wall with paintings or just a framed collage, which is quite fashionable in a modern interior.

For a business to become profitable, you need to study the modeling of the framework "from A to Z" and create samples for different technologies... Experienced entrepreneurs believe that the market is not yet oversaturated with the services of framing shops, and half of all orders for frames are frames for photographs, as this hobby is constantly expanding thanks to the expansion of functions of modern cameras. It is only necessary, having drawn up a plan, to open a workshop not next to the house (especially if the house is in countryside), but in an area where this service is not yet developed.

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First steps in business

The difficulty lies in the fact that in the curriculum of professional art educational institutions there are no subjects related to framing. Practice shows that you can become a specialist only after 2 years. hard work... However, this specialty is close "in spirit" to a master cabinetmaker, carpenter or restorer. You can also master science at special courses available in Moscow.

Do not think that the baguette attracts only the capital's residents. On the contrary, in a provincial town, where competition is low, development will go much more efficiently. As a rule, at the very beginning, a large number of workers are not required, the master himself takes orders and makes frames. All these functions coexist perfectly in one small room of 20-25 sq. meters. Of course, a minimum of 80 sq. m, but so far the business is at the initial stage.

It is not forbidden to go this way: rent a small room in the center of the district center, which will be called an office. Even 10 sq. m, where the sample frames will be located. And the main production, which is certainly associated with noise, should be located far from the human eye, even in your garage, even in the basement, even in the workshop of a private house. But then such an organization of work will adversely affect the timing of the order.

The machines that will be required: guillotine, assembly and for cutting mat. If the plan comes true and things go uphill, it will also be possible to purchase special saws needed for more graceful frames with patterns. They are also used for cutting metal, which is too tough for the guillotine.

Experts say that for a budget option for creating a baguette workshop, you can limit yourself to a cutting circular saw instead of a guillotine, which is probably in every household. If not, then the purchase will cost 5-15 thousand, depending on the model and manufacturer.

It is important not to save on a mechanical assembly machine, which will cost a maximum of 40 thousand. You can also use manual options for cutting out a passport, glass and an electric stapler.

If you purchase everything you need according to the plan, not sparing money and not saving on equipment, then 180-200 thousand will be required to implement the plan. But a zealous owner usually starts small, and as the business develops, he invests in its expansion and renovation.

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Where to get raw materials

Before opening a baguette workshop, you need to worry about materials for making a baguette, since they are all delivered from Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic. Raw materials are purchased in the capital cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), since not many large industries are engaged not only in the manufacture of frames, but also in the sale of raw materials purchased abroad.

You can also use the services Russian manufacturers, which are few, and the quality of such a baguette leaves much to be desired. It's good if you can find a wholesaler where you live. This will greatly simplify the supply of the required amount of materials, in accordance with a specific order, so as not to increase the amount of illiquid residues.