Contests for the 60th anniversary of a man. Entertainment and games for the anniversary. Repeat after me

Birthday for every girl, girl, woman is of great importance. Despite the fact that it is considered indecent to ask the age of the birthday girl, this holiday always remains very exciting for each of them. Anniversaries are especially important. When a woman turns 50-55 years old, there comes a period when rethinking comes. On this day, any beauty wants to spend the holiday fun and in the circle of relatives and friends. In order to make your birthday unforgettable, you can invite a toastmaster to the holiday or arrange fun yourself, the main thing is to find an active guest who loves to “talk”. Table competitions and games are perfect for this.

The game "Who is thinking about what?"

This game is played during the feast in cheerful company relatives and friends.

  • The host takes out a small bag to the guests, where there are small pieces of paper with letters. For example, "M", "K", "A" and so on.
  • The task is for the player to draw a card from the bag and name the first word that comes to mind with the letter that comes across.

Usually, the player gets lost and says the most ridiculous things. The point is to just have fun listening to all kinds of guest options. By playing this game, you are guaranteed laughter and fun.

Game "Kiss of the hero of the day"

In this table game there is not only enthusiasm and joy, but also a certain team spirit.

  • The facilitator should divide those present into two teams. It is best to divide the guests into the right and left halves of the table. The hero of the day is not included in any of the teams. It should be in the center of the feast.
  • The guests who sit farthest from the birthday person begin the competition. At the command of the toastmaster, the latter drink a glass of wine and kiss the person sitting next to them.
  • The kissed player, like the previous one, must drink a glass of drink and pass the kiss to the next neighbor.
  • This procedure is repeated until the head of the evening is kissed by the players of both teams.
  • The winner is the team whose kiss came first.

As a gift to the winning part of the table, you can give a dance with the hero of the day, or give comic prizes as a reward.

Game "Question and Answer"

The game will be very interesting and unusual, if you exclude decent questions and answers from the rule. It is better that there are no children in the room.

  • The main instigator of the event divides all the guests into two camps. You can divide them in the same way as in the previous contest, or divide the guests according to their wishes to write questions or answers. The main thing is that the number of players should be equal.
  • Each person participating in the game is given a pencil or pen and a small piece of paper.
  • One side writes the questions on the sheet, the other side writes the answers. At the same time, none of those present should say what he writes aloud.
  • Further, everything written is surrendered to the toastmaster.
  • The host, in turn, lays out the sheets in piles: one will be with questions, the other with answers.
  • Then comes the most fun part of the game. The first guest takes a sheet with a question, and the second with an answer. Each of them read their part in turn.

Game "Cooking"

This competition is more suitable for those who love to cook, well, or really like to eat. You can play as a team or one by one. For greater interest, you can divide those present into men and women.

  • The toastmaster chooses one person from the crowd and gives him one letter.
  • The participant, in turn, must name the dish beginning with this letter or its components. But the whole point is that he takes only those ingredients that are in the plate of the neighbor on the right.
  • To make it even more interesting, you can use a stopwatch. The host gives the contestant 30 seconds, during which he must name all the products that begin with a given letter.

Game "Three words"

According to this idea, those invited to the holiday need to be smart and show how extensive their vocabulary is.

  • Each of those present takes out pre-prepared cards from the bag with three letters unrelated to each other into words.
  • A person must come up with one compliment for each of the letters addressed to the host of the evening. Naturally, if the letters are repeated, the following participants should not repeat the previously spoken words.

For example, if you come across the word TAL, you can come up with the following - "Patient, athletic, loving." It is advisable to select those letters that are poor in terms of compliments. Thus, it is possible to make this game very funny.

Game "Crocodile"

One of the most exciting and fun games, which is popular not only among young people, but also among quite adult people - the Crocodile game. The essence of the fun is that the central player shows with gestures and facial expressions what they have asked him. He must not use words or objects at hand.

There are several options for this exciting game.

First option

  • The guests sitting at the table must be divided into several teams. Can be divided into two, three or four teams. It all depends on your desire and the number of guests.
  • Each team writes on several pieces of paper what the next one should show. Cards are stacked in different containers, mixed and given to the other team. You can use a specific topic or think of words and phrases on an arbitrary topic. Movie titles or phrases are popular. For example, you can make competitors the phrase “I’ll sing right now”, “Life is good, but living well is even better!” or the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath", "Terminator", "Well, you wait!".
  • After shuffling the notes, the first player pulls the sheet and goes to the middle of the room. His task is to convey to his team what is written on the sheet.
  • To prevent the game from dragging on, it is best to set a certain time, after which the participant either drops out or continues to participate. It all depends on the decision of the toastmaster.
  • An unsolved word can be guessed by the players of the other team, naturally, if a player recognizes his word, he is silent.
  • The group that guessed the most words or phrases wins.

In order for the game to be understandable to everyone, it is best to choose a specific topic. It is easier for the player to navigate when he knows where to look.

Second option

  • Players play each for themselves.
  • Anyone can start. The leader or birthday person can guess the word, saying it to the participant in the ear.
  • The first person to guess the phrase takes the place of the player.
  • For the second participant, the phrase is guessed by the previous player. This is how the game is played until you decide to end it.

Choose difficult topics. For example, "cooking". Imagine how the player must dodge to show potato soup or cottage cheese casserole?!

Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

This competition will reveal real artists and comedians or their absence.

  • Each contestant is given markers and balloons of different colors.
  • On the ball they received, they must draw a portrait of the head of the evening. Among the guests there are sure to be those who approach the competition creatively and with a sense of humor.
  • The winner can be determined by general voting or by applause. It is best to give the choice to the hostess of the evening.

Competition "Verbal portrait"

Any girl, regardless of age, loves to be admired. This contest will help the heroine of the evening feel special.

  • Collect in advance children's photos of the birthday girl, her relatives, loved ones and friends.
  • The task of the participant is to guess which photos our birthday girl is in, while he must describe this photo as interestingly as possible.
  • Whoever guesses the most pictures wins.

Competition "Battle of the Sexes"

The eternal struggle of the sexes will manifest itself in the game "Battle of the Sexes". The idea will stir up the guests a little.

Tamada asks questions first to women and then to men.

Questions for the weaker sex should be on purely male topics, and men will have to answer women's questions.

Questions for ladies:

Questions for the stronger sex:

  • What is the name of a small bag that fits into a large one, where women put cosmetics and other ladies' things? (Cosmetic bag);
  • What is the ingredient for shortcrust pastry: yeast or sand? (None of the above);
  • What is used to remove varnish from female nails? (Acetone);
  • How do women dry fresh nail polish? (Blow on nails);
  • How to make sure that the arrow on nylon tights does not go further? (Paint the arrow on both sides with clear varnish).

Competition for men "All in compliments"

Only representatives of the stronger sex participate in this competition. All women love with their ears and the birthday girl will really like this game.

The essence of the competition is to shower the birthday girl with compliments. The main thing is that the beauty should have a sense of humor and not be offended by funny compliments if something happens.

  • To make the task more difficult, each of the participants must name one flattering review starting with the letter “F” (woman), or with the initial letter of the name of the hostess of the evening. You can't repeat.
  • If a man does not say a word in fifteen seconds, he is out.
  • The last one remaining wins.

Game "Guess the answer"

During this competition, a person must guess a riddle, but not an ordinary one, but a fun one. The question can be asked all at once or each individually. The winner is determined by the most original or funny answer.

He left his grandmother and left his grandfather?
Answer: sex.
Prize: condom.

What do the parameters mean: 90*60* 90?
Answer: vehicle speed before the traffic police post, before and after the traffic police post.
Reward: whistle.

And hangs and stands. Is it cold, is it hot?
Answer: shower.
Reward: shower gel.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Answer: Breakfast lunch and dinner.
Reward: napkins

As the data show statistical analysis, more than forty million people do it every night.
Answer:"sit" on the World Wide Web.
Reward: computer mouse.

Game "Guess the movie"

This fun is associated with alcohol and cinema.

Tamada tells the situation from the film or describes the film itself, where there is a drinking scene. Participants, in turn, must recognize this film by a brief description.

The one with the most correct answers wins.

  • Several friends are sitting in a cheerful, slightly tipsy company on the night before the New Year in a bathhouse. (The Irony of Fate);
  • Three recidivist friends drink with the head outlet and decide to go down the wrong path again. (Operation Y");
  • A man drinks his acquaintance in the Weeping Willow restaurant to a state of complete emancipation. (The Diamond Arm);
  • A journalist, researching the folklore of the Caucasian people and delving into the local culture, drinks a lot, and becomes extremely sensitive. (Caucasian captive).

The game "Princess Nesmeyana"

  • The facilitator should divide the invitees into two teams. You can divide people into the right and left halves of the table, at the request of the participants themselves, or by gender.
  • The first team becomes the “princess Nesmeyans” and their task is to sit with a stern look and not express emotions in response to the attempts of the second team to make them laugh. In this case, you can not touch the opponents. Use jokes, jokes, funny faces.
  • Anyone who starts laughing or even smiles a little is out of the competition.
  • All this is given a certain period of time. If it is not possible to make the opponents laugh, then the players of the first team become the winners. If, nevertheless, humorists manage to catch notes of fun on the faces of all members of the first team, then they win.

Game "YES-NO"

To play this game, you need to prepare cards with the words "YES and NO" in advance.

  • Is it true that at the age of three, the birthday girl kissed ducks?
  • Did they sing serenades to our beloved (name of the hostess of the evening)?

Do not forget that all questions must be agreed with the main character of the holiday. They can be funny and ridiculous, the main thing is that she likes it.

Prepare the masks for the game

The host must first prepare masks of approximately the following nature:

  • Distribute masks to guests so that they don't see which mask it is.
  • Each guest wears a mask.
  • Now, those present need to guess who they are. To do this, you need to ask questions to which you can only get one-word answers, that is, only “YES” or “NO”.

For instance:

  • I am human?
  • Am I an animal?
  • I am small?
  • Do I have peel?
  • Am I sweet?
  • I'm big?
  • Am I an orange?

The winner is the one who first guessed who he is, but the fun continues until all participants guess their characters. In addition, at the end of the competition, you can have a small photo shoot with these funny masks.

Game "Who am I?"

This game is similar to the previous one. The exception is masks.

  • To have fun, it is enough to have a few sheets of clean paper, pens and good eyesight.
  • Each person present is given a small piece of paper and a pencil. The host can set a specific theme or leave it to the discretion of the players.
  • Participants write any word or character on their sheet, while no one should see the entry.
  • We turn over the record and pass it to the neighbor on the right.
  • We apply the note received from the neighbor to the forehead so that the note is highlighted by everyone except the new owner of the piece of paper.
  • Now, following the principle of the previous game, we ask questions, the answers to which can only be “YES” or “NO”.

Game "Who am I"

  • Am I a living being?
  • I live in Russia?
  • Am I a famous person?
  • I am a singer?

Choose one topic. For example: movie stars, famous people or animals.

The Modern Hands Up Game Even Stars Play

This game was invented by one very famous American TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres and her team. More precisely, they came up with not a game, but an application on the phone, which ranked first in the world in terms of its popularity for quite a long time. It allows you to get close even to unfamiliar people.

Download the application to your phone (there are both Russian and English versions);

Select the desired topic. It can be "travel", "cinema", "miscellaneous" and much more.

Follow the instructions:

  • Set the number of players;
  • The first player must put the phone to his forehead;
  • The rest of the players try to explain what word he got.

You can give hints with similar word roots.

For example, the word "chicken" can be described as - it lays eggs, or so - it is a bird whose name begins as the word SMOKE.

If the player answered correctly, the phone flips screens down, then the green light turns on and the inscription "Correct" appears. If the answer is incorrect or the participant does not know it, the phone is turned face up. Lights red, which means that the answer is not read.

Please note that this is a game not only for your general knowledge, but also for speed. A total of 30 seconds per player is given. During this time, he must give as many correct answers as possible. At the end of the game, the application gives the results of the game.

At this age, all women have already tried a lot of different baking recipes and can list many baking names. So, all the guests participate in the competition, including men, so it will be surprising if a man really wins. Each guest takes turns calling one muffin, that is, the name of a pastry, for example, a pie, donuts, buns, bagels, and so on. A knockout game, that is, whoever cannot name is out. Well, the greatest connoisseurs, they can be left with three or one, are awarded a prize, for which you can choose a delicious cake.

host substitutes

The host invites guests to remember their young years and name modern items that the housewives used to do without and, accordingly, items that served instead of them, for example, a vacuum cleaner - a broom, a blender - a whisk, a bread machine - an oven in the oven and so on. The guests call one by one in turn, and whoever cannot name is out of the game. The most omniscient is given a prize.


Women of all ages love mystery and intrigue. In this competition, it is proposed to turn on ingenuity and quickly decipher the task. The host writes any poem backwards, that is, each of his words begins at the end or writes a verse, leaving only consonants. The participants of the holiday see the task on the easel, and whoever quickly realizes what the catch is and how to decipher the task, well done. The fastest and most resourceful person is entitled to a good prize.

Down the catwalk

Each guest who wishes to participate is invited to the podium in turn and must follow the instructions of the host. For this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance several options for commenting on models. For example, a woman comes out, the presenter begins to comment: in front of you, friends, there is a gorgeous lady in a stunning dress from a famous couturier, and the woman at this time strokes the dress and demonstrates it. Short sleeves allow the skin of the hands to breathe ... and at this time a woman must show that the sleeves are short, for example, roll them up, if in fact she has them long. Further - individual tailoring perfectly emphasizes the wasp waist, gorgeous chest and wonderful legs. The guest at this time demonstrates her legs, waist and so on. Which of the guests will be better able to play their role on the podium, they get applause and a prize.

mother hen

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. Each participant is given one egg. At a certain distance from each team there are chairs with a large bowl. Each of the participants puts an egg between their knees and goes to the goal, gets to it and delivers the egg to the bowl, then rushes back and passes the baton to the next member of their team. Whose team of mother hens will transport the eggs to the target the fastest, she won.

When you are Cinderella

Women who wish to participate sit on chairs. There are three bowls in front of them: two empty, and one with peas and beans (you can choose something else, for example, buttons and coins, and so on). The task of the participants is to cope with the task faster than the rest and sort out the peas and beans, put the peas in one bowl, and the beans in another, respectively. The fastest Cinderella is awarded a prize.

Necessary props - a pair of children's tricycles. The players, by the number of "cars", line up at the starting line. At the command of the leader, they need to travel a given distance as quickly as possible and return back. The rules are simple and unpretentious, but general laughter over adult uncles or aunties riding children's bikes is guaranteed!

"Flying Money"

Participants of the competition are given a banknote. The task of the players is to “puff” the money as far as possible from three attempts. After another attempt, the players approach the place where the bill fell and blow again. Whose banknote flies further - he wins. As an option, you can organize the movement of banknotes in teams, in a relay race.


Two people are involved. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. There are two more chairs a few steps away with an empty glass on them. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

"Who's drunk? I am drunk?"

Players are invited to put on fins and look through binoculars with reverse side, follow the given route. Just do not do it on the street - passers-by may not understand

"The Elusive Apples"

The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

"Grandma's Chest"

Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase, which contains various items of clothing. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader, they begin to put on things from the chest. The task of the players is to dress up as quickly as possible.


Families are involved. All men are given envelopes with money (a lot of banknotes of different denominations). They go into another room and hide bills in their clothes. When they return, the couples change, so that the "stash" in men was looking for other people's wives. The winner is the couple in which the husband managed to "stash" as much money as possible, and the wife was able to find them from someone else's husband.


Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, the touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants with the left and the other with the right hand should wrap the bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it on a bow. Whose pair is ahead - gets a point.

"Collecting Cosmetics"

Only men can take part in this competition. But at first they should not know that the best male legs will be revealed. The presenter announces to the men present that there will be a competition to collect cosmetics (lipstick, powder, cosmetic kits, mascara, etc.), which are scattered on the floor. Whoever collects more and faster cosmetic items wins this competition. But for convenience, men should bend their trousers as high as possible. After the cosmetics are collected, the presenter announces to the participants about the competition for the best male legs. The women's jury selects the winner and awards him a commemorative medal.


All the scarves are collected, the main thing is that there is enough for all participants. They are divided into two teams, line up one after the other, each with a handkerchief. Better build MZHMZH. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first, as it turns out (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and triumphantly shouts “ready!” The whole team turns to face the opponent. After a long fun, the jury evaluates anything: speed, quality, who is funnier, this is what the theme of the event is. The main thing is funny and fun, have time to take a picture of it all!

"Find an item"

Each of the guests, secretly from the rest, hides in his clothes one of the small items that the host distributes in advance. The host posts a list of all hidden objects and announces the start of the game. The guests begin to look for objects on each other. The guest who finds the most hidden objects wins. The host during the game writes down: who and how many items found. The game can continue throughout the party and will help guests get to know each other.

"In the bank"

The host calls two pairs (in each pair, a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one banknote in each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives couples money candy wrappers). Banks for your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to arrange your deposits as soon as possible, open as many banks as possible. Prepared…. Started!” The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after one minute the facilitator sums up the results. Host: “How many banknotes do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All money is invested in the business! Well done! And now I will ask women to quickly withdraw all deposits, and since a deposit in a bank can only be withdrawn by the one who put it and no one else, you will withdraw your deposit blindfolded so as not to see other people's deposits. (Women are blindfolded and at this time they change places of men). At the command of the host, women with passion withdraw deposits, not suspecting anything.


You need to run, or rather, jump a certain distance, holding a tennis ball or a matchbox between your knees. Time is recorded by the clock. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues running. The one with the best time wins.

"Fit It All"

The guests are divided into two teams, each team member comes out. They receive a large box and a matching set of items. Task: put the items in the box as soon as possible and close it. With each new member, the box is getting smaller, and the items are larger or more difficult to pack. But keep in mind, you must first try whether the items fit in the container. The winner is the team whose members can do it faster and do their job better.


All men of the celebration are invited. The host offers to play fishing. “Let's take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into an imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly imaginary water starts to wet our legs and the presenter offers to roll up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The joke is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit the host stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs.

"Honorary wind blower"

For the competition, you need to prepare several balloons. The hero of the day and several guests take part. Everyone gets one ball. The task of the participants is to inflate and burst the balloon as quickly as possible. The competition will be more interesting if the shape of the balloons is unusual, it is more difficult to inflate such balloons, but this will add fun to the competition. If the birthday person himself wins the competition, then he is awarded the title: “Honorary wind blower”. If another participant wins, then he is awarded the title: “Assistant to the main wind blower”.

"Give it to someone else"

All participants in the game are divided into two teams, women's and men's. They are lined up in two lines opposite each other so that the distance between the lines is about two meters. The participant, standing first in the line, between his knees pinches any object about twenty centimeters long, it can be a stick, a marker or even a beer bottle, and, firmly holding it with his knees, carries it to the women's line, where, without the help of hands, passes the object to a girl standing first. In exactly the same way, she brings this item to the male line, passes it to the next participant, and so on. This contest is even funnier with balloons that burst loudly as they are passed from player to player.


First, all participants are united in teams of two people. One of the team members must sit on a chair, holding the balloon tightly between their knees. The task of the second participant is to burst the balloon faster than the others by sitting on it. The leader must keep track of whose balloon burst first.

"A penny saves a ruble"

To play, you will need small coins and several small cups. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. According to the number of teams, piggy bank cups are placed on the finish line. Each team lines up one after the other. A coin is placed on the toe of the first member of the team. The player tries, without dropping it, to carry it from the start line to the finish line (three to four meters) and drop it into the "piggy bank". The player who drops the coin is out of the game. For each coin that hits the cup, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

"Very sharp eye"

Several couples take part in the game. Men are hung on the belt of a small box, and the girls are given pebbles that must be thrown into the boxes. The partner can help in all ways to do this. The pair with the most stones in the box wins.


To carry it out, you will need two gymnastic hoops and four jars or four glasses of beer or lemonade. Four people can participate - two men and two women. Participants are pairs of a man and a woman. Their task is to simultaneously twist the hoop and drink from a glass or jar. The couple who drinks all the contents of the glasses and does not drop the hoop wins.


Props: toothpicks (matches), ring. A large company gets up in the order M-F-M-F-M-F. Each participant takes a toothpick (match) in his mouth. First, a ring is put on a match (any, you can engagement). The meaning of the game: pass the ring along the chain (from match to match), of course, without the help of hands to the last participant.


Props: bottles (any liter, plastic), rubber gloves. Moderator: We ate. What about a drink? No, we will drink milk!” In each group, one educator and 5 "babies" are selected. The teacher is given a bottle (one and a half liter, plastic), but instead of a nipple, a rubber glove is attached to its neck with an ordinary black rubber band. A hole is made in each finger of the glove. (Make a bigger hole.) At my signal, one “baby sucker” is sucked to each “nipple” and they begin to suck milk. Whoever empties the bottle faster, those are the winners.


The players become in a circle. The host commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!" Players as quickly as possible try to take hold of the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - leaves the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color (object). The last one left wins.


An old French game with a tied ball that is tossed and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or string 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball, and the other to the bottom of a plastic cup or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bilbock is ready. Several people are playing. It is necessary to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Catch the ball in turn until you miss. The one who misses passes the bilbock to the next player. The winner is the one who scores the agreed number of points first.

"Vegetable Diet"

Those who wish are divided into two teams, each team is given a set of vegetables and fruits, for example, cucumber, tomato, lemon, apple, orange (wash the fruits beforehand so that there are no upsets). Team members choose a certain fruit from the set and eat it. Only when the fruit or vegetable is chewed and swallowed can the next member of the team begin the speed eating. In this competition, two prizes are awarded: the team that completed the task faster, and the player who voluntarily chose the lemon.


Baskets with apples or oranges are placed at a certain distance from each other. It is necessary to transfer all the fruits from a full basket to an empty one as quickly as possible without the help of hands.


The participants of the competition are divided into two teams, in each team a tailor is selected, who is given a gypsy needle and a long thread. It is necessary to "sew" all team members to each other as soon as possible. You can thread the needle through belts, sleeves, legs. The fastest tailor is the winner.


All participants in the competition stand in one line, as soon as the leader says “land”, everyone must jump or take a step forward. But if the word "water" is spoken, you need to step back or jump back. In addition to the usual “water” and “land”, the presenter can name synonyms, for example: river, sea, ocean, stream or coast, island, land. Players who jump out of place are out of the game, and the most attentive gets a prize.

A birthday should please at any age, and a round date is generally a great occasion to have a great time with loved ones! If you intend to organize a holiday for your wife, sister or mother, you will definitely need a 60th anniversary script for a woman. People are very scrupulous about this date, fearing the approach of old age, so everything must be done so as not to hurt their feelings in any way during the holiday. To do this, you will have to think through every little thing from the attributes for decorating the site to the entertainment part.

Ideas for holding

Many ladies in this elegant age are still working. If the team is not a serpentarium, then why not arrange an evening with colleagues? A restaurant, good alcohol, dancing and a plentiful table - well, great! It would be nice for the authorities to think of some non-banal surprises for the birthday girl. For example, if she is not going to retire, then extend her contract for 5 years, give her an unscheduled vacation, send her to the south at the expense of the company.

Of course, a feast with the family is a must. You can sit corny in an apartment at a laid table, but it would be better to go out with your whole family to nature: in the summer to the dacha, in the winter to the forest for barbecue. A bonfire, blankets are required, if someone sings, then a guitar will also be in place. If family members are sincerely attached to each other, then a good solution would be to replace toasts and reading poems from grandchildren from a chair with sincere declarations of love to the hero of the day. That's right - in a circle and from the bottom of my heart.

It would be nice to have a bachelorette party! Maybe the girls' company would like to go to the theater, and then drink champagne in a restaurant. Perhaps these are sauna lovers and then you can order an evening in an institution with a Finnish, Russian, Turkish bath, tea, well, and everything that the hero of the occasion is waiting for. Nuance: if the organizers are friends, then let the venue be a surprise for the birthday girl.

Perhaps the woman does not plan to receive guests or go out anywhere. Does she have good friends? Well, or a loving family? Let the environment give her a day at home, but with the delivery of surprises on the threshold. Morning - and on the threshold of a courier with a bouquet. An hour has passed - again he is with a letter of recognition. Lunch - a courier with a box in his hands, and in it (here let relatives think). Time for the evening - again a box and again in it what the hero of the day loves. Evening - again a bouquet. Nuance: here you need to strike a balance so that your excessive attention does not become intrusive. 2-3 hours of intervals are definitely needed. And don't forget about the ready-to-run scenario.

Where to celebrate an anniversary?

What to choose as a place of celebration:

  • Banqueting hall. Pluses: tables will be laid for you, dishes will be removed, music will be turned on, a toastmaster will be organized if desired. Cons: undesirable neighborhood, considerable expenses.
  • Dacha, picnic in the forest, river bank. Pros: all only their own, air, the ability to walk in anything. Cons: so what, what a birthday girl, you will mess with the table like a pretty one.
  • House, apartment. Pros: the costs are quite acceptable, only those who you want to see are nearby, those who especially took to the chest can be laid in the bedroom so that they don’t interfere with drunken nonsense under their feet. Cons: mountains of dishes to wash the hostess, her head about the quantity and quality of food also hurts her.
  • Ski resort, seaside resort. If there is plenty of money and a woman likes a place, then there are only pluses, no minuses.
  • A day or two in another country. Pros: new impressions as a gift as a bonus. Cons: in a foreign land they may not understand the format of your holiday if it is too colorful. As a consequence, they may politely insist that the banquet end.

Scenario of the 60th anniversary of a woman. Almost like "Field of Miracles"!

This program is suitable for holding a celebration in a not very large room. Competitions are designed for people of all ages, but mostly they are more passive and do not require much mobility. Guests must be at least 5-6 people.


Congratulations to the beautiful birthday girl and welcome dear guests of the holiday! How is your mood? Would you like to participate in competitions to amuse the hostess and win a couple of prizes?! Then let's start!

Competition "Return to places"

The guests sit in a circle, each gives some of his own thing: a watch, a bracelet or an earring. All items are put into a bag. The task of the driver is to return to each guest his thing from memory. If the participant remembered everything, returned the things to the owners, he receives a prize, if he made mistakes, he fulfills the wish of the birthday girl.

Competition "News on Air"

This competition is for couples. Each couple has a newspaper or magazine in their hands. Participants agree on what news they will present. One participant reads the news, and the second in the form of pantomime depicts everything that was said. The winner is the couple whose pantomime turned out to be the most funny and convincing for the audience.


Great start! See how your mood has lifted! Then don't stop there! And to you, dear hero of the day, I propose to choose the next participants in the competition!

Competition "Cuckoo bought a hood"

For it you will need walnuts, as well as pre-prepared cards on which tongue twisters or long words that are very difficult to pronounce will be written. Remember the heroine of Irina Muravyova, who trained her diction in such a way, wanting to go to study as an actress. Yes, it's not an easy task. The presenter will pronounce in his ear or simply show the contestant on a card what he must “articulate” with nuts in his mouth. Everyone else will try to guess what kind of tongue twister is pronounced "artist". The one who guesses the most gets a well-deserved prize. For example, nuts for training.


Looks like it's time for a little break! I see you are hungry and tired! Relax friends, and I'll get ready for the next tasks!

Competition "Sign for the hero of the occasion"

This competition is the best way to show the imagination and ingenuity of the participants. Each participant at the very beginning of the competition receives a cardboard card in his hands. The host sets the task: to leave a “sign” on this card for the culprit of the holiday. This is where the imagination of the contestants comes into play. Only they know what kind of "signs" they will leave on the cards provided to them. Perhaps someone will seal their kiss with lipstick, someone will write a fiery declaration of love, someone will compose a celebratory impromptu ... After the “signs” are left, the host collects the cards, shuffles them like a deck of cards and passes birthday girl. She must determine which of the guests, which "sign" left for her. But for those whom she guesses, you must admit, not everyone can be guessed, there is another important task: to dance the “victorious” dance.

Competition "Golden reserve for the hero of the day"

Competition for speed, agility. And yet, with the help of this competition, care is shown in relation to the birthday girl. All guests are divided into two teams. Teams line up on one side of the hall, and on the other side, opposite each of the teams, jars or boxes are placed. These are some kind of piggy banks. The task of each of the team members is to bring the "gold reserve" for the birthday girl to the impromptu piggy bank. Ordinary coins will act as a "gold reserve". The complexity of the competition lies in the fact that the "reserve" should not just be quickly delivered and put into the piggy bank. The “reserve” must be carried on the toe of the shoe, it cannot be dropped. The participant who drops the coin is out. And this means that the “gold reserve” is decreasing. The team wins, whose "gold reserve" for the hero of the occasion will be more.


What are you good fellows! I love resourceful people with a good sense of humor! Are you ready for the next challenges? Then please come to me!

Competition "Sweet surprises"

Probably we all love under the old New Year cook dumplings with surprises. And now these surprises will be placed in sweet pastries. Sweet cookies, tubes or gingerbread (the fruit of your imagination) are baked in advance, before the celebration. Inside each tube is placed a folded note with some kind and cheerful prediction. Of course, the note is inserted before the tubes are placed in the oven. You can, for example, write in a note that the guest will have an exciting sea cruise, or maybe someone will receive an unexpected inheritance, the news of which will come from somewhere far away ...

Tubes can be handed out to guests at the very beginning of the celebration to immediately cheer up and set the tone for the holiday. And you can leave this pleasant moment for a “sweet tea party”. And may the anniversary celebration be bright, joyful and sweet.

Competition "Crane"

Remember the fable about the fox and the crane, when they invited each other to visit and treated them to different dishes? Only eating these dishes was almost impossible. Will the contestants cope with the task? A cool jelly will be poured into a cup for each participant, a straw will be given. Kissel will need to be drunk with a straw as quickly as possible. The task will be further complicated by the fact that you cannot hold the tube with your hands. It will be necessary to be not only fast, but also dexterous, and, of course, not to get dirty. The winner receives a prize - a dish from the fox.

Do you think it's fun and bright holidays this is not about people of respectable age? You are very much mistaken! When people celebrate someone's anniversary, for example, 60 years, then the "roar" from their holiday is such that you can hear it on neighboring streets. And all because they suit funny contests for the anniversary of 60 years to a woman at home. Many competitions can be held at the table. And they will be just as bright and funny, and all the guests will want to participate in them. So, check out our selection.

Competition 1 - musical congratulations.
First, let's have a little competition to warm up. You need notes to be written on the tablets. Just be sure to write notes in letters: do, re, mi, fa and so on. We fold all the plates with the notes down so that they are not visible. The first guest chooses one tablet at random. And he sees the note. Now he needs to sing a song for the birthday girl with this note. The song is simple: happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to You!
If the note is MI, then in the end it should turn out like this: mi-mi-mi-mi-mi, mi-mi-mi-mi-mi!
And so on, all guests choose according to the signs and sing this song by note. And then everyone sings the same song in unison. And again, each guest sings his own note. It turns out an unforgettable and cheerful musical congratulation.

Contest 2 - merry congratulations!
Another game that will bring laughter and smiles. You need cards to play. Names of animals and birds will be written on the cards. All cards should have different names written at the top, and all should have the same name written below: donkey.
Each guest takes out a card from the bag. He shouldn't show it to others. After the leader says:
- and now the nightingale will congratulate our hero of the day!
And the guest, who has a nightingale written on the card, should congratulate the birthday girl. But do it the way the nightingale sings.
After the leader says:
- and now congratulations from the raccoon.
And the guest with the raccoon card should somehow congratulate the hero of the day in raccoon style. How? This is what will be funny.
After the leader says:
- further congratulations from the elephant.
And the guest congratulates the way an elephant does.
And when the guests played out and everyone was distracted, the host says:
- and now congratulations from the donkey!
And since the donkey is written on everyone's card, you get a massive congratulation from donkeys! And at the same time, everyone will make completely different sounds. After all, everyone will try in their own way to portray the sound of a donkey. Such a congratulation will be remembered forever.

Competition 3 - what do we know about the hero of the day?
Simple but interesting game. It is necessary to find out in advance from the hero of the day not all known facts from her biography. And write them down on a piece of paper. And there also enter your fictional facts about the birthday girl. And give guests signs with the words: YES and NO.
At the celebration, you read one fact. And if the guest thinks that it was, then he raises the YES sign. If he believes that this is a fiction, then the sign is NO. And so you play until either the facts run out, or there is only one winner left.

Contest 4 - where does the mustache come from?
Ask the guests, which of them will be able to recognize the hero of the day even in the dark? Is there one? Then take him to another room and blindfold him.
And now we plant five women next to the hero of the day. And we attach false mustaches to each of them! We bring our hero to them, and he must feel his face and find the hero of the day. And since everyone will be in a mustache, it is very problematic to do this. And there will be fun - after all, the contestant does not even suspect that everyone will wear a mustache. So get ready to laugh.