What does the proverb “happiness” mean, a calm conscience. Longing and grief and you can't hide behind a wrought-iron door

Posted by: Guest

gogol n.v. in his story, "the greatcoat" tells the reader about the life of the so-called "little man." describes the spiritual limitations and squalor of his hero. Akaki Akakievich was a timid, wordless creature who resignedly endured the "clerical ridicule" of his colleagues and the despotic rudeness of his superiors. the stupefying work of a copyist paralyzed any spiritual interests in him. Gogol's humor is soft and delicate. the writer does not for a single moment leave an ardent sympathy for his hero, who appears in the story as a tragic victim of the cruel conditions of modern reality. the writer creates a satirically generalized type of person - a representative of the bureaucratic power of Russia. the way the bosses behave with Bashmachkin, all "significant persons" behave. the humility and humility of the unfortunate Akaki Akakievich, in contrast to the rudeness of "significant persons", aroused in the reader not only a feeling of pain for humiliating a person, but also a protest against the unfair order of life, in which such humiliation is possible.

Posted by: Guest

Khlestakov is a brilliant image of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. the main meaning of this image is big claims and inner emptiness. it represents all the features of the era. that is why the life of the era was reflected in the work of "The Inspector" with tremendous force, and the images of Gogol's comedy became artistic types that allow us to more clearly understand the social phenomena of that time.

Posted by: Guest

In one kingdom lived a poor girl named Goldilocks. Her parents had nothing but a small abandoned mill.

once they sent goldilocks to the thicket for mushrooms. During this walk, she dreamed that someday her parents would live in prosperity and happiness. Thinking about this, she even burst into tears.

A kind sorceress flew past, fulfilling any wishes. Hearing the girl's cry, she flew closer to her and asked:

Girl why are you crying?

I remembered my parents and I felt sorry for them.

Perhaps I can do it for you. I have a magic wand and a box of wishes. Hit the box with a stick and your wish will certainly come true.

the goldilocks turned away from the modesty, but wanted a sorceress, and that even a trace was gone.

now she said, full of joy:

box, take me back to my parents' house and make them live in delivery. When the goldilocks returned, she saw more than she expected. in front of her was a huge house with beautiful windows and painted walls.

at that time, the young prince was going to poop. The prince, passing by the goldilocks house, noticed her and fell in love at first sight. The goldilocks also noticed him and fell in love too. then he drove up to the house and said: oh beautiful girl that struck me, marry me and I willingly undermine your desires.

How much wisdom in our country is passed by word of mouth through sayings. This is how parents explain to their children simple truths, people share their feelings with each other. What are the most popular sayings? Of course, proverbs about happiness and sorrow. We will talk about the most famous of them and explain their meaning.

Those who have not seen grief have never known happiness

This proverb explains well to a person that one should not despair in any situation. The proverb about happiness and sorrow says that without comparison we will not know what is good and what is bad. Well, how can a person know that he is living happily? He may be good, but he will always want more. And just at that moment, when misfortune befalls, we think about what was good before. And it also works in reverse side... Only a person who has seen and experienced a lot of grief in his lifetime can truly appreciate what happiness is.

Longing and grief and you can't hide behind a wrought-iron door

The services of a blacksmith have always been expensive. Therefore, not every family could afford forged doors. And from time immemorial it was believed that rich people live better. But this is far from the case. Proverbs about happiness and sorrow clearly show that, despite the most exquisite gates, life behind them is sometimes no better than behind a wooden gate. People naively believe that money can help them live happier lives. Beautiful houses, cars, trips abroad can diversify your leisure time and help to get rid of sad thoughts from your head. But in fact, wherever a person goes, he always takes himself with him. And your thoughts too.

Money can not buy happiness

This saying can be said to be a continuation of the previous one. People often reduced the proverbs about happiness and sorrow to money. After all, as you know, it is they who are considered the root of evil among many peoples. People spend all their time trying to make as much money as possible. And then, when they retire, they regret that they never really managed to live.

Poor people spend a lot of time jealous of their wealthy neighbors. They believe that cars, apartments and a good bank account are the keys to success. But you need to understand that it is impossible to buy the main joys of life. Love, friendship, fidelity and smiles cannot be acquired for money. All this is given to a person only for his spiritual merits.

Every person is a blacksmith of his own happiness

Very often people blame fate for their failures. That it was she who put a spoke in their wheels all their life. If they did something and then that, then they would have happiness. And the question is, who did not give a person the opportunity to act? Only he himself. Many people lack the willpower, ability, or determination to change their lives. It should be understood that everything can be changed at any time. But if you do not forge happiness with your own hands, then it will not get into your house in any way. This is what Russian proverbs are trying to convey to the minds of people. People have invented a lot about happiness and sorrow. So it's worth trusting folk wisdom and do not sit back, waiting for the bird of luck to illuminate you with its presence.

Today in flowers and tomorrow in tears

This proverb is always taught to the mothers of girls "for marriageable years." Young people are amorous and windy. They can adore their beau, who sings under the window serenades and presents armfuls of roses. But a smart girl understands that she needs to test her feelings with time. After all, tomorrow an ardent young man can change his idol and sing serenades under the windows of another. That is why they say where there are flowers today, there are tears tomorrow. Love is fickle, it needs to be supported and warmed up. If this is not done, then the feelings will grow cold. People in love who have received so much pleasure today may hate each other tomorrow and cry into their pillow about their unhappy love all night long.

To fall is not a problem, trouble is not to rise

This Russian proverb about happiness and grief is incredibly popular today. Young businessmen and just successful people post this phrase in their in social networks... Many consider it a motto. Why did it become so popular overnight? Because in the era of capitalism, the desire of every second person is to open their own business. But not everyone succeeds in establishing a successful enterprise. Many are burned out. And it is this unfortunate moment that breaks the fate of many people. But those individuals who managed to get up, usually from the second or third attempt, manage to establish their business. After all, it is already easier to act a second time when there is already an experience behind you, albeit an unsuccessful one.

Happiness happens to those who, in work and in the study of the mind, are gaining

The meaning of this proverb is very clear. They say that happiness is within the reach of even a fool. But after all, stupid people get pleasure from satisfying their natural needs and they simply do not have other needs. But smart people know how to enjoy their work. It is through creative self-realization that a person has the opportunity to become happy and leave a mark on history. But to achieve this, you need to work hard and spare no effort in studying.

Look for happiness not on the road, but in knowledge

There are proverbs not only in Russian. The Tatars have invented many legends about happiness and sorrow. You can read one of the sayings in the Russian translation above. The phrase is full of wisdom. Indeed, it is foolish to seek happiness in distant countries and cities when you know nothing about them. Therefore, in order to become happy, you must first enrich your head with a store of knowledge. Thanks to books, today anyone can travel without leaving home.

For a long time, people think about the vicissitudes of fate. Many literary works and philosophical treatises have been written about the changeability of her temper. also did not ignore this topic. Proverbs about the happiness and sorrow of different countries are often very similar. Since their authorship belongs mainly to the common people. And who, if not the poor, know what a tough character Fortune has.

The harsh living conditions and hard work taught the common people to look at what was happening from a philosophical point of view. This approach helped to survive adversity, while maintaining the purity of the soul, faith and love of life. That is why many proverbs about happiness and grief among the Russian people are filled with sadness and hope at the same time.

and sayings about happiness and sorrow

The English poor also had a hard time. Endless wars and epidemics have done their job. And the common people had no choice but to apply to life and accept it with faith in the best. English proverbs about happiness and sorrow are imbued with this perception of the environment.

Arabic sayings about trouble and joy

Sadness and a certain doom fill with themselves both happiness and grief, which are a reflection of the difficulties endured by ordinary people.

  • Those who hide their grief will not find a cure for it.
  • In grief, strife is forgotten.
  • The biggest misfortune comes through the people you love.
  • If you have not tasted bitter, then you will not be able to appreciate the sweet.
  • Trouble enters through the wide doors.
  • Just put up with one misfortune, another is on the threshold.
  • Grief falls on a person's head from his tongue.
  • Each is given as much as he can bear.
  • Happiness is a pinch, and sorrow is sacks.
  • Those who do not value their own happiness are approaching grief.
  • The time for happiness is short.
  • Many works bring many joys.
  • It is better to live through misfortune than to live in fear of it.

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight.

V. G. Korolenko

To be happy, you need to believe in the possibility of HAPPINESS.

Lev Tolstoy

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, I was asked what I want to become when I grow up. I wrote "happy". They told me - "you did not understand the task", I told them - "you did not understand life."

John Lennon

Our friends:

Proverbs and sayings about happiness

  1. Where there is love, there is happiness.
  2. Happy is your God, your happiness that this happened!
  3. Fortunately, the man sows bread.
  4. The beast is tamed to the happy one, every reptile rises to the unfortunate one.
  5. Happy for dinner, fatal under the butt.
  6. Happy, light hand.
  7. Happiness is like a stick: on two ends.
  8. Happiness is dearer than mind and wealth.
  9. Happiness is more valuable than wealth.
  10. Not that happiness that you rave about in a dream, but that happiness that you sit on and drive on.
  11. To whom happiness is in the game, to the unhappiness in marriage.
  12. Eco happiness: two mushrooms per spoon, the third stuck to the stem!
  13. Someone is happy, someone is bad weather.
  14. Do not give up your happiness.
  15. Fortunately, I myself was there.
  16. For luck, for luck, for luck.
  17. To play happily - to rob people; unhappy to play - to offend yourself.
  18. Live in happiness, in time, prosper.
  19. Happiness is in us, not around the bush.
  20. Home happiness, advice and love.
  21. Lada, in the family, great happiness!
  22. God will give you health and happiness.
  23. Happiness is a mother, happiness is a stepmother, happiness is a mad wolf.
  24. With happiness you will come across a treasure, without happiness you will not find a mushroom.
  25. Happiness that is more springy (unreliable).
  26. Do not be born either smart or beautiful, but be born happy.
  27. Happiness is more precious than heroism.
  28. Happiness is that shaking: whoever he wants, he will attack.
  29. In a fight, happiness is a great thing.
  30. Nowadays one can only hear about Tatar happiness in fairy tales.
  31. The first happiness is if there is no shame in the eyes.
  32. Happiness is great, but little intelligence.
  33. The fool is always happy.
  34. He has stupid happiness: donkey, ox happiness.
  35. Happiness will converge with happiness, and that will not warm up without mind.
  36. Happiness mixed with unhappiness - there is nothing left.
  37. God gives happiness to a stupid, clever one.
  38. Today is happiness, tomorrow is happiness - God have mercy, but where is the mind?
  39. Be born neither good nor good-looking, be born happy.
  40. Happy in the face, handsome.
  41. Happy and stuck between the fingers.
  42. The happy (rich) has nothing to do: he lives and warms himself.
  43. Happy gallops, unhappy crying.
  44. Not the happy one with the father, but the happy one with the husband.
  45. Children will be happy in my life.
  46. He is happy in everything, in trade, in cards.
  1. Trouble will torture, trouble and learn.
  2. The trouble falls on the head from the tongue.
  3. The trouble is not in the forest, but in the people.
  4. Misfortune never comes alone.
  5. Trouble will come and knock you off your feet.
  6. The trouble is that running water: it will run, yes - it will subside.
  7. For the poor to get dressed - just girdle.
  8. Poverty is not a vice.
  9. You will soon make a misfortune, but you will not survive soon.
  10. Rich, but crooked; poor, but straight.
  11. The rich, though a fool, are revered.
  12. The rich cannot sleep - everything is afraid of the thief.
  13. The rich know neither truth nor friendship.
  14. The rich eat sweetly, but sleep poorly.
  15. The rich, even the stupid, everybody gives way.
  16. Wealth and misery - the same squalor.
  17. To obtain wealth is to forget the brotherhood.
  18. Wealth lives and poverty lives.
  19. Wealth and tranquility rarely live together.
  20. Wealth with money, grief with fun.
  21. Wealth is with gold, and poverty is with fun.
  22. Wealth is water: it came and went.
  23. Wealth is akin to arrogance.
  24. You cannot enter heaven with wealth.
  25. It would be happiness, but the days are ahead.
  26. The belly is full in wealth, but the soul is hungry.
  27. Do not be discouraged in misfortune, but overcome sorrow.
  28. You can't take everything in one hand.
  29. In a dream, happiness, in reality bad weather.
  30. Every one of his happiness is a blacksmith.
  31. Anything can happen: the rich will knock on the poor.
  32. Everyone has their own happiness.
  33. A naked beggar and a hundred robbers will not be robbed.
  34. Necessity for inventions is cunning.
  35. Grief and trouble with whom I was not.
  36. Grief is to make money, but you can live with money and a fool.
  37. Woe that the sea: neither swim nor lick.
  38. Woe is that water is hollow: everything will flood, and then it will come down.
  39. To be afraid of grief is not to see happiness.
  40. Thunder will not strike - the man will not cross himself.
  41. Not a penny, but the fame is good.
  42. Good fame is better than wealth.
  43. The fool is asleep, and happiness lies in his head.
  44. The soul asks, but the pocket does not order.
  45. A man runs after happiness, but it lies at his feet.
  46. Know, according to the fate of my harrow passed.
  47. From the cooler to the mat.
  48. Avoiding fire, hit the water.
  49. You don't need to go to the empty hut of the castle.
  50. Whom life caresses, he does not even know grief.
  51. To whom happiness serves, he does not grieve for anything.
  52. Some are happy, some are two, and some have nothing.
  53. Whoever lives well, has a rooster rushing.
  54. Whoever takes up happiness, that gets it.
  55. He who loves God will receive much good.
  56. Wherever you throw, everything is a wedge.
  57. Harmony and harmony are the first happiness.
  58. Happiness is easy to find, and it’s even easier to lose.
  59. It is easier to find happiness than to keep it.
  60. Extra money means extra worries.
  61. It is better to be poor than to get rich with sin.
  62. People live like flowers bloom, and my head withers like grass.
  63. A rich man like a horned bull: he won't fit into a cramped gate.
  64. Happiness cannot be built on someone else's grief.
  65. Our happiness is in our hands.
  66. Our happiness is water in delirium.
  67. Our happiness is rain and bad weather.
  68. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.
  69. Money can not buy happiness.
  70. Not our happiness to find, but ours to lose.
  71. Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.
  72. Neither one nor the other pecked, and even that fell off.
  73. Look for new happiness, but do not lose the old one.
  74. One misfortune comes, the other leads by the handle.
  75. He will undertake whatever he undertakes, he succeeds in everything, and I will undertake whatever I undertake, I will cut off at everything.
  76. He fled from the wolf, but got into the paws of the bear.
  77. They grow smarter from want, from riches they grow stupid.
  78. They don't run from happiness, they catch up with happiness.
  79. Sadness is not a helper for trouble.
  80. I chased after a chunk, but I lost my bread.
  81. Under whom the ice is cracking, and under us it is breaking.
  82. Climbed into wealth - and forgot the brotherhood.
  83. The last piece of luck is better than the first.
  84. Trouble has come - open the gate.
  85. A beggar who has become rich will not give alms.
  86. If you go with God, you will reach the good.
  87. Tears of sorrow will not help.
  88. He was happy, but he caught the misfortune in his hands.
  89. Happy is he who has a calm conscience.
  90. Happy will be born in a shirt.
  91. The happy one goes - he will come across the treasure, and the unfortunate one goes - and he will not find the mushroom.
  92. Happiness is crazy - full of holes.
  93. Happiness is great, but little intelligence.
  94. Happiness and work live side by side.
  95. Happiness is on crutches, unhappiness is on the wings.
  96. Happiness does not wind in the air, but it gets by the hands.
  97. Happiness is not sought, but done.
  98. Happiness is not a horse: you cannot bridle it.
  99. Happiness is not a bird: it will not fly by itself.
  100. Happiness is not a fish: you can't catch it with a fishing rod.
  101. Happiness serves a few.
  102. Happiness will fall, and the fool will be lucky.
  103. Happiness and misfortune go on sledges alone.
  104. Happiness slipped through my fingers.
  105. Happiness happens to those who gain intelligence in work and learning.
  106. Happiness is a free bird: wherever she wanted, she sat down there.
  107. Happiness is like a wolf: it deceives, it goes into the forest.
  108. Happiness is a spring bucket.
  109. There are no well-fed eyes in the world.
  110. You are out of grief across the river, but it is on the bank.
  111. Someone has what happiness, and the pig - in the trough.
  112. Luck is a nag: sit down and ride.
  113. I wanted to turn it away from the stump, but ran into the deck.
  114. Why not grab it, go for everything in people.

Clear conscience

Greetings to you readers and guests of the site "Just Life!"

Friends, in our time we hardly see such dreams that the Lord gives us. Some of us are capable of dreaming amazing things, but most people dreaming is all nonsense. Many of you trust what you see in your dreams, and, of course, God is powerful to warn us in dreams and give us visions even to this day, and I am absolutely sure of this.

There is hardly a person who would not tell others about one or more cases from his practice, when he received warnings or information about future benefits he received in a dream. But somehow we tend not to rely on dreams. I remember one incident that happened to Roland Hill, when he told a lady about whom the fact that she was undoubtedly a child of God was known about a dream she had: “I advise you, madam, not to dwell too much on you did in a dream, let's stay awake and pay more attention to what we are doing in reality. "

I also hold the same opinion about dreams. I hardly believe that a person became a Christian only because he once dreamed of something, for such a dreamy religion will lead to the fact that he will remain a dreamer for life, and in the end - in the end, such dreamers someday will surely have a terrible awakening, if, of course, dreams are all they can believe in.

The Lord Himself grants his beloved child sleep in a calm conscience. There is a canvas by the artist, located, in my opinion, in England, which is called "The Dream of Argil", where the main character is depicted lying and enveloped in sleep and the action takes place on the eve of his execution. Next to him are depicted noblemen standing, looking at him with regret and the jailer clattering with his keys.

And this man was just sleeping peacefully, despite the fact that tomorrow his head will be separated from his body and someone, holding it in his hand, will say: "It was a head belonging to a traitor!" He slept like that because he had done nothing wrong and had a clear conscience. And now, friends, let's remember Peter and remember that wonderful episode from the Bible, which tells us that Herod intended to take Peter out the next morning and clearly not in order to invite him to breakfast.

Remember that Peter slept between two guards and was awakened by the angels? How could one sleep between two guards knowing that tomorrow he could be executed with a sword or crucified? But his heart was completely free, and he was not worried about anything, since he knew that there was no evil in his actions.

And he could quite rightly say to everyone, "Judge for yourself, which is more important to serve the Lord or man?" and therefore, with a clear conscience, he could lie down on the floor of the cell in the prison and sleep. Friends, have you ever learned what the dream of a person with a clear conscience is? Do you know what it means to be a defenseless target for slanderous arrows pouring down on you from all sides and to be a constant object of unjust mockery, ridicule and the song of the last drunkards?

And did you know that after all these trials you can sleep a restful sleep with a pure heart? And now I turn to those people who are in debt, to those wicked ones who do not love God and Christ: I turn to you and ask you: "How can you sleep peacefully when thorns thorns are pushed into your pillow every day by your sins?" Your sins, like sharp daggers, are constantly bulging out of bed in such a way that no matter how you turn, no matter what comfortable position of your body you take, their point will constantly stab you.

And God's blessing is to him who has a calm conscience, which, like the sweetest music, will lull his soul and no evil demon of anxiety will approach the bed of those people who have a calm conscience, not darkened by anything before God and who can sing their victory song.