Presentation our army is dear to preschoolers. Kind of troops plan-outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic. What is a Kalashnikov assault rifle

Tatiana Romanova
Presentation "Our Army"

The military can be divided into three main groups

1. These are land or ground forces, which are designed to conduct combat on land. They are also called infantry, most of all people serve there. It is the infantrymen who are the first to meet the enemy on their lines. They move in combat vehicles, armed with assault rifles and machine guns.

The ground forces also include tank forces. People who serve in the tank forces are called tankers. They fight in tanks protected by thick armor. Tanks can pass through any terrain, through ravines and off-road. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns.

The ground forces include artillery. Artillery mounts fire shells from cannons. Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

The ground forces also include the rocket forces. Rocket launchers fire rockets. The military profession is missilemen. Russian missiles are very powerful. It is enough for missilemen to make just a few volleys to destroy all enemy military bases. They are very afraid of our missiles and therefore do not dare to attack Russia.

2. Our waterways are protected by warships and submarines. Submarines hit enemy ships with special large shells - torpedoes. Submarines move under water.

Warships can destroy enemy ships, naval bases and even deliver nuclear strikes. There is a lot of work for naval sailors in peacetime. For example, they protect merchant ships from pirate attacks. The military who serve in the navy are called sailors. Warships and submarines make up the navy.

3. In our Armies there is an air force. These are combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. The aircraft is operated by a crew of pilots. military pilots conduct reconnaissance, protect cities from enemy air raids, deliver goods where cars cannot pass. Our designers are constantly inventing new models of military aircraft. Our Russian Air Force is one of the most powerful in the world.

The Airborne Troops are assigned to a special group. Paratroopers are usually airlifted to the battlefield. They parachute down to the ground behind enemy lines. armies and carry out sabotage there. The paratroopers are called blue berets and guardsmen. The servicemen in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They conduct numerous trainings, learn fighting techniques and types of confrontations.

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Educational presentation "To children about the branches of the Russian armed forces" for senior preschoolers

Presentation progress

Slide 2, 3.

Our Army is strong and invincible because it protects our homeland on land, in the sea and in the sky. Types of the armed forces of the Russian Federation: ground forces, navy and aerospace forces.

Slide 4.

Ground forces repel enemy attacks from the ground. These include: infantry, tank troops, artillery (rocket troops).

Slide 5.

The infantry is the most ancient and massive branch of the armed forces, it is intended for conducting combat operations on foot (on foot). Today, the infantry can use motorized vehicles and modern weapons: rifles, machine guns, anti-tank grenade launchers, armored vehicles with automatic cannons.

Slide 6.

The main tank forces are tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades. They are very mobile and powerful, their main task is active combat operations day and night, in significant isolation from other troops, the defeat of the enemy in oncoming battles and battles, and long-range shooting.

Slide 7.

The missile forces are armed with modern missiles that shoot very far and accurately. They are located on mobile platforms, so they can fly from any part of the country. On mobile platforms, cannons or cannon complexes are also located to protect ground forces from an air attack. Russian artillery reliably stands in the defense of the Motherland.

Slide 8.

The navy is repelling the enemy from the sea, protecting the maritime borders of our state. It includes: submarine forces, naval aviation, marines and surface forces.

Slide 9.

While under water, missile and torpedo submarines are capable of invisibly striking the enemy. Captains, sailors and divers serve on the submarine, and coca (cooks in the navy) prepare dinners for them.

Slide 10.

These are huge platforms (aircraft carriers) in the ocean, on which several military aircraft can be placed at once. Aircraft of the naval forces are used to destroy the enemy's surface fleet, as well as to collect intelligence information. While on the water, they boldly stand guard over Russia.

Slide 11.

The Russian Navy has many large, modern ships at its disposal. Their tasks include the destruction of enemy forces on the high seas and on the shore. The Marines disembark and fight on land. The victory over the enemy depends on their preparedness and strength.

Slide 12.

The task of the air force (aerospace forces) is to ensure the security and protection of the country's territorial interests in the air. In addition, they are designed to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their purpose is to guard other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, aerial reconnaissance, landing and routing of enemy positions is carried out. They include: aviation, space forces, radio engineering and special forces.

Slide 13.

The purpose of the military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, food with medicines can also act as a cargo, and military equipment... Provides air support to ground forces during any combat operations and destroys enemy aircraft in the air.

Slide 14.

Even in space, there are Russian troops capable of ensuring the security of our country. Spaceships can prevent missile attacks, monitor important objects. The space defense forces are located throughout Russia at modern cosmodromes.

Slide 15.

Without them, it is impossible to collect enough information about the enemy. Radio-technical troops are conducting reconnaissance and monitoring the movement of all aircraft in the sky over Russia. They use large radars to determine where the enemy is, how fast and where they are going.

Slide 16.

Let's remember which troops are defending our homeland on land? In the sea? In outer space?

What do the military use for intelligence? What kind of weapon do the infantrymen use? Why can we be proud of the Russian army?

Slide 17.

In the armed forces Russian Federation a lot of people are working to ensure peace and order in our country.



After watching the presentation, you can invite the children to make.

Slide 2


  1. To acquaint children with the defenders of the Fatherland, various types of troops.
  2. To foster pride and love for the soldiers of the Russian Army.
  • Slide 3

    Russian warrior

    Russian warrior protects
    Peace and glory of the native country!
    He is on duty - and our people
    It is proud of the Army by right.
    Calmly let the children grow
    In the Russian sunny Fatherland
    He protects peaceful labor,
    Wonderful work in the name of life.

    Slide 4

    Ground troops

    Our battle banner
    We carry with glory.
    We defended in battles
    Our cause is right.

    Slide 5

    Border troops

    Sleep well, dear Russia!
    Sons take care of your heart.
    Day and night, eyes not closing,
    They are guarding the border!

    Slide 6


    Our tricolor flag is on the mast,
    A sailor is standing on the deck.
    And he knows that the seas of the country
    The boundaries of the oceans
    Both day and night should be
    Under vigilant protection!

    Slide 7


    Here is a marvelous picture -
    Comes out of the depths
    Steel submarine,
    Like a dolphin!
    Submariners serve in it -
    They are here and there
    They circle under the water surface,
    The border is protected!

    Slide 8

    Air Force

    He's a metal bird
    Raise into the clouds.
    Now the air border
    Reliable and strong!

    Slide 9

    Airborne troops

    Paratroopers in minutes
    Descend from heaven.
    Untangling the parachutes
    They are combing the dark forest
    Ravines, mountains and meadows.
    They will find a dangerous enemy.

    Slide 10

    Armored troops

    Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
    On tracks, the tank will pass
    A gun barrel in front
    Dangerous, enemy, don't come near!
    The tank is solidly protected by armor
    And he will be able to meet the battle!

    Slide 11

    Rocket troops

    Congratulations, we are a rocket scientist
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
    You are both a shield and a sword to all of us -
    Do you know how to save the world:
    Everything is covered by the locator,
    You can sleep peacefully, so it’s for us.
    You keep the borders of the country:
    Don't even miss a mouse!
    Many garrisons have passed,
    On the shoulder straps of the stars - like milestones ...
    Our Motherland loves you,
    Well, we are the strongest!

    Slide 12

    Artillery troops

    The gunner is the god of war
    Will accurately cover the enemy with fire.
    And if the targets are almost invisible,
    Confidence, accuracy is always with him.
    It is necessary to aim at the plane
    Or sink a detachment of ships
    Heavy fire will clear the approach
    Will cover the attack of the queen of the fields.

    Slide 13

    Sapper troops

    The war is over long ago
    But she left a trace -
    It happens, among the beds
    The shells were buried.
    And a sapper will come with the equipment,
    To neutralize the field.
    There will be no explosions from now on
    Trouble and tears and pain!

    Slide 14

    Signal Corps

    The signalman looks vigorous
    Into the receiver in a bass, he shouts:
    Gull! Gull! - I am the Eagle!
    I made contact with the missilemen
    And by wire now
    The commander will give the order.

    Slide 15

    Military medical troops

    "Military doctor"
    Soldier at enemy heights
    He was wounded early in the morning.
    A brave military doctor will save
    He will dress the wounds!
    The doctor will extract the soldier from the wounds
    Two small shards
    And he will say: "Don't be discouraged!
    Live, brother, for a long time! "

    Slide 16

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

    "Brave Soldiers"
    Brave soldiers are walking with songs,

    Eh, left, left! They go with songs
    And the boys happily run after them.
    I want the boys to serve in the army,

    Eh, left, left! Serve in the army.
    The boys want to accomplish a feat.
    Brave boys, there is no need to grieve!

    Eh, left, left! There is no need to grieve!
    You will also go to the army to serve.
    You will guard the borders vigilantly.
    You will stand guard over the Motherland!
    Eh, left, left! Guard vigilantly!
    You will stand guard over your homeland!

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    Presentation slides text content:
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