Gzhel rose applique. Let's decorate the tray with a Gzhel pattern. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic. Examples of Gzhel style dishes

Software tasks.

Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk crafts, and in particular with Gzhel ceramics. Develop connected speech by teaching children to invent fairy tales: development of action, ending. Learn to ask questions. Learn to stick to a chosen storyline in creative storytelling. To form aesthetic feelings on the material of works of folk art (applied and oral folk art). Vocabulary activation: delicate, thin, sky blue; the use of folklore words and expressions in speech. Continue to develop interest in the termination method. To cultivate color perception and color perception when selecting material for the application. Develop the ability to work in a team. Develop fine motor skills.

Lesson material.


Exhibition of products of Gzhel masters.


Sheets of paper with silhouettes of dishes, which depict pencil sketches of Gzhel flowers. colored paper(blue, light blue), brushes for glue, glue.

Course progress.

Exhibition of Gzhel ceramics.

Today I invite you to a blue-blue fairy tale!

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, among forests and fields, stands the town of Gzhel. A long time ago, there lived and were brave and skillful, cheerful and beautiful craftsmen. They found wonderful clay, white-white, in their native side, and decided to mold different dishes from it, but such that the world had never seen.

Once the girls living in the village of Gzhel went to rinse their clothes on the river. And the river is reflected in the sky. The river is blue - and the sky in it ... blue.

They showed the masters such beauty. And they decided that such a blue sky could not be found anywhere in the world. And they began to decorate the products with all shades of blue. The Gzhelka river gave them colors, blue wild flowers, blue shadows on white snow.

What were these products? (tableware).

What feelings do you have when you look at this dish?

What words can you choose to describe what kind of dishes this is? (delicate, thin, graceful, pale blue, as if made of ice).

All dishes are different, but they have something in common.

What? (correctly, this dish is decorated with a blue-and-blue pattern located on a white background).

What are the dishes made from? (from clay)

To this day, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous masters work in the ancient town of Gzhel, continue the glorious tradition of sculpting and painting amazing Gzhel dishes. Great skill, work and patience is required.

I asked you at home with your parents to pick up proverbs about work.

Who will tell us the proverb? (proverbs).

And now we will play with you:

Uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

Seven sons.

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

Together they did like me!

(I depict various movements, and the children repeat after me).

But most of all, people liked elegant, intricate dishes. Here I will tell you riddles about her:

"Unapproachable in appearance,

Standing akimbo,

And inside, look -

Treat inside"

(sugar bowl)

"She's deep

She gets petty

However, this is not a river

Her name is ... (plate) "

"Pour into it,

And they drink it"

(a cup)

"There is a bath in the belly,

A sieve in the nose

Navel on the head

Just one hand

And the one on the back


And the last riddle is hidden in this chest. You can guess what is inside by asking questions, but I will answer “yes” or “no” to you. Shall we play?

Is it dishes?

Do they drink from it? (tea)

Do they eat from it? (canteen)

Is it for beauty?

That's right, it's a vase!

“And where is it seen? And where is this heard?

So that grass grows in the field in winter.

So that a rose blooms in the garden in winter?

Does it happen or not? (explain why not)

Looking at our vase, what can we say? (And where is it seen ...)

What flower?

What colour is he?

Are there blue roses?

Help me make up a story. “And where is it seen? And where is this heard? So that a blue rose blooms on a plate.

Let's make up a story about this. After all, a blue-blue rose is fabulous. And hit

She is in Gzhel in a fabulous way. But how?

Sit down on the chairs, and I'll tell you a story. But the trouble is, this fairy tale has a beginning, but think of an end yourself.

“Once upon a time there were Ivan da Marya in the village of Gzhel. Okay, yes, they lived peacefully. Soul to soul. Ivan regularly went to the royal service, and Marya waited for him in the hut, and painted the dishes. Somehow, the tsar sent Ivan across the seas, over the oceans with gifts for the overseas tsar, in order to tell everyone what masters live in Russia. There are Posad shawls, Dymkovo toys, and Khokhloma crockery.

The overseas tsar was surprised at the skill of Russian craftsmen and wanted to thank Ivan. And Ivan replied: “I don’t need expensive gifts, but I saw a flower of unprecedented beauty in your garden. Let me take it with me, please my wife. The king ordered his gardener to choose the most beautiful rose and handed it to Ivan. And so the rose ended up with Ivan in Russia.

Maybe Ivan returned home in the winter?

What could happen to her?

What did Marya do when she saw the rose?

What gift could they send to the overseas king?

Who came up with the story?

And now let's try to make a Gzhel rose. Come join the group at the tables. We'll be more comfortable there.

You have silhouettes of dishes on your tables, one for two. We will make a rose using the picking method. Look what a rose I got. I made each petal from a separate piece of paper. But every blue petal has a blue tint. You have white paper to practice.

Try it, make a petal.


Well done!

Get to work.


Do you think we got beautiful Gzhel roses?

So guys, what did we do today?

Did you enjoy the activity?

Thank you, class is over.


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6 of Kalininsk, Saratov Region"

Abstract directly educational activities in the senior group "Fairytale Gzhel"

Educator: Sysolyatina

Elena Viktorovna

Kalininsk 2013

Artistic creativity: plastografiya on a three-dimensional plane.

Integration areas: artistic creativity (sculpting), communication, reading fiction, music, cognition, socialization, physical education, safety.

Types of activity: gaming, productive, communicative, musical and artistic, cognitive and research, perception of fiction.

Goals. Cognition: continue to acquaint children with Russian folk crafts; on the example of Gzhel masters, to consolidate children's ideas about folk crafts: Khokhloma, haze, Semenovskaya matryoshka.

Socialization: promote the development of aesthetic taste, the formation of beauty. To instill a sense of pride in the talent of their people, respect for the masters and the desire to create collective work with their own hands - Gzhel service.

Artistic creativity: to learn how to decorate a three-dimensional plane with elements of a Gzhel painting pattern, doing work in the style of plateography. To evoke a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern on a three-dimensional plane.

Communication: develop speech, the ability to use relative adjectives in speech.

Health: follow the change of positions, in order to prevent scoliosis.

Physical education: develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Music: the development of musical and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: audio recording of the song “Forget-me-not Gzhel”, slide presentation “Fairytale Gzhel”, parcel, exhibition of folk art works: Khokhloma, Gzhel, haze, Semenov matryoshka.

Material: mass for modeling, boards, children's service, napkins.

  1. Introductory word of the educatorChildren do you like to travel? Today we will make a journey into the world of beauty, goodness, into the world of amazing creations of craftsmen. And what craftsmen, you now tell yourself.
  2. Journey to a blue-blue fairy taleThis morning the postman brought the package to Kindergarten. Let's open it up and see what's in it.

How good - this girl soul.

Scarlet cheeks are burning

Amazing outfit.

The kokoshnik sits proudly

The lady is so beautiful. (get a young lady and a goose from the parcel).

What is the name of this painting? (children's answers)

Here are the spoons, painted saucers, (I knock on the spoons).

What is the name of this painting?

Let's read a poem about Khokhloma.

Khokhloma painting - strongly magical,

She asks herself for a fabulous song.

And nowhere in the world there are such inflorescences

More wonderful than all miracles is Khokhloma painting.

What is the name of this toy? (Semenov matryoshka).

What is the name of this painting? (showing Gzhel items).

Reading a poem about Gzhel:

- Gzhel painting on white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea

blue cornflowers,

Blue birds on thin branches.

Music of modest Russian nature

Circles and leads his round dances.

Now we will listen and watch a blue-blue fairy tale, and why it is called that, you will understand for yourself.

Close your eyes, imagine that you are in a fairy tale. Eyes open, the fairy tale begins (slide show on TV).

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, there is the village of Gzhel. A long time ago, skilled craftsmen lived there. They found white clay in their corner and began to mold various dishes from it, and paint them with patterns of blue flowers, droplets, stripes, twigs. Each master began to show his ability.

One master blinded a teapot, a rooster flaunts on the lid.

Another craftsman heard a fairy tale about a whale and made an oil dish. On the back of the whale, he fashioned a fabulous city with turrets and churches.

The third master came up with an even better one: he made a sugar bowl in the form of a fabulous fish, the fish smiles, waving its tail.

Gzhel masters sculpted both animals and different birds. A rooster with a magnificent tail, a bullock, a proud horse, an affectionate cat are amusingly made, such a lion is not afraid of anyone, he is a little funny.

Make Gzhel masters and watches. Their form is complex, bizarre. They are painted from top to bottom with flowers, and the cockerel has climbed to the very top of the head, and it seems that now it is crowing: "It's time to sleep."

Everyone has their own favorite pattern, each reflects a side of their own. Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring. And the magical craftsmanship is admirable. Only one paint, and what an elegant and festive painting turned out.

Did you like the blue-blue fairy tale?

And we have opened the exhibition "Fairytale Gzhel", I invite you to visit it. Consider the products of Gzhel masters, admire this blue miracle (we are considering the exhibition).

Why is Gzhel called blue-blue?

What patterns are used to decorate the dishes? (flowers, twig, border).

What are the elements of a flower? (middle and petals).

What do the petals look like? (in drops).

How is the cup decorated? (twig).

Are the leaves on the branch the same or not? (Large on the bottom, small on the top).

Children, look at our exhibition and an unusual service. It's time for you to become craftsmen and decorate this service with Gzhel patterns. Only masters painted their dishes with paints, and you will do it in an unusual way - with the help of an elastic mass.

3. Physical Minute And before starting work, let's do finger gymnastics.

Our blue flowers open their petals (raise hands up)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway (shake hands and fingers to the sides)

Our blue flowers cover their petals

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads (squat, clench their fingers into a fist)

4. Service decoration.Children take saucers and cups. They sit down at the tables.

Quiet music "Forget-me-not Gzhel" sounds.

Children, close your eyes, put your hand on a piece of elastic mass, take two deep breaths, make friends with the working material.

Open your eyes and get to work.

Independent work of children.

At the end of the work, the children put their products on a table covered with a white tablecloth.

Everyone decorated one item at a time, and together they got a beautiful elegant service. Do you like it?

Russian people have a saying: “A craftsman and a needleworker brings joy to himself and people.” She is about you. With your work, you gave joy to yourself, me and our guests.

5. Reflection. Here our journey has come to an end. What folk crafts did we remember today (Gzhel, Khokhloma, haze, Semenov matryoshka).

We are returning to the group.

Irina Serdyukova
"Flowers Gzhel". Abstract of the lesson on the OO "Artistic Creativity" (application) in the preparatory group

« Gzhel flowers»

(Artistic creativity - application)

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for school.

Integration of educational regions: « Artistic creativity» , "Knowledge", "Communication", Socialization.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.



Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk crafts and, in particular, with Gzhel ceramics.

Continue to develop interest in the termination method.

Learn to combine cutting with cutting to get an expressive pattern.

Develop fine motor skills.


Continue to educate children's interest in folk creativity, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, patriotic pride in Russia rich in folk traditions.

Bring up color vision and color vision when choosing a material for execution applications.

Materials and equipment:

Products Gzhel masters.

Photo illustrations.

Dish-shaped sheets of paper with pencil sketches gzhel flowers.

colored paper.

Presentation « Gzhel»

1. Organizational moment. (The one who calls the city of Russia will sit down)

2. Story about Gzhel painting.

(show presentation)

3. Examination of photo illustrations.

4. Physical Minute

Here is a large glass teapot.

Very important as a boss.

Here are porcelain cups,

Very big, poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers,

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

Head on a thin stem.

Here is the plastic tray.

He brought us dishes.

Children puffed up their tummy

one hand was placed on the belt, the other was bent.

Sat down, put one hand on the belt.

circling, "drawing" circle with hands.

They stretched, clasped their hands over their heads.

Raise your arms to the sides.

5. Practical part.

Stages of work.

Setting the goal of the work: Guys, you and I need to paint the contours depicted on paper colors, but not with a brush and paints, but with the help of colored paper using the tiling technique by breaking. In this case, you can combine cutting with cutting out individual parts to obtain an expressive pattern.

Performing work on subgroups.

6. Summing up classes. Analysis of the work performed.

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children 6-7 years old "The Blue Miracle of Gzhel"

Program content:

Give the concept of "arts and crafts". Continue to acquaint with the folk craft of Gzhel. Learn to see the beauty, originality and originality of products. Learn to make a pattern on different forms, making a pattern of plant elements in the center, a border, a border around the edges. To develop observation, the ability to see the characteristic distinctive features of products: the quality of the material, the way it is processed, the background, the color of the painting, the elements of the pattern. Introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Material and equipment:

The game "Collect the dishes" ("Shards of broken" Gzhel dishes), Gzhel ceramics, illustrations with Gzhel sculptures, parts of the morphological path related to Gzhel and other crafts, samples of elements of Gzhel painting. Blue and white gouache, palette, brushes, water, napkin, silhouette blanks of white paper dishes.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with the thought of Gzhel, looking at postcards, an album, books, dishes, toys, small sculptures.

Lesson progress:


My friends, today I wanted to bring you beautiful dishes for class, but the trouble is, I broke them on the way to kindergarten.

What do you think it was made of?
What are the dishes made from?
Could wooden dishes, for example, Khokhloma, break?

Of course not, if only the painting suffered.

What about metal? (show) Like we have at home?
This one would definitely stay intact.
What about plastic utensils?
What about glass?

That's right, it can break. Only my dishes were not transparent and much heavier.
I also know that dishes are made of clay. What do they do with clay to make it strong? (Children's answers.) You are right, it is fired in a furnace at a high temperature.

What do you think, such dishes can break?
That's right, maybe. So my dishes were made of clay. And my dishes were the most beautiful in Russia. Now, there are only fragments left. (show "broken" dishes). Let's put the pieces together to see what I broke.

What is the name of the dishes that you put together from the fragments?
That's right, Gzhel. It's good that not all the dishes were broken. Look what beauty I have on my table.

On the table, on a yellow tablecloth, Gzhel dishes. The children are watching and admiring the dishes. The teacher reads poetry

Ah yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both are good, and that,
All elegant and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!
Here is a rose, and chamomile, dandelion, cornflowers,
With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off it.
They created this miracle not far away,
They painted that dish in Russia, in the town of Gzhel.

The edge of the porcelain miracle, and around it are forests.
Blue-eyed dishes, like heaven in spring.
Vases, teapots and dishes shine on the table!
From the painted dishes there is tastier and more fun!

Where is this dish made?
Right, in the village of Gzhel, not far from Moscow.
A long time ago, snow-white clay was found in those places, from which they learned how to produce ceramic material - porcelain. The Gzhel people have long said: “We do not feed on the earth, clay is our gold!” And for 5 centuries, masters have been working there, who paint unique dishes.

Let's enjoy our exhibition.

What is this utensil? How can it be characterized?
True, elegant, beautiful, festive.
Products created by artists and having practical application in everyday life belong to arts and crafts.
Benefit and beauty should always go side by side, then a person's life will become more interesting.

And what makes this dish so? Yes, blue and white painting.
Let's take a closer look at the painting.
The teacher talks at each exhibit, paying attention to the characteristic features.

What color did the masters use?
What is the teapot (sugar bowl, cup) decorated with?
What is painted on the vase?
Where is the flower located?
See if the petals on the flower are painted in the same color?
Where is it completely painted over with blue paint?
Draws attention to the border around the edges of the dishes and the border.
And what else do Gzhel masters create?

That's right, toys, small sculptures. Admire.
Let's remember all the signs of Gzhel ceramics so that you can easily talk about it and determine if you have Gzhel dishes at home.

Children lay out the morphological path of the Gzhel craft.

1 card - white clay
2 card - painting color
3 card - painting elements
4 card - craft items.

From cards depicting various materials (wood, glass, clay of different colors, etc.); colors used in different paintings; elements of patterns of different paintings; handicrafts, children choose and lay out the path of the Gzhel craft.

Cards for the game exercise contain elements of all decorative and applied paintings, so in other classes, children can assemble a Khokhloma painting path, a Dymkovo toy, etc. from these cards.


Today you will be masters and paint the dishes based on the Gzhel painting.

Look at the paints that I have prepared for you. Do you have all the colors you need? That's right, not enough blue paint. What will we do? That's right, mix white paint on the palette (there should be a lot of it) and a little blue.

Pay attention to this flower on the cup. As you said, it is not drawn in one color. See how you can draw such a petal with one stroke. (Show) On a wide brush I pick up blue on one side, and blue on the other. Then you need to put the brush on the tip and draw a lingering stroke with pressure.

Pay attention to the elements of Gzhel painting. You can use them in your work. Choose a blank of dishes and take your seats.

Children work independently. Remind that it is better to start with the largest elements of the pattern.

Physical education "Utensils"

Here is a large glass teapot,
("Inflate" the stomach, one hand on the belt)

Very important as a boss.
(The other is curved like a nose)

Here are porcelain cups,
(Squat, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor thing.
Here are porcelain saucers,
(Whirl around, drawing a circle with your hands)

Just knock - they will break.
Here are the silver spoons
(Stretch, close your hands over your head)

Here is a plastic tray -
He brought us dishes.
(Make a big circle)

Summary of the lesson:

At the end of the lesson, the children lay out the dishes on the yellow tablecloth. (You can use yellow wallpaper for a contrasting background). Admire. Consider. The teacher reads poetry

A blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes, Like drops in the spring, Weasel, care, warmth and patience Russian, ringing Gzhel! Blue roses on a white background A sea of ​​blue flowers. Pitchers and mugs - a true story or fiction? Golden handicrafts.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.