Invisible PR: Mass Media about the General Director of IMA-Consulting, who created the structure of the Tomsk Region administration. Sarkisov vartan ernestovich Legacy of the nineties and zero

With the man on the hood, Vartan Sarkisov drove about half a kilometer. He only stopped when his SUV rammed several parked cars. The court decided to place the reckless driver under arrest for two months.

It was established that at the time of the accident, the foreign car was moving at a speed of more than 140 kilometers per hour. Another aggravating circumstance was that the driver tried to escape instead of calling an ambulance.

He hid for a long time - first from the police, then from investigators in a paid clinic. And only during the arrest procedure did he appear before the public. A son successful businessmen, the next representative of the golden youth Vartan Sarkisov, according to the detectives, a few days ago, while driving an elite SUV, knocked down a pedestrian on it.

He often visited London, however, now there is nothing left of his usual gloss. He is handcuffed, in plaster cast and in sportswear. Not paying any attention to dozens of TV cameras and a lot of questions, Vartan Sarkisov, who, focused on something, communicates with lawyers. Two defenders at once explain to him how to behave at the hearing and what to answer to the judge.

He was just discharged from the clinic. In an accident, Sarkisov seriously injured his arm and spent several days in a hospital ward. Now Vartan is accused of breaking the rules road traffic resulting in death. "

The rider's mother was also interrogated at the meeting. Elena Sarkisova, of course, shielded her son as best she could. But what can you say when all the evidence is against him. It was established that a moment before the accident, the reckless driver accelerated his luxury SUV to 145 kilometers per hour. The speed at which to react and immediately stop is impossible.

In addition, Sarkisov was intoxicated. The results of the examination confirm this. In addition, law enforcement officers have And it flies out onto the sidewalk and hits the parked cars. Two people run out of the car. It is known that before that the reckless driver dragged half a kilometer on the hood of a pedestrian - Andrei Shestakov. The chef of a high-end restaurant was walking to church that morning. The man was 58 years old. He died on the spot without regaining consciousness. Andrey Shestakov has two children.

By the way, another interesting fact in the biography of the reckless driver: judging by his social media account, Sarkisov. And they are connected not only by communication on the Internet, but by the abundance of fines for exceeding the permissible speed. In the last few weeks alone, Sarkisov received 12 receipts.

Nothing is known about the second participant in this high-profile story, that is, about the passenger who was in the SUV at the time of the accident. He disappeared from the scene. True, it has not yet been found. But he, obviously, could clarify important details and help the investigation.

Complete information about the person


In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of the Moscow Automobile Building Institute, in 1992 - from the Faculty of Economics of the same university.

V student years(from 1988 to 1992) was in the released Komsomol work as the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the institute, deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee ZIL.

From 1992 to 1997 he was engaged in business, was the founder and head of the companies INLINKSERVICE and FRUTKO.

From 1997 to 2001, he worked as a consultant at the Information and Advisory Center of the Population of the Fund for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia, then as the head of the fund's department in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

In 2001, he was invited to the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, worked as deputy head, head Organizational management prefecture of South Administrative District.

From 1997 to the present, he has been organizing election campaigns... He was the head of more than ten successful campaigns for the election of deputies to the Moscow City Duma, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and regional governors.

In April 2003, he was invited to the IMA-Consulting company for the position of Deputy General Director.

Since January 2005 - General Director of IMA-Consulting.

The top list of the rating was compiled on the basis of peer review representatives of employers and companies working in the field of consulting, who were asked to name the best, in their opinion, specialists in this industry. Based on the results of this survey, a list was formed that included 150 business consultants working in the Russian market.

Personal fame.
Business reputation.
Professionalism level. Ability to solve non-standard tasks.
The systematic approach to solving the assigned tasks.
Interaction with clients (clarity, flexibility, comfort, etc.).
Economic efficiency solutions.
Company fame.
Business reputation of the company.

Vartan Sarkisov, General Director of the PR-agency "IMA-Consulting", scored 29.45 points and took 25th place in the rating.

short biography
From 1992 to 1997, Vartan Sarkisov was engaged in business, was the founder and head of a number of companies.
From 1997 to 2001 he worked as a consultant at the Information and Advisory Center of the Population of the Fund for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia, then as the head of the fund's department in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.
In 2001, he was invited to the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, worked as Deputy Head, Head of the Organizational Department of the Southern Administrative District.
From 1997 to the present, he has been organizing election campaigns. He was the head of more than 10 successful campaigns for the election of regional governors, deputies to the Moscow City Duma and The State Duma RF.
In April 2003, he was invited to the IMA-Consulting company for the position of Deputy General Director.
Since January 2005 - General Director of the PR-agency IMA-Consulting.

PR-agency "IMA-Consulting" has been working in the market of integrated marketing communications since 1999 and provides services in the following areas: public relations, communications management, GR- and political consulting, research and analytics, development and implementation of strategies, Internet projects and online communication, design and creativity, publishing and social projects... Last year, the agency received the PROBA-IPRA GWA - 2009 awards for the Best PR Campaign on the Internet and for the Moscow Anti-Crisis Shield project (, commissioned by the Moscow Government, which was also awarded a diploma in nominations " Best project"The Silver Archer National Prize in PR.

General manager IMA-Consulting Vartan Sarkisov took the 25th place in the rating "The Best Consultants of Russia" according to the magazine "Career" in 2010, and in September 2010 the agency took the 2nd place in the rating of PR-agencies according to the information favored index.

© Vartan Sarkisov presents the logo of the elections of the State Duma deputies

05 Mar 2013, 15:01

PR agency "IMA-Consulting", which in 2012 developed the structure of the Tomsk Region administration for the new governor Sergei Zhvachkin, got into the center of attention of the federal media. The scandalous publication about the company was posted on its website by the political analysis bureau The KremlNews.

The publication recalls the elections to the State Duma in 2010, when the propaganda posters of the Moscow City Electoral Commission, developed by IMA-Consulting, coincided with similar products by United Russia. The authors of the material found out that about 90 percent of the orders of the agency headed by Vartan Sarkisov fall on government agencies, while the implementation often causes conflicting assessments. “The agency regularly churns out projects for the almost complete disappearance of budget funds. The existence of unscrupulous consulting characterizes the specifics of the Russian PR market as a whole, ”the text says. reprints the material, published on the website

The grimace of the Russian PR market: some major players are fighting for clients, others are quietly resting on servicing government orders. Not so long ago, one of the popular online publications delighted its readers with a story about how “creatively” officials in Moscow approach the matter of strengthening interethnic relations.

In short, it was like this. In September 2012, the Department for Interregional Cooperation, National Policy and Relations with Religious Organizations decided to urgently (by the end of the year) spend about 10 million rubles on friendship between peoples. The PR agency IMA-Consulting, which won the competition, expressed its readiness to use this money to increase the tolerance of football fans. As a result, the action "Football Brotherhood" was born, which, judging by the reviews on the Internet, consisted of a mysterious march of people with fan scarves during the break of the match "Torpedo" - "Neftekhimik".

Both teams, as you know, are super popular, so the event turned out to be very powerful - especially considering that it all happened at 2 pm and on Monday ... Newspapers and TV channels told about the action, which ended the story of the Football Brotherhood. Interethnic relations have not suffered.

But in order to truly appreciate this story in the genre of "tales of ingenuous sawing", it is worth driving the name of the executing company into a search engine. Because for IMA-Consulting, the Football Brotherhood is not just an unsuccessful action, but, so to speak, a touch to the portrait. Another confirmation of the well-deserved "professional" reputation.

Consulting "from Vartan"

The agency "IMA-Consulting" has been working in the market of PR services for a long time, but its "finest hour" came, perhaps, at the end of last year, at the height of the elections to the State Duma. Both the agency and its general director Vartan Sarkisov appeared in the federal media field in full. Then the Moscow City Electoral Commission issued a series of propaganda posters, dedicated to the day voting. And then there appeared outdoor advertising"United Russia", made in the same style as the CEC. The opposition raised a fuss. They began to understand.

It turned out that IMA-Consulting, which won the tender, was engaged in the election commission posters. Mr. Sarkisov himself did not hide this: he gave comments to the media and cynically stressed that the Moscow City Electoral Commission does not have exclusive rights to the image and anyone can buy them from IMA-Consulting. At the same time, it was not indicated: did United Russia buy these rights or not?

Sarkisov did not hide: the Moscow City Electoral Commission does not have exclusive rights to the images, and anyone can buy them from IMA-Consulting

However, if she had wished to do this, I think she would not have spent a penny (as it seems, she did). For V. Sarkisov killed two birds with one stone - and received an order from the election commission and lucky his party. Why "own"? Because he has a position there: in the "United Russia" branch of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, he is listed as the deputy secretary of the political council of the local branch. A wonderful fusion of the ruling party, PR-business and the electoral commission. After that, there is no need to explain why the posters of United Russia and the election commission turned out to be similar as identical twins. But what kind of savings on creativity turned out, you don't have to strain your brains at all!

We should pay tribute to Mr. Sarkisov. Received a good contract for the company: isn't this a measure of his effectiveness as a leader? Well, the fact that then the scandal came out - so this is the tenth case, already from the ethical sphere. The truth is that from such stories, society concludes in general about PR-specialists who do not disdain anything.

Invisible PR

However, it is difficult to surprise with scandals "IMA-Consulting". In any case, they do not seem to distract Sarkisov from his work: his agency regularly churns out projects for the almost complete disappearance of budget funds. For example, in the summer of last year, IMA Consulting won a competition for information and analytical support for the development of local self-government. The cost of the questions is 16 million rubles. This money was supposed to monitor social networks, sociological research, training sessions for "municipalities" and generally do a lot of useful things.

“... I worked there about a year ago, but I can't say anything good about the company. The director of the company is a narcissistic curmudgeon like the world has never seen. At the very face in fat, and the people in the office plow for a penny. In general, it amazes me how long such employers as Sarkisov will ride in fat, and how long people in our country will tolerate such an attitude towards themselves as in IMe-consulting. Don't learn from your mistakes. Learn from strangers - do not go to work in this company. "

"Cabinet and appearance said that he was the only one living in his office like an Egyptian pharaoh "

I was at the interview. 3 times they knocked down the price from the market average - in the end they knocked it down to a minimum ... Then they took me to the director ... I began to complain that I did not have enough experience to bring down the price. When I said that this was the minimum, then he dropped the catchphrase “Money is not the main thing in life”. I agree. But his office and appearance spoke of the fact that he was the only one living in his office like an Egyptian pharaoh, while other employees with a gray-green complexion and bulging eyes dream of a legal vacation and an earned salary ... to work with an image - not to respect oneself ... ".

For comparison - the words of V. Sarkisov himself from one interview: “Companies are different. Some are of the “family” type, where all employees must be like-minded. For others, professionals are important first of all. I hope that our company is closer to a technologically advanced market structure, so we strive to recruit professionals ... ”After that, I would like to clarify: and what kind of professionals?

You can ask a dozen of such rhetorical questions. The conclusion will always be the same: forgive the banality - but a fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey. So it is here - the existence of such a consulting "from Vartan" characterizes the specifics of the Russian PR market as a whole.